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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Jul 1928, p. 6

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PAGE SIX THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, JULY Stb., 1928 jOn the Athabasca Trail Tevisitor te jasper National Park T u e C anenRockic', finuls that nature lias miade a laý iii udistribîution of ber beautx' spots v.ithin this, (ho largeat National Park andl ga;.e sanctuarv in Ameri,'a. Toeerinz inoeuntain peaks, pleasan( vallev- anîd shinuiccing l.îkes ail help te miake thus a land ofrceai on- chant ment. The .Athabasca River, from uts hrh- place aronnthoglacicrs and icefelds of thil- regio, flows down fir-t tb.rnoii, Rockv Gorges and thon throtigh a widle, oeasant vallcy. At one point it tuim- bIcs over a cliff at tlie foot of 'Mount Kerke'.lin, and bore at .Athabasa Falls conecf (lie beauty spots of (ho famned Athabasca Tlruil. At the conclusion of their 1928 con- vention %whicli is (e he helîl at (ho Mac- donald Ilotel, Edinonton ibis year, the miembers cf t(lic (nadian \Veekl1y Ncwvs-iapcrs' Association w iii visit jas- per*enal Park, and will spcnd a "bort holiday amid (ho beauties of this l.rgcst andl fincst of Canada's national plav-grounds. - Canadian National Railways photograph. "PokoV' omme fron the ChInese word "Pak-ho, meanlngsilver hair,, whlch was appll.d to tie leaves on the. Chine.tom bush. - TIlp baves ain wlry In shpe. In India they were more orange ln colour, ». wero cal led "Orante Peko." (Pak-ho). M$gFeatun foÔund in no ot ho r LowPrcea -Mi A MONG te scores of advanced engineering fetrsthat contribute to the inpressive quality of the New Series Pontiac Six, there are tbree advancements worthy of special notice diree important features found i no other six at Pontiac price. Firat, the New Series Pontiac Six offers the snart styling, the luxurious comfort, the rich appointments and the staunch construction of bodies b7 Fisher. Second, the New Series Pontiac Six engine em- bodies the new G.M.R. (General Motors Re. aearch) cylinder head, which uses ordinary gasoline to achie've amazing smoothness and silence with ecnomy of operation. Third, Lovejoy Hydraulic Sbock Absorbers, standard equipoeent on the New Series Pontiac àb, provide an ease of ricing that ialtes thse roghs ras sem snooda. Here are dwee big fentures tisat no buyer of a Oix i Pontiac5a price clu can afford ro o.reniook. Even if thse Newv Seri, Pontiac Six off ered no ader oehuive advantages, h woald agmd itts Positon M thse wcdef rst iaw-piced six. Y~ iederwd à-C-. G -N.L . d P«..uéPt. = -', Pb2g -4. Pt Corbett Motor Sales Co. Phone 248 Bowmanville lhe >4pvSe ýPNT&4C six 4MKXX ÇU QEMM MOUOFCANADA, LIMITBD j PROVIDENCE Report of promotion examinationsi for S. S. No. 5, Darlington, naxneV iný order of merit: Jr. IV to Sr. V Jean Wight, bon, Stuart Crg. c 111 to Jr. IV-Leland CragoMud Ruiter. Jr. I to Sr. III-Hugb Smale, bon, Alice Luxton, Myrt]e Ruiter, Ronald Crago. Wesley Lux-ý ton*. Sr. II te Jr. III-Aileen Wigbt, Jack Crago. Jr. 11 ta Sr. Il --Joan Hall, hon, Gordon Barrie, Pet- er Woolner, Marion Crago, Douglas Wight. Sr. I-Bcatrice Markus, Lii- ian Markus. Pr. to I-Ewart Bragg, Coulson Woolner, Violet Crago, Viola1 Ruiter. Pr.-Dorothy Smaie, Ar- chie Smale. Helen Ruiter. *-Rejectcd. Eiieen M Souch, teacher f DARLINGTON Report foc S. S. No. 3, Darlington foc Junc: Sr. IV-Lewis Rundlei 62, tEthel Hopps and tRobont Finni- Igan 55 (oqual). tDorotby Runl 9 Sr. III-*Bsie Blackburn83Fer ence Foley 63, tEileon Morpby 51.1 Jr. fI..-*Winnie Gibson 81, tJacký Finnigan 53. Sr. II-Ina Robert-- 70, Wilbur Blackbur-n 68, Hazel Hopps 60, tAnnie Kusb 47, tAloy- sius Kush 45. Jr. II-*Graco Trul 83, Bobbie Gibson 70. tEunice Lane' 54, jlMaorice Morpby 34. Sr. I- *Helen Rundle 89, *Douglas Hopps 81, *Hazel Truil 80, *Veca Gibsun 75, Sammy VanCamp 73, Hazel and Bernice Roberts (absent). Jr. I- *Louise Foley. *-.Honors; t- Failuro (bolow 60% on total). Ruby M. Bragg, teacber. COURTICE (Crowdod eut last week) arIr. and McaIr. Jesse Arnot and famîly] Maxwell's, spent Sunday with her mother, Mca. Eli Osbiorne .. . .Mr. and Mra. Thos. Sanderson. Toronto, were Sunday guests at '%Ir. W. R. courtices.. Miss Lyla Osborne, Toronto, was home over (he weekend ..On Wednosday afternoon, Juné 20, the monthiy meeting of the '%. M. S. wvas beul et the home of Mrs. AlhL-rt Runîlle anti Mrs. Rundis gouhi ivas in charge. 0ur President, airs. Frank Rundie, was In the chair and the devo- tionai part of the meeting was cacried out as it ivas et the convention held ln Orono recentiy. MUs Hazel Rundle read the same bihle lesson; a paper was given hy Mrs G. F. Annis the themeofo which was the watciword of the W. M. S. airs. (Rev.) Stainton thon sang vory swoetly "A littie bit ot Love. A âuut was nlcely sung by ',%isses Hazel Rundie and Francis I-ancoclz. Mrs. H. F. Osborne pr'senieui a very fine report of (he Branch meeting hoid in Lindisay; Mrs. Osborne hrought homne sevoral suggestions w'hich may ho useful in our Auxiliary. in (he openingl of ht'r adîiress she laid stress on thi splendid reception given (he ladies ati the Jranch meeting hy tho Muiyor ofi Linudsay. '.%isses Louise Osborne andl Hrazel Rundie played a piano 111et. Thi's concludoîi (heo ro-irm. A dainty lunchI ef ice cream an,] biscuits ivas servod and i a ploasant lime enjoyed hy ail. is Rundie ivas a very klnd and thoughtful hostessa... .Three services were heid on Sunday. In (ho mornlng at (ho close et 'hi' sermon the sacrament of the Lords Supper ivas servoîl. Sunday School session was well attended in (ho af(or- n oon. 0ur Pastor, Rev. J. H. Stainton, preached twovo'ery improssive anti torceful sermons ..... League picnic ai Oshawa- on-the-Lake (bis Thurslay ....Next Sunday Rev. J. P. Lano, Canton, wil oe- cupy (ho pulpit. Our pester is preachlng at anniversary services in Elizahethvilie. Ahl mothora can put away anxietY rogarding their suffering children when they bave Mother Graves 'Worm Exterminator te give relief. Its effects are sure and lasting. NEWCASTLE (Received too late for last week) Mr. and Mca. Ed. Brittain, Toronto, ,were Sunday guesta of Mc. and Mca. John Douglas. Mc. and Mca. Harold Skinner, Ty- rone, xece Sunday gucats ef Mc. and Mca. W. C. Lake. Mr. and Mca. T. W. Jackson took in (ho Warden's excursion to Roches- ter last Fciday and remained ovor foc a wbiie te visit tbeir son-in-iaw and daughtec, Mr. and Mca. Percy Brown. Dr. W. H. Walton-Ball oatertained bis fellow members of the men's club of tbe Cburcb of St. Mary Magdaleno, Toronto. at bis aummor borne Harria Ledge, Newcastle-on-tbe-Lako, on Saturday afternoon at. Tbe group to the number of forty-tbcee came down in one big bus and spont a meat onjoyable time well on ie the ev- oning. Mc. Norman Choate, ergan- ist of St. Mark's, Port Hope, was a special gucat of tbe occasion. Mci Robt. Ccowtbec officiated as butier of the Lodge in bis woll known capable man nec. It la doubtful if (bore is another gardon in tbe village se far advanced fer the season as Mr. Wrn. Pinne- gar'a, Manvers St. It lies bigb and dry and (bus early workable. Away asat spring wben otbec folk weco planning their gardons witb (ho bepes of planting sornetbing wben the weatber should becomo favorable, Williann's lettuce and eniona wcco aI- ready challenging the late froats and fluccies of snow with considorable bardihood. %Bt these vezetables came right along and xvece the ficat home grown pcoducts of (beir kind on any Newcastle table. And now the poutatoes, carcets, cabbagos and spring ducks from (ho sarno gardon bave reached such a state of maturity (bat the,; are, and have been foc the past WPek available for t(he 'Iinnor table. The young men cf Welcome Clasa of the United Chucch Sunday Scbool. to tho nuinher cf îwonty-five, pai<i a surpris.e viisit te theLir (cacher, Mis. (liev.) E. B. (cooke, wbo la se seen (o lt-uve themn, un Monday evening and pcesented ber with a set of eut glass fruit uishes as a smaîl tuiken cf (heir regardl for ber and t.heii' appreciation of hi-r ecinduci cof (ho class durinjz the pat four yeaca. The class presideîît, Arthur Bragg, delivered a neat oral addrcss andi Erîî. Gilbank made the presentation on behaîf cf thé clasa membere . An impromptu prograni fullîîwe<, consisting cf short speeches Iîy Ewart Clemence, Harry J0.s0, H. R. Peacce, Geo. Swallow, Irwin Col- will, AIf. Graham and others, recit. tion hy Ray Brown; song by Frank Woodhîîuse andi a general sing ýoing cf (he Class,' Minstrel Show selections witb Mca. Cooko and Miss Eiieen tak- ing tomas at (ho piano. Before dis- persing a comcittee of the class sec';- ed ice croamn, cake and lemonade ia ultra gonerous qoantitios. Pastor Cooke gracioualy assisted the ladies of the parsonago. including Mca. Camplin wbo is staying for the week, la extending (ho freedoni of their borne to the noisy invaders. Cute in a Baîby I wful attrhre Iand ifs Dangerouw j lyP7uthBZrittamn I¶lmumb sucking does look sweet in a baby, but it is disgusting in the the-er-l n sometimes it hangs may cause an ill-formed mouthi or in- duce adenoids; and it always inter- feres with dligestion. 1inning the slceve over the hand; attachilng mit- tens, or putting on cardboa rd cuiTa. whieh prevent benîling the arms aÏ the elbows, are Borne of tho ways to stop the habit. Auîther basi habit-irregularity In bowel action-is responsible fori ea bowels and constipation in babies. Give the tjnv bo%%-21 an apportunity to act at rigular periols eaeh day. If they don't act (t first, at littie FlcetchWrs ('astoria will soon regu- latc-them. Everv mother shouhi keep a bottle of it hanîly te use inca- e!of colic, choiera, diarrhea, gas onst,.- ach and bowels, constipation, loas of sleep, or wlben baby is cross and feverish. Its genitlc influence over balby'Ss sstem enables him te get fou noucrisliment f rom his feod, helps him gain,.strengthens bis bowels. Catoria îs purely vegetable and barmless-thie recipe is on the wrap- per. Physicians have pre-aeribed it for over 30 years. With each package, you get a valuable book on Mother. hood. Look for Chas. H. Fletcbler'. signature on the wrapper so you'11 get the genuine. for COUGHS. COLDS! *and BRONCHITIS Nature's Oura Remedy A LUTM PINJI TABLET-EASY TO TAKS. ~B NON- HABIT FORMINO G 2C. and 50C. a box. 20 MINUTES That's ail. Twenty minutes after taking a ZUTOO tabiet your hoadache will b. gone. One of these lîttie tablets-afe, rellble and harnles. a as oda-will stop &Dy headache in 20 linateà. Or, boiter stili, takea when yov fecaI the beadache corning on, a ZUTOO tablet will ward it off-aipit In the bud. iNo Ileadache TIRED, WEAK, NERVOUS WOMAN BENEFITED Praises Lydia E. Pinhham's Vegetable Compound Asbestos Mines, Quebmc-*'After the hicth of my second child, I was alwayafeelingtired, norvous and weak and bad headaches, backaches and ter- ril pains evecy rnonth. I suff cred two yeacs hefore I Piakham's Vege- table Compound. I got four bottles at first and it dîd me a wonld of good. I would not ho witbout it ia the house now, and bave another six botties la. I recommend it te every woman I know." -Ma.,. T. BARRiTT, Box 114, Asbestos Mines, Quoboc. -ook's Regulating Compound A gofea. elhabla reubaUm W~~Â gcdieine. Sold ini ibree de. en 0oa eegth'-N. 1, 811 ü ld il druggis(a, or sent t .i on reoeîpt oi prioe. 1pa e mphlet. Addres THE COOK MEDICINE CO., WODIS PHOSPHODINE.'1 n1e Great English Preparation. ] ':Ones and invigoraies the whole '~f/'Jnervous syste'n. malces new BWood Sin old Veins. Uned for Nervous ËEJ)biity, Mental andi Braina Worry fkspondenv. Lss of Enartv. Palpitation o> the Heari, Faitin. Meoy. Price$StPer bOx.316 <or 5 ~Soldby I ruggios, or mal.d in plain pkg onre,'epnM Nriew spaaphLe'Smaileti 'r-. TUE W W@@ mCuM CO.zouw#rOO... ed FomTeORONO î (romTheNews of June 28th) '.%r. Andrew Somerville was home oeth eekend. Mr. John Armstcong bas returned home fcom bis western trip. Miss Beatrice Souch bas been en- gaged te teacb Maple Grove school. Mr. and Mca. MacDonald were ce- cent guests of tbeir cousin, Mrs. 0O. W jRolpii j i~Vera Cowan and Miss Ednaý Sutwere down from the city on va cat ion. Mr.Richardson and cbild, Toron- te. are visiting at lier father's, Mr. C J. Hughson. jMr. Edward Pinder and son Harry, Toronto, nnotored into toxvn foc a fcw heurs visit on Saturday last * Mr. Milton Kimbail, Port Granby, IMc. and Mca. Neil McKenzie and daogbter, Miss Enid, Toronto, are visiting ber parents, M a nd Mrs. T. Smith. IMr. and Mrs. WVill Edwards of Man- lia, are visiting ber cousin, Mrs. I. T. Cbapman, Kirby, and aunt, Mra. Aif. Chapman. Mr. and Mrs. C. Cookman, Sonya, with their son Reg, and grandsons Ross, recently visited bis sister, Mca. D. T. Allun. Mi ss Marioni Walker, Winnipeg, Man., who is spending the sommer in Ontario, arrived M.%ondlay foc a visît with bier aunt, Mrs. A. A. Relph. Miss Nellie Speed and Misses Ag- nos and Marie Balmer, Toronto, are enjoying a wveek's outing at the farm residence of Mcr.A. J. Tambly-n. Mr. Jack Hughes, Teeswater, spent a week witb bis aunt bere, Mcs. Adolpb Henry, and gcandfatbec, en-J eral Jobn Hughes, BoNwmanville. Mr. Neil Smith wbo bas been laid up the past two wceks wîtb a severe attack of grippe, la steadily improv- ing, being able te be eut around again. Mrs. W. A. Neelands, Vancouver, B. C., is bere spending a few weeks witb ber brotber, Mr. Oscar Scott. It la sLxteen ycars aince brother and sister met. Mrs. John Bigelow, Sixtb Lino, was opecated on for appendîcitia at Bow- mnanville Hospital June l6tb. Friends ""il be'adt learn she is making ai, faec g,, 're0o Ve ry. Mrs. Tarvswbo bas been attending Normal Scbool, Ottawa, la visiting hec parents, Mc. and Mca. H. R. Rowe, before leaving witb ber family foc ber former home, Lion's Head, Ncew On- tarie. It Bida Pain Bogone.-When neur- algia racks tbe nerves or lumbago cripples tbe back is the tinte to test tbe virtues of Dr. Thomas' Eclectie Ol. Well rubbod in it wiIll tuil the pain and produce a sensation of ease and rest. A trial of it wiIl establisb faitb in it. Mc. AIf. McKeowan, Peterbero, f or-I1 mer bandmaster of the Ocono band,!I was in tewn a cou.ple of days last 1week tuning pianos, and dropped into The News office as usual foc an old- time chat. Mrs. A. J. Knox and daughtor, Miss Mary Knox, B.A., have acrived home from Nortb Bay, wbere the latter bas been on tbe High Sobool staff. Miss Knox after niidsummec will teach at the Alliston High Scbool. 31r. and Mcs. Arthur Maguiro and family accompaniod by bis aunt, Mca. Campbell, left Tbursday of last week on tbeir roturn trip, motoring te Cal- gary, Alta. Mrs. Campbell expects te spend two or thcoe months in the West. Mr. and Mrs. Wmn. Undocwood, Toc- onte, accempaniod by Misa Aima Foster, Alhambra, Cal., wbo bas been. visiting ber sistor, Mra. J. N. Stanley at Nipigon, arcived in town yoster- rlay foc a few days visit, Miss Foster t0 romain for a couple of montbs witb hec aunt, Mca. Huntor. Ocono Woen's Institute met in the Council Chamber on Fciday 22nd. Nîrs. O. W. Relpb gave a splendid ad- dress on "The value of Fruits and Vegetablos in our Diet". Miss Mac- gacet Wannan and Misa Betty Rowe gave roadings. A report ef the Dis- trict meeting beid at Hampton was given by the Secretary. Miller's Worm Powders, being ia iemand overywbere, can be got at any cbemist's or drug sbop, at vey mnaIl ceat. Thoy are a cehiable cemn- edy for worm troubles and can belI 'ully coliod upon te expel worms from1 the system and abato the sufferings' bhat worms cause. There are niany motbecis that reoeice tbat they found available se effective a romody for tbe1 relief of thoir cbildron. Norman Billings, w'bo will ho ce- nembeced by reai<lonts of Orono and district, passed away at bis rosidence, 931 Qocen Street West, Toronto, on Toesday, Jonc l9tb. Deceaoed had ceen a ceaident oif Toronto foc focty 'cars. Ho wais the eldegt son of the ot Rev. and Mlrs. R. A. Whattarn, on' the occas;ion oif their celebration of tbeir tweîîty-tifth wedding anniver- ,;an,. June 2Oth. Friends all iver the province extended greotinga. Tbey w~ere pcosented with addcessos frorn out cf îîwn fniends and membeî's cf biâs congi-egation, a ;ilvýer tea service and numeros oCher presents. Rev. .Mr. Whattam was a former pasier on Orono circuit old Methodist Cbucch. Cboked fer Air. Sorne ittie ir- ritant becomea iodged in (ho bronchiai tubes, others gather, and the awfui choking of astbma resoîts. Nothing offers quite such quick and positive relief as Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Aithina Remedy. The beaiing, sootbbng amoke or vapor penetratez, clears the passages and gives untoid relief. It 'lias bebind it years of success. It is~ the sure rernqy for every sufferer. The Four Corner Stones The four corner stones of our steadily growing butcher business are: FULL WEIGHT FINE QUALITY FAIR PRICES SQUARE TREATMENT With the assortment of fresh, cooked and cured meats in stock we can suppIy your require- inents. Canned goods and choice dairy butter ai- ways on hand. HAROLD M. JEWELL Successor to Phare & McCoy Phone 518. Bowmanville SUMMER COAL PRICES You will ot be sorry if you Jet us fill your bins with LEHIGH VALLEY .ANTHRACITE The Coal 77ùst Satisfiea Ail freshly mined and well screened. Satisfaction is the height of realization-so buy Lehigh-Valley Anthracite If you require anything in the building line1 consuit us. J. A. HOLGATE & SON Builders' Supplies and Fuel Phone 153 or 202 Bowmanville PIANOS Wc.ild you like to have a piano in your home? It can be arranged easily. Aimost any person can afford one if he knows how to go about it. Instruments of beautiful tonal qualities, smali, large and grand, new and used, are here for your inspection. Prices are reasonabie and it cons littie more to buy than to rent. Customers are al- ways pleased with arrangements-quarteriy pay- ments. Nothing you can buy wiii add more charm to your home. F. J. MITCHELL Telephone 105 Bowmanville Aviation Gasoline BATTERI ES We seil them at a price that wilI please you. TIRES We seil the well-known Goodyear Tires and Tubes C. A. ]Bartlett Phone 110 King St. East, Bowmanvîlle PAGE SIX THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, JULY 5th., 1928

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