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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Jul 1928, p. 3

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PAGE THEEBÈ THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, JULY 26th., 1928 Bell's BIG JULY SALE July 25th to 3lst Corne expecting Bargains "you'll get em" When Bell advertises a Sale, it is a Sale King St. West AJ Br"Bl Bowrnanville A.J "B r" el Mens &Boys' Wear Right By Cole's Barber Shop SToBIE, FORLONG & CO. STOCKS BONDS GRAIN Head Office: Reford Building Bay and Wellington Sts., Toronto S. F. EVERSON, Local Manager Private Wire Systean 1l King Street East, Oshawa-Above C. P. R. Office Phones 143 and 144 Phone Calis At Our Expense SEASONABLE ARTICLES Sereen Doors, Screen Windows, Oil Stoves, Etc. LAWN MOWERS SPECIALLY REDUCED TO CLEAR SPECIAL TO CLEAR One Electric Range MASO N & DALE Phone 145 Popular ardware Store Bow anvill IRE» ROSE AisîgooJtei The Orange Pekoe is extra good In clean, brighi Aluminum 0f Interest To You If You Desire Solid Cornfort Next Winter the Lowest Price Place your order now f or and at D. L. & W. Scranton Coal The Standard Fuel for ail Cooking and Heating Equipment Until further notice prices will be Egg, Stove, Nut Sizes $15.00 per ton; Pea $12.50. Alberta Cole (Rosedale Lump) ............$14.0 Oto Nut Coke ................................... $12.00 Delivered to ail parts of the town. BUILDERS' SUPPLIES We have also a full stock of Lumber and Builders' Supplies and are always glad to have the the opportunity of furnishing estimates for any- thing required. Caîl and inspect our stock and prices McCIelIan & Co. Ltd. Phone 15 Bowrnanville E? S. T. Dowson, Mabel a~ and Mrs. J. Lowes a memee, Mm. and Mms. J.~, terbaro, Mr. and Mrs. Flint, Mich., and Mrs. ,Janetville, inotored ta visited their sister, Miss and otber einbers oi E. Gilbank, son of Mr. -E. Gilbank, Bowmanviiie, bh~ ppointed Principal of Perth bhool at an initial saiary of $hduties ta commence Septem- ber,. M. Gilbank was a pupil of B anvilie Higb Scbool and is a grMlllate of oQueen's University, Kingston, as specialist ini English and History. Congratulations. Before leaving Millbroak, Rev. F.-1 H. Howard, Pastor of Warkworth United Church, -as presented witb a purse of $100.00 ini gold; Mrs. How- ard was the recipient af a handsome sewing cabinet from hem bible class; their daughter, Miss Margaret How- ard, was given a dlock by the girls of the C.G.I.T., and Iheir son, ani eversqharp pencil and book by bis classmates in Sunday Scbool and Pub- lic Scbool. August issue af Rod and Gun and Canadian Silver Fox News, which is just published, contains a bighly in- teresting collection af yarns and star- ies of ouldoor Canada and hunting and fisbing. There is a very good story af a more unusual humorous type in "'Sa This is Moose Hunting" by John Richmond. Contents also include several articles of a conser- vationai note, as well as useful in- formation for hunters, fishermen and campera. Rod and Gun and Cana-t dian Siver Fox News is published'I montbiy by W. J. Taylor Limited, Woodstock, Ont. finternaliy and Externally it in Good.-Tbe crowning property aof Dr. Thomas' Eclectric 011 i. that it can be used inteimnallY for many cam- plaints as well as ?Xternally. For sare throat, croup, whooping cougb, pains in the chst, colit and niany kindred alimenta il bas qualitien that are unzurpassed. A bottle afitIlcorita littie and there is no Iana in always having at at band. CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. Aylmer Beecb, En- niskillen, desire ta tbank their many friends and neighbors for the kind- ness shawn them during bis illneas in Bowmanville Hospital and for the gifts and fiawers, aiso to the Sup- erintendent and nurses of the Hospit- ai for their kind attention. 1 ýýl. LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Miss Mildred Lawrie has been holi- daying with friends at Frenchman's Ray. Mrs. R. Jobnston, Newtonvile, spent the weekend with Mrs. J. H. Werry. Miss Arletta Maynard is visiting her sister, Mrs. George Lockingtoll, Toronto. Mrs. R. E. Logan and daughters, Ruth and Jean ,are spending their vacation in Tweed, Ont. Miss Hazel Mariatt and Miss Irene Petley are hoiidaying at the A.Y.P.A. Camp, Lake Couchiching. Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Clisby, Park- er, South Dakota, are visiting their daugbter, Mns. M. A. Neal. Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Illîngworth, Buffalo, were recent weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Neai. Mr. T H. Jennings of Toronto,j spent the past week with bis mother,l Mrs. Wma. Jennings, Cburch St. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Werry and Miss Florence Werry are visiting their daugbter, Mrs. C. H. Rowan, Bethany. Misses Olga Tod and Greta Wick- ett axe enjoying a montb's holiday with Mrs. F. B. Hanford, Bloomfield, N. J. Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Roberts, Pitts- burg, Pa., spent Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Lawrie. They were on a motor trip ta Canada. Miss Reta T. Bennett of The States- I man staff is bolidaying witb Mrs. L. 1 J. Henry, Hamilton, and ber sister, M,rs. S. H. French, New Toronto. Heartiest congratulations ta Miss Helen Pritchard, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Pritchard, on passing ber Introductory piano examinations with honors. Mr. Graham Courtice, son of Mr. L .T. Courtice, Calgary, Alta., is vis- iting bis uncie, Mr. Geo. F. Minis, Courtice, and numerous other rela- tive.s here. Mms. C. E. Rhines anld two children, Billie and Shirley, bave returned home after two weeks' visit with Mrs. J. C. Rhines, Port Hope, also Miss Arietta Maynard spent a week in Port Hope. Masons of three districts, Ontario, Peterboro and Prince Edward wil] hold a monster picnic at Presqu'île Park on Wednesday, August lst. It is expected thousands of Masons, to. gether with their wives and familles wili be in attendance. Dr. B. C. Brimacombe, Marion, Ind., is visiting bis mother, Mrs. E. Bimacombe, and sister, Mrs. H. A. Bird, at Mt. Hamilton. Sorry to report that Mrs. Briinacambe fell and brake ber hip but at ber alvanced age of 90 years, ber condition is fair. The annual gathering of Manvers Old Boys took place at Fleetowood (Manvers) Suanday with a morning service at il o'clock at the United Church. An oid time choir accu- pied the choir loft and addiresses were given by Manvers aid boys. The total value of the Canadian Na- tional Exhibition Park is $15,000,00 Miss Lois Stacey, Oshawa, recent- ly passed the Intermediate History examinations witb first-class bonours. This completes sali requirements boti practical and theoretical ta entitie hei ta be known as an associate of thE Toronto Conservatory of Music witl the degree of A.T.C.M. Hon. Vincent Massey and Mrs, Massey are if Toronto visiting thE f ormer's brother-in-law and sister, Dr. W. L. Grant, principal of Uppe. Canada College, and Mrs. Grant, They are awaiting the completion'oa the Massey summer residence, Bat. terwood House, near Port Hope. Sunday, July l5th. was St. Switli in's Day. There is an adage thai this day governs the weather for thg next 40 days. Here is the verse: St. Swithin's Day, if tbou dost ramn, For forty days it will remain. or forty days 'twill ain nae niair. usqular R tism Subdued.- erer £romn muscula nnot do better thai t on rubbed witb Di Ec LOul. Let the rul ris and continue until eas There is 'more virtue il it tiban can be f ully e-q BOWNMVILE DAU KNG ST. PONE 44G MOST people know this absolute antidote for pain, but are you careful ta say Bayer when you buy it? And do you always Igive a glance ta sec Bayer an Uic box--and the word genuise printed in red? It isn't thc geun spirin without Ït I A drug- store- always bas Bayer, with thse praven directions tucked in every box: ~, keowa thst COME TO THE BAZAAR The girls of Elgin St .North, Bow- manville, are holding a bazaar in aid of the Star Fresh Air Fund on the iawn of Mrs. T. Hamilton, Elgin St., on Saturday, July 28th at 3.30 p. m. ail donations thankfuiiy received. Came and help the children and make the bazaar a real success. Bowmanviiie Rotary Club met for the usuai weekly luncheon an Friday, July 2th., President Bob Aitchison presiding. The Club was fortunate in securing, as speaker on this occa- sion, Mr. Charles Plattenburg of Ced- ar Rapids, Iowa, who was in Bow- manville as a lecturer with the Chau- auqua. Mr. Piattenburg. bimself a Rotarian, gave a short talk on tapics of international interest wbich -xas bath profitable an'l amusinp. Other guests of the Rotary Club on this oc- casion were the Mo art Concert Coini- pany, Misses Carne Jessop, Betty Cain and Dora Dean; Messrs. Charles Nunn and H. B. Tindail, Chief and Assistant Chief of Cansp Bowanto, and Mm. Charles Smyth, Toronto. .Pjcnics-Scenery-Niagara Fals- a real day's auting-Cobourg ta Port, Dalhousie, Wednesday, August Stb. Boat leaves Cobourg at 7.30 stand- ard time. Came and spend the day with the United Cburcb Young Peo pie. Fare: Adults $2.30; Child- reft $1.15. Tickets now from E. H. Brown, Port Hope, and F. W. Baker, C. N. R. Agent, Cobourg. 30-11j DO YOU REMEMBER? Do you remember wben there was a miii west of Vanstone's pond in Bowmanville 7 Do you remember wben Haydon was a good sized vilage and had two churches, the Disciple and Bible Christian? Do you remember when Haydon Sunday School held its first anniver- sary an June and July 1? Do you remember wben the anniversary was bheld in September? "BARNETT BROTHERS CIRCUS AND TRAINED ANIMAL SHOWSý The world's largest completelyl -motorized shows in the knawn worldi will pitcb its big city of tents on Scugog Street for one day only, Wed- nesday. August 15., afternoon and evening at 2 and 8 p. nm. A grand free street parade at faon on day of exhibition througb the principal streets. Don't forget the day and the date-ramn or shine. CAMP BOWONTO Activities of Local Boy Scout Camp The ist Bow.manvilie Troop, 1101h Toronto, 57th Toronto, 91st Toronto and one Patrol of the 6th Oshawa are encamped at the aid Electric Ligbt Plant grounds situated west of Barber's Creek, nortb west of Bow- manvîlie. The camp is under the supervision of Camp Chief Charlie Nunn, Scout- master of 57th Toronto. He is most ably assisted by H. B. Tindail, Scout- master of 1101h Toronto and R. Fisher, Scoulmaster of 9lst. Show- ers of ram bhave only added to the enjayment of the camp wbicb is s0 situated as to dry very quickly. Practical and useful instruction is being carried ouI sucb as Swimming, First Aid and Woodcraft. On Friday a fiying visit was paid ta camp by Frank C. Irwin, Assiiý- ant Provincial Commissioner of the Boy Scouts Association, wvho pro- nounced the camp and conditions fine. On Monday the Scouts in camp were medicaliy examined by -amp Medical Officer, Dr. W. H. Birks who passed eight b oys as pbysically fit to undergo their test as First Class Scouts. This test calîs for a fourteen mile hike and a map ta be made of the terriîory covered, the Scout ta cook bis own meals and prçiwide his own i lodging i. e. a blanket under a con- venient bush. Sanie real swimmers are being tur- ed out some of wvhoni Ibreaten to leave Gearge Young bebind in the coming Wrigley swim. On Thursday evening next the Scouts are entertaining the local Rat- ary Club and their wives at the Camp. GÀIJ.AGHERS INDIAN LUNG This emedy contains many of the berbs aur grandfathers used and re- commended for lung troubles. As a real blaad builder and food we be- lieve it superior to cod liver oul or fisb ail preparatian. It builds up the body and fortifies the systeni against colds or thase diseases which attack the lungs. Bronchitis, As- .tbmà and even hemmamages have been permanently relieved by its use. Read aur pamphlet, An interesting Truc Story and go ta Jury & Lovel], Bow- manville ,and ask for a bottle of Gai- lagher's Indian Lung Remedy. Yours truly, Jack Speil. Asthma is Torture. No one who hasn't gasped for breath in the power of asthma knows- what such suf ering as. Thousands do know, however, fromn experience how immeasurable is the relief provided by thal marvel- ous preparatian, Dr. J. D. Keiiogg's Asthma Remedy. For years it bas been reiieving the most severe cases. If you are a sufferer do not delay a day in securing this remedy frainiyQur druggist. WhaI do you iike 10 do best an yaur summer vacation? What is your favorite outdoar sport? If il be fishing. canoeing, swimming, sailing, biking, or whatever it is, if you go ta the land of ten thousand lakes-On- taro-your favorite recreation awaits you. It is the cali of Nature's play- ground that urges you on ta the iife carefree ini its bigbest degree. Per- baps you are keen on golfing, motor- ing or driving. Ontario can offer yau ail Ibis and more. If yau seek the very wlderness iseif, or the bunt- er's shack, it is in that land ai entic- ing waterways tbatI satisfaction is yaurs. There are countîcas resorts one can set out on newv adventures, obtain new thriiis in lufe, and corne away with the greatent significance ai wbat lufe really is. Georgian Bay, French River, Pointe au 'Baril, Tixua- garni Muskoka, Kawartha, Bon Ech- on ail await la give the visitai a va- cation wortb wbiie. For full resart information cannait any ticket agent ai the Canadin Pacifie Reilway. Mr. C. B. Kent, Town Agent, Bowianville, Ont. 28-2 FRUITS ARE NOW READY FOR CANNING Sugar Is What You Will Need Rubber Ring We have Prunes 3daz. 25e tIivee n ominioni 3 lb. 24o gs 1 Lawencead 32e per bottie Jars Go]d Medal Coffee for a real drink. Give it a trial Bu]kTea eal uic Ayier Prk1 We have the tea you will like. Try once- use always. Fine Cut Flowers for al occasions. Leave your orders. SWANS DOWN CAKE FLOUR Cooking Fige only a few bit 2 lb. for 19e Have you tried Our Sweet There's nothing can beat iti Pickles 60e qt. The kind that mother makes.ý Oranges, Beans 2 tins for 59e doz 25e Dad's original Quaker Corn Scotch Oatmneal Flakes Cookies 22e doz 10e pkg. FOR QUALITY and SERVICE old-fashioned Red Tomatoes Yes! We have real Bananes We buy ail kinda of Farm Produce 40e doz. HARRY ALLIN Thse Corner Grocer Kng St. E., Bowmanville CAMP AT BOWMANVILLE The Scott Institute, which carniesi an Work among the Jews of Toronto under the direction of the Presbyter- ian Church, bas a summer cam p at Bownianville, overlooking the lake, where some 30 or 40 litIle Herbrew children frani "The Ward" are being given for a couple of weeks a laste of country life with its fresh air and sunshine. The cammittee under whose charge the wark is directed were invited by Mr. Ziedman, Sup- erintendent of the mission, ta visit the camp a few days ago. The vis- itors were much impressed with the tidy, dlean and bealthy appeorance of the chidren and \vith Iheir good manners and evident happiness. The camp is carried an along evan- gelical uines, and every day after the evening meal is served the children are gaîhered logether for a short service. Afler the singing of a num- ber of bymns they UnIstn tc a borief Gospel address by Mr. Ziedman.- For Saturday Specials ICE CREAM Sundaes - Sodas Bars,. The Bowmanville BakeryI Successors to Christie's Bakery Bowmanvillej CheeK;afi, MLarema2 P' C 25 Salmon s ( t?:a) 1se q,, 1e t@DfBd Cohée ~2 s 5eLombard Pluma Olivn Jar pi " Z OË * « ft cy C ann ai - M MBZ dt eO ' ShdriwvIff'aPineapple*401.-r53.1 F«ENE SUN VIWOR Exeece Data. c with eseh puc m2-lb. 1D@AMlO àS b. 259e CATsup 13.. Plea..adsu 5e'hM t3 Lobste PasteTin 14e Ubby'sels NWh... 2 ln 15e SKippered Sasdoe..... 241M 13e Clrksa Potta Mats ... .3 Ins 26c Glory of Norway Sardlnes2Tlns25e Clark:. Bofled Dblere .. .. Tin 28e Candy .SpeciolaCwad' , Fruit Dw@pv'u 35'1. . ~ e- >b Post ToSUtles. .... .«... 2 Pkga. 2le 1 Grapenata .... ......Pkt. 17c Braeoide Brand È'eeh Shredded.Lb2 Moyfîeid BRand Mode Creamery Coeoanut lelb. 2eiam - ; I B u t t e r 1 C o o u t . b . 1 e 3 k 0 I 3 j b ILux roLET »Ap -3e c«eiL » Richmello Blend ILUNCH RLI RFihit. Blnj1 é a 1b2 90 (15sheet) 3for lOejCOFFRE c.rA LUNCH PLATS IL3b.549i/,IIb%3 ..d 1/2lb, 400(50Osbets> each 9c 'ila sd 11111Oy' N avy Toilet R o lIa . . .. 3 for M5e 1I U febuoy Boap *. . . 3 Cakes 23e -String Corn Broons ... eaeh 3e 1Chipso .......Larte Pkt. 23e RADIO NEWS Tune in on CKCL, Toronto, for the next four Friday evenings, between 9 and 10 p. m., comniencing July 27th., and hear the speci al Oshawa Program sponsored by Thickson Motor Sale& . Yours very truly, THICKSON Motor Sales, 9 Bond St. W., Oshawa, Ontario Watch Our WVindows I * 1 Why not be a success-we show the way to big envelopes. Earn good salary as motor mechanic, battery welding, vulcanizing, house wiring, bricklaying, barbering, beauty culture work. Summer classes now forming, reduced fee, earn as you learn. Inter- estîng catalogue free. Write or cal Hempisili Trade Scisools, Limited, King West, Toronto. SummerTerm In each of Shaw's Twelve SchoolB follows the present Session in regu- lar order tram july 3rd with no torced Ivacations. Enter any day. Bookiet free Write 1130 Bay St, Toronto, W. Rt. Shaw, Secretary. In One Glass of Milk is tise Stufi That Makes Mon out of Boys Our pure pasteurized milk is a superiar food. You shauld serve it as a beverage ini your home. You should use il ini your cooking. - ieý- -Zý- rw-wmrqwlrwlrlrlrlnwlimr -W V V V m lu V -V iw V -i L -A I& AL-ALAL-AL A& Àm- -A&--Om-à Sugar De ouvo 0010 00 oeuveuwe 9 Mao* IL Milk is Yaur Best Food

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