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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Jul 1928, p. 5

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TM CA14AIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, JULY l2th., 1928 PG 'Y HAYDON S. S. ANNIVERSARY LOCAL AND OTKERWISE Ideal weather gneeted Haydon con- Truli picnic Satunda>', Jul>' l4th nt gregation on Sunday and Monda>', Oshawa-on-the-Lake. Jul>' lst and 2nd., at the annual Sun- Mrs. G. F. Bray, Toronto, bas been day School annivensary. The big visitiag friends bene. enclosed shed was decorated beauti- fully for the occasion. On Sunday Chutauqua program botter than large crowds greeted us at botb '>er- ever. Get your ticket now. vices. Tbe singing b>' the sebool Miss Ethel Webber is visiting hon was excellent unden the able lead- sisten, Mns. Lawrence Kerr, Toronto. ership of Mrs. Thoron Mountjoy and Mn. Luke McCormick, Port Hoîpe, Mr. E. E. Staples with Miss Mabiel celebrated bis 9th birthday Friday; Beech as pianist and Mn. Arthur Miss Teresa Murphy was called to Beech as violinist. Solos wene r 'nd- Lindsay owing to the illaess of bon ened by Miss Rilda Cooper of Ton-1 mothon. ,ontteand Miss Frances Hancock ofi Rev. Wm. Stenling, Orono, preach- Ebenezen. Both deserve groat cred- ed anniversan>' sermons at Columbus itin thoîn lovely selections and won- o udy denful vocal talent. The speaker for o una' the occasion was Mn. Thos. McGil- Mrs. Chas. Manning bas been vis- licuddy, Toronto, bis subject in the îting ber sistor, Mrs. Isabella Script- aftennoon bing "Lassons from the une, Coibonne. Flowens", and in the evening "Rough Mn. and Mrs. John Kennetb, Diamonds" on "The value of a Boy", Peterbono, bave been visiting at Mn. ho was assisted in the aftennoon by Roy Webben's. h is granddaugbter, littîe Miss Venle Mn. Frank Harrison of the C.P.R., McGillicuddy wbo gave a necitation Bunketen, bas been transferned te, on the fiowens, in the evening ho was Myrtle Station. assisted b>' Rev. J. R. Trumpour and Mn. Norman Bottreîl and Miss Rev. Mnr .Pearce. His discourse O'Leary, Toronto, spent Sunda>' at pnoved both interesting and bene-IMn. Thos. Bottnell's. ficial, giving many illustrations fnom bis own expenionce while Iaboring for Twenty Orange Lodges are ex- bis Master in man>' different places. pected te celebrate Jul>' lZth in Wbit- On Dominion Day great crowds b y today <Thusday.) gathened fnom fan and near to enjoy Miss Ada Wight, Edmonten, Alta., the holiday. Commencing at 3.30 is holidaying with ber parents, Mn. in the aftennoon, a girls' basebali Iland Mirs. Alex. Wight. game was played by Enniskillen and Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Slemon and Maple Grove, score 6-9 in favor of family are holidaying at Kearne>', the latter. A League game of soft- Ont., in the Algonquin district. baIl was thon played b>' Salem and A fuIl lino of blazers for boys and Enniskillen young men, score 14-5 ginls at Couch, Johaston & Cryden- in favon of Salemi. Tea was served1 man's. Priced front $198 up. frnm 4o'clock untîl aIl were served., Masten Gordon Adamis is visîtin.g The tables wene most beautifull>' de-1 with bis uncle, Rev. J. W. Gordon coratkd with various kinds of flowers land fanlil>' at Bruce Beach, Lake and wene laden with abundance Q" Huron. good things to eat which the Haydon Rev. A .R. Sanderson, Pickering, ladies are noted for providing. bas punchased the nesidence of Mrs. J.* If The evening entertainment wans A. O'Connor, Athol Street, Whitby, provided b>' the "Mon>' Mith Mvak- and moved ia. ens" of Toronto, to a packed bouse. Rev. A. L. Richards, B.D., assistant The audience showed thein appreeca- pastor of Sherbounne Street United tion by their wonderful attention and Chunch, has been invited to The Tab- applause to each numben. Total pro)- ernacle, Witby. ceeds $582.00. Mn. Ralph Goodman, Pont Hope, Cream of Barle>' good for evenybody.- bas been appointed to the vacane>' ---i the Department of Custeoms and Agens WatedExcise, Pont Hope. Agens WatedMiss BTidgeman who bas been vis- Disric Maages-Aenz--Wndefuliting hon aunt, Mrs. John Reid, and New discovery. Palcoseel realîy geais naîl Ms an atn a euadt punctures without removing tire fromt rim. h er home la Ottawa. Diff erent-Gunranteed harmiess 10 rubber. Mn. A. A. Stagg bas nesigned as Cannot decompose. Lasts lifle of tire.i Money maker for agents. 'Miller made Bandmaster of Port Hope Citizens' $875 in five weeks. Write for proof and Band, and Walter Fraser has been Free Trial Offer. Palea'sel Mý%an ufactur- appointed to the position. ing Co. Ltd., Alexandria, Ontario. 28-i Mn. and Mrm. W. J. Bragg and Mr. ---and Mrs. John Baker, Solina, visited NoticeSengt. Harold Wiliams at the On- Take ie tario Hospital, Whitby, on Tuesday. 1. Take notice that the Council of the Messrs. Brenton Hazlewood, Mon- Corporation of the Town of Bowmanville le>' and Jabez Vanstone, and John intends 10 construct as a Local improve- James ef t Wednesday monning on a ment a cement concrete pavement 20 two week's moton tip ta New York, feet wide upon Lambert St. from King Atlantic City and other points. St. to Queen St. and intends 10 specialîs' assees part of the coat upon the land, Rev. Dr .and Mns. John E. Miles abutting directly upon the work. of Syracuse, N. Y., necent!>' visited 2 The estimated cost of the work la ber rteM.Aa WilmsD. $2250.00 of which $400 is to be paid by brteM.Aa Wllas D. the Corporation. The estimated speial Miles came ta Canada te attend the rate per foot is $2.00 and the estimated Conference of the Baptist World A]- annual special rate per foot frontage is liance in Toronto. .1605. The special arsessment shall be miade payable in 20 annual Instalments. Mn. and Mns. Thomas Littlejobtis 3. A Petition against the work wiîî not of Painsvîlle, Ohio, gave the Senior aval 10 prevent lis construction but a Editor a fniendi>' caîl on Thursday. SPetition against the work or the manner Mr Littlojohns wsashlri in which it bas been undertaken mas' be a shln i made as provided for by the Local îm- Bradley's sc-hool the four years the provement Act to the Ontario Railway Editor taught thene 1871,2, 3and 4. and Municipal Board bs' a majorits' of the owners representing at leat one-baîf of Jul>' issue of "The ýBlue iBell' offi- the value of the lots wbich are especialîs' cial publication of the empîoyees of assessed therefore. the Bell Telephone Company' of Cati- ,#Dated ihis 111h day of Juts' 1928. ada, contains Bn intenesting photo- 28-3w. John Lyle, Clerk. gnaph of the Bowmanvilîe office of the. Company' in 1890. with the staff then in change, Misses Trenouth and Souch, operators. IMn. and Mrs. H. J. Clarke, 225 PFoster Avenue, Belleville, announce ' the engagement of their only daugh- For en n~y ten, Helen Gertrude Clarke, B.A., to Foi en nly Reverend Roy' H. Rickard, B.A., M.R.E., Pickerng, son of Mis. E. Rickard, of (Bowmanville, the mai-1 niage to take place the latter part of August. Samn: "'Mandy can I kiss you"? "Plan to en o>' the Special Excur- Mand: "PgglyWiggy".siont t Rochester on Wednesday, Jul>' Mand: "PgglyWiggY".18., under the auspices of the Port Sam: "*Wlat you al niean"? Hope United Churcb Y.P.S. Ferry Mand: "elp>'lt saf".leaves Cobourg at 8 a. m. standard Mand: "Hlp y' sef".time. Tickets on sale at Hancock's Hardware, R. S. (Brown's Grocery Bnd We tbought you would read Fred Oke's Grocery, Pont Hope, or F. this, so now lot us say that W. %Bker, C. N. R. Agent, Cobourg. "Par Shaving Cream" leaves the Fare-Adults $2.05;,Children $1.00"~. face so smooth that "lMandy"' or GOOD CITIZENSIIIP PICNIC atiy othen fine lady would be will- oetthGodCiznipPc ing o sa th sam asMand. nc at Haîmpton Park on Wednesday, Jul>' l8th, under the auspices of And "Par" is onl>' flfty cents Darlîngton 'Prohibition Union and f or the Jumbo tube at The Order of Sons of Temperance. Program: 2 p. m.-Field Sports and S Softball Matches; 4 p. n,-Pl.atlorm SLI& ~Meeting-Community Singing, rn * Th Depndai. Dug Sore Quartette, Solos. Elocution Numbers; The epedabe Drg Sore Addresses b>' Rev. W. W. Peck, Sec- retary Educational Cati. Temp. Fed-1 4-ation AdTDr.A. hlpBae ieldA Lost or Found LOST-Near Post Office, sterling silver bar pin set with brilliants. Finder please leave at Statesman Office. HEIFER STRAYED-Brladle helfer i year old stnayed on Lot 1. Con. 7, Dar- linglon, on or betore June lot. Owner may have same by provlng property and paylng expenses. Thomas White, Tynone R.R. 1. 27-3w Houses to Rent TWO ROOMS TO LET-Apply Mrs. Noweli, corner King and Liberty Sts., Bowmanville. 28-i FLAT TO RENT-Four roome, modern convenlences, possession at once. Apply to Norman James, Statesmian Offtce. APARTMENT TO RENT-In Cowan Block, 4 rooms, ail convenlencez, boat, hot and cold water supplied. Apply J. J. Mason & Son, Bowmiaaville. 26-t HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE-Prame1 bouse and Y4 acre land, choîce garden soul, house not qulte completed, an ldeal1 horne for working man, wlll be sol cheap. Apply to Statesman Office, Bow-E manville. 27-tf-lw' Help Wanted WANTED-Mddle aged woman to set as housekeeper. No washlng. Apply to Mme. Geo. Weekes, Kalmar Villa, orj to Mr. C. Rehder at Bowmanville Found-J ns'. 25-tf WANTED-Womaa over 30, permanent I position. Io youm automobile earning money? The lamgest manufacturer of strlctly custom supportlng garments off- ers wonderful opportunîts'. Also a full Une of lingerie confinera stockings and sanltany gnods, twenty years ln business. Apply Statesman Office or 47 Coîbomne St., Oshawa. 20-10 NOTICE Hemstitching and picot-edglng dons.c Work delivered free ln Bowmanville. Ai]l mail orders promptly attended to. Mrs. Russell Hobbs, Liberty' St., Bowmanvllle, 26-3NÇ Dozens of New Dresses This Week WHY Warm $4.98 PAY Weather $6,o98 MORE Dresses $9,098 Clarence.- Se Mason THE LITTLE SHOPPE WITH THE LARGE STOCK (ONE DOOR WEST 0F F. F. MORRIS C. PHONE 161 BOWMAN VILLE RINDLE-In Bowmanville Itospial, on Mondas', July 9, 1928, to Mr. and Ms Walter E. Rundle, a daughter. (Marilyn Florence).1 MARRIAGES ELFORD-WILCOX - On Saturdas', July 7th, 1928, at Hillcrest Church of Christ, Toronto, bs' Reverend R. G. Quig- gin. B.A., Ethel Maude WIlcox, daugbter of Mn. and Mrs. William Wilcox of Bow- manville, and Harold R. Elford, son of Mr. and Mrs. I. Elford of Oshawa. DEATHS TILLEV-At 119 Prince Arthur Ave., Toronto, on Saturdas', Juls' 7th, 1928, Albert Sidney Tilles', M. D. TILLEY-At 119 Prince Arthur Ave., Toronto, on Saturdas', Juls' 7th, 1928, Amella Caroline Tilles', beloved wife of Dm. Albert Sidney Tilles', and daughtem of the lte Richard Philp and Elizabeth Youldea Cowle Philp. CLARKE-In Hope, àuly Sth., 1928, Robent Clarke, ln hie 78th sear. MORTON-In Hamilton township, Juls' 6, 1928, William Morton, in bis 88th year. BELL-In Dunsford, Juls' 4, 1928, Jane Bell, beloved wife of Robert Mitchell, aged 75 s'ears. CLARKE-At Cobourg, on Sundas', Juls' 8 1928, Samuel Clarke ex-M.P.P., ln bis 751h year. LAWRIE-At Port Hope, Juls' 8, 1928, Annie Stewart, beloved wife of the late John Lawrie, aged 91 sears. FAREWELL-In Oshawa, July 8. 1928, Sarah Eliza Pickell, widow of Capt. Geo. Farewell, ln ber 79tb year. STRICKLAND-At Port Hope, Juls' 6, 1928, Mary Ann Houlihan. widow of Capt. John Strickland ln ber 951h yeam. KENNEDY-In Hope, on Juls' 6, 1928, M.Narglaret Jane Halboran. widow of the late James Kennedy, ln ber 65th year. McINTOSH-In Newcastle, on Monda', July 9, 1928. Sarah Mclntosh, wldow of the late William Mcîntosh, aged 87 s'ears. GREEN-At Toronto on Tuesday, Juls' 3, 1928. Mary Jane Bourdot, beloved wIfe of William J. Green of Ford, Ontario, (formerîs' of Port Hope.) McFADVEN-On Tuesday, Juls 3, 1928 at Winnipeg, Susan Campbell, widýwow the laie Neil McFads'en, ln her 801h year. Mother of Mrs. (Dr.) McCulloch, Lindsay. HARRIS-Suddenls' aI Greenhurat, on Saturdas', Juls' 7, 1928, Miriam C. Haris,1 B3.A., daughter of W. H. Harris, B.A. and lire. Harris of Port Perrs', ln hem 23rd sear. IN MEMORIAM In loving m emors' of our son andi brother, Roben- Kenneth Gras', who died Juls' 9, 1926. In our hearts a loving memors' In our bearts a silent somrow. Sadîs' mîssed by Mother, Fat.her, Sisters and Brothers. 28* GRAY-ln loving niemors' of my dean husband, Robent Kennetb Gray, who passed away Juls' 9, 1926. The blow was great, tIhe shock severe, We l1111e thought hie death 80 near, .And onîs' those who have lost can tell The sorrow or panting witbout fanewell. He bade no one a last famewell, He said good-bs'e 10 none; Hie spirit fled before we knew, 'rbat ho had from us gone. Sadîs' missed by Wife and Children. MARJORAM-In loving memors' of dean Victor who passed away on Juls' 8, 1927. Ho always had a cheerful mile Hie miles 1 see tbem Yet, Hle tender words for eversone 1 nover shall forget. The blow wus groat, the sbock severe, We little thougbt tbe end s0 near; It la only those who have baos cm 11 The sorrow of pamting without farewell. Sadîs' iused bs' Mothen and lDad, Siaten Ethel and Charlo. Slalom Elaie and Bert. LOCAL AND OTHERWISE MINISTERS AND CHURCHES Have you got your ticket? For Courtice pastoral charge, Rev. J. Chautauqua. H. Stainton, Pastor. 10.30 a. m. Mrs. William Kent, Peterboro, re- -Ebenezer; 2.30 p. n.-Maple' cently visited Mr. and Mrs. Alan M. Grove. 7 p. mn.-Ebenezer. Rev. W. Williams. E. Honey will preach at aIl services. Mrs. Geo. E. Wiggins of Winnipeg, St. Joseph's Roman Cathoic1 Man., is visiting this week with ber' Church, Sunday, July 15th-Mass il, sister, Mrs. Tighe. a. m. Sunday School 2.30 p. m. Ser- mon and benediction 7 p. m. Rev. Mrs. R .W. Baker and Miss Laurs P -Buler Baker, Crystal City, Mani., are visit- St* nrws rsyeia*hrh ing Mrs. M. J. Elliott.St nrwsPebeiaChc, corner Temperance and Church Sts. Mn. and Mrs. W. H. Brock and Re R. MeDerment, M.A., minister. daughter May, Toronto, have been Services at il a. m. and 7.30 p. m. visitirg bis uncle, Mr. Harry Brock. Sunday School at 10 a. m. Mn. W. J .Bragg, M.P.P., and Mayor T. S. Holgate wene in Cobourg St. John's Anglican Chureh, Rev. R. Wednesday attending the funeral o fi J-Shires, Rector. Sixth Sunday the late Sam Clarke, ex-M.P.P. after Trnity, July l5th., 1928. 11.00 a. m --Holy Communion and sermon. Mr. and Mrs. Lorenzo TruIl, GladYs 1.30 p. m.-Sunday Sehool. 7.00 and Lewis, Hampton, Mr. and Mrs. p. m.-Evening prayer. Albert Cole, Bowmanville, spent the weekend at Clear Bay, Swamp Lake. Trinity and St. Paul's Churches- Mr. and Mrs. Percy Elford. Toron- These congregations worship together to, were here Monday attending the1 during July and August. Next Sun- funenal of the late Dr. and Mrs. A I day the services will be conducted by S. Tilley and visiting bis mother, Mrs Rev. D. W. Best, D. D. il a. m. in Anna Elford. St. Paul's Church; 7.30 p. m. in Trin- ShildClu anua ~ ity Church. The Sunday Sehoolsi The White hedCu nalpc meet in their respective school-rooms nic will be held on. Tuesday, July at 10 a. m. 24th, at Bowmanville Beach. Mem- e.D.Bs aetovr n bers please note date and watch for Re.D.1s aetovr a further particulars next week. teresting and practical sermons at Chatauua ickts ay e otai-1the union services in St. Paul's andi Chatauuaticet 'my b otai-~Trinity Churches on Sunday. st. ed from the following guarantors: Paul's choir led the musical services. T. S. Holgate. N. S. B. James, A. J. I Miss Jean Ramsay sang a solo in the Wadhams, J. D. Carnuthers, W. R. morning and Mrs. C. A. Cawken in StrIke, F. F. Morris, M. H. Minore. the evening, aIl of which was highly Fnom letters received from Editor appreciated. Geo. W. James and Mrs. James who The Women's Association of St. attended the Canadian Press AssoC- Paul's Church held an aftennoon tea iation meeting in Edmonton, Alta., and shower on Thursday, July Sth, we learn they are meeting many on the occasion of the re-opening of former Bowmanville people, are be-I the church kitchen. The kitchen ing tneated royally and are having had been completely renovated, a new a most enjoyable trip. They will electric stove, draining boards and al visit the Pacific Coast cities return- water svstem installed. The ro*omi ing via the C. P. R. and the Great had been redeconated, a linoleum qf1 Lakes. pleasing pattera laid and new cup-ý Mr. C. H. Mason, Sec'y.-Treas. Of boards buit, making it a-very_ e- the Bowmanville High School Board, equipped and modemn kitchen. The' and Mr. H. R. Pearce of the New- sho«'er consisted of gifts of all kind's castle Board of Education, were in of china and glassware ,and granite Cobourg on Tuesday by request Of and aluminum kitchen utensils fror-i the Counties' Council conferring with the members of the association. The the educational committee and other White Shield Club gave a tea kettle. secretary-treasurers of High Schools within Northumberland and Durham The July meeting of Trinity Jun- with the object of ascertaining the ior Missîonary Auxiliary was held on proper uniform basis on which to Tuesday evening at the home of calculate the maintenance grant to Mrs. H. H. Dilling, Queen S3t. Miss high schools in accordance with the V. Spargo, President, presided, and 1925 amendment to the School Act. the program which was along temper- "Duncan's Farm", better known to ance lines was in charge of Mrs. H. many of oun readers as the Tomlin- M. Foster 's group .Splendid readîngs son Farm, on the Scugog Road, nnrth on the subject were given by Missý of Bowmanville, was the scene of a Lena Haddy, Miss Rilda Siemon andj large Masonic picaic on Saturday Mrs. Foster. Devotional leaflet was afternoon last when several hundred taken by Miss Helen Cryderinan. members of the Masonic fraternity Pleasing and suitable solos were sung frorn Toronto held their annual pic- by Miss Eleanor Wood and Miss Dor- nic. The farm is owned by Mr. G. othy Plummer, Mrs. Ruby Daniels Duncan, a former member of the and Miss Helen Argue accompanyîng. Toronto police fonce, and a member Next meeting will bie held on Tues- of St. Patrick's Lodge, under whose day ,August 7th at the home of Mrs. auspices the event was held. A Elmer Cox, Kingston Road, East. Mns good program of sports. abundance of Dilling treated the rnexbers to home- eats, music by the Toronto Police mnade candy. A vote of thanks moved Pip Bad, nda general good time by Ms Everett Hoar and seconded Pip enjBand aa. by M~rs. W. C. Ives was; accorded] Mrs was nioed b' ____________ jDilling for ber hospitality. Wanted ICream of Bailey good for everybody. WANTEO-Hean fromn owner good farmi for sale. Cash price, particulars. D. BRH F. Bush, Minneapolis, Minn. 26-4w BTH Articles For Sale FRSALE-Quantity of oats. J. L. Patns,1 R. R. 2, Bowmanville, phone 176r6. 28-1w HAY FOR SALE-15 acres of standing hay for sale. Apply to H. M. Foster, Manvers Road, l3uwmanvile. Phone 206J. 28-1 FOR SALE-Sampson Tractor, ln good condition. Apply to L. R. Woods, Me- Cormick-Deering Agent, King St., Bow- manvîlie. 27-tf FOR SALE-Some good cows due ln July, heavy producers; one Massey-Harrl. mower ln good onder. Âpply S. G. Chant, Hampton. 27-8' FOR SALE-Seedling Irises, mostly light lavenden blue, twenty cents each; also Wyandotte cock. reglstered. J. M. Baldwin, Phione 144, Bowmanville. 28-2- HAY ON SHARES-Wanted some one to cul, hay on shares, TImothy and Aifaifa niixed, also some straiglit Timothy. Ap- ply to Irvin Foster, Bowmanville. Phone 475rIl. 28-1 LAWN MOWER FOR SALE-Only used a few times. A great bargain for qulck sale. Cost $1500 and will take $900. Apply to W. J. Richards, first house west of Fire Hall, Bowmanville. 28-1 FOR SALE-Building 12x15, built of imatched lumber, wouid make a good poultry house or garage. Wiii seli reas- onable as we have no further use for same. Mrs. A. Turner, Scugog St., Bow- manville. Phone 170. 28-tf For Sale or Rent FARMS FOR SALE OR RENT-90 acres eacil, Lot 1 B. F. and Lot 1, Con 1, Dan- lington. For particulars apply ta W. C. Ashton, R. R. 4, Bowmanville, phone 140- 22. 28-2w LAUNDRY WANTED AUl kinds of laundry wori< doue prompt- ly, satisfactorily and at reasonable prîces Write Post Office Box 12, or caîl Mns. W. Marjoram, Ring St. E. Bowmanville. Man Wanted Some capable man may obtain per- manent, profitable and pleasant em- îloyment securing subscriptions 10 The Manitoba Miner and may easiiy make as much as $10, or more in a single day as everybody is interested ln mining and most people ivill be glad to accept a triai subscription from you at the reduced triai rates. If you are ambitious and looking for dignified employment, write today to THE MANITOBA MINER Winnipeg - - - - Manitciba 28-1 Two Famous Scientific Sprays for Roses And Other Plante ONE Controls Mfildew andi Black Spot A highly concentrated fungicide invisible on foliage and blooms THE OTHER Kills Aphis (plant lice) A scientific aphicide that quickly ids your plants of aphis. We aIso carry a fuIl line of other Insècticides and FI>' Exter- minators. Jury & Loveli Phone 78 When We Test Eyes It Is Done Properl>' Bell's Toggery Shop Too Hot to Write Ads. But-If you want cool, comfortable clothes of serviceable quality at prices you will know are flot too high-"nuff sed" try Bell'is that'saal. Men'a and Boys' Toggery King St. West A Bowmanville A Riglit By Cole'& Barber Shop City AutoXVreckers Automobile Parts. Used Cars For Sale. Batteries charged. GEO. FUDGE Proprietor 15 Bond St. W., Oshawa Phones: Office 2980W; Residence 2448W ,.J "Bert" Bell Extraordinary Purchase -OF Summer SilkLingerie 50 Dozen Overmakes cleared froin one of the leading Canadian Milis at a fraction of their real value. This is the same reliable grade we stock at ail Urnes and can be guaranteed to give every satisfaction in wearing and laundering qualities. This sensa- tional purchase offers a rare opportunity to secure dainty gifts for future needs or to restock your own wardrobe at a saving of al- most haif. Every Garment Guaranteed First Quality Sizes from 34 to 42 A fine range of colors to select from including Peach, Powder, Aizure, Opal, Rose Pink, Nule, Bran, Orchid, White, Etc. V E STS 6 9c Regular Price 98c Each BLOOMERS ge88 .9cai Se. Window For Special Display Thursday NELSONYS STORE of Bîgger and Better Values King St. West Bownianville WEEK END SPECIALS 14-inch, 3-blade Lawn Mower .............$7.50 16-inch, 3-blade Lawn Mower .............$7.65 16-inch, 4-blade Woodyatt Lawn Mower $9.75 Goodyear Corrugated Garden Hose .... lic per ft. INSECTICIDES Bug Death, Arsenate of Lime, Arsenate of Lead, Paris Green, Fly Fume. HOT WEATHER REQUISITES Sereen Doors, Sereen Windows, Refrigerators, Hot Plates, Oil Stoves Dustan's Cash Hardware "WE SERVE YOU WELL" q- PAGE r£v»

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