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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Jul 1928, p. 1

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b Vol. LXXIV M. A. JAMES & SONS, Publishers. Tbat's cur hoast and ycur assurance that any print turned eut by aur Photo Depatment is the best possible. Velox paper costs us more yet we feel that cur custamers are entitled to the ex- ceptionally good resuits its use affords. Leave your films here. Only Genuuie Eastman Kodaks and Films Supplied. Eight-houn service developing and prntiag DEATH TO FLYS 1 CATTLE EASE AND FLY OIL Fan spraying-Whiz Fly Fumie, Fly-Tox and Fly-Kil. Aise Poison Fiy Pads and Sticky Fly Paper. For spraying oin cattié and hon- ses. We carry a f ulli une cf Izai disinfectants in liquid and powder f on. JURY & LOVELL When W. Test Ey« It la Done Properly PHONE 78 BOWMANVILLE Wonderful ALL LADIES'( Now in stock which includes only coats purci are now REDUCED ON E-Tl Corne in and get one before th( LADIES' SILK LINGERI] Special values this week in Ladies' Sil Silk Bloomers from ................ Silk Vests from .......................... Ail Summer Dresses at Reduced A lot of Children's Dresses at and bel LADIES' CLOTH SUIT! Balance of these very attractive suits have be dlean up from ..................................... LADIES' COATS GREATLY RI You must see these new coats to really appre saving we are offering you in this departme oudcreate a false impression as to their corne in and see for yoursg A lot of Summer Dress Goods selling at g] A lovely lot of Linen Table Cloths at exact Children's Cotton Vests selling off- A great bargain in Ladies' Silk Hose in E ahl the newshades,Regular 75c for ....... MEN'S SUITS ONE 0F A LINE SI Regular $35.00 For $24.50 Regular Regular $27.50 For $21.50 Regular Regular $17.50 For $12.5 Se. Our Men's Golf Trousers-Pri tCouch,Jihnston& Cri I Bowman ville ltetrlrna n W;Al-WkUI1-h 4Tqk nrrorated Tue Bowmanville News -- lrr r )O r AmX 4 m0£! I nO % 9 i A m V o5.... T.n AA Ta n eo c o l uN o . 30 LJ' T LMA. V TF- NTRI. HU SDYJU 6,92 AJEAiEATuSO I __________________________-L NOTICE MINISTERS AND CHURCHES I CHAUTAUQUA SCORES ARA EUYSO LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Dr. Storey's office will b. closed St. Josephs Roman Cathollic ___ IG______ngte ayprvt gres r.JonRedi vstngle iee Church, Bautifui o wmilethtsows rich re- Mns. Thornton, Orono. _______a. m. Sunday Sehool 2.30 p. m.Ser-, Authorative Lectures-Charming suits of good taste combined with Miss Sanderss, Lindsay, ia visiting MOUNTJOY PICNIC mon and beniedictiofi 7 p. m. Rev. 1 tms...od Atndn~'adlbr n whieh has been con-li er saunt, Mrs. Geo. Webster, Elgin P. P. Butler.Boe o nte er. verted f rom a rough and uneven piec tet Mountjoy family pienic will be held St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church,I1 of ground to a veritable spot of Mrs. A. L. Patta, Torontd, bas at Eiliott Memroiai Park, Hampton, corner Temperance and Church Sts.,I Chautauqua is over for another beauty is the garden of Mr. and Mrsq. been spending a week with Miss o SardY, Jl 8h Ail the Rev. R. McDerment, M.A., minister.I year. As usuai it bas afforded a Cares Banl i, igrean t. This clan are invited to corne and enioY a Services at il a. m. and 7.30 p. m. very great deal of pleasure, profitgadnbsmnamieandtths pro good time. Sunday School at 10 a. mi. and entertainnient. The programns season of the year this is especiaily Mr. an.! Mrs. Henry Blatter, Mon- St. John's (Anglican) Church- weconsider, were equal to any former trewenrssM.lhni n Ptel w eeno n t ust fMisT COLLACOTT PICNIC Eighth Sunday after Trinity, July 29, year and were dlean, wholesome and other midsummer fiowers are in .Pnfud _____1928: 8 a. m.-Holy Communion; heipful to ail wbo heard them. As bloom. On entering this garden one Mrs. W. L. Eliiott, Audrey and The Collacott f amily picnic will be Il a. m.-Morning Prayer; 12.,30 lias been said before, Chautauqua perceives at once the beauty of syrn- lain, have neturned froni a pleasant held on Saturday, August 4th at the p. m.-Sunday Scblool; 7 p. in.- affords many people a fint-clasa pro- mnetricai placing of flower beds. The visit with hier mother in Bolton. Elliott Memorial Park, Hampton. Ail Evening Frayer. gram at a cheap rate that cou]d not plan of the whole garden is perfectly Mn. and Mrs. Marvin Clarke are en- members of the connection please *OMiNG-Captain Gennery, Tor- be obtained in any other way. The baianced yet this is achieved without joying two weeks' motor trip to De- accept this invitation. Tisa. of as- 1no iicnutaeiisrie weather mian was kind and consider- gsving an impression of stiffness. The t7oit. and Norway Point, Lake of sembling 1 p. mxi. ote alationdAmCtseitad. ervieon - ate in not barning the pleasune any garden is bordered with climbing Lays. dh aJly th t1l.s.ad78ifenon or evening. ThoughSman roses, vines, and taîl flowering per- Mrs. H. S. Freeman and Miss Chris- MUSIC RESULTS p. M. Sunday School at 2.30 p. m. ?f our streets were tomn up for pav- enas hryte dsape-aeB rea r oîaigwt AilSare welcome. ng, it did flot cause much inconven- ty touch of coloun at this season. The relatives and friends in Port Dal- T1init-Stre Pul's Uion s ience as ail those with cars found unique rose garden is nather formai housie and Toronto. 'Pupils of Mrs .J. Abert Cole, A.T. TRnt-t au no evice parking space and no accidents werei in plan. The sundial in the centre MrNesnRbisoofM. C.M., A.O.C.M., who were success- next Sunday, conduted by Re.D eoted. Those who attended so' bears the appropniate inscription Mr.Neo Robbins, s on of Mtun. fui in the recent Toronto Consenvat- W_ *es, .D. Mscbtechoinr faithfully throughout the course are "Grow oid along with me, the best Ifoitowes ii .t eaie ory examinations are as follbws: Of St. Pau.'s. Mr. H. J. Knigbt, Dir odst in its praise and are hoping is yet to be". fo w ek'vstwt eaie Junior Piano-Annie Allun, Honors Iector. Mrs. Cecil H. Dudley, A.T.C.M., for a neturn visit next yean. Pasisng through a pretty grape in Rochesten, N. Y. Introductory Piano-Anna Waliforganist. il a. mn. at St. 1paui 'Ih arbour, one cornes te the rock ganden, Mr. J. H. Hicks of the Customsa' lace, Finast Ciass Honons. Church; 7.30 p. mi. at Trinity Church. The committee in change put crsswhich is one of the most charmung of ý Office, Toronto, waz in town Monday Introductory School Piano-Erie 5un~day Schools at 10 a. m. in their the work with dispatch and neatne s kn ob on hs locaiity. icalling on some fiends of the form- Swindells, Honors.rsetv colnoa. an ihmc escnasn Many diff erent varieties of rock er days who lived it Tyront and other Th oloin upl hv sces-on former occasions, [plants and mosses grow between the friends here. fuily passed the examinatirbns, ne-, NWATE CUCE The Herrick Maie Quartet, present- t stones. A pool with a rustic foun-, Mn. and Mrs. H. J. Robinson, Bnad- cently held in Peterbono, unden direc- NEWCSTL_____ HE ing the first afternoon progra.m en-1 tain in the centre is a home for gold 1 enton, Florida, and Mnr.and Mrs. Geo. tionof issFere Tonisen tech- nitd Curc Inucton ervce-tertained the large audience with or- fish, and is ornamented with sheils Moore, Detroit, Mich., wene necent ero of pino, etneboo Gon eaonyOnUniday eveh nindution7,eratc8 iginal songa and sketches which won and rocks of odd shapes. Rustic1 guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Gilles- erof Msc p iao ementaryPinoErao'iOnc in the aditoriJum f2 th hearty applause. The short concert seats are placed at intervals.i pie, Liberty-st. Br uc honurs, EarPAonors. Ulo nitd hrct h icnuditobien coit-e given by them in the evening was fui- Bird baths are provided, as well 1Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Mellow. and Introductory Piano-Jack Clarke, pletely renovated and edcratedly equal to the afternoon perform-1 as many bird houses, designed in duheMs ot isy n Fia lasHnonEdna Jakt. e.D W etDDofBwa- ne"Uen-wihte eea a h Mrs. J. A. Bebee, St. Louis, Mo., have pasa 68%.vle, W.îl ndut Re.DW. ogers, Edward Tomlinson's lectue"U-garden. been visiiher brother andi sister- pass68 vlle wil inuct ev. . P Rogrsder Ten Flags" was a vivid picture of This beautiful plot is entirely the j n-law, Rev.and Mrs. W. H. Spargo. _________________B.A., into the pastorate of his new South America, rich in minerais, agni- wonk of Mn. Bagneil who has here dis-1 r.E .Lvnaoe n.n charges of Newcastle and Clanke cultural producta, etc. He aiso spoke piayed bis akîli as an amateur gard-1 Mrs. A. T. Peacvinondraugtds United Churches. Rev. A. M. Ir- of the drawbacks such as the snakes'ener. Visitons wili be made welcoie.1Drotby.and PatciandWet ahe, win, Oshawa, Chainnian of the Osh- and insect pests-the eff ects of which 1i ________andPatricia,_West________ awa Presbytery; Rev. R. A. What-,science is trying bard to overcome.- New Jersey, are visiting the forrner's tamnex-President of the Bay Of The vastness of the country la aimoat entation such as f ew nesidents cf sisten, Mns. S. Woodger and Miss Quinte Confenence. and Rev. Thos.1appalling. Bwavie hv be nvlgdtAnnie V. Cole. Wallace, Newtonville, have been in-1 A popular concert was presented1 to hear. The Famous Fiechtl Yod-I1M.adMs eo uec itn vited to assist in the cerenîony of in- on the second afternoon by the Gross-, lers f rom Innsbruck, Tyrol, Switzer-' and rs.uGheranduyck icn-a, Sl !duction. t is hoped.the church will 1 jean Novelty Company. The aib land, gave a short concert ini the af- Mn. and Mns. Cliaton Green and baby be filied on this auspicicus occasion. 1 xylophone was the featured instru- ternoon, a fonetaste cf the splendid Ronald, Cherry Valley, wene necent S a le 1.Sunday, July 29th-10 a. mn.-Sun-.ment, while the piano, banjo, saxo-' music who was to characterize their guests of Mrs. Ruyck's nunt, Mrs. day School in the S. S. Rooms.il11 bonie and hand-saw wene aise played. evenung concert. The aftennoen' (Rev.) W. C. Washington. a. m.-Morning worship-third of a Miss Floss Grosjean necited severai pragram was foliowed by a lecture Mn. Chas. Haggith and son Alfred senies on "Pa--" 7 p. n.-Even- numbera and gave a clever exhibition "Ramblung Through The Air" by of Rocheater, N. Y., whe have been ___ing service-third cf a senies cf 20 cf ventnilequissa wbich was particular- Captain J. R. Redley. Captain Hed- on a motor trip through the 1000 Is- f i minute talks on "The Apostie Peter".,ly pieasing te, the chiîdren. 1.y's description cf warfane ini the ,ands and home via Niagara Falla, ,,A I SBath services ini the church. conde evening pnagramo the se- air, -ofthenorors cf a German pris- visited his brother, Mr. E. Haggith, Laratwhsecooufu dspayofescapes md thrligsoytat abouts. SALEM mnagic amused and mystified the was listened te with rapt attent ion. Mn. and Mms. T. E. Washington, _____or___ sasn capaiy audience. Mr. Laurant'sl "An Alpine Romance" was given M.T .WsigaTrne n Attedanc at ftenoon ervie reutaion as a magician is certaunly in the evening, the performens wear- L.R. Wsngn, M aer f last Sunday was very sinail owing to menîted by bis ability te entertain an ing the native Swiss costumes, with'Bdsrtan m Washington, ngr o rainy weathen. Rev. J. W. B'winer, audience. Ris character ipersona- a coiorfui background to further en- Winnipre,Mand . Waesinyguetn Bowmanville, was the speaker and hie tians brought f orth round after round hance the aetting, the troup wene en-. of the forrner's brother, Rev. W. C. ,1I ~brouglit a very tin.....age . of applause. thustiastically received an eacli a Wp- ntp 'H I 1u Quite a number of Salemn folk at- The third afternooa Major John J. pearance. The Swlss Yodlem scertaint> ahigoi tended Chautauqua last .......... Mn. Hill wha iectuned on Afnica, the dark held the attention of the large aud- Mn. Ambrose Henry, Mrs. Heran- M. J. Hutchemon, Miss Margaret an'd continent, gave much information îeace. court and Mr. Ross Henancount, Osh- Master Biliy motored down frosa Tor-I about the country and ita resources 0f the specialty numbers, "The awa, Mms. J. R. Young, Miss Marion Leyallgoento and spent Sunday with Un. and including the great diamond business, 1 Eche ini the Alps", was one which and Mn. Robt. Young of Winnipeg yaigoMrs. F. Honey. Mie Margaret is and how it is carried on. Owing ta I will be long remembened. In it Jack Man., were in town Sunday calling remaining for a week's holiday.... the climate lbe tbought it would ai-I Jost and Miss Anna Fiecbtl gave a, on fniends. Mrs. Young is a eM. L ace ootMm .wy eante dark continent epoution cf a typical Swiss in- daughter of the late Audnew Neada IEeem M. and Mrs. R. Piagie and Ia the evening the comedy"omy cident when a happy young couple of 'Bowmanville and visited her aid 1fIamily, Oshawa, visited Mn. andi Mralwas presented with marked aucceas are some distance «ipart, so that the home an Division Street ,now accu- Ak Underwear: E. J. Doidge on Fniday.1 by a New York caste. The play impression of an echo may be pro- pied by Rev. and Mns. W. C. Wash- $1.00 Wo $2.50 Enjay Life-Eat Creasa of Barley deals with Tommy Milis and Marie duced. Standinig on the stage in the inlgtonf. $125Thurber, Father and Mether Thurber, Chautauqua tant, Mr. Jost took the Bowmranville Fl.ying Club flew their 1.00 Wo$12 Bernard andi Uncie Dave Tuttie. part of a young man in a valley while eleventh aid bird race on Saturday Manie is in lave with Tommy, but is Miss Fiechlt some distance away ne-1 fram Danville, Ill., U. S. A., 528 ir so tired of hearing lier farnily's con- sponded iniiiarrnony with his sang se miles air liue. But owing ta the [Prices Royal ineatre tinual praise cf i that ah. turns that wben Mn. Joat stopped singing,I strang north east wind on Saturday te Bernard, who la net a favourite it saunded te the audience as if his 1 and the heavy nain an Sunday the flow Cost Price Pr.sonting The Finest la with mehter and faither. Unele Dave, voice were being eclicet back to, 1dm. i birds made slow time P. Battreil win- a true politician, fimaiiy bninga the The beauty of the act was that no one ning first and secandi, being the only Photoplays complications which anise te a happy was able te tell exactly w-hereMiss memben ta have birds in the" tira. '5Phone 589 close. A great deal of the camedyl1 Fiechtl's voice was cerning frorn, se limit, clocking two birds at sunnise 7S of the play was pnovided by the iperfect was the charactenizatica.I Monday. ~en euueu or uic splendid acting of Robent Straussa Other numbers well neceiveti were thet Ie eue o e who played the. part of Mn. Thurber. prsentation of a native Swiss dance ... $10.000 Fiidsiy-Satusday, JuIy 27-28 The concert given by the Mozart ubyeMr. and Mrs. Kuester and ia- TEMPERANCE WORKERS' PICNIC .$300Concert Comnpany on the fourth af- strumental numbers by the whoee Tom Mix Ia tennoan was a mest enjoyable musi- compaay. Typicai Swiss instiru- Hampten Meroial Park waa thie I"Painted Post" cal eveat ever. Charming costumes ments wene used by the artistsanad a ecene of unusual interest on Wednes- LEDUCED Tnlsrmne ata n added to the attractiveness of thisf perfect harmony was attained ini ail day, July 18, when a representative Bciat the tremendous l-augliteir in this Tam Mix picture production. The Comipany was coin- the aumbers they attempted.bodcfpohitostadSnsf ecite hetre endusof the great outdoirs. With Tom posed of Miss Betty Cain, vielunist, ada bas beat climate on earth te pro- Tesuperance members pt4hered far a ~nte The Iowpis as an amateur hotel keeper ini the Miss Dora Dean, celiist, and Miss Cor- duce a stundy race cf people. The jpicnîc. One was reminded cf these mtdt c-a.tyandd goucefbea- e Jessep, pianlat. glory cf the Anglo-.saxon race is that stirring daya wheu tiie temperance . sylean wok s mdstof sraned rop o beu- The prograni consisted of tria auni-I they knew how to retreat and cemef forces were ini earuest combat agait style and work 50tiful chorus ginls. Froni the stoI7 brsooadclvrsethspr-f back again stroagen than ever. Bocet the drink traffic. The. eanly part îelf. by Rarry Sinclair Drago. sented by Miss Jessep. The vialin yaur tawn, be loyal te your chuncb fteatnno a ient prs Matinee Ssturday at 2.30 p. m. solos wene especially we]l received, your schoais aud homes. To the lat-f At 4 a'cleck s plstfarm meeting was Children lie Miss Cain's masteriy rndition cf ter lie quoted Edgar Guest's "It takes iield in the spaciaus churcli shed. The. Chapter 8 cf dffilcuit scores calliag forth the very a heap cf livia' Vo make a home". pragramn consisted cf splendid mus- realy edued rics.hearty appiause cf the adi ee Travel helps te break down prejud- lc, pnovîded by Onono baud. New- ~ealyreucd riesT'he Trail of the Tige" "The Desert Sang" and "The Indiîan ices and ilustrsted this statemeat by castie maie quartet and Mms. Geo. F. and neguiar prognasa Love Cali", played as ecwre several ldughable incidents in bis ow Anuis, soloist, Ms. Rose Pearce, especially charming. hlf e wbicb went to prove bow easiiy Gourtice, gave inspiing tesuperauce The eveniag pragrani ccnsisted cf a person night be mistakea. lutonmbr. A res wee !tywholesale prices.- a short concert by the Mozart Cen- One tbung hie referred te was the. given by Rer. W. R. Clemeuta cf cent Company ,and a lecture, "The pnide that we as Bawmanviliiaas Cookstewu, J. M. Walten, mayor cf Monday-Tuesday, Juiy 30-31 0!Twi naNwWel"b hai- uld bave in our beautiful 'tirees ÀrradW .Pceceayc RamonNovaro Inles Piatteaburg cf Cedar Rapids, He queteti the pcem, the concluding; the Canadian Prohibition Federation. at haîf price.Rao Nvae i Iowa. Mn. Plattenburg atated in lune of which is "Oaly God caa make Ini the evening tii. ladies senveti a "Forbidden Houri" bis adress that the f aIl of ail previaus a tree"l. Beot Bowmanviiie as -the spnd ui shuprho bandhfuisii- A tbniiling stary of yaung love in civiiizations was due te crewding inte best tewn in ail Ontario.iumsetiouhuti.tigt, the sbadow cf the throne. The the large cities, and that the. "knock- Most iatenesting in connection .ith'_________________ 3lak nd Whie ndscreen's greatest rornantic figure, er" in the small town was a detriment thein performance was the fact that Blak ad W iteandNovare, la here ini the absarbing not anly ta the community in wiih instead of a piano beiag used fer an ANNOUNCING story of a kiag's love lu exile. lie lived but ta the. civilized wonld as accompauimeiit, a concert zither took . ................50e a wbole. Mn. glattenburg substit- lita place. This instrument is as coin- The Openin, Of Our New Jewelry uted fer Herbent Leon Cope, andt mon in Switzerland as the plane in Store in BowmaiLville - filled the bill. Ris address was one North America. t was handled by_____ of the finest we bave ever listened Mn. Wuaerle, wba in giviag severai, On Satuirday next we will open ELLING OFF Wednesday.Thursdfty, Aug. 1-2 te and was worth haif the pince af solo numbers demanstrated itslaur aew stone with a complet. Imie Richard Bartbele'mess Ini the wbele Chautauqua Course. W. beautiful harmoay. The talk anicf the newest and latest ini Jewelry,' "The hel o Chnce" r +ge -td -tat very mam n iii the tawn Switzerland by Mns. Kuester was Sqilvenaire, &Cut GlagsChina, E.. Phone 104 -ýz.vv a i ear iLn j-,,uviiiiur, 1%

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