PAE811TE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANvILLE, THURSDAY, APRIL l9th., 1928. ilOAv IIIAI! TEA a Nowereelse but ln a "dSALADA"P package can yQu obtain such hlgh quallty tea for so low a price and be sure that such quallty wiII continue. Try one package I If It does not please you, your grooer wiII gladly rot und you your money. Ready For Seeding Time We have a good supply of GRASS SEEDS-ALL GOVERNMENT TESTED at the following attractive prices No. 1 Red Clover, Home Grown No. 2 Red Clover, Home Grown No. 1 Alfalfa, Variegated, Peel per bus. $18.00 per bus. $17.00 per bus. County $18.00 No. 1 Alsike .....................$ 15.00 per bus. Pine Tree Timothy (No. 1 Purity) $ 4.50 per bus. No. 2 Timothy Home Grown ....$ 3.50 per bus. Marquis Wheat ..................$ 1.60 per bus. -These. prices will probably ail be advanced when seeding commences. cure your suppiy early. It will pay you to se- McCilIan & Co. Ltd. Phone 15 CHECK over thé featues that influence you i the Cconideration of a car; beauty, performance, comfort, amoothness, safety, handling-ease, dependability, economy 1 The New Series Pontiac Six bas them ail, in a measure fur beyond your expectations. Here are the reasons:- Powerful,, six-cylinder engine, with new GMR cyinder bead that gives bigb.compressaon resuits with any type of fuel; Big, umooth-mcting four-wheel bralces! !-ovejoy Shock AbsorIbera that cuahion every jlt and jar; strikingly beautiful Fisher bodies, with luxuntous upholstery and appointments; exquisite colo, haz- monie., inside and out; Staunchneia andi dependability, proved on the General Miotors Proving Groand. In fact, the New Sentes Pontiac Six ha, more of everything yon want. . . nt prices so low as to be amazing. P-1 44-28 C Aik your dealer about the G.M.A.C. Dcl erred Payment Plan which makes buying easy. LOVEJOT SHOCK ABSORBERS NEW FISH-ER bsOD1ský NEW GMR CYLINDER HEAD NEW FUEL PUMP NEW CRANKCASE VENTILATION NEW CARBURETOR NEW STOPLIGI-T FOUR- WNE EL BRAKES NEW CROSS. FLOW RADIATOR NE%, THERMOSTAT NEW INSTRUMENT PANELL NEW COINCI- DENTAL LOCK NEW DASH GASOLINE GAUGB six Corbett Motor Sales Co. Bowmanville Ont. PtODUCT 0F GENERAL MOTORS 0F CANADA. LIMITED WDODL-S PHOSPH0DINE.1 77ae Great Ing-lsh Preparatuori ý ý M li,,cs aiicf 'grse the wholc 'W~C'~Ineroas ysteus i ma-" newBilood i n od Vein%. ('s.d for Nersiaus D4,snonec. osof Eegv apiton n, the Heart, Faieng Meaory. Puce $2pe.- box. 3 for15.1)Sold by al druggists, or mailed in plain p&g. on receipt of price Nw p.4mphie7gnaled I OrMyug w URDU= euI ».ORNT.ONT. "ook's Regulating Comnpound AsanIs. rAUaM. ,qdu&Wn medicin,. Soldin atree de-11 lm f~eeslof stringth-No. 1, $il 2 83 No 85per box. Sod j âal d,4iat, 0 ret MpreP&i on reospt of prioe. 1repamphlet. Addreu: TH4E COOK MeDICINECO. BOYS' TRAINING SCHOOL NEWS 1The fine new dormitory is rapidly nearing completion and will bie ready for occupation this summner. It will bouse 120 boys. Wonk bas commenced on the cent- ral heating plant. This is being in- stalled along side of the railway sid- ingz just opposite the dining hall. Plans for the Gymnaaium building bave been finally approved. The construction will be started shortly in onden to bave the buildinoe completed by faîl. Weatben penmitting, the boys will attend cburch services in town on Sunday and every Sunday thereafter during tbe spning, summen and aut- unin menths. Plans are alI laid for a bigger and better camp this summer. Alî that remains is for a suitable site to be chosen. Sevenal are under consid- enation and it is likely one will be se- cured witbin a week or two. AIl tbe boys have retunned from. thein Easter visit at home with the folks. Some enjoyed a stay of ben days, others a week and still others, four days. AIl the boys came back on tinie. Thursday afternoon picked teanis fromn the Howard Fengu.son Scout Troop and the remnainder of the School played a 9-inning game. The scouts true to their motto, "Be Pre- pared", wene onto everytbing and won easily by 15 runs. Wbile it is a little eanly for becs, yet the playing field ail last week, morning, aftennoon and evening, ne- sembled nothing short of a full grown hive cnowded to capacity witb these industrious little creatures. Basebal seemed to be the most populan past- tume with lacrosse and footb ail as first choice when the wind blew cold. SOFTBALL LEAGUE ORGANIZE Wm. Crossey EIected President. Bowmanville Softball League held an organization meeting on April 13 at the Durhami Textile Office when these officers were elected: President -W. Crossey; Vice-President-C. E. Rehder; Secretary-Treasurer-D. Brown. Teanis and representatives are:- High Scbool-S. Candler; Goodyear Tire & Rubben Co-F. W. Goddard; Bowmanville Foundry Co.-E. Welsb; Durham Textiles Ltd.-E. J. Gibbs; Front Street-Pbilip ConcilIa; R. M. Hollingshead Co.-C. A. Smith. Representatives are requested to send the Secretary-Treasurer names of 12 players, as soon as possible. These will be approved by the execu- tive at the next meeting. Last y 1r' rules ,vill be adopted. Umpires nom- inated are Frank W illiams, W. Cros- sey. Home teams will look after the collections. CARTWRIGHT COUNCIL Regulan meeting of the council was held Apnii iOtb., members al present, Reeve F. A. Hyland, pnesid- ing. Minutes of last meeting read and adopted. Owing to complaint made to the couneil of James Willan's condition, cierk wvas instructed to Write Mrs. Willan. Reeve was instnucted to, purchase thneýe Ontanio Road drags. Orders signed as follows: H. Beacock, secretary-Treas- uren S. S. No. 5 ......... $300.00 J. Suas, bandcuffs for con- stable............6.00 R. W. Philp, services as As- sesson....................120.00 J. G. Manlow, roads ......... 57.55 Jas. Byers, salany and post- age, etc.................. 85.13 Receipts A. Grace, nent of road ...$ 2.00 O. Venning, rent o! ink . . 10.00 Council adjourned to meet May 5th at 7.30 p. mi. F. A. Hyland, WM. Beacock, Reeve. Clerk. Sones Heai Quickly-Have you a persistent sone that refuses to heal? Then, try Dr. Thomas' Eciectric Oil in the dnessing. It will stop alough- ing, carry away the proud flesh, draw eut tbe pus and prepare a clean way for the new skin. I t is a recognized healer among oils and numbers of people can testify tbat it healed where propenly applied. CLARKE TOWNSHIP COUNCIL Council met at Orono, Apnil 3, Reeve M. J. Holman presiding and members alI present. Minutes of last negulan meeting were read and on motion received and adopted. Communications were received and disposed of as follows: Mu.nicipal World: Re Hydro E. P. Commission Assessments; Department Public Higbways sbowing grant for 1927 of $3,372 .23; Counties' Clerk giving notice of admission of patients to St. Michael's Hospital and the hosia for Sick Children, Toronto;Work- men's Compensation Board; A. Roe- buck & Newson, Barnisters, Re Ran- daîl & Fellows. Filed. Offer of William Flintoif o! $20 for the tax sale lot o! one acre, more on le.", south east corner o! lot 3, con. 5, w-as accepted. John Henry, Road Supt., was authonized to purchase 3 new steel road drags and such other small tools as be nequines for bis work. Billaý wene passed and paid viz: M. J. Hiolman, expenses to TPoronto, Randali case .. . $ 7.50 F. B. Lovekin, expenses te Toronto, Randali case .... 3.00 S. (uttell, advertising... 2.20 J. Henry, Road Supt. Marcb 20.50 R. J. Rowe, advance on as- sesson's salany.......... 125.00 R. HI. %Wood, caretaker... 9.50 A. J. Stapîca, sal. 1st quarter 150.00 Arthur Roebuck and Ne-wson, ne Randaîl vs. Fellows . .. . 200.00 Thos. Smitb, premium on Surety Bond for Tre.... 5.00 John Henry, noad accounts for Msirch............... 214.35 Council adjounned to Tuesday, May lst at 10 o'clock a. mi. M. J. Hoinian, A. J. Staples, Reeve Clerk. A reputation of over thirty yeara is at stake every time a package of Red Rose Orange Peko. Tea is sold. So bighl la this reputation prized that the. makers have authorized yourgce to replace any packge reeof charge that doc91oo.. ne;t afy you in every particular. Z tBaby specialists agree nowadays, tt during the first six mnonths, babies must have three ounces of Rudd per pound of body weight daily. An eight pound baby, for'instance, needs twenty-four ounces of fluid. ILater on the rule is two ounces of fluid per pound of body weight. Tbe amount of fluid absorbed by a breast fed babv is best determined by weigh- ing bisa before and after feeding for the WbokE day; and it is 'easily calcu- lated for the hottle fed one. Then up any deflciency witb water. Giving baby sufflient water often relieves his feverish, crying, upset and reetless spelis. If it dûesn't, give him a few drops of Fletcher's Cas. tonsa. For these and other ilîs of ba- bies and eilîdren sucb as colic, choI- era, diarrbea, gas on etomach and bowels, constipation, soun etomnacb, loss of sleep, undenweight, etc., lead- ing physicians say there's nothing so effective. It is purely vegetable-.the necipe is on the wrapper-and millions of mothers bave depended on it in over tbirty years of ever inereasing use. It regulates baby's bowels, makes bum sleep and eat right, enables him to get full noriihment f rom bis food, so he increases in weight as be should. With each package you get a book on Motherhood worth its weight in gold. Just a word of caution. Look for the signature of Chas. H. Fletchen on the package so you'Il bc sure to get the genuine. The forty cent bot.- tles contairi thirty-five doses. LESSON No. 18 Question: Why is emul- sified cod-Iiver oil so needful for a child who is paie and losing weight? Answer: It is food and tonic rich in vitamnins and other nourishing factors that are particularly help fui to a weakened child. For your child-old reliable SCOTT'S EMULSION TO WOMEN 0F MIDDLE fiGE Mm .Wâwsn'a Experience a Guide to Women Passing through the Change of Life Hamilton, Ontario. - "I have taken several boules of Lydia E. Pinkham's Ve1getable C co m- -~~pound and i can- flot speak too <highly of it as 1 , ~ wasat the Change of Life and was ail run-down and a;d sik, nd the pain in myback wene so bad i couldhardlymnove. got very sad at time6 and thought I bad not a friend on art. di flt aneif lvüd or died. I was very nervous, too and did not go out very much. A iriend advised me to try a bottie of Lydia E. Pinkhamn's 'egetable Compound, so I did. I amn a farmer's wife, and ai- ways wonked bard untîl lately, and was in bcd for two month.I1began to feel like a new woman af ter the finst bottie and I recommend it witb great sucesa aloo Lydia E. Pink- hamlaLiver ýPils I amn willing to answer letteru from women aaking about your medicines, as I cannot Feak too highly oft temn."-Mrs. MAWiLsoN, 471 Wilson Street,, Hamilton, Ontario. bold by drugg" Wavoewhoe.. 0 Spare the cbildern froni suffering' frorn worms by using Millen's Worm Powders, a most effective vermifuge with which to combat these insid- ious focs of tbe young and belpiess. It is an excellent worm destroyer, and when its qualities become known in a bousehold no other will be used. The medicine acts by itself, nequiinL, no pugrative to assit it, and so thon- oughly that notbingr more is desircd. The W. M. S. o! Park Street Unit- ed Cburcb Thank-Offering service on Sunday evening was well attended. Miss Jamieson gave an excellent ad- dress on the work of the Women's Missionary Society, botb at home and abroad. Those bearing bier would have a much betten idea of tbe great work the W. M. S. o! Canada arc engaged in. The At Home on Mon- daY evening was a success froni evcry standpoint. An addness of welcome was given by Miss Davy. The pro- gram p)ut on by the C.G.1.T. consisted of several musical numbens by the Misses Powers, Rowe, Gamsby, Ster- ling, Mclndoo and Allen; rea<ling., by Misses Allen and Milîson. A very instructive pageant, "C'anadat'.s Share in the World 's Tasks," Mi%îsý Bertha Cain taking the leading parti as Miss Canada. Those appeiling to bier for help were Japan, Miss Ella Tamiblyn; China, Miss Frankie WVood; India, Mis,% Eileen Sterling; South, Afnica, Miss Ollie Davey; Labradon, Miss Margaret Dickson; and Sousth Amenica, Miss Ruth Lowden. The officers and delegates of the Domin- ion Board were repnesented hy lMis- ses Rosaline Gamsby, president, Fos- etta Carleton, Elsie Gi bson, Marguer- ite Milîson and Eileen Riddell. A 1ery interesting feature of the &ro- gram was the Chorus, and t cm Easter Tbank-offen'ing of eggs from tbe Mission Band, tbus giving tbe little folks a chance te do their bit. The closing address was given by Mns. Sterling in whicb she heartily invited the men to join as silent members, to attend the meetings and take note how the ladies di<l thein work. Lunch was served of bot cross buns, cake and tea. Proceeds including Sunday offering, amounted te $105.00. No Rest With Asthma. Asthma usually attacks at nigbt, the one time wben rest is needed moat. Hence the loss of strength, the nervous de- bility, the loss of flesh and other evils which must be expected unless relief is aecured. Fotunately re- lie! is possible. Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Asthma Remedy has proved its mer- ita through years of service. A trial will surely convince you. Bowmanville HAMPTON Report of Hampton School for Easter examinations, names in order of merit: IV'-Florence Burns, H, Ernest Horn, IL Fred Holwell. Sr. IMi-Elsie Moore, H. Elias Green- away, H, Merwin Crydernian, II, Helen Knox, Elwood Sbackelton, Tedý Johns, Mî. Jr. Ili-Jackson Wray, H, Gordon Phîllips, H, Austin Barron, E, IBloYd Wilcox, Jean Stainton, violet Petley, Nelson Robbins. Sr. il-JoDhn 'lirtue, Anna Wallace, Har- ry Winterburn, Annie Stainton, Bruce Clarke, Mandy Connagban, Harold Martin, ill, Pearl Connagban, ill. Jr. IIl-Katie Jones, Doria Cry-ý deman, Flossie Connagban. Sr. I Adameon, Tbelma Robbins, Eva Johns, Bernice Rogers, John Novick, Lena Novick, Vera Martyn, ill. Jr. I -Walter Holwell, Gladys Cbapman Ruth Colwill, Jack Cowling, Rul'y Cowill, Gerald Black. Sr. Pr'. Isobel Rogers, Jack Jones, Mandai Clarke. Jr. Pr.m-Nellie Arinour.1 F. J. cioat, Mise I. Camnpbell,1 CHOMW Wae -Should Baby(et?I -'A Fmous Authorily's le '1by futh Brittaiù n e BATTERIES We seli them at a price that will please you. TIRES We seil the well-known Goodyear Tires and Tubes Ce A. Bartlett Phone 110 King St. Eust, Bowmanville ORONO (From The News of April 12th) Miss Margaret Walsh was home froni Maberly recently. Mr. Virtie Wilson and bride have returned from their honeymoon trip. Mrs. A. Callendar, Port Hope, vis- ited at Mr. 0. Scott's, and other friends here. Mr. W. J. Riddell has installed a »mechanical refrigerator in bis ice creani parlor. Mr. Henrv Junker bas been very ili following' an attack of mumps at h is home in Oshawa. Mr .and Mrs. Cyril French, Osh- awa, visited at her mother's, Mrs. T. McComb, over the Easter holiday. Master Clifford Jones of Newton- ville, is bolidayine witb bis grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. Patterson. Miss Flora Cobb]edick is spending La f ew days with ber sister, Mrs. C. lAdains, and otber friends in Toron- 1to. Miss Augusta Tbornton entertained Miss Effie Jamieson, general secretary of tbe Dominion Board, W. M. S. on Sunday. Mrs. N. D. MacKenzie and daugh- ter, Enid, are spending a few days witb ber parents bere, Mr. and Mrs. T. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Duncan of Mlllbrook, and Mrs. Peel of Peter- boro, are visiting at bis father's, Mr. Fred Duncan. The second Medal Contest of the Boys' series, under the auspices of the W.C.T.U., will be beld in the Town Hall, Orono, on Tbursday ev- ening, April 26tb. Mr. William Clements wbo bas been engaged on the Forestry Fan the past few years and running a shoe repair shop as a side issue, is leaving for Oshawa. During the electric storm in Marcb some damage was done to the ballway of the residence of Mr. Dan Fraser, on the Donald Smith Farm at Beth- esda, Darlington towvnship. Monday, about midnigbt, fire broke out in tbe old frame houise at tbe Forestry Station. Tbe firemen ,with their engine made a quick ne- sponse to tbe caîl and soon had the Rlames under control. This was formerly the Stutt f an residence and bas been utilized as a lunch room for the employees. For Sprains and Bruises--There is nothing better for sprains and con- tusions than Dr .Tbomas' Eclectric Oil. It will reduce the swelling tbat follows a sprain, will cool the inflamed flesb and draw the pain. It will take the ache out of a bruise b y countenctinga the inflammation. 4 trial will convince any who doubt its power. In the Vermillion Standard, Alta., a copy of wbicb we received the other day, we read under tbe heading "Six- teen Years Ago" that Mn. H. P. Long bas received the appointment of Secretary-Treasurer for the town, and will assume office on April lst. Perce was a former popular Onono boy and bis many friends bere will be pleased to learn be bas made good, as be stili bolds the confidence of the citizens of that town. The A. A. Somerville sale of pure bred grade stock and fanm impie- ments on Friday 6tb, attracted an unusually large number of buyers, receipts totalling nearly $5,500, and the greater sbare of this amount was paid in cash. Clyde borses averag- ed around $180.00, dairy cows at $1001100 and over, sbeep $20.011each, and everytbing else in proportion. Mr. Somerville bas rented bis farm to Mn. W. S. Moffat, a nearby neighbor. Mr. W. L. Gerry, wbile enroute home from Oshawa about tbree weeks ago, had tbree of bis ribs brok- en wben the car in wbich he was rid- ing was crowded over by an ap- pnoacbing car at the checker board, C.P.R. crossing west of Bowmanville, and crashed into the nailing, Mr. Gerry being thrown with consider- able force against the door jani of the car. He is now out again and expects to return to bis job shortly. Wc.uild you like to have a piano in your home? It can be arranged easily. Almost any person can afford one if he knows how to go about it. Instruments of beautiful tonal qualities, small, large and grand, new and used, are here for your inspection. Prices are reasonable and it costs littie more to buy than to rent. Customers are al- ways pleased with arrangements-quarterly pay- ments. Nothing you can buy will add more charm to your home. F. J. MITCHELL Telephone 105 Bowmanville [Aviation GasolineJ PIANOS Try Our Choice Beef Next time you're ordering meat try one of our choice Roasts of Beef-tender-juicy-mouth- watering fragrance. One of these roasts garnish- ed with tasty vegetables makes the foundation for a meal fit for a king. Fulllline of Canned Goods in stock. Prompt Delivery Service HAROLD M. JEWELL Successor to Phare & McCoy Phone 518. Bowmanville Cheer Up The Homne WITH NICE GRATE FIRE Use Pluto Cannel Coal for grate fires-does flot spit or splutter. No better canneli coal on the market. SWEETEN THE SOIL WITH NIAGARA LIME STONE Many a farmer attributes greater field produc- tion to the generous use of Niagara Lime Stone on the land. Cali and get the facts. It's worth while. LEHIGH VALLEY ,ANTHRACITE ne Col 71at Satia ie J. A. HOLGATE & SON Builders' Supplies and Fuel Phone 153 or 202 Bowmanville PAGE SIX