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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Jul 1928, p. 8

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLII, THURSDAY, JULY 12th., 1928 JUNIOR FARMERS' PICNIC AT PRESQU'ILE Eight counties were represented at1 the monster Juniors' Picnic, arrang- I ed by the representatives of the De-1 partment of Agriculture for this dis- trict, which was held at Presqu'ile on Friday, July 6th. Boys and girls from the farmi and the Agricultuxalj Representatives of Ontario, Victoria, Peterboro, Durham, Northumberland, Hastings, Prince Edward and Lennox1 and Addington counties were in at- tendance. About 75 boys and girls with Rep. J. Y. Kellough fromn Port Hope were present froin Durham County. T1he event was most successful froin every standpoint and there was not a duli moment ail day long. Four softball diamonds were busy fromi ten tili twelve-thirty o'clock, when the boys and girls semf-final games were played. These resulted in Peter- boro County girls playing Lennox and Addington girls in the final when the latter teamn won after a good game. Hastings County boys' teain defeated Northumberland by a close score in the final. For the highest standing in the track events Miss Margaret Perrin, Durhami County, won lst place and ai handsome silver niedal by taking( 2nd place in standing broad jump,1 2nd in 50 yard dash and 3rd in the 100 yd. dash. Miss Margaret Moon also did well in the girls events for Durham County. Archie Deyell of Bailieboro, captured lst place in run- ning high junip for Durham at 5 f t. 13/ in., while Carmnen Seymnour capt-1 uxed lst place in the 16 lb. shot put with a 29' 4 " throw. Northumberland captured the Farm & Dairy Trophyt with 51 points with Prince Edward 2nd with 37 points and Durham 3rd with 36. Everyone delare'l the day to be a real success and it is hoped that next year Durham County will bring home one of the coveted silver cups. Creamn of Barley good for everybody. HUGE SAVINGS AT Dillick's Midsummer Clearingf Men's and Boys' Running Boots, all sizes, Clearing 98c Pair Children's Chambray Bloomer Dresses, colors Blue, Rose, Green and Fawn, sizes 2 to 6, Cleauing 69c Women's House Dresses, made good quahity Ging- ham in neat styles, Regu- lar $1.25,..Clearing 79c Men's Cotton Socks, sev- eral colors....121/2c Pair Men's Overalîs ,Blaek or Blue, good quality, Regu- lar $2 .00,..Clearing $1.39 Men's Athletie Combina- tions,........Clearing 69c Children's Brown Solid Leather Sandals, Clearing 65c Pair A. DILLICK King andi Division St.. iBowînanville ont. w? BLACKBURN-HARDYF The Blackburn-Hardy i held on July 2nd at "Sunr Farm, Lot 30, Con. 6,E township, at the home of Mrs. Harvey A . Hardy. AI cars began ta assemble f ron rounding country until ab relatives had gathened. T met by the genial host an who gave everyone a xarr to their beautiful home, prE orated with fiowers and fiag occasion. At noon aIl sat down to tuous dinner of nicat pies pickles, sandwiches, cake pies, etc., to which everyon, ~justice. The tables whcl in two large roonis of thei home were prettily decoro bouquets of roses, peoniesi At 1 p. ni. an interesting football, married men vs si was played. The captai Fred Blackburn and Clarer Game resulted in a tie. 1 then played a very exciting softball, marnied vs single captains were Mrs. F. S.1 and Bennice Allin. The sin wcre victanious. Followin men's softball game was co captains Truman Powers a Hardy. This game resulte( At the same tinie the Spo mittee very capably condi programt of sports. The was the children's balloon re caused great excitement for folk. The biscuit racev keenly contested and made deal of fun. As usual1 divîng contest provcd to bE tractive. There were a larg of contestants and the wini suitably awardcd. All the several competitors arW prizes were given. Mr. A. M. Hardy, Honor2 dent, called the assembly and af ter a f ew well chose, asked Miss Lela Knight, Se for the financial statemer showed after dcfraying there was a langer balance ual. Officers ahl endeavore< this pienie a success. Mu is due Mr. and Mrs. Harvey for the gcnerosity and cou tended to ahl. Mr. Hard3 filled the office of Presider chainman then called uponD Blackburn, Newcastle, and. ard Webster, Fenelon Fa] having passed the eightieth of their life. They niadE speeches and hoped to att year's picnic if spared. X burn mentioned two of ou who passed to the Great Mr. Thos. Hardy, Whitby, Clarence Smales. Providenc On motion of Mr. Franý seconded by Mr. Arthur De following officers were elec Presidents-Mr. A. M. Harx S. Blackburn; Ex-Pres.-M¶ Hardy; Pres.-Mr. Norm lst Vice Pres.-Mr. Russi 2nd Vice Pres.-Mr. Alfne Sec.-Treas.-Miss Lein Kni The newly elected Presi Nanman Allin, expressed' ta assume full share of resý and hoped that the othe would co-operate with him Next yea's picnic will1 thse home of Mr. and Mrs. Knight, Sunderland. A candy scramble made citeinent for old and young At 6 p. mi. aIl partook of ful luncheon. 'The tabl groaned with good things, abundance of ice cream. Letters of regret were fnom Mr. John Hardy, Pr Perth Collegiate Institute, and Mrs. Nicholson, Toi telegrain was read from i Biette, Calgary, Alta. He his pleasure in receiving tion but regrette.d that hi able to attend. At 8 o'clock thse friends sorry ta part, but hoping ,again next year. Are Your Surplus Fi Returning You 6 Per'ýCent to IF NOT, LET US SED PARTICULARS 0F Commerce &' BUILDING Limiteti SECURITIES TO 7% WITH A BONUS0 SHARES, OR T Merchants Exchi 6 % GOLD BCI To Yield 6 Pt G. A. Stim Est. 1883 The Oldest BOND HOUSE IN 300 Bay Street District Representative, Fred Williams, General Insurance, Bowmaia PAGE EIGIIT CANADA i down, and sleep la diven fnom hie Toronto brain. Wbat grateful relief la tthe CARD OF THANKS Iimmediate effeet of Dr. J. D. Kellagg'a dlo Mrs. Edith V. Scobeil Astisma Remedy. It banishes tise Mn. Chas. Cox, OntwSio St., de- ~ o~ j iigitful conditions, clears tise pas- aires to thank his many friends for Lnvill, Ont.sages, and enablea tise affiicted ane ta the kind messages, flowera and ather as a chîld. Inait on the genuine la now able ta b. up a short time at yaur neanby drugglst. .eueh day. GOODYEAR PICNIC f iny Acres" Dalington f Mr. andTHU DA ,JL lth,12 Ut 10 a. m. bHR D Y U Y 2h,12 el m the sur- -_________________ ýbout 200 Co. rbey were UNITED CHURCH, NEWCASTLE1 NEWCASTLE MAYOR GOAMAN o1 rid bostess_________ AT NEWCASTLE thse mwelcome Owing ta the renavatians now ini Mrs. I. E~. Bowell ite Kingston ie gstl for th progress at thse United Churcis, bath on business last Friday. Mayor Win. T. Goaman of Bide- trai Lgsforthepreaching services were held on Sun- Mr. and Mrs. Williams, Trenton, fard, Devon, England, and his daugh- le day in the Community Hall, with good spent Sunday with their daughter, ter, Miss Annie, who have been vis- ç0b ;o a sump- cnrgtos nldn many visit-Mr.P iting their cousin, Mr. A. A. Colwill, tocl s, salads, onsgregato incluing MndrPey Hare. and family, left on Monday for Bld- Ap e, hery ng Mr. John Gilbank, Haydon, was a deford, Maine, where they will be ty ne did full Rev. W. P. Ragers preached his weekend guest of his brother, Mr. W tendered a reception and banquet by trip i were set introductory sermon in the morning E. Gilbank, Sisaw's. the citizens of that town. They car-pa ir palatial taking as bis text, Joshua 3:4, the Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Jackson ar- ry with thern the best wisises of New- Par rated witb last clause "for ye have fat passed rived home an Saturday froni a fart- castle and vicinity and leave behind hal] and iris. this way heretofore." night's visit in Rochester. happy memanies of their ten days' oth lg gainie of He spoke as a new pastor ta a new Mn. Luther Argail, Oshawa, visited visit here. Few. visitons have enter- ed. ingle mien, congregatian.. He aisa said it was at Mn. A. A. Colwill's and Mn. Rich- cd -so heartily inta the social, com- spe, in s wene a new experience fan hlm, entering ard Allin's oven the weekend. inunal and religiaus activities of a par nce Allin. for the first tume in bis ministry upon Mn. and Mrs. Joe Hunter and child- people visited as bas Mayor Goamian. in1 Tise ladies the pastorate of a united cangrega- ren, Belleville, are hlidaying witb On thse first Sunday ise attended had g game of ttian of former Methodists and Pres- hîs mother, Mrs. Wmn. Hunten. chuncis twicc and addnessed tise Unit- le. The bytenians. In tise days ahead paston n.R .Dikad duh ers d Cisureis congregation in Commun- - Blackburn and people wauld be travelling n way Emma .H.Dc and ne Oilauhae ity Hall. On Monday he was an i- ogle ladies fat passed heretofore. EenmspandiYnn fe, Odays ithaiser terested visitor at the Dominion Day ngtis, a Mn. Win. T. Goaman, delegate framn sisten, Mrs. S. Mason, George St. celebration in Bowmanville. Duningi nge n nlndt h ols ofrneo the week hie bas attended the United arned n, nglnd e te Wrld Cofernceof Mn. Enic Gray has bid gaod-bye ta Sunday Schaal picnic an Creani of and A. M. Baptists, recently held ini Toronta, Newcastle and gone out ta Sudbury Barley grounds, tise Lake Shore id in a tic. preached at the evening service and ta take employrnent with his brother- Strawbenry Festival, nsotaned ta arts Coin- by a nemarknble caincidence ued in-law, Mn. Majerrsian ,as a miner. Belleville with Mr. Irwin Colwill, met lucted the thse saine tcxt ns Rev. Ragers in tise Hifiesannigsoraesn-tsc ayrfthtiyan haa first race morning, ndding ta it the verse fol- Hsfinsadnihosaesr-teMyro htct n a race wiih lowing, "And Josisua said unta the' y ta nate tisat Mn. Frank Banc who visit with Col. Ponton, called on a ,r the little people, sanctify yoursclves: for ta- has been in failing healtb fan sanie numben of friends in variaus towns was ery orrw th Lod wil d wonerstue is naw mucis worse and canfined including his relative, Mn. John le a great among you". Mn. Goaman spoke of t i id uke fOoo rahdi h tise nail- the vastly changcd conditions thruout Mn. and Mrs. Fred Gamme and son, Baptist Churcis, Oshawa, on Sunday ce very at- the wanld since the Great War. The Toronto, are spcnding a part of hs iiorTliig, July Sth, and ta the New- ge number wanld was gaing a wny it had nat holidays at the home of iis brother- castle United Chuncis congregation in ners were passed hentofare. It was a tume in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Rabt. Communîty Hall in the evening. races had for Chistians everywhene ta sanctify Crowther. Miss Annie, the Mayoness of Bide- suitable theniselves for service. In earnest Mnr.and Mrs. Gea. Gray and family f ord, accompnnicd lber father part of tennis stnengtisened by intercsting have movcd back ta Newcastle and tise tume, and at other tumes enjoyed 'any Presi- pensanal experiences this Sunday are uccupying wjth Mrs. Glendn is eself in a fensinine way with the ,ta orden Schaal teacher froinithse aId land the pivate apartments east end of ldies ai the Colwill home. n remanks enjaincd Sunday Schoal wonkers isene the Oriental Black. )ec.-Treas., church officiaIs, parents, chihdrnn, Miss Amy Hunten and niece, Miss LAKE SHORE STRAW#BERRY nt which preachens of the Word, eniployens and: Bessie Hunter of Toronto, aiten FESTIVAL expenses employees, one and ahi, ta love anc jspending a few days isere with Mns. A tednea 0 rmr t ethan us- anothen ns Christ commanded and 1 in Hunter, have gone an a holiday the ake Shone ofnday orhore Stnw d ta ninke ta be always, fat onhy pnofessing, but trip ta Montreal and otiser points i tenryaeStiaon hunday cveningr ,ucis credit praceticing Chistians. Rev. Rogers' Quebec. of ailast wcck brake ahi previaus ne-1 rA. Hardy assisted in tise conduct of the ser- Miss Grace Bragg accanipanied by ca rds. Like the C. N. Exhibition ,urtesy cx- vice and kindly introduced thse speak- Misses Lillian Clemence, Raye De- this Union Sunday Schaol's annual [y capably er ai the evening. lnRs oa n urahDd e vn rw igradbt nt. The Rev. E. B. Coake sent bis bousehohd hnRsaCwnan1uratsDd<summe vn rw igradbt Mn .C. furniture and ather goods ta we e, oae aPrsu a t ia ter cacis succeeding year. The lo- Mn.Rics- y tucklat Wdnedayth saieand attended Junior Farmers' intr cation parthy accaunts for this; for Mr is, bath truck t Wn neTusday te aRev caunty picnic. wisere could folk find a mare test- imilestone Rogers belongings. Rev. and Mns. Rev. and Mrs. Webb af the Baptist fuI, heathiul and beautiful place ta .e suitable Coake and Aiheen motored ta their IChurcis. Kitchener, were weekendi spend a summer's evening than an tend. next new charge on Thursday wbilc Rev. guests af Mn. and Mrs. De Wardo IWin. Lake's lawn overlooking tise blue M. Black- and Mrs. Rogers arnived here by C.'Babcock, Guest House, and attended waters ai Lake Ontaria and bigis ur number N. R. train the sainie nternoon and Ibath services ai tise United Churcb, above tise marshy flats and tise mas- Beyond- had diiiner witb Mnr.and Mrs. Percy in tise Community Hall an Sunday. quitoes? More and mare people ,and Mn. Hare. Aiten dinner tisey were iîý- Mn. and Mrs. Wmn. Smith andiare begînning ta realize this. Thcy ce. ceived at tise parsanage by tise meni- mather, Toronto, have rented MnI. W. know, tao, that hee tiey are served ,bn ers of tise Session, and at tise close H. Gibson's cottage at tise 1ake for Itise most husciaus strawberries and ilnAllin, ai tise W. M. S. meeting tise sainie tise summer. Tbey paid a week-end1 creamy creain in full mensure, nun- lowson, tise aiternoon wcre called upon by tiselIvisit an July 8tis and setthed down ta ning aven and then again sanie, and ýcted: Hon. new parsonage committee: Mesdamesi camp -lufe deflnitely an TuLsday that here tisey are tneated ta a full dy, Mn. F. W. F. Ricknrd, Perey Hare, W. J. nionning. and enjayable prograni af music and vit. Harvey S. Riekard, J .A. Butler and W. H. IMn. Gea. H. Holtan and wif e of oratary. Sa tisey came in ever if- nan Allîn; Cooke. Later in the evening ah- Belleville, called on their aunt, .%rs. creasing numbers. Tise prograin sell Earle; thougis very tired, Rev. and Mrs9. I. E. Bowell oan Sunday an tisein way this year was niarkcd by a gahnxy ai cd Hardy; Rogers ,on tise earnest insiatence of home froni Ontario Ladies' College seaes ute u fts iny ight. Mn. Robt. Martin, Superintendent of Whitby, where he was appointed addrssng tise audience on tise lawn ident, Mn. tise Lake Shsore Sundny Sehool, at- delegate ta tise United Churcis Genen- in turf werc: Rev .E. R. James, Rect- bis desire tcnded tise Strnwberny Festival oni aI Councîl in Winnipeg. or of St. George's Cisurcis; Rev. W. ,sponsibility Win. C. Lake's lawn and here tise new Weedvs~r ii n n P. Rogers, B.A., ex-president of tise Wekn istr it r n Bay of Quinte Conierence, new past- etofficers pastor af tise United Cisurcis spoke for Mns. M. Stowe and Mrs. and Mrs. A. or ai tise United Churcb ini Newcast- n. tise first tume ta a Newcastle a id L. Burgess wiso are accupying a part le; Mn. Wmn. T. Goamnan, Mayor oi be beld at Clarke audience . of Dr. Carvetis's duplex summnen Bideford, Devon, Eng.; Mn. F. W. . Chas. E. In tise repart ai tise farewcll ta dwelling jointhy, were: Dr. and Mrs. Bowen, M. P.; Mn. W. F. Rickard, Rev. E. B. Cooke and family ast Allin and daugisten Barbara, Toron- Reeve ai Newcastle; Mn. Allan Mart- e mch x- eekthespeech o prcainadtMn. Lea Secobte muei cx- wee ises nbe of ppeiin n ta eon ome, a cently ai in, B.A., B.Paed., naw ai Toronto; Lg. aan boni-go wis (Dron Buhî tseSMi. WssinEgad sno ie te Prof. Sec- but a former teaciser af tise Lake Banfb Msa(D.)[BthrSut.-w"5combe af tise chàir in EnglisisOx- hr csaadsna n ot inadvertenthy omitted. Tise Mission fr.-SoeShoadsno r ot les fainly Band, as Mrs. Butler said, altisougisfad Martin, S. S. Supeintendent, and including tise smnalhest department ai tise Motorists, tounists and home folk Rev. Tisas. Wallace ai tise Unitedi reevdchurcii, was nat toa smahl ta appre- wbo like a change wihl find no hack ai Cisurcisii Ncwtonvihhe. Mn. Jas. e recivedciate tise nctining paster's and bis accommodation and entertainnient Coulson, an ohd Lake Shore boy, ex- Irincipal oi family's interest in tise Band.and ta tisis summer in Newcastle and vicin- Reeve ai Newcastle, officiated ns , and Mn. wisis tisen Godspced an their way. ity. There is Kurv Inn on tise west, cisainman and introduccd tise spenk- ranto. A _____ _Tise Oriental, Brownie Tea Roonis, ens in bis usual felicitous manneÉ. Mn. Milton Guest House and Elhiurst Inn right Musical numbers on tise prograna were ýe cxpressed Mrs. W. H. Pearce received word in tise village and Inn-Different a tise singing af camp sangs by tise girls an invita- this week of tise sudden deatisofilicr mile east, cacis catering ta tise trade ai Coppet Beecis, under direction ai e was un- brothen-in-haw, Mn. Matthew Camp- in its own distinctive way. And then Miss Lawson with Miss Olive Ziegler bell, at iis home in Ha1liday. Alta., ta tise soutis tiene is Newcasthe-on-I at tise plana; solos by Mrs. H. Hu- an June 26th. Ris wife, formerîy thse-Lake. bent, Miss Grace Bnagg and Miss Hil- sdispersed, Miss Mabel Atkinson, ai tisis village, Deatis an Suxwlay evening claimcd da Wallace af Newtonville, Mis. gta meet is a daugisten ai tise ate Robent At- anc ai Newcasthe's aged and esteern- Laura Fisher, Miss Beatrice Bragg kinson. ed citizens in tise persan ai Mns. Sar- and Mns. Wm. Lane being tise rcsp'ct- ais Mclntosh, relict ai tise late Win. ive accompanists; solos by Mn. PAr- Moîntosis, at tise home af iher brother, tisur Bell with Miss Ziegler at tise Mn. Wellington Poster, witis whorn piano; duet by Mrs. W. D. Bragg and se bas resided fon many years. Sise Miss Grace Bragg witis Miss Beatrire isas been an invalid for many montisa accompanyîng, and necitations by witis a nurse in constant attendance. Miss Kathleen Spencer. Mn. Gea. Faster wlio bas been aven Tise presence oi tise Camp Coppet iron tise States since early spring is beecisens accompanîed by tise camp Lindsalso a brother. staff, and tise rendering ai their jolly undsUnited Cisunei, Rev. W. P. Rogers, camp sangs werc especiaîly appreciat- pastor. Sunday, July 15th-.0.00 d by tise assemblage. Procecds -ALre a. m.-Sunday Scisool. 11.00 a. m.- $108.00, tise strawberries and ice Monning worsbip. 7.00 p. m.-Evcn- crenni runnîng tise expenses up toaa ing service. Ail services in Coin- little aven $70.00. niunity Hall. On Thursday aiten- isoon ai tiis weck tise Ladies' Aid FOOTBALL wilI meet at Mns. W. H. Penrce's.1 St. George's Cisurcis, Rev. E. R.1 Kicking down Zian players madc n 7 P r ent9.5-undy chol.1100 a -, flr osor, loe an equal- 7 Per Centr an Hoy Cfimne y sod ttem i b L avi o h P- 1 Antown teani, and sanie miskicking by What Shall We Feature in Our Windows Next Week? Cooking Figs ........................2 lb. for 19e Libbys Pork and Beans, If you have not tried our Bulk Tea, why not buy a pound? A trial me ans satisfaction. Don't let flues torment you-use Whiz Fly Fume. With the purchase of a haif p ound tin of Baker's Cocoa you get one hal pound free. Saturday Afternoon OnIy. Only a few tins Ieft. Full assortment of vegetables fresh daily. DeLuxe Chili Powders, 5 c per package A new shipment of Heinz goods is on display for your inspection. HARRY ALIN, Grocer PHONE 186 BOWMAN VILLE MR ROVAN'S O Ur Aim: FIT THE FEET PLEASE THE EYE CONSIDER THE PURSE __Good Value and Where to Get It Your interest as a member of the consumning public and ours as a retailer of shoes are really identical. They may be summed up in a single phrase: "QuaI- ity Shoes at Fair Prices". With a view of being able to offer the best we buy fram dealers of national reputation and by a happy foresight in busines saw the upward trend of foot- wear and bought early. Shoes prices at, best are not inviting but we are offer- ing the most authentic styles at 20% below present day values. Let us suggest that you visit our store this week. R. J. Rovan' s Quality Shoe Store Formerly Claude Ives Phone 528 BowmanliIe On The Sunnyside LM RIDE THE GARTON WAY NIAGARA FALLS BY BUS Regular Trips Each Sunday FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY Ever3rone should take in these wîonderful scenic trips. Drive for miles along beautiful highways in our conifortable coaches where one gets a clear view of interesting points along the way. See the wonders of the Niagara Peninsula with its miles of Fruit Orchards. This trip includes drive along the Canadian aide as far as Chippawa, back by F'all view. BOOK YOUR TICKETS NOW STARTING MAY 27th (Daylight Savîng Tume) Return Faro Leave Bowmanville 7.00 a. nm. $ 4.50 Leavo Courile. 7.15 a. mi. $ 4.25 LeaVe Oshawa 7.30 a. mi.$400 Leave Wlitby 7.45 a. mi. $ 3.75 10 minutes stop at Burlington. Arrive at Falla 12.30 noon. Leave after illumination 9 p. mi. For information Phone Bowmanville 412, Oshawa 2288 Tickets may b. purchased from any of our Bus Drivera or office girl Those making trip may beave carsa at our garage withot extra charge. T. AX CARTON, PreoprI.ter 'r 1 I ivor.d By Good Weather and Large Crowd. A~ popular event of the year was fd Saturday when the Bowmanville *nt of the Goodyear Tire-* Rubben Dheld their annual picnic and trip ,Rochester, N. Y. Special train left ýC. N. R. Goodyear siding at seven elock with over five hundred en- ,ined, with special stop at Newcast- and Port Hope. "Ontario" of the bourg-Rochester Steaxnship Line, >k the frolicmakers across the lake. prognam of sports and many novel- stunts were scheduled for the boat -p. On arrivai at the docks, the rty was taken tn Ontario Beach ark by chartered busses. Several Il ganies as w.ell as foot races and ler fornis of recreation wene enjoy- 1. For the dancing on the boat, a sciaI orchestra was *provided. The arty left at 7 p. m. and arrived home the early hours of monning having ad a good time. 1 OFFICE CLOSED Dr. Slemon's office will be closed from July lat to July 23rd (holidays). MEN-BE YOURSELF! Why not be a success-we show the way to big envelopes. Earn good salary as motor mechanic, battery welding, vulcanizing, house wiring, bricklaying, barbering, beauty culture work. Sunimer classes now f orming, 1 reduced fee, earn as you learn. Inter- esting catalogue free. Write or eall Heniphuli Trade Schools, Limiteci, King West, Toronto. SummerTerm Ini each of Shaw's Twelve Schools foIIows the present Session ini regu- lar order from July 3rd wIth na forced vacations. Enter any day. Bookiet free' Write 1130 Bay St, Toronto, W. R.Shaw, Secretary.

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