PAESIXTHE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, MAY 3lst., 1928 Thée Royal Bank ef Canada Bownian\'ille Branch - P. F Aitchison, Manager 121 This Ever Happen To You ? A child at play, runs directly in to the path of your car. Shocked breathless, you jani on the brakes. Thank God-you didn't hit him. BUT-supposing you had? Though cleared of blame, nothing to prevent that child's parents from suing you for heavy damages! And then-the possibiiity that it might take your LAST DOLLAR to either defend youraelf or "PAY Up,,! LIABILITY INSURANCE protects you in such a criisi Conipetent attorneys defend your intereste and ail costa are paid by the Insurance Company! For comploe information consult J. J. MASON & SON Real Estate and Insurance Brokers Phone 50 King St. E. Bowmanville ofj1he reasons why, ~ McLAUG HLI N -BUICK -will serve you Bemer and s ave you!I NOT only doca today's McLaughlin-Buick excel in smart, low, dashing lines--m vivid new calor harmonies-mi luxurious upholsteries and appointments-but it sweeps far ahead of its field in those vital engineering factors which mean greater comfort--greater performance- greater econony-and greater value. la Moot Cars- the springa have te serve a double func- tien -te drive the car and ta cuahian the la Me«t Car- water, mud and dust can wark their way inte moving parts causing excessive wear, engine stalhing and other troubles. la men Cars- vibration is merely danipened by means cf additional bear- ings or other inade- quate devices. la Mleut Cars- quality is often sac- rificed for price, or prices advanced te permait fine quality. la McLaughll-Buek- the springs bave only ene fane- tion-to cushion the load-.snd naturally are designed to pro- vide much finer riding qualities. lim McLauglhma-Bulek- the Sealed Chassis and Triple- Seabed Engine absolutely pre- vent these troubles. Ail vital parts are enclosed in dirt-proof, dust-proof, water-tight hoe- ings. In McLaughmll-Bulek- the scienti fically designed Valve-in-Head Engine, counter- balanced crankahaft and flnely balanced unit, throughout remit in performance vibrationless beyond belief. LIS McLaugbI-Buok- tremendous demand makes pos- sible bath high quality and mod- erate price-and therefore un. rivaled value. la bMon Car- la M.LaughiI-uluIk- the dealer's deliver- the lowest possible delivered ed price, including price, including the delivery or the delivery or handling charge in deflnitely en- handling charge, to tabliched by the McLaughlin- the buyer -is nat Buick factory. Thun McLaugh- rigidJy fixed by the lin-Buick quality in provided te factory behind the McLaughlin-Buick owners ev- car. erywhcre at lowest coit. M. a i. Ia c It Pays b Buy McLaughlin-Buick! Corbett Motor Sales Co. King St. E. Bowmanville B~fota AUomeea uAn. N& ,- McLmuhisddm ick WIIIBaudTho LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Dr. and Mrs. Annis, Lindsay, spent the holiday witb Mrs. A. E c Cready, and with friends inOsa. Mr. S. J. Collacutt, Oshawa, added four ne"' Safeway busses to his line. These high class 30 passenger busses are manufactured in Philadeiphia and will be much appreciated by the patrons. June session of the counties counicil will convene on Monday, June 18th. At this session the counties rate is struck, as well as the grant made for counties roads. The rate will ýbe s]ightly higher than last year, it is thought. The engagement is announced of Mary Esther (Essie) Coathani, daugh- ter of Mrs. Coatham and the late Mr. Thos. Coatbam of Orono, to, Mr. Cecil N. Stapîcton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gerge Stapleton, Clarke, mar- niage to take place early in June. The June issue of Canadian Stor- ies, Canada's only ail-fiction maga- zine, contains two outstanding war stories by Kim Beattie and Victor McQuilkin, and other good fiction by well-known Canadian writers. For sale on ail newstands at 15c a copy or by mail $1.50 a year. Canadian Stories is published monthly by The Post, Deseronto, Ont. Newly elcctcd officers of Port Hope Music Study Club are: Presî<lnt- Miss Gladys Westaway; Vice-Presi- dent-Miss Kathleen Daley; Secre- tary-Mrs. D. L. Somerville; Roc.- Sec.-Mrs. J. W. Sanders; Treasurer -Miss Violet Scott; Librarian-Mrs Holden; Executive Committee-Mrs. H. L. Reeve, Mrs. R. Warc, Mrs. D. W. Bcws, Mrs. F. W. McMahon, Miss Florence Patterson, Miss Jean Dickinson, Miss Gladys Black, Miss Kathleen Staples and Miss Jessie Hawkins. Taking the form of a special On- tario Tourist Number, the June issue of Rod and Gun and Canadian Silver Fox News which is just out is of spe- cial intcrest not only to ail residents of that province but also the rcst' of the Dominion and those of the United States with whom Canada isi becoming a popular vacation ground. A personal message of wclcomc from the Premier of Ontario to tourists as the leading article offers every en-ý couragement to visit Canada and en- joy the dclights the country offers. Rod and Gun is published monthly at Woodstock, Ont. A pleasant medicine for children is Mother Graves' Worm Extermina- tor, and it is excellent for driving worms from the systein. OBITUARY Mrs. John Rose, Leskard. Amelia Purdy, widow of the late John Rose, passed away on Wednes- day, May 2nd., aged 74 years, being the same age as ber busband wbose death took place on the same day in 1923. Doceased is survived by one son, Albert, on the farm, and two daughters, Mrs. Roy Hobbs and Miss Alice, at home. Services at residence and grave were conductod by Rcv. William Sterling. Interment in the family plot at Orono Cemetory. The pali-bearers were near ncigh- bors: Messrs. E. J. Hawke, Will Chapman, 1. E. Chapman, A. H. Keane, Russel Bost and Jos. W. Cbap- man Frank Batten, Toronto. Frank Batten, for over 50 years a resident of Toronto and for the past fourteen years an emnpîcyce of the City Waterworks Department, died suddenly at bis residence, 148 Bea- consfield A"onue, on Victoria Day. He had been enjoying the holiday festivities, but succumbod to a heart attack late in the evening. Mr. Bat- tcn was born in Cornwall, England, and came with bis parents to Toronto whon thnee years old. At one time ho was a tonsorial artist. Mr. Batten was a member of Mispah Lodge, A.F. &A.M., past master of Gidoon's Chos- on Few, L.O.L., a member of Black Knight preceptory No. 342 and Rani Ghar Grotto. Besides bis wife, ho is sunvived by a son, Orval and two daugbters, Mrs. Hugh McCartney and Miss Edna Batton. Intorred in Or- ono Cemoteny on Monday afternoon. George McLean, Toronto Witb the deatb of George A. Me- Lean, a familiar figure in Toronto military cîrcles bas passed on. Eighty-tbree years of age, ho was born in Glasgow,, Scotland, and in bis younger days had an enviable military record. Ho served in the 2nd Queen's Bay Rifles in 1858-59 and in 1862 was a captain in the &Id Hundredth Royal Canadian Regiment, seeing service in Afghanistan. He was also in the Franco-Prussian War in 1870-71, holding the rank of Col- onel d'Advance in the picturos que French Foreign Legion. Ho entered the service of the Toronto Street Railway in 1904, and at the tume of bi death was tho oldest employec of the Toronto Transportation Commis- sion, latterly working in the Traffic Stu<ly Department. Wben the Titanic sank was the finst intimation that Mn. McLean had ever been in a shipwreck. McLean was a passongen on a troo'psbip cross- ing the Red Sea. A typhoon stnuck ber, and in the battle with the eie- monts thein ship was dismasted. For days they were tossed bolplessl$' about by the gigantîc waves. Until bis illness threo weeks ago ho was very active and full of good spirits. On the occasion of the T. T. C. Armistice Service at the ceno- taph on November 13, Mn. McLean was an honored membor of the con- gregation. Ris vigorous stop and aIert carniage be]ie<i bis 83 yoars. Ho was a Metbodist. Surviving are bis widow at 120 Nontheliffe Blvd., Toronto, and five daughters, Mrs. E. T. Miller, Toronto; Mns. V. McGrath, Bowmanville; Mis. Seddell, New York; Mrs. W. Trebley, Toronto; and Miss G. M.cLean, at home. j1 Mrs. McLean wss a f Rer Orono lady, Miss Victoria LuspDeceased conducted a barber shouj and jewelny business at Orono for some years. 1 SCHOOL ATHLETIC MEET tDistrict Meet at Cobourg on Monday, June 4th. i The annual district meet under .auspices of the Provincial Athletic sCommission for the counties of On- ttario, Durhamn, Northumberland, Pet- erboro, Victoria and Haliburton will be beid at Cobourg on Monday, June 14, whon pupils from the high, separ- Sate and public schools will compete 3for the honor of ropresenting the dis- trict at the provincial meet to be beld in Toronto. ;1Conditions for district meets are: AIl ages date to May 1, 1928. Boys must represent the schools they are attonding May 1, 1928. No boy un- der 12 eligible. No boy may comn- pete in two age classes, but may coin- pete in as many events in bis own class as lie wishes. Relay boys must be ail from one school. Competi- tors must have sbown at least 50 per cent in their class work. WInners only if tboy have reached the stand- ards set wili have their expenses paid to the final meet in Toronto. Wc are showing Fugi Silks in al the new shades and absolutoly guar- anteo fast colon. Coucb, Johnston & Cryderman. Your Home Medicine Chest- Among thc standard household remne- dies that should always be on hand1 in your home medicine cbest, none is more important than Dr. Thomas' Ecloctric Oil. Its manfold useful- ness in rclieving pain and bealing sickness is known by many tbousands j tbroughout the(, land. Always use Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oji for reliev- ing rheumatic and sciatic pains, treating sore throats and chests, coughs, burns. scalds, cuts, bruises and sprains. Badminton players find a 1 drink cf hot tea cf great benefit after a strenucus game. In Ieading Badmin- ton clubs cf Canada, Red t Rose Tea is a great favorite. No other tea offers such brisk, zestful flavor and rich quality. Put up only in t bright, dlean aluminum v packages. I4EW "'A GREATc TONICY" SAYS MRS. RUSSEIL After Taking Lydia E. Pinikham's Vegetable Compound Fenwick, Ont-"! ain takcing Lydia E. Pinkhazn'a Vegetable Compound during the Change of Life for nervous petite and to gain have taken a dozen botties of it. It was recommended to me by a friend and * now 1 recommend it t, all women for such troubles as corne at thia tume." -MRs. W. V. Rumui LLR No. 5, Fenwick, Ontario. :Zutoo IWM stop an y headache in 2o min- utes, ill nlp a coid in the bud, wiii relieve the monthi y paàsof women, and in every case I Leaves you reertng Good LESSON No. 17 Question: Why is emulsified cod-liver oul so efficient a food for young children ? Answcr: Rickets or weak bories are evidences of Iime-deficiency. Emul- si ledvitainin-richcod-Iiver üj, he!ps Nature supply this deficency. Pure, pleasantly flavored, nothing quite surpasses SCOTT'S EMU ISION -ook'a Roguîating Compound A .if. rWiob uld m.dits.. SoId in three de ~eso atrngth--No. 1, li: o23;N. 3, 85per boa. SoId Address: THE COOK MEDICINECO.. TSUUITOomT. ('ormeriyWVindoe' 0 sPHOSPMODINEý~ )M'L" Tie Great Engtésh Preparatrnn. IMToes and invigorates the whole NiLvous system. makes new Blood iold Veiuis. Used for Nervous ImDehljty. Mental and Drain Worry tkpodecy of l)' n7o, Palpitation oQ th diaftFjing Mauov. r'>e2pebot. 3* for 151 ~SoId by aidruggist or mailed in plainl pkg. on res.eip4of Prço. Nais'panvphW*maîlet ,,a.TIB M»O.MEDUIN COJOROMTOONT. realize the remarkable powers of Dr. JD. Kellogg's Astbma Remedy. Ail ases, incipient and cbronic, are enefited by this great family remedy. Why suffer or experiment with worth- less preparations when the geuine Kellogg's can be purchased every- where.1 ORONO (From The Newvs of May 24th) Township Council meet Saturday, Juno 2nd. Miss Louise Cowan, Toronto, was at her fatben's, Mr. George Cowan, for a weck. Mr. A. J. Knox was gue-st of .Bow- manville Rotnry Club at their Friday noon luncheon. Miss Jervis, a former teacher on the Higb Sehool staff, spent Sunday 1witb friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Ougb of Tor- onto, spent the weekend with Mr. E. J. Hawke, Leskard. Mrs. Harper and Mr. Allan Harper, Toronto, were guestis of Mr. and Mrs. J. Allen on Victoria Day. Mr. and Mrs. E. Plomondon of Ot- tawa, were recent weekend guosts of Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Rolpb. Miss Jeanette Duncan of Toronto, is sponding a couple of weeks holiday- ing at Mr. Robert Morton's.' 1 Rova nd Mrs. John W ilkinson and haby Ruth, Victoria Road, visitod at the home of Mr. F. Tamblyn. Mr. and Mrs. H. MacDonald of 1Wellington, spent this weekend witb bis brother, Mr. H. G. MacDonald. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Leigb returied home thîs week from Toronto whero they spent the winter with their daughters. Corns cannot exist when Hollo- way's Corn Remover is applied to them, because it goes to the root and kilis; the growtb. A number of the members of Wol- verhampton Lodge, S.O.E. attended the church parade of Lodge Welling- ton at Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. Goode of the Orono Creamery enjoyed a visit froni ber mother and father wbo motorod down from Port Perry, Sunday. Mrs. A. Towniey and family, Miss Kathryn and Master Bruce, and Mr. Edwards of Fenelon Falls, spent Sun- day at M.%r. A. A. Rolph's. Mr. William Staples is in London this weok attending the funenal of bis cousin, Mrs. Fred Staples, who died after a lingoring ilinoss. Miss Mary Somerville, Toronto University, was hurried home the lat- ter part of last week, threatened witb pnoumonia. She is now sligbtly impnoved. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Jobnston of Toronto, rocently rotunned from a European trip, and spent Saturday witb bis cousin, Mr. Ed. Morton, and othor relatives bore. Rev. S. T. Tucker, bis many friends bore will regret to learn, is ieft in delicate hoaith fnom flu, and is now in company with Mrs. Tuckor resting at their cottage at Wasaga Beach. Mr. Joseph Martinoil, Kendal, bas rented from Mr. George Cowan the fifty acres pasture land, lot 12 in the seventh concession, for another ycar, making the tenth year be bs ee a tenant on tbe place. The inscription on the tablet in front o ftbe Anglican Church basi been changed to read "St. Saviour's Church". This church bas been the place of worsbip for the Anglican people since the union of the Moth- odist bodies in 1884. The Family Pbysician.-Tbe good doctor is always wortb bis fee. But it is not aiways possible to get a dec- ton just wben you want bim. In such cases, 'common sonse suggests sucb as Dr. Thomas' Eciectric Oil, whicb is wonderfully effective in cas- ing infiammatony pains and heaiing cuts, scratches, bruises and sprairîs. ýThe presence of this romedy in the family medicine chest saves many a ýfoc. Mn. and Mrs. Jack H. Histed, (nec Ora E. Myles) of Hamilton, accoin- ýpanicd by ber mother, Mrs. Myles, motored into town Friday and spent a few bours witb frionds here. Mr. Myles, wbo was a former resident of Dronu baving come bore as a con- tractor on the railroad during the building of the C.N.R., passed away [n January The lecture by Rev. Thos. Wallace of Newtonville, '"Coal-pit to Pulpit" was very mucb enjoyed by a fair sized audience in Park Street Church Monday evening. A couple of excep- tionally rendored duets were given by Mr. and Mrs. Swarbrick of Kend- al and Miss Helen Powers contribut- id a sweetly renedered solo, assistedj in the chorus by Mrs. Sandcrcock, contralto. Use Millor's Worm Powders and the sattie against worms is won. These r)owders correct the morbid condi- tions of the stomach which nourisb ,vorms, and these destructive para- sites cannot exist after they come in contact witb the medicine. The ,vorms are speodily ovacuated with Wwild you like to have a piano in your home? It can be arranged easily. Almost any person can afford one if he knows how to go about it. Instruments of beautiful tonal qualities, small, large and grand, new and used, are here for your inspection. Prices are reasonable and it costs littie more to buy than to rent. Customers are al- ways pleased with arrangements-quarterly pay- ments. Nothing you can buy will add more charm to your home. F. J. MITCHELL Telephone 105 Bowmanville Aviation Gaso1ine-.. BATTERIES We seli them at a price that wiil please you. TIRES We selI the well-known Goodyear Tires and Tubes ce A. Bartlett Phone 110 King St. East, Bowmanvjlle PIANOS 2eie DELICIQUS ROASTS The vexed housewife's problem as to where she can get thoroughly reliable meats is easily solved at our shop. Here you'll find every day a wonderful display of fresh wholesome meats, that make your mouth water just to look at them. It isn't enough that our meats look good-they must be fresh and taste good as well. We're more particular than you can be, that everything you buy here is of the best. CHOICE DAIRY BUTTER We have received this week some very choice dairy butter that we recommend as we know the makers. HAROLD M. JEWELL Successor to Phare & McCoy Phone 518. Bowmanville SUMMER COAL PRICES NOW IN EFFECT You wiIl not be sorry if you let us fill your bins with LEHIGII ALLEY ANTHRACITE - ne Codl Tat Salis fini Ail freshly mixed and well screened. Satisfaction is the heîght of realization-so, buy Lehigh-Valley Anthracite If you require anything in the building line consuit us. J. A. HOLGATE & SON Builders' Supplies and Fuel Phone 153 or 202 Bowmanville PAGE SIX