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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Jun 1928, p. 3

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BowMANvILLE, THURSDAY, JUNE 2lst, 1925 PAGE THREE BOYS AT BROOKLIN FAIR Iu its report of Brooklu Spring Fair held June 9th, the Oshawa Times makes this comment: "A feature of the afternoou was the asthetical drills aud perform- ances by the lads from the Boys' Training School, Bowrmanville. The stunts that these boys presented were professional lu every seuse of the word. Practically every person ou the grounds witnessed the clever ex- hibitions which were presented under the able direction of Earle Cunning- Shamu, physical superintendeut of the B.T. S. For fully haif an hour they performed, showing to advantage their expert training and muscular developsueut, and doing "flips" which ouly keen mînds coulà master. Mingled with the more serious dem-1 onstrations was a "take-off " on an in- terpretive dance, which was done by eight of the group. A roar of laugh- ter came from the onlookers as thesel boys, dressed in short gowns of green cheesecloth, and waving "silkeu" streamers, danced out onto the grass and went through soine of the ciever- est antics ever before witnessed. The performance of this group frosu B'owmanville was commented on as being one of the best entertainmnent.s held at the Brooklin Spring Fair in mnany years." The boys of the B.T.S. wili be a feature at the Dominion Day cele- bration at Rowmanville on July 2nd. Only the uuinformed endure the agony of corns. The knowing ones appiy Hnllnxvay's Corn Remover aud get relief.1 The Four Corner Stones' The four corner stones of our steadily gro\ving butcher business are: FULL WEIGHT FINE QUALITY FAIR PRICES SQUARE TREATMENT With the assortment of fresh, cooked and cured meats in stock we can supply your require- ments. Canned goods and choice dairy butter ai- ways on hand. HAROLD M. JEWELL Successor to Phare & McCoy Phone 518. Bowmanville 3 limes a Day 365 Times a Year IT'S BREAKFASTS, DINNERS, SUPPERS Keeps Mas Guessing to Keep Pas from Cussing It certainly is no cinch to plan three nieals a day for 365 days in the year. That's why we al- ways try to do our level best to have the choicest stock of groceries money can buy. Give prompt courteous service and seil at reasonable prices. See our window this week for special display of vases for flowers. ARCHIIE TAIT Phone 65 Bowmanville A RE YOU tired of worrying with an ugly, Iazy stave? Then, dan't fail to sec the New Beautiful PERFECTION Oil Ranges!1 Finished in snow-white porcelain enamel ... with built in 'live heat' aven and heat indicator. .. safe and economical ta use. 24 madels from which ta choose. Swift caoking... madern in every way. A range that'gives the farmer's wife ail the cooking privileges of her city sisters. .. and a kitchen just as pretty. Prices fram $8.75 to$212.50. For full infornm- ation write General Steel Wares, Limited-, Toronto. 204 4PERJIFECTION Oil Burning Rne jMei TODAY.-------------------- Dspt 14 , GiMd iSudi W«« e. IM o. Ph».... ..............u.1 . . . ..... a.a __-.--.......-... --------------- ----------------------------- IWOMEN'S INSTITIJTE HOLD ANNUAL MEETING AT HAMPTON Eight Thriving Branches Report Splendid Progrest-District Oficers Re-Elected The aunual meeting of West Dur- hain Women's Institute is an event Lalways looked forward to with much pleasure and profit by the ladies who take such an active part in this coin- Lmendable work. The gathering on Thursday, June 14th, in Hampton United Church was an ail-round suc- cess lu attendance, enthusiasm and reports of the various branches which showed considerab]e progress. The morning sessionI opened with Mrs. John Baker, Preoýlent, in the chair, and ail members .ioining heart- 1ily in singing "Old Black Joe," "Jing- I le Belîs," the Opeuing Ode and by I repeating the Lord's Prayer. Mrs. Percy VanCamp,' Secretary, called the rol], when the eight branches of the District responded, a goodly delegation being present from each. Mrs. Alvin Peters, on behaîf of the iHampton *Branch, extended words of welconme. The Branch considered it an honor to entertain the annual meeting in this Silver Jubilee year. Personally she was glad to see ail and hoped everyoue would have a good ti me. The President made a very happy reply, combining the thanks of a,11 with sonie valuable suggestions; to the Branches, including: Make the year 1928-29-better than ever; En- courage Branch exchange visits; Work closely with your school; Co- operate with local affairs; Promote friendliness and enthusiasi; Plan your prograi to develop and ncour- age talent of each member; Get out of ruts, always remember that the Iu- stitute is the largest aud broadest women's organization in Canada. Treasurer's report shows: District -Total receipts on hand $209.03; expenditure $80.02; balance $129.e0. District and ýBranches-Total receipts ,$2115.51; expenditure $1475.4.5; bal- ance $640.06. 96 meetîngs were held in the district, members 342. Reporets of Branches Victorian-Miss Esther Stroug, 81 members; attendance 548; average 45; receipts $263.33; expenditure $233.26; balance $30.07. Bowmanville-Miss Edith M. Weekes, 62 members; attendancel 442; average 37; receipts $309.79; expenditures $282.77; balance $27.02 Solina-Miss Edua Reynolds, 55 menibers; attendance 555; average 46; receipts $360.84; expenditure $180.66; balance $180.18. Hampton-Mrs. C. J. Kersiake, members 50; attendance 716; aver- age 59; eight charter members, four, of whom held contiuuous membership! for 25 years-Mrs. A. Peters. Mrs. H. Wilcox. Mrs. J. Colwill, Mrs. C. J.1 Kerslake; receipts $307.68; expendi- ture $271.03, balance $36.65. Nestleton-Mrs. Craw-ford, receipts $275.98; expeuditure $168.46; bal- ance $107.52; 47 members. Orono-MiNrs. J. R. Cooper, mem-i bers 46; receipts $205.53; expendi- ture $145.96; balance $59.57. Tyrone-Mrs. Russell Wright, 25 mesubers, receipts $111.76; expendi- ture $65.05; balance $46.71. Newtonville-Mrs. W. D. Joues, 21 members; receipts $71.58; expendi- ture $48.24; balance $23.34. - The activities of the Branches cov- I er a wide field in local and outside 1 work, including bales of clothing toi needy children lu Haliburton district, milk for under-uourished school children, sendiug quilts, canned fruit, eggs to needy ones, gifts to Public School, Children's Shelter, Horticuit- ural and Fair work, Tobermoray fuud, library, electing a lady sehool trustee, and much local work. Hampton Branch sang heartily "Spread a Little Gladuess," the spirit of which is so infectious that the Branches think of adopting it as a slo- gan for the year. Fair Committee was appointed: Mesdames W. B. Pollard, A. L. Nich- olîs, J. R. Knox, H. E. Ruudle, L. Hooper, R. Wright. R. J. McKessock and Miss Edua Reynolds. Mrs. Alex. Colville, Bowimnaville,l delighted ail] with a well-rendered solo, Miss N. Horn accompauying hier. Mr. J. Y. Kellough, Port Hope, Agricultural Represeutative, addres- sed the meeting, presenting the facts re a girls' judgiug competitiou for Durham County. Particulars of this will bie preseuted later. $20 was voted to this work. Mrs. Ritchie of Wellington County addressed the meeting ou "Basket Makiug," and gave a demonstration during the noon hour which was very interesting. A very excellent dinner was served during the noon hour to wvhich over 150 people did full justice. Afternoon session had a splendid attendance. $5.00 was given each Branch lu the district for fair or President-NMrs. John Baker, Hampton R. R. 1. First Vice-Mrs. J. R. Cooper, Or- ono. Second Vice-Mrs. J. R. Knox. R. R. 1 Bowmanville. Sccretary Treasurer-Mrs. Percy Van Camp, R. R. 2 Nestleton. Directors:-Mrs. Thos. Smith, R. R. 1 Burketou; Miss E. E. Haycraft, Bowianville; Mrs. J. W. Yeilowlees, R. R. 1 Enniskillen; Mrs. J. R. Knox, R. R. 1 Bowmanville; Mrs. O. Ed- wards, Nestleton; Mrs. R. H. Brown, Orono; Mrs. Russe]] Wright, R. R 5 Bovmauville; Miss Jennie Thompson, Clarke. Auditors-Miss M. Swain, Mrs. Jas. Marlow. Mrs. John Baker was elected re- presentative Vo the Federated Womn- en's Institute. Mrs .Thos. Cooper, Warsaw, who is Federated representative for District No. 5, iuciuding the couuties of East sud West Durham, East sud West Victoria, East sud West Peterboro sud Haliburton, gave a very interest- ing sud informative addreas, sud lu ber suggestions said a good motto for the coming year was: "Good, better, best, neyer let us rest until your (Coutinued on 7) TOWNSHIP S. S. CONVENTION Annual Convention of the Sunday Schools of Darliugton and Bowmau- ville Association opened Tuesday af- ternoon lu Salem Church wvith a wor- ship service conducted by Rev. J. R. Trumpour of Tyrone. President, Mr. Hilton Peters, took the chair, aud the Secretary, Mrs. J. E. Elliott of Bowmanville, gave the report of the extent of the organization of each school. There are over 2800 individuals en- rolled ou our Sunday Schools of this township and town, of this number 273 are teachers aud officers. Five achools rank 100% this year, namely Trinity and St. Paul's, Bowmanvile, Hampton, Enniskillen and Zion. Four schools, Ebenezer, Eldad, Ty- roue aud Maple Grove, rank 75 % and over. Report of ail 15 schools was given. Department Superintendents re- ported as follow;s: Miss Florence Werry, Primary and Elementary work; Girl's work, Miss Orchard, En- niskillen, who stated that the C.G.I.T. programn was used lu Triuity, Eben- ezer, Enniskilleu, Tyrone and Eldad with gratifyiug results; Boys' work, Rev. J. R. Trumpour, Tyrone; The C.S.E.T. program is carried out in Trinity S. S., Tyrone and St. Paul's; Young People's work, Mrs. R. Wright; Missiouary work, Mrs. H. J. Werry; $934.88 was contributed ta Missions by S .S.'s of township during the year; Temperance work, W. C. Ferguson; Teacher Training, Rev. J. R. Bick, iu which he recommended the Standardi Teacher Training School at which 791 persous received credîrs last faîl. 1 Rev. Wm. Giuglaud, the speaker for the day, brought greetings and best wishes from the O.R.E.C.. Iu his talk hie stressed the fact that the ordiuary everyday people are very often the ones eutrusted by Christ with a great work. He stated that the wvnrld owed a great deal to the genius, to the outstanding men and womeu of the world, but owes more to the ordiuary folk. The quiet in- fluence of a life well lived is saine- tlimes the greatest force for good in« our lives. Jesus asked for faithful- ness not wouderful or outstanding work. He asked these questions, "Do we spend as much thought aud prayer aud searching of mind and as much mouey ou the religious educa- tion of the rising generatiou as we do ou their secular education? Can we as teachers niake the life of Jesus so winsome aud attractive ta the boys and girls that they may live Christian lives in the community?" Round Table Couference couducted by Rev. Finglaud was very iuspiring and helplul. A very excellent supper was then, served iby Salemn ladies. Rev. R. J. Shires, Bowmianville, I couducted the worship period in the evening in which he gave a conscrt ed talk on Making Friends with ess Nomiuatiug Coxnmittee then sub- mitted the followiug officers for electi on: Presid et-A. P. McKes- sock, (Eldad) Hampton R. R. 1; lst Vice Presidet-Mrs. Russell Wright, (Tyrone) Bowmanville R. R. 5; 2nd Vice Presidet-Mr. C. W. Par- sous, (Ehenezer) Bouwinville R. R. 2; Secretary Treasiurer--Mrs. J. E. Elliott, Bowmanville; Elementary Supt.-Mrs. W. Adams, Bowmnville;1 Girls' Work Supt.-Miss Elva Or-i chard, Enuiskillen; Boys' Work Supt.I -Rev. J. R. Trumpour, Tyrone; Young People's Work Supt.-A. T. Stainton, (Zion) Hanapton R. R. 1; Adult Supt.-E. R. Taylor, (Eldad) Enniskillen R. R. 1; Missionary Supt. -Mrs. Geo. Barron. Hampton; Temp- erance Supt.-Mr. Thos. H. Loçkhart, Bowmanville; Home Dept. Supt.-I Mrs. Leonard Richards, (Salemu) Bowmauville R. R. 4; Teacher Train- ing Supt.-Rev. J. R. Bick, Hampton. These were duly elected sud intro- duced ta the Convention. The Resolution Committee express warm appreciation of services of Rev. Fingland sud ail others who con- tributed toward program; to the Church Board and the Salem ladies for their grscious hospitality and ex- cellent provision for our needs; sud comnmeuded the Leadership Training School to al. Mms. H. M. Foster sang a solo lun Baby spcaists agree nowadays, .hateduring the fret six months, baismust have three ounces of fluid per pound of body w-eight daily. An eight pound baby, for instance, needs twentyv-four ounces of fluid. Lter on the rule is two ounces of fluid per potund of body weight. The amount of fluid absorbed by a breast fed baby is best determined7by 1eih. iug bin before and after feeding fo the whoIE day; sud it is easily calcu. lated for the bottie fed one. Then make up any deflciency witb water. Giving baby suffiloent water often relieves bis feverish, cring, upset sud restiess spells. If it doesu't, gve b im a few drops of Fletcher's Cas- tonsa. For these and other jîls of ba- bies and childreu such as colic, choI- era, diarrhea, gas on etomacli and bowels, constipation, sour stomach, bass of sleep, undernveight, etc., iead- ing physicians say there's nothing so effective. It is pureiy vegetable-the recipe is on the wrapper-and millions of mothers bave depeuded on it in over thirty years of ever increasing use. IV regulates baby's bowels, makes bim sleep and est right, enabies bim to get full nourisbmeut from bis food, so lie increases lu weight as lie should. lVith eacli package you get a book an Motherhood wortah its weight in gold. Just a word of caution. Look for the sinature of Chas. H. Fletcher on the package so you'Il be sure Vo get the genuine. The forty cent bot- VIes cotain thirty-five doses. L. O. L. CHLIRCH PARADE At Blackstack, Sunday, July 8th Annual church parade of the District of Cartwright Loyal Orange Ludge wiIl be held on Sunday even- ing, July 8th, at 7 p. m. to the Arm- 1ories, Blackstock, where Rev. J. E. Griffith wi]l conduct service, assisted by Rev. P. G. Powell. Bownianville iPurpie Guards Band will again ]ead parade. M.%embersg of Bow-manville, Tyrone, Enniskillen, Devitt's, Purple Hill and 'Blackstock Lodges please note. Visiting brethren welcomed. This Disrict celebrates Battle of Boyne in Whitby this year. her usual good voice. Mr. Fingland gave an address on Frienship with Jesus, basing his remarks on "Sir, we would see Jesus," or introducing men to Jesus. He asked the ques- tion, "How do you interpret Christ?" He stated that every boy and girl in our S. S. is saying "Will you intro- duce mue to Jesus?". It's a fine thing to inake a living, but a greater thing to make a life. Live such a life that ýothers will corne to you to know the secret of the happinessa<>f life. Mrs. (Rev.) J. H. Stainton sang "I belong to the King." Rev. J. H. Stainton, Courtice, gave an address on "Those Midnight iShop- pers," referring to those who went out in the night to buy oul but it was too late and the d&>ors were shut. He stated that there is great happiness in store for those who improve their opportunities, regarding health, edu- cation and choosing Christ, but "toc late" will be the verdict to those who, in youth neglect health or education or the Christian if e. The Convention was very instruct- ive and helpful to the number -of in- terested workers who were present. CH i4muchWater [Should Baby Oct? WE HAVE THEM AND AT THE RIGHT PRICE: SCREEN DOORS WINDOW SCREENS LAWN MOWERS GRASS SHEARS GARDEN TOOLS B.-H. PAINTS MASON & DALE Phone 145 Popular Hardware Store Bowmanvill M. MILLER'Slo WORM - POWDE REUVS US ESTE0 CONDITION BROUGHT ON' BY THE PRESENCE OF WORMUI AND RESTORE TH1E CHI LO TO'NORMAL HEALTH._ NO -NARCOTIcS - PLEASANT AS SU-A F. . Nlls White Rose Gasoline Station King St East The Best That's Made CHOCOLATES TO PLEASE EVERY TASTE Our store has been recognized for years to be headquarters for the best chocolates made. We Stijli retan that standard of excellence by off ering:- Ganong's Chocolates .....................7&c lb. (Finest (G.B.) Chocolates in, the land) Moirs Chocolates ................................60c lb. (Ail fiavors, fine assortment) Special Boxed Chocolates ................50c lb. (Hard'and soft centres) First Class Chocolates ....................40c IL (This line meets with popular favor) WEDDING CAKES A SPECIALTY W. P. Corbett Baker and Confectioner Phone 3 Bowmanville RID PROSIE TEAis good ted' If you want the very best, ask for Red Rose Orange Pekoe 17 In clean, bright Aluminum THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, JUNE 21st, 1928 PAGE THREZ 1 F. W. Nelles

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