With Which Is Incorporated Tne Bowmanville Newsl Vol. LXXIV M. A. JAMES & SONS, Publishers. BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, JULY 5th.. 1928 $2.00 a Year In Advance 5c a Copy No. 27 WERRY PICNIC1 MINISTERS AND CHURCHES The Werny family picnic ivill be TintSudy chopcicw hel atEllottMemria Pak, am- be held at Cream of Barley Camr ton, on Saturday, July l4th. Dinner on Wednesday, July llth. and supper. Dishes and silven will be provided. Ail members of the St. Joseph's Roman Catholi connection will please accept this in- Chunch, Sunday, July 8th-Mass vitation and loin the pienic. 27-3 a. mi. Sunday Sehool 2.30 p. m. Sei mon and benediction 7 p. M. Re'ç EP. P. Butler. E M P LO YEES St. Andrew's Presbyterian Cuc EXCU SION corner Temperance and Church St. EXCU SION Rev. R. McDenment, M.A., minister Services at il a. m. and 7.30 p. in GOODYEAR TIRE & Sunday School at 10 a. mi. RUBBE CO.St. John's Anglican Church, Rei RUB ER O*R. J. Shires, Rector. FWfth Sundai To Ontario Beach Park after TrnityJuly 8, 1928. il a. m -Mornig praer. . . .- r'i Sunday School. 7 p. n.-Evenine ROCHETER prayer. 7Ebenezer Church, Rev. J. H. Staint. Saturday, JuIy 7 on, B.A., 'B.D., Courtice pastora' change. Sunday services: il a. mi Bowmanville to Rochester -Receptionsevc for 70nwmm Aduits $3.00, Children $ 1.55 expected to preach. Regular servie, at Maple Grove at 2.30 p. m. and ai Newcastle to Rochester Ebenezer at 7 p. mi. Adulta $2.85, Children $1.4S.5al'-rniy Drn1Jl SpeialTran-Secil Bat and August the congregations o f Everybody Welconie Trinity and St. Paul's United Church- Leave Bowmanvil]e Uptown es will worship together. Next Sun- 7 a. m. (Day]ight Saving Time) day the services will be conducted by Leave Newcostle Rev. D. W. Best. D.D. il a. mi.- 7.25 a. ni. <Daylight Saving Time) Subject, "What is Religion"? 7.30 Spledidmusi fo daning p. nt-'On broken pieces of the Spledidmusi fo daning Ship". 10 a. nm.-Th Sunday Schools Biggest event of the year will Meet as usual ini their respective 25-3 School-rooms. Wonderful Sale . ALL LADIES' COATS Now in stock which'includes only coats purchased for this season are now REDUCED ONE-THIRD Corne in and get one before they ail go LADIES' SILK LINGERIE Special values this week in Ladies' Silk Underwear: Sik Bloomers from ...............$1.00 to $2.50 Silk Vests from ....................$1.00 to $1.25 MORE BEAUTIFUL DRESSES Wednesday morning we received another shipment of new Dresses featuring the latest styles, newest materials and popular shades. Come in and see this attractive display. LADIES' CLOTH SUITS Balance of these very attractive suits have been reduced for quick dlean up from ............................................ $3.00 to $10.00 LADIES' COATS GREATLY REDUCED You must see these new coats to really appreciate the tremendous saving we are offeringr you in this department. The low prices wouldcereate a false impression as to their style and work 80 corne in and see for yourself. NEW DRESS GOODS In Printed Chiffons, Printed Silks, Silk and Wool Crepes, Rayons, Broadcloths and fast colored Fugi Silks in ail the new shades. Several Unes of Dresa Goods Selling at Reduced Prices LADIES' SILK HOSE A big assortrnent of Ladies' Silk Hose in ail the newest shades from 75e to $2.00. MEN'S NEW SUITS Our large assortment of Men's New Suits featuring the new- ast weaves, colors and styles combined with the real values we offer is keeping our Men's Clothing Department outfitting men who appreciate the best at reasonable pnices. Couch, Jqihnston & Cryderman. Bowmanville Phone 104 Limiteci I i Thatre yeun summer reaort. 1and Mrs.W.J.* Bagnell, Mn. -an-dMn-,' J. A. MC1 lan. Mn. and Mm. S. J. Vent.nrM. and Mrs. W. A. Bun- ne, Mn.and Mns. W. H. Thickson, Mlrn n Ms C. T. Ross, Mn. and Mns Fred Jakr.an, Mn. and Mrs. R. Bates, Mn. and Mns. Clough, Mn. RB P. D. Grahami, Toronto, Mn. and Mrs. K. J. Hodgent, Port Hope, Mn. John Hanm, Mn. and Mns. H. Gilmour, Dur- bam Chapten Eastern Star, Mn. and Mrs. K. Cox, Mn. and Mns. George Lane, Mn. and Mn,. James Infantine, Mn. and Mrs. Lyle Bunden, Mn. and Mn,. J. O'Neill, Mn. and Mms. T. W. Cawken, Palestine Chapten, Bowman- ville, Messrs. K. E. Banton, C. W. Harshman, S. L. Jones and F. J. Guay, Hydro Staff, Bowmanville, Iv4n. T. S. Hoigate, Jenusalem Lodge, Iownan- ville, Mn. and Mrs. H. Dilling, Mn. and Mrs. F. W. Kinkendaîl, Toronto, Mns. IM. Warren, Toronto, Mns. Thos. Van- stone and Charles. CARD 0F THANKS Mrs. William Edgen and family de- sire to tbank their many 1ned n neigbboms for the kindiiess hown thein dunung the illnes, and death of the husband and fathen and for the many beautiful floral tnibutes receiv- ed. NEARING 50 YEARS AS EDITOR Our Senior Editon bas been veny desinous of coîpleting a haIt century as chie! editon o! The Canadian Statesman and bas only three more issues o! this gre'at fanîily journal te fill out his fifty years' service in that capacity. His finst numben of The. Stat.sran bore date of Auguat 1, 1878, and the paper has neyer skip- ped an issue during these 50 Fears; and,'further, not many editions bave appeaned to whicb be did not con- tribute one on more articles, for when everseas on six different summers or away on other boidffs ha always sent travel articles for 'publication and, aîtho, he ha@ been awaY from office duty for oven 2% years, b. bas neyer falled te contaib-dte weekly Talk for ibhe third page. Chautauqua's Great Program FIVE BIG DAYS 0F GENUINE PLEASURF, AND PROFIT--START. will be beld as usual under the big tent on Serbee consists of t,ýelve concerts at $2.50 Bownanville Chautauqua Public Scool Grounds., Penformhnew start:-10.30 a. m., 3 p. m., and 8.30 p. m.-Daylight Saving Tume. TUESDAY, JULY 17th FRIDAY, JULY 20th Afternoon Afternoon Popular Concert-Herrick MaIe Grand Concet-The Mozart Con- Quantet. cert Company. Admission 45c-Childnen 25c Admission 45c-Children 25e Evenng Evening Concert-Herrick Male Quartet. Concet-The Mozart Concert Lecture-"Under Ten Flags"- Company. Edwand Tonilinson. Lectue-"The Mission o! Laugh- Adnmission 45c-Childrnî 25e te"-Henbert Laon Cope. 1 Adnmission 45c-Children 25c. WEDNPSDAY, JULY 18th Afteraoon Populan Concet-Grosjean Novel- ty Company. Admission 45c-Children 25c Evening Magic and Mystery-Te Great Launant. Admission 75c-Children 35c THURSDAY, JULY 19th Af tmeea Lecture - "Savages I Met ini Af- rica"-IlMajon John J. Hill. "Tommy"--Groa.t Modern Ceing -A New York Caa. Aduimaon $5c--Children 45c SATURDAY, JULY 21&t Af ternoon Concet-Famous Fiechtl Yodlers Lecture-"BRambling Thnough the Air"-Capt. J. H. Hledley. Admission 45c-rChildren 25c Evouint "An Alpine Romance"-.Beautiful musical production. Famous Fiechtl Yodlers. Admission 95c-Children 45c. JUNIOR TOWN-For. the Childr.u A speoial program wilî be given each day under tbe direction ef a Redpatb Junior igupenvbor at an heur dySeason Ticket. Adulte $2.50; Childs kqdy $1.258 Amusements Tax Extra WANTED We want to thank ail of our friends and custoniers for their loyal and liberal support during the first haif of 1928, for we have been permitted to serve several hundreds ni than in the same period of 1927. Our endeavour is'to menit a continuance of your patronage. 2ad A young person having Jun- ior Matriculation to begin work in out store August list. 3rd One handred People to try out "Master Photo Finish- ing.", The kind so many are iiking these days. KERSLAKE's The Dependable Drug Store DOMINION DAY VISITORS OBITUARY D mno eerto Mrs. 1. Svanefelt, Toronîto, with William Edger, Bowmanville D m n o a e e r to IMrs. J. T. Bragg. ip Miss E. M. WerT rno iti T e d ah o Mr -W l am E rr Mrs. F. R. Brown. , on W ednesday, June Wli m E grM . B at n wt fe 27th froni heart A D M S C S A p A E A L A T A T V V N S B lie Mr.J.B. aryn ithreatiestrouble ftra illness of two weeks, BOYS AND GIRLS-HORSESHOE CONTESTS-LOVELY FLOWERS. 91 in Rochester, N. Y. reaisnemoves froni this to*n one of its Doiin1ii Mypl V- Mrs. A. J. Todgrham. Windsor, welkonciîess Bowmanville celebrated Dmno Dumb-bell drl n aypl ac visiting Mrs. Jane Hambly. Deceased was born in Hampton on Day in true patriotic fashion. Fav- -Phyllis Chailis, Yvonne Tighe, IMarch 26, 1857, being son of the oured with warm weather and clear Madelune Veale, Ruth Hayman, Hilda Miss Greta Wickett is visiting ber Ilate Richard and Mary Edgen, Bow- skies ,the Community Celebration Simnick, Bessie Gîves, Kathleen h, sister, Mrs. R. T. Hoskin, Simicoe. mnanville. When two years of age held in the Agricultural Park under Thurston, Margaret CrolviUle, Beat,- Miss Nellie Montroxneny is holi- le came to Bownianville with his fani- the auspices of the Hoticultural and nice Latimer, Grace Welsh, Florence rdaying at hier home ini Roseneath. ily and with the exception of three Agricultural Societies, Rotary Club Purdy, Dorothy Rowe. Gertrude Mns. Rilda Davey and daughter, years has resided hene even sunce. and (3haniber of Commerce, was an Hooper, Margaret Cole, Rose Biate, Ileen, Toronto, visited relatives here. He learned the trade of a black- intenestung and colourful event. Elva Dnew, Doris Trinlble, Aima r. Mn. and Mrs. H. B. Creeper, Ton- smnith and for a numben of yeans he A patriotic manch and drill by the Richards, Mary Thompson, Josephine y onto, with Mn. and Mrs. H. L .Cneep- wonked with the James Morris Car- Boy Scouts of the First Bowmanville Cavenly. i. er. niage Company but for the past thirty Tnoop was very appnopniate as the Ten Little Indians--Charlie Rice, - Mr. Toma To an Mis Oga ears has been in business for him- first numben on the well-'balanced Charlie Somerscales, Leonard Somer- Mr9oa Tod and Ms rturW isst Hami- self. program. The marching i spirals, scales, Leon Connors, Jack Rowe, ilton. On Octoben 20, 1879, hie was united a part of this numben, waa particul- Fordie Jackman, Lawrence Connors, Mnr. R Pooley, Detroit, Mich. in manniage with Elizabeth, daughter arly well done., The wand drill by Frank Tîghe, Lewis Wiseman, Rome 1î with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rd. of William Hami of Bownanville,1 the samne grotp of boys was caried Rice. 1Pooley who with five children survives, Mrs.1 out in good tume, and was heartily English Country Dance-Mrs. Oli- 'Jos C ochrane, Oshawa; Mns. Alfred applauded. ver Roberts, Mrs. Sonienscales, Miss Miss Cors M. Scott and Miss Stellar Nichois, Whitby; Mrs. W. E. Crago, Thnee folk dances by public school Dorothy Somenscales, Mrs. F. Clarke, is Lane, Toronto, with Miss J. Alma, Bowmanville: Mn. A. L. Edger, Tor- girls were next presented. The Mrs. Joe Davis, Mrs. Braund, Miss 'Pollard. onto; and Mn. W. A. Edger, Bowman- peasant coctumes worn by the dan- Ella Tnimble, Miss Dina McKnight, Mrs. Langdon, Port Hop)e, spent ville. Frank died in infancy. cens added a pleasinz note of colour. Miss Lilian Ruosnen, Miss Peardon. the weekend with Mrs. A. J. Adams, He was a memben of Florence' The Ten Little Indians, boys fromF Patriotic manch and dill-Edward VI"The Bungalow". Nightingale Lodge, No. 66, I.O.O.F., the South Ward Schoo], gave an Claxman, Gordon Flaxman, IBloss for 47 years and was for over 18!amusing drill and dialogue. The Campbell, Walter Cole, Ivan Leight- E Mrs. J. Bradley, Tottenham. spent years its treasuner. He was also a! Boundung Balls drill by Public School on, Charlie Cawker, Alexander Birks, -Ithe holiday wîth her sisten, Mrs. A. member of Jerusaleni Lodge, A.F.& ginls was one of the beat events ofJon urK nehM riosp Colell Calile vene.A.M. No. 31, and Eastern Star. He the day. The girls went throgh h lexander~ Byron Vanstone, Doug- Mis Magart MGinis nd -.joined No. 2 Fine Departnîent in theldifficuIt drill without hesitation and las Adanss, Edward Begnell, Lyle >Muiel Daae otal o i ck Chand Sout Wad in 1874 and with the ex- in perfect tume. Two dances by the1 Woods. ception of three yeans, bas been in ginls followed. AFurl nl yaj~ onughls n okdnig n en, Tononto, with Mrs. Jlohn Grîgg. the Department continuously, twenty-î group of school gins was a fi ne exrancis Clarke, Hilda Hall, Grace S n . J . E y o c n a - s x y a s o h c h a e n fs h b t o f t i a o r t x r i j R und e, A nnie T ait, Joyce L uxton, e Mrs J. . Ealy, oyceand Mr- isix earsof wich e hasbeenits hibtionof thLorrainee exPickardorainHelenrdPritchardhard ion, Saskatoon, Sa.sk., Mn. anid 1l'rs. Chief.1 The Boy Scouts gave a numben of Louise Cole, Edith Cartwright Mary Roger Fîshleigh, Toronto, with Mrs The funeral on Satunday afternoon Swe edish exencises, showing to ad- Mutton, Nellie Mutton, Arvilla Wrimb- Herman Westaway. was one o! the langest seen here for vantage the way in which these exer- le, Gertrude Dewell, Gladys Connors, a long time. cises may b used to promote physical Alice Lee, Evelyn Taylor, Helen Mas- Mn. and Mrs. C. J. Mountjoy, Miss 'developinent. Laten iin the pro- on, Jean Morris, Joyce Adams, Mabel Annie Mountjoy, Asst. Supt. of the Service at the house was conducted grami the Scouts unden the direction Brookhani, Eileen Halîmnan. Victor Home, Toronto, Rey. and Mns by Rev. J. U. Robins, Pastor of Tnin- of Scoutmaster F. C. Palmer gave an W. C. Peance, Weyburn, Sask., with it ntdCuch sitdb ey, exhibition o! First Aid and Life-sav- Geaceitfrhescssoth Mn. and Mns. J. E. Elîott. W. A. Bunnen. The procession theni ing which was veny skilfullv cannied program mrust be given to Miss Edith formed headed by members of thelout. Peardon wh-o was nesponsible for the Mn. and Mrs. Fletcher Staples and Oddfellows, Town Councîl and Fine Tlhe games by the younger ginls, training of the young people who took daughten Elizabeth, Toronto' and Mr, B'igade, the fine truck suîLably drap- which included several well-lknown part, and to Mrs. (Dr.) J. Clark Bell, James T. Scott and granddaughterj.ed carried the beautiful floral tnib-sngg ganies, were weil received. and Miss Marguerite Armstrong, who Audrey Scott o! Granton, Ont., withljutes, this ivas followed by the b ean- Ths ayoe acegiwy afvon acted as accompanists. Bey. and Mrs. W. H. Spargo. ens, heanse, relatives and friacnds in ite for all gala occasions, was per- Splendid music was funnisbed thru- motors. The tnaffic on the inighway haps the most attractive number on out the afternoon by the 34th Regi- was held back and for Dv2n a mille ithe prograni. The girls, dressed in mental Band o! Oshawa, which nuni- and a haîf there ivas a line of motons red and white, penfonmed the g 'ace- bers about sixty-five musicians, under THE EDITORS' ANNUAL TRIP 'halted until the funeraI proces 'nfui motions o! the dance inii- way the direction of Mn. Thos. Dunipsey, TheStaeamn' Maagug Eitr eached the cemetery gates. which would have done credit to migch bandmaster. Mn. George W. James, and Mns.i The bearers wene Messrs. A. Tait, more experienced dancers. The four Sfbl orann James are in Edmonton attending the, W. J. Jeffery, A. L. Nicholîs, F. C. siall girls. dressed in costumes whichi The soitbaîl tournament was a annual Convention o! the Canadian Pethick, J. A. McClellan and Mayor were ornamented wit impIe leave.', great success although the weather Newspapermen'a Association, having T. S. Hoîgate. The flower bearers who were grouped about the pole, was terribly bot. The playens dis- le! t on Thunsday ev6bV#k, motoring were members o! the Fine Brigade. added a pnetty touch î)f patri.)tic dis- carded moat of tbefr ciothiing and to Tront an in ompny wth play to the chanmung scene. played their bardest, adding greatly tom Totrto nd int com an witb Amo ng the relatives present wene., Miss Editb Peandon gave a fine, ex- to tbe attractionsà. The Foundny and National Railways to Winnipeg wbene Msr. James, Albert and John Ha-, hibition of club-swinging. li the Front Street drew to play the open- the spntSatrdy ad Sndy wthMn. and Mns. H. Gilmour, Mrs. J. banda of sucb an expert this fonnof îng game, the Foundry winnîng by a rtvesetSt and in s dAertne Davies, Mn. S. Gilniour, Mn. W. Pol- physical culture became a singulanly score o! 17-12. deais ndonton tbey iîî go on t lock, Meaford; Mr. and Mrs. C'harles graceful exercise. The second gamne was staged be- d a y s i n d m o t o n t h e y w il g o o n o ltw e e n t b e H ig h S h o o l a n d t hi e D u r - Jasper Park for thnee days and then F.oW.liott nddaugtrooh, M m. he rS. Lit. pnttycosum hani Textiles. The students recov- on to Prince Bupert, Vancouver, Vict- Ki.nHendal, Mr. .R. a iey,r dance, was the next feature. An ered some of thein presti"e bati the oria, Banff and Calgary, and wiîî ne- otMn. . BAfesdn.T.Ehadi, Ton- Engîisb country dance , "Gatberung tw league, by wnig1-7. As turn home by the Canadian Pacific -nto; M ns. Alfned Todghaof Toron-it w ini 0 Ribfrail th en to; Mn. H. McGill, Yelverton; Mn.Peso"by ebes!Th Wht thé aftennoon was weIl advanced tbe brsiway. e ws.fralte me- and Mrs Salter, Oshaa.Shield Club was an excellent example tasbgntels aeams m ber o!the Fourtb Estate and their saw.o! the charn iof this ancient art.* teaaegan The wlers fmthaniost - ladies the usual happy excursion and The floral offenings included : No more fitting spectacle than tbe game playing the winners of the safe return to another year's duties. Pilows-Wife, Bowmanville Finei Grand Manch could bave been cbosen second game, Foundry vs& Hhgh Dept. Gates Ajar-,Sons and1 to close the day's activities. Mms School. The school lads swatted Daughters, Goodyear Staff and Fore- T. Wesley Cawker, as Miss Canada, the bahi quite beavily and aided by ian. Weaths Grandcbildren, Cen- took the centre of the stage, sun- numerous errons on the part of the tral Division Enginening Dept., Bell nounded by those who had taken Part Foundny they were again succeanful Telephone Co. of Canada, Bowman- in the dances and drills. 40 in winnung their génme 17-8. Thie R o l h ate Messrs. F. J. Manning, Geo. E. Sutton directing the chorus. T'he the day. They wene pnesented with a Presenting The Fjnest la Chase, F C. Pethick, Chas. Heai, Seto prognani was concluded with the sing- slven cup. The umpire for the, PhtpasHui. Broken Circle-Mn. and Mn,. ing of The National Antheni. day was Bill Cnossey. PhotolaysT. A. Garton. Basket-Mn. and Mrs The following took part in the Higb School Teani-Piteber, A. Me- Phone 589 Fred Luxton. 'Sprays-Mn. and different events: Donald; 'Catcher, S. Cand lolt baue ___________________ Mr. Wm. Sewell, Mr. and Mn,. Chas.j Irish Lilt-Misses Ella Tnimble, J. James; 2nd base, J. Culey; &. S., Folliott, Mn. and Mrs. Axteil, Sun Dina McKnight, Lilian Rosner, Mode- Morey Oke; L.F., Norman Elliotbt; beani Ohapter, Osbawa, Mn. and Mrs lueVeae dthSle1 GaeSl C.F., D. Williams; R.'F., M. Lunney; Fniay-atuda, Jly -7 W. Polloýck, Mn. and Mrs. Jas. HammelensCarle, ith ellr, Gace ed- Coach. Mn. M H. Minore. Mr. and Mns. A. Hami, Miss Mabei er, Yvonne Tighe, Jean Wiseman. <Continued on last page> Milton Sills In Hami,_Mr. and Mns. F.. C. PameMn. **The H&wks Net" Underworld wan; underworld just- ice; Underworld love. you'll find them ail in this thrill-packed draina o! a gangster who single- handed fought the gunnien of the sbadows to save the life of the man who had once saved bis. Fnom the story by Wid Gunning. Matinee Satunday afternnon at 2.30. Childnen 5c. Chapter 5 of "'The Trail of the Tiger"' and regulan pnognamn Monday-Tuesday, July 9-10 KarI Dane and George K. Arthur In "*Detectives" Single-handed they capture a thousand laughs, ckilIs and thrills. They'ne the funniest sleuths the scneen bas even noared at. "Rookies" was last year's comedy sensation: "Detectives" bas buen bailed as this year's gnandest laugh bit. Wednesday-Tburiday, JuIy 11-12 Rudolph ScbildknaUt, Louise Dres- ser and Robent Edes5n In 'A Ship Cornes In" Accused o! murder-the victim o! radical Revenge-unable to voice bis innocence he was con- victed on cicuistantial evidence and sent to prison to await bis doorn, then dawned the day when Justice gave him h's fneedom-a beautiful story superbly visual- ized. AU Perfoances star on daylight "KEREP COL" Do not wonny about the heat o! summer. This Theatre wili fOnnish you a cool nefresbung ne- treat, witb even, normal tempen- ature, pure iir-ans[ lWAYS tee best in plet ares. Maks this !n 1 el ~t~xte~m~n inn