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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Apr 1928, p. 5

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£HE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, ARPIL 26th., 1928 PAGE FIVE 8&ring of beads f ound. Enquire at TheStatesman Office. Miss Edna H. Bottrell, Toronto, spent thé weékend at home. You'ré mising important news if you neglect to read thbe advts. Hand Bagr at Jury & Lovell's le Sale, 2 for $2.51, regular $3,00 éacb. Mr@. R. M. Cale is visiting her brother at Waubashene for a couple of weéks. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. H. Haddy and Jack and Miss Lena Priestman and Miss Agnés Haddy, Toronto, were ,-Snnday guests M r. and Mn. F. A. iladdy. Mrs. W. A. Fuller, Green River, has been visiting at Mr. Eli Wilson's, Liberty Place. Mr. M. L. Argall, Oshawa, an- nounces thé engagement of bis only daugbter, Mary Gertrude, to Mr.1 Thomas Bruce McTsggart, son of Mr. and Mrs. George McTaggart, King Street West, thé marriage to take placé éarly in May. If that old saying is true abont a néw bré>on sweeps dlean Archie Tai saysBawmanville homes sbnuld bc solsly dlean. Hé says he sald more brooms last week ns a resuît of bis advt in Thé Statésman than bhe would ordinarily sélI in a month. And the Pinch Hitter Made Good 'rheme's no thriii in basebali that equais the sight of a pinch hitter knocking out a home run witfi thé bases full. And when a pinch itter mnakes a practice of detiveing thé gooda he usually finde himeelf on the regular line-up befome long. For the pat three yfars many people have been using Larvex as a pinch itter for moths. Larvex has so consistently done its work that Itl. i ow consi dered a househotd necessity. It dose make fabrics moth proof. It la sprayed on and does not stain. tJsed In the very best homes. I ormalin for Smut 35c KoeSpecial .... 49c KERSLAKE'S P 49NE -THE DEPENDABLE DRUG STORE- Empire Shopping 'Week SPECIALLY FEATURED AT THIS STORE ERIN TEA-A reai high class tea, this is making friends every day. Special introductory offer of 65e lb. BEE BRAND JELLY-Very delicious for desert, ail flavors, premiums of 4 varieties of siiverware with every three packages for 25c. PINK ROSES-m pots, bloom year round ,indoors or outside, new lott in at $1.00 pot. PLANTS AND SHRUBS-Place your order early, great assortment of standard and dwarf rose trees, quaiity guaranteed, prices lowest. CANNED TOMATO WEEK-April 30 to May 5 -For your heaith's sake eat tomatoes. See our attractive window display. HARRY ALUIN, Orocer PHONE 186 BOWMAN VILLE A Service That Counts When You Buy Meat Whén you buy poultry there are two kinds "dressed" and i"rough dressed". It's quite a bit the same with méats, although our customers have been edueated to expect "dres8ed méats". That is we trim off part of the fat and eut ont part of the bone where necessary. Some butehers dont do this and yet they charge juist as much. Next time you buy meat compare it with the way Caw- ker ha been selling meat for 75 years-Choice Young Ueef, full weight and no better values or service anywhere. Ail méats kept in sanitary refrigerator. C, M. CAWKER & SON Phone 64 Bowmanville T-Cheap T-Cheap T-fCheap IS A WELCOME SOUND TO THE POULTRY FARMER Bit remember that raising chidka dépenda on the excellence of feed and brooder. Are you properly supplied with: Staminax Chick Feed Staminax Chick Mash Incubator Thermometers Chick Founts Chick Feeder Chick Grit Chick Charcoal Chick Brooders Dustan's Cash Hardware "rWE SERVE YOU WELL lng Scréen; Oak Dinner Wagon: ; hg any Velour Cavered Coach; Dishes: Pi - ures; Curtaîns and Pales: Cook Stove* Heatem; 3-Burner Florence Oit étayé anti 2 Ovene: Witton Rug 3 x 3', yards; 60 yards, Axmlnster CarPoet; étau and other Care; Kitchen Linoleum: 2 Kitchen Týables; Oak Bedroani Suite, Springes hd Matines: Iron Bcd, Sprlngm snd Mat- tresa: Chamber Sets: Feather Bede Clock Oheive.; Work Toole; Other articles too numeraus ta mention. SALE AT 1.30 P. m W. J. CHALLIS. Auotioar. LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Mrs. James Deyman, Toronto, spent the weekénd with hier sister,c Mrs. N. E. Gould, and numerous old ' friends here.z Mr. and Mrs. Allan Gardon, Cleveland, Ohio, were récent guesta of Mr. and M . W. E. Armstrong, Argyle Street. Misses Myrtie Beacock and Cry- stal Fallis, Nestieton Station, attend- éd a banquet ai. Ontario Ladies' Col- legé, Whitby, Saturday évening. t Mrs. W. E. Souch, Oshawa, andI Mrs. R. H. Warder were in Wood- stock tact week visiting their brother, Mr. B. T. Thornton, wha recently suffered a paralytic stroke. Mms. Gus. Bounsalbas returned home after spending six weeks witb hiem daughter, Mrs. Herbert Goddard, New York City, and bier brother, Mr. Charles Cox, Emporium, Pa. t Mr. W. F. Marshall, Regina, Sask.,i who bas been in Toronto attending1 a meeting of thé Canadian Redt Cross Commissionérs visited his aunt, Mrs. (Rev.) W. C. Washington on Tuesday. Dr. A. E. Archer, Lamant, Alta.,i who has been in Toronto attending a( mieeting of thé Home Mission Boardi of thé United Cburcb, spént thé wéek end with bis sister, Mrs. (Rev.) J. U.1 Robins, at Trinity Pamsonage. Mr. Arthur J. Trébilcock and Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Hutchison, Toronto,i and Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hamléy1 and Jean, Peterboro, spent Sundayi witb Mrs. P. C. Trebilcock and Miss Margaret Trebilcock wbo bave ré- turned from several weeks' visit witb relatives in Toronto. Col. L. T. McLaughlin's auction sale of farm stock and implements last wéek was what you migbt ecal! a whale of a success. It was estimated at leasCî1500 people were présent and prices weré abové thé average. The advertising and publicity of this salé was donc througb Thé Statesman Office. Régular meeting of thé Musici Study Club will be cbanged ta Mayi 9 awing to having accépted an invi- tation ta attend an At Home and4 concert ai. Port Hope on May 2nd.à Ail mémbérs pleasé make a note ofi this. Thé bus will léavé Garton's( Bus Station for Port Hope at 5.451 p. mi. (daylight saving time.) Master Ronald Richards, thé seven- year aId son of Mr. and Mms. W. J. Richards, was takén to thé hospital Tbursday evéning and operate.d upon for appendicitis. His condition was very sériaus as thé appéndix had burst béfore the opération. His many friends will be pleased ta léara that hli recovering as well as ex- pectéd, Real genuine frésh Maple Syrup will be offéred for salé froni a truck at the Post Office Corner, Friday, April 27tb., ai. 10 a. m. at $2,50 per1 gallon. 17-1, Jury & Lovell's lc sale this week.i 2 dozen Gladiolus 36c; Tuberous Bé-i gonias 2 for 16c; Tooth Brushes 21 for 26c. TRINITY YOUNG PEOPLE Trinity Young People entértained young people o King St. United Church, Oshawa, Monday evening who were accompanied >y théir Pastor Rer. C. W. DeMi.le, Meredith Moffatt and C. H. Millard, Président and Vice-Président of Presbytéry Young Péoples respetivély. Thé orhpservice wa ed by W. R. Striké, Trinity Président, who wcl- comed thé visitors and then turned over thé program ta Mr. Moffatt. Miss Mackie gave a solo; Miss Mar- janie Blewett an llustrated talk on Summer Camp) at Lake Couchichig address on "Preparédness" hy Mnr. Millard; instrumental selection hy Miss Audrey Werry. Rev. Mn. De- Mille brought this part. of thé pro- grami to a close with a f ew appro- priate rémarks. Recréation activities led by Lorne Plummer and Percy Gîwting and re- freshments in charge of Misses A. Rundle, V. Spargo and Dorotby Pluni- mer with a bost of willing helpérs ended a very enjoyable and profit- able événing. About 150 young people were présent. (Intended for last week) True ta prédiction thé pawerful looking car manned by the Citizen- ship Group (No. 3) camé to life with a vengeance on Monday evening and soon covered thé distance between it and thé leading cars. Thé prograni was in charge of Gregory Calmer and Smith Férguson, joint conveners of thé group. Although &oreé rogramn arrangements were rumoned to have fallen through one would neyer sus- pect it froni thé splendid numbens given. Among thosé taking part wére Mesdames T. W. Cawken and Gea. Pritchard and Misses N. Mont- agomery. B. Sargent. L. Pritchard, P. Challis, L. Hatway and Messrs. G. Calmer, S. Ferguson, N. Stewart, C. H. Dudley, A. H. Bounsaîl, F. Good- man and L Simipson. At thé close of thé meeting each group went inta caucus béhind closed doors ta lay plans for their stunt MARRIAGES VAN NEST-KING-In Mary C. Sel- lers Mémoriat M. E. Church, Bywood, Phitadetphla, Pénna.. on Wédnesàay ev- ening, Aprîl 11, Herbert A. Van Net of Phlladétphlk. and Miss Marlon Ring, onty child of Mr. and Mrs. Walter L. King. 7109Pénnock Avenue, Bywood. 1ev. Dr. George Diiworth.Patro th Church oficiating. Tbéy will résIde at 4051 Iille idarry Apt$. DEATHS MARTI N-In Darlingtati, on TuesdaY, Aprit 24th, 1928, Ann Martin, wldow of thé iate John Martin, ln hem 74th year. Funera#from thé reidence cf her son, Mr. Macolmi Martin, Lot 7, Concession 9. an Thursday, Aprit 26th. Service ln St. George's Church, Newcastle, at 3 o'ctock. Interment ai Bond Head Ceni- etery. BUNT-In Oshawa. April 22. 1928, Wil- liami Bunt. aged 70 years. WEBB-In PoýntYpooI, Manday, Aprit 23. 1928, James Webb, aged 52 yeare. GARFAT-In Brooktln, A pit 17, 1928. James Garfat, fommerly of Daxtington, ln his 80th year. IBURtNHAM-At Port Ho pe, on Aprit 19. 1928, Stunley Basteda Bjurham. De - toved husband af Annie Mcdammofl, aged 85 years. QUI NN-In Bowmanviite. Friday Aprît 20 , 1928, Mittie Todgham. betoveci wife of William J. Quinn. aged 48 years. B3EATTY-it Townshîip of Hope April 18. 1928, Richard Lewis Beatty, Iktloved huaband of Sarah Gray, i bie Oth year. D)ICKINSON-At Port Hope. on A.prit 18,1 1928, George Arthur Dickinson, M.D., CAM., beIoved husband of Maggla H109g, aged 63 years. HILLIS-In Taunton. an Friday, Ari 20, Margaret Léaek, beloved wife afi M r. Albert jAillis, aged 76 years. Interment In Union Cemetery, Osha.wa. CRABBE-Herbert Armstrong Crabbe. laté of Braunston, Rutland. England. suddeniy ut yneumonala n.Bowmanviiie, Sund.y, Aumi i lnd. .Iun ral private. COLEMAN-in Toronto on Sunday, Ap- il 22, 19A8, Nora Colemani daughter of the late James Coeman lýewcastie. In- terreu at Bond lilad Cermetemy, New- castle. 1M',oSON-At hemrborne. 1 Garden Ave- nue. Toronto. on Mondav. Auril 23. 1928. Fannie L. Lewis, vite af Ambrase W. Masan, a native of Cartwright, in hem 7lat yéam. WARNE-In Osawa, April 22, 192&. Willam Hecry Warne.A, beloved husband of Donah Lacy, and son af Mm. and Mms. Chas. Warné. fanmémly of do- bourg, in bis îth year. WOODGER-In Kingston Ceitérai Ras- pital, on Tuesday, Aprit 24th, 1928, Misn Ruth M. Woodgem, only daughter of thé late Rev. Fredérick Woadger and sister of 1ev. W. P. Woodger. af Napanée, and Milton Woodgér, of Part Dover. IN MEMORIAM NICHOLS-In lovlig nsmory of Clar- énoe Walton Nichote, only sud daarty béioved son of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Nich- ois, who departed thie lite Aprit 27. 1927, agéd 12 years. Thé fairett ities are thé iret ta fait, Thé ewéétest iret ta fade, The fondent. deareet bést 0f ait. Within thé grave le laid. Like Natures choicest flOwerB. Ré for a whiié dld btaomr. Then dmappéd hie iovely heud amldel The sweet pérfomé. Hé was the sunahine cf aur home, A treasure sure ta us was given, Juet when we tearned ta love hlramomst Gad catted hlm home ta heaven. éadly miseed bi Father, Moil*r and Sister. Loit or Found UMBRELLA LOST-GeUOIIlBa.un- brella wlth initiais C. A. C. eq.raved on silver, teft either In a home or lni a store. Inder phone or leave at Ou.- toms Office. Bownmafll5.17-tf ST. PAUL'S CHURCH Rev. Wm. T. Guxin, D. D., Editor of thé "Record and Missionary Ré- view" of thé United Churcb of Can- ada delîvened two highly interésting addresses ta large congregations at St. Pauls Church last Sunday. Dr. Gunn whose remnarkably able work in thé Record and Missionary Réview is admired by alI réaders of that publication received a warm welcome on this bis firet visît ta St. PaunIs. At thé morning service Dr. Gunn taok for bis text "Thé Lord hatb, done reatthinga for us whereof we aýre .Glad", and gave an illuminai.- ing account of thé formation of thé United Cburcb of Canada and a graphie outline of ts richly varied work at home and abnoad. As Secretary for thé Congrega- tionat Church Dr. Gunn bad béen a member of thé Joint Union Commit- tee fromt thé beginning of its work in 1905 until the cansummation of Union in 1925, and froni sucb in- timaté knowledge spoké impressively of thé Christian motives which ever guided and of thé admirable spirit of fairness and considération in wbich thé negotiations were carriéd on. Hé was able ta say that in aIl that tuée in thé Joint Union Committée there had neyer been a single division along denominational lines. Thé speaker with bis keen interesti in history pointéd out thé striking fact that thé thrée churchés nowl united includé ninéteén unions of (Continued on last page) NATIVES 0F CARTWRIGHT Receive Important Appointments In thé list of promotions recently announcéd by thé Department of National Defénce Major Percy H. Jobb, Oshawa, son of thé laté Mr. and Mrs. Rober. Jobb, bas beén pro-ý moted to thé rank of lieutenant-col-1 onel and to command the Durhami Régiment, with régimentalhad quartersaut Port Hope, vice Lieten- ant-Colonel E. E. Snidér, transfer-1 réd. Lieutenant-Colonel Jobb pro-1 ceéded ta England witb thé 136th Battalion, C.E.F., in September, 1915, and sérvéd in France and Belgiumn fromt Augusi., 1917, ta July 1918. Percy s many friends in his native county and lséwhéré offér congratulations on hic promotion to 0. C. of Durham Régiment. As successons to Mn. and Mrs. John Stiner, wbo held thé post. for thé past eigbt yeans, Hugh F. Lucas, a well known résident of Port Perry, and formerly of Cartwright. Town- ship, bus been appointed thé new Govérnor of thé O ntario County Jail at Whitby, whilé his wif e recéived thé appointmént of matron. Théy will assume théir new dutiés in about a wéék's tuée. Mr. and Mrs. Stinér récently rétired, and have takén np résidence in Uxbridge. BIRTHS OdILCOX-In Bowmanvilié Hospital, on Aprit 21st, 1928. ta Mr. and Mme. Normant Wilcox, a son. JOHNS-în BowmanviltleHospital, on Aprit 22nd, 1028, ta Mr. and Mm. David Johns, Nestléton. a dalighter. WORK WANTED-I arn prépared ta ý)ow gardens. Womk done promPtty. C harges moderate. Robert Hetheington, Liberty St. 'N., Bowrnanville, phone 139- 33. 16-2w APPLES WANTEO-Any kind, cider, cooking or eating apples. Wouid calt for them. Any quantity up ta 50 barrels. State price. J. P. Yuté. Phone 384, Whitby, Ont. 17-1w WANTEO-Antique furnture. Néarly every home bas sanie aid fumniture of no furtbér use which coutd be turned into eady monéy. Write Mrs. B. Warnér. 56 King St. W., Oshawa. 13-t WANTEO-Rags. métal, Iron. and al kinde of oId Junk. Beet prices pald. Rage 76e cwt. Aloa good work horse wantéd. Drap post card ta William Taytor & Company, dealers, Duke St.. Bowmanville. 16-4' Eggs For Hatching EGGS FOR MATCH ING-Pure bred straîn Black Minorca eggs, the kînd that neéd no gradin g. 60 cents a setting 15 oggs. R. A. Galbraith, Burketon, ont. Phone 197r5. Port Perry. 17-t EGGS FOR HATCHING-Duck eggs- Mammoth White Pékin hatching eggs. 1 guarantée fertility and satlsfactomy haich. pt L. C. Wilcocks, R. R. 4. Bowmanvilfe. phone 142-r3. 7-13w' FOR SALE-Baby chicke tram S. C. W. Leghorns from high layingý stock, alo tram eggs not ees than 24 oz. to thé dozen. C&tI or phone F. W. Battté R R. 5, Bowmanvitte. phone 219J. '14-tf HATCHING EGGS AND BABY CHICKS -Selécted tram 500 Guvermnit cutled breédérs. Excéptionatly good wlntér tayers. Readéd by Canadian Contest and R. O. P. mate. Egge guaranteed ion% fertility. Prioes réasonabté. A. R. Clémens. R . R. 6, Bowmanvilé. phone 237-3. 16-tf EGGS FOR HATCHING-Barred Rocks and White Legrhornos-A specilt pen of Barred Rocks lnctudlng my lmported héns and headed bY my Imported cook, $3.00 per 15 eggs; egge from ilmported hens, 8.00 each; fiock matînge, 75e pet 15; White Leghorn flock matlitg, headéd by a aplendid British Columbia cackéret. 75e per 15 éggs. George Jamieson, New- castle, Ont. 12-tf. BABY CHICKS & HATCHING EGGS -Thé démand for aur baby chicks this season has been heavy which proves théir populhrlty. We give you strong, wll-hatchéd chlcks-every chlck produc- éd tram aur own stock-whlch you can réiy on for quantity and quallty of eggs. Cockerels of S. C. White Leghorn froni R.O.P. stock and White Wyandottes are extra choice matinge this year. CalI on US. Phone 38-2. W. I-. Carruthers, Bowmanvîlle. Ont. 12-tf BABY CHICKS AND HATCHING EGOS -We wIlt havé on May lot, 200 day-old chicks for sate, pure bréd White Leg- horns tram aur beet matlng. This -Pen of 153 héns le averaglng 84% production this monttî; thése liens are matéd ta niné of Cloverlands" béat cockerete Iwith dams recorde as hlgh as 274 eggs. These chlcks ought ta make wonderfut layers this fait when eggs are hlgh. Our pullts taid as hlgh as 62% test Oc- tabér. Why not get thé béat chicks on thé, market at only lSc each. Ait other dates booked. Can suppiy eggs froni this mating at 4c each. Orders filued ès recelvéd. Phone 3811 Carke. D. V. Howard Cibean, Bawmanvltte R. R. 4. 17-1w Real Estate For Sale IBUILDING LOTS FOR SALE-Three of thée finest building lots ln Bowmanville. on Liberty Street, North. Real bargain for quick sale. Apply ta Norman S. B. James at Statesman Office. PROPERTV FOR SALE-2 six-roorned éd brick houseis with ail modem conven- lences: aiso farni for sale ln townahip Clarke. Good buildings. Âppily ta Jas. E. Flett, Centre St., Bowmanville, phone 384. il-tf STOCK PARM FOR SALE OR RENT- 160 acres, more or tees, firat class grass farm. Lot 34. Concession 9, Darlington. wesi of Eniield. AlIo.set of stock welghing' scales with building. at Bmooklln Station. Apply to A. M. Hardy, Box 37, Bowmanville. 16-t Houses to - Rent _ HOUSE TO RENT-Large farm house, on Manvers Rossi. 6 miles from Bowman- ville, % acre of land. Apply Mrs. 01- sen, phone 181-r5. B. R. 6, isownianville. LAUNDRY WANTED All kinde of taundmy work dons prompt- ly. satlsfactorily and at reasonable prices Write Pont Office Box 12, or cali Mns W. Marjoram. King St. M. Bowmanvilie. Notice to Creditors R. 8. O. 192. Chap. 130, Sec. 51 ESTATE 0F Mrm. S. F. Hilt, Widow, deceased. ALL persoa havlng dcaims against the Town of Bowmanville, ln thé County of Durham, Wldow, deceased, who diéd on or about the sixteenth day of AprIl. A.D. 1928, are, heréby notitted tafIle wlth thé underaigned, on or before thé fifteenth day of May, A.D. 1928. full partiaulars of their dlaims. Immediately after said date, the assets of the deceased wlIl be distributed amongst those, enUtled thore- ta, having regard onty ta dlaims no fited. DATED at Bowmanvitle the 26th day of April, 1928. B.. KENT and J. A. MocCLELLAN Exécutor@, l*owmsnville Aricles For Sale FOR SALE-Renewed six year old Jer- seycow. Price $70.00. F. A. Turk Middle Road, Bowynanville. 17-1 CANOE FOR SALE-Extra large, in gond condition.. Apply, to Gordon Cowle, Church St., Bowmanville. 16-2w* COW FOR SALE-Jersey Durham due to renew about May 2nd . Clarenice Hall, R. R. 5, Bowmanvillie. or phone 474r4. 16-1 FOR SALE-Three horses, wil oeil ally of the three; good In ail harness. Apply ta T. F. Leach, Concession St., Bowman- vile. Phonle 499. 17-1w COW FOR SALE-Thoroughbred Ayr- shire cow. due ta freshen about May Ist. .Also some littie pige 8 weeks' old. Apply to W. J. Taylor. Bowmanville, phone 391J. 16-2* FOR SALE-Pure-bred Holstein and Jersey heifer calves for sale; also Stand- ard bred mare good double and single. A. A. Gibson. Ôrono. phone Orono 4 ring 6. 16-t FOR SALE-Clyde horse. rising 6 years; Brood sow with pige; Quantlty of 0A.C. baby chicks Leghorne, for first week In May. F. il. Rundie, R. R.* 2, phone 176-21, Bowmanville. 16-2w FOR SALE-White Leghorn hens, one huded large, Barrons heavy laying tain. mt years pullets; aiso 75 egg incubator in firet class condition,' for (iok sale $500. H. B. Creeper. Rom-1 sey Street. Bowmanviile. 16-tf BUILDERSI BARGAINS-Spring Bar- gain Circular free. Save on Doors,' Windows. Rooflng, Shîngles, 1losen Paint, Wallboard. Hardware. Wel direct,' freight paid. Write Hlia Company, Box 198-8. Mamilton 1- Wanted COOK GENERAL-Apply ta Mrs. Geo. W. McLaughlin. 261 Simcoe St. N., Osh- awa. Phone 30. 17-1 SEWING WANTED-Piain sewing and chidens clothing. Moderate prioes. Mrs. Roy Hooper, 22 Carlisie Ave., Bow- manivilie, phone 404. 16-"f Brookdale Nurseries PHONE 7 BOWMAN VILLE 1000 Water Glasses Water glasses are aiways being broken, so here's a bargain that xiii appeal to every house- keeper: 1000 Water Glasses, beautiful design, first quaiity, no "seconds" in the lot, regularly sold at $1.00 a dozen, as a weekend special we offer them while they last at 49c DOZEN 500 Cups and Saucers These are semi-porcelain China and we could only get 500 to seli at this very low price as a Week-End Special 10c FOR CUP AND SAUCER See these wonderful bargains on display in our west window. The weather hasn't been up to much for house- cleaning, but keep believing the sunshine and warm weather xiii be here. Then you'll want us to supply your housecleaning needs to make the dirt fly--see our east wndow. ARCHIE TAIT Phone 65 Bowmanvillie THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY- MAY 3-4-50 COME TO OUR STORE AND SEE HOW SIMPLE ~ ~-X~:IT IS TOAPPLY It Matters No£ Alabastine Alabastine mnixes read- TO YOUR WALLS ily with hot or cold water and remains_____ fluid no matter how long it stands. Wil Ve economical Use a soit brisile briish. CH ».CoL-ATM Put over paper or on plain walls. Sole Agents for Staeunton's Sunworthy Wall Paper, Glidden Paint and Alabastine. GEO. PRITCHARD a DosoWet of F. F. Morris C.. Phne 489 DowuanvlU. NO MORE STALLING Us'e White Rose Gasoline and Feel Secure That quick response, that srnooth pick-up, that mileage yoi'd love to boast about. Ail cari be at- tained and maintained by using White Rose, a pure and almost Carbonless motor fuel. Dependable Proper Lubrication -means longer lîfe and service to your car and machinery. EN-AR-CO OIL -is the right oil. Our stations have the right back for more. Costs No More White Rose Service Station Phone 430 Fred W. Nelles Bowmanville Do You Need Trees or Berry Bushes ? We bave a real good assortment of Apple, Pear, Plumn and Cherry Trées, also Rasphénniés, Currants, Grapes and Gooseberriés. In shade trées our stock consiste of Silvér, Norway and Sugar Maplés, Birch, Catalpas, Elms, Poplars, Spi-uce in vurietiés, Scotch Piné and Willows. You are cordially invited ta visit us ai. any tume. ý- 1 £HE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THUPLSDAY, ARPIL 26th., 1928 PAGE PIVB

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