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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Jul 1928, p. 4

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PAGE FOUR SOLINA INSTITUTE VISIT About 35 members of Sauina W en's Institute, by invitation, met the home of Mrs. Bert Hunt, "M erly Farm" on Thursday, June 2 The program inciuded a visit ta gardens of Dr. J. M. Baldwin w] they viewed bis splendid peon shrubs and tree. Ail were gr fui to the Dr. for bis splendid ati tion and kindness in permitting tI ta view bis gardens. The party t repaired to Mrs. H unt's and werei aliy entertained. Mrs. R. J. Me] sock, President, caled the meeting order and proceeded with the1 mness. A paper on "Clean Thouglh written by Mrs. Thos. Baker, read by Mrs. W. T. Baker. Music Mrs. Everett Cryderman on thei lele and community inging, ais( reading by Miss Edna Reynolds enjoyed previous ta the serving delicjous refreshments. M.%eet ciosed îith the National Anthem Have Your Hens CulIed Now Keep only the hens that wvîl' give you a good profit in the wint. er and throughout the year. Buiki up your flock with bigi productive layers by having the culs discarded. Have your applications in b Juiy lOth. Phone or Write ta Laverne Clemeni R. R. 6, Bowmanville, phone 237-3 or to J. Y. Kellough Agricutural Representative, Port Hope DILLICK'S After Holiday Specials Men's rubber sole wor] boots or oxfords, Special $2.6! Chiidren's Running Shoeý .69( Misses', sizes il to 2 85c Girls' Black Patent sand- ais with rubber heels, Goodyear stitched soies, Special Values $1 .29 Ladies' Rayon Siik Dressest pretty patterns neati3 made. Severai styles tc choose from ........ 27 Pure Linen Rouler Towel- iing, Reg. 25c, Special 15c Siik Lingerie of heavy quaiity, wili launder per- fectly, double gussets. Coiors-Peach, White, Nule, Pink, Blue and Rose, Vests 69c; Bloomers $1.00 Men's Work Shirts, khaki or blue, good roomy make, Special 89c A. DILLICK King and Division Ste. Bowmanville Ont. THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, JULY 5th., 1928 ~ALE GROVE1 ENNISKILLEN ENFIELD arn- Misses Susie Laird and Vers Pow- Miss Helen Branton, Oshawa, Miss- Mr. H. Stinson bas purehased a n( ,t at er are boiidaying with their parents as Gertie and Winnifred Oka, Bow- piano. Vav- here. manvilie, spent the weekend at Mr. Miss Alberta Page. Honolulu, Sth. Mr. and Mrs. Harper, Coaksvilie, Wesley Oke's. visiting bier parents, Mr. anid Mrs. the spent the holiday witb Mr. and Mrs. Best Heaith Food-Crean'. of Barley. Page. riere R. L. Worden. Misses Vers Stinson and Hel nies, Miss Bella E. Ross, teacher of Nlap- Starks and Mr. A. Tonnant wrote 'at'e- le Grave sebool, bas returned ta ber TYRONE the Entrance exams at Salins ia ten- borne in London, Ontario. ____ week. :hcm Mra :hen M. ad Mrs. Ray Snowden spent Saveral froni hera attendad Haydon About 75 peaple assembied att roy- the weekend with their parents ,Mr. and Hampton anniversaries. borne of Mr. Walter Farguson la Kes- and Mrs. R. R. Stavans and Mr. and Churcb service Sunday at 10.30 Tuesday, June 26th., ta celabrate r ýg ta Mrs. W.. J. Snawden.i a. m. Sunday Scbooi at 2.30 p. m. golden wedding of bis fatfera] bis- Mr. and Mrs. Russell Warden. Mr.' League meeting opened Thursday mother, Mr. and Mrs. David Fergu itsas and Mr. E.Wr Foley, vised a M evening with tbe President, Miss Haz- an. The guest room was profuse ývas nd M. Edard on vsitd ay. ela Turner, in chair. Af ter davotional decratd with flowers for the oce cby Roy Knox's, Hampton, o udy exercises 4th Vice, Mrs. C. D. Hodg- sion. The bappy couple were pre uke- Mrs. H. Vickerv. Town.' Mr. G. son, took charge and the foi] owing entad with a purse weil filled wi ýo a Spencely, Peterbara, visited lber sis- program was given: Reading bv goid. Aftar the presentation ai was ter, Mrs.. E. W. Foley, Mr'-. R. L. Mrs. (Rev.) J. R. Trumpaur; piano tea were aver the evening was Sp, 0f Worden and Mrs. J. H-. Munday over~ solo, Miss Kathleen McCullough; top-indnn. Toeprstw ting the weekand. H. A."on mer Vacations for Young froms Lindsy' Paterboro, Oshaw . Visitors at 'Mr.A. Farrow's onPeopla" by Miss Leverne Burgess-,; r, Toroto, and tbe surroundii Friay er be nece, issMaily jre-ading by Miss Annie Gardiner. neigbborbood. Bell, St. Catharines, Miss Mnbei Bell,] etigcosdîvt1iz .Best Healtb Food-Cream of '3r Toronto. Mrs. Field and son Jim, Visitars: Miss Reta Miles, Tor- -.Tonawanda, N. Y., and Mr. and Mrs. onto, Mr. and Mrs. H. H. McRoberts,HMTN Chatin. Windsor. 1lBruce and Stewart, Osbawa, visited HAMPTON_ Best Health Food-Craam of Bariay. at Mr. Simon McCoy's; Mr. and Mrs. j Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Tennant, To Wnm. Virtue with Mr. and Mrs. Wni. onta, visited friands here over il Riddali, Orono; Miss Hazel Hodgson holiday. and Miss Edythe Clemens at their Mr. n r.C .MutoM COURTIE resectiv homes here; Miss Hazel AnnieadMs .J Mountjoy ot , M COURTICE jTurner bas returned ta ber home at Se 1 Claremont, Mrs. Win. Lillicraîî and almn, Haydon. were boliday gues Mir. anti Mrs. Chas. Webst rad Miss Velma Campbell, Canningtou, St o r n r.S .Mutiy daughters and Mî's. Hurle,,, Toronto, Mr'. L. Byam's; Mrs. Clara Byam, Mr. and Mrs. Ï. A. Cale, Mr. Dti spent the holiday witb Mrs. A. F. Bowmanville spent a few days with aId Cola, Miss Helen Mains, Mr. Psi il Rundle. ber daughter, Ms-s. L. Hooper; Mr. 'Curtis, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Cie On Saturday last '.I. T. A. Cai-ton iani Mrs. Craig Miles, Misses Editb Clemenca and daugbter Miidred. Os] toek a bus load of twenty-one of and Madge, Miss Dunn, 'Mir. and Ms-s. awa, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Argue an Court ice, Bowmianville and Newcastle Frank Tbomas, Mr. Victor' Hooper, Miss Helen Argue, Bowmanvill people to Kingston. Tbey visited Mî's. Jobnson and two tlaugbters, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.1 h thi? oid For't, the Penitentiar\',i Mary and Margaret, Toronto, visited H. Cale. e Queen'. University andl othar placesIat Mr. D. Hooper's; Mr-. and Ms-s. John Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Werry and Mi in Kingstonî. then took the boat fox IMeFeeters and Ronald, Toronto, at Florence Werry, Mr.. A. E. Cien the Thousand islauds, crossed over Mr.'A. W. Annis'; Mr. and Mrs. J. J. eus and Miss Margaret Pollock, Mr to Alexandria Bay and on the way Devitt, Lloyd, Bobcaygeon, Ms-s. J. John J. Lord, Bowmanville, Mr. an y hine a: nigbt called at Belleville. Flett, Bury's Green, witb Miss Viola Ms-s. Thomas McGill, Enniskillen, an The wbole trip was thoroughly en- Sbortt; Mr. Wnî. Hambly, Boys' Mrs. Jobn Pye and Ms-. and Mrs. Joh joyed. Training School, Bowmanville, wvtb Pascoe, Salins, Mr. Paul Curtis, Mý On Wednasday afternoon the regu- bis sister, Mrs. Leurs Vistue; Mr. and and Ms-s. Campbell and son, Elmval lai' meeting of the Ladies' Bereen Ms-s. Richard Haterly, Herry and with Mr. and Mrs. James Curtis. Class was held at the home of M.%rs. Frank, spent Sundey witb Mi,. and Best Health Food-Cream of Bas-le, Kenueth Courtice. The pî'ogremn Mrs. Edward and James Tape, Por-t wsas lu charga of Ms-s. Herb Nicbols' Hope; Mr. and Mrs. Earl Stephens gî'oup and it was wortby of mention. and family, Sutton, at Mr-. W. F. 3 President Mrs. W. R. Courtice pre- Parks'; Mr. and Ms-s. James Dudley SOLINA sided, and Ms-s. John Found was in and Mr, Floyd Dudley accompanied charge of the devotional pas-lad. Meet- by Mr. sud Mrs. W. J. Bradd viisted Ms-s. John Kiveil is witb Toront ing opened ;itb Doxolog,,end a friands at Coîborne; Mr. anSI Mrs.1 friands. short prayer was read by Mrs. Herb- Arthur Webber, Manitou, Mu. vis- Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Pascoe ar art Nichais. Abhymn wes sung and ited at Ms-. Has-old Skinnar's. visiting Draytan friands. prayers offes-ed by Mrs. G. F. Annis Best Health Food-Cream of Barley. Mr. Frank Sbortridge, Oshawa,i and Mrs. A. J. Gay. Bible lesson______ spending a week et home. t on the story of Moses w'as î'ead by Miss Vera Shostridze is bolidaN Mrs. Sam Vinson aud Mis. Frank ADNigwt Sarvlefens Rundie gave a veî'y fine talk on the HAYDONJoghni B Sakiefr iands. at le-son. Anothar bymn ooucluded Cburcb service next Sunday at us- Ms-. W. J. Bragg, Bowmanvilie. - .the dev'otional part of the meeting. ual hour. M.adMs .T alra Program opened witb a chorus sungMran s.W T.ayoan - -iby the members of Mrs. Has-b. Nich- Holiday visitas-,: Misses Hazel Miss Lana witb Midland friands. ols' graup. A raadiug was givan by Rundle, Frances Hancock, Sda Ms-. and Mrs. A. J. Raynolds an Miss Aura Osborne .Mrs. Roberts Muir, Ms-. Harold Muis- and James Miss Edna spent Fsiday in Paterbos- of Darlingtan Station sang a solo Hancock, Ebanezer, Mr. and Mrs. and an address was then givan bv Wm. Smith and family, Enfield,' Ms- Mr. and Ms-s. Les. Snowden, Mapl Miss Robertson of South Oshawa Mis- and Mrs. Herb Scott and femily, Or_ Grave, spent Sunday at Mr. Thoma -sian. Miss Robestson's taik was on ono, at Mr. Wmn. Trawin's;Mr and Baker's. the needs of the young people of ta- Mrs. T. Rhyme sud family, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Annon ai k day. A piano duet by Misses Louise Mr. and Mrs. H. Campbell, Mi'. sudIf amily, Dunbarton, visited at Mr. JaE Osborne and Hazel Rundie was an- Mrs. L. Disney and family, Mr. Wey-1 Smale's. 9 joyed. Miss Louise Courtice gava a s-;ch and daugbter, Osha,,a, Mr. and I Mr. and Mrs. Cai Pascoe and Gor selection wbicb was well received 1Ms-s. W. Ridge and Margaret at Mr. don visited at Mr. John Naylar's -Progremi closed with a sala by Mrs' John Wright's; Mr. and Mrs. Hoskin Oshawa. 5S (Rev.) J. H. Stainton. Luncheon Smith, Ms-. sud Ms-s. James Bradley, Don't fos-get the Sans of Temper ýCiwas served ta about 60 ladies sud 'Euniskillen, Mr. sud Ms-s. Lloyd Brad-1 anca meeting in the school :ai-nigh . chillrenaunsd a social time enjoyed. ley, Mr. and Ms-s. Frank Bradley,,j (Tbus-sday.) c Ms-s. Kennatb Courtice w'as a most Wbitby. at Mr. E. Bradley's; Mr. and Mr. and Ms-s. C. McBride and Bus- graciaus bostess. Mrs. Mervin Mouutjoy, Mr. and Miss n eabrvlia tM- I T. Samelis and son, Cadmus,MisoPtrr, stea r.Cr - IDora Mountjoy and friand, Oshawa, enca Tink's. Ms-.asd Mrs. R. W. Doane, Toronto, Mr. and Ms-s. N. Yallowlaes anc IMr. and Mrs. W. M. Henry sud fam- famîly visited Ms-s. Cation ai Mramî I TOWN COUNCIL ily, Lindsay, at Mr. E. Mountjoy's; ton ou Sundsy. Mr. and Mrs. John Graham and sons,, Severai from hera attendad anui Ragular meeting oi Council wli5 Mr. and Mrs .N. Hall and Clinton, vessarias at Hamapton sud Haydon or S beid Tuesday avaning. Mss. T. Hoopar aud Mr. Reuban1 Sunday sud Monday. $100 was granted ta Beach Atblatic Ho,'.oper, Mr. C. Goodman, Mrs. Trick Mr. sud Ms-s. W. J. Reynolds, Mr SAssociation, monay ta be used on s-ansd Evalyn, Osbawa, Mrs. Thos. Ar-1J. R. Reynoldis visitad at Mr. R. pairs ta Honey bridge aud road onicher sud Perecy, Lindsay, Ms-s. John1 Somes,-ville's, Ches-sywvaod. 1, west beach. !Tabb sud Harold, Mr. Rd. Hoskin, MS.^a Dwell has setus-ned bame Exemption irom costs ta the Wom- Mrs. Marks and Mr. Wilbas-t Marks, irom o anleHsptlbti an's Hospital Auxiiiaî-y for use afiLong Sault, at Mr. D. Gs-sham's; Mr. Bawmaonfnvi o l e Hsitlbu the Oper'a House for the pî'asenta- Thos. McGilricudy. Ms-s. Donald Met- cniedt isbd tion of the play "David Garrick" was Gillicudy anti daugbter VarIa, Miss Misses Hoas-, Pickering, Spiers and read, and adoptad. Resiguatian ofiRilda Cooper, Mr. Ernest Hunter, McClure, Toronto, spent the wee Dr. B. J. Hazlawood as M.O.H. wa Toronto, at Mr. HS. Asbton's; Ms-s. R. end at Mr. E. R. Taylos-'s. raad sud adoptad. Clark Lyle wiîî Ashton, Kathleen sud Ruby, Ms-. Cy- Mr. Is-win Bragg aud fsmily, Pro- write aIl doctors of Bawmanvilla stat- s-us Ashton and Miss Rober-ts, Ms-. sud vidence, and Miss Elsie Bragg, Tor- îng that the position is open at the Ms-s. Hens-y Ashton, Mr. sud Ms-s. Jim auto. visitad at Mr'. John Baker's. fisst of August. Ashton sud son, Mrs. D. Wilson sud Mr. sud Ms-s. Robes-t Risch, Dray- A cî'dai bsns f-ar th failydaughtars. Port Hope, st Mr. L. Gra- tan, and Ms-s. Walter Langmaid, Osb- of William Edges-, s-cently decaase ad h's, Ms-ru ss. Publnd ownsudor awa. visitad at Mr. H. G. Pascoe's. fis-e chiaf, wvas sead, sud the clark ottM-s. Gi. rtsudsnssor Miss Betty Mars hall, Tos-onto, Ms- wes instructad ta saud a lattas- ta the Viola Short, Tys-one, visitad Ms-s. R. sud Ms-s. Dawson, Jean sud Jerry, i ismiîy exps-essing the sosrow of theb ugr iss uryad Rn Petes-bora, visited at Ms-. W. J. Rey- i whle ounil n te lss f acitzenPeas-ce, Toronto, at Ms-. Thos. Gser's; nod' s0 valuable sud respactad as was Fis-e Ms-. sud Ms-s. Win. Challis sud Phy- Miss Vas-a Baker of tbe Knicker- Chief Edger. i lls, -Bowmanville, Ms-s. J. Rutiedge bocker Hospital, New Yos-k, is bolit Reports of tba finance cammittee sud Miss Effie Rutladge, Salem, was-e daying witb bar parents. Ms-. and Mns ware s-aad sud accepted. In con- at Ms-. T. S. Mountjoy's; Miss Cas-rief Thas. Baker. nactian witb this the wsterworks and Ms-. Lloyd Avery, Little Britain, Ms-. Csesswali, Miss Vas-a Gibbons c ommittae's repos-t of expanditura Ms-s. C. Cooper sud family, Toronta, and Ms-s. A. Gibbons, Toronta, visited was sead sud also sccaptad witbout Ms-s. Georgius Niddes-y sud Jack, the lattas's father, Ms-. H. As-gue, question. Ms-. Palmes- than made bis town, Mrs. Beunett, South Darliiug- wbo continues quite waak. report on the psving ai Cents-e St sud tan, Ms-.sud Ms-s. Sid Ts-awin, Ennis- Sunday Sebosi sud chus-ch sas-vice ,lsud George St. from Lowe ta KingIJkillen, at Ms-. C. Ave-y's; Ms-. sud will hae hald at 10.30 a. ni naxt Sun- *jSt., sud Lambes-t St. fs-rn King St. Mrs. J. E. Elliott, town, Rev. and day instesd oainl the aftas-noon aon -ta the baspital, lu counection with the jMs-s, Pearsceansd daughtas-, Saskatcha- account of dacoration sas-vice at Zion. *ptitions for the psving thareaf. Sav- wsn, at Ms-. Milton Siamo's; Miss Ms.nd s-.N E.Wiham rnslt. T -.oiosweafiuay Ths. S- mons-,M-E-neMrEg.e, ads-. .r icnic wa cil, sud thrae patitiaus for paviug Small lot of gaod <fshas, as well as s cu-hbiligwsr~sdls wara set asida for iurtbas- siguatureas, odd places, Kitchen Uteusils, O011 weak ude- he bulengsueraisionait nat having beau sufficieutly sgn. Staova, Cas-pets, Beds. çs-, Peterh bers fScanbiora.of The matter ai puschasiug grappling SEVERAL PIECES 0F ANTIQUE wss voted a fine piece of. work and irons wss, ou the recommandation WALNUT FURNITJR.E whan fiuizhed will provide ample af Chiai ai Police Sid Veuton laid A good qusntity ai vas-led bouse- Sunday Scbool adcornrodatiou. The oves- ta lates- data. hold fus-niture sud suppiies and men ai the congregation tus-ned out Council adjauruad untid Iuly 16, some gardan tois. in goodly numbers to asuist Ms-. Her- wbeei a special meetig is to be c811- W. J. Chs.&, C. H. Masôn, sou. ed. Auctionees-. Cierk. Best Health Food--Cream ai Barley. THREE BIG DA Y Y~ "v~~ y'~ ? SUECIAL JULY MI I WasIiStiît~4irardDrn 'I :Big Value in Wash Suits, Dresses and Panty Dr ".GROUP ONE", COMPRISING STYLES SIMILAR 1-0 ILLUSTRATIONS A.B.C-PANTY- DRES.SES of T1renioa Broadcloth., Voile, etc., suzes 2 to 6 years: GIRLS' DRESSES of Ân]deraoa Prints and lmnportpd Voiles, sizes 8 to 14 years; BOYS' WASH. SUITS of l'in Crash, Tmrmola Bro-adeloth, 'tr.,in sives 2 to 6 years. Everv C.arnnnt hand -na dé n h-nd-finîshed. The miateriais are ail of the hQgbest csality with alisoiutely fa. t c or and are shown in a l arge as'.ortment of colors. tisually sold at f rom $2.95 to U3.50. o Our price. OURING SPECIAL JULY SALE, eadi.......................................... A 0-é Rare Opportunity! Boys' Wah Sulfta &Infants Creep«rs Priced alibOnly 9ft each 'GRUP WO"co&IpRts#NG STVL.5.8 imi. LAR TO ILLUSTRATIONS D E-The mnaterwas In this aïcsortment are Tremola Broadeloth, Charmibray, a.nd UÀnen 0rash. The styles are ail -new, dalnty and suitable for t.he warm wahr Just the garinents for holiday time. These practki1 l ittie outtits fcw Boys and Girls arej suftable fer ail ages from %, year up to 6 yeârm * very gariment wrell-nmde, wil wash wel and quallty of inaterial the best. Some wlth plain Trousers buttoned to gaiiy printed tops, others wilth White tops fininhed with Blet, Pocket, nie and Pearl Buttons. The - ciass of goods f or whIch you usurilîy pay fr-ou OURING SPECIAL JULY SALE, each............... Wash Suits Huadreds of New Sua.- nmer Modela Just unpacked 1 GROUP THREE", COMPRISING STYLES SIMILAR TO ILLUSTRATION SF'-You 111lhe surlýr,'.-'I Men 'on st' thes, BloN s ',ash Suits and kiddj,'- C* trýý,,r AllI 'mo t stles wth hanfl - all tl he 11111, rt-fin tn, nts that go t10 ak, ;t tractive garmpnîs. The St,. 5iii , om'no In oth Olilver Twist and bliddj, Styles. This assort- A A k ~À A A A A ..~ A A Huge Special Array of Super Bar1 in Warm Weather Summer Dressg We shared in a huge purchase that cieared the racks of one of iargest factories in the country that manufacture Summer Dre The fact that these dresses were bought in most instances at f a cost affords you an opportunity seldom afforded anvone to your requirements at actuai whoiesaie price. We have worked1 in hand with a buying power that is amazing in its magnit These dresses are priced so that the purchase of one, two ort dresses is most advisabie. The materiais are guaranteed an( styles the iast word in the correct thing, for this summer. GROUP NO. i Women's Printed Crayaheens Pus-a Spun Silks, double silk bs-oadloth Dressas, long os- short sleevas, sizes 14 ta 46, the utmost in styla at the lowest possible price, Sale Price $6.95 GROUP NO. 3 Double Silk Broadcloth Dresses à uantity ai plain colas-ad double silk Broad- oth andi tricasheesl dresses, calais, White, Maize, Capen, Buzz Green, Sand, value $7.50, On Sale Thuraday, Friday and Saturday $5.00 GROUP NO. 2 Printed Dimity Dressa Guss-antaed fast colosssud Fugi Sil lu s vast asray ai Rew styles witb or long sicavas, aIl sizes in the gr Extra Special Thuraday,1 and Saturday $2.98 GROUP NO. 4 Smart Chic Dresses Smnast educ dressas ai Ps-omeuadE Kuittad Jersey, Psiuted Silks far aud street Iveas-, substantiaîîy Fro1m $6.50 to $15.00 TO THE FIRST FIVE WOMEN BUYING TWO OR MORE SUMMER DRESSES SA MORNING WE OFFER 5 ONLY $25.00 TWEED COATS, SIZES 16 and 18 FOR $s. We also offer 7 only Comts thsit were priced originally to $45.00 SATURDAY ONLY Sale of Dresses Starts Proniptly Thursdlay Morning et Nine and Continues Until Saturiay Eleven, daylight saving time. We wilI appreciate your co-operation in sho0pping early whe PHONE 106 SW. MASON & SON DRY GOODS AND LADIES' READY-TO.WEAR YS LE-f cI resses E wpers : l EX. Value [ce lefor ail raments £15 to 059 gains es the esses. ctory ibuv hand ýtude. three d the BOWML I. IAVILLE SOUVENIRS of Bowmanville and of Canada at the "Big 20" GIFT SHOP We bave a large assortment of useful sud ornameutal articles suitable for yduug sud aId at prices s-aagiug fsrn 25e upwards. Tbey ara unique, naval sud dil!es-- eut. W. T. Allen Big 20 Booktor. Dowananville ont. AL ÀL ý& A A -

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