THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMAiNVILLE, THURSDAY, MAY 3lst., 1928PAEFV Big Drive on Men's and Boys' Clothing For This Week. End. Men's and Young Men's Navy Blue Suits $19.95 Snappy patterns in Diamond Weaves and Herring- I bone effeets, double breasted models, values up to $25.00 at a big clearing value for $19.e5 this week- end. Men's and Young Men's Fancy Tweed Suits at $14.95 I this line you will find some of the smartest styles and patterns in Tweeds and Worsteds, double and single breasted models, splendid quality and values up to $20.00, $22.50, $25.00, On Sale This Weekend $14.95 BOYS' BLOOMER PANT SUITS AT $5.89 Any Boys' Suit with Bloomer Pants in the store, Navy Blue Blue Serge, Brown and Grey Tweed eifct, aIl better makes and values, Out They Go Your Choice $5.89 BOYS' SUITS WITH COAT. f'\ / LONG PANT AND BLOOMER Some of these suits have coat and two long pants, some are with 1 Bloomer, 1 Long, 1 Vest and Coat, aIl shades in Fancy Tweeds and Navy Blue and all sizes. Out they go at a trem- endous reduction, values up to $15.00> Any Suit in the Store $9.95 Choose early and get the Pick. T. B. GILCHRIST Directly Opposite Montreal Bank Phone 61 Bowmanville More In llealth and Flavor In Corbett's Wholésome Bread The children love Corbett's Wholesome Bread-they thoroughly enjoy its "rich as butter- sweet as nut" taste. Good bread brings rose to their cheeks and health to their sturdy growing bodies. Energy, too-for active kiddies need lots of energy food, and in the sugar and milk, and fine four so perfectly baked into delicious Bread there is energy in abundance. WEDDING CAKES A SPECIALTY Don't bother your mother or your favorite aunt to make your wedding cake-let us make it -we know how. W. P. Corbett Baker and Confectioner Phone 3 Bowmanville Fancy Wedgwood Plates My what an assortment of these beautiful plates, mported direct from the manufacturers, every color and design you can think of, suitable for gifts or own use. Worth up to $1.25, Special for the Weekend 75c and 85c Each See them in the windows and then corne in and pick them out. Irish Cobbler Potatoes FOR SEED OR EATING Nice smooth meaty potatoes We have only a limited quantity at this price ,ý'and I doubt if we can duplicate these at the price. $1.65 a Bag of 90 Ibs;. ARCHIE TAIT Phone 65 Bowmanville LOCAL AN4D OTHERWISE Mr. George Pointon spent the weekend in Dundas. The Statesman is $2.00 a year or $1.00 for balance of 1928. Mise M. Mildred Lawrie, Toronto, spent the weekend at home. Miss Borea Murdof bas been vis- iting relatives in Toronto. Mrs. Robt. Richards is visiting at Mr. Wm. Mcntosh's, Pickering. Mr. Percy Barnstable spent the, 24th with relatives at Janetville. Misses Elsie and Irene Bragg, Tor- onto, spent Victoria Day at home. Mr. and Mrs. Horace Greensides visited bis parents at Streetaville. Mis. Francis Anderson, Whitby, visited at ber son's, Mr. F. Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Fluker and Joan, Cobourg, visited at Mr. Gus. Boun- sall's. Mr. and Mrs. A. Lowe and Mr. and Mrs. McFee visited Oshawa friends. Mr. and Mis. John Plunkett, Pet- erboro, spent tbe holidays at Mr. Alex Wilkins. Mr. Jos. Hewson and Mr. Jack Cracknell visited at the foriner's borne in Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Davis, Peter-1 boro, visited at Mr. Leonard Rich- ards' recently. Mr. and Mrs. J.3B. E. Staples, Tor- onto, 9pent tbe weekend witb M;. and Mrs. N. S. B. James. Mrs. Frank Thomas and daughter Ruby, were weekend visitors at Ham-1 ilton and Niagara Falls. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Wyllie, Toronto, were guests of ber sister, Mrs. F. J. Manning on Victoria Day. Mr. and Mis. T. G. Norton and baby George, Locust Hill, visited relatives intown îecently. Mr. John McConnachie, Orillia, spent the weekend with bis sister, Mrs. (Dr.) John Spencer. Rev. and Mrs. C. P. Muirhead of Willowdale, Toronto, visited old friends bere on M'ay 24th. Mr. Charlie Kelly and Mrs. Lena Wright, Hamilton, were visitors witb Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tbomas over the 24th of May. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Coulter and Donna have moved to Toronto where Mr. Coulter bas a position witb tbe I. T. S. Rubber Co. Mrs. J. S. Somers and Mr. Jack Somers, Toronto, visited at Mr. Thos. Jackson's on Saturday. Tbey also visited the cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. W. I. MacTavish and son Ian, Toronto, have been spending holidays with ber parents, Mr. and1 Mrs. F. J. Manning. Mr. and Mrs. M. Knowles and Miss Kitty Knowles, Toronto, spent the 24tb with old friends here, guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Jewell. Miss Nellie Minore, Lindsay, mot- ored to Bowmanville for the holiday and vsiited her brother, Mr.M.H. Minore , C. P. R. Station Agent. .Mr. and' Mrs. W. G. Robbins have returned from spending a weelc with her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mis. C. L. Brown, Detroit, Mxcii. Dog Lost-Will the party who took a strayed Boston Bull Terrier from Bowmanville Cream of Barley Camp May 24th., please return bim to Mr. Shrubb, Camp Manager. Pet please return. Mr. Robert Collacott Mr. G. R. Collacott, Mr. and Mrs. Markus May- er, Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Knigbt at- tended the funeral on Friday of the late Mrs. Grace Davis, Woodstock,ý sister of Mr. Collacott. The engagement is announced of Ada Laura, youngest d'aughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Webber, Bowmanville, to Laurence Wesley Kerr, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Wes- ley Kerr, Toronto. The marriage to tae place quietly in June. Mi. and Mrs. E. J. Witheridge, Bowranville, announce the engage-1 ment of their only daugbter, Gladys May, to Mr. Leonard J. Henry, Phmn.B., 1H.mnilton, son of Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Henry, Bowmanville, tbe marriage to take place the latter part of June. Mi. and Mis. J. Hamilton Bate- man attended the nurses' graduation exercises of Toronto General Hospital whicb were beld in Convocation Hall on Friday evening, and the xeception afterwards at the Nurses' Resîdence. Their niece, Miss Evelyn Blackwell, Lindsay, was among the graduates. Mesrs. John Baker. E. H. Brown, M. Comatock, town, and Ed. Nortb- cott, Taunton, were in Guelph re- cently attending a Masonic celebra- tion at wbicb Prof. J. B. Reynolds, President of Ontario Agricultural College, and a Durham County by, was înitîated into the ancient rites I bave a quantity of furniture and bouse furnishings to selI by public auction in Rowmanville but not en- ougb to mnake a sale. Any person baving odd bits of furniture or otber articles they would put into a corn- mmunity sale please advise me not later than June 5tb so, that announce- ment of sale may be made next week. Theo. M. Slemon, Auctioneer, phone 197r3. BIRTHS WRIGH-T-At Wellesley Hospital, Ton- onto, on Friday. May 18, 1928, to Mn. and Mrs. R. L. Wright, a ion. DUMAS-In Bowmanvllls Hospital, on May 28, 1928. to Mn. and Mrs. Leon S. Dumas, (nee Mayme Sauva), a son. (Joseph Romaine). DEATHS RIDGE-In Mimico, on Wednesday, May 30, 1928, Sarah Ann Stewart, widow of the late Richard Ridge, Pontypool, aged 69 yeans. Puneral service ai 2 p. m. Fiday in United Church, Pontypool. SMITH-.At Whitby, on Thunsday, May 24, 1928, J. L. Smith, in hie 901h year. BABCOCK-In Bowmanville, on Wed- nesday, May 30, 1828, John Babcock, aged 80 years. FOSTER-In Oshawa, at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Robent Vickery, May 23,1928ci, Loulsa, widow of Thomas Fosten. BRENT-At Port Arthur, Ont, on Mon- day, May 28, 1928, Jane Hocken, widow of te late William Breni, Tynone, aged 83 years. TOD-On Wednesday, May 23, 1928, at Toronto, John Tod, in hie 87th yean, fonmerly of Bowmanville. Intermecni in BowýmanviIIe Cemetery. CARSCADDEN-On May 22. 1928, ati General Hospital, Tononto. Nelli Car- scadden, daughter of Mrs. Cansadden and the late William Carsca'iden, Kendal. BATTEN-Suddenly, on Thursday, Mayl 24, 1928, at hie reaidence, 148 Beaconsfieid Ave, Toronto, Frank Batten, belovNl hbus- band of Frances Steele. Interment ail Orono. JAVNES-In London, May 25, 1928, ai the home nf her son-ln-law, Lin. J. M. Rice, 97 Wharncliffe Road, Mns. Jennie .laynes, in her 74th yean. lnterned ai Onono. I-UBBARD-In Little Bitairt, May 22, 1928, Mary Ano Siacey. relici of the laie Johmn Hubband, in her 920(1 year. mInen- mnt ai Mt. Carmon Cemeteny, Mat Whlitiy. DAVIS-In Woodstock, on W.-dnesday, 'lay 23,2, Grace Collacott, wicdow of the laie Aanon Davis, agtei 83 years. Formerly of Bowmanville. Internient in Woouitock on Friday. GILBERT-At Enniekillen. at thîv nesi- dence of hen son, Russell Glbert, on Mon- day, Nlay 28, 1928, Janet McCulloch, wldow of the. laie William Gilbentin hber 77h yean. lnîerned ai Hampton. WICKETT--Suddenly at bis la; e resi- dence, 371 Glebeholme Blvd., Tononto, on Fri<iay, ',ay 25, 1928. Alfonso Riobert, ixe- loved husbad of Augusta Wickett. in- terment Toronto Neenopolis. SCOTT-On Tuesday, May 29, 1928, ai hie laie nesidence, Gneenwood, Ont.,' Geo. W. Scott, second son of the laie aj W. T. Scott of Bowmanville. Interment ai Bowmanviile on Thunsday, May 31st.1 IN MEMORIAM In lovIng mernory of our dear Father, Henry J. Branton, who departed this if e June 2, 1919. A wondenful daddy, man and aid, One who was better God neyer made; A wonderful worken, loyal and truc, One in a million that daddy was you. Just in your judgment always right, Honest and liberal ever upright, Loved by youn friends and ail whom you knew A wonderful daddy, that daddy was you. Ever remnembered by Cela and ]Lick. Lost or Found SOW STRAYED-Yonkshine White Sow came on my premtises lot 23, con. 6, Dan- lington. Owner may have same by pnov- ing property and paylng expenses. Chas. Blanchard, R. R. 1, Hampton. 22-3 DOG LOST-On the evening of May 24th a smali pretty brown and whtte Boston Bull Terrier answers to name Pete' waa taken from Bowmanville Creamn of Barley Camp by a party of people consistjng of two men, young, one In dank the ot.her In light clothes, two women, boy about two years, girl oider. They were drivlng a tourig car and had supper at camp. Dog belongs to Miss Annie Cox. Reward for Information. CaII 142r12. 22-1wl Wanted WANTED-Cattle to pature-plenty of shade and water. R . J. Hodgson, Tyrone. 21 -2w HOUSEKEEPER WANTED-Reliable woman for housekeeper on farm. Apply to A. W. Clemens, Tyrone. 19-tf WANTED-Cattle for pasture. large run and running water. Apply to Harvey McGiII, phone 239r31, Enniskillien. 21-2 CAPABLE WOMAN OR GIRL WANT. ED-For general housework. .Apply to Mns. Southiey, Elgin St., Bowmanvllle. 21 -tf CATTLE WANTED FOR PASTURE- 50 acres good Pasture, plenty shade and water. Prices reasonable. Appiy to A H. Clemens, R. R. 6, Bowmanvllle, phone 237-3. 22-tf ATTENTION-Anyone having building lots ln Bowmanville for sale are Inviteid to oommunlcate with the Chamber of Commerce. Please state location, size and prie of lot. Address: Secretary, Cham- ber of Commerce, Bowmanville. 21-3 WANTED-Woman over 30, permanent position. ls your automobile earning money? The largest manufacturer of strictly custom supporllng garments off- ers wonderful opportunity. Also a ful uine or lingerie con finers stockings and~ sanitary goods. twenty years ln business. Apply Statesman Office or 47 Coîborne St., Oshawa. 20-ô0 Roonis To Rent ROOM AND BOARD-For lady or gentleman ln private family. good locality. Apply B. A., box 70, Bowmanville. 21-2' Real Estate F or Sale FARIM FOR, SALE-171 acres-three m iles from Newcastle; excellent grain andi dairy farm; commodious bouse; good barns, stone stable and o; ber outbuild- Ings; school within convenlent distance. Write Box 104, Newcastle. Ont. 19-4' LAUNDRY WANTED Ail kInds of laundry wonk dons prompt- ly. satisfactorily and ai reasonable prices Write Post Omece Box 12, or cail Mr@. W. Marjoram. King St. E. Bowmanville. $25.00 REWARD $25 REWARO-A reward of $25 will be paid for Information leaAing te the con- viction of the party who broke the iron bar on the "Ocean Wave' and canried it away at the Cream of Barley Camp. J. L. Morden, Pnopnietor, Bowmanville. 22-tf TEAMS WANTED for steady work. Apply Town Engineer BowinanvilIe 21-tf Aricles For Sale PIGS FOR SALE-S weil-bred young Yorkshire pliu W. T. Perrett, Hampton, phone 376-34. 22-2w POTATOES FOR SALE--Oood variety for eating or seed. Chas. Ruddell, New- castle, R. R. 2, or phone 3931 Clarke. 22-3' BARN FOR SALE--Good sound timbers, matched lumber Inside. Apply to Dr. R. E. Dinniwell, Silver St., Bowmanville. f 22-3w* 1 FOR SALE--Cyde mare, Il years o.d, weight about 1400 lbs. Apply to Mr. O. V. Pe.ister. R. R. 5, Bowmanville, phone 146r12. 22-t FOR SALE-Light democrat wagon, set of wagon harneis. one set one-horse Jsleighs. Apply to H. B. Foster, phone 45, Bowmanville. 20-3 FOR SALE-Rubber tired buggy; also, 5No. 4 Eaton Cream Separator, aillln good condition. Apply to T. C. Bragg, phone I11r3, R. R. 4, Bowmianville. 22-1 V AUTO FOR SALE-1925 McLaughlin 1Touring, Master 6 model, in excellent condition. great value. Apply Dustan tCash Hardware, Bowmanville. 18-t j FOR SALE-Frame house, 8 rooms, one acre garden. outbuildings. Excellent pro- Sposition for retired farmer. Price $2250. Apply to W. F. Ward, Barrister, Bowman- ville. 20-2w TABLE FOR SALE-i Walnut dining Ftable, Queen Anne design, with pedestal 1 base, three leaves and ashestos top to . it over table to prevent marking'. Apply tto Mrs. E. M. Wynn, Newcastle, Ont. t FOR SALE-Seven weeks' old White Leghorn cockerels fromt trapnested hens 225 eggB and up. Will sacrifice at 50c teach for quick sale. Caîl or phone Fred W. Battie, 219r3, Bowmanviile. 22-t mFOR SALE-A large sized hall seat and lnrror to match, quarter eut oak, in good condition. For quick sale will be sold cheap. To be seen at Mrs. 1-. W. Burke's, Centre St., Bowmanville, pjhone 115. 19-tf FOR SALE--Oldsmobile sedan; Chevro- let truck in llrst class condition; 1 plat- 1forrn spring wagon; 1 carniage gear suit- able for mitking lighit wagon-nearly new; 1 rubber tire buggy; 2 sets of heavy hack harn ess. Apply Knlght's Livery, King jSt. East, Bowmanville. 21-3 Houses to Rent PLAT O RENT-Comfontable flat on K i ng Str eet. ConvenienWes. Apply to Mrs. T. G. Mason, Bowmianville, phone 200. 19-tf TO RENT-Two 5-roomed funnished cottages or 1 for sale, situated at Arm- sirong's Point, Lake Scugog. Apply W E. Armstrong, Bowmanville. phone 3213 for information. 22-1' TOWN OF BOWAMVNILLE Court of Revision and Appeal Notice is hereby given that the firsi sitting of the Count of Revision fon the Towvn of Bowmanville. ili be held ai the Council Boom ln the Town of Bowmaville on MONDAY, JUNE Ilth., 1928 at 7.30 o'clock, P. m., to hean and deter- mine the several complainte of errons or omissions ln the Assessment Roll for the said Municipality for the year 1928. Ail pensons havlng business ai the Court are requested to atted as aforesaid. JOHN LYLE, Clerk of the Town of Bowmanville. Dated ai Bowmanviile ibis ilsi day of May, 1928. 22-1 AUCTION SALE o n Saturday, June 9th., 1928 y[Entire Household Effects of the late John McMurtry 2 and Store Fuxtures including Counters, Shelving, Etc. of McMprtry & Co. Ltd., old stand lumber and aIl timber in grain fwarehouse (to be tom down and removed) at rear of main building to be beld at fMcMurtry & Co. Ltd., old -at 2 -p. m. (Daylight Saving Time) 3 Ternis Cash t Wni. J. Challis, Auctioneer. 1~ BELL'S TOGGERY SHOP "Where You Buy Gooci Clothes" CAPS 100 New Caps, the kind you usually psy $2.00 for, aIl sizes, and a big assortment of colors and patterns. Sale Price $1.49 BOYS' SUITS TO CLEAR AT $5.00 Only a few of these dandy Suits lef t, serviceable tweeds in sizes 26 to 31. Tbey sell regularly up to $8.90, Sale Price $500 SPORT TROUSERS Real classy and yet service- able are these trousers of Gen- uine Italian Flannel. Tbey are extra good fitting and some in sizes of 28 inch waist and Up, Special $5.00 MEN'S BALBRIGGAN UNDERWEAR 39c Shirts and Drawers. very nice weight, just the tbing for every day wear, sizes 32 to 42, Extra Special 39c Garment Have Your Clothes Made to Measure-It Pays King St. West Bowmanville "The Clothing Man" ANOTHER SHJPMENT PAGE & SHAW CHOCOLATES & CANDIES in boxes and bottles. Cakes and Pastry made fresh every day for hungr people The Bowmanville Bakery Successors to Christie'à Bakery Bowmanville -Try Bowmanville Firt- Where You May Buy With Confidence And Satisfaction Have left 17 only New Spring Coats And altbough we are not offering tbem at Cost-Below Cost or Witbout Thought of Cost-because they are not the class of Coats it is necessary to give aw»y-We guarantee if one of these garments fit your figure the price will most certainly fit your pocket book. Thursday, Friday, Saturday True Silk Hosiery 4 dozen only left-10 strands of Pure. Tbread Silk in great variety of shades- tbe manufacturers are discontinuing this particular number whicb sold at $1.25, While They Lait 75c Pair ARECE aS. NMASOIN EXT D t9k<C ý 0ET0 .F ORSC. BOWMANlVILLE "Bert" Bell Clarence S. Mason's Little Shoppe With the Large Stock DRESSES Lots of Fresb, New Warm Weather Dresses arriving this week Good Dresses sensibly priced. Children's Betty Brown Pantie Dresses Spun silk, all colora, 6 years, 8 years, 10 yeara Clearing Price $298 GLOVES Mixed lot of gloves Clearing at 59c Pair PAGE InVE,