MHE CANADIA.N STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, JULY 26th., 1928 PAGE TWO DENTAL DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE Ttonor graduate in Dentstry Toronto University. Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of On- tario. Office 'King St., BowmanvllO. Office phone 40. Bouse phone 22. X-Ray Equipment in Office. DR. J. C. DEVITT Assistant Dr. E. W. Sisson Graduate of Royal Dental College, Toronto. Office, King St. East, Bow- rnanville. Office hours 9 a. m. ta 6 p. m. daily except Sunday. Phono 90. House phone 283. X-Ray Equipment in Office DR. R. E. DINNIWELL Banor graduate of Toranto Uni- versity and member of Royal College ni Dental Surgeans. Licensed ta practise in Ontario and the Domin- ton. Dentistry in ail ite branckés. Office-King St., Bawmanville, op- posite Bank af Montreal. Phone 301. LEGAL M. G. V. GOULD, B. A.. LL. D. Barrister, Solicitor, NotarY Money ta boan on Farm and Town Property. Royal Bank Building, Bowmanville. Phono 351. W. R. STRIKE Succeàssr te, late D. B. Simp$ob, LC- Berriater, Solicitor, NotarY Solicitor for Bank ai Montral Moncy ta Loan Phoise 91 Bowmnville, Ontario W. F. WARD, B. A. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Money ta boan. Bonds for sale. Offices-Bleakley Block, King St., Bownianville, Ontario. Phones: Office 102. Boume 409. FUNERAL DIRECTORS F. F. MORRIS CO. complets Matoir or Horse Equipment Ail calis promptly attended to. Private A.mbulance Bowmanville phone 10 and 34 '7 Branch Storea Orono & Newcaatle ALAN M. WILLIAMS Embalmer and Funeral Director. Calîs gieen prompt and persanal at- tention. No extra charge for dis- tance. Phones 58 or 159, Bowman- vile,Ot. MEDICAL C. W. SLEMON, M. D., C. à Graduate of Trinity Medical Coil Toronto, formerly ai Enniskil Office and Residence, Dr. Beý former residence an Churcb St. BowmanvilIe. Phone 259. 4 3. CLARK BELL M.O., Ch.B., F.R.C.S., <Edin>, D.P <Succetior to Dr. A. S. Tille7: Hans. Graduate in Medicine, A deen University; FelIaw ai the R College ai Surgeans, Edinbu Office and Reidence, Queen Office Hours: 2 to 4 p. m., 6 to 8.30 1 Bowmanville, Phone 89 DRS. HAZLEWOOD AND BIR] Physicians and Surgeons Office Haurs: 1 ta 4 and 7 ta 8.q Telephane 108 Office, Wellington Street Bowman,çille, Ontario. VETERINARY DR.* F. Ir. TIGHE VETERINARY SURGEON. Day Night calîs promptly attended Office: King St. East, Bowman'v Phono 243. E. G. KERSLAKE, V. S., B. V. Orono Honor Graduate ai University Toronto. AlI cases given proi and careful attention. Offic Dr. McElroy's former office. Phar Clarke 3921; Orona 18-1. AUCTIONEERS THEO M. SLEMON Auctioneer i'arn and Hlouse Sales a Specia Ternis maierate. Enniskillen P. Phone 197r3. y% hand, pack Here is a treat that can't be beat! Benefit and plea. sure in generous measure! c'O Peppermint Flaroi THE EDITOR TALKS Many men of xany minds seems quite as evident taday as wvben we were given the epigram as a bead- line on aur copy book by aur schaol- master in Dryden's scbool away back in the early sixties. Human nature does not change very materîally in the decades. We bave been reading a very ively and interesting discussion being carried on in Englisb papers sent us weekly by Miss M. M. Tre- leven, Stratton, Cornwall, and we are passing an ta Statesman readers some of tbe arguments advanced an "Mar- niage and a Woman's Career"' by Dr. Isabel Emslie-Hutton wbo became knowýn ta the public for ber good work in Serbia during the Great World War. After ber marniage ta Lieut.-Col. Hutton she continued ber work as a specialist in a veny difficuli brancb of Medicine in London and is berseif a triumphant praaf that a bap- py marriage and a distlflguisnefl pub- On e knows rnany women, bowever, lie career are not alternatives be- woehuso okaeeteey twee whih a oma is ompeledirregular, sucb for example, as sur-1 ta choose. * * * geons, abstetricians, and general prac- From aur reading and observation titioners, wba make a success ai their we bliee thre xiss a trogercareers and bear their children witb feeing-preiudice we may say- butas l apefo wrk an the part ai tbe aristocnacy in the How does tbe marnied waman fare Old Countries against females who iîn Continental countries? In Juga presume ta enter the professions andi Slavia, a country weil known ta me, those wba engage in wbat we consid- jI do not know a single doctor and ered to be men's wark exclusively1bardly a teachen wbo is unnmarried. than in Canada. But tbere is sucb Indeed, they aiten marry wbile stili an immense surplus ai women aven1 students and a grateful Government there that the unmarried class can increases tbeir University grant in not be blamed for doing such work as consequence. The bearing ai cbild- they cao even in man's reaini. We1 ren is looked upon in a mucb mare speak as an employer ai girls in theI natural way than in aur country and publisbing business for balf a century,I praiessional women work up ta the and bave f ound tbem entireiy satis- very time ai the birtb ai their cbild- factory as workers and absoiutely de-I ren as do their sisters in tbe home pendable and in every sense faithful and in the fields. Their infants are ta the trust reposed in tbem. Maie brougbt ta tbem ta be fed at negular teachers are a marrying ciass aimost intervais during the course ai the witbout exception and we bave aiten scbool lesson or ciinic and nia one said tbat if girls bad flot crowded sol tbinks tbat there is any detriment many af tbem out ai the sobools th e e;tber ta the work or ta the chiid. men teachers would bave taken the.n* for wives. Sa that the girls lost or But why make -a bugbear ai thel fonieited niany good chances. 'cbiidren? Tbey are nat belpless * * *i babes for ever. and very soon tbey; But hear what Dr. Isabel Emslie-j Hutton bas ta say about "Marriage, and a Woman's Careen. We have been neminded, she states, that wboie branches oi the profession wbicb areý subject ta public control are entireij clased ta married women, irrespect-I ive of their qualifications or exper-1 ience, and that women doctors arel dismissed an marniage fnom every publie office witbout exception. And wby? The~ reason given by a noted London physician tbe other day is that "marniage is a fuil-time job", and that, therefore, those wbo un- dertake matimany bave no time ion a professional career. grow up and go off ta scbool. My wander is flot bow prof essional wonm- en cao manage tbeir bouses and cildren, but bow in the wonid the average caneenless married woman (except those wba have officiail<utiesi ta perform.) fils in her timel. Haw% wonderful fa rtbe ciidren ta bave ai mather wbo bas that bneadtb aif view-1 point wbicb a career cao give, andi wbo bas tbat understanding ai lii e1 and affairs wbich must came ta ber tbrougb ber wark. Her chil<rein us- uaily learn ta be cansiderate and un- selfisb wbile quite young, and the, fact that tbey must be on hbeir veny best bebaviaur so as ta belp tbeir buszy .mother, bas a great effeet for g-oad THE EDITOR TALKS Tbink ai tbe benafit ta eacb otberj and ta the cammurity wbere busband and wife are ,for example, doctors; bow entbralling eacb case becomes wben tbese mutuai partners are in consultation. Mucb recent ne- searcb work bas been JDne by mar- ried scientsts ard chemists working togetber. Many surgeons bave their %vives ta assist tbem or ta anoestbetize (or vice versa), and many teachers, dentists, solicitors, barristers, and nurses are working xitb their bus- bands in tbs ideal partnership. Iftbe couple are -iat engaged in tbe same profession, tben wvonk wbicb entails regular bours is that best suit- ed ta the wife. Sbe can then prob- ably plan ber days s0 that sbe bas al ber meals witb ber frtînily. Many professions, too, Odo be canried on almost entirely at home. That Dr. Emslie-'Hutton wield's a In thcaracters. guests. Rev. R. A. Swyers wished i trenchant pen is at once in evidence * * * the couple mucb joy and happiness, C - wben sbe asks, wvhy is it that the \ise It is a complete fallacy ta presuime and Mrs. AlIdread expnessed beri men ai educational and bospitai that proiessionai women bave no in- tbanks for the miany beautiful pres-1 boards are so very anxious ab)ouI; theI tere st in tbe borne. I beard some- ents in a f ew well-cbasen woe-ds. The 1 pA weii-being ai the busband and child- one the other day say: "I wisb John gift froni the community was a sil- ren ai tbe professional woman? Tbey wene rnarrying a stay-at-home girl ver tea service, and many othert loge, sbake their beads in pity for the hus- and n ot a lady scientist". But bas a heautiful gits were received.c il1en. bands ai the teachers, doctars, On profession anytbing ta do with wbet- Mn. Alldread is a brother ai Jas.1 ith's baristers wbo propose ta carry on h er a woman is a bome-maker or not? Aldnead ai Tyrone, Matthews xeet, their careers ,but they neyer givc a Sureiy it is sometbing mucb more . Aldread ai Newcastle, and Mrs. Wm.t 44-t. mament's tbought ta the busban;d ai fundamentai than that, and there isl Robinson, Pontypool.-Orono News. the cbarlady (wboever met a spin- notbing in work ai any kind to make ster char?) on indeed to the borne ber unwomanly if she is nat sa byl .0aff aira o fany woman engaged in wark nature. ORANGE W4LK AT WKITBY ) i bumlecarctr The waman who works bas, as ai Bowmanville Orangemen celebrat- ~~ber- * * * ~~~~rule, a mucb greater appreciatian a dte GaiofTefh i b p oyal For generatians we bave taken fan ber borne than ber more ieisured sis- e h Goiu wlt"i h p irgh. gnanted the married actress, the ter-, she looks upon it as a baven ai proved mannen. Before ieaving 1 St., authoress, and the artiat ,and we refuge rather than a cag-e from which Bowmanville for the "Walk" atj1 P. In. realize that not only does she cape ta escape, wb!ie bousekeeping is apt Wbitby ,the membens ai Loyal Or- successiully witb ber borne, ber bus- 1ta be a hobby instead ai a task. an ge Lodge 2384, and Loyal True band, and ber chiidren, but that she j* Blues 474, asse'ifled at the lodge KS wiil nat do ber best work until shte Adx taete arfcs faY? rooms and marcbed tbrougb the bas lived the fuller lfe oai ariage. TeAniy tareesac ices ifan. nstreets ta the stirring musicoa i fli And s0 it is witb the profiessionai. sufTe ny hari eise, and theaniin- and drum band. Arrived at the .3.sfiinyo esradtegwoman; ber efficiency as a worker: vn War Memorial green, tbe members ai, iwili be increased by maniage anid she up oi games, bridge ,and ail but the the lodges formed a serni-circle, wbiie .will find little difficuty in adjusting occasional deligbt ai "shopping"; this a beautiful wreatb was placed on the ber work ta ber new lufe. She will, latter, I fear, 50 aiten means much memnonial by Mrs. Charles King and perhaps, bave ta be a :temare window-gazing, and makes up a good Mn. Baden Pîngle. Prayer was off er- methodical and plan ber day witb deal ai the "fuil-time job" ai wbîcb ed by Rev. R. McDerment, wbîcb was greater cane in orden ta achieve suc- we hear sa maucb.1 followed by the observance ai twa cess; sbe must also be strong phy.sicai- The proiessional woman I, veri]y minutes' silence. Foliawing this ly, and, mast important of aIl, she believe, spends, an the whole, mare ai ceremany. the Orangemen motored ta Yor must bave a busband whà L in syr--b er time at home than the "fuil-time- Wbitby, wbere a number ai lodges ta. patby witb ber aims and ideais. jab-wife". It is a true saying thatigatbered ta take part in the grand r111e. * * * ithose wbo are busy always find timel parade and pragram ai sparts. Good grounds are seen in this for everytbing, whiie the woman wbo Bow.ranville Orange Lodge par- country for the opinion that as years ibas n o caneer rarely finds time even adedabu itsroganthra- Se. go by, more and more ofpfesi 'lta continue the musical on artistic t aboveut fiitystn and ltheir at- women will marry. A generatian educatian wbicb sbe may bave begun cisian won thein the cup for the best af or s0 aga most ai the wamen w ho bei are ber marriage. Most protes-I appearance an parade. The Layai I impt took up cancers put aside detiberate- sional women seem ta find time ta True Blue.s ai Bowmanvîhle, 35 in e-1 ly any id ea ai marriage; b)ut naw tbe keep in toucb with contemparary art number, wearing white dresses witb, ,es: type bas cbanged and girls are be- and literature, and, moneover, ta do blue scarves ,and carrying blue pana-I ginning thein training at a younger their awn mending and darning. sos eeaaddasmlrcp -aga; most ai them are healthy, nor-so, e a rd aiml up mal young wonîen whu expect at saine Let us then take the marriei pro-I 1 future tinie ta marc> and bave rbild- fessionai woman as a matten aif HOME GARDEN CONTEST ren. Surely this is a stan ta the course, wbetber sbe works for gaini igbt direction. (jor for the good of the cammunity. During the past week Mn. J. A. lty. No every nmarried %vaman willi dc-Le s open al aur posts equally ta Neilson and J . Y. Kellaugb, ai the o * cide ta continue ber work, and she men and women, married or single, Department ai Agriculture, Port L-i iray be perfectly rigbt ta retire fro'nI and let the hast individuai get the Hope, bave finished inspecting the t. Thase, bowever, wb nhave a reaîl post. And let us 1)0 thankful that Home Gar-dan Contest gardons i In geiut. ->e ijrenc<. Same wamen are able ta carry on their Durhamn County. Twenty-twa bovs should certainiy, in fairness ta the: profession aiter marriaga, for then and girls received a package ai eight- j rprofession and the pub)lic, carry on undoubtedly' thcy will (Io hetten work' Cen different kinds ai vegetable s;eeds,1 Iwith their wj)rk. than aven bafore. Tbay will have at- las, Spring from the Depari n a f .I * taine<l their fullest intellectual pcaw- iculttire a, a lov': co-, and thy I Many wamien, although thpy Iight e rs, a nd wili have gained immea. W ere hemng scored rta the manner ini be quita glad ta give up thi*Pro. urahly in human understanding and which they bad planted . Ica l(,or fe.,sion witb its attendant axato ympathy. their vegetablas. Most ai the gard-, I ~ ~ ~ 1 nd anau-jf ect ,t ens veevery well kept and sho\vedlà lin ordcer ta contribute ta the bouse- splendid growtb. We believý this- bol<l exponses. I know many. womiî HOW DREAMS MATERIALIZE to h< a splendid way in wh'ch to teach1 who work in arder that they raay give ___re ___ ttceroysian girs ta raf es t ai e- thaîr children a goad educat'i*n or It ic; oui deÀr tceti ine 'vegetablýes and it also gixe hniad- support some ailing 'jr irnpcNished i the ycar tý get awav froni the dinisire ta hava a piace afiland ta cane relative. There are a thoisn n , iytafc n u av r for Smnall cash prizes raare ana neasans wby some 1a id onen-lghvst noise vould ha ins:antlvntbeîto t ha aight contestants vbasa gtîrd- must earo and it is faitunata that, icalh. Xe often think ai beng' ens scored the bigbest and tne foilow- for this neason alona, nîany oif ur abj'îid a steanier aut in mid acean. îng are the pize winners i niast efficient women are spared tc lhahro tinte has paacef tlly upûn 1Ist-Chaniie Alldred, R. R. 2, New-I tbeir profe ssions. vaut hands, and the wanies ai life1I castle, 2nd-Rutb Staples, R. R. I. 7À The difilculties ai carrin.g an thihvefe. W rema1teethnsFras-erville; rd-Garnet Rickar<î, R. i% ork are ia.-gely tbaoretceul and -ni(j.t %'et iti le do we realize that theseR.1,B maile4t-uilak I married Jcouples find t actua! pract-.41reamis can camte truc if we but pause ~Hampton th-eaMerestlCamp- ice that everytbing salves it-,l! quite 1for nc monient tu think. What oai Hampot; t-PJoerlMarrer, Ca- simply. One knows no happier hbus-1 inland %vaterý? %We only tbink aif>e crit; 7tb-oepb Paînie1 r, Il ýIjai- and %vives than thase wba are thenma-s beinz fit for angler.s and Hop nne.deR.R , at ,i!jth l)usy warkers, and such pfoaple thase;( wha delight in caîboeing. Hope:t e oe ta lre -ui ýa L-stinBut Itisf taehaebopedithatoaa langer eum- macy nerdui n1ite nhny ra hicdcs er will enter this contestin 199 e ýs <jf work and yat fînd th at thev I et- ani vive jju rselvje- up tjj <reamv dv o fu hop e a wh h mr s a. mucb aif.xich ther a., hhc we rveîr îbink of sucb ess----a eer ,average miarri-d couple; if they ara 1os: bi 1itieo.s? They (Io exist, and I d(1 ,ng t Ile >ano ý-ork, as is so vr think afi t, foi two vbale davs an Red Roue Orange Pekos aitaîl the case, theirs, surély, oche ean o oi own, embarking a ks ((l u.Pr ciol sweeping out acros cornes as near to perfection p ___ __-__ ___-.--- lake Huron, thîough the great Soo as any tea can. Everything c CHROPRCTI ANDDRUGESSCanal, and out over Lake Supenior, that tea experte can do to C CIRORACIC ND RUGESSthe greatast hojly aif resh waten in rnake Red Ro» Orange Pekoe THEROPY the world. X'aur drenms, therefore, sueiri uaiy fao DURWIN E. STECKLEY cao matairialize, and mare sa if vou uero in qaty fvo bonor giaduata ai Toronto College caIl upan the Canadian P'acific Rail- and value is dne in tLegreat ai Chiropractie il ha in the Bow- way, abtaining aIl information ne- Red Rose blendins roorna. mianville Office Tuesday, Tbursday garding this wonderful trip, and fin- Try it to-day. Put UP in the and Saturday evcnings, phone 141J. ally asking tbem for reservations. Mn briqht, .e»n *luminum Residential calîs made duing fane- C. B. Kent, Town Agent, Bowrnan- paim' S noans. ville, Ont. 29-2w pcaess. TRULL PICNIC Tbe TTrull picnic at Oshawa-on- tbe-Lake Saturday, Juiy 14, was at-1 tended by almost one bundred. Wbîle1 the cildren participated in tbe racesa their eiders enjoyed looking on and Il those who caried off first prizes were1 Acy Horn, Lloyd Stainton, Dorotbyu Stephenson, Jobn Staintan, Joycer Edgar, Bessie Cameron and Mrs. Saina Brooks. Old and young seemed ta display equal powers, at tbe well-lad-t en table and we bave promised our-1 selves mare music fnom tbe orchestra - next year. Tbose wbo bad passed1 their exains successfully and those2 wbo bad taken bonors Nvere given al iusty cheer. Old Sol who bad beeni very tardy in smiling an the enter-t prise wvas most generolis efare tel day was over and the happy gatberinig, seemed loatb ta break up. PROF. REYNOLDS HONORED Retiring Principal of Ontario Agri-3 cutural College Presented Witlit Cabinet of Silver.f Members of the Ontario Agricuit-t ural College Staff, Guelph ,and agni- cultural representatives of the Pro-1 vince bonored Dr. J. B. Reynolds, re- tiring president of the Callege an Wednesday, July 18, when a. doublai presentatian was tendered bim aýt a garden party on tbe beautîful1 grounds oi Macdonald Hall. i On behaîf of tbe staff, Prof. Eatan Howitt, af the botany departinent, presented Dr. Reynolds witb a cabinet1 af silver, wbile R. J. Rogers,'agi cultural representative for 'Y orkj County, preaented bim with a gold watch as a mark of esteem from the service which he represented. G. H.: Ruhnke of tbe cbemistry deparîmenti of the O.A.C., on bebaîf of the grad-1 I uating ciass of '23, announced that1 bis class pnoposed ta presant ta tbe College a portrait of Dr. Reyn.alds. Tbe formai presentation will be made some time during tbe coming year SILVER WEDDING Former Durham Couple Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Alldread afi Carman, Man., celebrated at tbeir bhome on Sunday, July lst., tbeir, twenty-fifth wedding anniversary. At five o'clock forty relations and intim- ate friends sat down ta a dainty sup- par, the table being decorated witb peonies, white streamers and beils. At 7.30 o'clock friends of the corn- munity gathered and spent an en-~ joyable evening of sangs and music. Miss Emma Ross sang "O Promise Me". Later in tbe evening a sumptuous lunch was served ta aven one bundred Souvenirs Bowmanville AND Canada Boxed and packed, ready ion mailing . Large number ta select irom, ai usoful and ornamental articles. W. T. Allen Big 20 Bookatore Bowmnanville Ont. Witheut Examination healthy =en, Bts. 1.5to9 amy obtain a policy forS35 RAIS PFM 82,5W A",00In oet of Aua" ot 20--13,03If . .nta.y kllo $250 Unevn o as 2,Wut deutb -- buthis oap.nTO-DAV Excelsior Lif e Insurance Co. Bowmanville, Ont. Addrn. «"A BIG CIRCUS COMING" A grand gala day foar tbe cbildren, fram six ta sixty when the Barnett Brotbers big trained animal circus and pitcbes their big city of tents in Bowmanville, an W'ednesday, August lst., there are mare wonderful feat- ures, mare sensationai acts in the Bar- nett Brotbers Program than almost ail ai the ather shows combined. There will bc a street parade at naon througb the principal streets-the beautiful tableaux and open dens ai wild animas-the funny clowns- beautiful wvomen, four bands of music and the Calliope, ail make the chiid- ren wonder if any fairyiand is any mare beautiul-and gives tbem the tbrill af their iife tume. AUNT SUSAN'S WEEKLY LETTER Phone 3 Baker and Confectioner Bowmanville L * *ANJ~0 o.i?. * e z v witb us tbe bot summer days witb the added extra work on the farms, you will do well ta sa plan your work that you can yet find time ta relax and rest some part ai each day. The very early morning is mucb the best tinie ta do the extra needed cooking for the many you have in the house, also the wasbing and iraning. Then the middle day and evening' can be planned for your rest, or yaur help outdoors. If after a bard day's work in tbe fruit orchard yau endeavor ta make Up your caoking for tbe next day, or try ta get tbrougb the wark that will aniaunt up in great farbidding piles, you will discover that being tired it is twice as bard ta get tbru. One or twa mornings eacb weeký get up an extra bour or two earlier. Plan your work metbo4ically; while your wasb is soaking or boiiing yau can get tbe bread in the aven, and wbile that is baking you can make cookies, cakes and pies. 1 bave a gaod recipe for cookies tbat are nourisbing and easy ta make. Try ta avoid cooking at midday. Let tbe cbildren take a bag af cook- ies and fruit under tbe trees, and if possible join tbem tbere for an bour.ý A cooked meal in the evening is better in most bornes, especially if you bave ta assist outside most of tbe day during tbe busy season. ht can be more leisurely enjoyed and it bas not tbe same effect of over- beating and njakîng beavy and sleepy as it bas at mid-day. Prepare tbe v4egetables in tbe early morning, aiso cook your nîeat course, or partiy 50, tben you will need only about baîf an bour ta work at the bot stove in the evening, and allow- ing it ta go out îmmediately you can keep your kitcben cooler. I arn always sa sorry for tbe xvomen wbo make slaves of tbemselves at the cooking range day aiter day in the beat of tbe sunîmer, wben a little careful foresigbt and planning, a few days abead would belp out. Sucb menus tbat can be worked in witb a minimum af labor and mxax- imnum of nourisbment ,would leave tbem sa mucb freer, eitber ta beip on the farm, or keep tbemselves rest- ful and tberefore mare bealtbfui andi strong of nerves duning this most trying seasan of the yeàr. A mother gets little tbanks if sbe is sick and worn out at tbe end of tbe summer, and no matter bow mucb barder otbers may work a wif e and mather bas always more tben ber share, and expected ta carry tbrougb witb no complaint, being always thel brigbt and cheerful pivot of berl borne. Your loving AUNT SUSAN. I Scream! You Seream!t We Ail Scream FOR ICE CREÂM CORBETT'S HAVE IT Finest Quality-Your Favourite Flavors Canada Dry Ginger Aie Special prices on case lots W. P. Corbett 1 1 i -"'t' Bebind the Man! B AC ofcverymian.-Dack of every the Bank-the guardian cf fortunes, the Counsellor andi friend of those who, realizing the uncertainty of to-morrow, provide for its energencies out of todlay's resources. The RDyal Bank of Caniada Bowmanville Branch - R. F. Aitchison, Manager 1049 BOWMANVILLE ONE DAY ONLYj Wednesday, Aug.I Barfnett Bros. cfrus' THE WORLD'S LARGEST POPULAR PRICED AMUSEMENT ENTERPRISE Show Grounds on Scugog Street Bowmanvile Admission: Children 30c; Aduits 60c. Tax Paid