KEEPCOOL!I Let us do your baking during the hot weather. Our cakes and pastry will please your holiday visit- ors. Fine quality bread, cakes and pastry. Ice Cream and Confectionery W. P. Corbett Baker and Confectioner Phone 3 Bowmanville Group Sale of Furnishings and Clothinig This Week - End CROUP 1 FOR $24.50 You May Buy: Any Suit in store at .............$25.00 Any Shirt in store at ............$ 1.95 Any Tie in store at .............$ 1.00 Any Suit comb Underwear in store $ 1.00 3 Artex Soft Collors at 3 for ....$ 1.00 Any Pair Sox at ..................$ 1.00 Regular Value $30.95 ALL FOR ONE PRICE AS ABOVE $24.50 GROUP 2 AT $29.50 Any Suit in store at ...............$30.00 Any Shirt in store at .............$ 2.50 Any Tie in store at ...............$ 1.00 Any Pair Sox in store at ..........$ 1.00 Any Cap in store at ...............$ 1.95 Any Pair Garters in store at ....$ .50 Règular Value $36.95 ALL FOR ONE PRICE AS ABOVE $29.50 Save Real Money on Guaranteed Merchandise Men's Work Sox, Special Line, On Sale 5 Pr $1.00 Boys' Cotton StJckings, ail sizes, This Week 4 Pair For $1.00 Men's Work Shirts Khaki and dark blue, black and values to $1.25, On Sale 98c Each white stripes, Men's Athletie Underwear Combinations, buttoned garmnents also buptonless garments at 98c Suit. Men's Pullover Sweaters and Sweater Coats 25 only, the very finest quality aIl wool sweaters and sweater coats, ail shades and values to $6.00 each On Sale This Week End At Only $3.95 Each T. B. GILCHRJST Directly Opposite Montreal Bank Phone 61 Bowmanville Warm Weather Dresses At Bargain Prices In "The Little Shoppe With The Large Stock" 25 Dresses of Printed Crepes-Flat Crepes-Georgettes-and a few Crepe Satins,'- Clean Up Sale Price $9.98 26 Dresses of Spun Silk-Sun Proof Foulard-Figured Crepe and RayonSilk Clean Up Sale Price $4.98 25 Only Children's "Betty Brown" Spun Silk Pantie Dresses, sizes 6, 8 and 10 years, Clean Up Sale Price $2.98 We are giving away theè balance of our Coats-If you want one you will have to act quickly. Any coat in the store $9.98 A HOSIERY SPECIAL WORTH INVESTIGATING 2 dozen pairs of "Su rsilk" Stockings, 14 strand of Pure Thread Silk, a perfc fittinghoct u ie, discontinued numbers, Clearing for 98c Don't Wait-Be early while the choice is good. This is absolulely a Cash Sale and no garments will be allowed out on approval or muchanged after the sale. Clarence S. Mason THE LITTLE SHOPPE WITH THE LARGE STOCK (ONE DOOR WEST 0F F. F. MORRIS CO.)_ PHONE lB BOWMANVILLE THE CANADIAN STÂTESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, JULY 5th., 1928 LOCAL AND OTHERWISE LOCAL AND OTHERWISE O BIRTHS Mns. Harny Paterson, Mexico, was Miss M. Mildred Lawrie, Toronta, WOD-In Orono, on T1hunsday, June 2lst, 1928, ta Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Wood, recent guest of ber sister, Miss B. is holidaying at home. a daughter.-Helen Margaret. H. Fairbainn. St. Andrew's Church Bazaar Oct -________ Mr. and Mrs. Gea. P. Freeland, aber l9th. Reserve the date. Taranto, spent the weekend with Mn. Miss Alice Harrison. Trenton, is MARRIAGES Richard Jarvis. vîsiting ber aunt, Mrs. F. W. Goddard. HILL-DARCH-In Trinity United, Mns. George Brown and Miss Carnie Mrs. W. C. Rosevear, Lakeview Church, Bowmanville, on Saturday, June Broad are visiting relatives and Beach, with ber sisten, Mrs. Harry 30th.. 1928, bv Rev. J. U. Robins, Thomas finsin Toronto.Brc Couthard Hill, Toronto, and Thenessa fniends 1 May Darch, daughter af Mr. and Mrs. M.D. Coleman Warnica, Detroit, Mn. Ted Humphrey, Whitby, spent 1 James Darch, Bowmanville. Mch., recently visited bis mother, the weekend with bis mother, Mrs. F. 1 DAVI ES-CHALLIS-In Bowmanville, Mns. B. M. Warnica. 0. Mason.1 on Saturday, June 3th, 1928, by Rev. J. Mn. and Mrs. C. H. Mason. daugb- Mns. Florence Smyth is spending a U. Robins David R. Davies, Oshawa, son ter Helen and son Donald, spent Sun- montb's holidays with her mother in lof '.Ir. sainuel Davies, Elora, and wîthfnîndsin resin. Morisbng.Lattie M. Challis, daughten af Mr. and day wt red nPetn orsug Mrs. John Challis, Bowmanville. Mn. and Mns. F. B. Hermon and Miss Audney Baulch, Pont Hope, RICHARDs-BURNS-At Trlnity Unit- son Carl, spent the xeekend with Mu. spent a fexv days witb heu uncle, Mr. led Parsonage, Bowmanvllle, on Satunday, and Mrs. A. Salisbury, Weston. Arley Nothcott. 1 June 3th 1928, by Rev. J. U. Robins, Mn. and Mrs. S. G. Chartran and Women's Hospital Auxtliary wîîl Gordon A- Richards, son ai Mn. and Mrs. hermee atNures'Resdene o Fndey IThos. Richards, azd Greta, daughten ai daughten Florence, are visiting be eta ure'Rsdne nFiaNr. andi Mrs. Michael Burns, bath oi mothen, Mrs. E. Waod, Prescott. Juîy 6tb at 3.30 p. m. All menîbers Bowmanville. Mn. and Mns. Hilton Eagleson and 1 attend. RAMSA-HICCS-On Saturday, June two children, Mn. Johnseon, Caobouug, M rs. Everett Beech and baby Glad- 30lth, 1928, at 1858 Bloor St. West, Toron- visied u. nd rs. arr Brc . ys visited ber parents, MNl. and Mns. to, by Rev. H. B. Kenny, asslsted by Rev. Mrs.Jenie lemng bs rtured at-i Daley Pat Hoe, ventheW. H. Higgs, Eileen, daughten af Rev. Mr.Jni lmngbsrtre id aly otHpo h W. H. Higgs and the late Mrs. Hlggs, ta front two weeks' holiday wîtb Dr. weekend. Harry Spence Ramsay, son ai Mrs. C. N. and Mns. James Moore, Bnookli'n. Dn. and Mns. H. C. Rundle and aind the taie Mr. Ramsay. Another sbiv)ment of linen table sons Howard and Leighton, Brighton,j- clotbs are selling at wbolesale pices spent Sunday with Mr. and Mus. . DEATHS at Couch, Johnston & Cryderman's J S. Rundle. It becomes nobody ta sneer at th * Miss Marjonie Collacott who basi RUNDLE-tn Eowmanville, on Tuesday, sil stckîgsof he adis. They' been teaching nean Kingsville is bhl- Juliy ,, 192s, Jotirna Elizathî Rundie, are able ta stand the wear and stare I daving vith ber parents, Mr. and Mrs Dauigtoranh. aI ila Rnîea Miss Vitian Bunnen Ieft on Tues-j G. R. Collacott. Funeral ser-vie- in Trinity United day for Kingston wheue she is taking. Mn. and Mns. Henry Avery and <Churchi. fowmanville, 'oay (Thursday), asummer course at Queen's Unit-en- daughten Ruth and Mn. Douglas Mas- .t;n,d ,a .m ayih aiet sity. on. Woodstock, spent the weekend ETCHER-At Port hiop. lune 29th.. Mn. and Mrs. John Bickell,' Peter- with Mn. and Mrs. W. D. Short. ~. William Etcher, in his lOîh year. bora, wene guests of ber cousins, Mu. 'M\I. ani Mrs. Milburn Thurstson, PORTER-In Lindsay, on Friclay, June. and Mrs. R. McGratb, and othen rela- and Mrs. Sulas Thurston, Dunîsf ord, 29, 1928, NMathew Port r, in his 9lsi year. tiv-es. ani Mns. E. Cole,- Toronto, motored WILSON-At Port ilot', hloe,tal, on Mn. and Mrs. Norman Hamley and bere Wednesday and visited friends. ý'.Jn212,Thm Wlnibsilt Jean, Peterboro, Miss Marion Hut-ý A nerr- at rn omnil ANDERSON-SuddenlV at Kendall on chison, Toronto, at Mns. P. C. Trebil-i and Countice went ta Kingston by Mnty July 2, 119-'1, ]E'l.ard ]rucu An- cock's. (iarton's bus on Saturday and enjoy- ilý rson of osliawa, agel 13 years. M r. Cedric Needham, son of Mu. ed a trip among the Thousand Islands. ROACH-Suddnily aI Porz Perny, .lun, i12-d, 1928, Johin Roach, beloved husband of and Mns. J. H. Needham bas uturn- W. M. S. of Myrtie United Churcb Priscill.a Pudy, in his 501h year. ed front six weeks' visit with relatives' pre:zented the netiring prtsident. Mrs. BRAC-In Bowmanville. on Monday, in England. (Rex.) J. F. Swayne, with a salad juiy 2nd, 1928, Mary G. Bragg, widow aif Mn. and Mrs. Harvey J. ReynlsboNvl and plate, adanMcCU_ i p-te LLO Rcha at nr 8s, Sask. o and ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~MCLOHA faiyWhldiha a f at nalr~si p h aeRcadB atnr 83rd Saak.o an amlPhldepi, aare preciation o ber work. M onday, July Znd, 1928, Inspector Arthur visiting bis parents, Mn. and Mrs. Ed- Trinity Young Womens Missionary J. McCulloch, beloved husband ai Bliza win Reynolds.i Auxiliary will meet an Tuesday, July beth Baird. Mr. nd rs.Normn E WrghtiOthat he omeof Ms. H ii- SUNTER-On Sunday, July let, 1928, Mr. nd rs.Noran E Wrght1 Oh atthehom ofMi-s H.H. il-at 354 Davenport Rd.. Toronto, Joseph and fit-e of their children, St. Cathar- ling, Qucen St. Alntembers coud- Henry (Hanry) Sunter af H. M. Customs ines, called on set-oral relatives in tally invited. Note change of date. (Postal Bnanch)., Wes Duhan th pat fw dys. Rev J.GofntbHorsbyof Tan- ARCHER-AI 23 Indian Raad Crescent, West Drham te ontoew faun R e. J y ofr Walers, nganToronto, on Friday, June 29, 1928, H. J. Mu. and Mus. L. V. Hoff and ttvolno rmly fWaeEgnd Archer. in his 73rd year. Former resi- sons, Montreal, wene guests of theiir will be inducted into the pastorate of dent oi Bownanville. uncle, Mn. M. A. James, on Sunday St. Paul's Pnesbytenian Chunch, Pont WALKER-ln the township af Hope, eno ta Toronto and Hanmilton. Hope, on Tuesday evening, July lOtb. on Friday, June 29th, 1928, William A. ennauteWalker, beloved husband ai Annie May Mus. F. W. Kinkendall, Toronto, tMn. Bruce E. InEbant, M. A.. Inch, in his 64th yean. Intentent at spent the weelfend with heu daughter, Kingston, is spending a few d1 swt Welcome. .Mus. W. G. Bagnell. Master Winton bis wîf e and son at Rev. W. C. Wash- DELAMOURE-On Thursday, June 28, 1 t Victoria Memonial Hospital, Toronto, netunned with ber fou a few days' ington's en route ta Toronto whene he ý MissAgnsDlmue eiolsaf holiday. bas been engaged ta, mark papers foui "The Globe", Toronto). Intenred et Rev. J. U. Robins, Pastar of Trinity the Educatian Dept. 1 Bowmanville. United Church, and Miss Marjonie St. Gearge's Anglican Chunch, _________ Robins have joined Mus. Robins and iW illowdale, Building Committee an- Miss Danatby at thein summer cottagej nounce $5000 towands the $10,0001 IN MEMORIAM nean Wellington fan a month's holi- objective for enlargnîent of the' days. church. Rev. C. P. Muinbead, Rect- In laving mentory ai Hannah Maria Smith, beloved wife af J. H. Smith, who Mu. and Mus. J. H. Cryderman Mu. or, xvas a former uectan of St. John's passed away on Juiy 3, 1927. and Mus. F. W. Cuydeuman and M~iss Church, Bowmanville. Sadly missed by Husband, Daughten Ruth bad a most enjoyable weekend Mrs. Margauet Dempsey, Toronto, and Grand-daughter. trip motaning ta Brighton. Camapbell- announces the engagement of heu on-_____ fond, Norwoad, Petenbouo, Lindsaylly daughten, Mat-y Helen O'Leary ta and other points. Nouman James Battreli. son of Mn. in et-en Ioving memony of oun mother, Miss Gladys Bradley of Newcastle, and Mrs. Thomas Bottrell of Bow- liraenlyi hr., ho 1925.dth who bas specialized in the teaching af ianville, the mauiage ta take place Dean ilittle mnother, with winklesofairae, the deaf, is prepaued ta give privatelthe latter part'of July. Think you I know not, 'twas love put thein Ihere? lessons in Lip-reading, duing the Mu. and Mus. Hartley Crago and Loves tender traces upan her dear face montbs of July erd August. ta ithersoRamn MrRuoîCag No other. dean mother, can e'er take the partially au totally deaf. Marys, visited their aunt, Mus. R. H. yaur ple.ebrdb oseadVe Mn. J. M. Teury and grandson, Mu. Souch, and other relatives here. TheirI J. F. George, Sntitbfield, were guests mother, Mus. D. A. Crago, who bas of Rev. and Mus. W. C. Washîngtonbee nj.ngavsit hene returnedi COCHRANE-In loving memory ai aur on Sunday. Mus. George and home with themn. dean son and brother. Harold Cochrane, daugbters, Phyllîs and Jean, m'ho have who passed away July 4, 1927, la bis 19th been visiting bere retuuned home with. Mu. and Mus. C. A. Smith, daughteu year, son of Oea. and M. Cachrane. them. Feune and son Harny, accompanied by H e bade us aIl a last farewell, He said good-bye toaail, Mn. Francis Sutton, ouganist and' Miss Frances Redden of Toronýta, and And then the Saviaur tlook hlm home, choir diuectau of Trinity United Mnr. Chas. Bickle and Miss Minind Foreven more ta dwell. Chut-ch, Bawinanville, and Mus. Sut- Varcae motored ta Part Hope(o h Sleep on dean Harold, take thy reat. celeratin a Domnio DayandGod called thee honte, ho tbaught It beat. ton left Wednosday ta attend the big clbai'JnDmnin _ o grief. no pain, no anxious care summer session of music at Fontaine- were visitors of Mn. and Mus. K. J.! Can rcacb the peaceful aleeper there. bleu. Franco. They expect ta be Hodgert. Sadîy missed by bis Fattier, Mother, away about two months. The cost bogey was not allowed ta j -- ___andBrothers Dr. and Mus. J. C. Devitt of Bow- stand in the way of'a cdean. purel manville, Ontario, announce the en- milk supply. The cost bogey sbouldI AtilsFrS e gagement of their daughter, Anne not be allowed to stand in the wayArilsFrS e Beatuice, ta Dr. William James Hall of a dlean, sanitany buead supply. PIANO FOR SALE-Dominion, uprlgbt, of Mimico, son of Mu. and Mis. T. IBread and milk are twa essential In good condition. Mns. John 'Uglaw, A. Hall of Buandon, Manitoba. The f oads. The buead supplied ta Tor- Newcastle. maniage will take place the latteu onto homes unden present conditions, FORt SALE-Gocod Holstein and Jersey part of July. accarding ta Dr. Hastings, M.O.H., liotjut.eewed. Cail or phone P. W. Best Heaith Food-Cueam of Bauley. the filthiest article of food placed on Battle 219r3. the table. CW ORSALE-Holstein ,.r Hon. W. H. Price went ta Bow- manville ta psy a visit, in his capa- city as chairman of the Soldiens' A id Commission, ta the Boys' Farm oper- ated there by the government. He planned ta study methods at the Bow- manville institution, with a view ta possible use of it in connection with the work of the Commission, wbich has charge of several hundred boys at points thnoughout the province- Toronto Mail & Empire. Mrs. (Dr.) William A. White's many relatives in Canada will be in- terested ta learn that she and daught- er, Miss Mildred White, M.A., sailed, front New York on Saturday, June 3th on Clark's 52 days Norway and Western Mediternanean Cruise on Cunard S. S. Lancastria, 12,564 miles by water and about 600 miles by rail, visiting Lisbon, Cadiz, Seville, Tangier, Gibraltar, Algiers, Naples, Rame, Genoa, Monaco, Cherbourg, Gotbenburg, Nonway, Sweden, Scot- land, Germany, England and France. Best Healtb Food-Cream of Barley. OFFICE CLOSED Dr. Slemon's office will be closed front July lst ta July 23rd (holidays). Houses to Rent FLAT TO RENT-Faur roams, nmodern conveniences, possession at once. Apply ta Norman James, Statesman Office. APARTMENT TO RENT-In Cawan PBlock, 4 roams, ail conveniences, heat, hot and cold water supliled. Apply J.- J. Mason & Son. BowmianVille. 26-t HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE-P'rame house and 'À4 acre land, choie ganden salI. house nat quite completed, an Ideal home for working man, will be noid cheap. Apply ta Statesman Offce, Bow- manville. 27t-lw' PARI*..I 8"9-100 acres belag la", Sqt&t.. T4iim% RJtad in the ftz-aJ~ township of aborne, Hurondo',4 miles east of Bxetir. Large brick Louse and large bank bann; silo, Implentent shed; garage; au wire tences ,never fail- ing spring cneek a t kac% of farni; 7 acres ai gaod sugar bush; wéfldrained; farm has neyer been nented. Hydro passes farm. Proprietor has reused $11,.000 for fart. Wil sealInaw for $8 500. Apply ta Andnew Gibeon, R., B. 8, êxter, b2oue l76r22.'C2 yeans, just renewed, aloo c. . W. Cawker, Bowmanville, 27-1l HAY FOR SAL.E--QuantitY standing Imixed hay. Apply ta W. T. Sysnonh. ,Phone 160r5, BownanVille. 27-16 FOR SALE-Sampson Tractor, ln good condition. Apply ta L. R. Woods, Me- Cormick-Deering Agent, King SI., Bow- 1manville. 27-tf FOR SALE-Same good cawe due ln JuIy, heavy producers; one Masaey-Harris mower in gaod order. Apply S. G. Chant. Hampton. 27-30 FOR SALE-Sidway baby carrnage. coffee color. This canniage la ln as good cor'dition as when ih was origlnally pur- chased . Phone 402, Bowmanville. 27-1 FOR SALE-Mitchell Gramaphone, cab- inet style. beautiful walnut finish, 35 records, bargain for cash. Ernest A. Jones, Brown St. N., Bowtnanville, phone 289J. 28-2' CAR FOR SALE-Star Sedan, newly ducoed last season. in good running or- der, good set oi tires (6). Sacrifice for qulck sale. Chas. Herrlng, aven States- man Office, Bowmanville. 24-tf BABY CHICKS FOR IMMEDIATE DE. LIVERV from Canadasa Oldest and Greatest Laying Strain White Leghorns. Reduced price 12e each-any number. Satts arrivaI guaranteed. We were tiret ln Canada ta advertise and shlp chlcks. Forty page Catalogue Free. ISHEit POI3LTRY FARM, Box 0-83 ATTON ONTARIO. 2- Help Wanted WANTED-Mlddle aged woman to act as housekeeper. No washing. Apply ita Mrs. Oea. Weekes, Kalmar Villa, or ta Mr. C. Rehder at Bowmianville Found- ry. 25-tf WANTED>-Reliable agent or firm rIn tyour vicinity ta represent us, selling at present a tnast attractive mining Issue. References esoential. Write W. H. De Udy & Ca. 763-5 Yong St., Toronto.1 WANTED-Woman over 30, permanent 1position. 1s yaur automobile earning money? The largest manufacturer of strictly custam supporting gartuents off- rawonderful oppantunlty. Also a full of ailingerie. confiners stackinge and .m#fry goode, twenty years ln business. Apply Statesman Office or 47 Caîborne eSt., Oshawa. 20-10 Want.d WANTED-Hear iront owner good farm Bfor sale. Caah pries, panticulars. D. r 1'. Bush, Minneapolis,. Minn, 26-4w PAGE FIVU Lost or Found GOLO WATCH FoUNO-In Bowman- ville. Enquire at Statesman Office. 27-3 FOUNO-Pair of childs shoes ai (tes- area, Monday, July 2. Owner may have same by applying to Wm. Sturges. Pal- ace St., Whitby, and paylng expenses. 27-1w- CLUB BAC LOST-A brown club bag on West Beach road to town. Reward for return ta Geo. Dlling's Store or Mrs. .Millen, Cottage Royal, Bowmanvllle Beach. 27-1w HEIFER STRAYED-Brlndle helfer 1 year old strayed on Lot 1, Con. 7, Dar- lington, on or before June lot. Owner may have same by proving property and paying expenses. Thomas White, Tyrone R. R. 1. 27-3w Take Notice Tlhose owlng Dr. Tllley may pay at the Bank of Montreal, Bowxnanville. or may send lt to Dr. A. S. Tllley, 119 Prince Arthur Ave., Toronto. 26-4 NOTICE Hemnstitching and picat-edglng dons. Work dellvered free ln Bowmanvllle. Al mail orders promptly attended ta. Mns. Russell Hobbs, Liberty St., Bowms.nvIlle. 26-3w LAUNDRY WANTED AUl klnds of laundry worlc done prompt- ly. satlsfactorlly and at reasonable prices Write Post Office Box 12. or call Mrs. W. Marjoram, King St. B. Bowmanvllle. , k "Bert" Bell WEEK END SPECIALS Waxed Paper, 3 rolis .........................10e Bicycle Tubes, regular 80, Special .............59e Goodyear Corrugated Garden Hose, Regular 15c per ft., Special ...............................lic Grey Barn Paint, Regular $2.65 gal, Special $2.19 Medium size Clothes Baskets, Regular $1.20 Special.............................................. 98e Chick Founts, Regular $1.35, Special ..........98e OTHER SEASONABLE ARTICLES Wright & Ditson Tennis Balîs 1928 only .... .40e Dry Dust Mops ................................... $1.09 Then we are featuring Insectitudes, Sprayers, Sereen Doors, Oil Stoves, Refrigerators. You'll Enjoy Shopping At Dustan's Cash Hardware "«WE SERVE YOU WELL" LET JACOBS DO IT Oh my, it's getting hot! You should worry about the baking-"Let îacobs Do It". Just as good as homemade and more often better than mother used to make. -Something fresh every day and a big variety to choose from. The Bowmanville Bakery LSuccessors to Christie's Bakery Bowmanville MEN-AT LAST IT'S HERE! THE v- MILLION DOLLAR FR.EE-With purchase cf 10 Blades et Rogular Prics The New Million Dollar AUTO-STROP RAZOR Only Limited Supply-Get Yours To-Day._ KODAKS-FILMS Folding K.odaks ............... $5.00 to $35.0 Brownies ....................... $2.75 to $3.75 Hawkieyes-Special .................. .....89c A Kodak picture keeps the story HOLIDAY NECESSITIES Flashlig'hts, Lunch Kits, Thermos BoUtles, Bathing Caps, Sunburn Lotions and Skeetofax. JURY & LOVELL Wh.n W. Test Eye It la Dons Proporir PHONE 78 BOWMAN VILLE Bell's Toggery Shop FOR MEN AND BOYS Two Outstanding Bargains For the Week-End at Bell's BOYS' SLICKERS "Tower" Brand. one of the best-in yellow or Nr King St. Wet Bowmanville Right By Col's Barber Shop -1 -1- 1- 6iý