THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, JULY 26th., 1928 PAÂGE EIGEIT NEWCASTLE NEWCASTLE Mr.Ro raih eure ls M.J. R. Fisher left on Monday The 1NEcý zcaýt1e n ie ge l i& l week froin a month" 'isit with ber te visit relatives in Detroit. parents in Verona. near Kingston. Mr. Lonie Gibson, Toronto, spent Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Razen and Sunday under the parental roof daughters, Dorothy and Audrey, are! Mr. and Mrs. P. O'Neil and grand- THURSDAY, JULY 26th., 1928 holidaying witb Mr. and Mrs. John son Kenneth Keecb, spent Tuesday in_______ Douglas. Toronto. Miss E. Theleaven who bas beenj Mesdames Sculthorpe, Staples and NEWCASTLEI NEWCASTLE NEWCASTLE quite ilI the past week and Mrs. Nor- Austin, Welcome, spent Wednesday mnan Alliri bas bee.i down to New- with the former's sister, Mrs. W. H. Mr. Fred W. Cowan bas again Mrs. P. F. LeGresley was guest of Mr. and Mrs. E'nmersczà Fisher, son castle-on-the-Lake for several daysPer. joined the ever increa.sing ranks of ber sister, Mrs. Grubbe, "Brae and two daughters, Ottawa, called on owners. Burn", Weston, over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Fishe- last weck waiting on hier. Two. of the tbree Prince of Wales I Mr and Mrs. Chas. Brock, Toronto, peonies have been in bloom the past Monday, August 6, will 1acvc TeVn rcdao afuM while rmotoring through to Windsor visited Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Thackrayl two weeks, one a pink and the other holiday in Newcastle and the day of A., with Mrs. Balfour, and the misses and Detroit. last Sunday week. Newca.stle frîendsia white. the Newcastle and Clarke basebalJyeadRt afu1,al t. Aogtewekn iiosa r will remember Mrs. Brock as the' h ikr ail nulpei tournament. Marie, were guests this week of bis Cao. P. Rickard's were Mr. und Mrs. fome MssRoieBot.,will be held on Cream of Barlay. Mr. Waltar Selden, Toronto, was sister, Mis. P. F. LaGresley. Alwyn Fisher and daughter Marion Mr. Delmaga, of the f ormier 1 grounds on Tbursday aftarnoon, Aug- in town last week and was a guest Col. Gao. Allin, wife and two of Belleville, Mrs. Roy Fisher and Hugh Gibson farin, "Windsor Lodge",, ust 2nd. of Mr. and Mrs. DeWardo Babcock, cildran, Washington, U. S. A., and daughters Barbara a-id Fleanor of, is bringing this week quite a large! Miss Vera Lonsberry, Bownmanville, Crest House. Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Allin and son Toronto, Mrs. Jas. Law of Chiuag'r. hard of zattle froni Toronto to Past-i returnad home on Monday fro.m a Mrs. Metcalf e is again summering Ralph, Pasadena, Calif., visitad theiriMran s.Iw Al ndauh ure on the farm whi~h is practicallv week's visit wjth bier cousin, Mrs. in Dr. Walton-Ball's cottage "Broad- cousins, Mr. John and Mr. Mark AI-' ter Doris of Ida, and Mrs. W. D. ain grass and is a present n- Lloyd Davay, Newcastle-on-the-Lake. lawn", at the lake and Dr. and Mrs. lin and the Misses Allin on Mondayj Bragg, Shaw's. Mrs. Harold Toms and aui a uce Alen and daugbtar 'Barbara, are boli- of this week. Kathleen of Richmord, Que., are also upd.Mr. Andrew Glannay, Toronto, now daying with ber tbere. We neglectad te m"ntioa last week visitiflg Mrs. Rcka:. Rov. WillisoreC. Hanoc kioad- r oers,J. years Hwageds vsitng bis Mrs. Tillia Taylor recaivad word tliat Mr. Alva Roblin as attending Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Davey's gard- wan and arrived haro last 'ruosday and attanded church service in the this waek of the deatb of her brother- Summer School at Oak Lake as an on, Newcastle-on-tbe-Lake, is a week to spend his holidays witb bis Community Hall last Sunday morn- in-law, Mr. Robt. Taylor of Toledo, official raprasantativa of the Young splendid object lasson in what in- brothors, J. C., H. E., and Fred and îng. Ohio. It was just about two w eaeks People's Leagua, but we can now dustry and goed cultural metbods can their families and other relatives in previeus that another brothar-in law, join with aIl othor friends in con- do in a few short months te trans- this part of Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. P. O'Neil while inI Mr. Spoff ord, died in Toronto, laav- gratulating bim on winning first place formi an uninviting looking piace of lNapanee last Sunday weak had the inig two orphaned daugbters. in the canoe race thera, first ln the land infested witb twitch and othar Bye. E. C. Hoar, W... o Durham' peasure of meng ane Mont- ti1tilting match and second in the row- noxieus weeds into a dlean, neat and Lode, .F&A.., asin' Lodo1goerywh inueti withBa9 erest Editor Tom Atkinson of the Eat Loda, .F&A.., asin ondn omay wo nquredwîb rterstonia Enterprise, Eatonia, Sask., s îng race. Alva is a good sport extra thrifty baîf acre of vegetables last week reprasenting bis lodge at regarding a number of Newcastledu oarvhe buth all the tume and avarywbare. and flowers. There is a good deal the annual meeting of the Masonic friends. of this week on a visit te bsMiser On Sunday evening after the ragu- of satisfaction in the viewing of a Grand Lodge of Canada in Ontario. Mrs. Mary McLeod who bas bee r.W .Pacadohrrl-1r cburch service, Rev. W. P. Rogers good gardon and thora must, be a Newcastle Masons and alI other residing with ber nepbew and niece, tives in this part of Ontario. Mrs. of the United Cburch and sevaral good deal more in the possession friends axtand congratulations to Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Cee. Lumasden, soutb Atkinson is going west te Alberta ati members of the choir including theo f oe, especially wban it is the result W. J. Bragg, M.P.P., Bowm-ianvi!le, of Newtonville, bas again taken up the samne time te visit hier parents. leader, Mr. W. J. S. Rickard and of on's own brawn and brain, ce- on his election te the office of Dist-Itemporary residence in bier own Ithe organist, Mrs. Laura Fisher, mot- operating witb nature ,and wben itj rict Deputy Grand Master for Ontario bouse, Newcastle-on-the-lýake. Another bad motor crash occurred ored down te Camp Copper Beecb by bas boon brougbt througb sucb a pro- District and aise te Dr. G. C. Bon- Mr. Howard Pearce, Mr. Chas. near *Mr. Geo. Honey's last Tuesday special invitation and held a service cess of reclamation and dovelopmoat nycastla on his appontment te the lonney and Misses Helen Lycett,I morning wben a driver quite evidant-j of worship for the benofit o the as Mr. and Mrs. Davey's. Board of general purposes. Dorotby and Evelyn Rickard motored ly the worsa of liquor, witb a new car mothers and chi!draa in canîî there. M.Rb.Dc bi utn os Mrs. (Dr.) Aylesworth, niow of froni Summer School at Oak Lake t incrsitpdova rh ino nt e r O una ig Cm uprn on on bis potatoas a few days ago Trenton, but formerly of this village Tweed on Sunday afternoon Iast and ca1tpe nte iao h od tendent, Miss Olive Ziegler, ber fatbh- saw an animal of unusual appearance inalber girlbood days, xvas a recent had tea with Rev. and Mrs E. B. undergoing tire repairs. Roth cars er, Dr. Ziegler of Toronto, aad ai for tboso parts run across a portion visior t te hme o he f iens, CokeandEilen.wore badly damaged and the lady andi number of the mothers ini camp at- 1j of the field and up a tre. He get viir. at ts hnhome glfaber rnsCoedi. child in the the car that wa.s stopped tended the United Chure i servc nbsgnadwn fe~i m a Mr. oh Dogls. rs Mr and Mrs. D. Valleau and two for repairs were injurad te sucb an Community Hall. amazn hi nad etat it an wasuin Ayîswortb is a daugter ef the late' chidear eefonNwYretn htte a oletkn1raz oseta twsapruie W. R. Bradley, liveryman cf N idoerebrrm evok-etn bt byhdteb aa vîsitiag lber parents, Mr. and Mrs. to bospita]. The driver of the naw: St. George's Churcb, Rav. E. R. about two feet in lengtb. Ho shot castie in the 60's and 70's and at the T. M. Gibson. Fo1wn hi îi a a u ne rat James, Rector. Sunday, July 2c). it and wben it iro3pped te the ground samne time oeaof the Ioading trustees v.itb his people, Mr. and Mrs. Ross An1bw lnoprtn nM.r8 a. m.-Holy~ Communion. 9.45 b is dog made a "îîsb for it, witb the ef the 'Metbodist Cburcb. Associatod Cannoncf Portland, Ont., NIr. aad AD. OhawG lb neith ertifiîndMr a. m.-Sunday Schol. il a. M.- jrosuit that poor ignorant doggie re- with im on the Board at that timo 1I rs C. F. Cannon and cildren, Osb D .Glrihsfil iu r a.Morning Frayer. 7 p. m.-Even-, ceived a bead, neck and shoulder full wore Messrs. Hart A. Mas.sey, 'Met- aarasevitgbrprnsr Rickard's last Saturday evening and soag. On Sunday moraiag, JuIy 22, cf quilîs. The dog was mn su ch pain caîfe, Little ,Batten and McClurîg. n MsSibounday, did a thriving business taking Rev. E. R. James held a baptismal1 and misory that Mr. Duck callad Mr.1 These were the mon upon whom feil adMs isn patrons for 7 te 10 minuta rides in service and blPtised the little daugb - Faak Gibson and othor bolp, wbo r the responsibilities cf planning and Mr. DeWardo Babcock, preprieter the air at $5.00 a flight. Among ter of Mr. and Mis. Gordon Asb and rnanaged te securely fasten the dogi building the aaw brick Mtbodist cf Crest House (formerl;7 Guost local persons taking sucb air tripsl the little &son cf Mir. and Mrs. Hler- up se tbey could work on hlm _and1 Cburcb, aow the United Churcb in Houso), bas contributed a good deal wera Mrs. C. R. Lovekin; ber niec, mon Perrin. Besides the regular they pulad in aIl thirty rjuills fromi Newcastle, and it was Mrs. Ayles-' of pleasura te the young folk cf tbe Mrs. Turner, daugbter of Mr. and 1ogeainîvrlcide î)î l. Oata utbv ie wort's mothor, Mrs. W. R. Bradley, village by fitting up the roar cf bis Mrs.Ce. Robinson; Mr. Win. Coul- Camp Catop eer Bcoc werernt. On blim exrapne ad muitcrae bi tn- wbc was chosen fer the bonor cf lira- attractive promises as a cildran's son and Mr. Emerson Fisher. The Wednesday ovoaing cf tb.s W'eck, St. Pui em and presno sme iof nicuît i saating the $14.00 silver trewel of pay ground wbera they can swing, plaao's presence and actîvitios at-I Ceorge's A.Y.P.A., is planning toeon-, t eua. Anrbrc eghr HeryMnrEs.a talyig of p lay borseshees, duck-oa-tbe-roc, tracteâ a great deal of attention on etin the staff and campars at Cep-Iland soe Toronto visitorss vicwed the the corner stone of the churcn ia and indulge in other bealtbful re- the part cf motorists and res'idents ofpar Beach witb a prograin and ro-:ý dead animal bef ore it was buried. Juna, 1867. ýcreatiens te their bearts' content. the Iocality. freshments. i Eajoy Life-Eat Cream cf Barley Mr. Cee. Fargusea, Toronto, is visiting bis sisters, Mrs. W. N. Buck- loy and Miss Tena Ferguison. Mrs. Cordon Clark and daugbter Cwendolyn, Toronto, ara visiting ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Basker- ville. Mrs. Clark brought a boy cousin cf ber busband down with ber te enjoy life for awbile on the farm. Weekand vislers ývitn Mr. and Mrs. Cao. Browabill, The llendezvous. Newcastle-on-tbe-Lake, îver' ber parants, Mr. anmi Mrs. WaIdell, and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ii.wii of Toronto. Mr. Bro-wvnbill aIse roceived a visit on Saturday from lus stcp son, Mr. Cao. Broughton, and Mr,-. Brougbton and baba. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Brown and daugbter and son, wbo bava been vis- iting relatives bora fer the past two weeks set eut on their raturn trip by meter te their home in Success, Sask., on Monday. Mr. Brown ;s the Post- master of Success and must 'ac back on duty the end of the week. Mrs. <Rcv.) T. M. Campbell and son-in-law and daughter, -Mr. and MIrs Blackovell, Toronto, are visîting at Mr. and Mrs. Cao. Honey's. Mrs. Honey's sister, Miss Editb Campbell, B.A., spocialist in Modemns and HLst- ery, Parkdale Cellegiato Institute, Toronto, bas gene down te Quebr for the summer te take a s course in French.4 / UNSURPASSED VALUES i A glance at the items below will convince you the reductions we offer at our Clearing Sale off er 1 ~ unsurpassed values .1 Great Redluctions on Men's Suits Regular $15.00, Clearing $10.00 Regular $22.00 ,Clearing $15.95 Regular $27.50, Clearing $18.95 Beys' Cotton Jerseys..29c Men's Balbriggan Underwear, Clearing 49c Garment Men's Overalîs . * .1.19 Pair Men's Fine Shirts, stripes, checks and plain niaterials, witb or without collars, Regular te $2.50 Clearing $1.29 to $1.69 Men's Fine Souks, mercerized ia checks or stripes....... 29c Ladies' Street Dresses cf priated material in neat styles, Clearing $1.79 Turkisb Towelîiag, Regular 25c, Clearing 15c Yard Girls' Printed Bloomer Dress- es, several estylos and patteras, Regular $1.50 . .. Clearing 98c Footwear Reductions [en's Werk Boots, Panco sole. Regular $4.00. .Clearing $2.59 Men's Factory Work Shoas, Regular $2.75. .Clearing $1.59 Men's Higb Grade Work Boots, oil tan leather, Regular $4.50, Clearing $319 Men's Fine Boots, Black or Tan, Rogular $4.50.... .Clearing $2.98 Men's Finest Crado Dress Ox- fords, Black or Tan, Regular $6.50 ........... Clearing $3.98 Ladies' Patent or Kid Shees, low or cuban beois ,values up to $4.00...........Clearing $2.49 High Grade Ladies' Shees, cub- an or spike heels, Rogular $600........... Cluaring $3.95 Men's Running Shees, ...95c Boys' Ruaning Shees ...85c Cbildren's 5 te 101/2........ 65c Misses, size il te 2....... 75c A. DILLICK King & Division Sta Bowmanville I. j EveCrybo>ciy'.«s'aelkir-ig AboLit It R.- J. ROVANS BIG SHOE SALE Special Sale of Bankrupt and Summer Stock Now in Full Swing-A Mighty Money-Saving Proposition OFF WITH A BOUND Everyone asks,, "How's the Sale going"? and we cheer- ily reply, "Fine-beyond our fondest expeetations". Thanks to the newspapers and pleased and delighted customers, the news is spreading fast and every- body is talking about it. That our bargains are worth buying is proven by those people that have already at- tended our Big Sale and the great majority of them tak- ing away two, three or four pairs of shoes. Hurry along while the picking is good- join the ranks of economy shoe buyers. IRRESISTABLE VALUES IN WOMEN'S SHOES 200 pairs only, Regular $5.00, Sale Price $2.98 165 pairs only, Regular $6.00, Sale Price $3.78 365 pairs only, Regular $4.50, Sale Price $2.18 600 pairs of shoes, some valued as high as $6.00, Special Sale Price $1.98 Infantis Soit Sole Bootiee, Slippers, 28c Space for kids, full list and descriptions, our tables and racks are so arranged you can examine everything for yourself and you are not under any obligation to buy, so drop in and look tbem over. SPECIAL THIS WEEK Trunm-Jih-,bre-Regular $9.50, Sale Price $4.98 Suit Cases from $1.69 up Club Bags, Real Sale Price Hat Boxes, ladies Special $2.88 TREMENDOUS SAVING ON wee MEN'S SHOES This we we feature some extra special values ,both Black and Brown, Goodyear welt soles, etc., Regular $5.50 to $7.00, Sale Price $3.88 SPECIAL Men's Strider Shoes, Glove Phit and Hartt Shoes have been reduced 35%. ODDS AND ENDS IN MEN'S BOOTS AND OXFORDS Broken sizes, mome valued as high as $7.50, Our Sale Price $2.78 Me's WORK BOOTS Mnswork boots, panco sole,, Regular $4, Our Sale Price $2-78 Men'a work boots, Goodyear sole, Reg $4.50, Our Sale Price $298 Men's highgrade work boots, oil tan leather lPrice $3.48 Boys' work boots, regular $3.50, Bargain Price $1.98 LADIES' BOUDOIR SLIPPERS In various colorm, with and without heelà, Regular $1.00, Royan'& Sale 33e M PATENT LEATHER STRAP SLIPPERS $2.95 Mfany diff erent styles and patterns at this popular price. Some trimnmed with gun metial, others with black or co>ored reptile; ail styles, made on neat, comfort- able fitting lests, with either spike, cuban or low heels with rubber top pieces. LADIES' SHOES 300 pair from the bankrupt stock, odds and ends in ladies' sboes, real good values, ex- pecially for those who wear 2 %, 3, 31/%, 4, 4 %, 5 sboes. 110Opair at..................... 8U 90 pair at ................$1.38 . 100 pair at ............. $1.88 RUNNING SHOES Men's special running boot in Brown with trini. Reqular $1.75, Sale Price 99c Boys' ranning boot in oxford or boat, different styles and colors, 88C Women's running shoes, white elipper or oxford, black oxford, reg. $1.36, 89C CHILDREN'S RUNNING SHOES Sizes 5 to 71/2..............67c Sizes 8to101/½................ 74c Sizes11tO 2 ................... 79c GIRJLS' SHOES 11-2, black patent, one strap. regular $2.95, Sale Price $1.69 Girls oxfr.patent falcy trim R'eg. $3.514 Sal Prce$2.48 8-10%. black patent, one strap, regular $2.45, Sale Price $1.48 6-7%, black patent one strap, cushion soi, Regular $2.00, $1 .39 WOMEN'S HOUSE SLIPPERS "V" width kid one atraip 1ev hêsi at r- g IL I 4/ jMÇLAUGHLIN CANADA A CORDIAL INVITATION ls extended to the people of Bowmanville and vicinity to attend a special free showing of the new 1929 McLaughlin-Buick motor cars in the General Motors Staff garage at Oshawa, (a few f eet south-east of the new Office Building on William Street, on Fni- day evening, July 27tb., from 7 to 10 p. m. and ail day Saturday, July 28tb. McLaughlin Motor Car Company Limited Subsidiary of General Motors of Canada, Limited OSHAWA - ONTARIO LOOK TO THE LEADER FOR LEADERSHIP