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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 May 1928, p. 4

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMM-NVIILr, THURSDAY, MAY 24th., 1928 DOCTORS' HOLIDAYS Menchantu report business gooti. During the summer the Physicians This is the open season for Suntiay of Bowmanville will close thein offices Scbool annivensaries. Wednesday aftennoon anti evening. Capt. George Atikins, Port Hepe, In case of emengency at this tume bas been appointeti officiaI trustee of call ',tbe 136tb battalion Canteen Funti, Dr. Bell the lut Wednestiay of montb; filing the vacancy causeti by tieatb Drs. Hazlewooti & Binks 2nd WVednes- of the late Hon. R. A. Mulbolland. day of month; Dr. G. C. Bonnycastle, Bowmanville, Dr. Slenron 3rd Wetinestiay of! month; fIlls tbe vacancy causeti by the tieath Dr. Storey 4th Wednesday of month. i ef Rev J. Elliott. I t i t C. Edgar Horn Hampton Flour and Feed Mill RIDE THE GIARTON WAY NIAGARA FALLS BY BUS Regular Trips Each Sunday FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY Everyone should take in these -,onderful scenic trips. Drive for miles along beautîful highways in our conifortable coaches where one gets a clear view of interesting points along the way. See the wonders of the Niagara Peninsula with its miles of Fruit Orchards. This trip includes drive along the Canadian side as far as Chippawa, back by Fall view. BOOK YOUR TICKETS NOW STARTING MAY 27tb (Daylight Saving Time) Return Fare Leave Bownianville 7.00 a. m. $4.50 Leave Courtice 7.15 a. m. $425 Leave Oshawa 7.30 a. m. $4.00 Leave Whitby 7.45 a. m. - $3.75 10 minutes stop at Buriington. Arrive at Falls 12.30 noon. Leave after illumination 9 p. m. For information Phone Bowmanville 412, Oshawa 2283 Tickets may be purchased from any of our Bus Drivers or office girl Those making trip may leave cars at our garage without extra charge. T. A. GARTON, Proprietor Fancy Wedgwood Plates My what an assortment of these beautiful plates, imported direct frorn the manufacturers, every color and design you can think of, suitable for gifts or own use. Worth up to $1 .25, Special for the Weekend 75c and 85c Each See them in the windows and then corne in and pick thern out. Irish Cobbler Potatoes FOR SEED OR EATING Nice srnooth rneaty potatoes We have only a lirnited'quantity at this price and I doubt if we can duplicate thesç at the price. ~$1.65 a iago-f-901bs. ARCHIE TAIT Phone 65 Bowrnanville Summer Suggestions FROM THE LARGEST STOCK 0F HARDWARE AT POPULAR CASH PRICES OIL STOVES REFRIGERATORS SCREEN DOORS SCREEN WINDOWS LAWN MOWERS GARDEN TOOLS CHICKEN WIRE FISHING TACKLE POULTRY SUPPLIES Dustan's Cash Hardware "*WE SERVE YOU WELL" Seed Corn For Sale e e, C: o v fi b. c a, ei el E F ei fi NI Bý Hl 5h ai hi er th4 o on wh st H. aný Mr Fiani ce' Na bui wh sin( an PAGE FOUR ce-Mrs. H. Annis; Secretary- 9 ONLY LEFT of our Specia jrer-Miss Etina Reynoldis; ,t Director-Mrs. J. YelIow- ea: The 25th aeniversary of our te will be celebrateti on June ren we hope te entertain aur rmembers anti ether fnientis. NELSON'S iy new advrts. this week-be oreati theni. dthe interesting stony of the King St West bee on another page.1 - -1 e»MAPLE GROVE TYRONE Miss Eliza Kirkton, Town, spent Churcb service next Suntiay at nday with Miss Hiltia Foley. 10.30 a. mi. b. Quite a number froinbene attend- Rev. J. R. Trumpour took Rev. tr Base Line anniversary on Suntiay. Mn. Irwin's work at Whitby on Sun- til Sunday Sch-ool on Sunday will meet day. W 1.15 p. m. instead of 1.30 p. m. Gladti te ean that Mn. Howardi M othe following Sunday. Brent wbo untierwent a very uerious Ti Mr. and Mns. E. R. Freemain, Pont operation in General Hospital, Tern- Of bhousie, necently visitell bis ento, ils doing niceîy. H then Mn H.G. reean.League Thurstiay evening was in M. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Snowden bave change of 3nti Vice. Mn. Allan McCoI1. R. mnneti fnom thein honeymoon and Programn: Reading, Mn. Clarence M: ýen up residence in Toronto. Hatbenly; necitation, Master Donald w( Miss Marjony Stevens, Mn. Harvey McColl; a splendid topic on "Youing ho oks and Mn. Elgin Munday inotor- People anld tbe Problems of Modern CE eo Toronto on Satunday and visiteti Home Life" by Mns. (Rev.) J. R. Cc fnmen's sister, Mrs. Ray Snow- Ti-umpoun. Several contests were sc 1.enjoyeti anti a lovely lunch senveti W [r nd arga ret Milabythe Insens in the contest. a ss M nraeM. anti Mns. Frank Sunday Scbool Anniversary was a yo nrd, Beaverton, visiteti lhden cous- tiecideti success, the weatben being tel ,Mn. anti Mns. J. D. Stevens on ideal. Gooti congregations gneetedibe iday Rev. A. M. Irwin of Whitby, at botb gr, ns. Leonanti Richards anti brother, morning anti evening services. In, Isi son Wilkins, Salem, spent the the morning, Rev. Mn. Irwin spoke in ckenti with their aunt andi unci e chiefiy te the chiltinen on "Success". 1F. anti Mns. E. W. Foley anti attend' In the evening he preacheti an ex-VI Base ine nnivesar- cellent sermon on "Success" to the es, 3aseLin anivenar~. eder people. School nentiereti uplen- we n. anti Mrs. R. C. Nellis, Mn. ant idt music at botb services. Newcast- Ci] Than Smith anti son Roy, Willow- le maIe quartet assisteti with the nei emotoreti town on Sunday anti music anti sang at both services whicb SOl eti Mr. anti Mrs. C. H. Snowdee.1 was very mucb appreciateti. St« ;Smith nemaîneti for the funerall Visitons: Mn. Fred Goodman, Bow- tra ier nephew, the late Beaven Sno du, anti ils spending the week -.ý manville, at home; MissJeseH ey a broter, n. has.Axfrtian ong Suit, with Mrs. C. D. Hotig- w s, Mrs. C.MH. Csd. Af ,adson; Mn. Qeorge Alîdreati and Mr. bo George Young, Bowmanville, .d Mn. the 'ie sympathy of the neighborbnod James Alldreati's; Mn. andti Mrs. J.* Mn lentiedtiteMn. anti Mns. C. H. H. Mutton spent a few tiays in Chat- Du vtien, Nellie anti Marion, in thýe1ban; Mn. anti Mns. Charlie Richards, qi of their only son anti brother Oshawa, at Mn. T. Richards'; Mn. anti -. wh 'en ,although being in ill healtb Mrs. A. W. Pnescott anti Ruth, En- eni a considerable length of time with fielti, with Miss V. Sb irtt; Mr. antiM rt trouble, froni which regartiless Mns. James Soucb, BoNvmanville, atlber .e veny best nursing that caulti Mn. A. Hawkey's; Mn. anti 2tirs, Sher- S. :estoweti upon him anti the higb- wood Runtile anti family, Bowsnan- ser metiical skill that coulti be obtain- ville, at Mrs. E. Wight's; Mr. anti Mn fon hlm there was ne possible Mrs. Arthur Smith anti family, Rs.g- w, He displayed a bright Christ- Ian, Mn. anti Mns. Herb. Scott anti we attitudie tbnougb it aIl. The very family, Orone, at Mr. Thos. Scott's; ag enumber present at the funeral Miss Florence Down, Oshawa, with a [onday afternoon testifieti to the Miss Margaret Moore; Rev. A. M .I- n- alrtanti the dlean, manly life win, Wbitby. witb Mr. anti Mrs. A.ei ,h bat just been calleti home by W. Annis; Misses Rena anti Myrti! re Heavenly Father. Farrell, Long Sault, witb Miss K. Re, McCullougb; Miss Edythe Andrnews, îive anti Mr. Wesley Little, Oshawa, .-,r. SOLNAanti Mns. W. Hughson, Mtr. anti r.iRe. SOLINAGeorge Arnolti anti family, Teronte, nv r. anti Mrs. Peter Walker ' it.dat Mrs. W. Little's; Mr. anti MrS.R. Su1 du at Pontypeol. S" . Virtue andi Dorotby, Oshawa, Dr. niaI anti Mns. C. W. Slemon, Bow-manville,.. saseti to sec Mn. S. Bush at work ' Mn. J. J. Virtue anti Miss Sadie Vint- toe tifying the cemetery. ue, Hampton, at Mr. Wm. Staples; tike su Manjonie Annis, Dunbarton, Mn. A. W. Clemens spent the week- lk siting Miss Fanny Smales. enti in Toronto; Mn. anti Mrs. Fred Irs. M. E. Penfounti, Oshawa, is Wight anti Dorothy. Newcastle, Mn. ng ber daughter, Mns. W. T. anti Mrs. Melbourne Wight anti G ye- r. I tolyn, Providence, at 'Mr. H. Colla- J r. Fred Miller, Mn. anti Mns cutt's; Mn. anti Mrs. Fred Moore, U. nly, Oshawa, visiteti Mn. J. j. Providence, Mn. anti Mrs. G. S-,ott 'j_5 we. anti Florence, Oshawa, at Mr. L. boti antiM'~W. J rond, ow-Skinnen'u; Mr. Levi Annis, Toronto, o Ir.andM,-. W J.Foud, ow-at home; Mns. Clara Byanc, Bowman- ville, vue .'ti Mru. Norman Yel- ville, witb ber tiaughter, Mrs. L Ces. Heoopen; Mn. anti Mns. T. A. Antierson,- I.anti Mns. W. L. Miller anti Teronte, at Mn. S. T. Hoan's; Mn. antid .J. J. Brown spent Suntiay at Mns Cecil Malley, Orono, at Mn. R. lia anti Atherley. WTighit'u; Mr. anti Mys. Wesley I.anti Mrs. Morley CGok, MisseslBragg, n .rRickard anti Miss Marîon ianti Inene Cook, Columbus Rickanti, Newcastle, Mrs. L. Annis, egueuts of Mn. C.Blnhd at Mn. A. H. Bnent's; Mn. Mark Allie, gü,dIly nuinber from our vicinity àMn. Ha;Md .- ! Miss Evelyn Allin, ndeti Enniskllen annivenuary anti Newcastle, Mn. anti Mns. Leslie Col- ýed the services on Suntiay lacott anti family, Salemi, at Mn. Han- olti Skinner's; Mn. anti Mrs. W. Riti- Li ant Mr. PterLeukMn.ant telI anti Ilene, Master ROSS Mencer, sa oradonrs.Le ttie teas fu. ndMn. anti Mrs. Thonipson, Mru. Stap- w! Gofo the ae ilam Anethe fns- ileton, Onono, Mnu. J. Bail anti Rena, ofWheby WllamAner 'n Leskanti, ut Mn. W'm. Virtue's; Mrs. Whitby.H. Hooey anti Miss Gladys Hooey, br ranti Mru. F. Webber, AutireY, Bownianville, Mn. R. Mewens, Osh-fni ianti Billie, Sbaw's, Mn. anti Mns awa, at Mn. R. Hathenley's; Miss K. 1Page, Bowmanville, visiteti at Gibbs, Mnr. Bert Martlock, Bowm an- f W. N. Paucoe's. ville, Mn. Art Sions anti Mn. Dick f ranti Mnu. George White, Mun- Gibbs, Oshawa, at Mn. T. Gibbs'; Mn. b rhompson anti Fred. Pontypool, anti Mns. H. Freen, Bethestia, at Mn. aet Mns. Thos. Bennett, Bow- Percy Haywarti's. ville, visiteti at Mn. Peter Walk- The Statesman is $2.00 a yean on $1.00 for balance of 1928. ep .anti Mrs. John Wonnacott antith, Dorotby Wonnacott, Mns. Wil- Wonnacott anti baby Mari onie, A CORRECTION ripanieti Mns. David Johns to fCo: leton.. Prîces of Dodge Car* lncorrectly s. S. E. Werny neturneti from f Quoted Last Week manville Hospital on Fri'lay last. 1 _____ nrientis are pleaseti to know that Ie the lange ativertisemeet in last is making satiufactony progneus week's Statesman featuring Dodge b ler necent operation anti wish Brothers Victony Six Automobiles 3peeiy anti complete neceveny. the pnices were inconnectly inserteti s. (Dr.) L. B. Williams, Ton- due te the publishens' mistake. Wzn. r ,visiteti witb Mrs. N. Wotten. J. Challis, authenizeti Dotige Bros. ranti Mrs. Fred Hardy, Miss Ir- tiealer ativises us the correct pnices landy, New Toronto, Miss Drap-, for the Victory Six wbicb is meeting r. AIf. Hardy, Hampton, Mn. anti1 sucb populan demanti are: 4-doon Jas. Hardy, Uxbnidge, visiteti at'1 Setian-$1525; De Luxe Sedian- L Harvey Hardy's. $1595; ail prices delivereti including .anti Mrs. John Baker attentiet spare tire. [oetbly Club Luncheon at tbe Training Scbool, Bowmanville, lntiay anti enjoyeti the atidress rR. S. Duncan, Dinecton of Ag -_________________ iraI Representatives, Toronto, was the guest speaker. 25 only, Revensible Jute RUgS, Harvey Brooks anti Miss M. in 6 lovely colon cembinationu -s M'. yJ.7 __ W . Broksani 1Mss foir HallsBetiren-s nr Living,- COURTICE Mr. and Mrs. Jack Pickell anti abe, and Mr. Gordion Pickell, De- rit, spent the weekend with rela- ves here..Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Vebster, Misses Gladys and Ellinor, fr. Hur]ey, Mr. Lu Webster and Mrs 'rner, Toronto, were Sunday guests fMrs. A. F. Rundle . .. .Mrs. Arthur lnes, Hamilton, Mrs. A. Anderson, rs. James Robinson and Mr. Scott obinson, Toronto, calleti at. Mr. W ýCourtice's recently. Mrs. Haines, rs. Anderson anti Mrs. Robinson ere tiaughters of W. W. Scott whose mre was the farin of the late Mr. ornish a little west anti north of ourtice. Thein uncle, Mr. John ott of Listowel, formerly owned ;R. Courtice's home anti they were round seeing the homes of their unger days ... . On Thursday af- ýnoon the W. M. S. meeting wasl Id at the cbuncb, Mrs. Ross Pearce's roup in charge. Mrs. John Found, 3Vice President, took the chair the absence of our President Mrs. W. Rundle, wbo is in the West siting. After devotional exercis- ;a prettymissionary pageant was ill given by members of the Mission rcle. A short program, also a tding by Mrs. Ross Pearce, a vocal o by Mrs. Roberts, Darlington ution, who bas a remarkable con- alto voice, and a pretty littie vocal iet was nicely sung by Misses Vel- aand Louise Pearce. A fine lunch as served to aIl present and a social wr enjoyeti.... On Friday evening echoir met at the home of Mr. andi s. G. F. Annis for regular practise. ring the evening Mrs. Annis anti iss Ada serveti ice cream and cake hich every one enjoyeti and the ev- ng passeti aIl too quickly. Mn. anti s. Annis were most genial in their ne. . ... Sunday morning Rev. W. P. Boyce preacheti an excellent rmon which aIl enjoyed. We think r. Boyce bas not bust any of bis )nderful ability for preaching anti were pleaseti to have hlm with us ai...Sunday afternoon at Sun- yScbool Mr. W. R. Courtice wvas charge in the absence of the Sup- itendent..Sunday eveninz a at many went to No. 3 anti beard v. T. Wallace of Newtonville, de- ne a gooti sermon .... Our Pastor, v. J. H. Stainton, was taking an- versary services in Newtonville on xtiay. Mrs. Stainton was in En- ýillen Sunday and Master Ronald ..Leaves are out on the trees anti re blossomu andi grain is up making ccountry veny pretty and more espring after the cool weather. FARMERS' CLUB NOTICE JJ. Morrison, Secretary of the F. O., will speak in Sbaw's Sebool, 's9day, May 29th et 8 p. mi. Every- y welcome. Refreshinents. R. Bragg, H. Eari Osborne, President. See'y.-Treas. .350 Bay Street Toronto - J Perennials -and Shrubs Plant Now Hydrangea, late .......................50$ Hydrangea, early ......................25 .35 .50 Spirea, <Bridal Wneath) ...............25 .35 .50 Weigelia, (E. Rathke).................. .50 Forsythia .................................50 Rose Bushes, H. P....................... .40 Rose Bushes, dozen.................... 4.20 Rose Bushes, H. T ....................... .40 Rose Bushes, dozen..................... 4.20 Delphinium, many colons, each ......25 Barberry ..................................35 Trollius, (early Orange Globe) ......35 Iris, (Japanese) named .................. .35 Iris, (German) to colon.................. .15 Baby Ramblen Roses, lied and Pink, ea .35 Monkshood, tiark blue ...................25 Monkshood, dozen....................... 2.50 Cydonia, (Japan Quince)................ .50 W. Deliver lu Town S. J. Jackman & Sons Phone 80 Bowmanville A FALSE IMPRESSION You tien't have te get me te bang your paper when you buy bere. We're gladti t seil you the paper-anti you can bang it yeur- self on get whe ever you like. But nememben if its Staunton's Sun- wortby Wall Paper we selI it. Sole Agents for Glitiden Palts- Alabustine. G. Pritchard Painten anti Decenaton 2 Doons West of F. F. Morris Ce. Phone 489 Bowmanville RUGS AXMINSTER RUGS French manufacture anti seamiess, comes in six lovely colon combinations in the f ollowing sizes anti pnices. 27 in. x 54 in. $3.95; 11/2 yds. x 21/2 yds. $13.00; 21/ x 21/2 $19.00; 21/ x 3 $22.50; 3 x 3 $29.50; 3 x 31/2 $35.00; 3 x 4 $39.00. WILTON RUGS AIse French matie, a lovely seft velvet pile finish le levely diesigns anti colons, will gîve splendid service. 27 in. x 54 in. $6.50; 11/2 yds. x 2 yds. $16.50 11/2 yds.x 21/2 yds. $21; 21/4 x 2/2 $30.00 214x 3 $35.00; 3 x 3 $45-00; 31/2 x 3 $55.00; 3 x 4 $59.00. 24 only, bit anti miss Rag Rugs for bathroom or bedroomn, they wasb well and give extra good wear, size 2 ft. by 4 ft.............. 69c PANELS 50 lace Panels in Strong English Net that will give gooti wear and launder well, 36 inches wide, 69c 50 extra Wide Panels in ecru colon, a real good value, 48 inches wide, 98C 27 enly left, Silk Panels, a real hand- some panel anti priceti at fan below their regular value, 3 designs, 40 in. S 1w ide, Special $1.69 SWISS PANELS just arriveti, the new- est thing in curtains,' 24 enly, 36 inches witie $1.49 LI Purchase of Congoleum Rugs--You can buy thern at a great sa'ving, s0 corne ty if you are wanting one. PRICES $6.95 TO $1 0.50 STORE of Bigger and Better Values Bo~ ýwranville FOOTBALL LEAGUE OFFICERS RuptureExpert tiere Season Opens at Eldad Anniversary, Monday, May 28th Do you sufer fnom rupture? if ________so, your b1g opportunity bas now an- An unusually large number of rived. Mn. Reavely, thse noted rup- football fans attended the annual ture expert, will be at the meeting of Darlington Football BALMORAL HOTEL League held in the Community Hall, for one day on]y Solina, on Friday, May l8th. Presi- dent R. G. Harding p)resideti. TUESDAY, JUNE 5th Offlccrs electeti for corning seasonaniilbepesdtgvefeex are: Hon. Presidents-Dr. C. W. adwl cpesdt iefe x Slemon, Dr. J. C. Devitt; President- amnmation to any suiferer and to de- R. G. Harding; Vice-President--John monstrate bis famous appliance. This,. Kiveil; Secretary-Treagurer-Elmer appliance will contnact the opening Wilbr; Eecùive-vertt Vcein 10 to 15 days andi bas cured cases AeWilur kEecutSoive-vrTt Vie, in froni three to six months. This Fanx. akoer, Son; R Tom. Jes,ckappliance is positively demonstrated Fnk Plso, own; Rl.E.BtJc to you rîght on your own person with- Nicolî, Bwmavile.out any charge. You do ftOt sPend An effort will be made to have En- a penny unless you are fully satis- niskillen and Tyrone to unite to enter fied that it is the right appliance for one team. Any other teams in the you. A consultation with Mr. Reave- township wishing to enter the league ly will cost you nothing. Don't let will be matie welcome if they make this opportunity get away froni you. application at once. Remember the date. iWe Advise the Purchase On Ail Reactions: GENERAL MOTORS CHRISTIE, BROWN SHREDDED WHEAT F. N. BURT CO. 1! Descriptive letters mailed on request ýAbmmmmm-m hear a Ë6, -N. -., -'q Just Feet Most everybody bas 'en, and as ttle- Benny of Note Book fame ys-"«feet are usedti t wawk ith". The approach of warîn weatber rings to mind the difficulties s0 iany folks have in walking. There are Tired feet, Aching eet, Burning feet andi Blistered eet alI of whicb may be avoideti yusing Eas'em Eas'em is -a fine smootb, antis- tic powtier useti by shaking into ie sboe befone putting on. It sure is a comfert giver and )sts enly 25e a package at -. ..,- (ERSLAK E'S The Dependable Druir Store We are selling Water- gIass and Larvex Daiîy. You know why. 1 F. J. VAN NEST & CO. INVESTMENT BROKERS

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