THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, JULY Sth., 1928 PAGE SEVEN Mozart Concert Company, Popular Redpath Entertainers, to Corne Here Au artist company featurIîîg entertainment speciaties-The Mozart Con- Cr ompany-will be one of the deightfui attractions of the coniing Domin- IrfRedpatb Clinutauqua here this season. Conine Jessop, popular entertainer and pianist, beads tbe coinpany. Miss j«sop 15 well known ln the entertalument field and bas scored many suc- euses at the head of ber own musical entertainment compafly. Witb Miss Jessup are Betty Cain, violinist, and Dora Dean, cellist. The Mozarts wiI give two concerts here, one in the afternoon and one 4t night, on the fourtlh day of the Chautauqua. Tbey are sure ta be one of the pieaslng features on the entire pragram. _____ BOWMANVILLE CHAUTAUQUA JULY 17, 18, 19, 20, 21 Be sure to buy a season ticket-It's cheaper-12 per- foî'mances-Adults $2.50; Child $1.25 TUIE-L)AY Tt1JhI TO WISNIIiC JULY 2Oth-ss3Othq 1928 COING RAIL STOPOVERS AT TIMMINS, IROQUOIS FALLS, COCHRANE. KAPUSKASING, MINAKI. RETURNING BOAT STOPO VERS AT FORT FRANCES, FORT WILLIAM - PORT ARTHUR, SAULT STE. MARIE. UNDER AUSPICES 0F Fedieration of Women Teachers' Associations of the Province of Ontario Inclusive Price $1 ljf for Lower B.rth from Toronto I..j.LJO JAccommodation Descriptive Folder and Reservatians from H. C. BOURLIER, Qesieral Passenger Agent, Canadian National Rys., Toronto TIME IS SHORT -Make Your Reservation Now Týwer are *des to th is Story> - e think of their Chevrolet dealer as a M NEWCR dealer . . partly because of the large number of new Chevrolets which tbey see on the streets. But, while new car sales are the Chevrolet dealer'. biggest reason for being in business, they forma only one side of bis activities. He must flot only seli cars but lie must also exchange them. Eveny good, successful Chevrolet dealer must also lie a good, successful Uaed Car dealer. From is experience in selling Chevrolet cars, he knows motor-car values . . He knows that it is just as im- r rant for him to seil a Used Car as a new car . . He Zws that Used Car buyens have a right to as much for their dollar and are entitled to as complete satisfaction au new car buyers . . He knows that satisfied Used Car owncrs wiIl eventually become prospects for new cars. He knows the value of good.will. In short, our business as Chevrolet dealers dependa on aur reputation as uaed car dealers. That is why you are sure cf a square deal and a sound dollar-for-dollar valus, when you buy a used car here. U.-J-,-tec BUT TOUR From ONTARIO MOTOR SALES Oshawa, Ont. H. D. CLEMENS, Bowmanville WM. DAVEY, Orono POURING ON THE OIL PRETTY HOUSE WEDDING f Tyrone Giri's Personal Reminiscences Kilburn-Thompson One inorning. while waiting for aý On Saturday aftennoon, June 23,1 train. considerabie annoyance \vaslat Taunton, the marriage took placei caused froin one of those checklof Marion Wilheimina. youngestl springs iwhich are so frequentiy on daughter of Mr. and Mrs Frank the dr of public places. The door Thompson. to Walter Cyril Kilburn,ý -,çul( sw ing until it came to the iatch only son of Mr. and Mis. Percy and there it m-ouid stay, permitting Kiiburn, Oshawa. untold draft to sweep into the room, Rev. J. k B 1ick performed the making it most uncomfortable for ceremony. The bride was given in those who were sitting near. marriage by bier father. Miss One day 1 said, "Is there any way Larine M. Thompson, New vY ork, act- by which that door can be fixed"? ed as bridesmaid. The groom wasl "0, yes", came the arlswer. "Itlsupported by Mr. H. Lutty of Toron-, just needs a littie bit of ail". The to. The charming bride xvas attired I next day came, but still the door did in a gown of powder blue Elizabeth l not close. Another day, andq stili crepe and carried a showver bouquet another passed. of ophelia roses, lily of the valley and Finally I said to another man "Do maiden hair fern. The bidesmaid, yau know why that door does floti gowned in a flowered chiffon, carried close"? "Why yes", hie said 'it needs a bouquet of roses and sweetpeas. a littie oul". Immediately hie went Miss Lillian Garraw played the to his car. brought in ail, applied it wedding march, and Miss Leab Gar- and the check spring worked as row sang "Oh Promise Me", during effectively as when new. the signing of the register. Life is a continuous stnuggle be- The graom's gift to the bridesmaidi cause something goes wrong with its was a bracelet set with topaz, to the check springs and drafts of ahl des- pianist and soloist, gold beads. criptions cneep in and paralize aur The house wvas decorated with highest endeavars. ferns. bridaI wreath and sweetpeas.1 There is the door of speech. What Immediately after luncheon was a wonderful gift it is! Many a life served, the bride and groom Ieft on bas been blessed because of the kind a motar trip to Detroit and Clave- word said. But so often this God- land, the bride travelling in a navy given talent has not been used ta blue suit with a beige fox fur, and elevate and encourage but ta pulllwearing a white gold wrist watcb the dowNn and discounage and drafts have lgift of the groom. came in as a result. Drafts of jeal.I1 On their return they wiii reside in' ousy and illfeelings. drafts of envyllOshawa. and hatred and lives whieh shouid have been bight and happy have be-.1 UEWDI came discounaged and morose.JNEWD NG Happy for those of us who unden ais-hli such circumstances have came in con-1 aes-hli tact with noble souls who knew how1 eypet os edn a ta pour on the ail of kind words, clos- soAleniz e n Sausda aferdnoon, ing the door to these feelings which Julenedo auay ftron would have othenwise ivrackad aur Jn 30 in the presence of about 25 lives. iguasts at the residence of Mn. and 1 Mrs. John Challis, Liberty St., wben My own lif e has been greatiy hellp- their daughter, Lottie M1ýadelyn, was ed when under strass and strain by united in marriage with Mr. D. Rus- the influence f noble mothers such salI Davies, Oshawa. son of Mr. Sam- as the late Mrs. William Brent, Mi-s. uel Davias and the late Mrs. Davies Thomas Gardiner and Mr. halsof Elora, Rev. J. U. Robins, Pastor Hoopar, Tyrone. lof Trinity United Churoh, o fficiating.' Today 1 have been thinking of Mns. M iss Phyllis Challis played the Albert Tamblyn of Orono, wvho is con- 1 wedding march and also piayed while tinually gaing from home to homelthe registar was being signed. While of chiidren. gnandchildren and Ithe cenemony wvas baing penfonmed friends, shedding rays of sunshina the bridal couple stood benaath a very and cheen. 1cffectiveiy-arranged arch of aven- Also of Mrs. W. H. Hicks ""ho d ur- greens, orange blossoms, r-oses and ing the illness of her loved daughter peo nies. The bride was given in Florence, (Mrs. R. Davey), and per- marniage by hen father and woneaa haps more especially since hier death, dress of white georgette ,iwith silveri has fitted into that home and in ber flower trimming, carrying Ophelia1 quiet unastentatiaus manner bas gone roses and wearing the groom's gift, al about pauring in ail where aven string of pearîs. To the pianist bie needed. gave a gold bar pin. Never can I remembern nî father The wedding luncheon was served bringing ta us any of the scatndai or in the dining-naom, the tables baing gassip of the village and neyer ware pnettily decorated witb pink and we encouraged ta repeat it if we ob- white carnations and ribbon stream- tainad it from any outside source.. ans. Toasts to the bride and groom His miotta vas ta say the kind word, wera proposed by Mr. W. J. Challis and ta look for the good traits in and Mr. Harry Wells. people. Aftenvands the happy couple left Thenthar i h e heckspn I on a honeynioon trip ta Toronto and thth r oealsthe.chcksping 1 Elora, the bride wearing a navy blue us can say we have never benng eret dress, navy coat witb squir- lect.ful, but always keeping the à.-)or rel trimming. and blonde hait, shaes closad from drafts of sickness. My and stockings.,«I ei n earliest recollections take me backl On their eturn they *1 rsdei ta mornings when I would arise, ta reiostathhawina.scl find that during the night, Peisomete edig micl naighbar or relative had been toaur laneous show-ens ware given by bier orfriends at the home of Mrs. F. W. home and my laved mather had ac- Thompson, Oshawa, and at the bride's companied them and watcbad by the home here when she receîved a lavelyî bed of some sick one tbrough the cleto long tediaus hours of anxiety. colthifts of gifts. Among hier ohrgfswere xnany pieces of Birds Othens may have a more vivid re- of Paradise chbina fromn the Misses mambrance of the late Mrs. JohniPearson, Milliners, Osbawa, with Awda. mothen of aur own Mrs. 1-li whom the bride bas been employed. zabeth Wight, Tynone ,or me n like1 Amang the guests f rom out of town H. C. Hoan or James Collacutt ai .ware Mn. and Mrs. T. E. Osborne, Samuel Pollard. These men andi Whitby; Mn. Hanry Willis, Oshawa; women neyer spared themselvas, fiCv and Miss Olive Mutton, Toranto. en thougbt how weary tbey were, with 1 _____ neyer a thought of a pay e-,velope asj a reward. No. Their -)na cancerni MASONIC PICNIC being "Soma one is ili and needs my presence and the littie bit of the IMembers Spend Merry Afternoon at ail of sympatby and helpfulness that, Lake. I can give them". 1 ____ We have also the doon of ambition.& Membars of Jerusalem Lodge. A.F. Many a worthy dasire ta advance in &A.M., No. 31, and their families school or colleoee on business or farm1 numbering about 250, enjoyed their life bas been made difficult nnd soine- annual picnic at the Park at Port times impossible bacause funds were Bowmanvilie on Wednesday. A flot sufficient ta giva each member good pragram of races was run off of the large family a chance. Plan during the aftarnoon, the winners and as th,2y w'ould they c>)uld nat get the prizes won being as follaws: privilegas they desired. Girls, 10-13 yeas-Fern Smith, Fortunate wane thosa who bad a Helen Mason, silk hosiery each. fnied lke ar mch staead en1 Boys, 10-13 yaars-Donald Williams, ion Editor. Mn. M. A. James or tbe watch; Douglas Adams, pen knife. Rev. E .A. Tonkin, bath gradua tesi Boys' race-Donald Williams, even- of Enfleld Public Scbool. These men sharp pencil; Douglas Adams. knife. struggled. against obstacles, t banLadiles' race-Mrs. Rex Cavenly, Mrs an aducation. They knew the value IR. J. Logan, silk hosiery aach. Walk. of it a.- they folIlowed thein chosen ing race couples-Mrs. W. J. Main. caneers, and have heem wlling ta pour' prize, assartmnent household articles; on the ail of money, making it pas-JW. Miller, men's hosiery. A prize 5ible for a numPei- ,)f young peopleI baloan was given ta each cbîld on the ta follow the profassianal ai- business grounds. Bean-guessing cantest was world with greateîr efficiency than won by Mrs. H. J. Knight, pniza, an would othenrise bave been possible. electric iron. Prizes wene donated by Dustan's Cash Hardware, Rie& God bas given ta each of us, life, Ca.. Jury & Loveil, R. M. Hallineg- and Ha expects us t.. use it in Hîs head C, Durbanm Textiles and Cana- Tha rflet he eaensbIe, wbich concluded a very - happy and Or the golden gleam at night-fail successful picnic. When the stars are peeping tbrough The credit for the succees of thia There are great creative fingeze yearly event la due Mr. E. H. Brown, Demonstrating summer tinie, W.M., Mr. Thos. Annison, Secretary, Painting for us living pictizres and Mr .W. J. Bragg, convener of Reflex of a mind divine. Management Coxamittee. and Mr. W. -I*aura Bedeil. F. Depew, proprietor of the pavillon. _____U____ ____k P.. - ~iC~s~ e zyour Engine UAY it's worth a lot to keep the old motors, won't have ayhn but Red engine purring. l's worth mak. Indian-wont take a chance oi oaWhether your car ia iust off the floor ing sure what kind of olgc or has tumed its firet 50,000 ileg, je Hear that Mot or into the craflkcase. should have good cil. "H-um-mThousanda upon thousands of car Play safe! Ask for Red indian-esand owners, the kind that filten to thedr aee Ihat you get if. MARATHON Hi-Test Gas MOTIOR OIL CYCLO Motor Fuel McCOI-L-FRONTENAC 0OIL CO. LimITED COLE'S RED INDIAN STATION Phone 54 AND GARAGE CYCLO MOTOR FUEL No Carbon No Knocks No Chemicals More Power More Miles-Try a Tank Bowmanville AGENTS FOR:- RED INDIAN MOTOR QILS MARATHON HI-TEST GAS SEIBERLING ALL-TREAD TIRES RAYBESTOS BRAKE SERVICE GENERAL AUTO REPAIR SHOP 0. M. L. OFFICIAL STATION-EMERGENCY ROAD SERVICEj The al-around feed for ail seasons Quaker Schumacher Feed is the year-round friend of the live stock owner. A perfectly balanced carbohydrate f eed, used as the sole grain ration for ail live stock, or as a base for a special dairy ration. Contains more carbohydrates-to make fat and energy-than any other feed at the same price. Grain ingredients include corn, oats, wheat and barley. To these are added oicake meal, edible bone meal and cacium carbonate, providing needed minerais usually deficient i ordinary feeds. Ail live stock rellsh Quaker Schumacher Feed. No waste, bec-aume they eat it dlean. Low moisture content because kiln dried. Easily digested and assimilated. Sold under approved Govern. ment analysis. Write us for free advice on your feeding prob. lems. The Quaker Oata Company, Peterborough, Ontario. SCHUMACHER FEED Also Quaker Dairy Ration, the beat f eed for daizy cowa, and Quaker FuI-O-Pep Feeds for Poultry. Sou BT HARRY-'ÏALLIN, King St. Eat Bowmanviile 9 1-1p: -1, -10 cg il THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, JULY 5th., 1928 PAGE SEVEN