THE CANADIA.N STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, JULY l2th., 1928 PAGE SEVIIN STOBIE, FORLONG & CO. STOCKS BONDS GRAIN Head Office: Reford Building Bay and Wellington Ste., Toronto S. F. EVERSON, Local Manager Private Wre 9ystem il King Street East, Osbawa-Above C. P. R. Office Phones 143 and 144 Phone Cals At Our Expense HEAD)QUARTERS FOR SPORT GOODS TENNIS RACQUETS TENNIS BALLS OFFICIAL SOFT BALLS 12" and 13" BATS FOR SOFTBALL BASE BALL BATS GLOVES, MITTS BICYCLES, GENTS NEW $28-75 FISHING TACKLE Biggest Variety at Lowest Prices MASO N & DALE Phone 145 Popular Hardware Store Bowmanville w ~~F IRMTONE Gu-Dipped Tires hold the longeaI mîleage records. You get more for the money because Firestone builds i extra miles with special processes, including Gum-Dipping-and the scienificaily designed Tire Tread. The largest bus, truck and taxicab fleets wbo demand mileage ue firestone Gum-Dipped Tires. Sec your nearest Fire- atone Deaer-he will save you money and serve you better. Ahaff ut a,d.k-prof tube in Yow", WIRE5ç;rONE TIRE & RUBBER COMPANY 0F CANADA, L1MITM HAILTON - ONTARIO BUILDS THE ONLY GUM-DIPPED TIRES JAMIESON BROS. King St. West Bowmanville Rollicking Singers and Entertainers > a Popular Chautauqua Attraction HERRICK MALE QUARTET ThéeIHerick Maie Qulrtet, headed by Robert Ilerrlck, well-knlown enter- tainer and singer, le one af the papular attractions af thé cuming Dominion Redpath Clîautauqtia hère. Hère Is fine quartet singin-folir splendid maie volces that blend ln most uelightful lînîony. Thèse four youiig entertaiflèrs, aIl collège men, slng their sangs and présent tîteir sketches %vith Infections lîlgh spirits ansd true collège "pèp.11 Thé audience lovés them. Thîey have thé happy knack aifcsaking any audi- ence ait up and cry for mare. BOWMANVILLE CHAUTAUQUA JULY 17, 18, 19,20, 21 Be sure to buy a season ticket-It's cheaper-12 Per- formance&--Adults $2.50; Child $1.25 SCHOOL REPORTS Promotion examinations of S. S. No 10, Darlington, (Bethesda) . Namés in order of menit: Entrance- c Christa Olsen, han, Gordyn Brent.c Jr. IV ta Sr. IV-Lloyd Hoar, hon.f Jr. 111 ta Sr. III-Ruby Bloomer,c han, Alden Hoar, Tom Olsen, Ken-t neth Rundie. Sr. II ta Jr. 111-1 Marjorie Couch, hon, Percy Werry,i hon, Alma Rundle.1 Tena M. Ferguson, teacher.e Repart of S. S. No. 10, Clarke.i (Naines ia order of menit.) Ta Sr.1 IV-Leslie Bowen, (han). Mansan1 Souch. (han). To Jr. IV-Lloydi lysdale, (hon), Laverne Farrow. Ta Jr. III-Gwendalyn Gilirer, (hon), Edna Farraw, Myrtle Farrow, Helena Hallowell. Ta lI-Hazel Falls, (hon), Mack McKay, Ruth Savery. To I-Meda Halowell, (hon), Brent- an Farrow, Marjorie Farrow. E. A. Dickinson, teacher. Report of June examinatians for Long Sault Sehool: VCIass-Laura Davey 73. Entrance-Agnes Hooey, Grace Farrell, Grace Smith, Gladys Srnith. Sr. III-Nina Hodgson 71. Jr. III-Myrtle Hughes 61. I_ Ivan Brown 68. Sr. Pr.-Pearl Smith, Doris Johns, Ethel Partner, George Brown. Jr. Pr.-Mildred Farrell, Alice Partner. Figures dénote pet cent. Reva M. McGill, teacher. Repart of annual promotion ex- aminations of S. S. No. 17, Dariing-1 ton: Entrance-*Harold Webber, 1 *Norman Avery, *Gladys Wotten, I Vera Griffin. Senior V-*5Clarenee! Avery, *Donald Simpson. Form IV' -*.Ida Fergusan, *Effie Avery, *Les- lié Wotten, *Clara Griffin, *John Watchorn. Form III-*Roy Mc- Laughlin, Fred McLaughlin. Form II-Fred Griffin, Cameron Oke, James Simpson. Prime-uy Griflin, Eunice Knapp, VeInaFrgs an. *-Honours. Douglas D. Barton, teacher.1 Promotion résulta of Crooked Creek, S. S. No. 7, Clarke: Sr. III ta Jr. IV-Clinton Farrow 82. hon, Raymond Hughes 75, hon, George Stone 70, Cari Farrow 64, Jack Reid 61. Jr. III ta Sr. II-Bobbie Hughes 75, hon, Lily Hughes 72, Ai- bert York 71, (failed in Spliing,) Harry Burley 68, Beatrice Thompsan 66. Tommy Turner 62, Clara Kirk- I patrîck 57, (recommeénded). . Il ta Jr. II-Gladys Ogdén 80,Srhan, Jr. II-Dorothy Ogden 75, hon, Hen- ry Burman 72. Sr. Pr.--Jchn Thompson 74, Alfred Adair, (absent for examinatians. Jr. Pr.-Sidney York, Sidney Burley, Stanley Day, Douglas Htterly, Lilian Hales. Beulah Hallowel, téachér. Promotion éxaminatian of S. S. No. 3. Darington, figures denote pet- centage obtained: Entr-nce- Robert Finnigan, Ethel Happs, Dor- othy Rundie, Lewis Rundle. To Jr. IV-*Winnie Gibson 77, Jack Fin- nigan 70, Eileen Morphy 69. 2Bessié Blackburn, absent, Florence Foley, absent. To Jr. 1B-*Ina Roberts 82, *Hazel Hopps 78, Aloysius Kush 63 ,Annie Kush, absent, Wilbur Blackburn, absent. Ta Sr. I- *Gracé Truil, Bobbie Gibson, Eunice Lane. Maurice Morphy, rec. Absent -Pupils absent during part of month of June and for examinatians, on ac- count of epidemic of measies andi mumps. These are recocsmended an their year's work. *-Hanours. Entrance pupils arranged alphàibeti- cally. Ruby M. Bragg, teachér. Repart of S. S. No. 6, Darlington:1 Sr. IV ta Entrance-Gordon Law, Elsie Samis, Betty Snawden Dorothy Stevens. Jr. I Vto Sr. IV-Alfred Laird, Wilfred Aldsworth. Sr. III ta, Jr. IV-Lloyd Metcalf H, Lavonne Trimble, Ross Law, Rec. Jr. III ta Sr. III-Mildred Snowden H, Doug- las Bothwell, Alex. Anonichuk. Sr. II ta Jr. 111--Jean-Steveas, Be&tty Todd, Thélma Freernan and Helen Metcalf, absent through illness and passed on year's work. Jr. iII to Sr II-Gordon Jarvie H, Lyra Freeman H. ST. I ta, Jr. il-MargareUp per H, Charlie Wright H. Bobbîée Snowden. Sr. Pr. ta Jr. I-Jean Upper H, Jean Jarvie. Jr. Pr. ta Sr Pr.-Irene Wright, Vera Clapp, Nons Meredith ,Kathleen Alldread. H1- Honors; Rec.-Recommended. Stella E. Ross, teacher. Report af Cosrea Schoool, S. S. No. 7, Cartwright. classés for Sept. 4: Jr. uV-Dean Lansing, Gilbert Msrlow. Sr. III-Leona Williams. Jr. III-Marion Taylor, (han), Dor- othy Poteous, (hon), Laurence Mal- colm, (hon), Winnifréd Marlow, (hon), Doris DeShane, Nettie Wil- son, Louise Davidson, Edith Shéck- leton, James Gardon, Madeline Burr, Jack O'Brien, Robent Lansing,. Sr. II -Dorothy O'Brien, Catherine '- Brién, Billy Grace. Jr. II-Nora PotosTenadDvdoJimm ENFIELD A nuniber af descendants of the late Jonathan and Sophia Cale Bray assembléd thé first ai thé weék at Bftèéide. thé faniily homestead and enjoyed the réunion on thé beautiful- ly shaded lawn where dinnen and sup- per were served. Mr .and Mrs. Sacs- uel \Bray and Mr. Frederick L Bray, Miss Irené and brother Franklin Bray réceived snd made everybody wel- cause. Thé shadés ai night weré flu- ing fast before thé company dispers- ed. Among those présent besides thé faiiy were: Mrs. Norman E. Wright, St. Catharines; Mr. and Min. Fred J. Van Nest, Joan and Paul Van Nest, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. LaVerne Haff, Junior and BHaid Hoff, Montreal, Que.; Mr. and Mrs. Leslie M. Keith, Toronto; Mr. M. A. James, Mr. and Mrs. Norman S. B. James, William George and Mai-y Ruth James, Mrs. Mary L. Washing- ton, Bowcanvlllé; Mr. A. W. Worth- inetn. Miss H. Irene Bray, Taronto; Miss J. 'H. (Nora) Werry, Mr. Harold X. Pacoo, Solina. SILVER WEDDING Brief mention was made Iast week af Mr. and Mrs. Norman Allin's silver wedding anniverssry. Following are same additional détails of inter- est. When the 100 guests had been given thé freedom of thé comfort- able and commodiaus far. home Rev. E .B. Cooke as chairman called, the campany ta order and Miss Mabel Dowson read and presented Mn. and Mrs. Aluin an address as fallows: To Mr. and Mr@. Norman Allie: We, your children, othér relatives, neighbors and friends have gathered hère this evening ta commemonate another milestone in your lives, namely-the twenty-fifth anniversary of your wedding day. During this quarter of a century of niarried life you have tagéther séen great changes in this world of ours, gréat strides made in ail bran- chés of science and you are joyfui ta know that your chiîdren will reap thé advantsges and enjay even greater1 blessings that you yourselves. Yau have together seen dark and sorraw- fui days, but elso inany brîght and happy ones, and always you have had each other ta rejoice or sympathizé. You have bath ever been resdy ta, do willingiy your f ull sharé of work in the church and your hasts of relatives and fniends havé always found a warm welcome in your home. It is aur earnést hope that you may bath be spared ta enjoy many more years tagèthér and in aur midst. We, therefore, ask you ta acceptI this Davenport as a slight takcen of aur lave and respect for you and inay God's blessing rest on you bath until the end. Signed on behaîf ai family and friends--Mr. and Mns. Fred Black- burn, Mr .and Mrs. S. Charles Allia, Mr. and Mrs. Seward Dowsan. At this time littie Louise Pearce, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Pearce, Ebenezer, presented Mrs. Al- lia with a beautiful bouquet of 25 pink carnations and Mrs. Fred Black- burn, doing a real woman's job, pré- sentèd thé worthy couple with thé Davenpart. Mr. and Mrs. Allun greatly sur- pnlsed. expressed their gratitude la fitting wards, and then followed speeches endarsiag the sentiments of thé address by Franklin Aluin, ex-, reéve af Clarke, Seward Dowson, Ar-' thur Hardy, Otto Bragg, S. C. A.lun,ý Fred Blackburn and Uncle Carter Blackburn, now over 80 years of age, and Mr. Normnan Allin's only surviv- ing uncie, also by Arthur Lsangmaid, Joseph Langmaid, Howard Glènney, jA. A. Colwili, ex-Warden of thèse United Counties, Mrs. Seward Dow- son and others. Pieasiagly inter- apersing these appreciative speeches were csusical numbèrs including vocal duets by Misses Vida and Sybil Lang. csaid, Oshawa; and solos by Mr. Otto Bragg with Miss Leta Bragg at thé piana. During the refreshinat periad théecsagnificent silver weddiag cake was cut and served and pro- ,naunced vèry good. ShoudBabyet? 'By Rut Bulta 7'- - / I ' ~- Baby epeialiats agrée nawadays, that during thé firet six montthe, babies muet bave thréé ounces oi fluid per pound of body w-eight daily. An eight pound baby, for instance, needs twérty-four ounces of fiuid. Later on tîhe rîtle is two ounces of fiuid per pound af body weîght. The emaunt ai fiuid absorbed bv a breast fed babv is bèst determained7by wei h- ing hiuý before and ater féeding o11r the whole day; and it la éaaily calcu- lated for the bottle fed one. Then make up any déflieincy with water. ing baby iuffiient water ofien rélievés hie ieerish, crving.. upsèt and restisse spels. If it doesn't, give bics a few draps of Fletcher's Cas- tonia. For thèse and ther ills of ba- bies and children sucbs colic, choi- èra, ciarrbéa, gaz on stomaeh anti bowels, constipation, saur stacsach, looa of sleep, undenwight, etc., lead- ing physicians say thére's nothing Bo effective. It je purely vegtable-tho recie is on thé wrapper-and millions of mahers havé depended on it ln over thirty yeare oi ever increasing use. It regulatès baby's bowels, makes hics alec p and est right, enabies 1dm ta o t full nourishcsent fracs hie foodi, so C increasail weight sa he should. With each package you get a book on Motherhood wortb ita weight la goîd. Juat a word ai caution. Look for thé signature oi Chas. H. Fletcher on thé package go you'Il be sure to get the genuine. The forty cent 4q*. tles ca.tain dueaeg.t Notice to Creditors In The Estate of James H. Webb All persons having dlaimts against the estate of James H. Webb, late of the Township of Manvers ln the United Coun- tes of Northumberland and Duriham, Carpenter, deceased, who died on or about the twenty-third day of April, A. D. 1928, are hereby notified ta send ta Thomas Webb thé administrator of the estate herein on or before the twenty- fifth day of Juiy, 1928, full particulars af their claims ln writing. Immediately aiter the said twénty-fith day of JuiY, 1928, the assets of the estate wiii lie dis- tributed amang the parties théreta having regard onîy for the dlaims af which thé admnistrator wifl then have noticé. Dated at PontrYPooi this third day of Juiy A. D. 1928 Swanson, German, McKenzIê & Douglas, 27-3 Solicitors for the said Estate. Notice to Creditors IN THE MATTER OF the estate of Daniel Arnott, late af the Township ai Dariington in the County af Durham. Yeoman, déceased. NOTICE IS HEREBV GIVEN pursuant ta the Statutes that ail creditors and others having claimts or demande against the estate of the said Daniel Arnott, who died on or about the 26th day af Decem- ber, 1927. at thé Township of Dariington in the County of Durhamn, are réquiréd on or before the Siet day of JuiY, 1928, ta send by post prepaid, or deliver ta Sarah Jane Williams or Saraih A. Arnatt, the administratars ai the estate ai thé sajd deceased. their Christian naines and surnamtes, addresses and description and fuit particulars in writing af théir dlaims, statement oi their accaunts, and the nat- ure ai the securitY, if any, heid by themn. AND TAKE NOTICE that aiter such Iast mentione« date, the said adminis- trators wii proceéd ta distribute thé as- sets oi thé deceased amang the parties entitied thereto, having regard oniY ta thé dlaims of which they have then had notice and that the said administratars wiii nat be liable for thé said assets or any part thereai, ta any persan or per- sans ai whose dlaim notice shallflot have been recéivéd by themt at the time of such distribution. DATED at Toronto this 28th day af June, 1928. HARRV A. NEWMAN & CO., 36 Toronto Street, Toronto, Ont., Soicitors for thé administrators. 27-3w Phone 54 CYCLO MOTOR FUEL No Carbon No Knocs No Chemicals More Power More Miles-Try a Tank AND GARAGE Bowmanville AGENTS FOR:- RED INDIAN MOTOR OILS MARATHON HI-TEST GAS SEIBERLING ALL-TREAD TIRES RAYBESTOS BRAKE SERVICE GENERAL AUTO REPAIR SHOP I O0. M. L. OFFICIAL STATION- EMERGENCY ROAD SERVICEI More Profits Increassi Productlon-L@wer Cents Quaker Dairy Ration is scientifically balanced TO PRO- DUCE MOST MILK FOR LEAST MONEY. Stimu- lates to capacity the milk producing organs and coastantly rebuilds tissues. Keeps the caw in good condition by restoring to her the minerais and fats she puts into the milk. The protein, thé carbohydrates and minerais being in exact balance, there is no waste. Quaker Dairy Ration is easily digested and quickly assimilated. You need not experiment with dairy feeds. Thousands of dairymen have proved that Quaker Dairy Ration increases the milk flow. Follow their expenience. Low moisture con- tent, because kiln dried. Most economical, because il FRODUCES MOST MILK FOR LEAST MONEY. You could not mix so good a feed even if you had ail the ingre- dients. Write us about your feediag problems. Thé advice of our experts is free. The Quaker Oats Company, Peter- borough, Ontario. Quaer DAIRY RATION MAls Quaker Schumacher Feed for cattie, hogs and horsea, and Quaker Ful-O-Pep Feeds for Poultry. SOLD nBY HARRY ALLIN, King St. East Bowmanville DR2 Buy QUAKER FEDS IN SRIPED SACK >1 FCOLE'S RED INDIAN STATION'I JOHNSTON FAMILY REUNION 1.GALLAGHER'S FOR 50 YEARS" About 1821 six brothers and onei You will agrée that fifty years is sister (Johnstons> fracs the northisufficient timé ta give the acid test of Ireland séttled in thé Townships ta any médicine. A friend said ta of Cavan and Hope. About 1830 ai me the other day, "Fif ty years aga, father wjth seven sons and two when I was a boy going ta the public daughters (Jahnstans) settled in thée school, 1 remember quite well seeing township of Beimont. Thé twa a bottie of Gallagher's Blood Puri- familles have a common histary be-, fier on thé sheif of the smali country ing descended frocs thé Scottish in- store near thé school. "Homes in migrartion ta thé North of lreland Peterboraugh County have been us- about 1640. Thèse familles have ing "Galiagher's" for that length of became connected through intermar- turne. Is that flot a real test of mer- riage. A reunion was held of both it? Haw many widely advertiséd familles at Orono an July 2nd., 1928,I medicines with a heavy xnushroom there beiag nearly 400 présent, com- sale, have been on the market and ing frocs ail parts of Ontario, Mon- have passed into oblivian, in that treal and a number tram thé Unîteditime? Go ta Jury & Lovell, Bow- States. A very pleasant timewas.manville ,and ask for a bottie each of spent. Dinner and tea were srved,'Gallagher', Bload Purifier and Gai- a fine pragram of games for thé lagher's Kidney Remedy, "The Great young and aid, and speeches, and Teain" that wlll help pull you back genérally a very pleasant time, old ta health. acquaintances being renewed and new Yours truly, acquaintances being made. Théetotal Jack Speili. membership af thèse familles todayi Watc hssaenx ek probably would rua into the thaus-________________ ands.1 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, JULY 12th., 1928 PAGE SEVEN TIENm-L)AV TCJL TO WISIVEC4 JULY 2Oth-3Oth, 1928 GOING RAIL OTPO MArTUIMXSIEOQUOM FALLS, RETURNING BOAT M vmATFRT'"cm S UNDER AUSPICES OF Federation of Women Teaches' Associations of the Province of Ontario Inclusive Priée $50i'fIfo~LuRafrt frin Toronito $150-00odaio DuesipUiveFolder and Reservatioaa frocs I. C. DOtlRLJ Gemea Passenger Agent, Canadien Natiocnail Fs. ToeonU TIME 15 SHORT -Make Your Reservation Now This Ever Happen To You ?' r A child at play, runs directly in to the path of your car. Shocked breathless, yau jain on the brakes. - Thank God-Yo1n didn't hit hics. BUT-supposing yan had? Though cleared. of blame, nothing to prevent that child's parents from uuing yoii for heavy damages! And then-the passibility tbat it might take your LAST DOLLAR ta either defend yourself or "PAY UP"! LIABILITY INSURANCE protects yen in such a crisis! Computent attorneys defend your interesta and ail cotte are paid by the Insurance Company! For comploe information consuit J. J. MASON & SON Real Estate and Insurance Brokers Phone 50 King St. E. Bowmaaville -d .