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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Jun 1928, p. 1

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"4* 4.4 ~tatr~mmT i 1h! .Te..T-u-a 'rb Rixm ;iville' News' Wltfl VVflCfl . ISincoU1psJiauu »a _____ii.-inv T Ir FTIT Xf A TA C10 C1QCwTh ia'haaPOWMANVILLE. ONT.. THURSDAY, JUNE 7th., 1928 .$2.00 a Year In Advance 5c a Copy No. 23 OPERA HOUSE BOWMANVILLE Tuesday, June 12 at . 15 p. ni. David Garrick In 3 sets Under auspices of Women's Hospital Auxiliary DIRECTED BY MRS. D. ROBB Don't miss seeing this great corn- edy-draxna which bas stood the criticism of play-goers for almost a century. Plan opens at R. M. Mitcbeî's Dnug Store on Tbursdsy, June 7th witisout extra charge. 22-2 BUSINESS 0F TRANSPORTATION Darlington Boy One of Largat Operators of Coach Lines in Ontario. It is probably news ta many or aur reeders that "Colacott's Coach LUnes" operating 15 hlgh class passenger buses between Belleville, Cobourg, Peterboro. l3owmanville, Oshawa and Toronto Is owned and operated by Sherwood J. Col- Iacott, son of the late WilUlam Collacott of Tyrone and Maple Grove. Although Mr. Colacott has only been in this business for 6 years be is consid- ered one of the ploneers in this modern mode of transportation. He bas over $200000 Invested In busses and equipmellt and only iast month purcbased 4 pal- atial safeway busses in Philadelphla for $58000. Apart from the usual upkeep In gas, il, tires, repairs, etc., Mr. Col- lacott infrrned us tbat be carnles $60.000 Insurance an eacb bus for the protection of passengers at an annual cost of over $12000. Besides bis bead office at Oshawa. he has a very up-to-date garage at Picker- ing. To avoid delays through acOtidents or break downs he keeps 2 buses In re- serve for emergency calis. Collacott Coach Lines make connectioli with the Grey Coach LUnesi running ta Buffalo, Ceveland, Detroit and Rochest- er. It is predicted that it Is only a mat- ter of time before tbe througb buses op- erating along the Kingston }ighway will seil tickets ta ail points In the States reached by motor busses. A complete time table of Collacott Coach Lines appeared in Tbe Statesman iast week. SummerTerm In eacb of Sbaw's Twelve Sebools folloiws tbe present Session in regu- Ian onder from July 3rd witb no forced vacations. Enter any day. Bookiet free. Write 1130 Bay St., Toronto, W. R. Sbaw, Secretary. COMING EVENTS MINISTERS AND CHURCHES A sale of Needle Work wilh be hehd St. Josepiss Gurcis, Mass 9 s. i. in tise Salvation Army Hall on Tues- Sunday Scisool 2.30 P. nm. Sermon. day, June 12tb at 2.30 p. i. Lunech and benedictian 7 p. mi. Rev. P. P. will be served at 15e. Butler.n "Eyes of Love" by Osawa talenti Trinity United Churcis, Bey. J. U.h will be given Thumsdsy, June 2lst ati Robins, Paston. Sunday services at2 8.15 p. m., in tise Opera flouse, Bon'- il a. mi. and 7.30 P.ini. Sunday manville, under auspices of L. T. B. Scisool at 10 a. i. Admission 35e. St. Andrew's Presbytenian Cisurcis, Guest Tea wilh be held at tise home Churcis and Teiperanee Sts. Bey.1 of Mrs. J. R. Stutt, Wellington Street, B. MeDevient, M. A mInuster. Sen- 1 Friday, June 22nd., frai 3 Vo 6 vices at il a. i. anct 7.30 p. mi. p. i., unden auspices of tise Women's1 Sunday Scisool at 2.30 P. nM. Auxiliary of St. Andrew's Presbyte-j St. Paul's Churcis, Be". D. W. Best, ian Churcis. 23-3 ID. D., minister. il a. n.-"O Christ, for Tiine Own Ghory, and for Our Country's Weal". 7.30 P. m-H W. D. WOMENS INSTITUTE. did it with al bis heart, and Prosper- _______ed" 2.30 p. i.-Sunday Scisool. Tise annual meeting of West Dur- StJn'AglcnCurhBy ham Women's Institute wilh b. iseld SB. J h' nlcnCucRv in te curc atý R J.Sbires, Rector. limt Sunday in is curisata. m.-Holy Communion. 11.00 Halo'n onThuada, Jne 4thaftev Trinity, June 10. 1928. 8.00 at 10 a. i. (standard time.) EIec- a. în.-Morning Prayer. 2.30 p. i- tion of officers and general business. Sunday Scisool. 7.00 p. m.-Ev(,n- Special speaker for this meeting ing Prayer. wilh be Prof. J. B. Reynolds President of Ontario Agricultural College, Re-opening of St. Andrew's Pres- Guelphs, who will give an address on bytenian Churcis, Sunday, Jîîne l7tis. Rural Probleis. Mrs. Cooper, Wsn- Bey. J. G. Lewis, Mînister of Rose- saw, Federated Representative, is al dahe Presbyterian Churcis, Toronto, s0 expected ta be present. will preacis St bath services. Special Let every Brancis in the District mqsic by tisé choir. Everybody wel- b. represented at tise opening ses- came. sin. The Tbank-offeing meeting f tise Dinner will be served by Hampton Junior Missionary Society of St. Mms. John Baker, Mm. Percy'VanCamp evening, June l7th. Tise address President, Hampton. Sec'y. Nestheton. will be given by Miss Banker who bas 222 recently visited tise fields in India Iand China. tiani on S preac "Kini in th who alang mde churc work he as day i Mrs. ren<i RE ity day (Rei the Mrs son; Miss in h4 gave ing very A b T. ing bold tate b. soi at2 Cha nex, June Sale of Extra Values ln Ladies' Coats Our entire collection of Ladies' Spring Coats must be sold to make room for summer merchandise, so every Ladies' Coat in the store has been marked down to seil at Greatly Reduced Prices Big Range of New Dresses Frocks that take on a new air of lightness, airin'ess and dis-. tinction have just been received. These dresses are in tune with the lovely summner days to corne. Light in mood and gay in at- tractiveness. For not only their fashioný, but their designs and colors, are unlike any that have ever been seen before. Beautiful modes of fluttery chffons, printed georgettes, fig- ured crepes and handsome novelty silks showing the loveliest of flower patterns, dashing dots and conventional designs. And naively sophisticated small prints so much the vogue in fashion- able circles. NEW DRESS GOODS In Printed Chiffons, Printed Silks, Silk and Wool Crepes, Rayons, Broadcloths and fast colored Fugi Silks in ail the new shades. FOULARD SILKS AT $1.00 Several pieces of Foulard Silks selling off $1 per yard, reg. $1.75 LADIES' SILK HOSE A big assortment of Ladies' Silk Hose in ail the newest shades from 75c to $2.00. MEN'S NEW SUITS Our large assortment of Men's New Suits featuring the new- êst weaves, colors and styles combined with the real values we offer is keeping our Men's Clothing Department outfitting men who appreciate the best at reasonable prices. rinity United Church congrega- kwas pleased ta have in the pulpit Sunday Rev. W. A. Bunner who ached a splendid- sermon on îdness" on Sunday morning and the evening Mr. . H. Lockhart )gave a very practical address g temperance lines. He also de feeling reference ta several mer deceased members of this trch who were helpful Christian rkers in the years gone by when as a boy attended church and Sun- rSehool. Mms. R. Thonipson and s.W. J. Morrison contributed well, iered solos. tegular monthly meeting of Trin-, Church W. M. S. was held Tues- in the Sunday School Rooni, Mrs eV.) J. U. Robins presidiùig. Afur business devotional service was charge of Miss Bellman's group. '.R. Pooley read the scripture les- tMiss Editis Weekes read a leaflet; s Dorothy Plummer sang a 'iolo her usual sweet voice; Mrs. Robins ve a synopsis on the BIranch meet- ,held in Lindsay which proved ry interesting and much enjoys-d. beautiful solo was given by Mrs. W. Cawker after which the .aeet- gwas brought to a close. AUCTIONfSALE ýaturd&y, Jun . 2S&d-The house- d furniture and effects of thse es- te of the late Albert E. Goode wll Ssold at the. residence, Briown St. th, (opposite the Hospital). Sale 2 p. m. (daylight saving>. W. J. àallis, Auctioneer. Particulars mt week. Royal Theatre Presenting The. Fiamat la Photoplays Phone 589 Friday.Saturday, June 8-9 Tim McCoy In *'WYOMING" Set off along the great Oregon trail of thrilling history with Tim ifcCoy. He'll lead you along the rond of excitement and action you'Il neyer forget. Froi the sitory by W. S. VanDylze. MIatinee Saturday afternoon nt 2.30 p. mi. Children 5c. Chapter 1 of "THE TRAIL 0F THE TIGF rl" Starring Jack Daugherty and regular progralo. Monday-Tueéday, June 11-12 Phyllis Haver In "ICHICAGO"» A drainatie picture with a daring theme admirably developed an ab- sorbing motion picture briîming wîth sensations-a story familiar yet strange-revolting yet true and convincing. Frai the sup- erb stage play by Maurine Wat- kins. Wednesday.Thursd5Y, June 13-14 Norma Shearen In *'THE ACTRESS'1 A fascinating fihmization of Pin- ero's "Trelawney of the. Wells". Tise have story of a stage stan and aiacion of wealth, a picture wisicis takes you behind tise scenes wisere real drama begins when tise curtain drops. Ail performances start on Deylght Saving Tii., +1 Vol. L&&LV M. iA. JAMM i~&;5'J.'IN;, ruuiirnivia. - R :ot eh, 26, Vii Phil ly, r Ver Gwi rair Joc Mi hi 'Bi Rai ht Bl Do st hi I i Fr PERIOD 1742 Beautiful costumes and setting. Admission soc stage1 B. -r,, Couch, Jçhnston &Cryderman, DOBDavi1I* Phono 104 *Limiten TOWN PUBLIC SCHOOLS -TRIAL BY JURY" UNIVERSITY EXAMINATIOT4S Honour Roll For May Drainatie Cantata Thoroly Enjoyed Examination results in the Faculty _______By Audience Which Failed the Opera of Arts at University of Toronto are Room 1-Entrance Class-Cla8s House. announced and include the naine of tgraded. Entrance examinationsý former atudents of Bowmanville High A at the Hligh School on June 25, The one-act Gilbert and Sullivan School as f ollows: 27. operetta "Trial By Jiry" was pre- Foumth Year-Pass Course-Mary J. H.' Johaston, teacher. sented in thse Opera House, Tuesday W. Somerville, Orono, (aegrotal). Room 2--Jr. 4th-Leonard Wilson, evening, June 5, under the au*pices Thîrd Year-Classics--Class Il-* inton Bagnell, Bessie Gives, Bili of thse Woinen's Association of St. Maitland Gould, who wAs head stud- illips, Mary Towns, Walter 'Rate- Paul's Church when nearly evevy seat ent at University College and award- Jasper Smith, Annabelle Kellar. was occupied. ed the Mass Scholarsbip. Cecil E. Brunton, teacher.' The operetta was preceeded by a Englisis and History-Class Il- Room 3-Jr. 4th--Sidney Dillick,ishort prograin which was opened by Marlon E. Dickson, Orono. trold Calmer, Madeline Jones, Ruby Rev. Dr. Best with a few wel-chosen Commerce and Finance!-Class Il )bs, Ruths Purdy, Fern Smith, Jack remarks. 'Mr. A. E. Hircocis, bass, -S. H. H. Syrnons, Toronto; Pass- oach, Dorothy Edger, Louise Cole,. sang "The Ragged Vagabond" and James Gilfillan, Orono. ,nces Clarke. responded ta the very cordial ap- Biological and Medical Sciences- Mise Minnie M. Jennings, teacher. plause with the favourite solo Class II-Albert E. AlIi, Hampton. Roo 4.Sr.3r-~Cestr Jry Asleep in thse Deep". Pass Course-Grade B-Stanley L Vanstone Mr.3Ian M.sRoreJusy, Osborne, (Eng.), Toronto. ýra Lonsbermy, ByronVntn, M.InM oeton gave a hum- Ontario College of Dental Sur- wen Ballantyne, Alice Purdy, Lor-orurein "vlgePlis"ad geons-4th year-Andrew Somer- ne Piekard, Editis Morris, Harry as an encore a short lxlem. ville, Orono. ,îkman, Joyce Alder, Jini Sisson. Miss Helen Bunner of Ontario Lad- Mise Helen G. Morris, teacher. les' ColI.ege, Whitby, accompantied FUNERAL 0F KENNETH GARTON Room 5-Sr. 3rd-Thomas Dustan, by Miss M. Kisby, sang a lovely se-_____ arjory Jones, Fred Wood, Grace prano solo "Thse Wind's in the South" The funeral of the late Kenneth ndle, Lawrence Reisder and Selma and responded ta an encore with K. Garton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Tur- rtlett equal, Clifford Hall and Boyd "Yesterday" by Spross. ney A. Garton, the account of whose emon, equal. Helen Pritchard and' Mr. F. Converse Smith of Toronto, tragic deatis by drowning sippears on lpis Ames, equal. played as a violin solo "Hungarian1 another page took place on Tuesday Miss Greta M. Wickett, teacher.1 Dance" whicis received very hearty afternoon. Roomn 6-Sr. 3rd-Jean Morris' aepreciation, and as an encore "An Service was conducted by their )hn Shires, Aileen Gibbs, Alex. Col: 1 Air" by Gluck. tPastor, Rev. J. U. Robins of Trinity le, Bill Allin. Mr. C. S. Halîman, tenor, sang in United Church, whose message car- Sr. 2nd-Alfred Allin, Audrey El-I his usual pleasing manner "Little ried comfort and consolation ta those tt, Sybil Mutton, Beatricc Rice, Motiser of Mine", f ollowed by "Lilies Who mourn the loss of theîr lîttle son. ,urray Bat.. of Lorraine". H 1e based his reiarks ýon tise words Miss Marjorie M. Robins, teacher. Mr. Robertson gave as his second1 "Wisat I do thou knowest net now, Rooni 7---Sm. 3rd-Russell Hayes, number "The Bridegrooni Replies", a but thou shalt know hereafter". Mise ilie Dunlop, Eileen Hat,-ly, Hubert take off on the lif. of a young mar- Margaret Allin, accompanied by Mr. .oper, Gertrude Dewell. rîed ian, and as an encore "I Under- Francis Sutton, sang very feelingly Jr. 3rd-Carl Raby, John. Marri- stood". "Soie day we'll Understand". Bey. n, Ada Clark, Harry Taylor, Helen Miss Bunner who pos sesses a beau- sistedSirte san erv. D.B s ýunn. tiful soprano voie. coupled witi si n h erie Miss LettaL Bragg, teacher. pleasing personality sang as a second The paîl-bearers were-Frank Boom S-Sr. 2nd-Grace Childs, number another delightful solo, and Jamieson, John James, Alan Knight, n Bell and George Somerscales, în charîing manner gave anotheriLamne Allun, Robert Corbett, Russel qual, Dorothy Richards, Bert John- short selection in response ta the ap- Smith. ton, Altan Richards, Mary Birks anîd preciative applause of the audience.1 The flower-bearems were Kenneth's ýorothy Goode, equal, Geoi-gina Soin- Afe ashr fellow pupils in Miss Edna Jewell's scales, MadshoMoses.tactidraoatice"Triarooi and other boys of the Central recaes.Made Mses.actdraati catata"Tral y Jry"Public Sehool, who carried tise lovely Miss Edna E. JewelI, teacher. was presented under thse personal dr- flowers and followed tise remains ta Rooni 9r. 2nd B.-Joey CaverlY, ection of Mrs. (Dr.) J . Clark Belthe cemetery. Lutis Logan, Donald Mitchell, Edward who weilded tise baton in a iost Besides his sorowing parents, be leavea ooper, Pearl Kellar, Helen Foster, graceful style and conducted the per- one brother Clarence, aged 14 yeans, and hana Leigistan. formance tisroughout in a ma.sterly one sisten Mavis. aged 5 yeams. Jr. 2nd A-Marion Scott, Betty way. Mms. Bell deservesgea Among tbe relatives present weme: Mm. getand Mrs. S. Garton, St. Thoms, grand- lingle, Dorotisy Knox and Marlon credit for the excllept manner in~ parents; Messrs. Clarence Garton, St. ami, equal, Eileen Hallinan, Betty1wbich tise choruses and solo nuiî erSi Thomas, Fred Garton, Golden Valley, and vise and Dorothy Jones, equal. were presnted, tise singera reflpond- Jack Starkey, Thedford, oncles; Mrs. L. Mis . .More taisr.ig a erepe iecto w Gru nifin, Mrs. D. Rankin and Hazel Gar- MiseF. . More teche. ig tererxpet drecionwitoutton, St. Thomas, aunts; Mr. and Mrs. Ro6m 10-Jr. 2nd--Betty Edger, hesitation. Tise acting of tise lead- George Howey, Harvietovilie, Mn. and orothy Bradt. ing characters, as well as that of tise Mms. A. McLarty, Mrs. M. Spitler, Mrs. Sr. lst-Omery Mitchell, Nèrnîan lesser performers, was given with a!ý Riggs of Detroit, great uncles and aunts; BaldinBil WekesMarare Wi- nauranes whch a al ties et*Grace and Harold Giffin, Helen Garton, laldinBil WeeesMararetWil nauralesswhih atah ueSsetSt. Thomas, cousins; Mes. J. lents, Tor- ton, Mary MeAllister and John Tay- tise audience at perfect ease and kept onto, Mes. Richiardson, London. or, equal, Donald Cameron, Helen themi in a îoad for tbovoîigi enjOy- The beautiful floral tributes included: Virtue. ment of tise play- Mrs. M. A. Neal Piilow, Our Boy,-Mother, Fat)ier, Clan- Jr. Ist-Ernie Taylor and Doris discharged hier duties as accompantist ence and Mavis; Broken Circle-Grand- usua and Granfipa Garton; Gates Ajar- Dean, equal. in hem sa rrpocalemne.Bus L$e mployees; Cirlea--Trinity fiaV. H. Buunnr, teacher. "Trial by Jury" is a burlesque on sunday s cbool, Fife andi Druu Band; Harp-Mr. and Mes. Richardhon, Mn. Boom i 1-.Sv. Primer-Helen Wil- the procedure of a breacis of promise and Mms. G. Thomison, Mes.- Se'ymour iams, Lucy Lyle, James Crombie, court. Angeline sues Edwin for and Agnes.- London; Wreathea-W. C. rervance Dustan, Philip Latimer, Bill breach of promise of marniage. Judge, Caverly and family. L. 0. L. No. 2384, Women's Institute, Miesa Beatrice Potten, Brown. jury and court-moim audience are aIl Mr. and Mes. T. Richards and family; Primer B-Beatrice Kemjrring, se overcome by tise beauty of Angel- Baskets-Aunt May, Unele and Cousins Harvey Gibson. ina that they decide for tise plaintiff Grace and Harold, St. Thomns, Mes. P. Prier ---rva BeryBlan E- wthot harig te eideceand Brown; Sprays-unshine Club. Ken- Primr COnvl ~.ery, BainEl-witouthearng iseevienc, Clanîate, Kenneth's Bai Tar, liott. - it is decided that Edwin muet psy. cocii Jackman, Roland and Murray Miss N. Montgomîery, teacher. Tise judge, isowever, reaches a decis- Batea, Jini and Tom Callan. Five Sehool Rooi 12r. lst-Charlie Cisurcis- ion pleasîng teallahw)en he announces Gil Rosa and Jack Rice, Athur Hum- .11,Lesie isihips Thodov La- "'ll arr be mysif'. IRaby. D. Dilling, P. Jackman. M. Veal, bros.. J. isdj1eman. aD. Piper, M. and Mrs. A. Sr. Primer-Louise Cox and Dor- Tise set opened witi tise court- deM.adMes. Wm. Edger, Mn. aio audience, who acted as chorus, an Ms.Bodler1, Mm. and Mes. W. J. othy Harnden, equal, Louise robardpr,,Ms .Aru n lm Mr*Irwin, Eileen MeMullen entering thev.ur, D llo e es te mates, Mn. and Mme. Jas. Brown and Jlar. Primer-Maul Wooîner j cleris of tise court, Mr . V ,amily. Mm. and Mes. H. Allun and famliy. Beginnes-Jeani Logan, Byron and tise usher. Mn. C. M. Cavrut.hers. Jemusalem Lodge, AF. &A.M.. Eastern Th jury followed, and were begged Stan, BowmanvIlle, Eastern Star. Osh- 'Wlorbis o y or. awa, L.T.B. No. 55, Mr. and Mrs. F. F. MissBerha . Srgea, tacier.y tise ushen ta meach their decision Morris andi Winni!red, R.B.P., Osha'wa, Mie erhaM.Srgnt tacer i thout prejudice o so aysr.jW .GrouP, Mr. and Mme. J. Innes. SouthWard To this tisey agreed, but as Edwin tise (drno) n and Mrs. B. Reid, Mn. Room 1L-Sr. 2nd-Lillian Barnes, defendant enteved, it was easily seen 1 Ha Ms.J. ,A. Miel, M ss .apndce., Annie Kilgannon, Thelma Little, tisat tise jury favoured tise plaintiff. Mn. and Mrs. T. C. Jewell and daughter, Frank Tigise, Keitis Wilson. Mn. Melville S. Dale, singing thse vole Miss Edna Jewell. bis teachen, Mn. and Sr. Ist-Donotisy Barton, Leonard of def endant gave a veny finished per- ,Mrs. C. King and -famiy, Mn. and 4Mes. SoesaeBernice Mto1Bs oiac it i cigadsln Alan M. Williams, Mr. and Mis. A. J. Somem os frmncaless ctngan sle-Wadbams. Mn. and Mm,. Jas. Infantine, Rice. did tenon voice. Tise judge, Mr. Il. iMm. and Mms. Fred Knox, Mn. and Mrs. Jr. Ist-Frances Hearl, lIa Sutton, J. Kniguht, told tise jury and audience,j Thas. Sellers, W. Conden, J. Martyn, Kathleen BlnCaleRc. in nauigslhw aet Muriel Thoms; Mn. and Mrs. Wm. Graves. Neil S. Stewart, teaciser. be a judge. Tise usiser tisen called and Mrs. A. McLarty, Mms. T. Prederick, Rooni 2-Jr. lst-Dorotisy Nick- tise pliniff into court. Preceeded by Mn. Wm. Cornisb, Mes. MSpiller, De- erson Paticiatrait; Mn. and Mes. T. C. Ros, Mm. and ersn, atrciaWilson, Bob Wood- her bidesîaids, Mms. Gea. L Hall, Mms. A. Nicholis.. and Penn, Lamne and ward, Lewis Wiseman. Misses Helen Yellowlees, Jean Rai- Dean Bickeil, Donald and Lamna Sand- Pr. Sr.-Joyce Large, Ralpis Cale say and Elizabeth Best, Mms. Rets ens, D.O.E., Oshawa, Mn. and Mrs. Elmer and Jack Colville, equal, Madelîne Cale Dudley. as Angelina, entered tise Shaw and Vernon, Mm. and Mes. R. Ster- Calvr, Dmth Bicell court. She was attended by Miss ling, Oshawa, Palestine Chapter, Royal Calvr, orohy iekll.Arch Masons. Mrs. Florence Aluin and Pr. Jr.-Louise Wilson, Florence Bores Murdoif, as -fiower girl,, and !amily, Mn. and Mns. C. A. Smith, Mn. Calver, Orme Suttan, Tom Depew, Miss Elsie Carruthers, as page. and Mns. T. H. Knigbt. John Lowe, Sid- Jean Rice and Hazel Little, equal. ney Nichalîs, Mn. and Mns. H. Hart, Mr. BeginersNora Halidy, Esie Mrs. Dudley by er chaming ap- and Ms. S. A. Burgess, M. and Mrs. Morley Burgess, Leola and Jack Miller, Byeginr-oraHlidy li pearance and bier singing of tise Mn. and Mns. F. Wakelin and Clan.. yM ise .M abrih ce. plaintiffs rae' immediatçly won the Heen and Phyllis Dach. M. and Ms. Mis F.M. albaît, tacier.heants of ber audience, as well as tise Spencer Woods and Mn. and Mrs. Edwin Penn Bak Deosis-$23.8. j of ise ury juge ad see-Woods, Mn. and Mes. Darwin Biekell, Pen Bn Dpsis-$ iftejrjug n pc Roy Diiiing, Mabel and Inene Bnookbam, Number of deposits 436. Number of tators in tise eourt-voom. Charlotte Mitchell, Mn. and Mms. L. G. puison rail 596. Gneenaway and Thelma, Mn. and Mes. puisMn. George E. Chase, counicil for Jas. Welsh and family, M.' andi Mes. tise plaintiff, proceeded ta state tise Harold Clemens, Mr. and 'Mes. W. P. case for isis client, but tise evidence ____P.Pier SOLINA ESTABLISHES RECORI) was not needed as alI were in ber fav- GODPRCSFO IE SOCK ________ aur. Tise defendant attempted ta.__,__ Our Newcastle correspondent eom-t state bis change of opinion towards Parmers are enjoying bigber prices for nients: We wondered whene ail tise tise bride, and tise entîre court îî- their livestock tbese days, and wbo Io peophe had gone frai everywhere înediateIy decided that "Edwin, îust thene will say they don't deserve every redollar they get? Last week H. B. hast Sunday week and then when Tise pay". Tise judge then setthed mat- i Poser, tbe weii known dnover o! Bon'- Statesian came ta hand we knew. ters by proposing to marny tise (plain-1 maniville, sbipped tram Newcastle, Orono B'y tise ist of visitons mentioned in tiff, and thus shle was made happy andi Stankville stations 6 car loads o! 1-lf4.1. - A __ i. whle he dfenantwaicattle and hogs ta Mntree. This would Salis nws aîf isewond mut hve hil tis deendnt ws eleasedamount te aven 30 truck boada according '1 i 'p.. 1 Ir - m e;an;a, lan ClýMP

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