PAGE SIX TUE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY. AUGUST 2nd. 192R Radical Changes in New McLaughlin-Buicks Wheny#our Children Cil' Catoiai a comfort whan Baby is fratful. No sooner taken than the littîs One is at ease. If restless, a feiv drops soon bring contantment. N'o harm dona, for C.tri a is a baby remedy, meant Gracful clives have been substitut ed for straight lines in the 1929 2McLaughlin-Buicks announced this forbabes Pefetlysae t g va h e ek. The new convertible coupe at the left is shown with the short- spoked demnounitable wood w1-,cels youngest infant; you have the doctors* in troduced as opti.)n-21 equipment. At the lower right is one of the four- door sedlan models andI aboya it a word ~ ~ ~ ~ j fo ht ti aaal r.ha-on view of the two-door sedan showing the gentle "swellin,-" 'f th-' body n- h rk idw hr duct and you could use it avery day. But acteristic of the new car. The air plane type instrument board i s sa!n at the lower left. iL s i an energenc that astoria mea Most. Some night when constipati mnust be relie%-ed-or colie pains- other suffering. Never ha withouti some mothars keep an extra bottle. opened, to make sure there will alwaî be Ca8toria in the house. It is effecti for older cblîdren, too; read the blx that cornes with it. NURSÉS kflow, and dactors have declared therea ,sothing qiite lke Aspiri to relieve aIl sorts of aches and Vain$, but b. sure it is Aspîriýn the name Bayer should b. on te packcage, and on every tablet. Bayer is jgewne, and tfie word genuine-n red-is on every box. You can't go wroag if you will just look at the box: a b.I d . Mrk .lu. l th ate . t i. e u eaa 'ns h"n tation Cm tri e Tabla . lb tme ~htheir "Bayae MA SAPE AND SURE REMEDY FOR AILING CHILDREN MIR 'RS POWDER S CONTAN NO NARftCOS *4loftO5OLY CLXANSE EVEN nIC " ".OIT CATg SVSTe". et BWEEr Ais BUci.aR ýan_, .ionr orBLACKSTOCK NEW SERIES BUICK MODELS j MARSH VIOLETS un- Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Ferguson, Bow- Speculation as to what McLeughlin- Through mny window aYs mnanville, recantly visited their daugh- Buick will d of or 1929 was set at rest The south wind b!aw, iva ter, Mrs. Caci HillI..On Sunday last week with the detailad announce- Heavy witb scant ok evening ,service in the United Church ment of the new cars and simultan- And I knew. I knew was conducted by Rev. W. E. Elliott eously their first showing at branch Ha had been sweeping ' of Port Perry. Miss Kathleen and dealer showrooms . The rnarshes through, Hughes, Winnipeg, is guest of Mr. Thrae completely naw and striking- And found the place and Mrs. W. A. VanCamp. .Mrs. ]y original series of sixes comprise Where the violats grew. m.Steale is visiting ber daughter, the McLaughlin-Buick offering. They rs. Goge Rapley, Toronto ..Mr are announced as longer, larger, fast- cahttecnt Arthur Malcolm, Lernaford, Sask., is er and more powerful; but more imr-T How swift the chase viiin er parents, Mr. and Mrs. mediately apparent are their remark- ofn h ase Frank Crosier. Mr .and Mlrg. R. able new body lines and colors. The violets grade; Willan and farnily, Port Perry, ra- Theei ocro h odt I parted the grasses cently visited Mrs. Willan's father, h hre isno ca oln-Bthe roa t And at rny feet Mr. W. Steele .... Miss Susie Van' which thednaw McLauhin-Buksmdey Were long-stamnmed violets Camp, 'Miss M1argaret Swain and Rev. h oprd, at~hc a'sds Purple and sv4eet. J. E. Griffith have returned home cription dificult. However, among the from the Summer School at Oak Lakeý. innovations affecting its appearance Down in the soft . Congratulations to Mr. Alvin Bell may ha listed the gentle "swelling" Oozy ground they grew on so successfuly cornpleting bis third of the body, jus t below the windows, Heavily acented year in the Toronto University. -. which are arched acrosa their top And moîst with dew, VicoranWomn' Istiut mt t wbare they ware formerly straight; a Purple winged blossoms., the home of Mrs. Albert Wright on complete blanding of tise sida and Answaviet, lWedr.esday aftarnoon, August lst . .. of lines in a pleasing curve which Our beautiful IA mixed tearn of boys and girls from ia carriad around the ides and rear Long-stemmad violet. S. S. No. 1 motored t'sPurpleHill on of the car; massive, graceful naw rad- Thursday night and played a friendly iator emphasizing the curve motif Out in the marches soft hall garne. Score 1- in favor further; new one-piece front fenders I know the place of No. 1.... .Julý: meetng of the W. and long and deep rear fenders. Where the soutb wind kisses M. S. of the United Church was held The car's appearance is still fur- Have laft a trace. at the home of Mrs. Cecil Hill. The ther enhanced by smaller wheels and And whan ia my window study book chapter wvas given by'Mrs1 largar section tires, whicb make the It chanced ha blew F. Stinson and a reading xvas gîvenf new McLaughlin-Bicek seem lower, I caught the scent by Miss Ella Ferguson. ..Dr. Fred1 th ough its roaM clearance la actu.tîîy And found violats too. and Miss Ruth Marlow visited t'heir uncbangad. Large newv hubs, new -Laura Bedeli parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Marlow easy-on radiator cap of radical type- N... issuRuth Marlow is hDIidaying eliptical instead of round-and re- LAKE SHORE, CLARKE î ihbruce, Dr. Feed Marlow, Sr. location of the trademark, in a new_____ at Eaotbourne, Lake Sitncoe. and distinctive monogram, on the Mrs. Hendry and daughter, Anna- radiator honeycombing instead of the belle, visited Whithy over the week- shahl, lend additional touches of end .... Mr .and Mrs. Clarence Bom-~ CRET HUSEGUETS eauty. Then the head and parkingj bard of Truro, N. S., and Mr. and _________ UETS lampa, on thefr chromiurn-plated Mrs .Harold Skinner, Tyrone, were Partial list of recent arrivals at the obraces, loari e-oty e weekend visitors at Mr. W. C. Lake's opaning of Crest House, (formerly! irs.MISS Edna Ashby, Oshawa, is vis- GustHoseD.Bacok Po~ie- Interior refinernents include a cer- i ting bar aunt, Mrs. J. F. Bone... NawcaHoste)On. B Rbosa A.pie- pletely adjustable front seat in every, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Gibson and Mrs.ewaslO. n. oM . Fisher,.hale iser oot model, longer gearahift evr, mihy visited at W. A. Adayra' on' Chr1 MoBrno, Floishe r, oo-operated cowh ventilators, and ai Sunday. ..Mrs. McKanzie and 'child- Ca rs. F. J. Duandn, Derit BMr tandem-blada electric windshiehd wip)-1 ren are holidaying at Mr. Milton Gra- avieMs. PF.]tney Varm tot; ,rBan er cleaning rigbt across. The se- ham 's. Mris. G. M. Gardinermot;ro .nd ere]y plain instrument panel is an- Mrs. W. S.SoGanerdauTr, tirely new, being simply a gîrouping ervha .Y;Mrs. J.S. C. nddagttGraeTor- of the dials, on the black background A tr tIwu o ontole Y; M sabe J.MCWilians, Tor- of the dash. The 90-mile spe4,d(o- A tr t*g 1 0 onto; Mrs s.a..bael ey, iss Edna mater is mounted directly before the onto Mr. R.D. arly, Mss dnadriver, and the bydrostatic gasoltn Malone, Miss Grace Malona, Detroit-;aue is of the atest and most - ZUTOO TABL!TS Miss Frances McAvoy, NeW York; ac-g Says they are larmiess Mrs. J. C. Weir, Toronto; Miss Lotta curate Babcock, Toronto; Mr. W. B. Bauer, Lesa apparent to the casual eye, Mrs. -suufofCaiok y wife and daugbter, Springfiald, Ohio; but no ess vital.-.are the enlarged I must have takea 1000 Zutoo Tablets. M r. an( M r . E R.N. o w a ~Î er !y# ev ey rem d y w ith in reach , Brac, Ilon, Y; ad imrovd plnt ned di pro- tlern ailfour yeare ago for Mr. E. E. Brace, Ilion, N. Y.; Mr. and strengthened chassis, deîndt Et U'rQ, wich Ihave taken ever inm Mrs. E. O. Prettyman, Toledo, Ohio; vide a resarvoir of energy and reserve1 ndteabtsahre ndefc« Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Prettyrnan, Chi- of safety. Wheelbase lengths in remyforand dso hn-ce cago, Il].; A. Louis Allou and wifa, each of the thrae series have heen mndofhace. Brooklyrn, N. Y.; Henri Castera a-id extended an inch, the new lengths fS centst per box-at all dealer&. wifa, Brooklyn, N. Y.; Rev. J. R. being 116-inch, l21.,inch, and 129-1_________ ___ Webb and wife, Kitchener, Ont.: Mr. ch. Horsepowar of the two Mc-j and Mrs. Frank Oherheak and sister, Laughlin-qBuick angines bas bean H!D f uium Brooklyn, N. Y.: Mr. J1. FitzsirnronsI stepped up, that of the smaîler from L L U III and wife, Staubenville, Ohio; M.'s. 63 to 74 and ofthe other from 77 H L Nora Wiggins, C. W. Wiggins, E. H. to 901/2 Increased piston displace- Matthews, Z. P. Liddle, May C. Mat-i1 ment accounta for part of the power M thaws and H. B. Matthaws, Ameni- increase ,the remainder being due M DOLE AGE can tourists, touring Eastern Canada. to new dasign ,of camshaft, valve ICE TO-DAY LADIES? W'e will have pîanty of pure Arti- ficial and Natural Ice for ail old customers and as rnany new one as we can secure. Williams Ice Co., iahone 58, Bowrnanville. ,titcranism, carouretor, satake mani- fold and exhaust. The power ia- creasa la out of proportion to the in- crea-se in weight. Wbile some of the angine and chassis improvements, notahly the addition of a mechanica]i fuel pump, are seemingly radical (le-, parturas, none of tbem affects the car's basic design. The "vibrationless performance"! claimad for McLauglin-Buick's an-' gine bas hean gurded in preparation of the 1929 car, spacifications show. The crankshaft is heaviar, and su arc, hearings, pistons and pins, wbihc greater attention than axer before bas bean paid to thair bahancing as a single working unit. And MýcLaugb- lin-Buick bas now cra<Ihed the cantiraî angine in mountinga of thick, soft rubber, to absorh the ast vestiges of vibration. Smoothaess of clutch action is ensured by tiny indentations or waves on eacb of the ten plates whicb permit the driviag and driven faces to engage gradualhy. Despite the advance in performance biht intu the 1929 MceLaiigbiin- Buick, its gasol)ine donsumption ra- mains virtually uncbangad, anI it up-ý arate.s afficiently on any fuel. Reten- tion of the centralized ubrication systant introdured in the 1929 models makas it easy to greasa, and heightan- ed eonomy of sarvicing is sought of the mecbanicah impruvemants, such as the interchangeable main hear- ings. A simple andl ingenkous math- od of lubicating the diffarential gears hy deflecting the gra-àse witbin the differential bousing downward upon the gears la a distinct advanca. Eightaan modela, a complete rangel of open and closad cars on the three wheelbase lengths, maka up the lina.1 Woman Praises Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Comnpound rSarnia, Ont-"I amn willing toh answar lattera trom other women, te tell them tha won- d E~. PinRfam's Vege- v--npeg, iv u, ra iio.itay i thse table Cocimpouad Canadian Nortbwest. Ha expects ta did me. I cannot be accompany bis sister, Miss Theresa, Sthankfulenoughfor on a trip to the Pacifie Coast, hafore the benefits I ra- returniag in Septembar to enter the ceived during the Collage of Pharmacy ait Toronto. Change of Life. I do bouàework and W. J. Riddeîl, D.D.G.M., of Durham my troublas made District, No. 42, accompanied hy bis m -e unfit to work. suite of officers frorn Orono Lodge, A friend advisied [.O.O.F., No. 416, instalîed the aoffi- me to try the Vag- cars of Florence Nightingale Lodge, etabla Compound. I feIt great relief at Bowmanvilîe, on Wednasday, July 11l; once,hbegan to regain my appetite, and of Durham Lodga, Port Hopa, July my nprves got better. I will racom- 17; and on Friday avaniag will in-1 mand your medicine to ail wtth trou- staîl the officers of Cobourg Lodge. i bles like I had."-MRs. JOHN BENSON, Mr. Riddell and bis suite have been 162 N. Christina St, Sarnia, Ontario. highy complimented on the cevar N ---manner in which the work bas been .look'& Regulating CoMpoUnd dune. A. sa/e, reibl obi. Mr. J. W. Maxwell of Chicago, ac- i nedwine. Bold in re mpanied by bis sister, Mrs. Bell of g!râ of t reoglis-No. 1, Sli Perth, Ont., la bara on bis annual vis- 2 1 . 83; No. 8. $5 per box. it. It la the firat tima Mrs. Bell g aoil .1drugaista, or sent i re ad' on reoeipt of prmie. (J enniie MaxweaIl) bas sean the home 0 mplet Addresa: town sinca laaving hera fifty years THECOOK MEDICINE CO. fage, and with the exception of afowl lr -la____________ old landmarks, dan sea littl a of the old ,W DS HOS HODOrono of the 70's. Mrs. Bell hadi 'SI P OSPH DINE- an living la Saskatchewan, where Mi M ,e Great EnglisJ. Preparation. h uhn ia ieyasao ni '0 îones andid rvigorates the wholelirhsadie n yr goutl nervous systemt. makes new Blood about B yaar ago wben shewent to in old Veins. Used for Neritous Perth whera she la making ber home IJebsIity. Mental and Drain Wry with ber sister, We ara glad to leara be'pondency, Lau of £ner., Palpitation that Mrs. Sam Max'well who l rs the Heart, FailingAMeesor-..riceS2 petbox3ypeosfr rinSkacwns for $5.1 Sold by ait druggiats. or mailed i, n p euafin l aka.hwai pkg. on receipi of Piice. N-s,'PgmphUïj maaled planning to, visit Orono sometime next 'rgTKwoODMEDICINE COOmT Omnw. winter. IMay Be ll(qent 1 !!n ORONO (From The News of July 26th) IDecoration Day at McCrea's Cerne-1 tery is A ugust 5th. Miss M. Rieder, Kitchener, was guest of Mis- Marion Dickson. Mr. Andrew Somervilla, Toronto, visited his uncle, Dr. Somerville. Miss Erma Fuller, Pontypool, is visiting.her sister, Mrs. Ervan Rainey. jCorns are painful growths. IlolIo- way's Corn Remover wjll ramnove them. Mr. Ed. Pinder and sons, Harry and Ed., the latter accompanied by hi-, son,, visited ivith old friends. Rev. Wm. Sterling and wife spent Tuessday of this wveak with the C.G. I.T. girls at Presqu'île Point. Mr. and Mrs. Castor and daughter, Miss Bettie Jane, Cleveland, Ohio, Ivisîted at Mr. H. J. Millson's. Miss C. Costin, a former principal of Orono High School, called on a 1 ixumber of old friends recently. Miss Sherwin, Deaconess of Ahl People's Mission, Winnipeg, spoke in the Park Street Church on Sanday. Master George Rowe, a pupil of Mrs. W. S. Haw, passed hîs Intro- ductory piano examination with hon ors. Police Trustees are laying a con- crete walk, wast side south Alain street, around the S. M. Billings resi- dence. Mrs. William Inch and son, Weld- on, after visiting her father, Mr. S. M. Billing's, have returned home to Weston. Miss Christine Wadde]l, dental nurse, Montreal, is spending summer vacation at ber mother's, Mrs. Geo. L. Waddell, Antioch. Z Mr. Melville J. Rae of Briercrest, and Mr. Malcolm H. Rae of Weyburn, Sask., are visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Rae, Port Hope. Miss Dorothy and Master Donald jBowen, Winnipeg, Man.. are spend- ing thaîr vacation with their grand- parents, AIr. and Mrs. H. C. Bowen. Miss Mary Somerville. accompanied by Miss Doris Foster, Bowmanville, leave on Thursday to visit their col- lage friend at Watertown, New York. Mr. and Mrs. H. Challis and family, and Mr. and Mrs. AIf. Chapman left Tuesday morning with camping out- fit for a week's outing at Sturgeon Point. Mr. Charles and Miss Janie Ander- son, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Anderson and son, Gerald of Bailieboro, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ervan Rainey. Mother Graves' Worm Extermin- ator will drive worms from the sy- stem without injury to the child, be- cause its action, while fully effective, la imild. Mr. and Mrn, William Unde'rwod Toronto, spent Sunday with feriands here, Miss Elma Foster returning with them for a few weeks' visit la Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Henry, Miss' Hodgson, Oshawa, and Mr. 'Percy Lunn motored to the Thousand s- lands whare they enjoyad the beauti-- Orono Creamary are now manu- facturing batwaen 9500 Ibs. and 10, 000 Ibs. of butter weekly. This but- ter is chiefly sold in lBowmanville, Oshawa and Tor~onto. Dr. and Mrs. D. M. Somerville of Chicago, spent the week with his brothers, Messrs.-A. A. and Thos. Somarville, an route to Go Home Bay, Muskoka District, for a couple of weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Johaston of Parry Sound, on a two weeks' motor trip to Montreal and Ottawa at the latter place visiting thair son, spent a few days with ber sistar hare, Mrs. Thos. 1 Patterson, on their return. The news o f the serious illness of Dr. Herry Armstrong, Billinga, Mon-ý tana, was received. by bis friends here with much regret. His brothers, William and C. G., left alnîost im- mediately to ba present at bis bedaide. Mr. John J. Gilfillan reprasente d Orono Lodge, at Masonic Grand1 Lodge held at London last weak, at which Mr. W. J. Bragg, M.P.P., of Bowmanviîîe, was elected D.D.G.M., for Ontario District for the currantý year. Congratulations to Miss Helen M. Powers upon passing her' Musical Theory examinations at the Torontoi Cnnsarvatory-Primary Rudiments, 1 pass; Junior Harmony, pass; Junior H s tory, honors. Miss Power is at pupil of Mrs. (Dr.) Colville. Mlr. and Mrs. James Wannan, Rag- lan, Ontario, wish to announca the an - gagement of their youngest daughter,' Marjorie Elizabeth, to Mr. Cari Win- ston, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Vaughan, Western Shore, Nova Scotia, the marriage to take place early in August. Aviation Gasoline BATTERIES e seil them at a price that will please you. We seli the xvell-known Goodyear Tires and Tubes C. A. Bartlett Phone 110 King St. East, Bowmanville What Most people caîl indigestion ha usually axcees aeid in the tom- &eh. The food has soured. The in- stant ramedy is an alkali whlch neutralizes acids. But don't use crude helps. Use what your doctor vould advise. The beBt help is Phillipa' Milk of Ilagnesia. For te 50 years sineite invention it has remained standard with physicians. You will fixtd noth- lng else so quiak in #@ effeot @o bannies. liq efafilent wE ~'Immediate Relief! One tasteless spoonfuliniiiwatir neutralizs many times its volume in acid. The resaîts are immadiate, with na Lad after-affacte. once you learn this fact, you will neyer deal with excBs Reid la the crude ways. Go laarn-now--why this method ia uue u0eg et the ganuine Phil- lpts' Milk o01Magnasia prascribed by p ysicians for 50 years in correcting excess acids. Eaeh bottle conWa, full direction..-any drugot2rp Conduct Your SAffairs Wt SDignity A Standard Bank savings account lends dignity to the transactions of the depositor. It identifies hlm U' with an organization that is known b and respected in the community, and b - able should he at any time desireesalhsacotc vihsinau counsel or advice on money matters. Open a Standard Bank savings ac- k count. It wvi]l help you to deveb your financial resources as not1i-g1 else can, and enable you to con'iuct * your personal financial affairs wath TMS1ANDAPD BANK es Of CANAD b Manager, Bowmnanville Brandi Bran.,hesa ao at Newcastle. NewtonvilljeOrono. Oshawa SUMMER COAL PRICES NOW IN EFFECT You will ot be sorry if you let us fill your bins with LEHIGH VALLEY ANTHRACITE nhe Coal That Satisnue Ail freshly mined and well screened. Satisfaction is the height of realization-so buy Lehigh-Valley Anthracite If you require anything in the building line consult us. J. A. HOLGATE & SON q- Builders' Supplies and1 Phone 153 or 202 PAGE SIX THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, AUGUST 2nd., 1928 Fuel Bowmanville