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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Apr 1928, p. 8

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, APRIL 12th, 1928 <bA tV :, 1,TJT,l A CORECTION COL. McLAUGHLIN SELLS FARM Mr.j In giving particulars last week of One of the best ipovdfarma lfin jThe A ge v vgMM -qs t1e! I 1n R EU%.P %.- 5ý-Il with hi the bequests made by the late Thomas Darlingtan township changed owner- Mrs Montague, Newcastle, a mistake was ship this week when Col. L. T. Me- _ ---M. made in one item. It is the Sick Laughlin, D.S.O., C.M.G., dis posed THURSDAY, APRIL 12th. 1928 in Toro Children's Hospital, Toronto, and flot of bis 170 acre farm to Harold Hunter, the Toronto General Hospital, as stat-1 Sharpe, member of the well-know'fn health. ed in Iast week's Statesman, that re-1 fi rm of steam-ship agents, S. J. !2CS'L ceives $10,000 and a third of the ý Sharpe & Son, 76 Yonge St., Toronto. LASTER VISITORSI NEWCASTLE PUBLIC SCHOOL ECSL approximate residue of $15,000. This 'arni is comiposed of 150 acres of the choicest land under blue skies, Mr. Kenneth Pearce, Standardj Report of Easter examinatiais:- Rev. aE B. Cooke and Rev. E. R. 5ares of bard wood bush and bal- Bank, Port Perry, at home. Fourth CL1ass-Test examinations a e representing the Board of SALEM~ ance in pasture land. A feature of Ms ~i igr oota in ail subjects-Fred Cowan 69, Dave[ Education at the 0. E. A. Convention 1_____ he farm which strongly appealed té Mr. and 'Mrs. R. W. Walton ýý. Gray 68, Florence Spencer 64, Adair, in Toronto this week. Miss Hattie Faster visitors: Miss MYarjoi-y iMr. Sharpe ivas the fine trout stream Mr. James Hearn, Montreal, wîtb Hancock 64, George Buckley 63, Bil- Mason is also attending the conven- Collacott of Kingsville, and Miss Ella1 running through the property, wbvich ibrte-nlwM.FakBo. lie Toms 63, Maron Rnch 61, Jamie tion. of Toronto, at home; Miss Gladys it is expected will be furtber devel- biJrte-nlw r rn oe rigbt 60, Dorotby Bonathan 57,i Cann Toont, i spndig Ester opd a a rou saeturv.Miss Dorothy Gibson, Guelph, with Bessie Lake 57, Gardon Garrod 57,1 Easter Sunday, notwithstanding holidays at home; Mrs. W. Fitze,i Col. McLaugblin and his mother, her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H Gib- Helexie Hayes 55 Lewis Clark 55, tempared wîtbo th ofGood rîday Janetville, spent a week witb bier Mrs. John McLaughlin, contemlt o.Voe enng5.Mr rrtndat b thtath St. Goresnd hFUitd parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Corn-! taking Up residence in Bowmanville Miss Jean Matchett, Toronto, witb 53, Irene -Brereton 45, Milton Brown wvas mnarked by large congregations i8h; Miss Muriel Willard, Toronto, is iimnediately following the auction ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Mat- 43, Veia Brown 42. tbhS.Ger'sadheUid with bêr grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. sale on Wednesday, April 1Stb. This cbett. 1 r I-xmndi elh a Church. Easter liles and other Robert Collacott; Miss Annie Buttery will be one of the largest and most Miss Sara Moise, Millbrook, witb ure Study and ortmtcHbet1fo s fittbe syacordedithes wle I is visiting friends in Toronto. important sales this Spring. ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Beni. Anderson 79, Mary Chaplin 77, Dor-j precincts fte5ce eiie hl Moise.__ othy Trenwithi 73, George Grahamth joyouns and significance of The Young People's League took M1 ie1 the resurrection was the theme of charge of the Sunday afternoon ser- TRINITY YOUNG PEOPLE 1 Mi. and Mrs. James- Haugh, Tor- 72, Billie Brunt 70, Jean Rickard 68, vice in the absence of the Pastor who 1 onto, at ber mother's, Mrs. W i. Audrey Bonathan 65, Marie Henning sermons and music. was conducting the funeral servicesý The attendance at these meetings; Bonathan. 641 agae om 7 la Wil- The regular meeting of the C.G. of the late Mns. Beech of Haydon,.ý is soon going ta spread ta tbe galler- MisSel1lckun mme liams 50, Harry Cuc 41Ge . T. was held nSaudy fenon unde th ledersip f 2d Vce,'ieý esec*lly if the standard of pro- witb ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Williams 44 ai, Harold Brown 30, Plans were discussed for holding *a l unr the.ledersp ofnd Vie, st -e cî i anandththsno I Blcbr.Mary VanDusen 65 ai, Marion AI- tea in the near future. The topic Mn. F. H nde A splndidastgo eram is maiTae inesbbsionow een lacbur.dead 35 al, Kari Bentz 43 a2, Fred taok the form of a very interesting progam a s rendin eeconsidsi *ofientarh No.Tbe pison a r epart- Miss Gladys Bradley, Gloversville, Cauch 35 a2. al,2, etc-No. ofland instructive talk on Home Nurs- Eading ms, n t (CasprNo)pt Mn o vniateend-veNY., witb ber parents, Mr. and Mrs examinations missed. . ing by Mrs. J. C. Hancock. Next - Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs. Leon-, a programn that showed a great dea1lJ W. Bradley. Thos. A. Rodger, teacher. meigwl ehl pi 4ho ard Richards entertained the young, of careful and co-operative prepara- 1 Master Brenton Rickard. Shaw's, meetiiae onacont of tlihe G..T aprand hon- piepe the raflneiof andds- T ion. peido hirga .H ere Examined in Meniory Work, Com- cert ta bie held in the S. S. Room on pie hedradulcodiio .o roaeds e frt eio f rorm1W H eac.position, Geograpby, Reading, Arith-Saturday, April 21st., from 4' ta 6 and weatber, not many of the invie evlpd the Easter tbaught and in- Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Ragen and metic: p. M. çuests were absent and ail report a'spiration and was entirely sacred ini daugbters, witb bier parents, 34r. and JrH-EenAli9,Haod ebesfthfaiycc pn- jolly good time. ehuar ae. Tsond periohi d was MsohnDoulas Deline 80 Jack Hare 80, Jean Gib- inL, the remains of the late Frank Report of S. S. No. 9, Darlington,seuaan tirwaaMsio- Mrs. Harold Toms and daughters, son 78, éjharlie Brereton 72, Vera Bennett ta Newcastle on Wednesday Easter examînatians. Honours-7o, ary play depicting the opeiiing of one Richmond, Quebec, witb bér parents, Brown 71, 1F Jack Toms 64, 2F Day- were :-Mrs. Bennett and three eIder Pass 60. Sr. TV-Helen McDonald, 5for mission stations in Afia r n r.Go .Rckard. id Noden 41, 3F Bobbie Duck 41, agtrMs .G a n n 72,Lesie elh 6. J. V-Drisbalncd ad lfwa septionaly es- Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Taylor and IMarjory Lycett, il]. F-below 50%. Fred CuIley, Toronto, and Mrs. Shaw, S 72,aot Lele4,sh6. r 1V-Dorne 7. is alncunedadeacendid imes- .daugbter, Yvo nne, and Mr. Alonzo Sr. II-Louise Hancock 82, flean> Picton, and son Frank, Toronto. Mr. SrollaooBtt 74, MrianHorneyFs 73. pr i hefrs ero wr:Gibson, Toronto, at Mr. and Mrs. J. Clark 81, Rutb Honey 81, Gertrude Sbaw was alsa witb the mourners. ter 60, Edgar Cator 43. Jr. III- ' partsin tbe lrster tio eAe. H. Gibsan's. ýBonathan 79, Kathleen Spencer 77, The yaungest daugbter, Mrs. Kem- Audrey Cowlirn 67,5BeatrICao Rundle, J. Bell, A. Medd, D. Clarke Mr. George Bonathan, Manager of John Vanflusen 75, Ralph Gibson 74 erer, lives in Denver, Col. The Mari Henll anci 7 2. J r. lWlleL Sutton, D. Plme. .Ies .the Standard Bank branch at Cast- Norton. Cowan 73, Katie Clark 7 9,!ecslepî-baeswr-on MarieC 8,Lelaot 7. rh 76WVila Baske rville, M. Pickard, M.' Robins letan, with bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. Muriel Shaw 67, 1F Marion Eddy 67,1I Holmes, Robt. Coxvan, John Gibson, Francis 60, John Foster 50. Sr. 1-and B. .oln tes aigpr . .Bnta.i1F Dorotby Aldread 66, Lois Martin* f.m. C. Lake, Fred B. Lovekin and ChalieFoter80 Hale Colig b te second period wece Misses E.1I Dr. and Mcs. Carveth and Mr. and 58, 1F Mike Arycb 51. Isaac Selby. Tbey also carried ta Colîg ood1 M. Dowson, M. and B. Bell-' MIrs.Asi apeladduhes ateMmntahrtegaetesvrlbatflfoa 61. Jr. 1-Isobel Brown 79, Beryl .Asi ndduher,--HArguen ece.i h rvetesvra euiflfoa Thompson 69, Bert Francis 60. pr man, H ru and Mesdames T. IToronto, at their summner cottage, Jno omtrivues ad rina.tev.E. mofR. Jae mnoted from Jr. Pr. ta Sr. Pr.-Mar-Hiccan SeheJefy. Te ecst-oteLk. Names in arder of menit: perfornmed the burial rites. Obituary garet rwin. scar Cnlin.cast of the play inluded Percy CawlN,- Mrs. Simpson, Toronto, and grand- Sr. -Reta Powell 74, Frances L. avry, Missionary; Wilfred Hlamley, daugbter, Miss Vivian Simpson, Be-I- Breretan 72, Stanley Brown 72,' Native Kng; JeanBell, Sevant ofthune College, Oshawa, at Mr. and Vicor arrd 7,oAchieMagen 16.- r Mlissionary; Daisy Clarke, Slave ofiMrs. S. C. Bonathan',. Helentobinsron 7, AcLe aisrtin 701, ______________ Naer King; elen Purgrdy, aMssn- Miss Minnie Barret, Salem, wbo Clacence Clarke 66, Jack Bentz 64,1 ger; Dr ummersnd Mara ret Capmnas been spending most of the wint- Lloyd Hancock 62, Helen Gibson 50,1 iinu Sutonand Clra Prdy .Aned r ith ber brother, Rev. C. W. Bar,-Iloyd Aldcead 48. misionrie no atwor onthirett, and family, Stirling, at Mrs. E. i Jr. I-Ethel Spencer 65, Helen fifl nd toldof ter aiosactiv C. Beman's. Eddy 58, Alfred Gray 54, John Spring T1onic fties r mn oeld theirp- M. adM o e and I m-Arych 53, Harold Hockin 51. I_____ abyacted as Chairman tbraughout ily, Toronto, wîtb bier mother, Mra. Pr .Sr.-M-argaret Pearce, Patricia the prgcam.Wmn. Jennings, wbo recently returned abheo a ist itbbe da .rsPearce, Sam Cowan, Gerald Hen-. n fSrigTnc The recreatian conmmittee put oni rom s s ter, lir " he, r, nings, Tommy Brereton, Mary Gi b-ISekn f pigTn a ver\y hilariaus skit xvben Lorne RosSelr Shannonville. son, Bruce Vandusen, Tom Gibson, v o re Plunmer as an antiquated country Mc. and Mrs. Camplin, Unionv jUe, Dick'Anderson, Artie Toms, Harryl HaeY u re station agent and Smith Fergusan parents of Mrs. (Rev.) E. B. Cooke, Browni Wilson McManus. 1 * and Dorotby Plummer as an even alsa ber cousin, Mrs. Rooney andî Pr. '(A)-Vivian Duck, Jmi AMPOLE'S COD i more antiquated country couple were son Hubert, Toorrnto, with Rev. and Lovekin, Jimmie Keecb, Charlotte 'T R E T A T . iery cautiaus as ta trains bef are Mca. Cooke at the Parsanage. Gray, Stanley Coucb, Charlie AI-1 LIVER E T A T Pasteurized Milk is the best food. they attempteil ta cross tbe raiîway. Mr ihr n isH .Jms raMraet Aldread. It' th énst asiy asimlatd. racs.G. Elizabeth Hancock, teacher.1 We recammend thîs prepara- ha the moat esily asaimilted. tcacks.Toronto, and Miss Mary James. Hav-to scal aAamct About seventy remained and took era olgTrno n r ionepcal oAaris part in the spelling match when ideseraCoeeTrno an Mcoswhae esiy atud, - Nooecngtto mC harles James, O. A. C., Guelph, witb those w boar ese l adis im- No ne an et aa uch captained by Marion Pickacd adter rnaR E and Mc DARLINGTON COUNCIL. lacking in energy and strength Pasteucized Milk. It is Nature's Raymond Cle bad a vecy close and Jhi ametsheRect. E . nIMs mirale fod-ood or he bby xcitnircontst.Regular meeting of council wasi paverished. It quickly restores an hefnetfodfo dut- The .Missionary Finance Commit- _______Iheld April 7th with members aIl one ta normal actîvîty and gives andth fnet aodfo auls- tee report a collection of $17.0 present, Reeve C. A. Wigbt presiding. the necessary strengtb and pep '&hen it's as gaod and pure as Next week Depatment No. 3 are Mc. J. A. Roazel is apending Fast- Frank H. Staples complained as ta for everyday dutieb. aur product. gngtonu n earnest and go er with bis family in Pcterboro, but road near bis praperty on Lot 33, goig ter the ther cars wbo are will probably take in the O .A o.2 Referred ta Provincial TyaBUeT dy owbeinghldate barrder juat Convention in Toronto on Tuesday Highway Dept.; complaint of Jack E3rd. i Petition was received from Rate- __________Easter was fittingly recognized in payera in Enniakillen asking foc a EAIE WiliamL. ndeson on ofOsh- the Sunday School on Sunday afteîr- sidewalk on nactb ide of a street HAVE VOUR EYES EAIE BO X M L U awa's lam L residents, died at bis noon by a short pragram consisting running east £rom Stacey's Black- TODAY KNG ST. residence, 114 Athol Street, on Mon-, of a chorus by the Pcimary and Miss smitb shap ta N. Byers' reaidence. "Seo Mitchell and Se. Wall" day, April 9th, aged 76 years. He Noara Cowan's Clasa, a cecitation by Petition not entertained. P ONE 44G liad been ilI for five months. Mc. Margaret Toma, vocal sala by Kath- A. H. Martin complained of ob- Anderson was bocn in Cavan, Dur- leen Spencer, reading by Jessie Van- stadies on sauth ide af John.s street,- bam county, and came ta Oshawa in Dusen, and a vocal duet by Eileen Hampton. Referred ta Dep. Reeve R. M. Mitchell & C.o. N 1888. He was an empioyee of Gen- Cooke and Minnie Pearce. Williams ta act. ceased is survived by twa sons, YON EP 'SLAU renting part of road allow ance. at Telephone Number- Week Dayis, Charles and Bruce, and one daugh - YUGPOL' EGE SY Lot 17, Con. 5. Permission Nights and Sundays 92 ter, Mca. Clayton Downey, of Osh-ý given at $2.00 per year. awa. IoThe YaunL, People's League met lerk was requested ta send fol - ______________ onMonday evening, Miss Elizabeth Iowing resolutian ta the Clerk of East FIRST CHURCH 0F CHRIST, SCIENTIST OSHAWA, ONTARIO ANNOUNCES A FREE LECTURE ON CHRISTIAN SCIENCE by JUDGE FREDERICK C. HILL, C. S. Clinton, Mlinois. Member of the Board of Lectureship of The Mother Church, The First Church ()f Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Mass. REGENT THEATRE SUNDAY, APRIL 15th., 1928 at 3.15 p. ni. THE PUBLIC 15 CORDIALLY INVITED TO ATTEND Deliclous Cakeis Every day adds new customners for our delicious Cakes and Pastries. We are now featuring many favorite recipes that appeal to the good taste and fancy of aIl who try themn. They are decidedly different froni the regular "Bakery Cake"-they savor of the Home-made the kind you'd bake yoursplf, and with the wide varieties now being offered by us. You can satisfy your every Ionging, while the prices are so reasonable that you cannot afford to take the time to bake, yourself. WHOLE WHEAT ROLLS are provinir very popular with many of our customer.s who ap- preciate go>dness and variety. Try them. Wedding Cakes a Specialty. Willard's Ice Cream for Sale. W. P. Corbett Phone 3 Baker and Confectioner o anil atbsence of tbe President. In order ta help reach the missionary abject.- Î%re, it was decidd ta 4tart a Birtbday Bank. Tbe pcogcamn was in charge of Ruth Hancock, each member on ber graup danating a niumber. The tapic was taken by Mc. A. O. Parker; readings were g ven by Mînnie Selby and Andrew Hunter; a violin solo by Howaird Cry- derman; a harmonica solo by Rasa Cowan; a vocal solo by Mca. Hurlbert and a quartet consisting of Eileen Coake at the piano, Majory Cowan with the ukelele, and Raye Deline and Freda Quinn, provided a vac-ý ,iety of music. The evening came ta a close with a game, under four icaptains, Chaclie Glenny, George Walton, Winnie Peairce and Marion Allin. THERE le ,iothing quite equal ta Aspirin for aIl sorts of aches and pains, but be sure it is Aspirin. The name Bayer should appear an every tablet. Bayer ia genuine, and the word genuine-in red-is on every box. You cant go wrong if you will just look at the box when yau buy it: Whitby:- onhp "Inreemnt bewn thetenso agef en Esat Whitb heand Dacigto ofEaebst wiewand t a be snt ath othereby neicer wshinga chnge nth aghrem et e Twnina thae in- agreefmarentReTon hebthieaTouc- naieof an wold subgges t h a meotind beween ce pest ative fcom iL eahtownhip a ke plaie b- facmeaherewishreepedtrelae - fone therTon inothxertan wmatde onecesaT on dragging and matia reear.o" dagngad i ByLaw aspsad poitmn of Fenc Viwcs andaPonKeep- o ers. iwrsadPun ep Wms. Grfnaae pemsint Wint downtcein sennpriskin To Cuty oad Supt.nnsklln. Cutyreaeraknwldedreepto $7,00.16 ei cnowl30%gerat for of on00.1 roads 01927. or or onRoad supt2.waintutdaore foroaîdrSp aa or mored if reqied fou Oroder edranr one Tfresuiras rdr fl w r rw n ra ya Roadi Supt., Salary and Office Expenkses......... $ 38.60 Road Supt., Maintenance of Road.................... 283.38 Municipal World, blank forma, 3.66 R. C. ilierce Coal, F. Storma (chacritvl.................. 7.75 Mca. A. F. Rundle, supplies F. Stormis (cbacity)...2 0. 02 Clerk and Treasucer Salary lat Quarter.............. 175.00 J. J. Smith, advance T. S. S. S. No. 19............. 20000 Cauncil adjoucned until Monday, May 7tb, j1928, at the bouc of i P. nm. W. R. Allun, j Township Cleck. A sneak tbief stole $140 from the home of the Treasucer of St. Paul's Anglican Churcb, Lindsay, on Sun-, day. He overloaked $300 mare of the church moneY. NOW$ F armers, Dairymen, Bakers,$ Merchants and athers, $ are making extra money $ hy ghipping us aIl kinds $ of used empty bags $ YOU CAN DO THE SAME$ Write us now and we will$ send you full particulars$ and shipping tags. We pay the fceight and ala highest$ prices SENDEL & GORDON $ 25 Duke St. Montreal, Que.$ s s s s s$ s$ s$$ "Establishing a New DU KAN VJISUALIZE the entinently sucoeaa V L".bead Matr . . . ts remark ooiy . . . then ADD a lrger, Dur --e biglier radiator, of a design exclusiv wheel brakes . . . refinements in ect the Durant "55". anPM.T.AGEdgrar t hemntl metn o heW ngEaster holidays in Oshawa M. S. in the Sunday Sehool rooms on er mother, Mn. Lowney. Easter Monday, the xnembers of the Executive presented thsir Freeideat, 5.Chas. Coulter spent Easter Mrs. (Rev.) E. B. Cooke, with a ronto with her sister, M:rs. Wni. membership pin and a beautdful r, who has noý ocen in go001 Easter lily pant. M - -M - 89 Pekoe." cornes from the Chinese word "Pak-ho",, rieaning silver hair, which was applled to the tlp leaves on the Chinese tea bush. Tlp keaves art iry ln shape. ln India they were more orang in colour, so were called "Orange Peko."I (Pak-ho. DILLICK'S SPRING SALE Offers Incomparable Values Men's and Young Men's Suits, newest materials, single or double breasted On Sale $14.95, $19.50 Men's Fine Socks, fancy checks, On Sale 39c Pair Women's House Dresses, good washable mater- ials, large variety to choose from,....On Sale 89c Ladies' Sîlk Hose, ail newestshades, silk to hem, 9 On Sale 79c We have a complete line of rubbers, including L a d ies' R u b b ers a t .. . . . . . . . . . ....................... 69e - Ladies' Shoes, several styles, including Straps, Ties, Pumps and Oxfords, high, medium and low heels...........On Sale $2.49, $2.95, $3.35, $3.98 Men's Fine Boots and Oxfords, Black or Brown, On Sale $2.69, $2.98 Men's Work Boots, Black or Brown, with or with- out toe cap..................On Sale $2.98, $3.98 Men's High Grade Dress Oxfords or Boots, Black or B row n ................................On Sale $3.98 A. DILLICK King & Division Sts Bowmanville Standard an Automo1~i[es"' Duraot "35 " Spor e ougbmo, Six Cyinden ».w, i. P.. d'b. 3p..4.Y-..o- .S.d. ."o- 5p..d C..~..Palftn8ia Car sfui Star Six wihits Red Seal Continental p. "'$725 So.,13 * ble record of speed, durability ed eco . 1 .0 . O nu. 0 irant built, Hayes-H-unt body-wider, longer Té.., Zuivé See i. Driveaif . . . Diacover for yourself he hiddea power, he hrilling speed, the riding charma diat ahis great car bolda for you . . . Your local Durant Dealer will give you cvry opporaunity o prove its merits . . . yourself. D..r..t M.,.. .1 C ... da, L, la. DURANTr Rugby Truck, Four nd Six Cylmndes; Ca>dcily 1 ton ad 11/4Ions Local Distributor --- J. N. THICKSON, Oshawa à Standard in Automobiles"I ive to Dumnt Products . . . Bendix four juipment and finish . . . and you have

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