PAGE TUREZ THE C ANA flAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, AUGUST 9th., 1928 The Man With Asthma ahnost longs for death te end his suffering. He sees ahead only years of endless tornent with intarvals of rest which are tbemselves fraught with neyer ceasing f ear of renewed attacks. Let him turn te Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Asthma Remedy and know what aom- plate relief it can give. Let himj but use it faithfully and he will flnd is asthma a thing cf the past. It Will Prevent Ulcerated Throat. -At the first sYmptOins Of SOre throat, wbicb presages ulceration and inflammation, take a spoonful of Dr. Thomas, Eclectric Oil. Add a littie sugar to it to make it palatable. It will allay the irritation and prevent the ulceration and swalling that are so painful. Those who were period- ically subject te quinsy have thus made themselve~s immune te attack. Dependable Dollars fOR tpeplei ail wallcs of life, the most A dependable investmerit is moriey in a Savings Accourit. It is always there-always available-riever affected by falling mnarkets- always safe an-d redeemable at par. Security, coupled with convenience, cm- prise a dual feature flot found in any other type of investmnent. Yen tan, boy $1. 000 in four pam it matfalments of $4. 52 a wek S The Royal BanIk of Canada Bowmanville Branch R. F. Aitchison, Manager Cookied Meats During the hot weather the business of pre- paring appetizing meals taxes the housekeeper's ability to the utmost. You can obtain variety by including in your daily.menus any of the many varieties of fine quality cooked meats which we off er for sale. Ail varieties suitable for the picnic luncheon. Choice Dairy Butter Always on Hand HAROLD M. JEWELL Successor to Phare & McCoy Phone 518. Bowmanville 84Air Costs nothing-lack of it mean.s miles off the life of your tires." MORE than haîf your tire troubles are cauaed Mby under-inflation. There's a correct pres8Ure for every size tire according to its load. Two or three pounds rder this will take miles off itu running life. Near enough won't do. Use a reliable gauge and be sure. Or, caîl at tý:is depot once a week and let us look over your tires. We'll watch for bruises, rini cutu and embedded flints. At least twice a season let us remoýve each tire and look for inside fabric breaks. It will mean extra mileage-and dollars off your tire bis. A Dominion Tire wivil giva morvelous mileage if you treat il right. DOMINION TIRE DEPOT JAMIESON BROS., King St. W. Bowmanville Bnin R e . Ltd., Toroiinto.l- , Buntn Rid o. td. Toont. 1Secretary of Bowtanville Fair re- David Williams, Editor cf The ports that prospects look very bright Bulletin, Collingwood :-Dear Mr. for the success cf the Fair this year.**4% James:-Permit me te extend te you The demand for space in the Main miy heartiest congratulations on the Building is being already taxed te1 celebration of the fiftieth anniversary capacity and the Fruit and Veget- 1 There are few of your contemporaries hae to e putin a Fi of a half-century ago new in thel Those desiring space feor nmer- work, but we "young fellows" have cantile display and have net already, 10 t7 iearned te admire you and your edi- spoken te '.%r. Alan Canlbell, who is tonial writîngs for their high moral in charge, would be well advised te standlard and their splendid teaching. do se at once. Again extendîng my heartiest con- Foe ls hsya hudcr h gratlatonsand estwises. tainly be of interest te everyona, as C. .HleEdior he ackt &the directors have restricted the pro- Cai Times, Orillia: Dear Mr, James:- fessional growers te one number, the Te Permit a comparative youngster, rest of the Floral Class being open 23, whe neverthelass has been in the te amateurs only. However, the one newspaper work on oe paper for number open te prof essional caîls for nearly forty years, te offer his very a display of flowers and plants, floral T sincerest congratulations te you on arrangements perniitted in this dis- mus attaining your Fiftieth Anniversary play. By the interest already shown and as editor cf The Statesman. It must in this section there oill ha a grand net be a great satisfaction te you te look display of flowers. Then again the part back on a happy and usef ul life, andamtuswl net this year becen- mad it is indeed ref reshing, te judge 'from peting against the professional, se e your editorial talks, that you pii there will sure te be a grand display me, is still young. I trust this coiine made by amateurs.T te be the case for a long time te Prize ists are now under way and the come. will seon be mailed te anyona desiring cai _______a copy if you apply te Secretary C. balg My Dear Mr. James:-I want this. H . Masen, Bowmanville. nua mailed to-day that it may reacb you Bowmanville Fair dates Saptember 6p on or about Aug. lst, te convey our 18tb and l9th. amr heartiest and heartfelt congratula-E tions on your wonderful 50 years' iad work as Editor cf The Statasnian, a WILKINS PICNIC$1 record few man can show. You will sui neyer know alI the good you have The Wilkins Clan hald its seventb ch: dona te your fellow man in those 50 annual raunion at Cream cf Barley isr years, by yeur pan and ne less by Camp, Bowmanville, on Saturday af- rai your wondarful exampla te others. tarneen, July 28th. During the af-1 May you long ha spared the power itarnoon friands gathared from Osh- te wield your pan fer the edification. awa, Ceurtice, Bowmanvilla, 1Mapla on and pleasure of your many readers. Grove, Toronto, and as far west as19 Elizabeth Oke, Courtwright, and soon a marry coin- 1 Rosa Allin, Northam, R.S.0., N. pany cf about fifty wera enjeying a nec Devon, England. social time. While a bail gama xvas isr ______in progress, and the youngar mem- tO Dear Mr. James:-While in Mon- bers were anjeying themselves on the te treal last week 1 saw a vary interest- slides and swings, and in gaines cf sue ing item in tha Montreal Star, which varieus kinds, tha supper tablas wera cf. reminds me that you are open for tastefuily laid by the ladies witb al the congratulations cf old friands on good tbings imaginable, and eid and vel your 5th Annivarsary. Will you yeung did ample justice te the delic- pt] let me add mine te numerous others? icus refreshments.23 You were net long in business when Aftar supper anothar game of soft Du 1 flrst started te call on .you; that ball vas played which al anjoyad, ier( xvas before Mr. Campbell ivas on tha and races cf different kinds were in- road. May I couple with the abOve dulged in.T the sincere wish that you may ha Tha company ovas called te order spared for many yaars more cf active by the Prasdent, Mrs. Morley Wil- participation in the.conduct of. your kins, and the f ollewing were asked business. Expressing my sincere te carry on for tha ceming year: D a regards, I arn yeurs truly, President-Mrs. Morley Wilkins, il H. B. Donovan, Ceurtica; Secrtary-ML-ss Beryl Wil- Sales Manager, Canada Paper Ce., kins, Oshawa; Traasurr-Mrs. Leon- Toronto. ard Richards, Bowmanvilla; Commit- Mr. nd rs.J. M Jonstn jtee of Management-Mr. and Mrs. 1 Ch.ard Oie rJ I u ndte of E. W. Foley, Mr. and Mss. R. L. CharonOhi, witeundr dte .ofn Worden. August 4tb: Va desireteji As the shades of avaning were C your other friands in rejeicing witb falling tha merry company bade each - you that se usef'îl a lifa bas been other adieu and oended their ways b spared se long. May we pass on te dfeethms ahlo-In you the wish given tihe writa-r's grand- te therwrtemtigaan ex r mother at four score years-. "May inyear adt meig givnx a, th(c twilight of tijis if e se blend w year. v thc dawn cf the next that thare shah e be ne night between". Editor's Note: Mrs. Johnston's AUCTION SALE mi.idan namne vas Mary IJttla.iohn anc was a seholar at Bradley's Scbool1 Saturday, August I8th-The un- No. 14, Darlingtoiî. when we taugbt dersignad bas bean instructed te sali tl'ere in 1871, 2, 3 and 4adw a quantity of housebold furniture at an ideal student as wereetae MeMurtry's store on the aboya date, brethars. land the owner bas givan me permis- sion te includa in this sale semne Dear Uncle James-I arn writing' other furniture and affects. If you te congratulate you on your 5th have anytbng You desire te dispose of editorial anniversary. I ams sure pleasa notify me at once and wa will the testimonials you wiil racaive se- try te arrange for saine. garding the helpfuinass of your par- W. J. Challis, C. H. Maton, sonal messages as well as the excel- Auctioneer. Clerk. lent value of your splendidly editad SL RGSTR 322 news pages and slected articles willSAERG TR ha genuine and heart fait. I, ar net prompted te say this by tics or senti- Friday, August ith-Auction sale ment of relationship but as oe of 80 dairy eows, the preperty of Ed. journalist te another 1i nope as a ra- Whippey, lot 20, con .7, Wbitby presentative and apreciativa reader Townsbip. These cows are fresh cf your paper for fftyyears-Luther cews,* springars, milkers, beifers. AI- Warry, Montreal, Que. se e work herses, De LavaI miliker. As Mr. Whippey is giving up the milk Editor's Note-The poem, "An business, this stock wili ha sold with- Edîter For Fifty Years", in last eut reserve. Sale at 12 o'clock week's Statesman ovas written by Ms. (.standard time). See bills. Wmn. Werry.1 Maw, auctioneer. Dear Mr. James:-I just notice~ witb pleasura, that yeu have ceim-, pleted your fftietb year in charge ofC u The Statesman, a wonderful record. u Please accept my congratulations and hearty geod wishes for many years more. 1 often think of the old days o Th s l many interesting talks I used te have with you. Your clear-minded way of doing business aiways miade a N ow favourabla impression on me and I think helped me on my ewn way. With kindest regards, I arn, Yours truly, A little attention immediately F. J. Campbell, te cutting Sow Thistle wiIl pre- Generai Manager, Canada Paper Ce., vent millions of seeds baing scat- Montreal. tered oves ycur f arm. and your neighbor's fanm. Sow Thistle is one of the meat A new feature was beard on thel pcrnicieus weeds in the Provnce. air for the first turne Monday aven-i1 It bas bean on the increase. I QItDPDI~F hNfl PRESENTATIONI GOLDEN JUBILEE BOUQUETS BANK MANAGER RESIGNS Geo. E. S&oaggie, Business Ma-i H. C. Hgginbotham cf Cobourg Going ger of Mail & Empire ,Toronto, iii Into Bond Business. sending a marked copy of the above paper containing the much appreciat- H. C. Higginbothami. who has been ed tribute te the senior editor adds manager of the Standard Bank on the margin "My becartiest felicita- branch in Cobourg for the past ten tions". years, bas resignad f roma the bank, and intends going ln the bond busi- A. Odell, 449 Yonge St., Toronto- ness in Cobourg. During his resi- Dear Mr. James:-Today's issue Of d ence here he bas taken an active The Mail & Empire pays you a fine part in sports of ail kinds, playing tribute of respect in honer of your on the basebaîl and hockey teams and fifty years' service as editor of The being active in premoting these sports, Bowrnanville Statesman. I would, ameng the younger people. 0 f latel say "Amen' 'te its every word, everY years he has conflned himself te golf,1 sentence and the spirit'of the whole being this year President cf the Co-i editorial. bourg Golf Club. Mdr. Higginbothani has been connected with the Standard My dear Norman :-I note this Bank for the past twenty-six years. morning in the editorial column Of Wa wish him every success in his r.ew The Mail & Empire the congratula- vocation.-Cobourg Sentinel-Star. tiens extended te your good father I Higg's many friandz in bis nativel on his fifty years in journalism. I tewn of Bowmanville and elsewhere amn dropping you this personal note!aise wish hini continued success in te extend to him my congratulationsi the bond business. on this occasion and hope ha will be spared for many long years tecon in~o t o olleworin Can a .Fyn, WS RAtAI OE arm For Sale % CASH-BALANCE IN 25 YEARS iSoldier Settiement Board of iada offers for sale by Public mder 100 Acres, South %~ Lot Concession 3, Township Dar- lington, Durham County. The purchaser of this property st rely on his own inspection id knowledge of the farmn and îon the above or any other xticulars or representations de verbally or in writing by ployees of the Soldier Settie- nt Board. Lerm-s of sale are 10 per cent of epurchase price in cash on ac- ptance of the tender, and the 1ance in twenty-five equal an- ial instalments, with interest at per cent per annum on the nortizatien plan. Each tender mnust be acconipan- I by an accepted cheque flor 00. If tender is accepted, this nm will be credited to the pur- iase price of the land. If tender not accepted the xnoney will be curned to the tenderer. Tenders will be opened at Tor- nto, Ontario, on August l7th., 928. The highest or any tender not, cessarily accepted. If the land net seld on the date aboya men- >ned ,the Board will be prepared )receive off ers to purchase until uch time as it is flnally disposed Tenders should be in plain en- lopes inarked "Tender for the mrchase of 100 acres, SI/2 Lot 3, Con. 3, TPownship Darlington, )urham Co". Address tenders and riquiries to: rhe Soldier Settlement Board of Canada C. M. Nixon,, Dist. Supt. )ated at Toronto, Ontario, this ,th day of July. 1928. 32-2 SummerTerm ýeach ef Shaw's Twelve Schools ,llows the presant session in ragu- ar order from July 3rd with no forced vcations. Enter any day. Booklet ree. Write 1130 Bay St., Toronto, W. R. Shaw, Secretftry. The beautiful home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Welsh, Salem, was the scene cf a happy gathering on Tues- day, July 31, when about 75 friends callad te offer heartiest good wisbes te 'Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Savery, (nee Lola Welsh). The company was called te order and a short ad- dress was read by Mirs. Leonard Richards. At the proper time Mr. Samn Buttery, on bahaîf of the Salem friands, presented Mr. and Ms Savery -with a cabinet of sîlver and a hand-painted china cake plate. Mr. Savery though taken by surprise, made a very fitting reply, thanking the friends for thaîr lovely gft. The remainder of the evening was spent in singing and games after which the ladies served a dainty lunch of sand- wiches, cakes and ice cream. After sînging "For they are Jolly Good FelIlows" ,the friends departed wish- ing Mr. and Mrs. Savery much hap- piness. a Are Your Surplus Funda Returning You 6 Per Cent to 7 Per Cent IF NOT, LET US SEND YOU PARTICULARS 0F THE Commerce & Transportation BUILDING Limited 70/ WITH A BONUS OF COMMON SHARES, OR THE Merchants Exchange Bldg. 6% GOLD BONDS To Yield 6 Per Cent Go A. Sti'mson & Cote BOND HOUSE IN CANADA 300 Bay Street Toronto District Representative, Fred Williams, do lire. Edith V. Scobell Gernerai Inssurancet Bowmanyille, Ont. 1 SURPRISE AND PRESENTATION 1 Archie Tait's FOR SERVICE 1. PICKLING AND PRESERVING ARE IN FULL SWING VINEGAR-You want the best. SPICES-You want the purest We have a reputation for pure, high-class groceries upon which we pride ourselves. Phone your next order and prove our statements. THIS IS CHERRY WEEK-SECURE A BASKIET ARC HIE TAIT Phone 65 Bownianville RADIO NEWS Tune in on OKOL, Toronto, for the next four Friday evenings, between 9 and 10 p. m., commencing July 27th., and hear the special Oshawa Program sponsored by Thickson Kotor Sales. Yours very truly, 'THICKSON Motor Sales, 9 Bond St. W., Oshawa, Ontario Chocolates For Parties and Picnis-For Birthdays and Anniversaries Nothing is more acceptable than a box of chocolates. NEILSON'S - MOIRS - PAGE & SHAW The Bowmanvile Bakery Successors to Christie's Bakery Bowmanville IÀmited Est. 1883