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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Jul 1928, p. 2

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PAGE TWO rHE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, JULY 5th., 1928 DENTAL DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE Bonor graduate in Dentistry Toronto Univers ity. Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of On- tario. Office King St., Bowmanville. Office phone 40. House phone 22. X-Ray Equipment in Office. DR. J. C. DEVITT Assistant Dr. E. W. Sisson Graduate of Royal Dental Cllege, Toronte. Office, King St. East, Bow- manville. Office hours 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. daily except Sunday. Phone 90.- House phone 283. X-Ray Equipment in Office DR. R. E. DINNIWELL Honor graduate of Toronto Uni- versity and member of Royal College of Dental Surgeons. Licenised to practise in Ontario and the Domin- Ion. Dentistry in ail its branca s. Office-King St., Bowmanville, op- posite Banik of Montreal. Phone 301. LEGAL M. G. V. GOULD, B. A., LL. D. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Money to loan on Farm and Town Property. Royal Bank Building, Bowmanville. Phone 351. W. R. STRIKE Saccesor t'. ate D. B. Simpse», LC. Barriater, Solicitor, Notary Solicitor for Bank of Montroal Money ta Loan Phoixe 91 Bownianville, Ontario W. F. WARD, B. A. Barrister, Solicitor, Notawy Money to loan. Bonds for suie. Offices-Bleakley Block, King St., Bowmanville, Ontario. Phones: Office 102. Rouie 409. FUNERAL DIRECTORS THE EDITOR TALKS Who does flot enjoy receiving let- ters? Yet how few people really like letter-writingc. How often have we heard people say "I love receiving ie'ters but djslike writing them". We were encouraged to write letters to otir aunts over in England as --oon as we could w rite well enough to tel theni the famnily news. So we began ver ealy n lf e to write letters and orhand h., become a bit shaky, be- cause we really like to write friend- Mrs. Nestor Noel, giving advice oni Letter-Writing, referring to present-1 day conditions, says: "Women liv- ;ng on ionely farmns like to have thel rural delivery, if flot they like to have their husbands go to the littie village and bring the mail. Now,1 is it likely that they will go oni having1 letters if they will flot write any? 1 1 have often started a correspond- once with women whom I knew were lonely ,but after a time I had no ans- wers, and so stopped writing". What a large volume one could write filled with true or false lists of excuses, had he access to letters that have been written, mostly by the weaker sex! It has been said, right- ly or wrongly, that women who can't find excuses for any delinquency are ail in the cemeteries. Let us con- sider the meaning of correspondence. Does it flot imply writing backward and forward. There can be no cor- respondence on one side only. Cor- respondence is a social thing. It en- tails unselfishness, thought of others. Here are some common excuses: "Il' can't think what to write about," says one. "I neyer have time to write letters", says another. As to the flrst, just write exactly as you talk. People want your let- ters to bc you. Tell ail the news on the farmi. Tell ail about theli children and the animaIs and the crops and your failures and es. This makes intoresting neivs. Oir consider yourself at the other endj A public man who bas the courage of bis convictions and hews te the line let the chips faîl where they may is frequently a target for the anonymous attacker. Also preachers and other aggresaive men get more anonymous letters thani other people. Wbat can they do about this? Pay no attention. of course. Just go on as if there bad been ne letters. Wom- en are sensitive as a rule, se it is hard for them to do this: but wby worry and try to fight an unseen foe? There are enough to fi,-ht in the op- en, and it will take ail of our lives to overcome these, especially if we have at heart the social betterment of the world in wbich we live. F. F. MORRIS CO. ofthteline-may miles away pernaps -_Ne wspaper --edito rs- are rigbt %whený Complte Mooi. ~ -and just think of the information' rfs opmtusndltes Comlet Mooirorvou would like te receive under the they reue opr* *sgedlttr. Horse Equipmmnt cîrcumstances, and then write such Apro whwitsanmosi Ail caiL promptly nw oyu redo eaie esnwowie royos attended to. ne*:o u *f n * rrlaie letters reminds me of a creepy, crawý- Private Ambulance Respecting the excuse, nameiy j Iy, vile, crînging reptile, that dares Bowmanville phone tatyuhvnotm. Tiisnl not stand up straigbt, but sin ks along lOand34 an excuse for putting off what youlIithemd Heasoerd i- Branch Stores.-- think of as an unpieasant task. Havei self te such depths that hoe can bard- Orono & Newcastle you ever said: "*I bave no time to ly sink any lowcr. What hoe must. __________________________ feed the chiekens?". "J have no tinie feel in bis heart, we cannot say: but te mend the socks'. These things ý ve would not like to be in bis place. ALAN M. WILLIAMS are essential and you always find time On e may make mistakes in life, Embalmer and Funeral Directoir. to do them. In like manner if you one mas' be carried away by excite- Calîs given prompt and personal at- really want to write you will find ment and get inlto fiery tempers; b)utý tention. No extra charge for dis- time for usually where there's a wiîî, the writer of anonymous letters de- tance. Phonos 58 or 159, Bowman- ther's a way. liberately sets forth, in cold blood, ville, Ont. 3-tf. Granted that the greater part of to do a mean, underhand trick. Lot _____________________________ our letter must bc dene in the wint- us hope there are not many liko himi or, but what of that? People would to encumber the earth! MEDICAL rather you wrete thon than not at ail.______ But the excuse is nine times out of C. W. SLEMON, M. D., C. M. ten a white fib, and we fear, not aI-1 AUNT SUSAN'S WEEKLY LETTERý Graduate of Trinity Medical College, was'sa very white one either. To be Toronto, formerly of Enniskillen.I really honest witb nne's self as well My Dear Niece: It is a good thing Office and Residence, Dr. Beith's as with your friends can you name to cultivate the art of being on former residence on Church Street, any particular day that you truls' friendly ternis with everybody-not Bowmanville. Phone 259. 44-t. could not have found enougb time only your own neighbors and their to write a letter even a short one? children, but even Chinamen and In-1 J. CLARK BELL*** dians, too. M.D., Ch.B., F.R.C.S., <Edin), D.P.N. We ail know that mon and women Yucnnvrtl htbl o (Successor ta Dr. A. S. TaiIey) on farms are usualîs' hus'f olk. Very Yu nd bu ar tfrom hat it io. Bons. Graduate in Medicine, Aber- few cits' or town people are there to ho ied, tat know that oters deen University; Fellow of the Royal ~ed o nw ~ fres think of you kindîs' even though theyl Coleg ofSugeosEdibughseasons are spring, summer and ho ai Oficegad ef Surgen, EiQ u rg.unn If they do not know this tel camost sti-angers. OffceandRoidece Qeen St., them' a few of the things you have to Some peoiple can draw others to- Office Heurs: 2 te 4 p. m., 6 te 8.30 p. ni. d o in these tmes. But to leave out wards them with the least effort, and Bowmanville, Phone 89 aIl your friends and relations just be- others nias' go out of their way and DRS. HAZLEWOOD AND BIRKS cause you bappen to live on a farm make niany sacrifices te help those cuts you off froni one of the enjus'- whoni they wish for friends and s'ot Physiciens and Surgeons monts of life.1 fail in being realis' liked. Office Heurs: 1 te 4 and 7 te 8.30., So , as you want to receive letters B ut the more s'eu think you are Telephone 108 (and what wonian doe.s net?), you, net wanted, or net liked, the more Office. Wellington Street miust write them, and yeu must try te you will keep people awas' from you. Bowmanville, Ontario. write theni as weil as you can. If Be unselfishly friendis' thinking your bandwriting is net up te much, net o f yourself a t aIl, but symipath- --- neyer mind this. You will always do eticaîly place yourself in another's your hast. In ietter-writing liko position ,and thon s'eu may have mans' VETERINARY making butter or doing ordinars' cook- friands. DR.* F. 9r.TIGHE ing, a person learns te do by doîng. Abrgthppadjvaen- VETERINARY SURGEON. Day or Hr iAnthrtouh ta ia si mnnr s hesueand owal t o-1 Nlght calîs promptly attended ta. Hr saohrtogtta a si anri h uetwyt h Office: Ring St. East, Bowmanv-lii. e h elpful te manys fanm people. You tain friends and be wanted wherever Phone 243. may be onîs' a poor or, say only a you go. fair writer, but why lot that interfere Everybody bas their own troubles i E. G. KERSLAKE, V. S., B. V. Sc. with your task? Do you net know and niost people are disappemntedi Oronofo a cets inty in yeur mind that your wt h way the world treats them, Rono Grauat of nivnit ofwiitten letter full of news than ai smiies and happiness. Toronto. AIl cases given prompt beautifully writton letter in which1 Like the flowers that turn te the and careful attention. Office- nothing is said hardis' that they wisb sun, se wiîî anyo ne turn te a happy' Dr. McElroy's former office. Phanes: te knoxv. We've had letters of both esn Clarke 3921; Orono 181. kinds and prefer the one full of news. Posn ___________________________We know that sonie people cannot Gro uchiness, bad-temper, a sour belp their poor writing. Perbaps they pssimistic viewpoint, and your ac-, AUCTIONEERS nover had any advantages, but thev quaintances are few, because mostj THEO M. SLEMON can write letters if tbey wili try. Self people have that viewpoint, and the Aucionerpride should net prevent themn froni novelty and charm of gladness and Salioes prîy performing their rosi duty in the good-tomper attracts more quickls' Darmi and Hause Slsa Sei mt. attor of letter wiig than anything eisc. Terma moderato. Enniskillen P. 0. m he yuriting. -ppuaran * ,*aTon s'eu wil bcam eapeplarcoand Phone 197r3. 1-tf. When children lave their old home a oua -ro a edi en Sand friends of the home town cr niand divers attentions.I community te hegin homes of their In a smaîî community we dependi qwn or for any other reason, thei em huo a te ei sws sbould net, bowever blame the oid dm - r and be o odtrswt folks wben thes' do net wrte. Have em e trs' ongodteni wt s'ou anwered their isat Iptters? if Ieversole ie o te is bard on tbem if you have not lbnp fpo ie you itc he wilIgladl se). The Golden Ru!-c should appis' J come to)'n ~sacewe oe- te letter riting. Dbo as you shouldj sary; but if you stand alone, superi- i ho one y. Ye wan bettrs, omr and aloof, because yen feel thoseý can nover have tee nians'. Well, trs' around you are e qa esoref what writing a few will bring. h islThon when need arises, as, it mcisi net tee late. Look up those friends assuredîs' will at somo tume, onis' fer wbese addresses you bave. Wiepas'mont can you cali on others tei- te your mother te wbem s'eu bave net i help s'eu. - written perhaps for s'ears. Mthers Just in the manner cf s'our speech always forgive. Write quickly while can you keep people froni iiking youl, s'eu stili bave a niether, but write, -ontradicting, arguing, tactlesslyý write, write. sbowing up others' faults or mistakes, The joy you will give can hardIs' relating steries that cail up embarras-' be imagined. You can measure it a -ing episodes; continualiy talkingý littie bs' the jy s'eu s'ourself re- ail)eut yourself and yeur supremeý S/ ceivo when yeu got lettons. clevernessi; hutting n on thers *5( * * *friendîs' chat bs' loudly proclaiming ,.-Since writing the foregoing WO yvu1, opinion, and paticulariy bs' re- o have road an article hs' Mrs. Nool latinqg gosip and siander. ÎCabeut anonymeus ltter writers th,ý To ho blunt and out-speken and f . i -> apropes bore tbat we give bier tcls may win through a crewd by chief pit that appeal te an editar. tcls peints he pushing, but is an utter failuro ever written an anenynieus letter? Ififyowibtb-ppuran lid I -o haen't do't.for s'eurself alono. Your Leving IAperson bas a spite against an- AUNT SUSAN. Nhandy )ther. What dees hoe do? Ho ( 'vwrites, page.; of abuse. Why can ho »pacha net ceme eut in the open and fight? MEN-BE YOURSELF! Sinîpîs' hecause hoe dare net do se._____ Co " Either bis ononyis a stroriger mati Whs' net bc a success-we show the tO' than bie. or a public mati, or some was' te big pas' enveoes. Earn geod fo r ther thing that ho dare net face, salars' as meter mcchanic, battery that can' e h takes the stand cf the coward welding, vulcanizing, bouse wiring, H-ere is a treat hcnt and bides bebind anonymous ]etters. bricklayîng, barbcring, beauts' culture be beat! Benefit and plea. I etters (Ie net onis' cotitain work. Summer classes now forming, measre!abuse: thes' are often fu of threats! reduced fee, earn as s'eu iearn. Inter- surein eneouSWe cannet think cf ans' single in- esting catalogue free. Write or cal CI80 stance in which a person dees the HemphlUl Trade Schooli, Limited, pepermint Fla;or I proper thing when hoe sonda a letter King West, Toronto. unsigned! The Great Lau rant at Redtah lent THE EDITOR TALKS Anonymous communications usual-1 ly should be fed to the waste-basketi as they are in most newspaper offices. How would you feel if you were the recipient of one of these letters? You might be brave and scof at them. Certainly, they can neyer hurt you; but what would you think of the send- er, especially if, in some unknown manner, you discovered his name? You would scorn him forever after,l or rank him as beneath contempt. The less you had to do with him the bot- ter, for your own sake as well as his. 0f course, anonymous letters should neyer be allowed; but w~ho can pre- vent them ? This audacieus lady writer rightly says: The moral coward who cloaks bis abuse hehind the veil of anony- mity knows well that none can reach hlm. H1e is in an imp)reznable fort- ress from which he can shower the poisonous darts of vituperation and hate. He can hurt, sometimes, when he bits his mark; although we should bo above being hurt by such an enemy. To bim we feel like applying the words of Sir Walter Scott: "He shal go dowa to the vile dust from whic.h he sprung", etc. Certainly there lis something indescribably vile about such a person.* Without Examinaion heaithy men, ages 15 to 45, may obtain a policy for $2,50 RATES FOR $2,504) Age Rate Age Rate 20 - - - $43.40 35 - - - $W.95 25-- 48. 45 40 - - - 76.10 POLICY PROVIDES FOR: $2,500 in event of natural death $5,000 if accddentally kcilled $25 per mnonth if totally dW. abled, as weil as $2,500 at death Mail this coupon TO-DAY W. BLAKE McMURTRY District Representative Please serd mne particulare about your -Excel" PolJcy. Addrese CHIROPRACTIC AND DRLtLESS THEROPY DURWIN E. STECKLEY honor graduate of Toronto Colloge cof Chiropractie will be in the Bow- 'nan ville Office Tuesday, Tharaday Ànd Satiirday evenings, phone 1417. Residential calsa made during fore- noon.. 125 Times A-roundi the World TN pursuing its policy of consistent pro- J.gresa-in its continuai search for new ideas -.; in its constant develo'-ient of better cars i. General Moi , not only maintains its great International Researchi Labonatonies and hundreds of skilled engineers, but also operates the first, largeast and most completely c-,,uip- ped automobile proving ground in the world. Hene, on the vast fouteen-hundred-acre tract of the General Motons International Proving Ground, every type ot read is duplicated, every condition of ti. is GENERAL N reproduced. Here al makes of General Motors cars are constantly being sub- jected to the most searching tests. Here eveny principle developed by General Motons en gineers is put to proof ;-; every detait of each test car's perfor- mance carefully and closely cbecked. Here years of normal use are crowded into a few months of continuons, gruel. ling operatian. A typical example is offered by Chevrolot. Since the opening of tho General Motors Proving Ground, Chevroiet cars alone have piled up over three million miles of 40TOR S 4 testing . . . a distance equal to 125 times &round the world. In the countless millions of miles that General Matera cars have coverod on the General Motors Provint Ground, there bas beon onie grosi purpose keptimn view . . . ta improve, gy constant testing, the quality and Worth of every Generai Motors product. Every Canadian buyer of a General Metors car gous a car built in Canada by Canadians tme ies Canadian conditions ofnoad and ciniae .-. a botter car and a greater value because Generai Motors uses se freely and unsparingly its un- equalled facilities for testing and research . . . With betten General Motors cars at the end of the jaurney, millions of miles is not teo far ta go. .12 CANADA £zmited - - - - - a- % ýý%. ý« LJ l£ I - . MEAD OFFICE AND FACTORIES -OSHIAWA. ONTARIO CH EVROLET PONTIAC OLDSM0BILE -*OAKLAND -McLAIGHLINBUICK.- LASALLE *CADILLAC Ail ,fh bodybyFihr GENERAL MOTORS TRUCK t44% &~m/ wnu;os G w~notCOINE N IE Is best for low and high comipresoion motorg CANADIAN QIL COM-VPANIES, LIMITED THE GREAT LAURANT An amaziiig, spectacular production of magie andI mystery wjiI he ljresented by the Great LauraUt, mage" and wonder-wo-irk-ur, at a zala~ entertaluiment to be gîvin et the Dominion Redpath Chautauqua here this season. Laurant is one of the suavest, most pictoresque mahgicians ever seen uI)of the platfornm. LHodlsplays the ab ani ingenuity of both ancivrit and modern conjurers. Ilindu magie, fthe craft of the ancient Olinese, together wIh Modernil in d nîi mi iriis. foiinw enclitother with str hnzrapidity. LaurantSs show of Nvonders is a tirillitng experience fur ail. BOWMANVILLE CHAUTAUOUA JULY 17, 18, 19, 20, 21 Be sure to buy a season ticket-It's cheaper-12 per~- formances--Aduits $2.50; Child $1.25 MI rHE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWIMANVILLE, THURSDAY, JULY 5th., 1928 PAGE TWO F. W. Nelles White Rose Gasoline Station King St. East

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