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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 May 1928, p. 8

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, MAY 3lst., 1928 NEW WALL.PAPERS Brighten Your Rooms With Charming Patterns Gay flowers, beautiful designs and bright colors await you in the latest patterns. Another shipment received this week. Very reasonable prices. mmW. T. Allen Big 20 Bookatore Bowmanville Ont. WE HAVE THEM AND AT THE RIGHT PRICE: SCREEN DOORS WINDOW SCREENS LAWN MOWERS GRASS SHEARS GARDEN TOOLS B.-Il. PAINTS MASO N & DALE Phone 145 PopulaT Hardware Store Bowmanville The Niewvc4 THURSDAI Eýtle Indte Y, MAY 3lst., 1928 PORT DARLINGTON HARBOR CO. ANNUAL MEETING Notice is hereby given that the an- nual General Meeting of the Stock- holders of the Port Darlington Har- bor Company will bc held at the office of the company, Port Darling- ton, Town of Bownianville, on Mon- day, the fourth day of June, 1928, at the hour of four o'clock in the after- noon for the election of Directors for the said Company for ensuing year and for t:an.saction- of such business as may corne before the meeting. J. A. McClellan Secretary. Dated at Bowmanville, May 22, 1928. 21-2w TOWNSHIP 0F DARLINGTON Court of Revision and Appeal Notice is her,4hy given that thie first sittings of the Court of Revision for the Township of Darlington will be held at thu Town Hall. in the Village of Hamp- ton, on Ttiursdla>y June 7, 1928, at the hojîr of 2 oclock p ni.. to hear and determine the several complaints and omnissions in the Asseesment Roll for the sad municipality for the yeiir 1928. Ail prsons having business ai tic Court are rtquested to attend as afore- said. W. R. ALLIN, Clerk of the Township of Darlington. Dated ai iHampton this 29th day of .Nay 1"28. 22-1 TIME -TABLE TORONTO AND OSHAWA DIVISION Daily LEAVE A.M. Oshaw.a ..........9.00 Whitby ...........9.10 Pickering .........9.30 Dunbarton ........9.40 Rouge ............9.45 High Creek....... 9.55 Toronto ..........10.45 NOTE-Dayligbt Saving Daily P.M. 1.00 1.10 1.30 1.40 1.45 1.55 2.45 Time Sun. & Hol. Daily Daily only P.M. P..M. P.M. 5.00 9.00 8.30 5.10 9.10 8.40 5.30 9.30 9.00 5.40 9.40 9.10 5.45 9.45 9.15 5.55 9.55 9.25 6.45 10.45 10.15 Daily LEAVE A.M. Toronto ..1100 Higb Creek ..11.50 Rouge ........12.00 Dunharton. 12.05 Pickering..1215 Witby ....... 1235 Oshawa ...12.45 Daily Dailv Dailv P.M. P.M. P.M. 3.00 7.00 11.00 3.50 7.50 11.45 4.00 8.00 11.55 4.05 8.05 12.00 4.15 8.15 12.10 4.35 8.35 12.30 4.45 8.45 12.40 Sun. & Hol. Onlv P.M. 10.30 11.20 11.30 11.35 11.45 12.05 12.15 while in use in Toronto and Oshawa. Standard Time while in use in Toronto and Oshawa. TORONTO, COBOURG AND BELLEVILLE DIVISION l),iîlv l.. Sat., Soin. & 1101. Dailv LEAVE A. M. P Belleville................... 7.30 2.1 Trenton.................... 7.55 2.z Brighton................... 8.15 3A Colhomne.................. 8.35 3. Graf ton................... 8.55 3. Cobourg.................. 9.15 4. Port Hope................. 9.35 4. Welcome.................. 9.45 4. Newtonville................ 10.05 4. Newcastle..................1020 ;.3 tBowmanville ...............10.35 5. Oshawa ....................1100 .5. Toronto................... 12.30 7. Coaches leave Queen's Hotel, Belleville. ý.15 L40 1.00 3.20 .40 .00 .20 .30 .50 .05 .20 .55 .25 Dailv P.M. 6.00 6.25 6.45 7.05 7.23 7.45 8.05 8.15 8.35 8.50 9.05 9.30 11.00 Daily Ex. &,L. LEAVE A.M. Tiironto .............7.30 Oshawa ..............9.00 Bowmanvillc .... 9.30 Newcastle . ... .......9.45 Newtonville..........1000 Welcome ............1020 Port Hope ..........1030 Cobourg ............10.50 Grafton ............1110 Coîhorne ............1130 Brighton ............11.50 Trenton ............12.10 Belleville ...........1230 Daily P.M. 12.00 1.30 2.00 2.15 2.30 2.50 3.00 3.20 3.40 4.00 4.20 4.40 5.00 Daily P.M. 5.00 6.30 7.00 7.15 7.30 7.50 8.00 8.20 8.40 9.00 9.20 9.40 10.00 Daily P.M. 8.00 9.30 10.00 10.15 10.30 10.50 11.00 11.20 FARE, BELLEVILLE TO TORONTO, $3.00 EACH WAY. NOTE-Toronto, Cobourg and Belleville division will useo STANDARD TIME onlv. Passengers for points betw'een Toronto and Osbawa cannot use this Division. TORONTO, PORT HOPE AND PETERBORO DIVISION LEAVE A.M. Petemboro................................ 6.45 Springville................................ 7.00 Frasemillc............................... 7.05 South Monagban ...........................7.15 Baileboro................................. 7.20 Bewdley ..................................7.25 Port Hope.............................* 7.50 Welcome................................. 8.00 Newtonville ............................... 8.20 Newcastle.............................. *»8.35 Bowmanville.............................. 8.50 Oshawa.................................. *9.25 Toronto................................. 11.00 LEAVE P.M. Toronto................................... 5.00 Oshawa................................... 6.30 Bowmanville.............................. 7.00 Newcastle................................. 7.15 Newtonville ............................... 730 Welcone................................. 7.50 Port IHo)e .................................8.00 Bewdley.................................. 8.30 Bailehoro ................................. 840 South Monagban............................5 Fraserville ................................ 900 Springville................................ 9.05 Petemboro ................................. 930 Coaches leave Emipress Hlotel, l'etcrboro, Daily, including Sundays. FARE, PETERBORO TO TORONTO, $2.50 EACH WAY. NOTE-Toronto, Port Hope and Peterboro division will, STANDARD TIMIE only. Pass5Lnger.s for points between Toronto and Oshawa cannot use this division. COLLACUTT'S Coach L'nes O'HEDOSIIAWA PHONES 2218 12 PRINCE STREET RES. 1627 Citizens greatly appreciatcd the thoughtfulness of teachers and pupils of the pub.lic and high schools on Wed- nesday afternoon last in transferring the scene of their Emvpire Day,ý exer- cises from the class roomns to the large auditorium of Community Hall. They turned out in good numbers to listen to the fine program of addresses, readings and vocal and instrumental music. Fred Butler of the bigh school officiated as chairman in a most creditable manner, announcing the speakers and musicians and their num-j bers in a pleasing maniner and tak- ing care to facilitate the entrance andi exit of the younger artists to andi t from the stage. The prograrn which the schools thus shared with the public included patriotic addresses by Rev. E. R. James and Principal Thos. A. Rodger; selections by the Schools' Ukelele and Harmonica Band of over 30 membersi under direction of the band leader, Miss Hattie Mason; solo by Miss' Phebe M. L. Brock of the high scbool with Miss Mason accompanying on the piano; vocal duet by Evelyn AI-1 lin and Harold Deline with Miss Mas- on accompanying; chorus by high school girls, directed and accomipanied by Miss Brock, and readings by Mar- garet Toms, Maretta Law, Mary Van- Dusen, Jessie VanDusen, Helene Hays, Bille Rowland, Farewell Black- burn, Charlie Tbackray and Arthur Lockhart, also the reading of the spicy and smartly edited colun,îis of the High School Buzzcr by Mfiss Rae Deline. Special numbers by individual mm- bers of the Band were a trio by Miss Mason, Eileen Cooke and Rosa Cuw an on piano, ukelele and montho- gan, imouth organ solo by Cordoni Garrod and cutest of aIl, a imouth organ solo by little Gera!d lienn;ng, youngest son of Mr. and Mmer. Win. Henning. An exccptionally intercsting fý-at- are of tbe aftcmnoan vas the pros;- entatioi, of a lovely signe', ring to Eileen Cooke by themeb' of the i Ukeleli and Harmonica Band 'n view of ber approaching deparure_ from the comnxunity and the cniecquent sevarance of present scho)l ties. Miss Marjorie Cowan read the addressecx- pressing appreciation of Eileen's valued services in the band) and regret at the prospect of sbortly ln)siing her, an d little Clarence Clark on 'Ichalf bf is fellow members presented Eul- cen witb the nicely initialed ring. Elleen, who with Marjorie Cowan bas been playing the ukelele latterly in the schools' band, made a brief reply expressing ber complete sur- prise and ber deepi sense of gratitude. The presentation on this occasion was a graceful act on the p-it of the Schools' Band toward one of its most accomplisbed and popular m-,nihers. Newcastle cîtizens take a just pride in tbis Band wbicb bas been arganized and trained by Miss Mason and wbich bas won wide spread fame tbrough its several publie appearances, and al join with the memberà in feeling re- gret that Elleen ia so soon to leave the community in company with her parents, Rev. E. B. and Mrs. Cooke. NEWCASTLE INEWCASTLE Miss Mabel Jewell, Bowmanville, Rev. E. B. Cooke and Mr. Robt. spent the weekend with ber sister,' Martin are attending, Bay of1 Mrs. Fred Wight, Third Line. Quinte Conference at Smitb's Falls.1 Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Quinlan and Mr. and NMre. J. H. Jose and sonsr family, Toronto, spent Sunday with and Mrs. S. Jose took in Eldad An-î their aunts, the Misses Breen, Pier- niversary on Sunday and visited So- view. lina relatives.- Mr. Ed. Hammond, Third Line, Corne to the Community Hall oni shipped two very promising looking June 27tb and sec who is the luckyt pedigrecd Bull pups in wbich be winner of the 5 O'clock Tea Clotht specializes, to a gentleman in Mas- for wbich tickets are being sold. sachusetts this week. Watch for posters later. 22-1 Rev, E. R. James is attending the Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Horrocks havelj Anglican Synpýd in Toronto. Mrs. again opcned their lakeside home , James is spending the week in the Half-a-Hill, for the summer. T he i, City, too. Messrs. Howard Gibson neighbor at the lake, Mrs. Long, bast and Harold Gibson are the lay dele- also re-opened ber home, Oyapclla. gates. Councillor J. H. Gibson and son- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Trolley and in-law, Mr. T. R. Taylor, Toronto, son Ted, Mr. and Mrs. Isle and went out Tyrone weay on Saturdayl daughter, 'Betty, Mrs. B. Mason and on their annual trout fisbîng tnipi son George, Toronto, spent Sunday and returned witb about three, witb Mr. and Mrs. J. Brown of the score specklcd heauties, and not al Brownie Tea Rooms. amaîl one among thcni. Mr. T. W. Jackson was in Orono St. George's Churcb, Rev. E. R. Sunday marshalling for nearly the James, Rector. S unday, June 3, fortieth time the members of Lodge Trinity Sunday. 9.45 a. m.-Sun- Wolverhanmpton, S.O.EB.S., at their day Scbool. il1 a. m.-Morning annual Sunday parade and attend- Prayer. 7 p. m.-Evensong, Rev. ance at churcb service. Canon De Pencier of Oshawa, will On Sunday, May 27tb., St. John's preach at hoth services. R. C. Cburch choir was assisted by 'The Young People's Choir sang at Mrs. Ed. Quinlan and Mr. and 'Mrs both services in the United Cburcb E. Isle from Toronto, Mr. Ile ac- on Sunday, singing as one of the companying witb the violin. Rev. morning anthenis that old favorite, P. P. Butler preached an excellent "The Church in the Wildwood." In sermon as usual. the cvcning Misses Dorotby Rickard, Mrs. H. G. Britton who bas been alto, and Miss Evelyn, soprano, sang spending some xeeks in Toronto the verses of tho anthem. "God le witb ber parents. Dr. and Mrs Mc- 1 Love," tbeiî voices blending nicely in, Kenzie, and visiting at other points i1 duet. The whole choir joined in returned home on Sunday, Mr. Brit- 1 the chorus. Rev. E. B. Cooke ton motoring to the city for ber. She lireacbed an excellent young people's is much improved in healtb. 'sermon on Habit. the La-,% of Habit Frienda are sorry to note that Mr and the Poweor of Habit. Frank Bone continues quite poorly, being almoat wbolly incapacitated BIG MASONIC BANQUET from carrying on bis farn work. He and Mrs. Bone are very* vgrate- The ýIasoîiic banqueot on Monday fuI to their neighbors wbo on twoj evening, Jonc *th, promises to bc one occasions recently organized becsi of the biggest ovents in Newcastlei and belped put in the crop. Community Hall since the opening in United Cburch, Rev. E. B. Cooke, August, 1923 .N ut on any subse- pastor. Sunday, June 3-Confer- quent occasion bas thotu been a ban- ence SundaS'. il a. m.-Morning quet on such a big scale as this worship, conducted by Dr. Birks, Masonic affair xil ho. At the end Bowmianville. 2.30 p. m.-Sunday of last week 375 tickets bad been Scbool. Evening service cancelled. sold to Mas mns tbougbout the dis- j Sunday, June 10, Semi-annual trict. This iý an Ontamio district Cildren's Day, auspices of Junior banquet and it bas been arranged to congregation. provide the memibers of the varîous lodges in the district witb an oppor- Weekend visitors with Mr. and tunity of heaîing the Worsbipful Mrs. John Douglas were-Mr. and Grand Master, Hon. John S. Martin, Mrs. Jeif Orchard, Regina, Sask., and getting personally acquainted Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Brittain, Toron- with him. The girls of the C.G.I.T. to, and Mrs. Douglas' niece, Miss under the leadership of Mies Lillian Mahel Blrown, Toronto,. Mr. Jef Clemnence bave accepted an invitation Orchard is a son of Mr. A If. Or- to wait on the tables, under dirýection chard, fonmerly of this village andi of the caterers, the Women's Memor- bas been in Ontario with bis bride ial Library Aid. of a year visiting relatives and______ friends. EMPIRE DAY PROGRAM SPresented in Newcastle Conimunity 49c Mm. and Mrs. Stanley Corden, The enterprisîng Kîngston pnoto- grapher, who visited the public and who have been occupying Mrs. M. E. Moore's (Mrs. (Dr.) Allin's) bouse since their marriage asat fal], took advantage of the Victoria Day holiday to mK)ve to Bowmanvilie. Newcastle is sorry to loac theni but wishes them al bappiness in their new home. PAGE EIGHT high chools on Empire Day and took individual photos of eacb teacher and pupils in the chools, delivered the goods on approval on Tuesday. An envelope with six finisbed photos and holders for the same arrived for each teacher and each pupil. p SAL 49c Friday and Saturday Are 49c Days At S. W. Mason & Son's Chamoisette and Lisle Gloves witb fancy cufs, sizes 6 to 8, 49c HANDKERCHIEFS of lawn witb colorcd bordera, nice useful size, per dozen 49c FLOWERS Clearance of Flowers that were priced to 85c eacb....... 49c WOMEN'S COTTON HOSE Sand, Black or White, sizes 8 ", 9, 9 V, 10,......... 2 Pair 49c SPECIAL Large English Striped Bath Towels, stripes on f own ground, large size . . .. 49c Pair PILLOW CASES Hemnied and ready for use, three sizes 40, 42 and 44 inches wide ................. 49c Pair BEAUTY BATH SOAP An established member of most familles in this district. Four ounces of high quality delight- fully perfumed soap, 10 Cakes 49c KOTEX Per large box.............49 CHILDREN'S VESTS Sizes 4 to 16, of fine cotton, short or no sleeves, 2 fo r 49c WOMEN'S BLOOMERS Silk and Cotton, sîzes 34 to 44, Friday and Saturday 49c CHILDREN'S HATS Of the better kind that were priced to $1.25 each... 49c BOYS' JERSEY SWEATERS Sizes 20 to 34....... .... 49c Contmon white buttons, per doz. cards........... ......... 49c SPOOL COTTON Coats Spool Cotton, 'Black or White, ail sizes ...7 for 49c ROLLER TOWELLING 0f Pure Linen, per roller towel of 2% yards....... 49c KIDDIES' SOX Alîcolors, ail sizes, 2 pair 49c Prices on Congoleum Rugs, Oji- cloths by the yard and Linoleumn by the yard. CHILISREN'S DRESSES 0f Gingham, sizes 2 to 14 years 49c Eaeb FELTOL MATS Admirable for kitchen mats 5 for 49c CURTAIN NETS Yard wide, pretty conventional designs with lace edge, 2 Yards 49c CURTAIN NETS 0f fine quality, were 65e and 75e yard..................49c SUNFAST CHINTZ 42 inch English Sunfast Chintz, a fresb sbipment that would- be good value at 65c, 49c y&% CIRCULAR PILLOW COTTONS 40 in., 42 in., 44 in. wide of fine quality, Special 49c yaird TABLE DAMAJSK 54 inch Table Damask with colored borders of Gold, Blue, ani Rose,............ 49c yard 40 Only Women's Spring Coats at Real Bargain Prices $12.00 - $15.00 - $25.00 Regular Sizes, SmnaiI Women's Sizes, Extra Sizes Every coat in the collection is marked at genuine bargain ýprices. The balance of our Coat stock must go. Tbey afford value extraordinary to the fortunate shopper this weekend. Note the size range-regular sizes fromn 34 to 44 sizes for email women, for the short atout figure 341/4 to 401/ and extra sizea from 41 to 50M- in the group. Coats to suit every figure in lovely mnaterials, many trimmed with fur-colors Navy, Black, and a few ligbter shades, mostly ail silk lîned. Tweed Coats, Tailored and Dress Coats, $12.00, $15-00 and $25.00 ONLY A FEW LEFT CHILDREN'S TWEEDS Sizes 4 to 14, Friday A. M. $4.75 HUGE CLEARANCE WOMEN'S SMART HATS FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ONLY CROUP 1-$1.95--GROUP 2-$2.95---GROUP $1O PHON4E 106 S. W. MASON & SON DRY GOODS AND LADIES' READY.TO-WEAR BOWMAN VILLE EFFECTIVE FRIDAY, JUNE lst, 1928 'q NEWCASTLE Rev. C. D. Daniel, who for thej past four years has ministered to thej peuple of the United Church in Sey- mour East, near Campbellford, bas accepted a cal) to Sunderland. A disastrous fire visited the prem- ises-of Field and Bro. at Cobourg early Sunday morning and the çon- tenta of the store suffered damnage to the extent of $10,000 it is estimated. Origin of the fire is unknown. The choir of Centre St. Church, Orono, of which Mr. Orme Gamsby i leader, was assisted on Sunday morn- ing last by Mrs. Alex. Colville 3f this town, who rendered two solos "My Worid" and "Face to Face" in excel- lent manner. Rev. A. J. Terrill, M.A., B.D., of Consecon, in Prince Edward County, is the new minister of Trinity United Church, Almonte, having been given the charge shortly after the resigna- tion of Rev. J. T. E. Blanchard. Rev. Mr. Terril) will bezin bis new duties ini July. Mr. Albert Wiggins and nephew, Mr. Bert Wiggins, Eureka, Kansas, were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Glenney. Mr. Albert Wîggins left Mariposa for Kansas 57 years ago, and bis cousin, Mr. Glenney, had not seen hîm in aIl that time until he and his nephew ,Bert surprised Mr. and Mrs. Glenney at their home last Saturday evening. They also called on Mr. and Mrs. Howard Glenney. The motion pictures, The Somme, on the evening of Empire Day, and, The Big Para-de, an alI American? get-up, on the evening of Victoria Day, drew large crowds to the Com- miunity Hall on both occasions. Those in attendance especially appreciated the mu.sic accompanying the pictures, played by an Orono orchestra, under the leadership of Mr. M. J. Tamblyn. The presentation of these pictures was a business venture of T. W. Jack- son & Co. ALL FOR 49c BRASSIERES Made of Pink Brocade, sizes 30 to 44.................... 49c MADRAS AND NET PAN4ELS 0f excellent qualitv ecru, mat- crials floral or conventional borders, each............. 49e SILK FUGI 1000 yards silk Fugi, positive- ly the finest single weight ob- tainable ............. 49c IYard SILK LISLE HOSE .- 1000 pairs of Silk Lisle Hose in the newer shades and black and white,............ 49 Pair GRASS MATS 20 only Grass Mats, suitable for verandas or summer cot- tages or sunporcbes, large size 6 ft. x 9 ft, pretty designs, $1.89 Each BABIES', RUBBER PANTS Snial1, medium or large size, 2 Pair 49c SILK ELASTIC 1/4 i n. or % in. wide, black or white, per dozen yards.-. 49 HAIR NETS Princess Pat, single or double mesh, per 1/ dozen .......49 Dillick Saves You Money" BY COMPARISON WE SELL FOR LESS Men's or Young Men's Suits, patterns feature the newest for Spring and Summer, Brown, Grey, Overcheekis Fancy Effeets, Strîpes and Navy Blue, single or double breasted models, Special $11.95 to $19.50 3 only, Men's Spring Top Coats, in the new Grey and Brown Mixtures, real classy style, iRegularly sold $22.50 .......................Clearing $13.50 Men's Cotton Sox, several colors, Special 121/2c pr. Men's Fine Shirts, stripes, ehecks and plain col- ors,......................................... Special $1.29 Men's Work Pants, good roomy pant will give good wear, ... .................................. Special $1.49 Men's Dress Oxfords, Black or Brown, finest quality, ................................... Special $3.79 Men's Work Boots, will wear well ..........$2.98 Ladies' Black Patent Shoes, large variety to choose from ......................$2.49, $2.95 and $3.95 Children's Patent Shoes, cushion soles, will give real comfort and wear,................. Special $1.39 Ladies' Silk Hose, silk to hem, 10 new shades to choose from,....................Special 69c Pair Ladies' House Dresses, good výashable Ginghams, neatly made, ................................ Special 98c A. DILLICK EFFECTIVE FRIDAY, JUNE Ist, 1928 ft. -- "Trirrnm i. Bowmanville King & Division Sts r il 1

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