__ - - MHE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, JULY l2th., 1D2S DENTAL DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE Honor graduate in Dentistry Toronto University. Graduate of this Royal College of Dental Surgeons of On- taio. Office King St., Bowmanvxlle. Office phone 40. House phone 22. X-Ray Equipment in Office. DR. J. C. DEVITT Assistant Dr. E. W. Sisson Graduate of Royal Dental College, Toronto. Office, King St. East, Bow- manvillo. Office hours 9 a. mi. to 6 p. mi. daily except Sunday. Phone 90. House phono 283. X-Ray Equipment in Office DR. R. E. DINNIWELL Honor graduate of Toronto Uni- versity and member of Royal Colloge of Dental Surgeons. Licensed to practie in Ontario and the Domin- ton. Dontistry la aIl ite branch is. Office-King St., Bowmanville, op- posite Bank of Montreal. Phone 301. LEGAL Id. G. V. GOULD, B. A., LL. D. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Money to loan on Fan mad Town Property. Royal Bank Building, Bownianville. Phone 351. W. R. STRIKE Uuceessor to lat. D. B. Simpson, ILC. Baniter, Solcitor, Notary Solicitor for Bank of Montreal Mgonoy to Loin Phoise 91 Bowmenville, Ontario W. F. WARD, B. A. Barrister, Solicitor, Notasr' Money to loan. Bonds for sale. Offics-Bloakley Block, King St., Eowmanvillo, Ontario. Phonies: Office 102. Hauese 409. ___ ComL IeCte Ote o F. F. MORRIS CO. Horse Equipment <~) Ail cills proxnptly îttended to. \U~f Private Ambulance Bowmanville phono Branch Stores Orono & Newcatle ALAN M. WILLIAMS Embalmor and Funeral Director. Calls given prompt and personal at- tention. No extra charge for dis- tance. Phonea 58 or 159, Bowman- ville, Ont. 3-tf. MEDI CAL C. W. SLEMON, M. D., C. M. Graduate of Trinity Medical College, Toronto, formorly of Enniskillen. Office and Rosidenco, Dr. Beith's former residence on Church Street, Bowmanville. Phone 259. 44-t. J. CLARK BELL M.O., Ch.B., F.R..., <EdIn), D.P.H. <Successor tu Dr. A. S. Tilley) Bons. Graduate in Medicine, Aber- deen University; FelIow of the Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh. Office and Residence, Queen St., Ofice Hours: z ta 4 p. m., 6 ta 8.30 p. mi. Bowmanville, Phono 89 DRS. HAZLEWOOD AND BIRKS Physicians and Surgeons Office Hours: 1 ta 4 and 7 to 8.30. Telephone 108 Offie- Wellington Street Bowmanvijle, Ontario. VETERINARY DR.* F. 7. TIGHE VETERINARY SURGEON. Day orj Nlght calls proniptly attended ta.j Office: King St. East, Bowmanville. Phone 243. E. G. KERSLAKE, V. S., B. V. Sc. Orono Hlonor Graduate of University of Toronto. AIl cases given prompt and careful attention. Offce- Dr. McElroy's former office. Phones:- Clarke 3921; Orono 18-1. AUCTIONEERS THEO M. SLEMON Auctioneer trran d Hause Sales a Specialty. Ternis moderato. Eaniskillon P. O. Phono 197r3. 1-tf. WRIGLEYS A treat in the Peppermint. flavored sugar-coated jacket and another In the Peppcrmint-flavorcd gum inside- utznot value in longIastiag delight THE EDITOR TALKS Canadians do not eat honey-that' is, do not eat as much as they should. Mr. F. Mounsdon, one of the well- known business mfen of Liverpool, England, has sent the editor a wvon- derful booklet written by a îphysician of very wide experience on the medi- cal staff of Lady Margaret Hospital, London, the title being "Honey for Health". He calîs honey "The Food of Paradise", and here are the clos- iag paragraphs of his interesting booklet: At the Lady Margaret Hospital honey is used by the ton as a food, as a restorative and as a great nerve tonic. * * -1 For a "night cap" for )Id persans whose ceil activities are greatly low- ered, 1 prescribe a wine-glass of bail- ing water, a tablespoonful of mat- ured honey and a couple of table- spoonfuls of goad port wine sucked or sipped through a straw. In ail cases of exhaustian and de- bility, anoemia and delicate digestion I prescribe my Food of Paradise, my drink of Jerusalem, my nectar of Paradise-namely, haîf a pint of fresh milk made warm with a table- spoanful of matured honey stirreD into it and sucked through a straw twice a day, wîth a couple of cream crackers toasted and buttered. After discussing calories in fooda -heatproducing qualities, this phy- sic ian states that 1%½ pounds of honey a day by itself will provide. enough calories for a man and al pauad of honey by itself will provide enough calories for a woman ta livel an. While if the man lived on eggs, he will need over four pounds; on xilk or on plums he will need eight pounds; on green peas he will need over 10 pounds, or carrats avor 20 pounda. Hoaey la a food full of energy and' therefore stands high as a producer of stamina and strength. Those wha add honey ta their daîly diet. may be assured that they are addingl ta their capacity ta wark with brain! and handa. If every traveller xould ask at his hotel for porridge and han- ey or puffed wheat and h oney in place ofthe everlasting sausage or haddock ho wauld be far more fit ta tackie the day's work. Haney has praetically no waste! matter in it. When haney la adulter- ated or eaten in the camb the adult- eration or wax is a ;vaste product s0 far as human nutrition is concern- ed. If, however, a pure honey ia used it la one of the few foods that la AIl Food. The price paid for hon- ey is the pnice paid for food and not haîf food and haîf waste. Ia coin- * paring the price of honey with other foods this fact must always ho re- membered and it is for this reasoni that haney is an econamical as well as a luxurious and dainty food. Haney la easily digested and ab- sarbed and in this respec.t la differenti froin ardinary sugar and is most like 1 ta the crystals that yau find when raisins have been kept for a Ion gi tume. Honey and fruit sugars differ from aIl cane and beet sugars la that they are ln a form nearly ready ta be absorbed and used for coul nutri- tion just as they are swallowed. Whereas ordinary sugar lias ta ho chemnically changed in the smaîl in- testine before it is any use as a food; but hoaey and fruit sugars are quite ta a considorable etent directly ah- tarbed through the stomacli walis and from the small intestine without any change at ail. Any medical practitioner will tell you what a very important thing tbis ia la ail cases of debility; in al cases of digestion weakness; in ail cases of reovory after operation or wasting disea.se; la aIl cases where people are helow par and depressed; in ail cases where there is chronic constipation, with absorption poisoning; in ail dit- eased conditions of the duodenumn or any part of the bowel below it and ia ail children's ailments honey is a great panacea and no way harmful either. Is it any wonder, thon, that in thc long ago Masos off ered ta his wander- ing tribes the gloriaus fulînes o land fiowing with milk and haney? 1 Cornfields, olive yards and vinoyards, 1 it is truc, were a heritago of their sturdy manhood; but for the weary and warn. the desert tired, the war- scarred veterans, the women and children, the picture that alured them as ta a paradise of sweotness xvas that of a land richly flowing with milk and with honoy! .* * * Harken ta Ibis testimony fi-rn this' Lady Margarot's Hospital physician:l "Of aIl the laurels won hy modern medicine, of ail the treasures of the pharrnacopoeia, of aIl things ta rely an la an emergoncy, or wcakaess. I know nothing so patent, so valuable, sa uniformiy trustworthy, as a drink eomposed of honey and hot water with a littie sweet wine added ta it. The wino of Hymettus, the honey of Hybia, and the water of Lethe,j rightly prescribed, will give corfort and strength and sleep ta those who are welI nigh dead". "Whea sweetness and nutrition are ta he combined sugar is not ta ho eornpared ta honey, for hnoy stands suprome. Sugar should nover ho given ta chiidren or they wiil get saur stomnachs and decaying teeth; but a little hoaoy shauld aiways ho addod ta a baby's milk and ta a chiid's pcr- ridiie". It may ho news ta mnany that horey like wine improves with age if it is gaod-matures and develops finerý characteristics, and gets rid of crudi-J ties by beiag allowed full time for ripening. This doctor states: We use tans of honey in Lady Margaret Hospital but 1 generally prescribe what we have matured for two years. The beat haney is that which, once it has been extracted from the comb, is nover heated, but is allawed ta set [in a mare or bass solid condition and is s0 kept tilI it is used. Solid honey should always ho selected for those who want the finest and best of foods. Honey should always ho kept covered because dust and insecta will get into it if it be exposed ta the arThis doctor says ho seldom passes a day that ho doos nat eat at least ae oestsldhnyadi tablespoonful of hoaey. AIl child- spoonful ia ance put upon porridge there are few wha, having once tast- ed it with honoy would ever want sugar on porridge again. Indeed, honey goos excellently with ail dry foods like puffed rice or wheat or grape nuts. It la fine with boiled rie e. Haney is a very ancient food andj throughout the whole of biblicai andl elassical and historical records ve' get a consensus of opinion that honey; is a food of health and strength; that eating honey in place of meat helps to lengthen life; that in times of sickness and weakness honey is thel best of faoods and medicines camb ined. that none are taa Young and none tao aid, none tao weak and none toal strng, but that honey will prove a comfort, ahelp and a blessîng in their d ietary. The story of Samson eatiag the honey out of the skeleton of the lion is told in a way that shows how com- mon was its use and its appreciation in those old days. Ia the advice at- tributed ta those mighty physicians3 of old-isculapius, Hippacrates, Galon, and their successors, haney la placed very high as a promoter of health and a perpetuation of youth, and even as a rejuvenatar ta those who had grown old before their time. Secret is out-Canadian honey it popular ia England and on Cream of Barley it is really scruniditious! EDUAR TOM LINSONi TO LECTURE HERE Noted Authority on South America Coming at Chautauqua. "Under Ten Flaga" WjiI RBethe. Subject of Vitally lnt.resting Discussion. Starlng facts rogardlng Souti Âmerlca wili ho brouglit out by Ed. ward Tomlilsan, brîlliant publicist and world-traveler, who Is ta give bis1 entbrallingly lnterestlng lecture "Un. der Ton Flnýgs" at the conîing Damia. Ion lledpatiî Chautauqua. Few people have any conception of thîs gi-ont continent, Its trernendous econonile rigîîifieiînce, Its suhtle paliti. cal aspPctcz, its lefnite and hlghly de- Again this mnent physician speakS ta ado of honey for health with cmphasisI titit'tattîs tI ,îd0 saying : "I must press haine the 1 ý '-111gbetily, ofivt t- tni iiiystic point that in stili another way aIl ' oit 5 f <itii:]'fi iIl butlt tropical fid are not of the saine value 1-11,1,19S f ()()d. In the digestion of the pro- EatITtiiî1li.imi.s itocîtan un- teins aof animal ficsh, for exanîpfle, a iii! ,tIj.rvti int tiis greait continent considerable quaatity of uric aeid la, tti tasiitit i, tuqxeîsivu survey o0 formed and has ta ho got rld of and jot. tSouith Aiînitzaîireptublics. ana oaly he ota iid of hy means of the Mrî. 'r,îliiîst,îire{elved hit.' educa- kidacys. Yos, and what a great num- lion toilti Aunrictin universities and ber of people die froin kidney trouble tteUiest fEibrh ct -over-worked, worn-out kidacys, kid-illt tvrsy0fElhughSa- ncys that are aiways kept busy get-l-atnd. ting rid of poisonous urea fromn the Il"kttteiided the recent Pan-Amerl- blood-kidneys that gel no rest. cia Conference nt Ilavana and dis- Once more honey is the effective cusses Soutli American affaire inter- panacea. * * * estlngiy Irn tue iiýh+o f the Coaforence. If the liver and kidneys are ta ho rested we must change aur diotary ta carbohydrales and fats, sayt this doct- or. These, when digested, throi f as their waste malter only watean carbon-dioxide. The water can hol BOWMAN VILLE CHAUTAUQUA JULY 17, 18, 19,90, 21, j Be sure ta huy a seasan tlcket-ýIt'8 cheaper-12 perf ormnceeAul, $2.50; Chiid $1.25. got rid of readily by the kidneys, skin and breath and the carbon-dioxide by the breath. Honey cornes under the head of the pure carbohydrates and, therefore, in ail cases of kidney and liver trouble ,in pregnancy, in aill cases of bronchitis, a.sthma and fail- ing heart, honey and biscuits, or honey and toast, or honey and creamn and rnilled nuts, or honey an pr ridge or honey and grapenutssol replace meats. ln f evers and colds honey and lem- on juice in a littie hot water is a specific, and in old age apple-tea wvîth plenty of honey in it is a most com- forting and sustainîng and blood- purifying drink. This Good-health publicist adds. "I know few ways of adding ten years to your life betteri than giving up meat and taking two pounds of honey per week". The Public School Board are ar- CHIROPRACTJC AND DRUGLESS raningfo th pintngof heextr-THEROPY irngof othe painlg f h ete- DURWIN E. STECKLEY lor o bot schols.honor graduate of Toronto College "Tommy" the play to be presented of Chiropractie vîll be in the Bow- at Bowmanville Chautauqua, is an manville Office Tuesday, Thursday outstanding New York success. Single and Saturday evenings, phone 141J. admission 95c. The price of admis- Residential cails made during fore- sion is included in a season ticket.1 noons. GOLDEN WEDDING 1 CLEMENCE PICNIC Mr. and Mr&. David Ferguson, The Clemence family picnic was Burketon. held at the Elliott Memorial Park, Hampton, on Wednesday, July 4th., At the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walt- with an atteadance of 170. Relatives er Ferguson, Enfield, was the scene came from Albany, N. Y., Detroit, of a very interesting and happy Mich., Los Angeles, Calif., Toronto, event on Tuesday afternoon, June Stayner, Oshawa, Cobourg, Port 26, 1928, when about 80 relatives Hope, Welcome and Pickering. It and friends gathered to celebrate was an ideal day and after every one with them the fiftieth wedding anni- had been given a cordial welcome versary of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. sports were indulged in. A garme of David Ferguson. The house was basebaîl was played between the mar- prettily decorated with orange blos- ried and single men, score being 38 soms, snowballs, rases, lillies, to 8 in favor of the latter. A streamers and belîs. The mast in- sumptuaus supper was served at teresting and amusing event of the which aIl did ample justice and fol- afternoon wvas a mock marriage which lowed by a game of softball and com- caused much laughter. Mr. Thomas munity singing under the able direc- McLaughlin of Toroato, vorv arnly tion of Rev. Roy Rickard, Pickering. acted as chairman and called' an Mr. The gathering was then called to or- Talbert Ferguson, Mount Forest, ta der by the President, Mr. T. C. read this address: Bragg and afficers were elected and Mr. and Mns. David Ferguson committees formed for next year af- Dear Frieads:-On the fiftieth an- ter which ail retired ta their homes niversary of your marriage this lag feeling much better for such a happy company Of relatives and friends have gteig gathered to do you honour. In the year 1878 ,you jointly entered into a WEDDING contract to love and honour one an-____ other and ta mutually share the re- Shane-Ferguson sponsibilitie.s of edded hf e. l In____ 1928 you and your friends are cele- Miss Mary Isabel Ferguson, young- bratiag the Golden Jubilee of your er daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John joyous married life of haîf a century. Ferguson of Mitchell, Ontario, was Your family have grown and left married to Mr. William Albert Shane your home, but to-night they have of Newburg. Ontario, formerly of again come ta be with yau.: Words Toronto ,in College St. United fail ta express our appreciation af Church, Toronto. The church was your kiadaess and helpfullness ta us. prettily decorated for the occâsion You perhaps do not realize the im- with palms, feras, and pink and white partance of the miany things that you peanies. The oficiating clergyman have done ta make life more enjoy- was Rev. Archibald Tuer of Toron- able for us all. We realize that few -ta, formerly of Mitchell. The bride, %vho were present at the event of who ivas given away by her brother, yo ur wedding fifty years ago are with Mr. Dugald Ferguson. Mitchell, Ona- unaw. tario, wore a beige ensemble withi The generation gathered here oipr matchiag fox fur and hat in green hearty congratulations and good and beige. Her corsage bouquet wishes as did those of fifty years ago. wvas af yellow roses and lily-of-the- We feel it ta bc not only a pleasure valley. The wedding music was play- but a special privilege to share with ed by Mrs. W. J. MeDonald of Tor- yo u this festive occasion on the eveat onto. of the Golden Jubilee of your miar- Mr .and Mrs. Shane left on a mator riage. Socially you have proved trip ta the Eastern States and Que- true frieads and good ncighbors, your bec. On their retura they will reside hospitable door has always beea ope~n. aear Bow manville, Ont. Your xonderful optimisrn and cheer- fulaess have brought much jyt I Hill-Darch with whom you came in contact. Y 0ur~ On Saturday afternooa, June 30, lives of industry ant ihard work have at 'Trinity United Church, Bowman- taught the lesson of thrjft and inid p ille,' the marriage took place of cadence and %vhat is botter thari al Týheresa May, second daughter of Mr. have learned that: and Mrs. James H. Darch, ta MNr. "Botter than grandeur ,better than Thomas Coulthard Hill, son of Mr. god, than rank lit title, a hunîlred William Hill, Carlisle, Cumberland, fold, a mind at easýe simples pleas- Eaglaad. tires that alwavs pîcase, synipathies Rev. J. U. Robins, Pastor of the large enough to enfald, ail men as Church, performed the ceremany. brothers is better than gold". The bride was given in marriage by As a slight token of aur ecstoem hier father, IMiss Eva Darch, sister and warmi regad we ask you ta- ac- of the bride, acting as bridesmaid, cept this token of our love and rood and little Jessie Pearson, niece af the wishes with the hope that you nia\' be groom, acted as flower girl. 'I lhe spared ta be with u.s in anothor tea groom ivas supparted by Mr. Richard years that we nîay share with vau «n Coulthard, Toronto. your Diamond Jub)ilee. May thi.s be. Mr. Francis Sutton, Organist of an occasion long ta be remnnilired. the Church, played the wedding Signed on behaîf of the Fanîil adI march and Mrs. Hubert M. Foster Friends. sang "At Dawaing", during the siga- At the proper time a well fllled ing of the register. purse of gold was presented by a A-fter the ceremony a reception was graadson, Cag cran Oke. iheld at the bride's homne, Liberty St. Bouquets oflowers were pre.sentcd North, about 60 guests hcing present. hy friends and neighbors. The hause vas prettily decorated with The familv coasists of seven chiltl- orange blossoma, daisies and red rea ,six of whom are living nearby roses. and wore al present. One son Previaus ta the wedding, miscel- Cameron, fell in the Great War. laneous showers were given by her There were also 12 grandchildren and sister, Mrs. J. W. Mitchell, and one 1 grcat-graadchild preseait. Speecher by hier friend, Mrs. Leese, Toronto, at were made by the chairman and oth- which she received a lavely collection ers. After which ail sat down ta a of gifts. Another pleasing and un- sumptuous wedding supper, the lovcly usual feature was a shower givea ta, large weddiag cake being the centre the groom by his fellow employees of of attraction.I the Fielders Paper Box Ca. of Toron- The evening was spent in dancing ta, whert lhe is emplayod, includiag and gamos, after which refreshn'ents aaything and everything a man may %ere served and ail departed for their need around a home. The T. Eaton homes after a very enjoyable even- Ca., where the bride bas been cmi- ang. ployed for the past 61'/2 years, gave Friends were preseat front Cali- hier a Rose Silk Eiderdown Comforter. fornia, Mount Forest, Toronta, Pan- Mr. and Mrs. Hill will reside at :ypool, Lotus, Part Ferry. Bowmian- 37 Seymour Ave., Toronto. ville, Oshawa, Peterboro. Haydoa and Burketon. A season ticket for Bowmanville Chautauqua costs $2.50. You will There may heoather corn removers., see the ten concerts at an average but you will not hoe completoly satis-1 cast of 25e each. Single tickets for fed until you 'have used Holloway's each performance coat from 45c ta Corn Remover. 195C. P9833 The Royal Bank of Canada Bowmnanville Branch - R. F. Aitchison, Manager 1049 Harry AIIin's Store is Headquarters for Quality Groceries Groceries that you know to be dlean, whole. 1some and fresh add to your meals a zest that means better health. We combine quality, service and value. That's why we are grocery head- quarters for housewives who KNOW. Our stock is complete in every detail. Canned goods, package articles, fresh fruits and vegetables to suit the most fastidious. Get the flues early with Fly Fume made in Bowmanville. Sold in 40c, 60c and $1.00 bottie with sprayer. Phone and delivery service, of course. JIARRY ALLIN, (irocer PHONE 186 BOWMAN VILLE - -P WALLPAPER SALES MORE THAN DOUBLED Particular people are certainly showing a decided preference foi- Staunton's Sunworthy Wall Paper Since we have taken over this weIl known agency our wallpaper sales have doubled. There's a reason-buy the best it costs îic more. Samples gladly shown without obligating you to buY. GEO. PRITCHARDDEOAO 2 Doors West of F. F. Morris Co. Phone 4,39 Bowmanville Fili up at the sign of thé. Boy and Siat:_ ... ........it la the sign of unvaryng high quality. CANADIAN OIL COMPANIES, LIMITED. - _ Thle 0O1 of a Milio F. W.Nells White Rose Gasolin. Station KigS.E, PAGE TWO The Road to the Banik THF, road from the farmn to the Banik should be welI worn: it is a saf e road to travel and you will always find a welcomne at this end. Somne day you may need assistance from the Bank to buy seed grain or to provide feed for your stock until marketing time. A Savings Account with us now is a good recom- mendation for future credit. lm l' 1 1 eýll, King St. East F. W. Nelles