THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, AUGUST 9th., 1928 l'A eVIrT W DENTAL DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE Bonor graduate in Dentistry Toronto University. Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of On- tario. Office King St., BowmnanvillO. Office phone 40. Hanse phone 22. X-Ray Equipment in Office. DR. J. C. DEVITT Assistant Dr. E. W. Sisson Graduate of Royal Dental College, Toronto. Office, King St. East, Bow- manville. Office hours 9 a. m. to 6 p. mi. daily except Sunday. Phone go. House phone 283. X-Ray Equipment in Office DR. R. E. DINNIWELL Honor graduate of Toronto Uni- versity and member of Royal College 01 Dental Surgeons. Licensod to practise in Ontario and the Domin- ton. Dontistry in ail ite branckis. Office-King St., Bowmanville, op- posite Bank of Montreal. Phone 301. LEGAL là. G. V. GOULD, B. A., LL. D. Barrister, Soicitor, Notary Money to loan on Farni and Town Proporty. Royal Bank Building, Bownianville. Phono 351. W. R. STRIKE auccessor te lat* D. B. Simpe». . C. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Solicitor for Bank of Montreal Money to Loan Phose 91 Bowmmnville, Ontario W. F. WARD, B. A. Barrister, Solicitor, Notair' Money to boan. Bonds for saie. Offices-Bleakley Block, King St., Bowmanvillo, Ontario. phones« Office 102. Houle 409. FUNERAL DIRECTORS F. F. MORRIS CO. Complote Motoe. or Hlorse Equipment Ail calla promptly attonded to. Private Ambulance BowmanvillO phono 10 and 34 Branch Store- Orono & Newcaatle ALAN M. WILLIAMS Embalmor and Funeral Director. Calîs given pýrompt and personal at- tention. No extra charge for dis- tance. Phones 58 or 159, Bowman- ,rifle, Ont. 3-ti. MEDICAL C. W. SLEMON, M. D., C. M. Graduate o! Trinity Medical Coloege Toronto, fornierly of Enniskillen Office and Residence, Dr. Beith'i former residence on Cburch Street Bowmanville. Phone 259. 4 4-t J. CLARK BELL M.D., Ch.B., F.R.C.S., <Edin), 0. P. M. (Successor to Dr. A. S. Tilley) Hans. Graduate in Medicine, Aber deen University; Fellow o! the Roa College of Surgeons, Edinburgh Office and Residence, Queen St. Ofice Heurs: 2 ta 4 p. mi., 6 to 8.30 ip. m Bowmanville, Phono 89 DRS. HAZLEWOOD AND BIRKS Physiciens and Surgeons Office Hours: 1 ta 4 and 7 ta 8.30. Telephone 108 -Office; Wellington Street Bowmanville, Ontario. VETERINARY DR. F. 1% TIGHE VETERINARY SURGEON. Day oi Night calîs pramptly attendod tc Office: King St. East, Bowmanville Phone 243. E. G. KERSLAKE, V. S., B. V. Se Orono Rlonor Graduate of University ol Toronto. Ail cases given pramP' and careful attention. Office- Dr. McElray's former office. Phones Clarke 3921; Orono 18-1. AUCTIONEERS THEO M. SLEMON Auctioneer rarm and Rouse Sales a Speciali Ternis moderato. Enniskillen P.C Pkono 197r3. 1-t d I _ ps. 5 WRIGLEY M or e EU for your K. mon ey Po Keand thd best Peppermint Chewing Sweet for la anv mono'! CI 82 THE EDITOR TALKS THE EDITOR TAL.KS ANOTHER DURHAM BOY'S POEMI GOLDEN JUBILEE BOUQUETS Our sons say they wish us to con- It must or- shou1d be a very serious Ta M. A. James, Esc:-l have (Froni Toronto Mail & Empire) tneour wriiing The Editor Talks. reflection for a parent who sets hsmch pleasure in congratulating you On August 1, 1878, Mr. M. A. In entering upon anoth"r period af- hand to somne covenant with sn Per-~ on being nearly eighty years of are, James became the proprietor and cdi- ter completing a baîf c.rtury as edi- haps lhe thought the transgression wvas, and ont comipletin, your fiftieth vear 1 tor of the Canadian Statesman, ter completing a half century as for hiniself only. Didn't rcaiize at Ias chief editor of The Canadian 1 Bowmanville's weekly newspaper. Re editor we do not sec that we can the time that hie was dragging downi Statesmian. 1 have read with much l stili the head of the firma publish- niake mucb change in our prograni. a son or daughter or more of bis, pleasure the high antid d-.rved trib- ing that excellent newspaper, his sons Mlany ,,ears ago we adopted The children by his sn. Contrariwise, utes published by the editors of dailv en ssoac it i1intepo Hom, heSehol Te hurh nd~vhn e essted temptiltions and de- papers in Ontario. prietorship. Also he is still the The Farm for our editorial prograni, terniined ta do right-to be truc toi0 have written these linos to ex- 1 editor of it. Fifty years of con- leaving the larger field-The WorldiGod at whatever cost, he may iiotIPres-, mY own jiy at the success of tinuous activity in the direction of a -ta the daily new-spaper-s and otherhave0 realized that he was fighting your high-class xvark as editor of The single newspaper few men in any publications. We have f ounid ample 1foar bis f amily. Dr. Vance says "If Canadian Statesman: country can look back upon. This scope in our f ourf old program for; there be one sin which the recording Leader for fifty year1s, sir. stockcehosetthadbs ol f aegen- what bas has heen designated "The angel is disposed to blot out with a' rigyu ettd.Poine ete ypol fgn Country Newspaper". 0f course, tear, it seems ta me it mnusi be that sino, aeyurcun ote. erally been conducive ta robustness there are exceptions to most rules, which a man conmits vhen lhe comi- Ta d ach meu contry ho tro m n oyhspoa and ve have occasionally broadened promises himself that lhe mav make Adta- e o etu. jofargr percntageofmen vo ave out and given space to articles of conditions casier for his family. But You've made a roputation; îaborcd long in journalism than m'iost gencral intercst for sake of variety if hie unlv kncxv, it le the sacrifice for You'vo won res.pect anti trust; otecunis. Tethîornd in which it has been said there is principle'that his loved ones prizo Mon honor you and love yo(ýu, ter c t r. Jame ntisjubilrend cbarm. But as our early life wvas most highly .A parecnt can put into Because you have been .iust. occasion are well earned. They are spent on the farma from ight years the characters of his childrcn things! I've acc n rxigbodr untsml eas î eido of age ta twenty-12 years-and the ton precinus ta be ptirchascd by 1 ndwscr as ou grexngboade, sdevice in tepr ecse hs be ongf ncxt ten agrsaslte arn teubtic mnc"More tolerant an(l froe. sir, but because it bas been orthy. 0f seholagrcutur an eucaion,.And sa I cheer for yo. bis party zeal of former days we have have been favorite themes for ouri nothing ta say. Wc know' tha- now- editorial pen and the intcrcsts o! the Tt my no have occurred to a fat- Belîce'c ynu'rc only sixty; adays bis comments under the' long- church have also receivcd consider- hier that the relation betmvccn bim andl Let work stifl 'be ynur joy ; sadn edie"h dtrT s able attention ,for among otherhifaivsavryacdreton May you be happy ilwvays; saedwitt ean t egadT he pubo Tlic" thns eineitdfrmfahr a isfmiyisaveysard eato. A jolly, mcrry boy. iae re ratheadtthebi ubloe tbnsw ncic rn ahrvsCloser and more vital is the contiec- nestrhrta liba oa a love for and devotion to thetinbtensran cidrn n James L. Hughes party apologist. In the current is- chrc. **spiritual matters than in things that 47 Dundonali Street, Toronto,. sue of bis paper bie refers to his are temporal. Property rights arc fiftieth jubilee, and gives a long ist As we have said many times the insecure; fortunes crumble; prosper- _______o! the men who were bis c: ntempor- decade wc spent froni twenty ta ity is fickle; money values are uncer- aries in the press of the Province, thirty ycars 6f age as n school- tain, but character ýbuilt into a cild's most o! whom ho bas survived. He master gave us a lifc-intcrcst in life by a godly father and apinus FIFTY YEARS ntsas h odru vgesta yongpepe ndor irtaricemother is undying. has sbeen made in the arts that can- in entering on another terni of cdi- Mr. Editor :-Thc coming o! The tribute ta the convonience and coni- Stonial duty shaîl be in tbo intcrest of*** Statesman this wcek awakened manyï fort of the people, and ta the in- young people hased on a talk by Rev. miemories, and ail of thcm pleasant. 1 crease o! industnial output and ta the Jas. Vance, D.D., on "What Parents Dr. James Vance eniphasizes this Tt was a joy ta look again into the 1 almost magic means of cmmuniîca-, Owe Their Ghildren", and this is one noble assertion in this personal man- faiirfcafW .Cii wo'to chv oa i c hecr"! o! Dr. Vancc's significant statemertsl ner: " As I think o! my own father, 1 knew and remember sa wcll.' The icoal ail lampa and 'tallow candles"i "Character built into a child's life that which makes my heart sing is not photo of yoursel! is a fair representa- o! bis early youth. Tt was, hie says,1 .by a godly father and a pinus mother the memory o! the days when he col- tion of the Editor as I first knew himi, " ru bd ! uuyta ol i nlng.lcctcd a fat miarriage !ce, but the teaching at "Bradley's-" and visiting boast "a hathroom in those days". WeU Parents, read this startling state- times wbcn lhe dcliberately chose neighhorng scbools on "examination wisb Mr. James may years o! continu- ment over a fcw tumes and commit sacrifices for the sake of principle. dnys". The busy, strenunus ycars ing vigor of mind and interest in life it ta memory. Tt is the desire of Ho was une o! the first mca in the since 1878 bave made their impress as editor o! the newspapcr lhe pur-1 every carnest ana, truc pa ýeit ta have United States ta run for Congress 0on opon your appearance, vvhile bead chased 50 years ago. their cbildren grow up witb good the Prohibition ticket. He knew and heart have remained young, as_____ charcters-life't, chief achievement.I the campaign was not ta be a victoryý evidcnced by your wcekly "Editorial The important cîueqtion for par- but a slaugbter. He was forf eitingi Talks". r ents is not what will yj)ur child cat forever the hope of political prefer- (Froni Oshawa Times) or wear 20 ycars froni now but whnt ment in his own party. 1 rememberý 50 YEARS-Just think of it, and, The Oshawa Tumes has a pleasant wimîî he- be; not xhat kind of a home My parents discussing the matter be-ý of those adults wvho rend the issues i asking confronting it n congratulat- xiii ho have, but what kind of a tweon theniscîves. What was nced-1 of that date, how fcw are le!t ta ing Mr. M .A. James, editor, and nowv charac-er will be have; no- wiil helcd xvas someono ta stand for con-' rend these linos! Rere and there' part ownor. since the incoption of bis ride in an automobile and have an victions ,and it wns decideti, that iLs found one who still lingers with us two y )ungost sons into the firmi, forý independent incomo, but wili hoe mer- whatevcr the cost might be, my f ather, a little xhilc longer, but soon .not fifty years o! Oshawa's noarcst weck- j il the respect and corifidence o! bis was ready. So I can hold ny hoati anc o! them ail will ho lef t. This is ly nowspapor. The Bowmianvillc fcllows; not how much will ho leave high wben 1 think of him, for I feel, n chastening tbought. Statesmian. when hie die-, but whero will lie go that there is sonietbing finer than tol j YEARS. It er, a cheerful an-r -whca hee dies? If it ho possible tcb ihmnssn Hnew r'5 ER.Tt Eitor has fladntoJames set about building up the cir- ineure this, is it not wortb while') Tt having Fathers' and Mothers' Davsinîvcrsary.culatioEo! bisnowspapr nndta is gratthig e garnte athat wc who are parents may rcmind" knowv the blessedncss o! age, and îtsj saounobusis metosa and cqaly c is cartac hiter. Itwil e aimourselves o! the debt we O oui; emcnjoyment is not marred by physicali onbunesithdadeqly chil's harcte. T wil 'ad im:children. Tt is a common event to,ý pain or mental iniecility. Tt musti sound oditorials the budding young :-btachecringstoakeotsthatsmarefpeople journalist doubled the circulation 1- tod cal iv pretrbese frevrdwell on the deht they ow e us-a barchradng ts ages than moevpeo-ewithin the short space o! two years. deb anda ever.e nrinoear edigis ae ta v e bu . ct aneo a e negltcnor ignored, fore-a great comipany in East and bringing the papor into the front David said according ta Scripture: j aeoe ubn esta etDrbnadmn a eoe ak fwely journals in Ontario. "I have heen yaung and now am old, 1 youth and if yo'uth is ta payits dchts cntnuetoend thei fr reins Bernksidf eekrtn h eioil o -yet have 1 not seen the rigbteous for- Ita age,, age must first meet its o-w oh-nu a en hergrThns. e Stesmawiche er. aes stir saken, nor bis seed begging brcad".igintyoh. 50 YEARS. Tt is a long tume tao ntors into with bis nId-tme enthus- The great thing in life is not bread I live in tbis rusbing, out-of-breatb age iasm, bie was correspondent for Tor- alone. t is the heritage guarnntoed Io! ours, but the yenrs have furnisbed. onto dailies until reccntly, and was a hy godly parents. Tt is the as3et i nansy indubitable evidences that the regular contnibutor for Canadian and , possessed by those who are bred o! a1T bank God for children-heavcni's band of God bas heen upon the Edi- Amorican journals, specializing cdu- . pious lino. One's f can bylcboiccst gift ta life's bolicst relation. ta r for goad, and bis many readers cational and agricultural tapics. s9 igbt living huild a wall between hbu Who knows what splendor is comiar will wisb bim continued life and use- The venerable editor wbose Golden , and xant, that life is sa gcared that ta the world wvbcncver unto us a cb'i ulness, evon a! ter he bas rend the Juhile bas heen sucb anaotewortby tparents wbo are rigteaus, wbo live is bora? A cbild bas not only th, j band-writing upon the eigbhtietb mile- event, not only la Bowmanville, but in the fear o! God, neacb out invis- rigbt tolbc bora, but t0alie bora with1 tn nlf' nvnwy brvrM.Jmsi nw a ible anms o! belp and care ta their cdean blond and ta the beritage ofa! a n n i 'suneea l.wnys ten M. ame itrst npublic .children la times o! direct need. clean and honorable nanme. Shame 50 YEARS. Imagine you now sec aifairs. eas een a jurst iceo!btie on a father whose cbild inust bang its the first issue a! 1878, and then addiafis ehsbe utc ft, If this ho possible, parents sbauld bead because o! the namne lho eans! thereto 2,559 copies, and wbat a van-' pence, a member o! the county coun- rpermit notbing ta prevent it, sbould Cildren must have goad exantplesI iety you bave o! prose and poetny, o! cil, Mayoi- o! Bowmanville for twa &I be keen ta ho igteaus, bail any frai thein parents. Most parents fact and !aacy! Wbat an immense ternis and fnequently n member o! . bardships, sufer any privation, make desire their ohildren t attend Sundayl volume tbcy would make. Wbat bbc confeurcatesetheiormer oet- -, any sacrifice to bedge their cildren Scbool and Cburcb, but suppose par-1 multitudes bave been onriched by its ciof TCurcb t prenit hein a i. about witb plenty and pence. But ents are nat there theniselves? Dut-, weekîy argosy o! intcîlectual, moralclo!TityUtdChc. wbetbcr on not parents feel this im-i-es o! this kind anc not optional-, and even religious bîessing! Mn. James establisbcd wbat is con- pulse stirring la their hload, tbey are, tbey are a debt and woe ta the par- sidered a record during bis bal! under an obligation they can neither ents wbo decline ta pay. I gladly join witb tbousands la ex- century of newspaper work, by pur- shîrk nor shako ta live sa theniselves tending my sineene good wishes. and cbasing n less than scven local com- as ta shelter their cildren. Evený Religion is the migbtiest fonce ini I fancy the good-will o! the States- petitive newspapens, each la turnahe- dumh animais are this decent. The 1sbaping character in cbildren for tbey ian readens could not came in any1 ing amalgamated with The States- hon gathers ber cbicken unden berj are naturally religiotis. It is Coiu- more acceptable form ta the Editorj man. Thnee other Bowmanville pap- wiuRg, and tbe huma who fails ta feel 1 panatively easy ta lead cbiidren ta 1 than lin enewals and new subscnip- crs ceased publication witbout being the urge o! speading bimacîf for bisi Christ ln their tender yeans. But tions. Sa may it be. absorbed. ofspring bas fallen below theltbey barden as hostile farces play Yours, as in the former timo, The papen la still in capable bands _1beasts. I iptii their conscience. Be assured D_ Rogers. being bandled by Mn. James' two ***tbat right characten can be develaped St. Thamas, Ont. youngest sans, George and Nanman. Ln the scipture quotod, David only in the atiosphene o! sinceritY Aug. 3rd, 1928. Ail tbe neaders o! the Times and says that parents can keep their and religion is necessary ta create in eeyn once ihti ae >r childnen f roi want by living ight, baie l! e this atiasphere. We awe ______in___ evcryne MconJecediths apmoen . by fearing God and kee'ping Ris coi- tbem a f amily altan on an e quivalent mni ihn n ae aymr a. mindments. We blame aur cildren and othen ideals o! a Christian home. years a! productive service witb an for going wnang instead we should We awe theni the sacraient o!f OLE JUBILEE BOUQUETS esteemed journal. examine ourselves. We are alam- haptisi and a covenant witb God for (riTrnoGoe aven presont daly tendancies, thoin present and eternal welfare. (rmTrnoGoe amnoag the young wben wo sbould ho' God belp ail parents o! youag child- An editor fifty yeans in bbc harness i )f aroused aven the mîsconduet o! the non ta pay thein delits and thein big- i a rarity bhut this record bas ben t ad. he oar bed l a crown gct debt la the deht tbey owc ta their achieved hy Mn. M. A. James o! The _ofa glory xvben il is f!aund in the way children. Take this grand tbougbt Bwavil taemn Thougb 8o! ngteausness. What shaîl wo say with you: Character built imb a imow compelled ta do bis writing a, i when it is !ound in the way o! sin, cild's life by a godly fathen and ho.mes vnetainsca eenitsi la - w en it covers mental duplicity and pous mothen is udying. aýr laes etci mua en i ho b st sc-rv an evil beant and a foui life? These farintecmutyleh srv!s denclictions are ail the maire in-fai- c oln ad5 el aus wben we consider that it meanas.___ whbat would loe bis iarbers wreo nohing a bld c bis i obrrigt o!MORE FAMILIAR FACES GONE (Froni The Orono News) I !1ound in the way o! igtcousness. Tbesc additional namie7 o! !o.,ncr 'This is the fi!tietb ycar for Mn. M. f* * * citizons o! the nid days bave cn,c A. James n., propniotor and publisher Here's another scripîurc: "Xisitingta) us sinco la"' w.-eck". lisI v .sso: o that fino weekly papen, the Cana- the iniquities o! the fathers upon tbe to The Statesmian office: dian Statcsnian. During that tume -. .cildrea unto the third and !ourthilRev. W. H. Warriner,, M. A., D. D.,'n Ibis toxvr and district publicationsr geriofo thern that bate me, and 1 lames Hleal, JIoseph M.\cLoan. Fr .1 _ bave corne and gone but this journal1 .~hxvig mrcyunt thusnds fl urdn, obet L-rc-- huia as onetheeve ,tnor ! he way J1.JELIEVIN( r iüus tornmore to)-o(dy an(, egrtan]fa James Courtico, Wesley Coucb, W. their respective departmeîîts ail coi- hoomretssnl todliods rd thursbiatW. Dickinson, David Grigg, Alberti bine ta make this business tbe suc- barns. Wbat are aur cildren bene- Goode, John D. Hoar, J. MI. Janess, cess lb bas been ini the past. May it fitted if they gain the wbole world John Mceliughlin, David Morris, F. continue ii the wisb o! its patrons anti dose thcmselves? By being goti- H . Morris, Richard Osborne, R. H. andi friends throLwlîeut the universe; ly thoîselves, parents can save their, Soucb, Frank Soucb, William Tnp- andi the editor-in-chief in bis declîn- chiltiren frmi being goadless%; hy liv- son, Thomns Tapstui, William Foley, ing years-may ho look back witb > ing the igbt kind o! life, they cenaHector Beitb, W. L. Mllory, Richard pleasure, and ta the future witb coin- kee thm fom ivig te wongkind Jones, Thotmas N. Rickand, John fort la the thougbt that what ho diti a! lîfe. l]bert. wus for tbe betternmeat o! ail.____________ STOBIE, FoRLONG & CO* Head Office: Ref ord Building Bay and Wellingtonl Sts., Toronto S. F. EVERSON, Local Manager Private Wire Systeni Il King Street East, Osbawa-Above C. P. R. Office Phones 143 and 144 Phone Cals At Our Expense /1/ew B eautyil/ Aeir Liury i Veir'peirfoiance. no0w h ere equalled - - N- moElVFE~ enureofstYle indivdait u asigbauyuapreeîbed by ami other automobile- Gergeous new coIors auj woedef ni nev Uplhoa lend an added touch of 14uy-NW adiu5tabl&QUoI setasandwIder -rearsté pr-»&e unqualed d&W-9 ---ad riding conifort. Inoeeased bore and strake-greaý piston displac--est - uaproved carburetion aud other advanttemsl u i McLsaughuin-Buick' s f amous valve-n-head srx-cylindel engine--give treinendous nev Power b what w"s alrendy' the Most pover! ni automobile englue o!fi aime in the worid. The sanie grest developments unpart thuiMfng new Pi&*. up, lighrning accelkration aud new top speed that f ew drivers wiIl cure to attalu.6 Other f cabres inelude new hiWh-pressaregas P-Up- handsome nov radiator dcsig --new chrome-plslsd heud- lampa and cowllampsa--new type instrument board-« weil as many adrditiomal appointments of iuxry aw convenlefloe flse 1929 McLmtgblin-Buiek in su epieC"ca maukigg the supemc achieesnent of automobile euneoexing Conllrm ihese f acta at your McLs ughIIn-Bcà d6vuon The . C...C. Dol srred Puvnbes.*PEauoff ea ,umy advantages to bayers o.1 McbjugIzLin- u-&m. Look to thieLead rLead h McLAUGEfd@ BUICK Corbett Motor Sales Co. VL.s D~ ~oI~ Aw. D~b ~ fl-'-'- WR ~I'~ PAGE TWO STOCKS Bowmanville Phone 248 BONDS GRAIN