PAGE six cieSupotf In vacant lots and partlally culti- vated fields. 2In fence corners where the plough- 3Along the roadways cf your district. Each year weeds destroy Ontario's crops to the ex- tent of millions of dollars. You must help rid your community of this menace by co-operating in every way. See that your own land is clear. Re- port weed growths on roadways, vacant proper- ties or uncultivated fields to yoiir representative on your local council or to your weed inspector. Thus you wil bc doing your duty in extenminating one of the greatest enemiez of successful frming--noxious weeds. Wrmu for. Bulletin, *"Wed of Onario." ONTARIO DEPARTMENT 0F AGRICULTURE Parlisament Buildings - Toronto EON. J01HN S. MARTIN Mialater W. a. RGADHOUSE Depnlty Iinàgter THE WEED MENACU TEA me .1,. edubut ln a "SALADA" oocp a you oteinsuch i gh quallty tonmJ:or8,00low prIc en be urethat such quallty wlll continue. irryonepaIf M: do.. net piease yo% ur groer w'i isfund you your mony., [AnothierWay toSay the Finest of LowPriced Sixes J UST as the "sterling" imprint on silver identifies the b est, so the mark of Fisher on its bodies distinguishes a car from others in its field. When you speak of Pontiac as the lowest-priced six with bodies by Fisher, you are merely finding another way to say -"the fincat of low. priced sixes." For no other six of such low price offers the score of advantages whic"h- make the Pontiac Six the value leader of its entire class. Certainly none other offers any major feature comparable to the staunch, smart coachwork that the Fishier emblemn represents. Not only in style and color-not only in room- Iness and luxury of interiors-but also Ini eturrdiness and quality of construction, Pontiac- Piaher bodies establish a standard neyer before attained in a six at Pontiac price. Like Pontiac htself, they are noted for ruggedness and long life. Like Pontiac itself they provide every eLee±required for complete satis faction and fur Jsdtfia"> owner pride. P-7-7-8OC " you deuzLer aboust a .MA.C.Deerned Puymoe at s km èih mGaissbuig eao> Corbett Motor Sales Co. Phone 248 PO Bowmau vil.e s Séies LMMUT=0( GENERAI MOTORS 0F CANADA, LIMITED THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THIURSDAY, JULY i 2t-h., 1928 OBITUARY Mrs. Elizabeth Ana Truil, Oshawa Mrs. Elizabeth Ann Truli, one of Oshawa's o]dest residents, passed away at her home, 458 King Street East, Saturday morning, June 30, in her ninety-seventh year. Deceased was the daughter of Thomas Jamesi Eck and Lydia Pegg of Newmarket,I who were married December lSth., 1831. She was the eldest of the family, and wah married to Allan Trull of Darlington township, Dur- ham County, in 1854. To Mr. and Mrs. Trull were born seven children, two of whom died in infancy. Mr. and Mrs. Truli and family moved to Oshawa in 1860, where they huit the residence which has continu.edi to be the family home ever since, and which for many years was regarded as one of the fine bouses of Oshawa. Mrs. Trull was predeceased by ail of her children with the exception of T homas. Until quite recently Mrs. Truil was clear and alert in mi, and she rcie from oid friends. The funeral was held from the' fami]y residence on Monday and with solemn and impressive ceremony the body was laid in the final resting place at Trull Cemetery in Darling- ton township, service being con.ductedi by Rev. John Gait. TrThe palihearers were Cameron Tuli, Herbert Truli, Angus Truli, Sherman Eck, Arthur Glass and WitLout Ezamination healtby men, agea 13 to 4 inay obtai a pblicy for U RATES FOR n25ft Aue00 Rane e ntRa ea IliltscyPoupon TOR W. BLAKE McMURTRY Distirict Representatrve Plem SA. ime r», , wbmm yoar F-cd- ~ Naza e Addrea. I Frrank wilcox. 0 0 1 Miss Joanna E. Rundie, Bowmanville On Tuesday evening, July 3, there De THOMAS' * passed to rest at hier late residence, * EC CT C * Rowmanville, Miss Joanna Elizabeth o i L. e Rundie after a short illness. I Deceased was the eldest daughter le jREF.SAFE AND SIMPLE of the late William and Emma Cowle RMD OR A LL THWE COM MOA Rundle and was born on the Rundle SI~T,,SULD ALWAYS BE KEPT homestead south of Bethesda, Dar- O AO.LAEA MRE SER- lington township. With lher inother Es c AFORN O T and sister Emma, she rnoved to Bow- B flE ODGAY N nianville many years ago and resided __ HAVE TOREAYDY O on George St., where after their W THE TIME WHEt8 YOU death she has contînuedl to reside being tenderly cared for the past nîne months by Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Brown. The funeral took place on Thurs-1 day afternoon fromn Trinity United - Church of which she was a member and most regular attendant, being in 24th. In the absence of lier pastor, Rev. J. U. Robins, service was conducted by Rev. Dr. D. W. -Best, assis;ted byNaresOnRed Rev. W. A. Bunner. A fUPNK TABLET- ASY TO TAME The pali-bearers were Messrs. T. C. I ls NONIIAB1T FORM.4 Z Jewell. F. C. Vanstone, Dr. J. C. De- ib 25c artd 50C. a box. vitt, F. C. Colmer, C. H. Mason and J. H. Needham. The interment took place in the A family plot in Bethesda Cemetery. The floral ofFerings included trib- Utes from Mr. and Mrs. George Brown, Mrs .W. E. Tilley, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Foster ,Trinity W. M~. S. Would flot be Without Auxiliary, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Half- acre, Mr .and Mrs. F. C. Colmer. Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs Zutoo Tablets J. H .Needham,Mr and Mrs. AAr- thur B. Cryderman, Trinity S. S. tA yC s Adult Bible Class, Mr. and Mrs. C. A ny~ S N. Ruse ,Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Van- Mr. A. 0. Norton, the millionaire stone, Mrs. R. B. Andrew. Mr. and jack Manufacturer, of Boston, who re- Mrs. Geo. B. MClellan, Mr. and Mrs. cently died, waa a great 'booster" for J. H. Weriry, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. J Zutoo Tablet.. Ellitt. enry Lil andfatBe suffered front headaches front child- Elliot. Hnry, il n aily, Dr. hood and when he found Zutoo Tablets and Mrs. A. S. TiIley and sons, Dr.j topedtheseheadachesinafewminutu and Mrs. Cuthbertson and family. Mr aud left no bad effect, he began recom-. and Mrs. Douglas Eckardt, Mrs. and mending them t t his farnily and friends. Miss Wilkinson. In an unsolicited letter, Mr. Norton saya Among the friends fromt a distance in cdain4 were-Mr. and Mrs. Webster, Miss "-My famtily use them when lever needed Webster, Fenelon Falls; Mr. E. P. with equally good results. 1 have ire. Eckardt, Mr. Douglas Eckardt, Mrs. quently given them t t friends who wrere Cuthbertson and two daughters, Mrs. suffering front Headache and they neyer A. E. Eckardt, Mr .and Mrs. A. N. failed to give quick relief. I always carry Mitchell and daughter. Mrs. R. B. Zutoo Tablets in my gipou th~e road Andrew, Mrs. Geo. B. McClellan, Mr. and WOULD NOT IB WITI-OUT' Philp TiIley. Miss Eckardt. THEM AT ANY COST." Mrs. Mary G. Bragg, Bowmanville j*S cents per box--at ali deniems A highly respected resident of I____________ Bowmanville completed hier earthlyl career and passed away on Monday,' July 2nd in the person of Mrs. Maryr nm G.Bragg, in hero8frdhe aRcar.rn WF G.Braggni dofte ate RichardINIF Deceased was born in Devonshire, England, being a of the late uui Gehre faniyld at PCerrtn , On ar C T STRENGTH Geohe fanyld A Cemetnce edarn-I tario, after coming to Canada where Mrs. Bragg's early life was spent. By Taking Lydia E. Pink- After hier marriage to Mr. Bragg inI harn'a Vegetablef 1872 shte resided on the Bragg home- o pui1 stead near Providence, Darlington.v After some years they moved to their home on Concession Street, Bowman- Wilton, Ont.-"! am takiug Lydia S ville, where they resided until Mr. E.Pnh1' egtbeCmon Bragg's death in 1901. For the past 1%ogthCag seven years she has made hier home - fLe thiame l with Mr .and Mrs. W. J. Bragg, and Icannot pram S where she has been well looked after it toc highly. 1 waa during the closing years of hier life. troubled with beat v Though gradually failing in health.. flashes and my for sorte time she was able to be limlbs were heavy W aroud te hose ntiltheday re-~IcoiJd~d 1 vious to hier death. walk to de my She was a life long member of the farrn work. 1 saw Cý Bible Christian or Methodist in the newapapers S Church and Sunday School and a .. Or adab ot the ; faithful attendant at both as long as eeal o heathpemited ud ndthought s he fueral too laeonTur-to give it a trial. Tlie first bottle gave a, day aftenoer rvice binace onduct- me relief and I have told others what P, day ftenoo, -srvie bing ondct-it does for me. I amn willing for you to ed by Rev. E. A. Tonkin, who had use my letter if you choose."-MRS. known deceased for over fifty years D. B. PavTas, Wilton, Ontario. g: when hie camne on Bowmanville cir- As YwNetF«J cuit as a young mani, the Bragg home CI always exten<ling a welcome to th e ________________ _ et preachers. Rev. Dr. Best of St. S Paul's, Rev. W. A. Bunner and Rev. ook's Regulating Compound cI J. W. Bunner also assisted in the il Aerv ice. MoieA .sol n tiib.ree de- Io The bearers ere six nephews:- I "MdCCB. of Id ii thz de1. sIt sLorne Bath, Roy Williams, il 283; Nu.3. 85per box. fi William Bickell, Fred Allin, T. C. SI i russ rsntc amI WS. Bagg. F~8ion receipt of pries. and . S Brgg.rels pamplet. Addrees: hi She leaves to mourn hier pass:ng one -THE COOCMEDICINEco.. dý son, Mir. T. G. Bragg,.BBA., Vancouv TfNOON.'reryi t, er, B. C., an<l two step-sons, Mr. W. _____________C J. Brngg, M.P.P., Bowmanville, and h] i. Samuel E. Dragg, Starbuck, DSp Sp O I .,h ,van., also two brothers, 2%r. John TheDS PMOSPMOD reprainn.9h Pedlar, Toronto, Mr. Win. Williams, ~r.1nes aile r.eigorates the whoie Jil Port Hope, and two isters, .Mrs. AIW'~k~ nervous syslirr*makes new BloodG ma Cemene, uthidà, ask, an ~ in oId Veins. Used for Nerî'oua ma.s S. BathRtil,Sak, Pickring.i Jkblity, Mental and Drain WnrrYs aE Be . aut , Piralokerings icl DbespondenC7. Lousof Energv. PalpitationOnt b: Beauifulfloal oferigs nclued he Heart. Faiing McsorY. rice$2pe.'box.3.-d tributes from-The Sons, the Grand- for S5.1b Soid by aildruggists. or maiied in plin in children, Mrs. S. Bath and family, pkg. on receipt of i>i c.Nw pi~iJphit maie r Mrs. A. Clemence an<l family, Mr. ~ni and Nirs. W. H. Osborne, Mr. and ________________ MNrs. Thos. Jackson and family, Mr. Fred and Miss Florence Hoar, iMr.s Pickering; Mrs. Alma Clemence, si Fred Pedlar, Mr. W. G. williams, Ruthilda, Sask., Mrs. W. Wiliams pi Trinity W. M. S., Mr. and Mrs. Clark Miss Hilda Williams, Mr. and Mrs. Ei Tyler, Trinity S. S. Adult Bible C. R. Staples, Port Hope; Mr. and hi Clais. Mrs. Mont Bickell, Mr. Will Bîckell, fit Among the relatives prescrit were Canton; Mr. J. Synions, Mrs. Elford, ir -Mr. John Pedlar, Mr .and Mrs. Welcome; Mr. W. F. Bragg, Mr. Will ni Lewis Pedlar, Misses EI.sie and Irene Epplett ,St. Mary's; Mr. and Mrs. hi Bragg, Toronto; Mfrs. S. Bath, Messrs Fred Allin, Whitby; Mr. Fred Johns, eu ORONO1 (From The News of July 5th) The Clemence clan picnicked ati Hampton on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Vinson and family visited friends here. Miss Clara Moffat joined a party of teachers on a trip to Alaska. Mrs. King attended a picnic of the King family yesterday at Lindsay. Mr. Will Moat, Antioch Section, had a good animal killed by lightning Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gordon. New Toronto, are visiting Mr. W. J. Walt- er. The most obstinate corns fail ta resîst Holloway's Corn Remover. Try it. Miss Helena Cain is at Kingston University taking a course in Pby- sical training. Mn. and Mrs. B. Barstead, Toronto, visited over the holiday with her fat- hier, Mr. H. Hooper. Mrs. John R. Winter of Winnipeg, Man. is visiting at her broher-i- law's, Mr. Isaac Winter. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Patterson and Miss Ruth Davey are on a trip to Collingwood and Thornbury. Mr. H. N. Junker, formenly of On- ono, is building a two storey brick veneer residence on Connaught St., Oshawa. Mrs. George Glass and son, Toron- to, are visiting friends here, and also hier parents, Mr. and Mrss. David Bell, Leskard. Mr. Thomas McNeil and daughter, Miss Theresa, have gone to Winni- peg. Man., to visit his brother, MT. Alex. McNeil. Mr. Fnank Walsh, Weyburn, spent three weeks visiting his mother in Agincourt and friends and relatives in this section. Dr. G. W. McGill and Misses McGill motored down fromn Toronto Sunday and attended decoration ceremonies at Orono cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Moat and Miss Bentha Gilîman motored down froîn Oakville and spent the holiday at her brother's, Mr. R. Z. Hall. Mrs. Fred Sisson and daughters, Misses Mary and Marjonie, are spend-1 ing a couple of months at their suni- mer cottage at Beaverton. Mr .Harvey Winter, student at Queen's University, Kingston, was re- cently promoted to the rank of capt- ain in the University company. Miss Haw who recently gnaduated as a nurse at Nichol's Hospital, Pet- erboro, with honors, is spending her vacation with her parents here. Dominion Day passed off quietly here, many of the citizens being at- tracted by outside events at Port Hope, Haydon and Bowmanville . Mr. James Cuttell and daughter, Misa AIma, entertained a company of friends at Sunday dinner, the4oc- casion being the anniversary of his birthday. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Virtue with thein son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mns. Russell Virtue, Tynone, epent Sunday at their daughters4 r W. J. Riddel]. Miss Thelma Mantyn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Martyn, a recent graduate at Nichoîls' Hospital, Pet- enhoro, has received lier degree of Registered Nurse for Ontario. Mrs. Frank Peate attended the wed- ding at St. Marguerîte's (Anglican) Chunch, Toronto, last Saturday of her nephew, Mr. Kenneth Haw, formerly of Starkville, ta Miss Violet 'Briggs, Toronto. Durham Regiment Band. Mn. M. J. Tamblyn, leader, furnished music Sunday afternoon, Deconation Day, at the Millbrook cemeteries, and in the evening headed the church parade of the Orangemen. Mr, George Cain and daug'hter, Miss Helena Cain, accompanied by Mr and Mrs. T. H. Powers and Miss Helen Powersmotored ta Meaford andj spent a few days with Mn. George *Davidson and other friends.j There was theusual large attend- dance Sunday last, Decoration Day, at Orono cemetery, many as in pre- viaus years coming from Toronto and other distant points te place their floral offerings on the graves of de- parted loved ones. The progran was similar ta that of previaus years. Music by the Durham Regiment Band, speeches hythe local minîstens, Rev. William Sterling and Rev. George M4ason. The President of the Cem- eteny Co.. Mr. C .L. Hughson, pre- sided. Miller's Worm Powders were de- vised ta proniptly relieve children who suiffer f rom the ravages of worins. It is a simple prepanation to destroyi tomachic and intestinal worms with- out shock or injury ta the most son- sitive system. They act thoroughly and painlessly, and though in some cases they rnay cause vomiting, that is an indication of their powerful action and not of any nauseating poporty. Centre St. Church festival and pro- gram on Friday evoning was a de- ightful event ,the change from the hurch grounds, whero it was arrang- d the tables would ho set, to the Sunday School hall on account of in- cloment woathor having no dampen- ig effect. The program which fol- )wed was also excoptionally good. It was a rosI pleasure ta tho many Friends of Mr. Henry Knight and 'Mrs C. A. Cawker of Bowmanville, to hear their voices again as in former ays. M's. George Hall of thv an twn and Mr. Frank Walter, tenor of Courtice, were heantily encored. Mr. M~ k I-- -. I BATTERIES We seil them at a I)Iice that wiIl please you. TIRES We seil the weli-known Goodyear Tires and Tubes C. A. ]Bartlett Phone 110 King St. East, Bowmanv-îîîe The Four Corner Stones The four corner stones of our steadily growing butcher business are: FULL WEIGHT FINE QUALITY FAIR PRICES SQUARE TREATMENT With the assortment of fresh, cooked and cured meats in stock we can, supply your require- ments. Canned goods and choice dairy butter al- ways on hand. HAROLD M. JEWELL Successor to Phare & McCoy Phone 518. Bowmanville SUMMER COAL PRICES NOW IN EFFECT You will ot be sorry if you let us fill your bins with LEHIGH VALLEY ANTHRACITE The Coal That Satis fie Ail freshly mined and welI screened. Satisfaction is the height of realization-so buy Lehigh-Vailey Anthracite If you require anything in the building line consuit us. J. A. HOLGATE & SON Builders' Supplies and Fuel Phone 153 or 202 Bowmanville PIANOS Wcouid you like to have a piano in your home? It can be arranged easiiy. Almost any person can afYord one if he knows how to go about it. Instruments of beautiful tonal qualities, small, large and grand, new and used, are here for your inspection. Prices are reasonable and 'it coes littie more to buy than to rent. Customers are al- ways pieased with arrangements-quarterly pay- ments. Nothing you can buy wiil add more charm to your home. F. J. MITCHIELL Telephone 105 Bowmanville TAviation Gasoline 1