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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Apr 1928, p. 7

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TrHE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, ARPIL 26th., 1928 AE ER G YPROC walls and partitions will make your summer cottage much more attractive, comfort- able and fire-safe. Gyproc takes any decoration-a perfect matenial wîth which to Uine your summer home. Write for free bock, «'Walls That Reflect Good Judgment," on home planning with Gyproc, Rochoard aud Insulex. CANADA GYPSUM AND ALABASTIN, LUMITD Paris canada For Sale Byj John A. Holgate & Son - Bowmanville, Ont. ?llkMark ofQ2uatty"ý' BuRlt-uto-last Wagons N Toniy built-to-last, but built to give that rough. tough, money-saving service for which Taco wagons have long been fa- mous. Contructed from carefüuiy seîected stocks-thoroughly sea- soned and kiln died-all parts bathed in lmnseed oil, wefl ironed, braced and trusaed. Truly the malt dependable and al-round satisfactory wagons you cari buy. An unqualiied guarantee goes wlth every Taco wagon sold. Let us show you the complete line. TUDHOPE-ANDERSN CO., LIMMTE MAakers of Good Farxn Isplements Orilia - Ontario The Famous TACO LUne PLOWS HARROWS CULTIVATORS MOWERS RAKES PULVERIZERS MANURE SPREADERS SCUFFLERS CREAM SEPARATORS GASOLINE ENCINES STEEL WHEELS SLEIGHS WAGONS AND GEARS RANGES AND STOVES FURNACES Write for firee folder, telling us the particular lino ini wich you ame in- tercsted. What most people caîl indigestion ta usually oxce sacid in the stom- aeh. The food bas sourod. The in- stant remedy is an alkali which noutralîzo. acide. But don't use erudo helps. Use what your doctor ,would adviso. mThe bst help is Phillipa' Milk af Mi,=si. For the 50 yoars aines ita in tio bha remained stadard wfth physclans. You vili find noth- tag elsee o aquck in teeffco bsumIsu, opeBolmt. One tastelesa spoonful lu vmter neutralises many times ita volume ln acid. The results are immediato, with no badl after-effects. Once oeu learn this fact, you will nover I.a with exceesa acid in the crude ways. Go learn-now-why thls method la su promo. 13o sure ta, get the genuine Phil- llps'M ilk af Magnesha. preacrlbed by phyMcans for 50 yoars in correting emmas lda. Eush bottle canlu ffl dlreetoms-eDydrugst,'g No One to Carry On But there will be no faurth genera- tion to carry on the Percy tradition. ýMr. John Percy's children bave dis- tinguished thenîselves in business. His brother Tom, 69 years old, who stands beside him at tbe forge, bas anc son, Harley, but be is assistant auditor of the city of Toronto. Tbey do not regret tbey have no sons to carry on their. art. There is ro art to carry on. "Once I mnade the sboes and even the nails", said' Jo'hn. "Now the shoes come from the factory and we fit them to the horse. And there are fewer and fewer borses to be fitted. Many borses working on the soft earth are not shod. Wben the farmer takes to tbe road, it is in a car. Fifty-three years ago he sent samp- les of bis craf t to the Philadelphial centennial exhibition and won second prize. He bad also exhibited at Toronto. Once at Ottawa he won both first and second prizes. Jobn dragged out a box whicb con- tained the winning exhibits. To open it was like opening a Phanoah's tomb. A sledge bammer and pick were ne- cessary. The sboes, to -keep theni from rusting, were packed in lime whicb, in the course of years, had become as rigid as plaster of Paris or a death mask. Those sboes neyer will be worn, neyer again exhibited. There place is in a museum as relics of a bygone1 art. One set was for Clydeadales or Percherons and bad the dull finish of the unpoîisbed iron. The other îighter set was for roadsters or rac- o rs. The steel was poîished till it shone like nickel, and its grooves and indentations were gilded. It was ai mirror of the past. Mr. Perey put one sboe on top of the other and called attention to the fact each of the front or bind pair was the exact replica of its twin. Per- fect symmetry was one of their artis- tic p oints. He aIso remarked on the graceful, even curve of tbe inner edge cf the groove tbrougb whicb the nails were driven. The curve seemed traced by a pair cf compasses. ýIt was made by band with the help cf a small en- graving tool, a diminutive adze. It required absolute steadiness of hand and eyc te tap the red bot iran witb this blacksmitb's "burnin", so there, was ne trace wbere tbe strokes john- ed. Anvil Used 55 Years The anvil, wbicb rang like a Stradi- varius, xvas almost as great an an-ý tique as the smitby. Mr. Percy still could recaîl the day be bougbt it. "I Badder Weakness Makes Life Misery! Daily Annoyance, Troubletome Nights Wrocking Lives of Thousande States Writer Who Tols What To Do For Quick Reliefi! Backachea, headaches, Pains in foot and legs, Nenvouanesos, Restlessness, frequent but scanty uination with burning and pain, getting-up-nighta --are some of the more troubîeaomo signa of Bladder Trouble that should have prompt attention before they reacb a miore serious stage! No matter bow stuborn your case may seem to be or bow many medi- cmoes you bave triod withcut reaulta -dAon't think your condition is hope- les& or the natural, consequencea of advancing years until you have triod the special new troatment of a wonld known chemist, calîed "1SYROL" Tablets. On a strict guaranteeocf moaey back on firat box purchased if you do flot roceivo avif t and satisfying ro- lif-any good drugglst will supply you wth "Syrol" Tablota in soaled packages eontaiumng tva veeka' sup- ply. If "Syrol" Tablets bring grot relief Insideocf 48 houris ad a won- derful Improvement insldeofaitva weeka, yau should b. gr..tly plna.d -If they do flot h.lp, th.y cost o nothlng. Aïk your druggle totay. BOWMANVILLE BLÀCKSM1TH ON JOB SIXTY.ONE YEARS John Percy Holds Longevity Record as Active Blackamith Last week's issue of The Toronto Star Weekly contained the following very inteî esting write-up of the Perey i3rothers, two well known .Bownian- ville citizens. Tbey hold a unique record, the particulars of whicb we gladly reproduce as compiled by R. C. Reade, a feature-writer of The Star: Oshawa recently bas celebrated the golden jubilee of S. F. Ho oper, its native son, "the daddy of the Horse- shoes, who was fifty years a black- smith. Bownianville, however, bas a "grand-daddy" of the borseshoes, al- so a native son. He is John Perey, 77, who 61 years ago completed his apprenticeship to bis father and made his first sboe. And Bowmanville does flot need to forge any documents to establisb its dlaim to a smitb of greater longevity than the ancient one of Oshawa, wbo some years ago retired to live in Tor- onto. Jobn Perey can be seen daily in hiis leathern apron at bis forge, mak- ing tbe bellows roar or plunging tbe red hot iron into the issing vat or beating it into cold, black docility on the ringing anvil. He bas no spreading cbestnut tree at bis door and be is not quite so mighty a man as Longfellow's Her- culean smith. He is not more than five feet seven in heigbt, but he a large and sinewy bands and forearmn muscles as strong as steel cables. He can swing the big sledge bammer asý deftly as a parlor maid flicks a duat- er. His smithy, at tbe door of wbicb nearly four generations of Bowman- ville children bave lingered to see tbe sparks fiy and tbe smoke cue fo the boofs of bormes, is 70 years old, a red brick structure grimy with charcoal fumes. "lIt was built by mny fatber'", be said. "He came from Devonshire andi his father wvas a blacksmith before hini '. He exbibited bis fatber's great seal brought many years ago from Eng- land. The edges of the bard steel still were as sharp as tbe tootb of envy or ingratitude. Driven into a tough oak plank, it left a clear im- pression, "I. Percy", in wbicb the J1", in the old typograpby stood for "'J", which was Jobn. J. HER MON Buys Poultry, Apples and Wool 8t Fair Prices Phones: Bowmanville: Geo. Cowling 320rl5 Toronto: Trinity 3949J Address: 274 Augusta Ave., Toronto Getting Threadbare? Why worry? The rem- edy is so simple. Replace it with hardwood 1 Nothing could be prettier or in better taste .. .. it banishes the sweeping bugbear . . . . it neyer wears out . . . . and it costs so little 1 ReaIly, if's weil worth investigating.1 McCLELLAN & CO. LTD., Phono 15 Bowmanville *i:mu:ESTaT:HA TuS ADEI OSITUARYf James Garfat, Boooklin James Garfat of Brooklin died at bis residence Tuesday, April 17, in1 bis 80tb year. Dece.ased was a member of a f am- ily whicb bas resided for many years1 in Darlington townsbip, being a son of Mr. and Mrs. John Garfat, whol bad come from England in early if e and settled on Con. 7, Darlington. He was twice married, first to Eîla Rosa, daugbter of tbe late Alex. Ross, 7tb Line, Darlington, and second toi Henrietta Abraham, who survivesi, hîm. He leaves one daughter by bis first marriage, Mrs. W. C. Annis, Dunbarton, and a brother, Josepb.1 Deceased always followed the occu-1 pation of a farmer until his retire-j ment a few years ago. For the pasti two years the bas resided in Brook- lin. Fie was a niember of the Uni-2 ted Cburcb, and a Conservative in ç poitics. Tbe funeral was held from the family residence, Brooklin, on Thursday afternoon to Zion Church, wbere a sbort service was beld, andi interment took place in Zion Cerne- tery, Mitcbell's Corners. Rev. J. P. JuIl officiated. was a Young fellow'", he remarked,j "and I was very pleased -%,len my fatber insisted I sbould go ta Tor-E anto and select tbe new anvil. Fie said: 'You wiflbave to use it, John, s0 you had better choose it'. I got it from Rice-Lewis. They gave me a five-year guarantee and it bas last-t ed 55 eyrsn Mr ercy is a living refutation ofi the tbeory or fallacy that drafts pro- duce colds. Tbere is no fire in theE smitby except in the forge, and tbat1 is only a spark ecp when the bel-1 lows roar. Consequen1y for 60 winters bie bas been standing al day long in a fireless room in freez- ing weather. And bis only ilînes bas been an attack of typhoid. His tattere and begrimed leather apo ooked as venerable an antique as the anvil. But it was quite mod- ern. "The horses stamp on and tear Tbey also stamp on the blacksmith. For every instance of maliciousness, on the part of a motor car wben it starts of its own accord and runs over, its owner. be could site 100 casesg of ingratitude of horses to their bene- [ factor and sbaemaker. To be a blacksmith a man needs muscles on bis ribs as weIl as on bis ai-ms. "Tbey also wilî strike at youu wvth their fore feet', lbe declared, and ex- bibited fingers crushed by bis own bandiwork. Shoeing a borse wasi as bazardous as sboeing away becs.1 Despite bis 77 years, lhe bad no in- tention of leaving the forge for tbe fireside. As long as there was a borse left be was going to nail on sboes until lie was nailed into bis coffin. Fie bad laughed at 60 winters of fire andl frost; he could laugh at a few more. 1A former inayor of Bowmanville bore witness te lis bardibood. "If you pass bis smitby any winter morn- ing at eight o'clock you can sec hini at work, though the floor is cavered witb snow'". He bas been honored in tbe comn- munity in wbich be was born, for lie bas been high school trusta. and many times a niember of the town council. Bowmanville has not so great ai population as in the old timne when the street outside the blacksmith's 1 shop was like a borse fair and Mr. Percy was hiable to wear eut a new leatber apron in one day. A SPRING TONIC Tbe greateat and most reliable sprin tonic is MILLER'S CANA- DIANHERB JUICE. A true lierbaI rexnedy made froni herbs, roots, barks and bernies. Wonderful for stomach, liver and bowel disorders. I Ask Jury & LoveIl Ltd., about this remedy. VRe-roofthisYear with RIB-ROLL the Permanent Roofing for Barns, Houses, Sheds LOW ininitialcoot... comes in big shota-easy and q"ickta Iay..poraneu... leak-proof... handome ini appoaranoe. Pro- venta fires . . imnoases value of proporty. Mode of famous uCcÔumcil Standard" gavanizod shoota. Givo uize of roof for free eatimate. Write ta: Eêstcrn 1Prodà flESMNTONn. r to LOV.J%>Y Sh@ck Absorber. NEW FISHcR BODIES NEW GMR CYLINDER HEAD ';EW FUEL P'JMP NEW CRANKCASE VENTILATION NEaW THERMIOSTAT NEW DASH GASOLINE G.I'GE FOUR WiEEEmL BRALM It's very easy ta miake a car look new again. Permnalak it. A few hours work and it's ready for the road. There are twelve popular calons in Perrnalak for motor cars. Ask your dealer for the special A%É& auto color card. This aea folder on color ifustrates the pas- ibilitien of Pemalak in the home. Frec from your derner or write direct to the ccm- pany at MozitreaL MASON & DALE, Bowmanville, O)nt. H. C. BONATHAN, Newcastle, Ont. T HF vast resourcts of Generai Motors madè poàsible the high standards cf Pontiac performance and valu,--. Into the New Series Fontiac Six bave gone the resuits cf ex'>eri- ence gained in the buiding of millons of cari . . . ri dis. coveries ma~de ini toc great Ci-ner2l i Latot I'arator-iza . . . cf authenticrîi gansd mastcr c-iftsnmansiiip deve!opiid by Lia Gerieral Motors bk , .ýe7- cf the i-na-iio economies in Gt- ~ " . as:ng uii-A produ..zion 1 And, back cf tt:- N r [ ::îcS:, -e r.ihions of miles of relentless testing un thie Gcne'~"rc! Ti ro,,itia Grounds. The pcrformîance, -d-e consfurt, the lqtiLi. drabihty of ie New Seric!. Pontiac S SY. ýre LL:; q. .jtAlîtities Generai Motors baà ~avdthit'* AiS your dealer about the G.Ml.A.C. DeI.mýd Pay.~cw aPlan, shich make, buyi.g easy. 7he XCw ~ee CORBETT MOTOR SALES CO. Bowuaanvill. ont. PiODUCT 0F GENEAL MOT.0RS OF. CANADA. LIMITED BLACKSTOCK Sorry to report tbe serious illness of Mr. Newton Taylor. Mrs. F. Willan is in Janctville wîtb ber sister, Mrs. T. Stinson, wbo is il. Miss Pearl Foster, Windsor, spent Easter with ber sister, Mrs. S. A. Devitt. Mr. and Mrs. W. VanCamp and fainily visited tbe latter's xnotber, Mrs. M. Smith. The W. A. of St. Jobn's Churcb will boîd an exhibition of curios and concert on May 4th. Mr. Wm. VanCamp attended the Trustees' Section of tbe O. E. A. Convention in Toronto Mr. S. A. Devitt purcbased 35 fine young cattle in Toronto and is putting them on bis ranch for the summer. Tbe deep synipatby of the com- munity is extended to Mrs. Frank Stinson in the death of ber father, Mr. William Nixon of Darlington. W. J. HAMBLY HONORED BY YOUNGER ASSOCIATES William James Hambly, one of the oldest members of the printîng trades in Toronto, was tendered a banquet at the Albany Club by a number of young men who bave styled tbem- selves the "Hambly Saturday Mfter- noon Club". Mr. Hambly ia now nearing bis 84th birthday, and is in excellent healtb. In an after-din- ner speech, he advised bis friends that thbe best way to get the most out of life was to "take out of life wbat is goed, discard what is evil, and smile".* A smoking set was pre- sented to Mr. Hambly an behalf of the gathering by Thomas A. Murphy, M.P.P. Mr. Hamrbly is a cousin of the late Mrs. W. W. Allin of Bowmanville. SPRING TERM In each of Sbaw's Twelvo Schools merges into the Summer Termn witb no forced vacations. Enter any time. Booklet free. Write 1130 Ray St., Toronto, W. R. Shaw, Secretary. 1 - t Local Agent THERON S. MOUNTJOY Bowmanville R. R. 6 Immediate Relief ! I"Certainly Are Deicious" Is the way many people express their feelings after eating "Page & Shaw's Chocolates." If you haven't tried these chocolates there's a real treat in store for you. Sold in Bowmanville at The Bowmanviile Bakery Successors to Christie's Bakery Bcowmanville PAGE BEVICN

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