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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Apr 1928, p. 7

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, APRIL l2th, 1928 PG EU Sold in Bowmanville by T. B. GILCHRIST "Certainly Are Delicious" Is the way many people express their feelings after eating "Page & Shaw's Chocolates." If you haven't tried these chocolates there's a real treat in store for you. Sold in Bowmanville at The Bowmanvile Bakery Succi'essors to Christie'is Bakery Bowmanville RE» ROSIE 'T IAis good tes' The Orange Pekoe, at a littie extra cost, is extra good 16 ~ I (n ean, bright Aluminu.m pcio STrom^* b4gAKtBmuR ,4EADACIIE What xany people calIndigestion ver often ineans excesa acid in the ubmach. The stomach nervos have boon over-stnulated, and food saurs. The corrective is an alkali, which eutralizes acide înstantly. And the but sikali known te medical science la Phillips' Milk of Magnosia. It han remalned the standard with phy- akeiana in the 50 years cme ii in- ventIon. Oa ou nfUW oj bii~m1ul« iWhen-Pain Co mes Two hours after eating taateless alkali ln water will neu- tralize instantly many trnes au rnuch acid, and thé symptoms dis- appear at once. You will never mse crude methoda when once you learu the efficiency of this. Gole gt a mall bottle te try. Be sure te get the genuine Phil. hl' Milk of hMagnesia preseribed by physiclans for 50 yoars in correcting excusaacide. Bach bottie coteAU buj dirUo-m y drup AUNT SUSAN'S WEEKLY LETTER My Dear Niece: Judicious praise is the creamn of ail kind words of en- couragement. It is the saît that flavors our everyday monotonous liv- ing.e We do not want ta see ourselvesE as others sée us, in only a minorityç of cases would it be good for us if - we did. We want to see ourselves as we wish to be, as our ideal person in ourr own circunistances would be. 5 If we know we are plain and un-1 interesting, we do not want ta be told 50. But should we hear of ourselvee spoken of as ciever, intellectual, or of particular businesslike ability, we forget wbat we know we are and immediately pose as what we are thought tg be.9 If we think well of aurselves we are self complacent and satisfied, and feeling thus we are impervious ta sligbting remarks or condemnation from athers. Efficiency will result, becauso in aur good opinion of ourselves we will endeavor ta live up ta the standard we think of ourselves. No matter haw disheartened we are, or how joyless things seeni, when we know someone thinks well of us, expects a certain amount frein us, the depression vanishes and we see light ahead wben ail before was gloomy and dark. Once we are down, once we lose our self-respect, we lase a gip ani ,oumsselves, and when down it is very easy to stay down, and even lie down and give up. We ahI know what it is ta cheer an invalid towards recovery by sug- gestion of improvement and clever boosting. A child can be encour- aged in personal cleanliness and à tidiness by remarks on the goodi points in its persan rather than co)n-1 tinuai harping on their bad points. l I knew a young girl who was severeiy plain and inclined ta slat- ternliness awing ta being repeatedlyi told she was "ugly", when someonei casually remamked she had beautiful1 hair. The girl at once took a pride in ber hair and now is considemed a very gaod laoking young waman. We should neyer shlow ourselves ta droap and hase aur self-respect, when others tell us just what we knaw we are; but watch for every appotunity ta be what we would like ta be. Once yau let yourself go the hard- er it is ta catch up again. Sa rareiy ris one given the chance ta regain a lost foothald, so rarely will a friend give us a baost. t almost seems as if others were toa glad ta see us lse heamt and tbey may perhaps gain the position we have iost. Believe in yauseif and in your chances for success, and shut yaur eyes and tars ta ev'rything that may push you back. Try and believe that everyone real- ly means well, and soon they wil help you on by congratulations and the much needed word af praise. Everyone likes those wbo persist- ently stnive; tbe "also ans" are af- ten more, talked about than the win- ners. But those who drap back and out, with no spirit to battle with odds, wiil soon be ieft behind and forgot- ten. Your loving, AUNT SUSAN. lBowmanville Public Scbools drop- ped slightly below the averaeof 31% for Penny Bank deposits in January and Februamy, its percentage only being 28. However, total de- V ists for local scbool as at end af ebruary are $3,339.37, as compared witb $3,088.83 a year ago. The Oil for the Athlete-m rub- binig down, the athlète will find Dr. Thomas' Eclectric 011 an excellent article. It rendors the muscles and pliable, takes the sorones out of theas and strengthens them for strains that may be. put uontheas. It stands pre-eminant for thie pur- U ose, and athlotea who for years, have oe'ýsa uhil tCm testlfy te Itsvalue as a lubricnt. Ruby M. Bragg, teacher. TYRONE Public School report of Easter examinations: Honors 75%; Pass 60%. V Class-Earl Goodman 74. Sr. IV-Lorna Hooper 77, Myrtle Brooks 74, Clarence Goodman 72, Alice Thompson 72, Ted Woodyard 71. Jr. 1V-Helen Trimm 86, Ed- na Caeron12, Adelaîde Annis 71.1 Sr. III-Francis Thompeon 71, Jack Gibbs 66, borne Annis 64, Grace McColl 64, Clarence Hatherly 63. Jr. UII-Jackie Trimm 79, Verona Worden 66, Eva Collacott 60, Clar- ence Bradley 53. Sm. II-Bobbie Cameron 70, Donald Thonipson 65. Vehua Bradley 63, Florence Camp- bell 54. Jr. II-Susie Thompson 71, Donald MeCGol 65, Mildred Brad- ley 62. 1-_Douglas McColl 88, Billie Brooks 78, Harry Campbell 75, Harry Collacott 65, illie Savage 63. Primer Sr.--Greneell4 Truin- 'ppour 85, Jean Trumpour 84, Eva orke 70, Ola Findley 65, Norinan Thompson 65. Primer, Jr.--Joyce Trumpour 76. Hazel M. Turner, teacher. Drink Hot Water To EndIndige,,,.tion INSTANT RELIEF Thousands of unfortunate people sufer almost daily from stornach acidity, gas, sournes and indigestion after eating. If they would start the agreeable practice of taking a gls f hot watem containing a tea-' spoonfu o four tablets of pure Bis- uted Magnesia, they would soon find their stomach so strengthened and improved that they could eat the richest and most satisfYing Mealb without the least symptomn of indi- gestion. Nearly all digestive troubles are caused by an excess of acîd and an insufficient blood supply in the stam- ach. Food ferments and sours be- fore digestion can take place. A~ glass of hot water draws the blood to the stomach and Bisumated Ma% nesia neutralizes the stomach acid and ' keeps the stomach strang, sweet and healthy and promo tes normal painless digestion. Bisurated Mag- nesia is not a laxative, is harniless, easy and leasant to take, and can he obtained from any well stocked drug- gist in either powder or tahkt form.« Try this today and enjoy your mneals in peace. SolVlng the Street - DIrt Probleml Diri tracked in off the treet doea't matter 80 mucb .. . .. when you have hardwood floors 1 It can b. cleaned up i a jiffy, and everythirig made spic and span with practlcally no effort. And hardwood flrs s0 inexpensive 1 McCLELLAN & CO. LTD., Phone 15 Bowmanville EASTER WEDDJNG LONG SAULT i Rice-Cooper Report of Easter examinations:' V Class-Laura Davey 78. Sr. Temple Baptist Churcb, Toronto, IV-Agnes Hooey 67, Augustus beautifully decorated with palms, Johnston 63, Grace Farrell 62, ferns. hules and tulips, was the scene G!adys Smith 62, Grace Smith 58. of a very pretty wedding on Thurs- Sr. IlI-Nina Hodgson 70. Jr. 111 day. April 5, whcn Lorena Sarah, --Doris Dudley 84, Myrtle Hughes1 ,der daughter of MIN. and Mrs. Chas. 64. 1-Ivan Brown 73. Sr. P r. 1 M. Cooper, became the bride of -Pearl Smith, Doris Johns, Ethelý Walter Leslie Rice, younger son of Partner, George Brown. Jr. Pr.- Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Rice. Rev. W. E. A lice Partner. Figures denotes per1 Hodgson, assisted by Rev. Hugh Me- cent. Diarmid, officiated. To the strains Rêva M. McGiIl, teacher. of Wagner's wvedding march, played by Miss Irene Smith, the bride enter- ed the church on the aras of herSHWSCOL father. Her gown was of white HW S OL1 georgette over satin, trimmed withI Bermuda fagoting; and she carried a Report of Easter Examinations: à shower bouquet of Ophelia roses. Sm. IV-Garnett Rickard 72, New-b Her veil was of tulle, caught witb ton Ashton 70. Sr. III-MaryJ orange blossonis and seed pearîs. She Clemnence 76, Annie Allin 75. Jr.F was attended by her sister, Miss Rilda II-Allin Rowe 65, Jean Clemence1 Cooper, who wore a sleevless gown 64 Thornton Anderson 61, Ormsby of yellow georgette with a tucked Anderson 51. Sr. Il-Helen Rick- bodice and tiemed skirt. She wore ard 81, Roy Ashton 69, Ruth Cobble-« a ribbon bat to match and carried a dick à9 Jr. II-Murray Wight bouquet of pink carnations. The 63. Sr. 1I order of menit-El- groom was supported by bis brother, ford Cobbledick, Pearl Hinds. Jr. I Mn. Leonard Rice. The eshers -Brenton Rickard, Har'old Crook. were Mn. Edgar Cooper, brother of Sr. Pr.-Gordon Allia. Jr. Pr.- the bride, and Mr. Walter Adams. Isabelle Clenience, Audey Webber, During the signing of the register FmeWbe.Fgrssadfr% Miss Margaret Campton sang "My Wm. L. Lycett, teacher. World". Af ter the ceremony a re- ception was beld at the home of the bride's parents, Strathtnore Blvd. The bide's mother received in a gown of beige geargette with bat DARLINGTON and shoes to match, and Mrs. Rice wore poudre blue georgette. Report of Easter Examinations The groom's gift to the bride was held at S. S. No. 3 Darlington: Sr. a white goid watch; to the brides- 1V-Ethel Hopps 73, Lewis Rundle inaid a white gold pin set with a: 72, Robert Finnîgan 69, Freda At- topaz; to the solaist a white gold pi tree 68, j*i Dorothy Rundie 59. set with a ruby; to the organist, a Sr. II1I-*BIessie Blackburn 78, D>utch silver compact; and ta the 1 Eileen Morphy and 1 Florence best man a diamond tie pin. Foley 65 (equai). Jr. II*Winnie After the reception, at which many Gibson 77, Jack Finnigan 61 t2 Edith out of town guests were present, in- Daîziel 48, t5 Kenneth È'li.t 36. ciudinz Miss Audrey Trimble, Miss Sr. II-Annie Kush 74, Hazel Hopps Viola Cooper, Mr. and Mrs. Grant 73 Wilbur Blackburn 69, tl Aloy- Bentthe happy couple left for a sius Kush 48. Jr. II-*Grace Trul shen ne o 84, Eunice Lane 60, t1lBobbie Gib- shor hoeymon. on 59. On their eturn they will reside s *-Honours. *-Failure. 1- at the Paisley Apartments, Beech One subject. 2-Two subject.s. 5 Ave., Toronto. -Five Subjects.-Below 60% an total. laaielim a mieBa mm11 has been used for botule - fed babies for three generations. Write TH F BoRDE.N CompANY Limiran, MarrrREAM, for Free Feeding Charte and Welfare Booklets Re-roof tisYearwith RIB-ROLL the Permanent Roofing for Barnis, Houses, Sheds iOW inîmntial coat ... comas in big shote-easy and quick to ay ermnnt...leak-proof... handome appearance. Pro- venta firos ... mcroases value of property. Mfadeo f finous UouncilStandard- galvanizod shoots. Give size cf roof for free satimato. Write ta: Eastern 9tSe POUBSTON. ONT. Sussar t. imatai SIined CLARKE S. S. NO. 5 Report of Easter examinations. Names in order of menit: Jr. IV- Charlie Alldred, Mildred 'Bedwin. Jr. III-*June Brown, Helen Roblin. II -*Bessie Law, tArthur Bedwin, tKenneth Stephenson. I-Eddy Roblin. Pr.-Jane Tkatch, Annie Tkatch. *-Honors. f--Failed. Vera A. Power, teacher LAKE SHORE, CLARKE Eserepor of S. S. No. 2, Lake Shore, larket Sr. IV-Anna- bleHendry 7. Sr. III-Ruth Holmes 64, Olive Jaynes 60. Jr. III-Alex Hendry 65, Myrtie Allin 56, Neta Allin 51. Jr. II-John Mitchell 65, Allan Clark 50. 1- Jean Holmes 716, Morice Powell 73, Floyd Powell 64. Primer-Donald Powell. Figures stand for per cent. Tiieresa McNeiI, teacher. B'GGE yields resut to vr vator. The Taco Stiff Tooth is re- nowned as a weed extemmiànator and has a greater clearance than any other cultivator mnade. The Taco Sping Tooth is also an exceptional machine-the most efficient of its type. The latest design is a triumph of implement engineering-with 18-inch clear- ance of teeth from any angle- perfectly adapted for both even and uneven ground. See these strong, dependable cultivators with all latest improve- ments. A demonstration can be arranged at any time. TUDHOPE-ANDERSN CO., UIMITED Makers of Good Farmn Implements Orilia - Ontario The Famous TACO Line PLIOWS HARROWS CULTIVATORS MOWERS RAKES PULVERIZERS MANURE SPREADERS SCUFFLERS CREAM SEPARATORS GASOLINE ENGINES STEEL WHEELS SLEIGH-S WAGONS AND GEARS RANGES AND STOVES FURNACES Write for frec folder, telling us the particular line in which you arci- terested. *Local Agent THERON S. MOUNTJOY Bowmanville R. R. 6 Internal and External Pain are promptly relieved by THOMAS' ECLECTRIC 0 1 TIHAT IT 14AS BEEN SOLO FOR NEARLY FIFTY YEARS H 8 1-0-DAY A GAEAYER SELLER "" IM FDIA"12 Ilis, A TESTIMONIAL THAT SPEAKS FOR M NUUEROUO CURATIVE QUALIITIE& th~ '1lI-IEail-important detuils that con. engine to the rich, exquisite finishing of .L tribute so much to motor-car Iuxury the Pontiac-Fisher bodies, you wili dis- *. . touches of refinement, beauty cover in the New Series Pontiac Six, more and distinction . . . direct evidences of superb quality than . . . you wili find them n i the New you ever dreamed possible at Pontiac's Seris PotiacSix.amazingly low prices. Seris PotîacSix.Prove to yourself the luxury of this low. From the smooth, powerful Pontiac Six priced, quality six.P7-28 4Ask yowv dealer about the G.MA.C. Deferred Payment Plan whsch makes buying casy. FOUR- WHEEL BRAKES The ?.4éw Seile CORBETT MOTOR SALES CO, Bowmanville ont. PRODUCT 0F GENDRAL UOTORS OF CANADAt LAMITED LOVEJOT SHOCK ABSORBERS 1 ?fIw4ar* of2j lity#* CULTIVATORS for Better Crops PAGE SEVIEN

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