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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Jul 1928, p. 1

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~tteman With Which Is Incorporated Tne Bowmanville News Vol. LXXIV M. A. JAMES & SONS, Publishers. BOWMANVILLE, ONT. THURSDAY, JULY l2th., 1928 $2.00 a Year In Advance 5c a Copy No. 28 - 1 -rus - -TV --v 1 -1-- 1 Special Reductions IN Wall Papers for the summer months. The balance in stock of 18 inch papers at Haif Price W. T. Allen Most Tourists Expect Ice Cream and Ice Cold Drinks at Rexal Drug Stores To meet this demand we have in- stalled one of the most up-to-date Cooling Systemis yet discovered aud our store will be Open from 8 a. m. to 10.30 p. m. every day except Sundays. Jury & Loveli When We Test Eyez It la Dane Properly TRULL rICNIC The annual Truil Picnic held at Oshawa-on-the-Lakeo urday, July 14th at 1 p. mn. and enjoy a good time. Beets Beets Now is the tume ta put theni up for winten use. You can have theni mont deliciaus by using Kerslake's Pickle Mixture Those who have used this are most entbusiastic. 25c For Haîf Gallon 50c For Full GaI. Quantity Very easy ta prepare KERSLAKE'S The Dependable Drug Star. Wonderful Sale!.1 ALL LADIES' COATS Now in stock which includes only coats purchased for this season are now REDUCED ONE-THIRD Corne in and get one before they ail go Sei LADIES' SILK LINGERIE Secial values this week in Ladies' Silk Underwear: S ik B lo o m ers fro m ............ . . . ..$1 . 0 0 to $ 2 .5 0 Silk Vests from....................$1.00 to $1.25 MORE BEAUTIFUL DRESSES Wednesday morning we received another shipment of new Dresses featuring the latest styles, newest materiai and popular shades. Corne in and see this attractive display. LADIES' CLOTH SUITS Balance of these very attractive suits have been reduced for quick dlean up from........................................ .... 3.00 to $10.00 LADIES' COATS GREATLY REDUCED You muet see these new coats to. really appreciate the tremendous saving we are offering you in this departmient. Telwpie oudcreate a false impression as to their style and work 80 corne in and see for yourself. NEW DRESS GOODS In Printed Chiffons, Printed Silks, Silk and Wool Crepes, Rayons, Broadcloths and fast colored Fugi Silks in ahl the new shades. Several Unes of Dresa Gooda Selling at Reduced Prices LADIES' SILK HOSE A big assortment of Ladies' Silk Hose in ail the newest shades from 75e to $2.00. MEN'S NEW SUITS Our large assortment of Meri's New Suit8 featuring the new- 2st weaves, colors and styles combined with the real values we offer is keeping our Men's Clothing Department outfitting men who appreciate the best at reasonable prices. See Our Mens Golf Trousers-Price $3.75 Up WERRY PICNIC PROCLAMATION CIVIC HOLIDAYI The Werry family picnie will be I hereby proclaim Monday, lusi wilblheld at Elliott Memorial Park, Hamp- r,, 192,a ulchldyfrte o a-ton, ouSaturday, July l4th. Dinner 192wn of ubliBholda Ilth Corne and supper. Dishes and silxer will 1 ono owmanville ,and request a1 be provided. AIl members of the citizens to observe the same as such, connection will please accept this in-i land govern theniselves accordingly. k t i Friday.Saturdai, July 13-14 Ken Maynard in '*The Upland Rider" King Ken in a Western racing atory that bas ten timea the tbnills and spilîs of any race track pict- une you've ever seen; and a love stony as beautiful as a Western sunset. Story by Marion Jack- son. Matinee Satunday at 2.30 p. mi. Children 5c Chapten 6 of "The Traiu of the Tiger" and negular prograni Monday-Tuesclay, July 16-17 Syd. Chaplin in 4"Skirtos" He loved bis wife-but, oh my- he had neyer spoken ta, another woman but bis wife-and then events burled him into the midst of London's gayest nigbt nevels. Such a swift series of escapades- sucb a succession of honest-bo- goodness lauglis, has neyer swept acrosa the acreen for a long tume. Story by Walter W. Ellis. Weduesaday.Thuraday, Judy 18-19 Dolones Del Riô in "No Other Wamfa" "No Other Woman" is 'a contin- ental drama witb a triangle thenie and situations 80 dynamic in their power and appeal that it uxfoids ane of the most fascinating atonies on the amren this season. Fi'om the story by Palan Banks. 1 AUl Performnces Start on Day-llght Savins Tus.' "MLe Cooleat Place ln Towu" 'J Suddenly Summoned Home T. S. Holgate, Mayor. HIGH SCHOOL ENTRÂNCE EXAMINATION RESULTS Blackstock Contre *Abbott A, *Avery N, Brown Lj Byers M, ievitt L, Emmerson R. Preeman G, Griffa yV, *Gaam 1, Gordon H, Rooey J, Hulbert R, Johnston A, *Jhso Arnold, Lan- sin L, *Ljansing y, *Mountjoy M, Mountjoy A, Marlow A, Marlow S, *McKee E, McKee M, MacLen0 'McCutcheon H, *O0ýBrien H, Fort-' eous C, vanCamp R, *venning E,I j ebe H, *Wotten G, Watson L,4 Wilson R. Salina Centre *Ashton A, *Beech F, Bowins V,ý MARLOW PICNIC On Wednesday, August 1, 1928, the Marlow Re-union Pjcnie will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis McGill, Janetvll]e, east of North Nestleton to boundary then turn east off the boundary at the littie red church, and it is the third farm ,,, the north aide of the road. Will th.e relatives please acept this as an in- vitation. Lunch as last year. Mr-,. R. W. Marlow, Secretary. 28-2 W. P. AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY Semi-annual meeting of West Dur- hami Agricultural Society will be held in Council Rooni on Friday evening, July 20, 1928, at 7.30 p. m. (stand- ard time). This meeting is for re- vision of prize lists and other regu- lar business. Ail members of So- ciety are urged to be present, and those in charge of revision fsc tions asked to be prepared with their suggestions. L. T. McLaughlin, C. H. Maman, President. Secretary. It was the senior editor's very great pleasure on Suinday last to meet Dr. Robert C. West of Woodstock, at Mr. Leslie C. Pascoe's, Enfield. Dr. West was a schoolmate away back in the 60's when Rev. E. A. Tonkin, Mr John B .Martyn and the editor were school boys at Enfield and teachers were afterwards Rev. Ebenezer W. Panton and Dr. Elisha Jessop. M.P.P. Dr. West is accompanied by his sister, Mrs. Susan Thonipson, one of the fin- est looking ladies we have seen among Darlington gIrls of those days. AuctionSale! Saturday, JuIy l4th at 2 p. ni. (Daylight Savins Tme) tLMcMurtry 'ýrBlock KING ST. W., BOWMANVILLE The auction sale planned for last week and postponed on account of Goodyear picnic will take place this Saturday as above. There la a large quantity of valu- able furniture and effects in this sale, somne walnut and antiques beside a large quantity of regular house- hold furniture and effects. We ask you to be here ready to start at 2 p. mi., as there is a large quantitY of goods to be sold. W. J. Challie, C. H. Masen, Auctioneer. Clerk. willuil ve nui; een, ior mtat Dn. A. S. Tilley -_lad -the .c on- and spoke briefly a h relationsbip things which are seen are temporal; fidence and high respect af a veny of the Dominion ta the Mathrn but the things wbicb are not seen ar-e wide cincle of acquaintances. He JCountry. etennal". Be paid splendid tribute had practised in Bowmanville langer 'Fallowing are tbe names af those ta the life of usefulness of Dr. Til- than any athen doctor and was consîd- appointedI tu committees:--Progmmn ley among the people and bis faith ered a successful practitioner and an -W. R. Strike, Go W. James, G E. In the Eternal; also ta Mrs. Tîlley aIl-round igood citizen and. thenefane, Chase, F. C. Palmer-, D. R. Mornison. and ber faitbfulness ta ber home, bad veny staunch friends and patrons. Membership-F. C. Vanstone, F. and churcb. Be rias a very genial nian and bis Crydennian, W. P. Conbett. T. B. The paîl-bearens for Dr. Tilley wene cheenful cauntenance and friendly Knight. Classification-D .R. Mon-j -Dr. B. J. Hazlewood, Dr. J. C. demeanor wene hélpful linimany a sick rison, G. R. Masoer E. F. Flaxnian, Devitt and Messrs. J. A. MoClellan, rooni. F. C. Vanstone. Boy'. Work-E. M. G .V. Gould, F. C. Vanstone and C. Rebder, G. A. Edmondatone, F. C. Norman S. B. James. Mns. Tilley was always faitbful ta Palmier, A. Campbell, Dr. J. C. Devitt. Benr o m. ilywr er home duties and faund tume ta Rotai-y Educaton-Rev. J. U. Robins, nephews-Messra. Douglas, William devote to hncli, tan a ad soial T. S. Balgate, F. F., Marris, J. H. and Newman Eckandt, Barry Wilsoa far, aigb1,ascitdwt H. Jury, G. E. Chase. Publicity- John Scott and Frank Vanstane ' diffenent wonien's argua izationa and Dr. J. C. Devitt, Geo. W. James, M. The flower-bearens wene alliri1ends beingl nature all a fnilr endl ean H. Mincre, A. J. Wadbams. Transpor- froni the town and contry fsclabety natr was appulr eniberu tation-V. L. Elllott, R. Conbett, N.ur.ascetadwseen eaya S. B. Jamies, M. W. Conistock, C. T. They leave ta niourn thein sudden renden help ta every warthy enter- Ross. Crilped Child.en-T. S. passing two sans, E. Pbllp Tilley, and prise. Geéneral regret was felt oven Halgate, F F. Moris,, 1-1. 8.B. James, A. Rom Tllley, Taronta. Dr. Tîlley their Ieaving Bowmanville where J. M. BsldwnDr. C. W. Sîsman. beaves bis aged niother, Mrs. W. E. tbey bad llved and associated wt h VocationalSrvce G. A. Edmand- 'Iilley -of thîs town, one brother, Mn. citizenship fan sa niany years, and atone, RF. Morris, E. H. Brown, T. W. N. Tilîey, K.C., and one aiter, a great wave af synipatby veresat ê%q~rist, F. A. Hoar, D. R. Mcmri- Mrs. A. N. Mitchell of Tomanto. Mmi. thia wbole eammunity when the 4er- tAtendance--N. S. B. James, Tille y leaves thnee sisters, Mrs. J. M. rnlbly sad and tragic repart came of y:A. Crydeamn, G. A. Edmondutone, Wilkinson, Mm,. C. R. Cuthbertson, theîn sudden cal rom tume into eter- W. L. Elllott. Song Leades--W. and Mms A. J. Eclcardt, aIl of Ton- nity. Botli of tbem will be g'.eatly B. Strike, T. S. olgte. outo. mlsed. -1 i I Ont. Big 20 Bookatare Bowmanville Couch, JmI-h nston & Cryderman, Bowmanyîîîo PhounO 14 LImit.d 1 1 1 Flintoif P, Hepworth G, MurpyJ "Tbey were lovely and pleasant in Oke A, Stark B, Stevenson B , tStin-1 their lives, and in their death theyi son V, Tennant A, *Virtue N, Werry1 were net divided" may be truly said( G. l of Dr. Albert Sidney TiIley and MNs.1 Tilley, 119 Prince Arthur Ave., Tor- Bowmanville Centtre onto, who answered the call to the Adamis N, Ashton N, -Bagneil E, higber and better if e early on Sat- jBate R, Bell R, *Birks Aleck,, Brent urday morning within haîf-an-hour of G, Brooks M, Broughton W, *Brox eacb other. H, *Blunt J, *Burns F, Canipbell B,j Dr. Tilley was born at Tyrone 63 *Carllthers E, *Cawker, C, *Chalilyears ago and lived to celebrate his P, Cole W, Courtice R, Colville M, birtbday on Friday last. He was a L Cox E, Crombie A, *Culley A, Drew twin brother of Mr. Herbert R. Til- E, Farrell G, Finnigan R, Flaxmnan ley who passed away on February 6th E, Flaxmian G, *Gay J, *Gibbs H, last, sons of the late Dr. W. E. Til- Goodman C, Graville N. Guna L ley, Public Scbool Inspector for No. 1 *Hall J, Hawley M, Hlayman R, Bol- Inspectorate, Northumberland and well F, Hooey A, *Hollingshead H, Durham ,and Mrs. Selina Vanstone IHooper L, Hopps E, Henderson Ethel, TilIey of this town. He was educated Hendenson Elizabeth, *Jennings J, in the schools at Bowmanville, Port Jollow G, Kirkton L, Law G, Mc- Hope and Lindsay graduating as a "Donald H, MacCorquodale A, *Mc- silver medalist froni Trinity Medical Fetrs V, Martin B, Martin D, Mood-1 College, Toronto. ie C, Mudroif B, *Neads R, *Olsen For the past thinty-flve erD.1 C, Oke C, Purdy J, . Richards E, Tilley has been practising in tfs Rickard G, Rundle -B, Rundle D. town and as a physician and surgeon Rundle L, Samis E, Sheeban D, *Sle- was beloved, trusted and consulted as mnon M, Smale H, Smith Gladys, an authority on ail cases requiring Smith Grace, Smiith K, Smith R, his attention. Many people in and Snowden B,, *Somenscales D, Souch around Bowmanville have been helpedi ¶0, Spanis G, Stephens D, Thompson by his faithful ministrations. A, Trevail M, tTighe Y, *eele M, Drngtepdecof18th *VnonG Walter H, Welsh ' Doctor contractedl flu and before hei IWelsh L, *Wight H, *willlama A., . r1Y abe ws t wr IWilliamns D. WilliamnsL, Woodyard T, ga. risen ealltabe ws, ath thek *Worden B. agaîn minit ening toatheswith te M A. g o a - o t M . H rb, o d eant and bas neyer been realîy well I A Hoflour. since, tbough he continued to practised until about six months ago when heB TOWN PUBLIC SCHOOLS sold out to Dr. J. Clark Bell. SinceC 1 then he has been living a very quiet( Clever Pupila Win Honore lîfe and only a week ago removed1 ______to Toronto where the family boped ta WinneN aof prizes for taking high- enjoy life together.1 est marks at Entrance examinatins- While it was known Mrs. Tilley was1 Elaie Carruthers and Charles Caw- Inoet well yet few realized lier veryb ker, wha were equal.j serious condition uxitil the word camee îWinner of prize for higbest numb .r. on Saturday that se great was the of marks in Arithmetic-Phyilis shock of ber husband's sudden pasa- Challis. 1 ng that she suffened a atroke and Winners of prizes in Canadian passed away a short time afterwards, History, contributed by Women's Mrs. TiIley's niaiden name was Canadian Club for standing in En- Amelia Caroline Pbilp, daughter ofk trance Casas during the achool year- the late Richard and Elizabeth Gordon Jollow ,Charles Cawker. Youlden Cowle Philp of Toronto. Mrs. Winner of pnize in Canadian Hiat. Tilley came to this town as a brideL ory by Men's Canadian Club to high- and bas been a great homnemaker, a est pupil in Jr, Fourth Class-Mary good mother, and a moat devoted Towns in Mr. C. Brunton's rom wife. Ber constant attention ta her Winer f Sratcon Moal a'sick busbahd was veny manked and Pubic Schofla intheonty ofDur boer passng away se cloaely tea bu, Puble Shool intheCouny o Du- while a sbock te those left taeniourn ham for niusketry-Leon Gunn. was not only pathetic but beautiful, Winners of medals at Co 01 June 3 for F'ield Athletica for ailThe remains were brought bere Eastern Ontari-Joln Turner froin Toronto, the double funeral I Winton Bagnell, Elgin Bobbs, Donald taking place on Monday afternoon.T Williams and Leon Gunn. Service was hed in Trinity UnitedN Chunch, wbere Dr. and Mrs. TilleyN had attended and wbere bundreds ofB BOWMANVILLE ROTARY CLUB friends and relatives froni town andE country assembled ta pay their lastD Th? weekly luncheon of the rBow- tribute of respect. a manill Rtar Clb as eldan The two beautiful mahogany cask- ai Fniday, July 6th. F. F. Morris, the ets at the front of the church were-i retiring president, taok the chair, and banked on al aides witb most beauti- installed the new presîdent, R. F. fui flowers. Aitchison, who was entbusiastically Mhi hisi h hrh wr received. Tbe president took dnaed cands t netservc wasconduct- charge of the meeting, gave a report rpdadtesview cnu-M on the year's work ,and in his ad- ed by' their pastor, Rev. J. U. Rob- Eress referred te the future of the lins, wbo though away on holidays club. He then intnoduced the var- answered the caîl te minister on this oua committees wbicb had been sad occasion. Rev. DÉ'. D. W. Best struck at a meeting of the executive of St. Paul's, who is in charge of the on Jul 5th.two churchea duning July, assisted M . W . T. Goatan, J.P.C.C., May- in the chr i th MseH ln G.M. or of Bideford, England, and Mn. A. risheasoranilt ishe inGn. Mrbh A. Colwill, Newcast ý,Were guesta of riIs gnsle h ign. pe M!r. F .F. Morris at the luncheon, and Rev. MnI. Robins based bis remarksjan Mrn. Goanian, in a short address, ex- on the words: "While we look not atial pressed bis appreciation of the boa- the things which are aeen, but atith Royal Theatre Proenting The Finest la Photoplays Phone 589 I 1ta Eternal Reat in Sanie Hour. As a mark of respect to their pass- ing places of business were closed during the funeral hour and the town flag floated at half-mast. The beautiful floral offeiings in- luded tributes from The Sons, Mrs. W. E. Tilley, Corporation of the Town of Bowmanville, Jerusaleni Lodge No. 31, A.F.&A.M., Mr. H. P. Eck- ardt, Mr.,and Mrs. Cyril Carson, Mr. W. B. Couch. Mayor T. S. Holgate, Delta Kappa Epsilon Fraternity, Dr. and Mrs. B. J. Hazlewood, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Strike, MT .and Mrs. F. F. Morris, Miss W. B. Morris, Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Vanstone, Col. and Mns. W. Mitchell,,»Mr. and Mrs. John Scott, Jerusélem Lodge, A.F.&A.M., Mr. and Mrs. A. J. H. Eckardt and family, Dr .and Mrs. C. R. Cuthbert- son, Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Wilson. Mn J. M. Wilkinson, Miss Maud Wilkin- son, Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Vanstone, Mr. W. N. Tilley, K.C., and Mrs. Tilley, Dr. and Mrs. A. Cox, Mrs. J. C. Van- stone ,Miss MayVnstone, M. and Mrs. Stephen Greey, Mrs. R. B. An- drew and Mrs. G .B. McClellan, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Ferguson, Mr. Just- ice Ferguson, Misses Frances, Peggy and Elizabeth Wilson and Betty Hinds, Mrs. John Mcflwrajth Mr,. and MN. F. D. MacKay, Mr. and Mms. A. N. Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Johnston, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Brown, Mrs. H. R. Tilley, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Eckardt, Miss Margaret Mid- dleton, Mr. John Middleton, Mr. and Mrs. 1. E. Sucklhng. Mr. B. V. Me- Cnimmon; House Surgeons of Toronto General Hospital, 1892-96 :-Dr. H. B. Anderson. H. J. Way, Thomas Middleboro, H. A. Bruce, Harold Parsons and J. N. E. Brown, Blowmanville Hospital Staff and Nurses, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Burd- en, Mrs. D. T. Morris, Ethel and Helen, Mrs. A. Simnick and family James Families, Mr. and Mm. M. G. V. Gould, Rev. and Mrs. J. U. Rob. ina, Mns. Roland Bates, John Haris Miss Adele Maulsoni, Mr. and Mr,. !;? W. Cawker, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Caw- ker and Addie, Mr. and MN. Harry W. Foster, Mr. and Mns. W. J. Mor- rison, Sons of England, Mr. and Mns L. N. vansto0ne, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Vanstone and Edward, Dr. and Mns. J. Clark Bell, Mr. and Mrs. Hanry AI. lin, Mr. and Mrs. B. King, Mr. and Mrs. J. Poolton, Companloris of the F'orest. - --%. Among relatives present froni Toi'- onto were: Messrs. Philp and Ross TiI- 16Y, Mr. W. N. TilleY, K.C., and Mn. rîîîey, D)r. and MN. A. Cox, Mr. A. NJ. Mitclçll and Miss Betty Mitchell, Mrn. Nori1n Nortbcute, Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Vanstone, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Eckardt, Miss Gladys Eckardt, Meuers. Douglas, William and Newman &ck- Lrdt, Mr. H. P. Eckardt, Mrs. C. R. Cuthbertson, Misses Muriel, Aileen and Phyllis Cuthbertson, Mr. and Mms John Scott, Mrs. J. M. Wilkinson, Mmrs R. B. Andrew, Mrs. Geo. B. vicClellan, Mr. Chas. Blackwell, Mr. R.ussell Vanstone, .Brantford; Mr. and vira. Harry Wilson, Kitchener. AN APPRECIATION Relations between a physician and his families and to sne ertent other People of the conimunity are clouer End more tangible than between Imost, any other publicenman except Dr. A. S. Tilley and Mrs. Tilley Passed r d 0 0: A p: pi ana Inn

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