PAESIXTHE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, JULY 26th., 1928 UST get inbe. J Jhind the we!~ ues Pontiac Six md head for a stretch of road that's not too sniooth. Let that powerful Pontiac Six engine sweep you over ruts and chuck.hokes. Then Youll know ANOTHER of the things that mmke Pontiac diff erýen to every other car ini its chusi . .re4 li od riding comfort that road conditions simply can't destroy. Noit content with magnificent new Fisher Boces wth new G-M.R Cyinder Head Engine . . with safe, dependable four.wheel brakes . . with scores of added refinements . . Pontiac Six, alone in its price- clam, offers you the lait word in luxurious riding ease ..Lovejoy Hydraulic Shock Absorbers. That is the secret of your ability to sail along in Pon- tiac Six hour after hour, at any speed, over any road, without effort or fatigue. That is why you can enjoy cvery minute and every mile of the journey, in your Pontia Six ..ejoy to the fuil the power and speed of your Ponac engin, ibether the road be rough or Uflooth. Drim the Po.tia c an md discoer thte± of .. 1àrid6m g aunlL P*--a A&U éM ýO. - M ,- am MI" Corbett Motor Sales Co. Phone 248 Bowman ville PONTJ4CSIX lgcu av GOERNRL 4LMrTOUS OFCANDA LBUTUD Summer Drinks Canada Dry and Belfast Ginger Ale; Lime Juice; Grape Juice; Orangeade; Lemonade SPECIAL Palmolive Soap-4 Cakes 29c 10 Bars Surprise Soap and Aluminum Kettie $1.65 Value-FOR $1.15 9 Bars Sunlight Soap and Rubberized Tea-apron $1.63 Value-FOR 98c Ail seasonable fruits at right prices ARCHIE TAIT Phone 65 f3owinanville BLACKSTOCK Congratulations are extended to Miss Susie VanCamp, Miss Laura Bailey and Mr. Percy Hamilton on successfully cornpleting the yeax spent at Peterboro Normal School... Trustees of Purple Hill School have been fortunate in securing Miss Susie VanCamp as their teacher f or the coniing year. . .. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Bailey and Mr. and Mns. T. Smith motored to Tamworth and spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Tho.mpson. Mr. Thompson was the former manager of the Standard Bank, BFackstock.. On Sunday even- ing, July 8, Orangemen from various Cartwright lodges gathered at the Orange Hall in Blackstock and at- tended by the Bownianvifle Bend par- aded to the Armouries, where service was conducted by Rev. P. G. Powell and special music was provided by the Anglican choir .... Miss Mabel Van- Camp is holidaying with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mra. Francis Wer- ry of Enniskillen .... Mrs. M. Smith is visiting ber daughter, Mns. W. Van Camp .... Pleased to report Mns. Wallace Marlow who has been sr iously iii now progressing favorably aeN tc .... Mrs. Robert Bell and Alvin mnot-TaeN tc ored to 'Toronto last we...... Misa Li ak notice that the Council o! the Florence McLaughlin is in Toronto Corporation of the Town of Bowmanviile taking an Art Course at tbe Ontario intends to construct as a Local Improve- College of Art .... Rev. and Mrs. P. ment a cernent concrete pie, ment 20 G. Powell and faniily are apendin feet wide upon Lamibert St. fronn King threeweek' vaatio at ig Bg St to Queen St. and intends to specialty tbre ees' actin a Bg ay ssaspar t off the coat upon th e land Point, Lake Simcoe. abutting directly upon the work. 2. The estimatul1 coat of the work Is SCHOOL REPORT $2-25000 of which $400 is to be paid by the Corporation. The etimatedl special rte per foot is $2.00 and the estlmated Blackstock Public Scbool. Nam es annuaî special rate lier foot frontage is in order of menit: To Sr. IV-' .1605. The special assessmnrt shall be Bobby Smitb, Donald Graham, Grace made payable in 20 annual instalments. Mountoy. o Jr IV-azel 3. A Petitior, againat the work will flot' Mounjoy To Jr. V-Hzelavail to prevent ira construction hiut a Wrigbt, Marion Stinson, Leslie Bea- Petition against the work or the manner cock. To Sr. II-Jean Wrigbt, hon, ini which it ha bcer, undertaier, may be Eva Grabam, Anson Taylor, Vena madhe as provi-ld for by' the Local Im- Powel, ecomened, ulu Wnibtprovement Ac: te thie Ontario Raihway Powel, ecomendd, ulu rigt,!and Municipal Board by a majority of the recommended. To Jr. III-Tbelma owners representing at leat one-half o! Myles, bon, Ray Graham, Orval Stin- the value of th., lots which are especially son, Rosa Lansing, Anna Griffith, ab- "ssessd therefore. sn. To Sr. 1I-Elmer Archer,, Dated this llthh ay o! July 1928. Frank Wrigbt, Vincent Archer. To --w onLlCek Jr. II-Betty Powell, Mabel Van- Camp, Lorna Trewin, Frank Wood- ard. To I-Leroy Myles, Rona idiN tc r~dt Trewin ,Edith Powell, Mildred ArNo ie t ed o s cher. To Sr. Pr.-Perey Powell, Harold Crawford ,Roy Werry, Roger IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE Dorrell, Kathleen Taylor, Ross Bail- of Joanna Elizabeth Rundhe, late o! the Town o! Bowmanville, in the Cour,îy of ey. To J. Pr.-Jobnnie Werry, Ehl- Durham, deceaaed. een Werry. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. pursuant Kathleen E. Phoenix, teacher. toSetin 1ofCthe Trustees Act, R. S. CADMUS Report of S. S. No. 5, Cartwright! of promotion examinations. (H) means honours. Names in order of menit. Jr. IV to Sr. IV-Ivan' Thonipson (II). Sr. II to Jr. IV- Gladys Batten, Mamie Brown. J r. III to Sr. I-Marie Trewin (H), Sidney Hemington (H), Violet White, Percy Hulbent, Allen Fallis. Sr. II to Jr. III-Harvey Thomp- son (HI), Doris Wilson, Viola Brown. Jr. 11 to Sr. II-Andrew Marlowj Russell Brown, Maxwell Fallis. Cecil H. Robinson, teacher. CLARKE TOWNSHIP COUNCIL Council met on July 3rd, 1928, Reeve Holman presiding and members aIl present. Minutes of last meeting were read, received, and adopted. The following communications were received and rend: Arthur Roebuck & Newson, J. Howard Walsh, W. A. F. Campbell, Barrister, etc; Filed. The counties' clerk submitted te council bis certicate showing the fol- lowing amounts would be required ta be raised as county rate for the year 1928: County Rate........ $18544 87 Public and Separate School Rate .... 173.3-1 Debenture Rate... 261.81 County Rond Rate . .. 4363.50 Total $23343.52 D. J. Gibson presented an account for $12.50 for ploughing, harrowing and nolling 3l"-~ acres corn stubble on Lot 10, Con. a. Payment was made and same will be charged for 1928 against party assessed for above property. Treas. acknowledged receipt of $20 froni W. F. Rolph as license fee forj two pool tables ta June 30. 1928. Treas. as required by Municipal Act presented te council n statementi showing receipts and expenditures for the half year closing with June 3th. Mr. G. M. Linton, Provincial For- ester, requested council to grant the use and occupation of certain roads in Con. 9 and 10, viz: the ide rond between the north haîf of Lots 16 and 17, Con. 9, the roads througb Lots 12 and 13, Con. 10, and the lOtb Con. line opposite Lot 16. The Police Trustee Board of Orono was given permission to remove ai tree at the corner of Church and i Victoria Streets in preparation of building a new walk at that point. Messrs. Carl Tennant and RcMt. Morgan were ench voted the sum of $5 for a special road to gravel pits. The following buils were passed and paid: Hydro Power Com. light for Hall................... $ 4.38 S. Cuttell, advance on print- ing account 1928......... 80.00 R. H. Wood, caretaker . .. . 13.63 A. Manning, Irons for Bridges.................. 5.7 5 Jno. Henry, Rond Sup. for June .....................120.00 A. J. Staples, second quar- ter's salary---------------150.00 J. D. Adlams Co., blade for grader ....................8.80 A. J. Staples, six montha' office supplies and rent. . 51.91 Workmen's Compensation Board-haîf provisional assessment 1928.......... 67.50 The Pedlar People Ltd., 3 steel culvents............ 152.561 I. E. O'Reilly, calcium chIer- ide Orono Police Trustee account................. 596.49 Jno. Henry, rond accounts for June................ 3796.69 Sarah E. Best, ]and purchase ne nesolution 610......... 75.00 Gertrude Holman, orden Trustees S. S. 1.......... 292.50 Arthur Bostock, poughing corn ]and stubble......... 12.50 Council adjouined to meet again on Tuesday, August 7th next, for general business and stnikîng the rates for cunrent yeur. M. J. Holman, A. J. Staple,, Reeve. Clerk. othere. having dlaims or demands against the estate of the said Toanna Elizaibe*th IRundle who died on or about the 3rd day of July, 1928, at the said Town of Bow- manville, are required on, or before the 10th day of August, 1928, to send by post, prepald, or to deliver to 'W. Ross Strike, Bowmanville, Oniario, solicitor for the executors of the~ last WilI and Testament of the sald deceased, their Christian names and surnamnes, a(ldresscýs and des- criptions, the fu particulars ln writing, of their clainis. a statement of their ac- ffounts, and the nature of the security, if any, heid by them. And take notice that after such iast men'ioned date the said executors %N-11 proceed ta distribute the Pîsstýts of thel said deceased among the par:tieýs cntitid thereto, having regard oniy tn t'te cdaims o! which they shahl then have ntc, and that the said -Xecl-ïrs wili not bc' liable for the said assets r -'r,'j parti thereof to any person or oer3ons of whnsej dlaim notice shah! not hav e 'en r- '-ive il by themn at the tme 'of s,.h cistri,tution. W. ROSS STRIKE, Soicii,rfer T. C. Jeweil and C. H. Mason, lcxeoutorsc of sald &.statp. Dated at Bo'wmanville this l7th dayý f Ju y, 1928. 29-3 Natres wnRemedyV A uITtL PM lC TBLET-EASY 7O TAKL. NON HABIT PORMI'40 25c. and 50c a box. à t Moi ÎL b, Zutoo Tablets Do Three Things -stop Headache in 20 minutesi - break up a Cold over night i -strn, Monthly pains of women. There is one thing they will not do-they won't hurt you. MOTHER 0F TWINSHELPEO Restoed to &-" hbyTaking LMda E.LPnàham'sVege- à taM.CmmumeA Mitchell, Ont.-"! had lH twin babies and forqut a while mter 1 wus all the way up bOy F and got very littie t slmeI took Lydia c B. ?mh='. eg- etable Comnpound, S do mywork. Ihave tae Dhe ottles and 1 arn fne, do my work without trouble and amn gam*ing hl weight and strength. I will gladly relcommrend the Vegetable Compound to anyone."- MRs. F. STATrON, Box 220, Mitchele Ont. i ook's Regulating Compound 1 A caf.. relioU.e roguutunp nWidcine. Soid in three de- gees o strenth-No. 1i; o.2 e*No 3 8 perbox. Soid à idruzggista, or sent preaUon receipt of prioe. Frapamphlet. Addree: THE COOK< MEOICINECO. Iot3NTo.OT.i"ormeriy%%indaarl w .DD SPO6PHODINE.6 J "e leGrcat Engliah Preparatman. Tobnci and îrvgrates the hl W~l~ nervous systerre. malces new Blood Sini aid Veins. hised for Nernous ~~DcbiIUy. Menta a Bra'n Wry frspndec~y Los oJEnuv. palpitatno Ih er.aitingAre">. Prie S2 etbox.3.* for $5.J) SoId by ait druggists. or mailed in plain pk.on receipt of prics.Nw aplnhic Tuw m lmC.T»Y.of t Miss Gladys Cobbledick, Kirby, avisited Misses Gertrude Upton and June Cobbledick, Toronto. Mr. and Mns. Oscar Scott are en- joying a few days outing at~ the. Thousand Islands this week. F Rev. and Mrs. A. K. Edmison, Lit- tle Britain, spent a couple of days with ber father, Mr. William Cornisb. MnI. and Mrs. Addison Rickaby and son, James Addison, Toronto, are en- joying summer holidaya at "Spion Kopje". John M. Simpson, B.A., of Lake- field, bas been engaged as principal of the Continuation School bere for current school year. Mn. and Mns. W. N. Perry, Belle- ville, visited at Mr. Jas. Tamblyn's over the weekend, also Mrs. Hattie Patterson, Nlontrpal. Mr. and Mrs. Allin Brown and family, Swift Current, Sask., on a motor trip, made a short visit 'at her uncle's, Mr. Jas. Tambly-n. Misa Mgrgaret Walsh who bas been assiating in waiting on ber sister-in- Law, Mis. (Rev.) A. R. Walsh, Maber- [y, is home for a few weeks. Miss Thelma Martyn, R. N., Peter- boro, and cousin, Miss Willa Morris, Ottawa, are holidaying with ber par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Martyn. Mr. and Mn. J. H. Leishman, Rich- mond Hill, Mr. Mottashed, New Or- leans, La., and Mr. Emmons, Oshawa, were weekend vsitors of Mn. and Mrs George Mitchell. Mrs. E. Clarke and sons of Ton- onto, are vilsiting at ber sister's, Mns. ýWilliam Clarke, North Clarke, and the Misses Jones are also summering at the same place. Congratulations to Miss Mildned lYavey, Leskard, on passing ber Jun- ior piano music examination withi honora. Misa Davey la a pupil of Mrs. (Dr.) Colville. Neanly aIl cbildren are subject te worms, and many are born with theni. Spare them suifering by using Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator, an excellent remedy. Mrs. L. Hodgson and grand-daugh- ter, Jean of Ivinfield, Kansas, are here visiting ber sisters, Mns. C. J. Thornton, Mrs. Sherwin, Mrs. Moon, and brother, Mn. C. J. Hughaon. A pleasing feature :,1 conne.tion with the Centre Street Church service on Sunday ast was a vocal duet, "Love Lifted Me", by Mrs. Leask,1 Port Perry, and Mn. Orme Gamsby. C.G.I.T. girls, numbening about twenty, are enjoying two weeks' out-I ing at Presqu'ile Provincial Pak Northumberland County, their leadr, Mn. O. W. Rolph, accompanying them. Durham Regiment Band furnishe d music at the Good Citizenship picnic at Hampton Park on Wednesday, un- der the auspices of Darlington Pho- hibition Union and the Onder of Sons of Temperance. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Morris and son Milton, and Mn. and Mrs. M. C. Hall leave Sunday evening on a mnotor trip to Mount Vernon, N. Y., br they will viait Mni. and Mns. Jsu McCormack and other fnienda. Misa L. M. Buchanan and Miss M. Adams, teachens at Orono Scbool, ne- turned Tuesday from an extensive trip te MNontreal and Quebec, and left the following day for their homes where they will spend their vacation. In the results of the course of training for public school teachers at Peterboro Normal School, Miss Lor- een Lorniman, Mrs. Violet Tarvis, Mn., E. C. Hanim. Intenini second class cet'- tificate, Eric Bostock, formerly of Onono. In an exhibition game on the Agri- cultural 'Park g-rounds here, Wed- nesday evening, the Orono basebaîl team shared the match with the Good- years of B-owmanville, the score he- ing 4-4. The Orono battery was composed of West and McNeil. Mn. (IDr.) Haynes, B.A., andý daughten Shirley of Edmnonton, ac- cornpanied by ber mothen, Mns. (Rev) Stirling and Miss Aileen of Orono, i spent Fiday with Mn. and Mirs. Geo.' W. Hardy. Miss Helen and Mýaster Georgia Hardy returned with te bo Orono for a few days' visit. -Orono pupils of Mn. Arthur Lynde' who were successful in recent exams in music: Junior-MisaQ Helen Pow- ers, First Clasa Honours. Pnimay- MAiss Beatnice Souch and Miss Rosa- mie Gamsby, Firat Class Honours. Miss Ellen Allun and Miss Bertha Cain, Honours. Miss Margaret Dick- son, Pass. Misa Lohr, Akcron, Ohio, visited ber >ld schoolmate and friend, Mis. W. S. FIaw. These ladies bad not met f or thirteen yeans. Mr. and Mrs. Kirt Lohn of Akcron, miade a short caîl on Mr. and Mns. W. 5S. Haw while on thein way to Lakefield. They are ail well pleased with Canada an d the i kindneaa and courtesy of Canadians.J THE O0D SONGS The SOngs that I have longed to hear Corne sing to me again, The witching words, the souiful tunes Of exquisite refrain. The songa you sang at eventinie Have lingered tbro' the years,- The songs that brought a thrill of joy. Or filled my eyes with tears. Corne sing the old-time songs again You sang in by-gone hours, The Spring is here and greening earth Is fair witb new blown flowers. We'll leave the casernent open wide, Just as we tised to do, To let the fragrant breezes in, Or mo.onligbt glimmer thnough. P'i fold rny hands in quietude, And listen while you sing The old s'weet songs 1 loved to hear 0f birds, and love, and Spring. l'rn lonely just to hear your voice Trili out each witching word, Till sleeping mernories wake again With eacb dear song I beard. -Laura Bedel Many people, two bours after eat. Insuifer indigestion as they cal It. I in..sualy e«..acid. Correct It with an alkali. The beet way, the . ik, harmless and efficient way, is Phlillipas'Milk of Magnemia. It bau remained for 50 years the standard with physicians. One spoonful in water neutralizs many times ite volume ini stomaeh acide, and et bne, Te sympto» d4ppe&r La Ibo miUb*s ORONO (From The News of July 19th> k1i. John S. Smith and daughter, Toronto, were in town recently. Mr. Robert Martyn, Oshawa, is vis- iting bis son, Mr. W. J. Martyn. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Byers, Bailie- boro, visited Mrs. E. J. Eagleson. Miss Mary Eagleson, Millbrook, vis- ited ber cousin, Mrs. E. J. Eagleson Mr n Mrs. R. E. Sherwin pur- pose moving to the Waddell residence this month. Mrs. J. N. Powers bas returned from a week's visit at Mn. James Pat- ton's, 'Toronto. Roads through the Forestry Station are closed for ten days owing to bridge repairs. Mns. Charles Tamblyn, Woodbridge, visîted ber aunt, Mrs .R. Fowler, and othen relatives, Mns. W. Bonney and daughter, Miss Gwen, Oakwood, visited ber aunt, Mrs. King. Mrs. David Graham, Toronto, is spending a few days with ber sister, Miss Freda Wilson. Miss Agatha Staples, Morristown, N. J., is holidaying at her father's, Mr. William Staples. Why sufer froen corna when they can be painlessly rooted out by using Holloway's Corn Remover. Miss Dorothy Wannan is aummer- ing witb ber aunt, Miss Scott, at ber cottage at BaIn, Muskoka. Mr. C. J. Thornton bas been in Woodstock owing to tbe illness of bis brotber, Mr. B. Thornton. Cooked Meats During the hot weather the business of pre- paring appetizing meals taxes the housekeeper's ability to the utmost. You can obtain variety by inciuding in your daily menus any of the many varieties of fine quality cooked meats which we offer for sale. Ail varieties suitable for the picnic luncheon. Choice Dairy Butter Always on Hand HAROLD M. JEWELL Successor to Phare & McCoy Phone 518. Bownianville SUMMER COAL PRICES 1NOW IN EFFECT You will not be sorry if you let us fill your bins with LEHIGH VALLEY ANTHRACITE The Cocd TAat Satiaflea Ail freshly mined and weli screened. Satisfaction is the height of realization-so buy Lehigh-Valley Anthracite If you require anythiiig in the building line consuit us. J. A. HOLGATE & SON Builders' Supplies and Fuel Phone 153 or 202 Bowmanville FAviation Gasoline BATTERIES We seil them at a price that wiil please you. TIRES We sel te wei-known Goodyear Tires and Tubes C. A. Bartlett el Ton will nover usée erde metthod when you know this better method. .And you wilI never suifer fram ex- cegs acid when you prove out thie easy relief. Please do that-for your own sake-now. Be sure toiget the genuine Phil- ls Milk of Magnesia prescribed by physieians for 50 years in correcting s'osasacide. Bach bottle eontaAF fuIl dirmUto» ErugotoeM, -4.. PAGE six