PAGE SIXTHE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, AUGUST 9th., 1928 Are4eou Ready When #our Children Ciy for It Baby has little upsets at tirnes. Al your care cannot prevent thern. But you can be prepared. Th en you can do what aLny experienccd nurse would do-what most physicians would tel! you to do- give a few drops of plain Cstoria. No sooner done than Baby is soothed; relief is just amatter cf moments. Yet vou have eascd your child without use of a single doubtful drug; Castoria la vegetabie. So it's safe to use as often as an infant bas any little pain von cannot pat away. And it's always ready for the crueler pangs of colie, or constipation, or diar- rbea; effective, toc, for eider children. Trenty-firc million bot tIcs ucre bcught la.qt ycar. DON'T sufer headaches, or any of those pains a tabiet cf Aspirin can end in a hurry i Physicians prescribe it, and approve its f ree use, for it dees net affect the heart. Every drug- gist bas it, but don't f ail te ask the druggist for Bayer. And don't take any but the tablets that are staniped with the "Bayer Cross." AÂsirn k i the trade mark -<e,:.ed in Canada Mnlct, g Bayer Manuact ure. While It la wtt] known tht Asprin means Bayer manu- lecture, to aure the pulllec suainst imitatons. th alts be ta-oed wtIl their -Bayer . RMEOV eOR ALL THE COMMO IT SHOULO ALWAYS BE KEP ONe N SAMR E Sick stomaehs, sour otomachu andi indigestion nonally mean excessac&id. The stomach nerves are overstimn- lat.d. Ton much acid mires the stom. &eh rnd jitestines seur. AIka"tilse acid instantly. Thse beet Iorm la Pbillips' Milk of Magnesia, be- cause ozze harmless, tasteless dose neu- tralius MMay times it. volume in acid. Sinoe Ifs invuation. 50 years ago, it ha& »enaina blitIa 1i .d~ pby»ciasarn oM*l7wh9I5 CANADIAN NATIO.NAL TORONTO ONTARS'O 198 j First International AIRCRAFT SHOW His Majesty's ROYAL AIR FORCE BAND H. M. KING EORGEuf) J4 Triumphal Concerts 2000 VOICE EXHIBITION CHORUS First Showing 1929 MOTOR CARS WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP $50,000 3rd WRIGLEY MARATHON SWIM IN TWO EVENTS WED. AUG. 29 - WED. SEPT. 5 AGRICULTURE In ail its Branches with $125,000 Prize List An Entirely New and Diflerent MIDWAY of Clean, Enterts.ining and Amusing RUBEN & CHERRY Shows Roduceci raiInaaond ieamshiP raies. Ample accommodauion. Send for information. THIOMAS BRADSHAW, I. W. WATERLS, Gencrai Manager ICE TO-DAY LADIES? We wiII bave plenty cf pure Art!- ficial and Natura] Ice for ail old cu stomers and as many new cnes as wve can secure. Williamns Ice Ce., pDhone 58, Bowmanville. Reduce' the Acid In sick s'tomachs-instantly Take a spoonful in water hfid your unhappy condition wiii prohably end in five minutes. Then yen will alwayu know what W d o. Crude and harmful methods wili never appeal to yen. Go prove this for your own sake. It may Bave a great many disagreeable hours. Be sure to get the genuine Phillipe' Milk of Magnesia prescribed by physi- clans for 50 years in correctin excesa acide. Eaeh botte cnt l ui lir-C& FIELD CROP WINNERS SPORTS AT OAK LAKE Announced By Cartwright AgricuIt-ý One of our leading Higb School ural Society atheletes, Mr. Alva Roblin, added to bis laurels wbile attending Simmer Standing of winners of field crop Scbool at Oak Lake by cleaning up competition in faîl wbeat, beld by in the aquatic sports. Out of eigbl *Cartrigtbt Agricultural Society are: row boat and canoe events he won Ist-Russell Mountjoy. .90 points four firsts and four seconds, besides 2nd-G. E. Wilson . . ..89 points capturing the trophy in the treasure 3rd-Mý%. Fallis......... 88 points bunt for tbe Osbawa Presbytery. 4tb-Clark Williams . .871/ points1 Bowmanville la proud of ber H. S. 5t--J. J .Tbornton .... .87 points 1 atheletes, and tbey reflect consider- 6tb-W. B. Ferguson 861A points able credit upon their instructor, Mr. 7th-H. McMullen . .851A points Cooke. Alva came first in tbe men's Judge-H. S. Jeifs, Toronto. single canoe race, tbe men's single Black.stock Fair wiil be beld this row boat race, tbe tilting contest, and year on Tuesday and Wednesday, tbe crab race. He, witb Mr. Rich- September 25tb and 26th. Prize ards of Port Perry, camoe second in l ists rnay be had by applying to Jas. Itbe men's double row boat race; Byers, Secretary, Blackstock. witb Misa Milîs ,one of tbe camp ___________leaders, be camne second in tbe rnixe.d double row boat race; witb Mr. How- BLACKSTOCK ard Law of Pickering, be carne second in the rnen's double race, and witb Mrs. Fred Axwortby, Sault Ste Miss Helen Lewis of Coho-arg, be Marie, is visîting friends bere. came second in the rnixed double cari Mrs. W. T. Taylor, Solina, is visit- oe race. He sbowed wonderful ing ber daugbter, Mrs. E. Larmer. stamina, entering one race after an- Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. otber witb practically no breatbing Norman Mountjoy, it's a daughter. space in between. Miss Jennie Prout and Mrs. Fred Mr. Roblin was elected one of three Axworthy were recent guests cf Young people on the management SmithBros.committee of the Summer Scbool for Smib ros . next year. He attended the school Mrs. Rudd and son Donald, Flint, as a delegate representing Newcastle Michigan, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. United Cburcb Young People's Frank Stinson. League. Misses Dorotby and Mildred Han--_ __ cock, Toronto, are gue;ts of Mr. and Wormns sap tbe strength and under- Mrs. Luther Mountjoy. mine the vitality of cblîdren. Streng-ý Miss Verna Graham, Toronto, i then theni by using Mother Graves' bolidaying witb ber grandparents. Mr.. Wormn Exterminator to drive out tbe and Mrs. Henry Mountjoy. parasites.1 Mr. G. Crawford met wk1h an ac- cident wbile working in Eowmanvilie on Saturday, July 2lst. lie ;s irn- proving. Zion Dramatic Club put on the play "Fixing Tbings For Father" in the town baIl on Saturday evening. The play wvas full of fun and !keot the audience interested and amused. A.Y.P.A. of St. Jobn's Cburch held their July meeting at the home cf Mr. and Mrs. Ira Argue on Wednes- day. Cern and weiner roast will be beld at Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wilan'.s in September. Prograni consisted cf two papers by Miss Laura Bailey and Mr. Percy Hamilton; readings by Mrs. A. L. Railey and Mr. Fred Hanfi- ilton; violin and moutb organ solos by Mr. -Ira Argue and Mr. Percy Hamilton; a flower contest won by Miss Hazel Mountjoy and Mr. Donald Grabam. BLACKSTOCK ANGLICAN 1 RECTORY 1On Mna afternoon, July 9tb., 1198, hecorner stone of 'be New English Church Rectory laid by MrJ.H.Devitt, assisted by tbe rect- ! or, Rev. P. G. Powell. The s-tone wbicb was wbite and inscribed with tbe year 1928 xvas presented by the contracter, Mr. Barnes. A suitabie aldress containing the names of the building committee, wardens and Robt. Hamilton on the rectory grounds. The bottle was then seal- cd and buiit in with the corner stone. After the following address by Mr. Devitt, the Doxology xvas sung and several pictures were taken by Miss Laura Bailey. "I thank tbe rector, tbe cburch wardens and the building committee for tbe honor conferrcd on being in- vited to lay the corner stone of our ncw rectory, wbicb bonor wa.s con- ferred because I arn tbe only surviv- ing niember cf the committee cf ififty-t-wo years ago wben tbe churcb I was built, a cornmittee cf seven be- ing in charge cf the work of wbich six bave been callcd by deatb, viz: Messrs. Robert Bryans, R. B. Spinks, Wm. McLaugblin, A. Lattimore, Jas. Bailey and Jobn Ncsbitt. I can look back with pleasure to my associations witb tbose men in that work. There is also a feeling of loneliness. Iý feel like a lone pebble on tbe sbore of time. There was one tbing in particular that was very gratifying to the committee, tbat our ]ives were ail spared until tbe debt was paid and all were privileged te be present at the consecration service a sbort time after the churcb was finished. rWe became a parisb in Cartwrigbt in 1850 witb tbe Rev. Win. Logan as rectcr. There bave been tbe fol- lowing successors: Rev. B. S. Hoskin, Rev. Jobn Creigbton, Rev. J .H. Kidd, Rev. J. J. Robbins, Rev. T. Scott, i Rev. E. 0. Gallagber and Rev. P. G. Powell, making only eight clergymen in 78 years. 1Our parisb dates back tbree years before the Synod cf Toronto was in- corporated. We celebrated our 75tb anniversary two years agc and arc noiv celcbrating our 78tb annivcrsary by building this new rectory in Black- stock, witb the hope that tbe pres'snt Rector may see bis way clear to re- main many years as its occupant and tbat be and bis family may enjoy .gond bealtb, pleasure and comfort, Iwithin its wails. In conclusion, dear fricnds, again allow me to tbank you for the honor you this day bave ccnferred upon meý by inviting me te lay the,,corner stone cf this building wbîcb wili be the borne cf the cergymen who w;ll min- i.stcr te the congregaticonof St. John's Churcb in the future. 1 have re- ceive<I many favors and bonors frorn the good people cf this township in the past and wiilllook upon this ns the crowning one cf tbem al" FALL FAIR DATES Bowmanville............ Sept. 18-19 Belleville............... Aug. 28-31 Blackstock................ Sept. 26 Lindsay................ Sept. 19-22 Markbam................. Oct. 4-9 Millbrook.............. Sept. 17-18 Orono.................... Oct. 2-3 Osbawa................ Sept. 11-13 Port Hope............. Sept. 25-26 Port Perry............. Sept. 20-21 Peterboro.............. Sept. 10-15 Toronto, C.N.E. ..Aug. 24-Sept. 8 It is usually safe to say that wben a cbild is pale ,sickly, peevisb and restless ,tbe cause la wcrms. These parasites range the stomach and in- testines, causing sericus disorders cf tbe digestion and preventing the in- fant froni deriving sustenance from food. Miller's Worm Powders, by destroying the worms, correct tbese faults cf the digestion and serve te restore tbe organs te bealthy action. For Your AahIng Head Teke orne ZUTOO TABLET end ln 20 Minutes, the pain bs go.. m"d you feel tue. ZUTOO wfil &top mm Hestdache, Siok Nervous, Drepeptio or Monîhiy!-i. 24 minutes by the ock. Mec et deaers.. WOMAN $0 SICK COUID NUl WORK Helped by Talcing Lydia L FPik- ham's Vegetable Compound Grainland, sask.-"I arn giad that 1 heard of that gdLydia E. Pink- ans medicine and I ç,,,ülflot be ç;?th- ot it again. 1 was esick that 1 could nt work at all and could flot aew on 4 machine. My ant told me of Lydia E. Pink- am's Vegetable poundandnow amn telihng ail of my friends how goo it la and I wiii answer al lete get front women." -M Rs. YSCUTIF.9, Grainland, Saak. Zook's Retulating Compound A safe, ftliabJ. reoiam iedicine. Boin btiiede. Solb X ail druguiata, or sent ren on receipt of prias. Frepamphlet. Addrees: THE COOK MEDIINIECO w OSPHOSPMODINE.1 The Great Engish Preparation. usTones and inelgorates the whole nervoua systers. makes ne.. Bleod in old Veins. Used for Nervouis eso debilI,Menal stiDin Wor the Heart, Êailing m"gwy. PicS 2pev box.3pe for $5.9 S.old by .Illsgaie. or inatied in pain t&g on reccipi 0f pdce.NetepamphlÀ iatiid 'ru. TUWOOD wCMu co..roMom.Oni. Mr. Allin Hall bas resigned bis position in charge cf tbe pumping station at the Forestry, and bas rent- cd tbe Henry ýBowen farrn on Scugog Island, wbere we under;stand, Mr. Alex. Bowen will join bum in tbe spring. Rev. W. R. Dent cf Limerick, Sask., motored borne to visit bis par-1 ents, Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Dent. AI] the family living in Toronto spent Sunday at borne te meet bum, after being separatcd for several years. He la returning about August lSth. During the electric stjrrn arly Wednesday miorning on the fan cof Mr. Walter Sberwin, west aide Orono one 'pig was kille 1 tnd two others badly injured in tbsir pen. A cow in an adjoining stable waa 50 startied by the crash tbat it sprung back- wards in its stail witb sucb force as te break the new cliain by wbicb it was tied. Orono Band put on a .program on Saturday evening to a great crowd cf people. Among tbe most inter- ested lsteners wvas Mr. Frank Mc- Dowell cf Toronto, a one-time prom- mnent bandsman cf Bowmanville when tbat town avas credited wth baving more real mnusicians, accord- in Canada. Mrs. Lavinia Hodgson and grand- daugbter Jean, Winfleld, Kansas, en- tertained over forty relatives and friends, Saturday evening, July 28, at the home of Mr. Robert Moon in honor cf Baby Jean's birthday. Her father, Mr. L. D. Meon, came over te be present for the occas.on. Lunch was served and ýhe evening was spent in social conversation, music and readingg. An important change recently took place in the Orono Police Trustee Board. After sonîething like four- teen years cf ,oiit;niious service, thej greate. ,Pt..tio f that time faitb- tully discbaiging the duties cf In- 'tpecting Trustee, Mr. C. F. Awde tendered ý si resigîîation ,and is suc- ceeded by Mr. W. H. Barrett, a former Poliec Truste,. who was chosen by the other -m?-:nbes aif tbe Board (as the Municipal Act provides in suc!' cases) te fill the balance o the unexpired terni. ORONO 0(From The News of August 2d 0 Miss Viola Gilfillan, Toronto, wvas rhome over the weekerd. P Miss iBetty Ratz, Toronto, is visit- Sing Miss Marion Dickson. S Mrs. Rutherford. Toronto, is visit- e ing bier sister, Mrs. Fred Cowan. * Mrs. Fenning of Toronto, spcnt the w'eekend at Cipt. J. C. Gamey's, Sixtb Line. Mr. hae an INMrs. Moase, Ms hvrad sdaughter, Alice, Unity, Sask., spent a 2day with Mms King. 1 Mrs. Moat, Toronto, was a visitor -with hier parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Richards on Siunday. Stanley Bruton is clerk at the j. J. Gilfillan drug store, in succession to Mr. Alex. McNei]. Mr. and Mrs. Neil McKenzie, Tor- 1onto, were vistors at bier father's, Mr. T. Smith, on Sunday. I.P.M. Bro. G. M. Linton of Orono Lodge, A.F.&A.M., attended Masonici Grand Lodge at London. The bridge on tbe Forestry road off IMain Street bas been raised and plac- ed in a slanting position. M r. and Mrs. J. L. Powers and Mrs King were Sun<I visîtors at Mr. H. JW. Tuls it being Mrs. Trull's birtb- day. Misses Joan Chester and Enid Me- Kenzie are enjoying a short holiday at their granddaughter's, Mr. T. Smith. Mrs.ý Danel and .son, Alexander, NakeaNw Ontnrio, epent a few days last week at Mr. Joho. Bigelowv's, Kirby. Mr. Jobn S. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Rowland Smith, Toronto, and Miss Lola Smith, Windsor, wvere in town Mon da y. Miss Irene Elliott, Misses Katie. and Jean Stewart and Miss Etbel 1Hoar spent tbe past week at Pres- 1qu'Ile Point. Mr. Philip Bigelow w~ho is taking a special summer ciurse at Queen's Unixýersity, Kingston, was borne over trie weekend. i'Mrs. J. B. Hall, Toronto, is at ber sister'z; recuperating frorn a ""c en, illness. Mr. Hall is expected bere on bis bolidays. Mr. Harry Hoo~per and daughter, Mrs. B. Barstead, Toronto, are holi-I daying witb bis daughter, M.%rs. P. C. Lawrie, Windsor. Mr. Chas .T. 'Miller, manager of Red Rose Tea Co., Toronto, spent a week of bis holidays with bis parents, Mr .and Mrs. John Miller. Mr. and Mrs. M. Cowan, Toronto, are visitng hier brother, Mr. M. Bres- lin. Dr. Breslin, Toronto, was a visitor at bis brother's, Saturday. Mrs. Fred Pearson and daugbter. Mrs. Timson, Lloyd and Elleen, and Mr. and Mrs. Will Pearson and son, ail of Toronto, motored into town, Monday, for tbe day Mrs. A. J. Staples and daugbter, Miss Katb]een Staples, left Sunday on S. S. Toronto on a tour up the' Saguenay river, also spending some time in Quebec City. Several children sent out fromn Toronto by the Neighborbood Work- ers of that city, bave been located in bornes of this village and are enjoy- ing the tinie of their lives. Miss Sadie Brown, R.N., accom- panied by bier cousins, Mr. Fred Stap- les, and sister, Mrs. Leitb, motored from London, Ont., and is spending the weekend witb friends here. Mr. G. H. Linton. Toronto, is spending the week witb bis son, Mr. G. M. Linton, superintendent Orono Forest Station. Mrs. Linton and Miss Iva were aiso down from the city on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Oswaid McGill and son, Mr. and Mrs. Fergus Porter and daughter, Janetvilie, spent Sunday at tbe home of F. W. Bowen, M.P., Miss Mary BGwen accompanying tbem home for a short visit. Mr. Henry Junker, Osbawa, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Jîxnker and son Roh-1 ert, New Hamburg, and Mrs. (Dr.) J. P. Ross and daul-nter, Eleanor of Detroit, Micb., were in town calling on relatives and friends. t-j-,- ÀUILY' pbi~ that is wunnungnew thou sa nds every, wcek E ACH week the Pontiac Six forges ahead te a new hlgh point in sales. Each weelc this lowest-priced General Maters' Six surpasses its own amazing records ~ of succesa. And the reasons for its tremendous popu- larity are found in the quality which Pontiac provides 1 From the day of its introduction, Pontiac Six has served as an outstanding exainple cf quaity-quality cf mater. ls, quality of design and quality ef workmanship. And emphasizing its quality are numereus features which Pontiac alone in ita field emlaodes. No other six se low ini price offers bodies by Fisher- with the high-grade ceachwork and materials which the Fisher emblem represents. Ne other six se low in pria. offers a 186 cii. in. engine-together wtth the stamina and long life fer which Pontiac ia fame4. And non* other enjoya the advantagea of being built by the world'a greateat automobile organization. Why net learn for yeurself what higb quality ef mater- ilis, aound basic design and auper-precislon construction mean to a mater car ? Why net conie and drive a Pontiac Six today ? Paymoent Plan im'b l uA.. bu d ro~s. Corbett Motor Sales PHONE 248 BOWMAN VILLE I'ONTIAC 1sMX PRODUCT 0F GENDRAL MOTORS OP CANADA. LEMTU There la no mystery about this Mny people feel that ar- rangmng a long distance talk is coxnplicated. And it is reafly so simPle 1 Your looeL operator wMl connect yen wlth certain nearby points listed in the front pages of your direc- tory. If yen do net know thse number, ask "Informa- tion In cafing morn distant points, ask for "Long Dis- tance". Tel ber youx, tele- phone number, your naine, the clty you wish Wo reach, the distant teiephone nurn- ber if yeu know iLt.Il you de not know it, "fLong Dis- tance' wilI look it up. The operators are always coreus and helpful, and tbe experience will convert YOU to the regular use ci a wondsrflservice. Wlsy swt tflj it? 0t TEAý " Our experts search through thousands of t». $ampe to find just the rlght teas to go ln "dSALADA" blonds. Ordlnary teas will not do- exceptlonally fine teas only, are used. Iln this w.y "'SALADA" maintains ts unrlvall.d position. Cousais" ~ ~ -Cout REGU£L ARSAVINOS ' 4 Domino Bl1nd * Specul k"0"h M.akmautlb. g3o Thst« deset.vs a triai. <Qjmity ;4 TEA A-lb. 32o ;utaadibc &Bd ave invite Yu e eg 6 .lb /4l 6 lame this BRunswlek 4 Tins Crosse e& MakweIra SARDINES 22 T ARMALAD 19 ja UeLaren't DOminO SElàNA A71E12 CasluWsè Invincible Dwend COIRNED Brand Aabolted OLIVES P EÀA8S BREF 'ToMatoca Sandwich Pîi.zo J a r I* No.1 inb Neý 1Tin Biscuts l1117.0Tlac n 23e zITin 2.0 50 lb. Ca ed ETRC L -t;23 Lifebuoy GRApE Vi..Tonelll*IU FRUIT cmISCO Z*b 20or Heath 25.-Tln Delmonbe No a m aeai3 Basmuleoa2 s.asl c»dysi wKIPPER 2 Tins Corn Staioh 250 cystai C'eM ISNACKS 13e bizoaroui md11 lis. KELLOGG'S spubttiBRAN FLAKES 2 PlUts. 25o Dayulde Choie. Quaflty 2 itt. 25a ~ Nits PEACHES GrpeNue Tbey Are 0 Clasl se 17 Pg. Dellelous 25 Tin c 0e Î-1-8 Sugar, 100 Iba. $6.30 PAGE SIX