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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 May 1928, p. 4

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VAGE FOUR Baby Beef For Al Last week we estabhished a record for sale of Baby Beef. This week ail beef sold by us wil be from Baby Beef. This assures eVerybody who patronizes our store that they will get the best beef money can buy. Several customers told us we were right when we said "this baby beef would fairly make your mouth water-it's so juicy and tender". If you didn't get any iast week try a roast or steak this week. C. M. CAWKER & SON Phone 64 Bowmanvillej STOBIE, FORLONG & CO. STOCKS BONDS GRAIN Head Office: Reford Building Bay and Wellington Sts., Toronto SF. EVERSON, Local Manager Private Wiîe Systein il King Street East, Oshawa-Above C. P. R. Office Phones 143 and 144 Phone Calîs At Oui Expense Il Mlak e Garden Attractive Your home surroundings may be greatly en- hanced with a few flowering shrubs planted here and there. We have shrubs from 50c up. Folk who have been looking around tell us our stock of garden plants got 'em ail beat. 100 CASES BURFORD PEAS Another big shipment arnived this week. You know how sweet and tender they are and only 10e tin. WHIZ QUALITY PRODUCTS We have a complete assortment of Whiz Pro- ducts for Domestic use and Polishes, etc., for the car. SWEET JUICY TENDER PINEAPPLES Besides ail the vegetable and fruits you want. IIARRY ALUIN, Orocer PHONE 186 BOWMAN VILLE 1~ -1 RETA REX VACUUM' CLEANER with ail attaehments specially priced $36*OO Fully guaranteed Dustan's Cash Hardware i "WE SERVE YOU WELL"J THE GANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLÉ, THURSDAY, MAY 31st., 1928 ENNISKILLEN SOLINÀ Visitors: Mr. and Mis. T. Paul and granddaughter, Toronto, Mrs. Ida Visitors:-Mr. and Mrs. Bert Ashton, Columbus, Mr. and Mrs. W Northcott, Zion, Mr. M. Dung, Osh- Wotten, Peterboro, Alderman Rus- awa, Mr. Geo. McCu]lougb, Raglan, sel] Wotten, wife and daughter, Bel- Mr. Jas. Reeson, Misses Marion and leville, Mr. and Mrs. Skinner, Belle- Ruby Reeson, Columbus, at Mr. Har- ville, and Mr. O. L. Byers, Toronto, vey Hardy's; Mr. and Mis. Geo. guests of Mr. Nathan (Byers; Mr. an d Gibson and Marion, Mrs. Will Lam- Mrs. J. E. Virtue and daughter of niiman and Miss Nancy, Mr. Will Toronto, at bis mother's, Mrs. J. W. Lamminan, Jr., Mr. and Mis. Lou Virtue; Mrs. John Armstrong, Or- Van Nest and Charles, Oshawa, Mr. ono, Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Spry and and Mrs. Harold Jebson and Doro- family, Bownianville, at Mr. G. A. thy, Brooklin, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Cook's; Miss Elva Griffin, Toronto, is Yellowlees and family, Mr. and Mrs. home with ber parents recruiting af- Clarence Vice and Murray, Colu.- ter having ber tonsils and adanoids bus, at Mr. Walter Vice's; Mr. and removed; Mr. and Mrs. ElmerBoyd, Mr- J. Lord, Mrs. Jose, Mr. and Mrs. Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Enoch Stevens, Harry Jose and family, Newcastle, Hampton, at Mr. Howard Stevens'; Mr. and Mrs. Frise, Toronto, Mr. Mr. Claude Smith with bis brother, Percy Cowling and Miss Betty Sar- Wilbert Smith, Osbawa.. We extend gent, Bowmanville, Mrs. Fred Tain- our deepest sympathy to Mr. Russell blyn and family, Orono, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert and bis sisters and brothers Will Wilbur, Hampton, at Mr. Wal- in the death of their loving mother, ter Cryderxnan's; Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. William Gilbert, wbo passed Mackenzie Penfound and Miss Hazel, away on Monday, May 28th. . . ..Our Oshawa, at Mr. Will Baker's; Mr. Pastor, Bey. E. M. Cook, is attend- and Mrs. Howard Cowling and fam- fing Conference at Smitb's Falls. Mrs ly, Hampton, at Mr. Sid Hockaday's; Cokadfamily accompanied him. . Mr. and Mrs. A. Hunt and Ernest, Anniversary services on May 24th Bownianville, at Mr. S. Bush's; Miss iwere a decided success, good w.eather Alice Thompson, Tyrone, Mr. and and a good crowd crowned the day, Mrs. Neil Yellowlees.and Miss Helen, a football game was played in the Mrs. J. J. Lord, Bowmianville, Mr. afternoon between Salem and En- and Mrs. Edgar Horn and family, niskillen whicb resulted in favor of1 Hampton, Mrs. C. Brunt and Gordon, Salem. An excellent tea was served, North Osbawa, at Mi. Jack Yellow- the waiters being kept busy until the lees; Mr. and Mrs. Mark Turner, Mr. enteîtainment bour. The play "Get- and Mrs. L. C. Snowden and family, ting Sandy" was given by our ownf Mrs. Han-y Freeman, Maple Grove, dramatic club, each doing bis or ber, at Mr. Thos. Baker's; Mrs. John part well, creating mucb amusement. Challis and Miss Mabel Challis, Bow- Cast of characters :-Sandy McNab,imanville, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Os- Orville Ashton; Martha Watkins, San- 1 borne, Wbiýtby, Mi. and Mrs. Harry dy's sister, Mvrtle Brunt; Peter Wat-' Wilson and farnily, Mr. and Mrs. John kins, Martba's busband, Milton Stain- Cowling, Mrs. Matt. Robbins, Hamp- tn eby Green, Sandy's sweet- ton, with the Misses Hockaday; Mr.< 1 heart, Mrs. Onr Jeff ery; Nan Stilîman, and Mrs. Thos. MeMullen, Janetville, Sandy's niece, Maud Ashton; Ned Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Williams, Mr. and Tiffany, Nan's sweetbeart, John Sie- Mrs. Clarke Williams, Mr. and Mrs. mon, Jr; Deacon Clark, Harvey Me. Wilfîed Williamns and family, Mr. Gili; Elviry Clark, Elma Dickinson; Paul Williams, Cartwright, Mr. and John Stokes, Charles Stainton; Si Mis. Edwin Wood and Murray, Bow- Taylor, Oswald Pethick; Mrs. E. M.I manville, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Nelson t Cook, Manager; Miss Myrtle Brunt, and Muriel, Toronto, at Mr. Sulas Secretary. Music between acts was Williams'; -Mr. Walter Buss, Osh- furnished by the Campbell Orchestra, awa, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Pascoe Toronto, and Trewin and Helen Scott, and Lorraine, Kedron, Mr. and Mis.- Betbesda, favoîed us witb coniic Hoskin Smitb, Mrs. Nelson Smitb, t duets and solos with Mrs. Rolph, Or- Enniskillen, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest ono, accompanist. Proceeds about Webber and Grant, Columbus, Miss $330. Florence and Messrs. John and New-t [ton Ashton, Sbaws, Miss Edith Pas- L coe, Hampton, at Mr. H. E. Tink's; t hMe; Rusel Reynolds, Toronto, at hm;Mr. and Mns. Chas. Mackey TYRONE and Howard, Brooklin, Mrs. Sa. Miss Hazel Turner spent the boli Gifn erot tMs Mary Ho-e day at hom.. .. Miss Hazel Marlett, garths and Mr, A. J. Reynolds'; g Bowanvll, vsied t M. haresMrs. Harold Thompson, Lois anda Biow'niles vstd tMr.halsHarold, Jr., Scarboro, visited friends g Bielws. Miss Mabel Virtue, Tor- br;M.adMs rvnR îg t onto, spent* a few days witb Miss I nd a,îyM rodence, rs . BWaJg'] Fanny Virtue. . Mr. and Mrs. B. F. 1 adg BowmanPrvidene, Ms M.rJ. b Gardiner, Florence and Annie, visit- Moore, Enniskillen, Miss Nora and a ed at Mr. J. Hendrick's, Trenton.... Mi. Geo. Kerslake, Hampton, at Mr.î Mrs. Laura Virtue, Milton and Ruby eonBkrs i. onE li motored to Gravenhurst and spent Msr.SadAlrdAln o-E Sundy wth M. Eeret Vitue manville, at Mr. A. Millson's; Mr.O Mr. Lloyd Alldread and Mrs. James and Mrs. Benson Cryderman, Hamiap-s Alldread visited with friends at Or- ton, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Osborne and a illia. . ..Mr. Harry Hatberly, Osbawa, Gwen, Ebenezer, at Mr. Chas. $ spent the weekend at home.Mrs. Sihs;M.-uselSitBw Harry Mercer and family, Orono,Smnille, atMr. -J.ssJ.lSmithB's; rs visited ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Annis, Whitby, withedagerD Virue. i. nd rs.R. cCtl-Mrs. Gordon Leask; Mis. Jas. Han- p~ lough visited at Mr. H. McCullougb s, cock, Courtice, Mr. and Mrs. JohnJ Pontypool ...Glad to hear Mi. Ashton and Viola, Toronto, Miss Howard Brent bas returned home Viola Maynard, Markham, Mr. and from Toronto General Hospital..Mrs. Kenneth Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Pleased to see Mis. Edward Virtue Bill King, Mrs. Wesley Ellins, Toron- B out on the verandab again after ber ta r a.Moe';M.adf long llnes.Mr Lane Gren-1Mrs. Ben White and Doris, Mrs. D. J Wood, Peterboro, visited at Mi.R.~ Bradley and Miss Vanda, Orono, Mr.- McCullough's. ..Mr. and Mrs. How- and Mrs. Tom Bennett, Bowmanville, ard Findley and baby Dean, Union-atM.PerWles; r.Hm- ville, visited at Mr. T. Richards'. .. , tnMis. Pieks, Mkr anMs. Haill- fmMr. and M RuslSewr n G. Rundle, Toronto, Mrs. Jas. Miac- famiy, i. nd is.Ben Stewart, kenzie and David, Columbus, Mr. and Centieton,. Mr. and Mis. Ronald Mrs. Jas. Crossman, Taunton, at Mr. Scott, Betbesda, Sundayed at Mr. W. J .Rnl';M.adMs ot Stewrt's.WJne6t .M.S. conentionS Taylor, J ennie and- Frank, Mr. Wal- at ron onune6tb . Th W..S.ter Kilburn, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. will hold the xnonthly meeting at the Lloyd Ashton, Haydon, Mi. and Mis. Parsonage on June l3th ...No Russe] Ormiston, Enfield, Mi. and church service bere next Sunday on Mrs. I. Chapinan, Mr-. and Mis. O. account - of Conference. Sanday Chapinan, Mi. and Mis. Riddle and Scbool at 10.30 a. m. ..Hampton Ileen, Mr. and Mis. John Thompson, League will visit oui League this Orono, Mr. and Mis. Ceci] Crossman Thursday evening, May Slst ... and baby, Oshawa, at Mr. Frank Monthly meeting of Tyrone Women's Thompson's; Mr'. and Mis. Robt. Institute and Ladies' Aid was held inl Armstrong, Maple Grove, at Mr. B. the vestry of the church on Wednes- G. Stevens'; Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Vice, day, May 23, when a special speaker, Oshawa, at Mi. Norval Wotten's and~ Mis. C. MaCoun, Campbellfoîd, ad- Mis. L. Arnott's; Mi. and Mis. W. dressed the ladies on the subject, J. Pierson and Jack, Miss Evelyn Mas- "Pointers for Busy Women." She sey, Mr. and Mis. Arthur Westlake stressed the fact that more co-opera- and farnily, Oshawa, Mi. and Mis. R tion was asked for between the E. Osborne, Louise and Nelson, Bow- mothers of Ontario and the Govein- . manville, Mi. and Mis. Elmer WilburI ment in order to stamp out contagiousl and Gordon, inMr.Toa diseases. Eleotion of officers re- Pascoe and Mion, rarMis. .hoad sulted as follows: Piesident-Mis. L. Mis. L. T. Pascoe and Marjoiy, Mi. Hooper; lst Vice-Mis. H. Skinner; W. R. Allun, Hamnpton, Miss Aura Os- 2nd Vice-Miss F. Gardiner; Sec'y- borne, Ebenezer, at Mi. R. J. Me- Tîeas.-Mrs. R. Wright; Cor. Sec'y. Kessock's; Mis. Nichols, Mis. Walter -Mis. N. Woodly ...Heî oldSnider, Miss C. Williamson, Court- fîiends here were sonry to leain of ' -eso eyod the passing away of Mis. Wm. Brent and fanily, Mis. Clarke and Mis. at the borne of ber daughteî, Mis. W. A. Whitnell and Miss Cowle, Toronto, Wilson, Port Arthur. The funeral Mr. and Mis. R. Somerville and fam- takes place today (Thursday). fîom ilheiyoo, Mi-an1M.. Lo Burns, Misses Lottie and Minnie Horn I The paîl-bearers were-Elgin Mun- of Hampton, Mi. and Mis. Jas. dlay, Jack Brown, Clarence Hockin, Mooîey, Misses Bernice, Ethel and I Stanley Jones, Clarence Bell and Maud Moorey, Enniskillen, at Mr. I Jack Cator. The floral offerinRs Chas. Blanchard's; Mr. and Mis. Dart, I nwih wtebe thirdessagepofio v n-enMis Not ra Wi . was ce...Toi iwih ter b end esripti lvMis onrîn-Enla i.W . N. ds c oe' or. and synlpatby were borne by eight onto on Saturday owing to the death flîst cousins. of ber cousn, Mr. A. R. Wickett. SALEM Salem Sunday School Anniveisary services will be beld on Sunday, June 3îd witb services at 2.30 and 7.30 p. m. (standard time). Rev. Milt- on Sanderson, Bircb Cliff, will pîeach at both services. Special music by childien. Public coîdially invited. ZION Anniversaiy services will be beld as follows: On Sunday, June 3rd at 2 and 7 p. ms. (standard time), sermons will be preacbed by Rev. W. P. Fletcher, Oshawa. Music by the School and Choir. On Tuesday, June 5, tea will be seived fro. 5 p. Mn. A League football gaine will be played Solina vs. Zion. Good cnncert at 8 p. mn. by Allin Quartet, Newcastle, Mis. R. C. Peaîce, M. E., elocutionist, Courtice, and Mr. Wal- lace Horn, violinist, Hampton. Friends here syxapathize witb Mis. Wickett, their daugbtei, Mrs. Waller, and bis sister, Miss Laura Wickett, in their bereavement.. Col. Z. E. Snid- er of Port Hope, inspected oui Scbool on Tuesday. .. No service here next Sunday on account of Zion anniver- sar. .... Mis. A. Gibbons, Toronto, is visiting ber father, Mi. H. Argue who continues quite pooily... Mis. S. Shoitiidge is in bed again under the doctor's caîe. Hope she will soon be better.... .Fine weatber gieeted Eldad congregation for the 73rd an- riversaiy on Sunday and Monday. The big enclosed shed, made beautiful with bunting, flags, flowers, ever- g'reens and apple blesseras was fslled ;o its utmost caýpacity. Sunday Scbool members numbering over 100 and carefully trained by Mis. John Baker provided the music at both sen-vices witb Miss Margaret McKes- ;ock as pianist and Messrs. Jesse and Ainot Van Nest as violinista. In the evening the beautiful anthein 'Mark, Hark My Soul", rendeîed by th echoir was especially enjoyed. The ninisteî for the occasion was the Rev. J. P. Juil, Bîooklin, who spoke to the bhildien in the afternoon on the sub- ect "A Good Soldier of Christ". In he evening he spoke on "The Choice of Lot", and bis discourse uroved both inteîesting and beneficial to aIl. On Monday afternoon the usual bountiful supper was served o the congregation and scores of îriends gathered fro, the neighboî- ing parts. Before tes the Solina Juniors defeatei the Mitchell Corners Juniors by a score of 1 to 0 in a fast 'aine of football witb Mi. Jack [Baker as îeferee. At 6.30 p. mn. a league 'aine of football was played be- tween Bowmanville and Solina result- rsg in a tie. The gaine was refeîeed by Reg. Harding of ]Bowmanville, nd was fast and dlean. The ev- ening ententaininent was provided by te McGregoi Concert Company. Eveiy nunfbei was well rendeîed and f bigh class and the packed bouse showed their appreciation by their ttention and applause. Pîoceeds 315.00. . .. We are glad to report tat Mis. W. H. Westlake is still in- proving after ber recent illness... *on't forget the regular Sons of Te.- perance meeting next Thuisday nîght lune 7th. Hardwood Flooring argains. 5c foot up. Laid measure. ind size of ioomn. <'atalog and samplea ree. IIALLIDA)-('O., HAMILTON, 13 rckson St. Fast. Armands Aids to Beauty Three Specials Powde, Puff FREE with eveîv $1.00 Box Aiinand's Cold Creain Powder Pack E2Lys Now WATER GLASS 15c LB. 2 LB. TINS 25c VINOLIA CASTILE SOAF JURY & LOVELL 3 30c Jar of Armand's Cream FREE with eveîy box of Taquine Face Powder KOTEX 3 PACKAGES FOR $1.09 Regulai Size CAMERAS No. 2 Hawk-Eye 89e 8-Hour Service Developing It's not s0 much the reduced price weekly est achieveinent is the veîy low range of oui thîoughout the year, and the high quality neyer When W. Test PHONE 78 E,.. It Is Doue Properly BOWMAN VILLE 0f Interest To You If You Desire Solid Comfort Next Winter and at the Lowest Price Place your order now for The Standard Fuel for ail Cooking and Heating Equipment Until further notice prices will be Egg, StoVe, Nut Sizes $ 15.00 per ton; Pea $12.50. DeliVered to ail parts of the town. BUILDERS' SUPPLIES We have also a full stock of Lumber and Builders' Supplies and are always glad to have the the opportunity of furnishing estimates for any- thing required. Cail and inspect our stock and prices Alberta Cole (Rosedale Lump) .............$14.00 Oto Nut Coke.................................... $12.00 MWcCleIIan & Co. Ltd. Phone 15 Bowmanvi île1 specials that we are most proud to off or; oui gicat- regular prices on ail oui items day in and day out THESE EXTRA SPECIALS GOOD UNTIL SATURDAY il p. m. 1V! llin ru lear nce Eveîy bat in the store to go this weekend-we have te M illnery Clea anc - make ioom for new summer merchandise which is pouring in and we have priced thein to ensure a speedy clearance on three groups. All less than haif. Group i at 49c Each 50 Cildien's and Misses' Hats in a]l colors and shapes, in Straws, Silks, ýBîaids, etc. Hats that are worth in the regulai way froin $1.50 to $295, Clearing 49c Croup 2 at 98c Each 100 Misses', Woinen's and Mations Hats, in eveîy con- ceivable shape and color, in Silk Visca, Biaid, FeIt, etc. Bats worth $2.95 to $4.95 in the lot, Clearing Price 98c Each Croup 3 at $1.98 Each The best bats in the store are included in this gioup, many of tbem imported New York Modela in Crochet, Visca and Ribbun eff ects. Hats wortb $4.50 ta $6.95, Clearing $1.98 FuilFashone 1-lse -- -We have just Put into stock two splendid numbers, in al FullFas ione Ho e---thenew Spring shades, also Black and White-bose that are perfect fitting and guaranteed to give good weaî. No 1 cornes in service Chiffon weight, priced $1.49; No. 2 coines in heavy full service weight, Regular $2.00 for $1.79. PRINTED VOILES A special purchase in two qualities for Misses' and Women's Dresses, in dainty figuied designs that you can't but admire. No. 1 quality in 6 colors, 40 inches wide 29c No. 2 quality in 7 colons, 40 inches wide 49c Curtain Nets-- Specially Priced 4 Pieces, 5 Pieces, 3 Pieces, SILK LINGERIE A dependable quality from one of the leading Tnills, in sîzes for Misses, Women or Stouts. Col- ors Nile, Flesb, Orcbid, Peach, White. Guaian- teed te give good wear, Vests 88c; Bloomers $1.19; slips $1.98 Reg. Reg. Reg. 39c, To Clear 36 in. wide 33c 49c, To Clear 40 in. wide 39c 69e To Clear 40 in. wide 59c 50 doz. Gold Dollar and Green Stripe SUMMER UNDERWEAR Silk Hose in aIl the newest colors, selîs aIl Ladies' Vests, 34 to 42 at......... 25, and 39c over for $1.00 pair, Ladies' Bloomers, 34 to 42 at ......... 49c Pair Special 88c Pair Children's Vests l9c; Bloomers 29C NELSON'S STORE of Bigger and Better Values 2 25c Coupon FREE witb every purchase of Armand's Toilets Ail Our Prices Are Low Prices A FALSE IMPRESSION You don't have to get me to bang youî paper when yen buy bere. We'îe glad te seIl you the paper-and you can hang it your- self or get who ever you like. But remeinber if its Staunton's Sun- worthy Wall Paper we selI it. Sole Agents for Glîdden Paints- Alabastine. G. Pritchard Painter and Decorator 2 Doors West of F. F. Morris Co. Phone 489 Bowmanville ý ;---d3mmmc»ý King St West Bowmanville

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