THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, AUGUST 2nd., 1928 PAGlE EIGHT SEEING CANADA FIRST NEWSPAPER MEN GUESTS 0F (Cotined ro îs pae) GENERAL MOTORS LIMITED Te1~N ~ z a te I d View New Buick Models-inspectý At that tinte I was under the im- Immense Factory-Entertained at pression that we were going out West, "Parkwood".TH R D Y A GU T2d,98 but 1 found that Winnipe was the ______ U US 2d,12 gateway to "Out Where The West atessrs. Nornitit S. 13. lain1es and Gee. _______ Begins". Do you remember in -vrit- V%. a'it tf Ti,' caitiin Stacirnanit _ ing about that trip 1 quoted some t'e ttI aioit'i11, iinilieStilà]Ttn WAS poerywit te aov hedîg? Onitro and ue '.x-110 WeNE________E NEWCASTLE potr whth aoe eaig? i li tlitzIt i 0insîtiet te îî5n 1929 series ___1___ Last wcek I came aeross a parodyt tf aitiiiii- ili'i loItis o0F11 t> Mr. Jac'-b Cobbledik, Orono, spelît Mrs. D. B. 91mpson, 1Bownanvillc, on ti omwihi otapo tli intntlite ofentrai loR.S ejthe weckend with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. is visiting Miss- B. Melntoshi. priate here, particularly when 1 in- ':ti.titLtiitI,'t il their 0shaNva plant. <oLih.i Miss Dunreath Dudley is visiting fornm you that the writer (that; 'k tft v introttieiii or the Mrs. Balfour, Sault Ste Marie, lier aunt, Mis. Bellyou, Trenton. doesn't sound seO esoa as ') 1 nt W ýetirý,- tii'itittîi' lt t'le close 0f a Ont., is visiting her daughter, Mrs. P. pandcnidrbyi ersonal 1Iln 'I iciý>is i hepatMr. Kenneth Lattimee, Lansdowvne, gaîed onideaby i wigh duin i uiit'uittiW Ii r, iva et in tît linwhi F. ertl t i.uîru;t at rceOiouîîiin we F in charge of the C.N.R. station the tour. Here's the poem ooa ~'ittitfiie ttitsttniiitiiilltulels N'. a" Mr. Hubert Smale, Providence, was during Mr. Haî'e's absence. imagine the Test:[ I'ionii iniil tîîttractive stage set -mcn, TheVet1Bgis" itu i- th- .aity of thieir liii, s anti colors a weekend guest at Mr. and Mrs. W. "Down Where theituttitu tit"i I.,inutsutil igtilnz effets. C. Blackburn's. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Hare and Jack tl 'ltottts of li th w cars Nvlttietails ait- .Hrl os ihod u left on Wednesday on their holiday DOM-n where the belt clasps a little îi. i anoîicr page. spert the weekend witlî Mrs. Toms t trp to Regina and Moose Jaw. stronger, -_-- er' nother's, Mrs. Geti. P. ickard. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. McLeod andi littlwerlerepat hol GENERAL MOTORS PRESIDENT Mrs. Strachan, Toronto, fornterly daughters, Toronto, at-e sun'.mer ng That lvgerh et eis Miss Kathleen Trewin, Shaw's, xvas al in Mkiss Barrie's house. King St. --- weekend guest at Mrs. E. C. Beman's. Miss Hazel Barrie, Oshawa, spent Down Mhere yeu wisb you'-were a lit- Mr. anti Mrs. M. J. Hutchinson and the weekend with ber aunt, Mrs. le slighter, family, Toronto, are expected at Hunter, and other relatives heî'e. Where eaeh day the buttons grow a L-ewcastle-on-the-Lake this week on little tighter, their annual holiday. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bombhard, That's where the Vest begins. Rev. Mr. Davies of the Welsh Tuo Shv envstn e United Church, Toronto, Mrs. Day- parents, Mr. andi Mrs. W. C. Lake. Dow-n where the pains are in the ies and son are holidaying at Mr. andt1 Mr. Tom A'ckinson, Editor of the making, Mrs. Walter Couch's. aoiEnersEanaSs. Ant eah eav mal illstartitMiss Birdie Colwill, School Nurse, is visiting his sister, Mrs. W. H. aching, Detroit, Mich., is visiting at her Pearce. Thats werethe Vestbegns *. uncle's, Mr. A. A. Colwill, and her aunt's, Mrs. Rd. Allin, and with othefl Mrs. Stella Andersoni, social host- Where each added pound in the relatives in the vicinity. ess at the King EdNvard Ilotel, Tor- cause of sighing Mr. anti Mrs. E. ýB. Bennett, Kan- onte, is visiting hec mothex', Mrs. R. When you know in your heart that ssCtM. niM.adMs .P ulr the scales aren't lying,saCiyMoadM.nd r.C.PBul. And you just have to guess when. C. Grubbe and daughter of West- CveHldv uut6 omn yorshoes ned tying, on, Ont., weî'e guests of Mr. and Mrs ivt H l e iAgunthefCommun-e 3'our nec ~~~~~~~~P. F. LeGresley last week.îtHalreptigothflm"e That's w'here the Vest begins. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Lawrence, Tor- Better Oie", f eaturing Syti. Chaplin. onto spet th wekendwith het Price, adults 2.5c; chiltiren 15c. Fcom the day we knew the con- otsetteweedwt e vention was te be in Edmonton we ..,.. , mteMs m enns i~ Miss Olive Ziegler, Supt. of Camp started to make ouc plans. Just a ~.~ whonî their little son has been holi- Cooper Beech, and three yuung ladyý minute. Let mie explain. I find my- St. dyiGeforgesme tim, evast. assistants, -,ialkid aIl the way te, Port self using 'I'. 'w'e' and 'oi' rather S.GoresCurh-ev .R Hope last Saturday afternoon, stay- pror.iîscuott.-ly. Well, whenever those Jamies, Rector. Sunday, August 5 i eti thece for the night and came hack wor i oceu mos geneaîîy.îwSy McLaughlin -94 m.n.-Sunday Scitool. il a. Iby bus on Sunday morning it nucans Mrs. James andi myscîf as,.--- m.-Morning Frayer and Holy Com- I such trips are always planneti for' munion. 7 p. m.-Evctisong. : Events of special interest to New- both the editor and hi.s wife. !'I ,> ir attofIleiivrtslindiatingi Mr. and Mrs. Howard Toms andicsl atwe eetebrho Although a young narrieti man Ilii ao a tnt inratnd tn ex- Mr. and Mrs. Mark Allin visiteti thei' little daughter te Mr. and Mrs. B. E. havi' long since learned, too, that Il",stir ti- Iri it 'at u nle ni utMr.and Mrs. Jas.osadteniliro w e' 1 ý1« ciates felt a' 1,Ii' ro luitiot I f t,,is a d au t wivc-s andi mothees neeti and deserve I 1 îtî ut a'lti e Toms, Agincourt, last weekend and castle young ptople, Mr. Victor' Lock- avacatin .u't as nc. nio se tlînI f ei s îwtîuîi t'1., il ttte -'brought Miss Evelyn Allin home with Iwood and M' Mary Maekie at the more than. -heir lesser halve". Htw t -Ittt e iii, tt f iltutakus 5. e-I thern. 'Parsonage, Bom-nianville, on Saturtlay,, ofte'î '.ou o.set've w'he e hsiantid it a it n reorfi'il tinifii Rv.E.B a inr'Cokead July 21st. .1- of ~~~~~~of Rv .B n r.Coea mocie- --doiîif '.erg Ila-'a1va- t Pnur.t im-, 'iiglit. y-r t,- enitany Eileea w-ee nNwate nMnat The Men's Bowling Club helt itsý cation. Thev are alva - s -Working. luýiiti iti, tn îe to lts t~ln their way te Unionville on holi-' annual electiuuî of ufficers andi îe-1 As the olti ýaying gees, 'A wona' 'i ils i t, aIz ýi-tYrolli11tutu i- lit rtt-0 ieovrngtwhogazto mtnglsTusd wor L nyerilne. Yrthuhy Iit -I o10 I. Diotitinon to-rntdays anti remaie ie ih ihognzainmeiglutTusa work never done". Yet hu.byt! t Iiititni î3,i7,,tto it ,îx- Mr. andi Mes. W. J. S. Riekard, evening and re-el1ected Dr. J. A. Bu,-' take is holiday; ti'childe i tî\". Shaws. er, president, and Mr. Franklin Allia.,' coulti net survive witicut ene, but Ti. i -1 t .trts,'ilalix s I' , tt rý mo.tiier, oh, well, mother -le!xn't -mant I1îpilot tIl on i lotir tlîroiigh the nmotit' planti Mr. Alex. Bain traveller foc thet secretary-treasîIrer. Thrcc inks one ayose she cann )t need one.,j Iiiil' litiioîo'tny faci.',Patterson Cantiy Co., Toronto, Mrs. wBrtto and \Waler.CeouthertH. Ce- Thayi h w tUi aisi"c ltof tule îîi'v t'rs a i.yBain and chiltiren are holidaying forwrtenforne te rb r Bterth. C.-' a ot Of husbani!st xvi., l ig tssle nîiltît aloni rthlis lin e. the ntonth of August at Mr. W. H. spective skips, andi a sciiedule of look at the question of their wife's Tit.v -aIso ainu ridin ii ,. Gibeon's cottage, Newcastle-on-the- gamnes drawn up foc the immediatel vacation. moui-' etontii testing trtîck. Gtiess I had better eangom' the sub- , Afl irtrîI r. aîlclaitgliîln enterlain- Lake. future. Citizens arepleaseti te se c the visilors i afî.'rnon Ira tt ls Miss Marion Rieckacd cetarneti on the club gettîng dewn to real busi- ject as there rre somo bushantis I ~ i,,îîtit ihonme' Parkxvooti'. îht-re thIi'Suntiay froim a week's visit in Toc- iness and hope te sec the niîembers en- know mig!'t stop The Sýatesman andti nîîslutîinn v11-1 'wre aIso civ-n Ilite weesh;a ee.sitigjyigte te bwin tel] me te mind my own business. But î-str'of îtiic ")îttrtgroitîttîs ento hr h dben a tigreeYngthemevso h ow 1 Itllte ovely' gti'-'ns stirrotniing ]litslhec cousin, Mrs. Jas. Spicer, Mho was gree e.houghctut the rest of th2 sumn- just te ease their mintis I know a lot m'ansien. Before the paty left Osh- lintem ag etofheDni- ernduigeryatm. of hushantis. tee, whe seldoni take awa '.Ir, McLati.gilin escorted lus gulsts 1,i h aaeet fteDit-mratidrn al uun n holidAv because ther hnk te te tus furai norîli of lh it dlv wîur- an maiti Store, Danforth Ave. can't affor n rbsneswutn' inl.'resting haiif Piour spetît seeing Citizens ef the village and friends NEWCASTLE BECOMING A gon witbout them. lusis hnesan aie oss elsewhere are greatly relieveti te - -trmnd ercntyIra knew that Miss Emma Rowland of CANADIAN HOLLYWOOD T awha c eni sedreintly I raiWillowtiale Rest Home is now cecev- cn a lw at ben paset i AstiaOBITUARY ering fi'om a second attack cf the A form of cecreation yielding cn providing for making an annual va- iti hels tononh. sitierable entertainment anti enjcy- catoncomulor, te aymntof John Steen, Tpbronto Frientis at'e pleaseti te note cou- ment te a number ef summer resi- wages during the vacati-in pprioti be- Term~s o h ai ei ieal mrvmn n Ms dents at Newcastle-on-the-Lake and in a olgaio o he employer. StencTontfrery fNe-Teee'shahsie last week. te several familles cf the village as Y'oung people under sixteen years cf e weref T routo, here foc ewburialî H enc e es. Buel oon-, well is the amateur producten of agi- are te have twe wiekr cf vaca-j castle, wr ruh eefrbra e icMs Brel ooti tie, wileeIdr ersrs re e bvein Bond Headi Cemetery ]ast Thurs-I now staying with bier. Her nephew, motion pictures anti the exhibiting cf oin weie atlea.sî 0f arethvle day, July 26th. Acco.mpanying them iMc. Fred Treleaven, Toronto, aise the films weekly at different homes oewe tlat Oftevlefront Toronto wece Me.tenatpitbeashrvitlsteend in turn Mr. andi Mes. Hudson Stowe ofti ri h tnon r.Senadpi anti Mr.sandtMes. Austin Campbel of bi fon th san;ontof re' tieceaset's sens Robert, John anti Mr. anti Mes. AIf. Smith anti Mes. an rfridnis. smtingCatte cugnition of sa)cial resp.îai-ibility anti I antitheirfinsumengath ni.-, es,ýcilly eplnre-,respon- Edward, his daugbter, Gertie, anti his Smith's mother, who spent a shor't lake are the moving spirits in this e5i- ially, the mpho l b erIob only surviving brother, Samuel Steen. time in July in Mr. W. H. Gibson ' isghîy interesting enterpciEe andi they sî..î'ythe~ houtib2 u iout. Deceaseti was a native cf Newcastlei cottage, are apentiîng Auguat in one carry on the whole game from or- Superficially, anti at fi-st glance, and was hemn in a bouse on a portion of Mrs. (Dr.) .Farncomb's cottages,îgatn plsatiielpn lem theinnvaton mayappar o ocf the base line now closeti, west cf Ariatine Glen, vacateti this week by enacting scenes, writing scenaries, hardship anti injustice te the employer Mes. McLeod's bouse that IS now Dr. anti Mrs. Gilroy anti son who have taking photographs with a powei cam- of labor. The benefit te the employee occupieti by Mr. anti Mes. Lloyd retuenedte t Toronto. era, reeling the finiu.ýhe.i film. anti tn ceneweti healtb ani vtalitY, wîth Davey. The famlly afteewaeds UieiCucRv .P oes cenn hi o h netimn the censequent abil'j to'work betteriprhsdadlvdo h amnw Uie hrh e.W .Rgrsieigte o h netimn anti more protiuctively, shoulti amply i phaeti anti R.ive on The ato Pastor. Sunday, July5-lO a. m.- of frientsisnl some home every Satur- compensate the man who pays the Joccupie eti y H.tR. P are heten Sunday Scbool. il a. m.-Morning day evening. John Steendlearnet the carpentesingworsbip. 7 p. mi.-Evening service. Ls auta vnn hs oal wags nt pobblywil o 0. It trade andi worked at it for many Mr.WlaeSelnno e. poca pctures wreng hsectiat has proveti te be se in tbe case of the years bere until hie left the village W ala Sterling, on ofill preaehat t ed om er ani e s D. J. aI- shortening of houes cf Iseor anti there seule tbiety years ago with bis faily bo t evcieson his nti teafolow-bath antimeo r. endjoyeti . by a us- is ne reason why it shmild net work te take a position ef importance " ohsree nti astefolw rihan eeejydb hue eut in like manner in respect cf va- carpenter anti manager cf the fish ing Sunday. fui] of people as usual. The week cations. ponds with the late Walter Massey Me. Antirew Glenney, Toronto, 92 previeus they were shown at Mes. W. Commenting on holitisys Dr. Char- on the Dentonia Park Fart, Toronto. years of age, is still visiting with bis1 T. Lockhart's. les H. Mayo, the noteti surgeon, de- He cesitiet there ever since until his sons, Mr. J. W. anti MrI Howardi 0f course new films are being pro- claces hthe are necessaryteheda lswek Glenney, anti attkndeti church service dtiocetiaIl the time anti the productin titn-e t teDetb ast wek. ihl rse twice on Suntiay. DY sm lpi of them involve little trips 1ere anti prolongation cf life anti the &ttaifl eeaeiwa ihl epett Ia ek' tmsse lenep i eetruhu h iiiyT e ment of the highest achievements. citizen in eveey way anti a fist-class mentioneti ecrteos, r ly as e J.W'ssitae thacgou th is ani sttg ati He especially commentis the habit tvorkman. His sons, Robert, John, mantiowad r'roher. of M. .W'. ute necssitutes athetings nde of Englîsh cleeks anti workmen, who Eti. anti Charles, anti bis tiaughters,,adHwr' rte.otnncsiae h nin no usually spenti their weekentis in the Gertie anti Dora, who aIl surv .ve, iMr. anti Mes. H. C. Bonathan and neighboring yeung people w.ith var- countcy or at the seashore, wbere they I were aIl educateti in the Newcastle'family have gene on a fortnight's holicus parapenlat i uadco- enjoy surroundings entirely tiifferent~ Publie School. Me. Oscar Henning, day to Wasaga Beach, Geoegian Bay, plete the phernalat flspanict fromt those in which their tiaily tasks Toronto, ant i nany local frientis verc where they are staying at the cottages ____________ are pursueti. This change' ef activity prescrit ait the f uneral wbich was con- of bis f ather, Mr. S. C. Bonathan who anti scenery is the best possible re-1 tlucted by Rer. E. R. James. recently hati Mr. Win. Henning antid craio epî'event t oigfagd son Clace, up there making sonie ce- "R U T U R eut feem one's work, says Dr. Mayo. nvtosad atrtos r Thece is neotieubt that mcont per- [UNITED CHURCH CMLTL oahn m otoet bsusnant fmiyEXPERT HERE sens fail te take ativantage cf theiri RENOVATE.D 1Ou te the baho udy oppotunities te get away froin anti IMr. J. E. Atkinson, Toronto, was forget for a time their regilar oc- eAftIn iholdiiing su i -i ýqfoiîtni.iee in the village acte weeksa go anti F. H. Seeley of Chicago, anti Ph;l- cupations. The bustle anti hostIe of ii ('utiiiiii all. tht consiuti<tioii again last Fciday in conection wth adelphia, nationally fameus expert. tew ani ctylif ar trin onbot¶j1t(th.-liit, i Cut r ît bled fI rthe renovating of the Atkinson bue-1will himself personallv bc at the bodiy ant ind. îtrtumt t( Ift.- ehlurchu Th,.e elciaund ial plot in Bond Headi cenieteryi wherel1 Central Hotel, anti will remalît la Perap ir cult <e mreant htte I~ Sittît iuiiunir ti'h î't 'e -lie the cemains cf bis parents aidOshawa Wednestiay Only, August, These pests attack the tender lining, t' t _____ B n-an at agters at Wasaga' at any other place in tis section. cf the intestines anti, if left te pur- The 011 cf the People-Many cils! Beach; Me. Percy Hare, C.N.R. Sta- N. B.-Evecy statement in this net sue theie ravages undistuebeti, will have cote anti gene, but Dr. Thomas' tien Master, with Mes. Hare anti Jack ice bas been verifieti before tbe Fed ultimately perforate the wall, be- Ecectrie 011 continuez te niaintain its gene on a trip ta Saskatchêwan, anti eral anti State Courts.-F. H. Seeley cause these worms are cf the hock position anti increase its sphere cf Me. J. E. W. Philp, Councillor and CAUTION-Ahl cases shoult b( vaciety tbat dling te anti feed upon usefulness each yeae. Its sterling secretary-treaisui'er ofthe Comînunity cautioneti againat the use of an' the interior surfaces. Miller's Wo1711 qualities bave bcpught it te the front HaIl, antiMes. Philp conteniplatir.g a elastie or web truss with undeestrapkS Powders will net onlY exterminate anti kept it there, anti it can tuy etrip te Prince Albert, Sask., it looks as samne rest wheee the lump is an( these wocms, cf whateirer vaiety, calleti the oil cf the people. Tos as if Newcastle woulti have ta do net where the opening la, often ce but will serve te repaie the injiiey antis have benefitteti by it anti would'withoutsBome cf its test important sulting in strangulation. Home Offiei they have done. use ne other pW~aratio-n. 1 anti Ieading citzens for a while. 117 N. Dearbolfn St., Chicago, ElI. INDUCTION SERVICE The first induction .service ever held in what is now the United Church in Newcastle and the first witnessed by many of those present took place in the church auditorium last Friday evening when Rcv. D. W. Best, D.D., Bowmanville, chairînan of the induction committee, accompan- ied by Rev. A. M. lrwin, Whitby, chairman of the Oshawa Presbytery, Rev. Wm. Sterling, Orono, and Rcv. J. R. Bick, Hampton, xvas present to induet Rev. W. P. Rogers into th'e pastoral charge of the Newcastle and Clarke congregations. The service was simple but impressive. Rev. Wm. Sterling preache-1 a sou] stir-, ring sermon from Acts, chap. 2, oni the gift of the Hloly Spirit. Rpv. A. M. Irwin conduc'ei the actual cere- mony of induction, calling Rev. W. P. Rogers to the pulpi- platform and putting to him the questions of decp import ane. reztýivinZ the rnister's responses ,and afterwards putting Io the congregation questions cf as deep import, and calling the niembers to pledge its support to the Church and to their new pastor by rising to their feet. Rev. Mr. Bick eonibiiied in one address words of good counsel to both minister and congrogation. Rev. Dr. Best pronounced the beniediction. The choir conducted by Mr. W. J. S. Rickard led in the singin.- of the hynins for the service. OLD FAMILIAR FACES GONE (Continued frorn page 2) satînîtîti ioiti. S'amui\rtiîoiir, Johin p. jeu, W. 1'. h Pt n at'îd SoU(, Jactoh Niais, Ettîtîri Sil%>, r. <hre Gîii anis, oge F"rank, (2 orge Port er, Thottits Iitîttit, WîlitîA.\tindattt, S. VW' s';nhrs. jt 11('unt îs tV. .1oh11 11,iîch. V'. 11.ilindu. lt -Wilston, l , surn turtuis, i\E 2 'ans lix ý B B Si>îhptart. 1ir v Truscot, iliayi 'am ..lh 1otî. tic1irI Fottet', 3 tir. 1' ir it, 1 Isaa.c 1. ETý i se'M l' , l2irkai' E C; itv., . 1.tuns T C jtt, sttv')1th n t't1 o. 1R . L Ttrnei'. I la vil d ~. r urW. Mctauglhl Ilil ard IZItîttl. v , .Ittbn Alliti. F. Y. tAo e i.A Sîttnc. r. Samtt I %Tict('on- itIi. 1. 'anis LtteM ames Nciia.I t.M.C., Johnli anklin. l... 1'. uflit tn .tt, antd ottîýrs whose names do it o ccu' 20 Us at prisent. Those M-ho have been tempted too 1littie to faîl are not competent to judge those who have been tempted [too much to resist.-W. J. Gaynor. "'Orange Pekoe" UIs only the name given to a sIxe of leaf-Some good, many poor, Orange Pekoes are sold-The most economical and yet the flnest flavoured Us 1"SALADA"l Orange Pekoe-Sealed Un metaU-pure-fresh-deICious-43e per --b. Sparkling Specials For Civic Holiday MEN'S SUITS AT 9ARGAIN Men's Running Shoes .... .95c PRICES _____________ I Clearing $10,00 Suits Regular $22,00, -Clearing $15.95 Suits Regular $27,50, Clearing $18.95 Ladies' Silk Hose, silk te hem. Ail wanteti shades, Regular $1, clearing 59C Ladies' Cotton Hose, Black or Coloceti.......... Cearing 19c Men's Cotton Socks, Black or Coloreti.......... 12%c Pair Men's Blue or Khaki Wock Shirts, Regular $1.25, ' Cleaîring 89c Gingham House Dresses, matie in full roomy size. goot w-ash- able material, Regular $1.00, Clearing 69c Men's Work Trousers, -xell made and roomy, Regular $2.25 Clearing $1.49 Children's sizes 5 to 10'à 65c Misses' sizes il to 2 . .. .75c High grade Ladies Shoes, cuban or spike heels, Reguar $6.00, Clearing $3.95 Men's finest graie Dress Ox- tfords, Black or Tan, Reg. S6.50, CI2arinq $3.95 'ven's Fine Bootg, Black or Tan, Regular $4.50, Clearing $2.98 Ladies' Patent o'- Kidi Strap Shees, low or cubtl'ic hels, val- ues te $400,. ..Clearing $2.49 Men's High Grade Work BoGts, OiI Tan Leather ,Regular $4.50, Clearing $3.19 Men's Work Borats, Paneo sole, lieguar $4.00,. . Cleaing $2.59 A. DILLICK King & Division Sts j lu e Great Clearance Sale. - -- AT1 R. J. ROVANS Quality Shoe Store After a wonderful suxnmer business broken lines that we do not want to rise of leather p)rices we are going to duction as indicated below. Avail and fit out GIRLS' SHOES 1 1-2, black patent, one strap, regular $2.95, Sale Price $1.69 Girls' oxfords, patent fancy trim ,Reg. $3.50 Sale Price $2.48 8-10%~, black patent, one strap, regular $2.45, Sale Price $1.48 5-7 %, black patent one strap, cushion sole, Regular $2.00, $1.39 LADIES' SHOES 300 pair from the bankrupt stock, odds and ends in ladies' shoes, real good values, ex- pecially for those who wear 2%, 3, 3%, 4, 4 %, 5 shoes. 110 pair at ..................88c 90 pair at ................$1.38 100 pair at................... $1.88 ODDS AND ENDS IN MEN'S BOOTS AND OXFORDS Broken sizes, somne valued as high as $7.50, Our Sale Price $2.78 HURLBUT SHOE SPECIAL 1 Strap and Boot ..........$1.69 MEN LOOK THESE OVER AT e$3.85 A real peppy oxford for the young man at a price you can afford to buy two iurs a pair of black and a pair of tan. M, from good quality calfskin, with broad square toos. Double weigbt, Goodyear welted soles and rubber heels. we have niany odds and ends and carry over Fali. Regardless of ýthe clear these out at a tremendous re- yourself of this great opportunity 'the fan'iily. LADIES' SHOES Limited quantity in black patent,* satin, etc., high and cubàn heels. Shoes that sold as high as $7.00. Clearance Price $3.78 INFANTS' SHOES 300 pair of soft sole Slippers, sizes 0 to 4, Regular 95c, Sale Price, 29c SPECIAL MIEN'S HIGH GRADE OXFORDS Hartts, Murrays, Strider, Wilkes Glove Phit at bargain price. Regular $7.00 to $12.00, Bargain Price $5.98 LADIES' WHITE CANVAS PUMPS 46 pair, in the latest styles, Regular $2.75, to $4.00, Sale Price 8&c to $1.98 100 pairs of Boys' 'Boots, Regular $3.45, Sale Price $1.98 36 pairs of Men's Work wvith toe cap boots, Regular $4.00, Sale PriCe $2.48 Women's House Slippers "E" width, Kid leather, Special Sale Price $1.48 100 pairs of Blonde, coloured patent. and patent pumps, Regular $6.00, Sale Price $1 .98 Ladies' Novelty Shoes, Regular $6.00, Bargain Price $2.95 RUNNING SHOES Boys' 88c; Men'a 99c; Girls' 79e Women's 89c; Childs' 69c t'-' Il 1~ --- NOW ON 1 F Bowmanville