___________________________ With Which Is Incorporated Tne Bowmanville News 'Vol. LXXIV M. A. JAMES & SONS, Publishers. Special Reductions IN Wall Papers for the summer months. The balance in stock of 18 inch papers at Haif Price W. T. Allen Big 20 Bookatore Bowmanville Ont. -1: DRAMATIC CONTEST Will again be conducted next fait by West Durhamn Agricultural Society. PRIZES INCREASED Firat Prize Second Prize Third Prize Fourth Prize $50.00 $35-00 $2500 $25.00 Entries Limited to Four Only four contestants will be permitted to enter con- test. So enter early. En- tries mnust be made with Secretary by August 15, 1928. Further particulars from C. H. Bowmanville MASON, Secretary. Wonderful ALL LADIES' C Now in stock which includes only coats purcha are now REDUCED ONE-TF, Corne in and get one before they LADIES' SILK LINGERIE Special values this week in Ladies' Silk 1il Bloomers from ...............$1. Silk Vests fromn.....................$1. MORE BEAUTIFUL DRES.ç Wednesday morning we received another Dresses featuring the Iatest styles, newest mat shades. Corne in and see this attractive displ LADIES' CLOTH SUITS Balance of these very attractive suits have been dlean up fromn........................................ LADIES' COATS GREATLY RED You mnuet see these new coats to really apprecii saving we are offering you in this departrnent. would create a false impression as to their st- corne in and see for yourself. A lot of Summer Dress Goods selling at great BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, THURSDAYL JULY 19th., 1928 FOUNDRY PCI CHAUTAUQUA WEEK 1 FouilIINdrICd 1tinG e rgrm. Goodyear Rewards Faithful Employees, AdCw..i.Radiant 1On R tiem n Will hold a joint pienie at Centre Catuu for 1928 O!.enedon .Tues OO etr me t Ida, atternoon with a goo tedne Island Park, Tarante, on Wdedy The evening audience WRS larger, and i July 25th. Busses leave the- Po-t-I1 rogram equai te if flot better than ever. UnqeEetA Imnil ln Office cerner at 12.30 p. in. If yeu The Herrick entertainers furnished goodUiqeEntA Bwm vilPat variety musical pregrams ani Mr. Ed:1 care to jais us, tickets may bie pie- ward Tenainson s lecture on South A- Tes faithful Geodysarites, vrho had as mentiened. Mi. Hardy assured cured at the Feundry ai Radiant erica twas repiate with intresting in- been wth the Coman moeta thmn a nyiete wudlk Office net later than Tuesday. formation.* He is ankeen observer andmpn maetnthmntatayieteywudie ______knows how te present his observations tes years, retired on Satuîday, July ta visit the Factory, that they would in an intelligent manner. Every- l4th. They weie--John Doncaster, be previded with a pans te do se and1 MINISTERS AND CHURCHES d orn ng Jniored vn got 's n Richard Hamlyn, Rýichard Hobbs, that hie hoped they wouîd returs at direction of Misa Joy Johannes and has Robes-t Lindsay, William Richards, variedus turnes and comment an thelI St. Paul's ansual picsic, Sundav olanned a reai program witli a Mayor. Richard Widdicembe, Robert Green- piogiess which the factery might be School and cengregation, will bc held Council and Committees frorn whom efldDaiMorsnThmsH -mkng at te Crain i Baley ampWed-wiii be iikeiy to get some reai pointerefed ai arsnTea an aig atteCemo are ap e-A pageant wil ha given eon Saturday bY* lyn, Harîy Smith. The replies frein the men weîe very nesday aitersoon, July 25th. I these young pteople which the older ones Their combised ages total 736 fitting, almest with ane accord tbey St. oseh's Roma Caholc jwont want to miss. The following were St. osep's oman Cathliceiected: mayor-Ross Williams; Cerk- years, or an average ai 73 years, ragretted their depaîture frein the Church, Sunday, July 22sd-Mass 9 Dorothy Nichois: Heaith Commission- 6 menths. The yeungest te îretire place in which they bad se long work-I a. mi. Sunday Scbeol 2.30 p. m. Ser- BettY Tamblyn, (chairman), Donald IVil- was 65 and the aldest 92, the shortast ed. mes and benedictien 7 p. mn. Rev. liams: Service Diision-H-arold Gibbs, P. P. Butler. <~chairman), Dorothy Edgar; Law and service with the Company baisg i hswa1seia1 aicbewe S.P.t.lesre.sPebtinCu-h Order Commission-Russell Hayes, (chair- Iyeaas, 7 mantha ,and the longest 17 Mi. Harry Sinith was presented with St. ndre's Pesbterin Chre nan), Clarence Garton, Harold Siamon. years, 8 mentbs. Their averagae a clique for ana tbeusand dallais corer emprace nd huch tS- -Those w-ho have net yet secured tick- we iîed was 58 yeara 2 manth2, by bis lufe long iriend and feremas, Rev. R. MeDermant, M.A., ministe-.1 ets we would advise a sason ticket and their cembînad yaars ai serv.eýe Mr. William Short. Thesa men hadj Services at il a. mn. and 7.30 p. M.' at once from one of the guarantors for would be 154 years, -or an average wos-ked tegethes- for a quarter o aia Sunday Schol at 10 a. m. the balance of the pregrant is more than ai 15 yas4mnhfrec m etr n otasfoe re wvorth the price $250 of the wtxole ser- yer4mntsfoeche-etuyadoweaslee -ey St John's Anglican Churcb, Seventh ies. Programs start ai 22 and 8.3o ployaa with the Company. frein the ayes ai bath mes as tbey Sunday after Trinity, July 22, 1,328. P-. m. You are missing a choice musical. Mi. Richard Widdicemba bired with ended their long paitnership witb il a. m.-Morning Prayer and Lit- tending ait he Bi, Brown Tent on twe the Company et the age ai 74 years single shake ai the band, bath were, any. 12.30 p. m.-Sunday School. Publie School grounds. 6 montbs, working 17 years 6 inonths tee affacted by their feelings te say 7 p. m.-Evening Prayer. and setîring at the grand aid age af mare than "Good-bye and gead-luck". Trinity-St. Paul's Union services OFF'ICE CLOSED 92. Mi. John Doncaster bîeught wil be held next Sunday. il s. DMS'.-i î h I These employaes weîe presented forth snuch laughtes- wben hae made St. Paul's Cburcb. 7.30 p. m.-Trinity D. Semans offce will e c11055 witb two weeks' heliday psy, which bis speech and said "I hope the man~ Cburch Rev. D. W. Best, D .D.,frein July lst te July 23rd <hlidays). ail ten year mes are entitled te, and that takas mny place will do the job will conduet the services Music b the Company in îecagnizing the lang, as well as I have dene it". John isI the choir of St. Paul's, Mi. H. J. ZION and faithful service ai thesa emplay- looking ierward te mare leisure time Knight, director, Mis. Cecil H. Dud- ees wished te show their apprecia- than hee bas bad for saine years. Mi. ley, A.T.C.M., erganist. Sunday Haying is pîegressing faveurably. tion and recognition, and the fus-amenj David Merrison made saine very suit- Schools at 10 a. nm. in theis- respect-i Hope the fine weathes- wi!l continue ai the said employees preseuted themn able remaîka and haped ta ha aif ses-- ive schoalreems. until the erep is in ...Congratula- with checks amounting ta $7728-00. vice te Goodyear in any ai their tiens te Mr. snd Mis. Charles Fer- These checks rauged in denomnination musical activities wheîe lbe couldi guson on their recent rîarriage. . .. frein $522.00 te $1,000.00, accord- lend a hasd. David's untirîng sei- Mir.and Mis. Chas. A. Wigbt and ing te yeaîs of service and earnisgzt vice in the musical lino bas bees daughters, Jean, Aileen and Eleanor, duîîng the pesiod in which they hadgmuch appreciated by Goodyear. Providence, were Sunday guests nt woiked. With the activity that hae maintains Mi. Jesse Arnott's. Mr. A. M. Hardy ps-sentad them no neoe would ever suspect hlm ta ble1 witb Retirement Certificates, bea-ing the age of seventy-nise. Messis. BAKER'S SCHOOL the seal ai tbe Company and neatly Gîeenfield, Hobbs, Richards, Widdi- framad, with inscription which îead combe and T. Hlailys, aise expiessed Baker's Seheol, S .S. No. 19. Namesi ns follows: thaîr feelings ai satisfaction while S a ein eider ai menit. Honeurs 75%.weîking with the Company. Mi. S a le ! to Jr.-VGladys Yellowee.Goodyear Tire &Rubber Company off Richard Hmywohdbe ot 1 93 Howrd illsn 7. Jr II CandaLimiediaithful on the elevater fer the past 84 . I aDo rby 8, W enctt Thîs la ta certify that Mr. Richard sml -b aiug that lha bad been 7,Maitha Varnuin 76.6. Si. II te o dcn hsbensfibu r-neas-ly 12 years behisd the bars and i Jr.III-Mary Strosg 75, Carl Fer- aie o the Goodyear Tire & Rub- 11w was getting bis ireedoin. Mi. gusen 72, Iys Feiguson 68. Sir aiCompany, priai ta, this date, foi Robait Lindsay said hae migbt lbe get- p O AS ad Pimas wee pamoed t E ste veften years, sx mrnths, and is :ing o:d foi wos-k but lha'was very WineCryderman, teashel. now îetss-îsg at thse ugeofai nnety- glad that hae was net to ad ta talk. two. ThGoderTr& ubradn ut Robert wilie er ased for this season MRO PCICompany wish ta acknowladge their as-ousd Bowmanville ici saie yeais MARLW PINICappreciation ai tbis long sud faithful te came, aud the cemmunity ai Ty- On edssda, Agut 1 198, heservice sud beraby, piescent you with rase will be glad te know that Robait MrOWedRa-usion Pic , 1wi 8 haeal a check for soyas hundîad and aigbty- is now antaring into a well saiued a te oeain i. P d Mus.Ilb ewis eight Dallais ($788.00), and with it sest tram bis labor. ÎIIKi18 the vary hast wish ai the, Company ia Mi. H. M. Nasses, Maager, in' Nastlet ant bendast ofthont rstextended ta Mr. Widdicombe, tsustisg chage ai Personnel Dvisionapke Nestetonto oundry ten urn astthat lha will enjay a well earned s-est, inavr .pietr anro y ail go off tisa haundary at tisa llttle s-ad as wela ppnsnteYaîî olisnneaycomplihentsymerwon cburch, aud it la the third farm, n 21came a apns uth ar abscnncis ibtame wo tha north aide ai the s-ced. Will the ere retiring, sud assuied thern that relatives pleasa acept this as a in (Signed on bebaif of the Company) the Comnpany had the very hast, kindly1 vitation. Lunch as lait yeaa. Mm. C. H. Carlisle, Presidant ýfaeling toward theni.1 * ndrea:R. W. Marlow, Secsetary. 28-2 E. H. Koken, Geneial Superintendent Mayor Hoîgata expîassed bis feel- Underear:A. M. Hardy, Asst. Superintendent ing ai pleasure on being present on1 .00 to $2.50 Correction ai Ents-ance examina- H. M. Nasses, Personnel Departmant tia occasion, and was glad ta knowg .00 to $1.25 tion liat puhlishad last week: Misa (We have quoted that ai Mi. Wid- that Goodyear apps-eciatad the ser- Helen Sinale, Providence, pasaed dicesuba, lbe eing the oldast employas vices ai thesa tan loyal and faithiul witb honoura. retirad ,although othaîs rnay have s-e- mes, net only in mes-e woids audi ,SES cived larger amounts os account ai certificates which they h i eceived,1 earnngs eceved) butby libral ashdonaion ta r shipment of new Mi. Hardy in pîesenting these car- each, and cornplinented the- mes oni teias ndpouarRo al Th ate tificates, stated that hae haped they havig been connectèl with aCom- branca ai the yeaas dusing wbich they ai service had boas abown ta this ex-. ilay. Prmsenting The Finest la servad tagathar in Goodyear-, and in tant.j Photoplaru sbaking banda witb each, compliment- Mi. NormanS . B. James ai The1 ed hlm on bis satisiactory service Statesmas Publishing House, ex-q Phone 589 and Ioyalty te tha Company wbicb bad pressed bis pleasura in heing able ta bs-ought about thia occasion. taka part in this retis-emant sud waa AA or Iglad ta bear tisa expressions fs-rn the1 ri reduedfo quic i The assasshly will sot fergat tise retiiing mon that tbay had enjoyed' ...$3.00 to $10.0Fia-audy occasion in which thase loyal and their services while wos-king in the1 Fridy-Sturdy,>uIy 20-21 faithiul mes axpressad their ïienti- Gon-dyear sud ta sainseaxteut wes-ei Tins McCoy In monts and mingled feelings sitar rogretting their departure, and hie1 )UCED "'Riders off the Des-k" they hadieceived their checksansd jainod Goodyear lu extesdiug bis hest1 at h rm nosA Frontier romance that la big Merifi e.wshsfr ppiness ln the yaara ta latethetre endussnd new. A girl runs a naws- M. Hardy, is calling the gathering coma. The low prices papar alone, deiyisg the bardes te order. at wbicb the Factary Cous- This la the fis-st ratis-oment ai em- ai lawleaa mas that brisg tesras- cil werealal pissent witb thae retirlng ployeas since Goodyear bas bes ini byle and work 50 by night. Tim's finest westarn mon in Wisgfaot Hall, expressed bis Canada and it ias ot known whethei picture talls a tbrilling story ai regret in Iosing sucis iaitbful and loy- or sot this retiramont plan will hae a Frantier town bafore the coin- al omployaas and at the samie time centinued. Tbe Company bas re-i ing ai railîaada. was mueh plaasad that the Company Icaived rny comimuents frein those Matine Saturd.ay aiternoos et .was se racagnizisg the faitbful soi- iwho realize that this action an tha j t1yreuce pice. .30p.m. hidre 5, vce whehhad been rendeiod by Compsny's pat a e etirly tly reduced prices. 2.30p N. 7 dof 5epresentng the mon with tise checks vlustaiy. prbsba n il %,n-p-er Ne.i f "The Trail off the Tiger"' and regular piogram Monday-Tuesday, July 23-24 The greatest af ail character act- ais on the screen today Las Chaney In 'Lauth, Clown, Laugli" Neyer will you forget Lon Chaney as the clown who finda love for ose fleeting moment, and then loses it, hidisg bis heartbreak be- hind a painted smile. A clown-a gl--a great love, and tinxe's Pitileas iagedy. Wednesday.Thuuaday, JuIy 26-26 Lew Cody and Aileen Pringle lu "Wick.dnesa Preferruid" A laugh a minute-ab-shetbought he waa a cave man like the ber- cea af bis books but ha an]y gat rheumatiain, not romance, front the cave-man Mie.. a laugh a minute in the greateat bit ai the popular comedy tesa Lew Cody and A.leen Pringle. AUl performances stait on Dayllght Saving Tm. "«The Cooleet Place in Town" A lovely lot of Linen Table Cloths at exactly wholesale prices. Children's Cotton Vests selling off at haîf price. LADIES' SILK HOSE * A big assortrnent of Ladies' Silk Rose in ahl the newest shades fromn 75c to $2.00. MEN'S NEW SUITS Our large assortment of Men's New Suits featuring the new- est weaves, colors and styles combined with the real values we offr',r is keeping our Men's Clothing Department outfitting men who appreciate the best at reasonabi e prices. See Our Mens Golf Trouser--Price $3.75 Up Couch, Jîihnston & Cryderman, Bowmanville Phono 14Llmited Bowmanville Tjs Have Smart Specialty Shop Specializstios is the kay-note ai the ago. The modern public prefara ta do business witb the inuwbo la a spacialist in bis business os- profes- sien, and ta buy inshaopa wbich gpec- lalize in oeaparticules- lise ai goods. Beesuse tise managers ai large de- partinent stores realiza this prefer- enco, tiseir buga institutionc hava ha- coma in reality a series ai sinal sbops, each departinant speciaîizing in the sala ai ane kisd ai merchan- dise. Sinaîl shops follow tise modes-n treond by meeting alI tise requiremonts in a particular lins ai trade. It la oui puiposo lu remodelling and re-stocking oui store ta ps-sent au exclusiva lise ai wamen's wear,t lingerie, sud noveltios. Oui sisop will be redeeos-ated in et- tractive. up-to-tbe-minute fisiion. Tise fleor will ha black, the walls pan- alled thiaugisout, sud tise decoration csrried out in s plaasing colour bar- mony ai rase sud creain. Tise store fixturos, boxes, wiapping-pepei and twine will hland witb tise gesas-al cal- Oui sciseme. In this way we tope te offes- the ladies ai Bowmanville an attractive display ai goode lu a harmonioasset-1 tisg, wbas-e It will heas pleasure ta shop.i Ses oui edveîtiaament on page 4. Clarence S. Mason MUSIC EXAMII'4ATIONS Primary Singing-Miss Marion Waider. Primary Piano-Miss Geraldine Williams. Elomantary Piano-Missl Helen Gunn, Miss Doa Wood sud Miss Madeline Jouas, Honora. Introductory Piano-Ruth Logan. Intorusodiato History-4ean Ram- say, Hasar. Intermediata Harineny--Jeas Ram- say, Honora. Pupila ai Mis. Rets Cale Dudley, F.C.C.M., LC.C.M. Pupils ai Mis. H. D. Clamons who wera successful at the recant exama. beld in Bewmanville: A. T. C. M. (teachors eaei.)- Hazel Rundle-pass conditionad on datoction ai arrois and densonstra- tien lasses 68%. Junior-Hlon Sinsîl, pass 68%. %Primary-Audrey Prout, honora 71 Elementary-Doris Bennett, pass 68%. Introductory-Helen Pritchard, honors 75%. Pupils Of~ Misa Margaret I. Aber- nathy, A.T.C.M. Prima-y Piano-Florence Cous-tics, Hooa, Mys-tle Beacock, Peau. Elemeutary Piano-Marias Taylor, Pirst4~lass Houoa, Mael Argue, H)osors, Florence Wilkins, Houoa. Introductary Piano-Hýelen Wilk- ins, Houais. Pupils ofailMis Margaret J. Aber- iPrimes-y Theo--Sadle Muir, First Class Honora HAMPTON Reserve Friday, July 27th, to hear the Ebenezer Dramatic Club present "Arnold Goes into Business," under auspices of Hamnpton League. Ad- mission 35e and 15c. Young People's meeting Friday evening was in charge of Missionary Group with Miss Sadie Virtue pîesid- ing. Devotional was taken by Mr. T. ýSalter. Tapie, "Daughters of Africa," was taken by Miss Ruth Johns. Mrs. C. J. Kersiake and Miss Nora favored with a piano duet. Meeting closed with 'benedictian. Miss Dorathy Kirkton, Toronto, spent the weekend with'Miss Marjorie Pas- coe .... Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Saunders, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Saunders and Mr. Robert Saunders, Oshawa, visited re- cently at Mr. L T. Pascoe's.... .Mrs. Eva Fletcher, Kalamazoo, Mich., Miss Mary Hogarth and Mrs. R. pas- cae, Solina, spent a few days with their sister, Mrs. Thos. Pascoe .. 1Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Reynolds, Miss Edna Reynolds, Solina, Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Pascoe, Zion, Mr. and Mis. R. J. McKessock, Solina, and Miss Jessie Heys, Taronto, visited at Mis. Thos. Pascoe's ... . Mr. and Mis. L. T. Pas- coe and Misses Marionse and Edith spent Sunday in Oshawa .... Mrs. Bessie Rabbins spent the weekend at Petit's Point ... . Mr. and Mis. Laine Rabbins and baby visited her sister, Mrs. W. Virtue. .Miss Betty Sargent lis holidaying with Miss Marjorie Pas- coe ... . Glad ta report Mrs. F. Rogers haine again after ber recent operatian in ýBowmanville Hospital ...The Young People had their annual pienie at Cobourg Park on Tuesday. MÀPLE GROVE Mi. and Mia. McEachern and daughtei Dorothy, Wateloo, Mi. and Mis. Lloyd Johnston, Oshawa, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mis. T. Pawer.. Mis.Rathven Hall, La- chine, Montreal, Mr. Ronald Ever- son, Oshawa, visited their cousins, Mr and Mis. W. J. Snowden, last week .,Mr. and Mis. Fred R. Faley and son David, St. Catharines, spent the weekend with his sistpr, Mis. J. D. Stevens..Miss Rachel Aîkakey, Braaklin, îecently visited, Miss Vers Power ... . Mi. and Mis. R. R. Stev- ens, Misses Marjorie and Dorothy, Mi. and Mim. Ray Snowden, Toron- ta, are visiting the former'-. biothert, Meuars. Will and iSteve Munday, and other relatives at Caurtwiight, Ont. ---Misses Reta and Vera Power are visiting relatives at St. Mary&a and Palmerston. Mi. and Mis, W. J. Snowden spent Sunday wlth relatives in Oshawa... .Mr. and Mis. Stuart Marton and son John, Cobourg, visit- ed her parents, Mi. and Mis. Truman Power on Sunday...Miss Marion Snowden is visiting Miss Ada Allun, Providence. . Rev. W .H. Honey, Wel- cornte, accupied the palpit very ac- ceptably on Sunday aiternoon.. Mi. and Mis. Rosa Stevens and two childien and Misa Maijory Stevens visitsd Mi. and Ms-s. Ray Snowden, Toronto, on Wedneaday.. . A laîgé number fs-rn this vlcinity attended the Snowden picnic held at Hampton Park on Thuisday afternoon, after- noon and evening being upent in games, etc. About six o'clock a splendid supper was ssived, aillaf which helpsd ta round out a very n- joyable, time. .. .-Pastoi Stainton la holding a baptismal service next Sun- day at 2.30 p. m....Ms. Parsans, Era, Pennsylvania, and Mise George, Gîuby, Colorado, visited their niece, Mis. Samuel Snowden, last wsek. On Sunday Mi. and Mis. Snawden, with Mis. 'Parsons and Miss George, mot- ored ta Cobourg wheîs they visited Mis. Snowden's parents, Mr. and Mis Macklin. Mrs. Parsons remained for a visit. East Cream af Barley svery day. SOLINA *' Go ta Hampton, Fiiday, July 27th ta hear Ebenezer pisset«Arnold Goes [lnta Busines". Visitais: Miss Mary Hogarth, Mim R. Pascoe and Mis. Eva Fletcher with Mis. Thas. Pascoe, Hampton; Mi. and Mis. James Hardy, Uxjbrldge, Mi. and Mis. Gardon Hardy And Jean, Lindsay, at Messrs. Isaac and Harvey Hardy's; M. and Mia. Nor- man Yellawlees and family at Mr. Donald Yellowless', Columbus; Mr. and Mis. George Gibson and Marion of Oshawa, Mi. and Mis. Clarence Vice and Murray, Columnbus ,at Mr. Walter Vice's; Mi. and Mis. Chas. Allin, Doîothy, Ada and Claie, Bo*,. inanville, at Mi. A. Millson'is; Mss. Thos. Pascoe and Miss Margaret, Hampton, at Mr. A. J. Reynolds'; Mi and Mis. Ellis Pascoe, B-rooklin, Miss Marjarie Collacott, Salem, at Mi R. J. McKessock's; Mr-. and Mis. James oGregory, Mi. and Ms. Steven Flint-. cf and Mary, Oshawa, at M. Havey R ardy's; Mi.' and Mm-. J. T. Rundle at Mr-. Jas. McKenzie's, Columbus.. .Misses na nUTaylor, Heln Baker Y' - - ---- - --- -.. - . ýý Ç& %.djljy LIV. 4iv $2.00 a Year In Advance 5c a CODV No. 29 1 "n