INSTITUTE HEARS GOOID NEWCASTLE S. S. ANNIVERSARY Fro Nigboro AWrkRs Speke Larg-e and appreciative crowds and The Ngevizce st lie I r-i depe nridenit FromNeihboroodWorers peaer!fine weather niarked the anniversary of the United Sunday School, on Sun- l3ownianville Womien's InstituteI day. Julv ls-. The morning service met in the S. O. E. Hall on Friday Yas. held in the church, the front seats THURSDAY, JULY 5th., 1928 afternoon, Mrs. Frank Jaickmaa, o)f which wcre occupied by members _________________________________________ President, presiding. t ivas _decided ij of the Sunday Schoo]. The Young - to hold next meeting in the f orna of1 Peo ple's Choir rendered two anthem, NEWCASTLE . NEWCASTLE ' FAREWELL PRESENTATION a picnic at the Cream of Barley Camp 1 and the Primiary Class, a chorus. Mar- o n J l y 7 t h -M i s V i o l a G i l f i l l a n , a r e t T o m s a n d C a r l F i s h e r r e c i t e d . M s e v n B r i e G l a k U a i e h r h e . W . R on uly27h. i-GThe taken hu Ger- W P Ro-1 To Rev. E. B. Coolke and Family represcenting the Neighborhood Work- hecollection vas tknup by Gr-1are hidayingat idlaend.scato. SnaJuy8h 0 ers' Association of Toronto, gave an aid Hcnnings, Stanley Couch, Bruce . làyngaMiad es st. SuaJl 8h10 add-ess on the woi'k this AssociationV)en andl Aitie Toms. M r. W Mrs. Thorn, Toronto, with hier sis-1 a. mn.-Sunday School. il a. ni.- At a crowded gathering of the is endeavoring to do among the,. Stal)ies, Lindsay, once more ter, Mrs. (Dr.) MeLaughliri. Morniag ,vorshil). 7 p. mi.-Evening mnimbers and adhereats of the New-, mothers and poor children of the city. caîe both the adults and children Mr. aud Mrs. Rex Wynn and Ar- ih e; introutory s ios b cst and utC5arkUle Churhes, She mentioned many pathetic casesIof thie congregation, using lis his text, thur at Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Gaîbrait'st. e1Pato.reptresingpaout 225famlEs .Co,tei needing fresh air; that two weeks in Ian aiarm dcock. Mir. and Mis. Bert Mr. and Mrs. Russell Colwill and Garden Party and Strawberry Fes- 1'trn atr e.E .Coe the country with wholesome food and Gold, Uxbridge, aecompanried on the Roy, Toronto. at Mr. W. H. "'earce's. tival on St. George's Reetory lnwn, Mrs. Cooke and Ejîcen wvere thetie- fresh air would do much for; ail child-: pianlo by Miss Alexander, rendered Tedcrtr omne vr i Newcastle, on Wednesday, July 1 îth.1 cipients of a rousing farewell ovation rea sent out have transportation ar- solos and duets at both services. Ev- Thedni tedChrscommn eday mai:-n atteadae n. Teansere str5. salue timse r pen te ad awithea ranged for; are nmedically examined i ning service was held in Comimuaity ing. T4dmissioa 50c5.nd sainepuis ewepee o I n thertesao before leaving the city; prefeî' to go I Hall. Rev. E. B. Cooke, Mr. How-Adiso50an25.pref$1.0ad trtkn f ia pairs; hostess has choice of sex' aid Glenney, S. S. Supt., Mr. W. W. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Allinawan MissGayBrdeofNwst, regard and an address of heartiest and age of children. If any of aurIStaple.s, Mr. W. T. Goaman, Mayor family spent the weekend in Hamil - wh a s Gaspe adliney f evcastl good-will, appreciation of their six reatiers can help in tliis g'ood wOrk or Bidefoi'd, Devon, England, and ton. of the deaf, is prepared ta give priv- ishs of oter suce er and apiess either free or for pay the Association Mýi'. T. G. Gold. teacher of the Ux- Mr. Gea. Collicatt, Crossview. AI- ate les sons in Lip-reading, during the ih o their ew cear. he event, will be pleased to hear. A vote bridge Business Men's Bible Class, berta, is visiting at Mi'. and Mrs. Wmi. onths of Juiy and Augugt, to èitiier wiha lne nsceyb of thaaks was accorded Miss Gilfillan and speaker of the eveniag, oeeupied Pinaegar's. the partîaliy or totaliy deaf. i h wns planed f la shecrecy by- for ber- interesting report of the work. the platf ormi and took part la the Mrs. Harvey Matchett and childî'ei Mrs. Wmi. Hunter acconîpanied b'tasaddprmnso h w Misss Gldys nd Dris amieon ervie. Ubride Buines Me'S are visiting at Mr. and Mrs. J. E. lier san-ia-iaw and daugbter. Mi'. andchrestokpaelte eate furiseda rety ue ad rs. Geo. Or'vces, cnuc b rLnian Matchett's. Mrs. Percy Ranson and their twa United Church S. S. Romrs and as it Mrtardrie strong ee olos, issnicosgvt r..G ada h Mr. and Mrs. James Haugh, Tor- sons. Norman and Arnoald, came up1 has been said of a great and historic Magurie rmton acopayigpiano, also provided music. Rev. onto, wth ber motiher, Mr. and Mrs. from Belleville on Saturday ta spend occasion of the past it crna be said her. Miss Haycraft rend a paper Vin. Sterling of Orono, and Rev. Wm. Bonathan. Dominion Day holidays at bel aId o hsgteigo h ageain on "Friendship", after which refresh- Thos. Wallaee of Newtanville, ac- otisgtei othcnrgaos ments were served by group four and cumpanied by many members of theiïr Mr. and Mrs. Ellsworth Caswell home here. of Newcastle and Clarke, "Tbey were the usual social hour enjoyed. congregations were present at this and son with ber parents. Mr. and A successful picnic,, t wib eîeail with one accord la one place." XASservice. Mrs. Cliff Brown. iavited aIl the Young People of the Pastor Coake, Mrs. Cooke and _________Mrs. Geo. Hedges and daughter i United Churcb and Sunday Sehool, ________ -Clara. Toronto, were weekend visitors whetber members oi' net, ivas held at Elle en had been beguiled dow'n ta Miss Luise Hdges.Lakeview Park, Oshawa, on Satumdav. iMr and Mrs. W. H. Pearce's during HIGH SCHOOL ENTRANCE EASDOMINION DAY CELEBRATION of Ms oie egsAl repor aig . inanoaleteateno ndivtd trma-n _____Mm. and Mrs. Henry Allia. Bow- tii arT haieng o a spent nnnjoabet tea. They had then been itiu (Coninue frm fist age) ma 'il "'sted hsb'- th' xir. The a s fteî',inboangandspen- cd into takiag a IIto drive la the Foilowiag are the names of the (onine famfis pge aaxîcansiei r nSa. r i 1 g atal iibaigado-Pearce family car. The drive by' successful candidatesJohntAlliacaad sistet.sian Suntas. joviag the various amîusemenct feat- designa raugh emidutm t sucessul anddaes t te rcen Hr"eshoePthn ota Mr. and Mrs. R. C. McLaughiin and u-es provided a-, the pai'k. Pienie tecuc rudwiht hi s exanîinations heid at Newcastle, Or-ý ThH.horsesýhoe pitching tournament uiiy ootadM.adMs .îersmat eeas ieetl h hml u iet one and Janetville. held at the Fair Grounds on July 2,, Bruce, Downsville, at Mr. Wm. Plane- 'îbund'snce. tcd At ethse sund arschooldors Tlhe marks of the unsuccessfu eana-i was hotly contested by teains froni gar's. ltonis heSoues of crs ere prk- didates have been sent ta them by Bowmanville and district. The re- Fuî'tber arriivai< at Neovcastle-on- thev were taken la haad by Mi'. and miai!. Ia aIl cases where the candi-î saîts were as follows: MisGay rde sbîî uo h aefrte-mîi r:MJor' Mrs. Nomma Allinanad 'Miss Lillian 1 dat faledbutxva ner te pss First Round-f or 21 points: lst- Gwvrvle N . pnig vacation 1 and Mi's. Armoar andl f:iîily and Dri Cleaience and ushoî'ed into the mark, the papers have been ce-rend, Ed. Witheridge and Hlersel Hooper, with ber parents, Mi'. and '. J. W.! and Mr's. tilroy ani faîly in *A'i auditorium w'heî'e ta their utter Bo thýat any appeai is very likely ta Bowmanville; 2nd-McLaughlin Bradley. I adne Glen"; Mr'. andlM~s Stowo and ' aniazeameuit thcy saw an asseamblage be nsucesful Th naues areBrs.,Bureto; 3d-Jck uttn'Mea's3 Bowling Clu!) apened the fanîily and Mr. and Mrs. Pattonî and!I of saîiliag faces beaming gaod will given la nîphabetical ordeî': and Luther Hooper, Tyrone. W. G. season on Sattîrday evcaing. the lad- family. Toronto. iiiDi-. Carvetlu'siand affection froni before, aî'und and Newcastle Centre Nelles had the highest single score. ies lîaving been ahead of tbeîîu by1 double samniîer dwclii:g. Mr. and Mis1 above theai, foi' the galleî'y w~as filled, Aidread C. Bonathan D, BrownA.4, Second Round-for 50 points. Ed. about two weeks. Roy 'Hiinter and faîuiiy ii Di'. Walton-, as. wcll a, the miain auditor'ium and Bucle G CoanFGarod GWitheridge and Hersel Hooper-50; Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Allia, Bowmaa- Bali's "Broadlawýi"a"mil Miss Brou class î'oaaîs. Glover J, Gray D, Haaeock A, Hayes Jack Mutton and Luther Hooper-40. ville, and Mr. and Mrq. Cari Billings iegan. Toronto, iin apiae i m. M' .J.S ~kr.Cauna H, Headry A, Kimbali G, Lake B, Third Rotind-Ed. 'Kithericîge and znd family, Leskard, at I'-. anA< Mrs Boels os.of the coauaittee and of the evcnung, Rinch iM. Saules H, Saules M, (bon), Hersel Hooper-50; McLaughlin Bras W. F. Riekard's. St. Georgie's thm!.P.a\. E. R.,to iedteit hepafumi Spencer F, Toms B, Wright J. . Mr. anti Mrs. Saiidy Somerx'ilie. Or'- Jiie.Reti. a. ni- Iliv ( -I- 1turri anti as ho gî'ipped theai hy the! Orn CnreFowrShwoaa. are esidior in Mm. andlMi .T. iiuaion. .). 4.a. '.hîov and the wvhole assembliag- jo iaad AlxadronR, Cnre G, aweaaShowW'. Jackson's boue îîbile the latteî' Scbooi. Il a. a-Mlr'î:Frayer.-I with hini iii singing, Haw 'do you do Alexnde RArdG, arrbaî M, The dispînys of fiower3 beld in the ar isitinZ la Rochester'. 7 p). ii.-rEv2iling pae' Ofilcials iCok? HwdyodoMs (hon), Barmabaîl R., Berenbauiri H, Flpral Hall wei'e net nuaierous, owing M'.areMs.Fan aivi mivGero'gra. ;,i' dCno oke? How do 3'ou do Eileea Bostoek R, Brown B, (ban), Bruton ta the cold season. Those sho-w. faînily, Tor'onto, %'ere holiday vor.isi ai. n araFshrplyîgte c G, Cornish I. (hon), Davey M. (ban), bowevem, xwere of fine quality. Besides ,dsg usd h'a iet'i ' ltcnpnma ntepao ok Davey O, Duan G, Duan P, Gainey the fiowers entered by amateur gard at bis aother's, M'%rs. R. Parker. anàdesitign uî th e esu itr nc'but Flk G, Grice M, Hawke F, Hawke E, noms splendid dispînys wero presente - at his sistor's, Mrs. J. S. H. Joa. S. 1corhnrthe ncliie a, t h ncli astteth<-,igbt af them, folks to the left (aeg>, Headerson K, Henderson Ken , by S. J. Jackman & Sans, Brookdale Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Haîîcock th'udvsrie n -tleo iii-trle, f olk nront of them jpal- Hobbs E, (hon), Krupinsky C, Mc-, Nurseries, and Dr. J. M. Baldwina nd fanîily bave elosed theiî' hous'e anti' alpe.i in gild. I Mie'. \1 tb~ toi' and his wife and daughter really Roberts E, (hon), MeMullen F, Ruth-' a very fine display of peonies frountknatîi o'h r aGlen ,Iies.i, an '.i,t:CMmaii'en, pn'-, foît to be thus bombardcd with se erford S, Russell C. (hon), Samuels the Scarboro gardons. Valley for bealth's sake for the suni.. îeî':,d 1)y a iire -c,'e-,ihe in- ahmse tenin 'e et R, Samuels B, (hon), Sissan M, Prize winners were: mr of noLt:e of -pîcml vces edMi-. A. A. Colwill, Clerk of the (han), Smith M. (hon), Tamblyn K, Mrs. Sam Lawrence and fnnîily.i and occasional mi-ekneetings. Session, thon rend and peseated Tamblyn M, Thompsoa R. Underwood1 Roses Trno îevstn e nte.Ms-' - theni with an address signcd on be- E, (hon), Underwood M, WannaaaJ, H. P. or H. T. named varieties- Wi.Km ig. 'Mr. Lawr'ence notor'i RIUE OMISAGE aîf of the twa congregations. It White B. J. H. H. Jury. them dowa nd î'enMaISSd expi Janetville Centre H. T.-Mrs. R. T. Stephens. weekend holiday. avuI)e ELAMOURE. essed atc fondsead f omlamrah Barastaple E, Cook A, Fanaing M, Red-Dr. J. C. Devitt.___ eiigptran fmlyadr- HallF, rvie A (hn),Irvne G Pik-J H.H. ury Anenjoabl cvnia uv.~ pen an Newcastle relatives and frieads [tien of thei' maay estimable qualities HackettF, I(hn), SisM (hon), Yellow Pnk---J. H. H. Jury. D.Aevtt M ny anl en3, was the yîng on esaddened last week ta îearat of heart and mind.appreciation of JackettE, (hon, Stinsn M, (bn): Yelow---J H. H. urythDruaextet Mpasaingne 5,MissntAeg-otheir lahorser l nndrabund dantda andndbest McNell A. Wright W- Roses, any other color-Dr. Devitt. people of the United and Anglican I oshe D ed p~,"asncyof DMirhAmg- se fu h.utr. Threltl Colecio, PonesChurehes, nmet togetbeî'. Miss Lil i- Deaor,"ac uhm ishsfrteftr. Trelt E. E. Snider, Inspecter. ' olctoPene an Clemence eaaducted the devo-' in Toronto, on Tbursday, June 28th. giu'ls, Helen Riekard, Ruth Honey and Secetay Etrace oar. White--J. H. H. Jury. tianal exorcises and the short business mAlIthougb flot a native of Newcastle, Rota Cooko (daughter of Mr. and Secetay EtrnceBoad.Mms. H. W. Coake), presonted the Red-Dr. Storey. meeting. Alva Rablia, Wilbur Bas- she received ber early education bore eaf$0,asvrbskto Pink-Dr. Devitt, J. H. H. Jury. kerville and John Ashton were ap-I wbile living with ber aunts, Misses, puî'se aad10,a rt' lveribeoi Swet ea--J H H Juy. 1 oinedasdelgaeste heBa ofý gns Agnese Du and. ndrAnalen aprDtyeumtrmoouoi Swee Pes-J H.H. ury poate asdelgats t th Ba ofgrauatd fom he ewcst 1 lamp ta Mm. Coake, Mrs. Cooke and Dr. Ziegler, Toronto dentist, speat Canterbury Bols-J. H. H. Juzry. Quinte Summer sebool ta be held at gautdfo h ecsl High ienrsctvl. Teeipns the weekead at Camp Copper Beech Petunias-Dr. Storey. Oak Lake. A program given by the School under the prîneîpalshiDOof Ila uwesecthvey. Th enreipients with bis daughtr, Miss Olive Ziegler, A.Y.P.A. followed, during whicb Mr. Mr. Hugh Davidson. She afte'wards Iak wegdth idysniet Camp Superintendent. Displays, Begonias, Etc. Howard Gibsan, Pi'esident. acted as attended Normal School andi secured expressed la the address and these An enjoyable social eveaiag was Tuberous, Foliage, Febrous root- ebairman. Misses Alberta Tren- b er prof essional certificate as a public tokenso ead in beart-felt words speat at the Euehre and Ton in tho cd, Fuchsias, Boston Fera, Collection with and Nellie Garrod rendered scbool teacher. She was eagaged by of gratitude. Gounmunity Hall last Wednesday Coleus and Specimen Foliage plant- piano solos, Mm. Arthur Bell, a vocal the local Board of Education ta teach An onjoyable program followed j eveaiag under the auspices of St. J. H. H. Jury. sala, and Mrs. Wmn. Andersona, aithe junior rcoam of the publie sebool conlsisting of vocal numbers by the John's R. C. Churcb. Mm. Pote Hol- Bouquet for diaing-raam-Dr. reading. Rev. E. R. James gave a' In January 1902. Her contempamar- maIe quartette, W. J. S. Ruekard, W.! beako was the winaer of the ton Storey. Mrs. J. H. Werry.' short talk on the purpose of Young~ ies on the staff at that time were Mm. D. Bragg, Harold Allinanad Mark clotb, bis ticket being No. 15. Reeve Bouquet for living room-Dr. Star- Peopil's Societies, and the Presideat Hugh Davidsonanad Miss Carnie Allia; the mixed quartette, W. F. W. F. Rickard did the drawiag. ey, J. H. H. Jury. told the work of the A.Y.P.A. AIl Grose, aow Mrs. Lawler of W hitby i RickarHrl Allia, Mrs. W. D. ________________________________________________ jaiacd in the variaus games and con- ln the higb scbool, and Mr. J. W.Bragg and Miss Hattie Mason; an im- tests wbich follawed, after which the Bradley and Miss Jennie Curtis, now provised solo taethe tune of Coaîing ________________________ Y.P.L. served refreshments. deceased, la the public sehool. Missi Through the Rye, by Mrs. Gea. Hon- Delamnoure taugbt here cantinuonsly ey; commuaity singing led by Rev. îs 0f aIl the visitars to Newcastle for 10 years until the end of Decem- Roy H. Riekard, B.A., brother of W. none have attracted se much friendîy ber 1911, whea she resigned ta take J.S.; vocal solos by Rev. Roy H.; and AI~II JIJAf J -~ iaterest duing the week aow progres- up ber new duties as secreta,,y ta the; thee-mîaute speeches of sincere ap- A S H A Hsiag as Mayor Wm. T. Goanuan of 'fnnileio of the Globe. Her precintion of Mr. Cooke and family 7 Bideford, Devon, England, and his successor on the staff was Miss Mar- by the head officiaIs of variaus de- ASECOND daugb'ter, Miss Annie Goaman, who ion Rawland (Mrs. (Dr.) FallUs of partmeats of -the cburcb, haviag la are visiting their cousin, Mi'. A. A. Sbelburne>. considemation the faet that Mr. Cooke TEC -H U H ES a Clwil ndfamily. Mr-. Goamauu During Miss Delamoure's ton yenrsî came here as mniister af the Metho- $70 to the Ton Across Shaft! was in Taronto at week attonding iaued ta make ber borne witb ber pastor la charge during the memor- the rea Wold' Batis Covenionaur tt MisesDruanîmond, and able celebration of the contenary of Some facts about developmnent work on the} and canme dawn an Sturday with bis took a leadiag and. very active part 'Mcthodism la Newcastle, preached dauhte tebeguests of Mr. and la aIl the activities of the Preshyter- the last Methadist sermon la New- AL CH A H OL INE r-.Cowill n week or ton days ian Cbhurcb and la every wortby coin- castle and on the coasumation af advstat the sanie tiie other muaity enterprise. Having lived church union worked whole-heartedly If iedsinthis localitv. On Suda bre for so many years Newcastle bas for the union of the local Methadist KIRIÇLAND LAKE~ DISTRICT irngh was an iatemestcdmei-looked upon ber as one of its awn1aad Presbyterian C-Ghumches lato the 1 be ofthecongregation at the S. S.' and bas feit justly proud of ber I United Chumeh at Newcastle; that this -9 volas upon the pmopeî'ty. -ar servîices in the United journal'istic succea.s as Nancy Durham unian wshpiy b'uh bu -Average Assays of $70 lier ton at depth of 45 ft. over fulli ('hurch. a'il at the eveniag seu'vice 1of the Wamen's Department o h neamîy three ycams ago and is corn- widthof Conmuitv Hall ho cu pied ani Globe, Very few al ber cîaIss ma.tes plot e anti fi-m with every family of -This property is i charge of Mr. Clarence ALschbach, wha honometi seat on r the platfornî, led the of the Newcastle schools are aaw ta, the two. former ehurehes la happy saak the original shaft at Teck-Hughes, and is la the heaî't large body of worshiîîpers in the op- be faund in this vicinity. .Mast of comunion witb their pastai' and anc of the active development goiag on ia the western eand of eaiag payer and Iat'r iin the service, them are scattered 'far and wide ove another la aIl phases of the work. Kimkîand Lake District. spokt' a few woi'is of greeting an(d the North Amnerican Continent butMm. Roht. Martin spolie for the Ses- We STRONGLY RECOMMEND THE PURCHASE 0F THIS So od-will, exp'essiag bis ploasau'e ia the new3 af Nancy Dunham's death i s'on, H. R. Pearce for the Board of ISSUE 1 his tuip ta Canada and of bcbng amiongîîviîiig a png ofsîmo to their 1 Manager.s,.Mrs. -Perey Haro for. the sales have doubled. There's a reason-by the best it costs no gmaups accodag aths.nts more. Samples gladly shown without obigatirng you to buy. the ioustbdays he....T p PAINTEened Elleen witb a Boston band NE.P I CH R DCRTR bag, and Mm. J. R. Fiser's S. S. GEO.PRIT HARD DECOATORClass, of which she wus a member, 2 Dors estof . F.Moris o. hone489 Bowanvllewith a lovely necklace, and ubse- I m mosWetofF F1!ri C.Ph- 49 Bo-39le quent ta this event the choir on Bat- urday aftegnoon asseîbled on vise pau'sonage lawa ta have a group Thnee prime qualifications for an pbotogmapb taken, fallomviag which officient worker are grace, gnit and the members present-ed Mrs. Cookegmto dheraesefhe who bais been a mast faitbful andi guptond hgetetoWtese valued member duriag ber six y1ears' i-uito.- et mesidence bore, w'itb a dnbnty silkea bedspread. Il" Weekend visitors at Mrs. Geaý. P. Riekai-d's xvemo Mm. and Mus.A.H Fisher and dauglîter Marion, Belle- ville, and Mi'. anmd Mrs. Henruy Fisher, Toronto. bum mer 1 erm 1l a h 0 f S h a w s T w e lv *' S io o ls lar orîler fro m Juuly 3rd with no foreed vacations. Enter any day. Bookiet froc. Writ 1 130 Biay St., Toronto, W. R. Shaw, Secrotary. No Need to Guess By choosing your used car from our large selection you take ail the guesswork out of the purchase. SoId under our standard 30-day guarantee each car ils exactly as re- presented-thoroughly overhauled and de- pe ndable in performance. In addition the pices are remarkably low. As there- are many makeS and models from which to choose you are assured of a car to meet your personal requirements. A visit to our used car showrooms will help you decide. Corbett Motor Sales Co. Phone 248 Bowmanville Quality Footwear) Bargain Room Specials Men's Oxfords, black and tan, Rezular $5.50 for .......................$3.95 Men's Sport Shoes ...............$2.95 Women's Shoes, latest styles, Regular $5 for.................................... 39 133 Pairs Ladies' Footwear, $5.00 and $6.00 value.......................... $2.95 Odds and Ends in Women's Footwear 99c and $1.98 Running Shoes at BarSgain Prices R. J. Rovan 's Quality Shoe Store Phone 52 Fonmerly Claude Ives 28 BRnsi.,j. RIDE THE CARTON WAY NIAGARA FALLS BY BUS Regular Trips Each Sunday FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY Everyaae sbould take la these wanderful scenie trips. Drive for miles aloag beautiful highways in aur caunfortable coaches wbere one gets a clear viow of iateresting points along the way. Sce the woaders of the Niagara Peniasula witb its miles of Fruit Orchards. This trip includes drive along the Canadian aide as fan as Chippnwa, back by Faîl view. BOOK YOUR TICKETS NOW STARTING MAY 27th (Dayligbt Saving Tme) 1 Return Fer. Leave Bowmanville 7.00 a. m. $ 4.50 Leave Courice 7.15 a. m. - $4.25 Leave Oshawa 7.30 a. m. $ 4.00 Leav. Whitby 7.45 a. mn. - $3.75 10 minutes stap at Bur]ington. Arrive at Falls 12.30 noan. Leave after illumination 9 p. mu. For iiyformation Phono Bawmanville 412, Oshawa 2283 Tickets may b. purcbased from any of aur Bus Drivera on office girl Tose mnaking trip may beave cars at aur garage withot extra change. T. A. CARTON, Propnietor - ..,...A ~ - --, -~ *1 à - -a PAGE EIGHT THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, JULY 5th., 1928 On The Sunnysidé