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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Jul 1928, p. 7

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Conduct Your f î~ Affairs With SDignity A Standard Bank savlngs account the depositor. It identifies him with an arganizatian that is known 4~and respected in the community, and establishes a contact which is invalu- t able should he at any time desire counsel or advice an money matters . Open a Standard Bank savings ac- I caunt. It wili help you to develop your financial resources as nothing else can, and enable yau to coniuc your personal financial affairs with b Manager, Bwmanville Branch Br.ncheu alto at Newcatle. Net~onville. Orono. , 6w.- THE Firestone Dealer's trained servie men apply tires and tubes right, and he!p you keep them in condition ta get more mileage. They service every tire they sell. This is one reason why Firestone Gurn-Dipped T Ires are breaking mile- age records aroumd town and everywhere else. Firestone builds in the miles-Firestone Dealers get them out for you. They save you money and serve you bettes'. RESONF TIRE & RUBBER COMPANY OF CANADA, UMI1.D HAMILTON - ONTARIO TirMestoni e BUILDS THE ONLY GUM-DIPPED -TRESPl JAMIESON BROS. King St. West Bowmanville at LowrCost IF you could bave exactly the kind of car you A.wanted, what are the fcatures you would de- mand? You wauid want Per!ormance . .atmna te stand long, tryiflg trips. Then yeu wauld want Style, of caurse,-the latest trend ini body desi.-n-long, tow, racy lins,-the newest and most modisb colorings. You would want the distinction of Body by Fisher. And you would ike a Luxuriaus car on.cre with wide, deep cushions that invited rest ..witb rich and beautîfut uphoîsteries and fine interior appoint- Ment. . . onc witb snug protection againat the weather with ease and smoothness cf riding. Last, but by no means least, you weuld demand Quality . . substantial construction . . refinements sucb as Fetîr-Wbetl Erakces, Air-Cîcaner, Oit Filter, Crankcase Breather, Vacuum-Feed Fuel Supply, Saiety Gasoline Tank in rear and se forth . . de- pendabitity at ait times and under ait conditions 1 Tbese are the tbings everyone wouid like ta have in a car . . and that everyane CAN have, for the. firat tirne in automobile iistory, at the tow cost cf the "Bigger and Better" Chevrelet. C-147SOC The G.M.A.C... Geureal Vl,trswn d4evffed payment pI... aloede th# iOSl conveienat and .. ,ay 011buysq yo.r Chwadetsa Lie. X«sduier. . . .0625-00 T.urics . . .625-00 IpeiIS.d.i. .- 50190-00 Convertible Csbriel« 865.00 C.mmerriaI Chasmie -470»00 Coac------------~4O0T .j, k Chassa. 85.00 :î Expess. 650-00 Ail Pr- atF q v, b a- -, Al Pric.i dtFtoVy, Osih5U Goem , ,,ýs fu pcand t , Govement Tgxei BomPM O Spart t e Et..sprt Tie tra. CI-HlEVOLET ONTARIO MOTOR SALES Oshawa, Ont. H. D. CLEMENS, Bowmanville WM. DAVEY, Orono PfOCr OP0FGENDL tMOTOU OP CANADA., LO Henry Gilbert Argue, Solina On Wedneaday, Juiy lltb., Her G. Argue paased ta rest aiter a li ng- j ering ilînesa, whicb be bore ve ry patientiy. Mr. Argue was the young-1 est son ai the late Joh nand Mary Argue ai Darlington. He was born December 5tb., 1852, on the borne- stead, wbere he lîved until maving ta Solina in 1910 where be bas apent bis remaining yeara. Deceased was the at surviving member ai a famity ai four sans and two daugbters. In 1875 he was unit- ed in marriage witb Margaret, daugb- ter of the late Duncan and Margaret Taylor, who predeceased bimi nine yea ns. There remaina ta mourn bis boss four daughters: Mrs. A. W. Gibbons, Toronto; Mrs. C. E. Tbomas, Orilli ; Mra. J. G. Hughes, Alton; and Irenca, who attended hlm during bis i.nîes-i. Seven grandchildren also remnain, Deceased was an active member in cburch and temperance work until bis affliction, whicb prevented fîîrtbîor usefulness. The funeral wbicb was beb(: on Fni- day, July 13, ta Hampton Cometery, was largeby attended. The service was conducted by bis Pastor, Rev. J. R. Bick, who s0 iaitbfully visited bim during bis long itiness. Miss Lena Taylor sang the beautiftl bymnn "Saved By Grace". The floral tributes mshowed the es- teeriti which deceased waa hebd in Much of t.he nervoumneas in eider children cari be traced te the over- stimulation duning infancy, caused by regarding baby as a soit of an- mated toy far the amusement ai par- ents, relatives and iriendsý Baby may be played with, but net for mare than a quarter ai an hour te' an haur dailv. Beyond that, beirig handled, tickied, caused to, iaugb or even seream, will sometimes result in voua- iting, and invariabiy causes irrita. b lity, crying or sieeplessnees. Fretfulness, cryiîîg and steeples ness f rom this cause can easily lie avoided by treating baby with' more consideration, but whcen yau just can't. sec what. is mjking baby restless or upset, better give hîm a few drops cf purearesCatra It's amaz- Ln esec how quickly it cabus baby's nerves and soothes bim ta sieep; yet it contains no drugs or opiates. It is purety vegetable-the recîpe is on the wrapper. Leading physicitins pe- scribe it for colle, choiera, dia.rrhea, eonstilpation, gas on staomach and bowels, feveishness, boss of sleep and ail other "«upsete." ai babyhood. Ove, 25 million bottles used a year shows ite overwbelming ppuiarity. Witii euh bottre ai Castorla, ycu get & book on Motherbood, worth its weight in goid. Look for Chas. H. Fletcher%. signature on the package se you'Il get genuine Castoria. There are many imitationls.f THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, JULY l9th., 1928. OBITUARY DURHAM COUNTY NEWS f CRYDERMAN-RUSE PICNIC Mrs. L. W. Wickett, London Dr. H. A. Turner, Millbrcok, re-1 The iveather man favoured over ceived a shipment of 20,000 younglone hundred relatives and friends af There passed awax' one of the most trout for distribution in the local the Cryd erman- Ruse families with an highty respected residents of East streams. i ideat day for their annual gathering London in the person of Mrs. L. W. Messrs. Wm. Lycett ýf Orono, at Eliiott Memorial Park. Hampton,. Wickett, in ber 83rd year from par-1 Raîph Sisco of North Branch, Ncw on Wednesday, July 11th. alyis. Ontario. and Clarence Duncan of Or-ý After everyane had been miade wel- Mris. Xicket:,'s maiden naine wNvs ono, were in Millbrook recently. t corne a general sing-song was indutg- Sarah Whitlock, and she wvas born Mrs. Isaac Rchardson, Milbrook, 1 d in. We had the pleasure of wei- in Devonshire, England. While a exhibited the f reak caif owncc5 by Mr. 1 coming Mrs. Anita Rhoudes, sister of young girl she camne with her parents Edwin 'Moore of Cavan at Oinemee J. H. Cryderman. She with her bus- ta Ohio and settled at Chagrin Falls. for a time and at Port Hope on Dom-1 band, two grandchildren and nurse Sixty-ane years ago she was mar- inion Day. came from Akron, Ohio, ta attend the ried ta Rev. L. W. Wickett, a min- picnic. Other relatives were present ister of the Bible Christian Church. Rev. and Mrs. F. H. Howard and ifrom Stouffville, OhwTrno Besides her husband, naw in his faxnity were guests at Mr. and M %rs. 'Baldwin, OsgBrawa Troto 9lstyea ,ad oe dagbtr, issJas. H. Might's, Millbrook, prior ta og rnh inniyeaWickettofeBrangtor,Masd their departure for Warkworth, hisi The young people organized two thre ganchienDf r.a.fod.,Wick new station, bail teams and played until they ett and E. W. Wickett of Ann Ar- Toronto Daily Star bad a picture wr atdaa otk ati bor. and Mrs. Schaffer of Lansing, of P. C. Syer of Toronto Police other sports. Mr. Ciarence Cryder- Mich. Force. He is a member of "Tor- man and H. Hudson, both of Toronto, One year ago they celebrated the ont.o's Finest'" and ta a splendid ex prepared and conducted the program diamond jubile af their marriage. ample of the Force. He la a Cavan afspfortos h inr fwihwr Rev. Mr. Wickett was a former pastor boy.asflo : of the Bible Christian Church at Rev. W. W. Jones, B.D., forme rîy. Shoe race-Marjorie Purdy and Bowmanville. af Hampton circuit., bas been ferm Harry Cowing; Running race, ladies aiiy inducted into Millbrook rharge.l Marjorie Purdy; Running race, Miss Miriam C. Harris, B.A., Port He was on Cavan South circuit imen-Percy Cowling; Vegetabia race Perry an xotr Rv.Ds Dlyad -Edna and Cecil Cryderman; Run- assixhoted at es r. Deyanînng race, girls over 16-Bea Cry- On Saturday afternoon, July 7, Mears sitdathseve. derman; Running race, boys under 16 ten miles west af Lindsay at Thura: Sanie 150 relatives and friends re- -Merwin Cryderman; Running race. tonia, on Sturgean Lake, Mariain, cently met at borne of Mr. and Mrs. girls under 12-Jean Cryderman; daughter ai Win. H. Harris, B.A.,('harles Porter. Manvers, to cetebrate Runing race, baya under 12-Jack Part Prry, died from heart faiture their china wedding. They were es- Cowling; Stepping Stones-Frank while batbing. corted ta tbe sitting room by Mr. and Ruse, Kate Cryderman; Children un- adMrs. A. T. Porter, ta the strains ai the der 9-Jack Cowling; Bail thrawing Miss Harris and ber friends a wedding marcb.' Chairman Rev. P. -Mary Mason. Mr. and Mrs. Heron just came ta the lake sbore for a~ oa holiday. She was in delicate healthIC. owad read the address and a Hudson donated the pri'zes. andbeoreenerig he atr hd'presentation was made by Harvey Aiter the sparts everyone sat sn everat fantng pelî. Whten he Wood and William Crocker. Mrs.- dawn ta tables groaning with abund- seepred in thne water frenshan Porter was given a set of dishes, anid ance of good things ta eat. The at- oexprs ithghtae had drnd and Mr. Porter a gold watch and -haîn. tendance was then called ta order by otrd t ie hba rtificianre The groom made a suitabte reply. the President, S. W. Ruse and tbe piration. Dr. Spier later said that1 Former Millbrook citizens, Judge fottawing afficers were etected for death was ntcasdbdrnng and Mrs. L. Fred Clarry and daug- next year: Han. President-Mrs. as no water was taken inta the lungs. ter. Miss Helen Winnifred, CaigayMary Msn r ohsa rdr The coolness ai the water aiter thet Alta., visited San Francisco, Santama;PeintW J.Cyemn heat ai the day proved mare than 1 Barbara, and Las Angeles, Then Pan-1 Vice-President-Chas. Ruse; Sec'y.- her heart couid stand. lama after ten days an Pacific Ocean. Treasurer-Mrs. A. B. Cryderman; Miss Harris was born and educated' Their daughter was united in mar- Historian-S. W. Ruse, 204 Church in Part Perryý She graduated fram 1I nage ta Mr. Alan C. Harrop, B.Sc., St., Oshawa; Committee-Mrs. Frank Toronto University last year, at the ai Talara, Peru, South America, an Cryderman, Mrs. Williamn Ruse, Mr. age ai 22. Besides ber parents she June 12, Rev. Capt. Bxhllantine officia- Fred Kersiake, Mr. Fred Cryderman. leaves three brothers. ting in Union Churcb, Panama. Judge The prizes for the sparts wero given The funeral took place Monday ai ýand Mrs. Clarry sailed through Pani- out. There was also a prize for the ternoon fram the United Cburch.1ama Canai, and arrived in Havana, oldest lady present-Mrs. Mary Mas- Rev. John Harris, a former editor of Cuba, spent a day sight-seeing and on, age 83 ai Oshawa, and the ldest the Bible Christian Observer in Bow- arrived in New York, spent four days gentleman, Mr. Johnston Crydei-man, manvilie, wvas grandiather ai deceas- visiting bis siters, Misses Gertrude age 95 of Badwin, Ont. ed. and Blanche Ctarry, R.N 's., nnd Tbe young people piayed another Gussie, R.N., who is studying music, game ai baIl aiter wbich everyone Sam Clarke, ex-M.P.P., Cobourg land arrived in Millbrook on June 26, returned home feeling better for the _______tired after their 7000 mile trip. joyaus time they had and looking Aiter several years ai ill-bealth, _____ _f orward with pleasure ta the next which bad forced bis witbdrawal Ipicnic. from politica in 1926, Sam Clarke, ex "CANADA ADDS TO ITS M.P.P., passed away at the residence INDUSTRIES"' ai bis brotber-in-iaw, J. T. Field, Ca-_____- bourg, on Sunday, July 8tb. ."Has Its O-wn Circus Now" For 28 years Sam Clarke wasa dominating figure in the poîitics of In connection with the visit ai the E xtensior Wes Nothubelan an athorn Barnet Brothers Circus and Trained l in the side of the Conservatives ofAima hw he J1ehbth that riding. He was neyer Bowmanville an Wednesday, Aug- He neyer loat a provincial riding. He ust lst., it is interestiflg ta note that was elected eacb of the four times be this la the first Motorized Cîrcus ever ran for the mayoratty ai Cobourg, provided by a Canadian Sbowman, andhe as uccssfl i evry nelndCanadian Capital. There are and h e as ucsfl in tev er ncseverai Motorized circuses in tbe that. Good-will was bis chief poli-1 States, but awing ta high custom dut.- tica wepanandcomon snsebisies, these agregations do not cross tticainternational bordera. The Mot- ally. They said ai Clarke inareienashosalre s.big handMoty the tegllature that he neyer mnadei a speech. Hali the time when be gat are even better than the Railraad ta bis f eet be did nat even go tbrougb shows but. tbrough using Motor Veh- the iormality ai addreasing tbe icles cut down their overbead expense Speaker. He just taiked, but the considerabe-besides being able to House istened ta bis tabk and sa did momre freely and exhibit at towns % the etectors wben eection came wbere a railroad couid nat witbout .$ - around. cbarging tbem a prohibitive rate. The Any an wo bs anunbrkenBig City ai Tents wibb be located on record ai iorty years' pubic serviceScgg tetta promns . and finds none ta wisb bim iîîl-wili daity at 2 and 8 p. m. under large or point the finger ai scorn bas nat waterproaf tenta. e«. iived in vain.__________________:-'~: . Mr. Carke was born at Hampton, Ontario, an Juby 29, 1853. He was.tbe cammunity. a tawn councitior ai Cobourg for nine~ The pail-bearers wero six lifelong - .... years, and mayor ai Caburg-ta neigbbors ai deceased-Messr. I bas-........ ,,. . wbicb town he later mved-iar four Baker, Blake Stevens, Silas William, , . straight yeara. In addition be Arthur L. Pascoe, Chas. Blanchard, S. served for five years as a member Edgar Werry. ai the board ai commissioners. Mr. Clarke wasalaways recognized CARD OF THANKS as a fearbess expanent ai Liberai prin- ciples. A keen sense ai bumor and The daugbters ai tle late H. G. a bammer-and-tongs method ai speak- Argue desire ta tbank their many ing before the legisiature coupled ta irienda and neighbbrs for the kind- make hlm one ai the most popular neas sbown tbe'm during the long iii- Lac Beauvert and a group of members wbo ever sat in tbe Hause. nesa and deatb ai theïr father and cottages at Jasper Park Lodge The funeral took place on Wed- for the many. gits. and'floral tributes nesday. Mr. Clarke la a brother ai re-ceived. ofcu ostrenwbn Mrs. John H. Trull, Bowmanvible. A_______________ gllu. osetre e u The funera'l service on Wednesday, datepios tneing îchith accriva Juty 11, was conducted by Rev. W. s afsrvtsrad;elln ih a riv R. Tanton, Pastor oi the United I% '*.a.ea <>safasrvnanctcin a Churh, asised b Rev Dr T. tan- Don Mak a tailcamps, comprise thec s.-xng p CagrcBo, ssisted boeu r, T. Re. gai ofbuilding at jasper Park Ladg nagherBoye, D.D, Çoar , a e. O ut Of ]Ba 3( the tourist headquarters of CanadE The alieares wre :J. . Ha- ~famous Rockyr Mountain Park. jasp The alleares wre:-J. . Hy- OBabS H National Park, 5,300 square mîtes den, H. Field, Cobourg; Alexander area, is the largest national park West, Gore's Landing; W. J. Maber. Dyar RIA America. The extensions arer Edwin Guillet, F. D. Boggs, K.C.,, quired ta pravide for the heavie Cobourg; W. E. N. Sinclair Oh- tauriat traffic westward for yei awa; James Tbompson, it is indicated by the number ntmate wfamoucrc i ar e smiore /I)j enquiries and requeste for reserv iThoste who iou crn ahi inthe ore 1tions reaching the offices oai three sons, Percy, Victor and Stuart.I N..> Canadian National Railways in Can twe auherMisa liveCiakeAd1Ida and the United States. up thc first and eightcenth faimays, Cff eng splendid views of Moi-nt Tekarra and the Whistler range. On this course in 1927 aver 9,000 rounds were played. The added provisions being made for trail riders include a new chalet at Lake Kinney on the way ta Berg Lake behind Mount Robson. Lake Kinney is set deep in the shadow of this "Monar h <of the Canadian The corner of the. Inn and Buntalows alont Pyrmid Avenue, Jasper Park Lod#e. Rockies.' Likewise the camp at Shovel Pasa and Maligne andMeedi- cine laktes are being extended. Duringthe past season approxi- mately 1,000 1s were cwrsd for at Jasper Park dge. Many other were net able te soeure accmmoda- tion. This la a diffty, howeve which sheuld not be encounteo during the eoming summrer, fer ln edition ta the. elarpmient cf the. Loge a theroughly modern hotel in belng tinlathiri vll thm umIm away. It inasnticlpate that tih be ready fer thçi tourintt whloh commences durlng thg latter part cf May. aper Park Lodge tobe viie ymembers cf the q a Weekly Newspaper'is Asuodation mter their 1q928 convention at Edmontona. rCOLE'S RED INDIAN STATION Phone 54 CYCLO MOTOR FUEL No Carbon No Knocks No Chemicals More Power More MiIes-Try a Tank AND GARAGE Bowmanville AGENTS FOR:- RED INDIAN MOTOR OILS MARATHON HI-TEST GAS SEIBERLING ALL-TREAD TIRES RAYBESTOS BRAKE SERVICE GENERAL AUTO REPAIR SHOP 0. M. L. OFFICIAL STATION-EMERGENCY ROAD SERVICE PAGE SEVEN IRE» ROSIE TIEAis ood tea"' Red Rose Orange Pekoe us the best tea you can buy ln cean, bright Aluminum This Ever Happen To You ? A child at play, runs directly in ta the path af your car. Shocked breathless, you jam on the brakes. Thank God-you didn't bit him. BUT-supposing you bad? Though cleared of blame, nothing to prevent that child's parents from suing you for heavy damages! And then-the posuibility that it might take your LAST DOLLAR ta eîther defend yourself or "PAY UP,! LIABILITY INSURANCE protects you in such a criais! Competent attorneys defend your intereste and ai cotte are paid by the Insurance Company! For complet. information consult J. J. MASON & SeýON Real Estate and Insurance Brokers Phone 50 King St. E. Bowmaniville ris at jasper Park Lodg - 1 nga- nmo- vate ,the dge, da's sper sin c n re- ?est !ars, rva- the ana- thîe ?ark elers the the 1,ý,0

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