THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, JULY 26th., 1928PAEFV LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Mr. Dunie of Oshawa, was lu Bow- mauville Tuesday. Local merchants are offoing same mighty tempting bangains lu their ads this week. Mn. sud Mns. J. H. H. Jury are at Boston, Mass., atteuding the Rexal Conventiou of retaîl druggists. Rotary Club Street Fain will ho held on Weduesday eveuiug, August lSth. You'll learn more about it ext week. Just make a note of the VMr. John Mayer, Misses Minta aud Laurs Mayer sud Mn. sud Mii. Ed- ward Mayer sud family of Buffalo, N. Y., are visiting Mn. sud Mrs. T. H. Knight. Mn. sud Mrs. A. Hyman, (uee El- 610 Betts), Cleveland, Ohio, were lu Stowu this week guests of the Misses Brimacombe, Miss Mary Hume sud other frieuds. Dr. and Mrs. J. Clark Bell sud son Ian, left au Wednesday for s month's holiday trip ta visit relatives lu Scot- laud. They ssii by the C.P.R. "Melita" from Montreal ta Glasgow, sud returu by the "Montcalm". Dr. G. E. Reaman, Supeintendeut, sud M. E. P. Bnsdt of the Agricut- ural Depatmeut of the Boys' Train- ing School, with Mrs. Resmian aud Miss Elaine sud Mrs. Bradt, have been on a veny pleasant matan trip through Ontarioansd the United States. Dr. Reaman addressed the Rotary Club at St. Cathonines, afteri which they visited Niagara Fails, Rochester, Syracuse sud the Adiron- dacks. Rev. Dr. Best gave good sermons lu St. Paul's and Trinity Churches ouý Sunday, speakiug lu the marning ou the value of a gift showiug that it 18 not the amount but the Spirit lu which it la given that counts lu the, sight of God. Iu the eveuiîîg he spoke fnom the words '"They ueed nat Dopat", showing the broad and gen- erous spirit of Christ compared ta his disciples. Bath ivore very helpful disicourses. Iu addition to the an- thems by the choir, NIs. G. L. Hall sang a soloast the moruing.sorvice, and Mn. H. J. Kuight aud Mrs. C. A. Caw- ker a duet lu the oveuiug. Dr. Audrew Hall, Mrs. Hall, sud dsughters Jean sud Majonie, sud sou Joo sud other frieuds iwere lu towu Tuesday calling au the foniuer's cousins, Mn. J. N. Lawnie sud Miss E. E. Hayraft. Dr. Hall has speut 28 yoars s medical missiouary iu the Phillipine Islands as the represeuta- tîve of s Presbyteniau Chunch lu Rochester, N. Y. At presout they are home ou fulough sud onjoyiug s visit with their fsmily who are beiug educated in different colleges lu the Uited States. They have beon ejoyiug a mter trip through Can- ada, visiting relatives sud frieuds lu Scarboro sud Markham townships where Dr. Hall was born. LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Weduesday next is circus day. 1 Miss Leoa McManu and Ms. F. Baker spent Tuesday of this week in Toronto. Miss Ruth Crydorman has riune from a pleasant visit with relatives1 in Toonto. Mn. and Mns. C. A. Smith have ne-1 tunued fnom a pleasant motor trip ta Western Ontario. Dr. James Bnay and grandsou, Master James Rundie, Toronto, re- cently visited relatives here. Rev. aud Mrs. H. W. Warren and son Regiuald, Stauffville, receutly visited at J. E. Elliott's, Concession St. Mn. and Mns. C. H. Mason, Helen sud Donald, are spendiug a few days with Mn. sud Mrs. C. H. Haddy, Mus-I kaka. Mrs. A. B. Roberts sud Miss Beat- ice Roberts, Part Hope, have bee visiting their cousin, Mrs. R. T. M";p heus. Mrs. Ada Dumas was called to Osh- awa recently owiug ta her daughter, Mns. James Milligan, having scalded her foot. Tornto aften spendiug twa weeks with hon daughten, Mns. W. J. Culley. Store lu Bowmanville Mn. sud Mrs. Jack McLeod aud sou Jack, Westou, are viiting hisI brother, Mn. James MeLeod aud fam-1 ily, "Lakeview Fanm". Mn. sud Mrs. R. S. Pollard, Prest- an, were lu tawu this week calliug on their cousins, Mn. and Mrs. W. J. S. Rundle sud othen relatives bore. Mn. sud Mrs. J. E. Elliott, Mrs. R. T. Sîsman sud Mn. and Mrs. S. T. Moutjoy, Hampton, atteuded the Taylor Re-union at Alliston l1stwek. Our local bail team of the!C..C.F. played a fiendly game with Oshawa C.O.C.F. team Iast Satunday sudi were defeated, score 7-11. Returnu game will be played this coming Sat- urday.1 Miss Mary O'Grady, Toonto, has returued home after speuding twa weeks with hon uncle, Dr. Tighe. Miss Yvonne Tighe returued with hon sud will visit frieuds lu Torouto aud Cale- don. Mn. sud Mrs. Fred Baker, Scugag St., took s matar trip thnough Prince HAMPTON Edwsnd Couuty lest wook, visiting fnieuds at Picton, Cherry Valley sud Miss Auna Wallace, yauugest speut oue oveing visitiug with daughter of Mn. sud Mis. C. H. Wal- frieuds at the Sasnd Banks. lace, Hampton Creaînony, is t,) be cou- Mn. Wm. Mcartuey and daughten, gratulated lunobtaiuing 90 marks in Miss Graco of Brantford, Mn. Gre- the Iutnoductony Piano examnution. gary McCartney of Port Credit, Mn. Auna is a pupil of Mis. J. Albert sud Mrs. Wm. Tindale sud son Mur- Cale, Bowmanville. ray, Toronto, were receut guests of Reserve Fniday, July 27th, to hear Mn. aud Mis. Fred Clmer, Welling- the Ebenezer Drsmiatic Club preseut tan St. "Arnold Goes luto Business", under Men's twa-piece wo'ol bathiug suite auspices of Hamupton League. Ad- $2.75 up, at Couch, Johnston & Cny-l mission 35e sud 15c. denxua's. Enjoy Life-Eat Cream of Barloy Be Early Positively No For hes Gigan iC Approbation and SalThee Strictly A Sensational Values Clean Sweep S l Cash sale of Ail Women' s and Misses Summer Dresses THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Many individual models-dresses for street wear, afternoon wear, sports wear and travel. Many of thern less than haif price. Values which are astounding in selection and quahity. SHOP EARLY WOMEN'S DRESSES HALF PRICE AND LESS Regular $7.50 To $1000-Sale Price $498 Creyshenes, Printed Tricosheens, Printed Voiles in many very smare styles-ideal dresses representing values unusual, qualities good and tailoring extraordinary at this greatly reduedý price. Sizes 14 to 46, EXTRA BARGAIN SPECIAL $4.98 MISSES' AND WOMEN'S DRESSES, SALE PRICE $3.98 All Fresh and New, Priced at Haîf For Quick Clearance Plain Double Silk Broadcloths, Guaranteed Plain Colored Crey- shenes, (silk and cotdon), tailored ini becoming styles to suit the particular size which the dress is tailored. I n every color and white. Originally priced at $7.50, * SENSATIONAL CLEARANCE PRICE $398 DRESSES SUBSTANTIALLY REDUCED TO CLEAR White Pure Spun Silk Dresses in haîf sizes from 16½/ýto 22½/2for the shorter figure and regular sizes from 14 Wo 44 included in this group of Washable Silk Dresses, daintily trimmed and guar- anteed fast colors. Priced from $9.75 Wo $12.75, EXTRA BARGAIN SPECIAL $6.98 RUSH SPECIAL FOR THURSDAY MORNING 100 only California Frocks made of Printed Dimity (guaranteed washable), and daintily trimrned with organdie collars and cuifs. Sensational value at $2.05. Sizes 14 te 44. BARGAIN SPECIAL THURSDAY $1.98 Note These Gif t Specials in Ensemble Suit. and Coats Two Only Ensemble Suit. Regular $48.50, Thursdiay Morning $15.00 il - io er In his brave and smillng face. Free tram trou ble, free from angtxish, Free tram sarrow, grief and pain, If on earth ws prepars for Heaven We one and ail shahl meet again. Wif e and Family. Lost or Found PURSE LOST-Small coin purse con- taining a sum oi money lost on Saturday evening ai Chautauqua. Finder please leave at Statesman Office, Bowmanville. 30-1 WATCH LOST-On Sunday afternoon, a lady's raId hunting-case watch, Walth- am mavement between *1<urv Inn" and whene aeroplane lit. Reward for return ta Mrs. Charles Wilson, Newcastle R. R. 3, Phone Clarke 1933. 30-2 Articles For Sale FOR SALE-A garage at rear of Dr. Siemans nesidenc , Bowmanville. 30-2 FOR SALE-Percheron mare and colt. Appiy ta Foster Snowden, Traunton, phone Oshawa 1648r3l. 30-1 FOR SALE-Haistein caws, due ta freshen right away. Apply James Moarey, Hamptan. 30-2w ORGAN FOR SALE--Goad argan, nice- ly flnished, good tane, cheap. Apply ta J. T. Hoaper, Bowmanville. 30-tf *LUMBER FOR SALE-Oak and Pine lumber. Prices reasonable. APPlY la Thos. D. Bysrs, Pontypool. 29-3w' FOR SALE-Star touring car, In good condition, cheap, also 32 rim ire repeating rifle, C. J. Mitchell, R. R. 3, Newcat- le. 30-3w' FOR SALE-Sampsan Tractar, In good condition. Apply ta L. R. Woods, Me- Carmick-Deering Agent, King St., Bow- manville. 27-tf FOR SALE-Female police pup, 7 monthi aid $5. AIea bay mare, general purpose $45. Apply H. J. Davis, Middle Raad, near C. N. R. Station. 30-1w' FORD COUPE FOR SALE-Balloan tires, automatic windshield wiper, 1928 license, $125.010 cash. Appiy ta Howard Haliman, Bowmanviile Glave & Mitt Ca. GEESE FOR SALE-Embden Gesse, 2 aid gesse ane gander, 15 yaung gesse They are a chaice lot and can ha had reasonable. George C. Wright, New- castle, Ont. 29-3w Wanted HELP WANTED-ýGeners.i J. Tayne, Hotel, Newcastle, phone 33-13. 30-1' MAN WANTED-Married man, capable o! deiivering mllk, muet have chanaeter reference. Appiy to Raos Stevelis, R.' R. 3, Bowmanviile. 29tf TEACHER WANrED-FOr S. S.--No. 4. Darlington. State galary and exiler- lence. Send copies of testimoniale. Ap- piy H. P. Osborne, R. R. 2, Bowmanviiie. 29-2w Real Estate For Sale NEW BUNGALOW FOR RENT-AU ilm- pravements, gas furnace, archard and garage. 282 Nasson st., Oshawa. Appiy ta A. E. Cluse, 73 Bond W., Oshawa. 30-tf Houses to Rent FLAT TO RENT-Faur rooma., modern conveniences, possession at once. ApPly ta Norman James, Statesman Office. APARTMENT TO RENT-In Cowan Block, 4 rooms, ail convenieflOsi, heat, bot and coid water supplied. Appiy J. J. Mason & Son, Bowmanville. 26-t HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE-Prame houes and U; acre land, chaice ganden sali, house nat quite compieted. an Ideai home for workIng man, wiil be said cheap. Appy ta Statesmafi Office, BOW- manvilie. 27-tf-lw' LAUNDRY WANTED Ail kinde of iaundry work dons prompt- iy. satisfactoriiy and at reasouable priais Write Past Office Box 12, or cail Mrs. W. Marjoram, King St. B. BOWmanviiie. NOTICE Hemstitching andi pict-edging dans. Work deivered ires lin Bowmanvilie. AUl mail ardero promptl.y attended ta. Mn.. Russell Habbe, Liberty St, Bowmanviiie. 30-tf AUCTION SALE W.dnesda:, Au"ut th-Mrs. F. SGllthro, Lot 14, Con. 8, Darlington, will seilIail of her household effeota, aloo the farm oi 21 % acres on which a good trame bouse. See bille. Sale at 1 p. ni. Theo. M. Sienion, Aus- litI To stimulate business sud encourage your support before aur store àa nemodelled sud redecorated we present this Great Mouey- Saving Sale Shnewd buyers will be quick ta se. the mauey-saving apportuuity aforded by this Sale sud will act quickly. LOCAL AND OTHERWISE BIRTHS Life at ream of Brley M ETCALF-ln Bewmanvilie IHospital, Enjoy ieEtCemo alyn Sunday, July 22, 1928, tea'.%r. and Mrs. Felt's New Jewelry Store opens Bruce metcall, a son. Saturday-next to "Big 20". HARDY-In Bowmaflville Hlospital, an Tuesday. July 25. 1928, ta Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Charlee Smyth are Isaac Hardy, Sonina, a daughter. (Der- visiting her unele and aunt, Mr. and othy Elizabeth.) Mrs. F. A. Foster, "Norwood Place". THURSTON-In Ross Memoriai Hospit- MsaI, tLindsay, on Sunday, JulY 15 1928, to Mrs. Samnuel Bray, Enfield, Ms Mr. and M.%rs. William Thurston, Tliurs- Irene H .Bray and Mr. Arthur Wor- tonin, (nee blyrtle Cole, Bownianviile,) thington, Toronta, spent the week- a son. end with Mr. and Mrs. Norman S. B. _______ James. Congratulations to Miss Marion E. MARRIAGES Pickard on obtaining an Inteiim QUINN-WILKINS--Of Wednesday, Second-Class Certificate at the recent July 18, 1928. at the Parsonage, Lyn, Oni., Normal Schaol examinations in Tor- by, Rev. R. A. Delve, Royal F. Quinn andi onto and on her appointment as Annie i. Wilkins, ail of Bowmanville. teacher of S. S. No. 10, Manvers. ____ Mr. and Mrs. Fred Clmer and DEATHS Gregory spent the weekend in Brant- ford, Herbert and Harold Clmer re- EDMUNDS-At Port Hope, on Friday, turning home with them ,after at- July 20, 1928, Mary Clara Moore, beloved tending Y.M.C.A. Camp at Fisher'swif e of Richard Edmunds. in her 76th Glen, and also spending a week With RU~TTER-At Port Hope, on Thursday, their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. July 19, 1928, William Rutter, beloved lios- W. G. Colmer, Coborne St. band of Elizabeth Jane Wells, in his 70thi Bowmnvile wa honred ast eekyear.1 Bawmnvile as onord Iat eek McMILLAN-A't Cobourg, on Monday, at the meeting of the Grand Lodge, juîy -21, 1928, Jennie Patterson, beloved A.F.&.M. of Canada which met in wife of J. F. MeMillan. Inýerment atý London, Ontario, when Mr. W. j. Orono. Bragg, M.P.P., received the appoit TAMBLYN-At 17 Manor itoalj, West 'nt Toont, n Sunday, July 22, 1928, Emma ment of District Deputy Grand Maat- Colmnan, widow af the late Frederick er of Ontario District, and Dr. G. C. Tamilyn. Bonnycastie was appointed a memn- NICHOLLS-1I Port Hope, on MaInday, ber of the General Purposes Board. Jily 23, 1928, James Nicholls,.in his 85th year. Brother of Mrs. J. T. Bragg, jMessrs. Brenton Hazlewood, John îtawmanvîîle. James, Jabez and Morley Vanstone KIMBALL-At Port GranbY, on Friday, returned on Saturday from a ten JulY 20, 1928, Jared Kimbaîl, b, loy. 1 hus- days motr tn ta ew Yrk Ctyband of1 Susanna Walters, in his Strd year. where they were royally entertained HOSKIN-At Toronto, on Tuicsday, Juiy by Mr. aud Mrs. James A. Phillips 1, 12,Mr okn itrc bl~ and family, and Dr. W. A. White and!John Hloskan, LL.D., K.C., ani of Alfred daughter Mosetta. The trip was made i llskiti, K.(~ Interînent Mont Hope in record time and withaut any mis Cemetery. haps whaeve. nlS-1HAWKS-At 323 West Goui OSt., Butte, hape whtevr.Montana, U7.on July 1712, Mr. J. Mr. and Mis. Cea. W. James ne- Diuane Hawks, beloved husband ot Elsie turnd Mndayeveingfromt a trip Cryderman, daughter of the I:t,- M\ielael ta the Pacifie Coast with the Canadian Cyemno ec v. onavle Weekly Newspapers Association. They-______________ attended the annual meeting in El-II MMRA montan and met many aid friends IN MEMORIAM 1every city euroute and had a mast In îoving memory af aurr fater, delightful visit. Starting in the Dwight Parmer Brown, %who i,;ssè(d away next issue of The Statesman Editor July 18, 1926. James will give some observations and lie has gone aur dearest f-ath,-r inmpressions of the places visited and ]-e hais passed from earAih way, With the Saviaur for ta guide hini 1people they met in the 6000 mile Through the stralght and narrow way. tour.Wemsa eauloean Enjo Lie-Ea Cram o Ealey e onsah canurtake hispae, Enjo Lie-Et Ceam f Brle Theneasamtflm purehanapnoce, Regular Values $6.98 to $25.00 Alteration Sale Price $3.98 $4.98 $6,98 $9.98 Clarence S. Mason LITTLE SHOPPE WITH THE LARGE STOCK On. Door West of F. F. Morris Co., E.w anville L r 71 BIG SALE- Every Day a Big Sale Day OnIy .a Few Items Listed From Our Big Sale Bill BARGAINS FOR BOYS Boys' Cotton Jerseys at 39c Plain shades, with and wlihbout collars, Regular 50c, To Clear 39c Children's Coveraîl Suit. at 98e Khaki aud Navy -Blue shades, uicely trim- iued, values ta $1.50, sizes from 3 to 8 yrs To Clear 98c Each Boys' and Children's Cotton Stockings at 19c Pair Good fast shades, heavy ribbed, ail sizes To Clear 19c 15 Only Boys' Long Pant Suit. at $9.95 In Faucy Tweeds, Worsteds aud Navy Blue Serges, uearly aIl sizes. Some suits have coat, vest, 1 long and 1 bloomer paut, while others have 1 long and ibloosuer paut, values up ta $15.50 each. AUl this Spring's new stock, Out They Go at $9.95 Each Boys' Flannel Trousers at $1.49 Plain shades of Light Grey Outing Flaunel, values $1.95 to $2.25, Out They Go at $1.49 Each Pair 10 Only Boys' 1 Bloomer Pant Suite at $4.95 These suits represent values up ta $8.50 each, iu Navy Blue Irish Serge aud Fancy Tweeds, 1 Bloomer Pants, Out They Go at $495 Suit Boys' AUI Wool Sweaters, Fine Worsted Quality Pullover style, sand- and heather shade Regular $1.50, To Clear 98e Boys' Pullover V-Neck Sweaters at $1.49 These are exceptional values, difeérent shades and values worth up ta $2.50, On Sale $1.49 Men's Straw Sailor Hat. One- Third Off To Clear WORK SHIRTS 10 dozeu Work Shirts. Mostly Alm & Hammer Brand, aIl bunched et one pries, values up ta $1.50 each, On Sale 98C Men's Fine Quality Soi Ahl values up ta 95c, On Sale 75c pair or 3 Pair For $2.00 Men's Tweed Raincoats $595 Rubber liued, Grey, Browu aud Heather Tweed outside. A read raincoat, duster or light overcoat, On Sale $595 Young Men's Blazers The season's uewest desigus, fancy atripes aud plain shades, Regular $7.50, For $5.95 Regular $6.00 For $4.50 Each Men's Fine Shirts at $1.39 8 dozen Me's Fine Shirts, assortedepst,- tenus sud cloths, as well as broadcloth shirts, with collar attached, also seperate collars, values up to $2.00 aud *2.25, For $1.39 Men's Fine Quality Ail Wool Sweater Coats at $1.39 Plain shades of Navy, Fawu, Grey sud Heather, 5 dozen in the lot, substandards, al sizes For $1.39 Each Men's Seperate Trousers at $1.95 25 pair trousers, Tweeds and Worsteds in Grey snd Browu mixtures, ail sizes sud values, up ta $8.50 pair, On Sale $1.95 Pair Men's Suits at a Big Reduction to Clear . rup No. 1 at $1495 Men's staple sud business suite lu Feney Tweeds sud Worsteds, single sud dauble breasted models, represeutiug up ta $22.50 each Out They Go at $14.95 To Cleor Group No. 2 at $18.50 Meu's and Youug Men'. newest model suits lu the leadiug styles sud coloringu, suapp$y up ta date modela, values up to $27.50, Clearing For $18.50 Group No. 3 $24.95 Iu this group la the verv cream of aur stock, inchuiîg Society Brand 0lt1e&. Youug meu's models iu Faucy Tweeds aud' fiue quality Worsteds, values that rauged Up ta $85.00 Clearing For $24.95 Men's Athlefic Underwear Combination style with buttons, ail sizes, about 3 dozen garmeuts, Clearing at 69c ELach Men's Overalîs Black sud flue stripe, a bigr leader iu s Union-Made Overal, On Sale $1.39 Pair Men's and Young Men's Navy Blue Suit. at $19.85 In this lot you wili flud the very nicest clotha lu hard flnished Worateds, Navy 'Bine suits, also diamoud patterns sud fsncy stripes. This seasou's best values lu prices that rauged ta *27.510. On Sale $19.85 GILCHR1ST'S JULY NOW IN FULL SWING BARGAINS FOR MEN 5 Only Women's Coat. TWO AIl sizes from 14 Children's Coat. to 20 Sizes 7and 9 Thursday Morning $2.98 Any Coat $5.0 S. W. MASON I& SON, Te B. GILCHRIST, DIirey OpoiePhono 61a Book of Mo2rea omnl ALL DRESSES REDUCED DuýA 1 Continues to End of July. PAGÈ InVS