THE C (ANADITAN STATESMý..N, BOWMANVILLE, T.HURSDAY, AUGUST 23îd, 1928 q den, Mr. C H. Snowden niotoied up' Son Thursday and visited the fornier's Write for full information about BOWMÀN VILE DJff ~ aunt, Mis. Parsons, who is in the how oui courses will belp you to ,ING ST. hospital. Mis, Snowden and two sucews. -P ONE 44è <aughters returned home with lhem ...Rev. Mr. Whitesides whn con- K <ucted a very impressive andî îespon- The sive evangelisti c service asat Sabhath Pe lssBsns Coee aîtteinoon will picach again next e ls B in sCoeg I Sunday in the absence of the pastor Y. M. C. À. Building who is attending the Keswick Con- Oshawa, Ontario ference.____________________ PAGE POUR HAYDON ENNISKILLEN TYRONE Misses Viola and Freda iBradley are Mrs. Thomas McGill is visiting Mr. Floyd Dudley, Toronto, visited holidaying with relatives in Buffalo. If rends in Toronto. at home. Ta Miss Rema Bradley vistes at Mir. Miss Reva McGill is spending a Mr. Earl Mlc.aughtin, Oshawa, vis-1 A. Morgan's, Oshawa. week at Muskoka Lakes. ited at Mr. C. D. Hodgson's. vis Mis. (Rev.) Sterling, Orono, was Mr. John Siemon, Jr., spent the Mr. and Mis. H. Welsh, Noranda, guest of Mrs. H. Ashton. weekend at Niagara Falls. Quebec, visited friends here. vis Miss Annie Trewin is visiting at Mr. and Mis. Frank Robbins are Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Hodgson Sun- Mr. H. Scott's, near Orona. visiting friends in Rochester. dayed with friends in Toronto. yiE Master Everett Disney, Os P.wa, Mr. and Mrs. Slas Trewin, Haydon, Miss Leverne Burgess is viFiting visited at Mr. John Wright's. visited at Mr. John Slemtons. Miss Flora McRoberts, Oshawa. ha Mir.and Mrs. R. MeNeil visited her Mr. and Mrs. Albert Harris and Mr. and Mrs. T. Findley, Ola and e. brother, Mi. F .Cowling, Purple Hill, family, Kirhy, Sundayed at Mrs. W. Beit, Thoinhill, Sundayed at Mr. E. on Sunday. Oke's. Vitue's. tic Misses Phoebe and Mabel Beech Mr. Wallace Stwint.)n cnd daughteî, Mr. Frank Hatherly and Mr. Gor- Fa and friends motored to Rice Lake and Eleanor, Toronto, are hoidaying with don Cowling have gone to camp at Peterboro on Sunday. friends. Kingston. ai Mr. and Mrs. L. Disney and fam- Mr. and Mrs. Levi Ainis, Scar- Mrs. W. Lillicrap and Miss Velma at ily. Oshawa, are occupying their sum- boro, called on old friends here on Campbell, Cannington, visited at Mr mer home, formerly owned by Mr. Wednesday. F. L. Byam's. is F. Glithro.« Miss Jean Spry, Bowmanville, is Mrs. (Rev.) Stirling of Orono, de- if Mr. and Mrs.- C. Saper, Mr. Hicks, holidaying with her giandparenti', liveîed a splendid talk on "Feuds" on Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Hicks and Bobbie, Mr. and Mrs. G. A. C)ok * . Sunday morning. E. Oshawa, visited at Mr. Rd. McN eil's Mir. and Mis. Mark Hancock have Miss F. Virtue and Mr. Wm. Stap- Le on Saturday. returned to their home in Rochester, les attended a picnic at Lakeview Gi Mr. and Mrs. T. Sands, Mi. and Mis. Levi Brunt returning with themi Park, Oshawa, last week. Gi Mis. H. MeCoxnb, Mrs. R. W Doane,ifor a visit. Mr. and Mrs. T. Richards, Mi. and Toronto, Mrs. Jessie Sheor, Detroit, Mr. Chaîlie Stainton bas accepted Mrs. A .Hawkey visited at Mr. How- visited at Mr. E. Mountjoy's. a position with the Bell Telephone aid Findley's, Unionville. Mrs. Sterling, Orono, took Company, Oshawa. We wish hlim Mr. and Mrs. W. Stewart, Mr. and charge of the service on Sunday af- every success in his new work. Mrs. Ronald Scott Sundayed at Mr ternoon. Everyone enjoyed the ad- Mr. Frank Spry, Rochester, came Arthur Jennings', Oshawa. dress which was both interesting and over to accompany Mrs. Spry andi Mr. Wrni. Hambly, Boys' Iraiiuing helpful. family home. Miss Annie Oke re-j School, Bowmanvîlle, Sundayed with sis Give the children Cîeam of Barley. turned with them for a holiday. 'his sister, Mrs. Laura Virtue. Dr. and Mis. H. Ferguson are holi- Rev. and Mrs. J. R. Trumpour, sr __________________ idaying at Muskoka and Masters AI- Grenfeil, Jean and Joyce, are holi- _______________________ flen and Donald are with their grand- daying with friend's at Picton. t parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Ferguson, Mr. George Alldîead, Mr. Morley Uxbridge. 1 Hooper and Mr. Richard Gibbs have v Mr. and Mis. R. T. Short andigon e West on tl.e Harvesters' excur- daughters Mabel and Anita, Brooklyn,1 sion. N Y., and Mrs. John Sanders, Bow- Mr0n1i. e twrt ete manville. spent the weekend at Mr. ton, Mrs. R. A. Pike, Helen and JTheo. Slemon's. Stewart, Chicago, Ill., Mi. Bert M r. ury Give the children Cîeam of Baîley. Stewart, Olds, Alta., visited at Mi. M ________Willis Stewarts. S WilltestyoureyesfreeCOURICEMi. and Mis. Horace Hall visited d their parents. Mr. and Mrs. John d Lt. ds. Thompson, Toronto, is gust Maynard, Bro oklin ...Miss Lillie ' of charge ay day t f r.Helen Hn k. criMr nzr. ereDe an1biS Mf~r ad Hancoc Scno, ad orine, M. and Mrs. eorg e e week. we ax Camnpbell, Oshawa, Mrs. H. C.Word- A wel'sspnt unay it reatiesenToont, isiedat Mr. W. T. here. Worden's. dî ~Write or phone making Mrs. Haîry Grooms and daughteis, Give the childien Creani of Barley. A an appointment. Jas. Shoîtt. aeget o is -E Mi. and Mis. Kanehl, Lockport, i New York, were recent guests of Mi. S0LINA and Mrs. Ross Pearce. Mr. Cecil Bush and Mr. Arthuri P Mses Jean and Eileen Wight, lnhr pn h ekn nBb Jury & Lovel Province, arevisitingtheir cousin, lach rds. Donhe VakndrBfab-d Pho~e 78Mi. and Mis. Stanley Head and1 Miss Margaret, Detrît, visiter! at Mr When We Test Eyes It ls Done family, Bîidgebuîg, Ont., are visitiiig W. T. Taylor's. Properly MranîiMrRoss eac.j a Mso . n R. Tabbo, MssPediick, Tor- Detroit, and Mis. Hicks, Toronto, Mr James Smales. P. S Ope Evry Nght were guests of Mis. Jas. Shortt last MRev. J. R. Bick is expectec L;t be S P.S pnEeyNgtweek. eeta u hrhnx udy utl 1030, also eey Rev. and Mis. J. H. Stainton and Etpree a o urchnxaSndy. Ufl every ~~~Ronald are in Muskoka for a couple tthrbeagoatndce W'ednesday. of weeks. Mi. Stainton is attending Mi. and Mis. W. Warner and Mis. E a convention there. Ed. Wilcox, Hastings, Mr. W. Willis, d Several f romn here have gone West Cbug pn eka i .E on the haivesters' excursion, aniong MissEenTnkad utMc them, Mi. Frank Walter, M.Rnl vlnTn n uhM-s Courtice, Mi. WillP Mi RonaldMr.Ke ssock spent the wekend with their IAif. Huggins, M essr. erge, i and anote, Mis. Tho!i. Pascoe, E Air. Welsh. fia mpto n. On Tuesday afteînoon Mis. James Mi. and Mis. H. E. Tink and fam- Shortt gave a biithday party celebrat- ily attended the funeral of Mi. Tink's f inghe mohe's irhda, rsAesl uncle, the late Mi. Edwin Tink atd Hars who was 88 years old that Bokio rdy JI, Pday. Relatives and fiiends were Mi. and Mis. Hilton Hogarth and1 BU SY A Sthere from Toronto, Oshawa and Miss Agnes, Ottawa, Mis. Aggie Ho-d Bowmanville and Mis. Harris receiv- garth, Norwich, vlsited Miss Maryf ed several nice birthday gifts. She is Hogarth snd Mis. R. Pascoe. CA N ]B 1E quite smart and bîight for a woman Mi. and Mis. Watson and Miss ii her age, and we wish her many happy Watson ,Mr. and Mis. E. G. Law, Toi-a retuins of the day. ontc, Mis. W. Michael, Haimony, vis- a But not too busy to sup- Sunday services were well attend- it.ed at Mi. and Mis. Clarence Tink's. ed. Rev. Whitesides preached in the Miss L. Heron, Miss J. Heron, Mi. ply your needs in 1 church ini the moring and in the tent Malcolm,Toronto, Mr. Wsu. Thoms, WA L AP R beautiful sermons. The evening ser- C. Smales, Dunbarton, vstdMis 'W'ALLPAPERvice was the last of his evangelistic James Smales.Mi CHAMPIO PAINT meetings here and while here he gave1 Dr. and Mis. Luther Hogarth and CHA PIO PANT splendid service both in preaching, Miss Betty Hogarth, Detroit, Mis. Ev% 3 an nsong. Mi. Whitesides is anj Fletcher, Kalamazoo, Mriss Edna Rey- GLIDDEN PAINTS inteiesting speaker and he makes his1 noîds, Mis. R. Pascoe, Miss* Mary1 1 mesagesmost impressiyve and h is Hogarth, visited at Mi. Uis ?ascoe's AND V RNISH S preence with us for two weeks will 1 at Brooklin.t not soon be foîgotten. He will preach Mi etJmsDtot, i.. ALABASTINE at Ebenezer morning and evenîg Sheridan, Toronto, Mis. L. L. Guy, next Sunday on account of oui Pastor M.Aci ae, Mse a BROOMSbeingaway.Hayes, Columbus, called on their1 BROOMS Give the childien Cream of Barley.; aunt, M1iss Ellen James, at Mr. A. L. SMALL WARES - Pascoe 's. Mr. and Mis. Norman Leach and MAPLE GROVE family, Taunton, Mis. Will Stantion Cail in at the handy store and Miss Frances, Buffalo, Mi. and Jet s fi yor orer. Rev. and Mis. H. W. Foley and Mis. James Stainton, Mi. and Mis. andleusfl orod . family, Selby, visited his sister, Mrs. RuselI 'Stainton, Zion. were recent J. D. Stevens.1 guests of Mi. A. J. Balson. Miss Ruth Armstrong, nurse-in-, Mi. and Mis. Mark Hancock, R,,ch. training at Giace Hospital, Toronto, ester, Mis. Levi ;Brunt and Missi G . Prichard spent an afteinoon last week with her Myrtle Brunt, Enniskillen, Miss Clara1 parents, Mi. and Mis. R. H. An- Page, Burketon, Mr. and Mis. Il. E.1 Painter and Decorator stiong .... Mi. and Mis. R. C. Scott, Grooms and family, Toronto, Mi. and Phon 48 Bowanvll 'Solina, spent Sunday with Mi and jMis. Newton Edgar and f ariily, Osh- Mis. R. H. Airmstrong. awa, visited at Mr. S. E. Weîîy's. Mi. Edward Foley bas retuined Mi. and Mms. John Baker and froni an enjoyable motor trip with Master Tom Baker, Mi. and Mis.MR ______________________ _____fîiends to London and Ingersol. .... Ji. MeKessock and Miss Margaret MC_ _____________________ IssVea-oea Itrne-hom-KssokMi. and Mis. L. T. Pascoe. ENFIELD Mr. John Hepburn is visiting at cironto Mi .and Mis. Jas. Stark have been iiting at Brooklin. Mi. and Mis. Frank Page, Toronto, sited at Mr. S. Page's. Alsike is being thîeshed but the ield is below the average. Mi .and Mis. H. Forest, Scarboro, ave been calling on old acquaintan- es. rMiss Beilman was born in Bow- Mi. Geo. Cochrane won the, red ..vilead duaed in the town iket again on bis driver at Sutton coosat er-ads laînn niln air. -with Miss Young, for some yeaîs she Mi. and Mis. G. Abrahami and Mr. has held responsible positions in nd Mis. Fountain, Detroit, visited1 Hamilton, Winnipeg, Toronto and tMi. L. C. Pascoe's. other places. In the flu epidemic Rev E. Hardîng, Cincinnati, wbolof 1918 she suffered an attack froni guest of Mi. H. Smith, preached which she neyer fully regaiaied ber iy acceptably here last Sunday. health an d found it necessaiy to un- Mi. Annis, Cincinnati, Ohio, Mrs. dergo several operations enteîing the Anni, Witby M-. an Mi. Ghospital for the final on June l8th of ,ask, Taunton, visited at Mi. F. this yeaî wheîe she iemained until ilbeît's. death released her suffering. ive the childien Creani of Bairley. She was a member of the Presbv- teîian Church and afterwards the United Church. HAMPTON Miss Margaret Pascoe spent the eekend at Bobcaygeon. Miss Beatrice Leach is visiting ber1 ister, Miss Wilma Leach. Misa Shirley Gay, Bowmanville, usl pending ber holidays at home. Miss Mary Tamblyn, Orono,isv- ing ber aunt, Mis. B. Ferguson.f Mi. and Mis. John Wakely are siting relatives at Mount Forest» Misses Frankie and Hazel Wood, )rono, visited with MrÈ. Lorenzo Prull. Mi. and Mis. Albert <Cole, Bow-, nanville, visited at Mi. C. W.-1 'oucb's. Mis. Sulas Willisms is visiting beri lughtei, Mis. Edwin Wood, Bow- nanville.1 Mis. Delbeît Flintoif and childien,ý 7ion, visited ber sister, Mis. George' Irmour. Mi. Ross Trenouth, Oshawa, is holi- faying with bis parents, Mi. and Mis. ,LTrenouth. Misses Margaret and Benetta Bate, Elmvale, are holidaying with friends in the village. Mis. Powell, Orangeville, Mis. Ranton, Si., Trenton, visited with Mrs. W. J. Virtue. Mn. and Mis. John Cowling and Master Jack spent Sunday with rela- Lies in Stbuffville. Mi. and Mis. A. E. Jennings and Mis. J. Clatworthy motoîed to Fene- In Falls on Sunday. Mi. and Mis. Harold Salter spent Sunday with Mir.and Mis. Goidon VanCamp, Base Line. M. and Mis. L. T. Pascoe, Missds Edith and Marjorie Pascoe are holi- Laying at B.o>bcaygeon. Rev. Tom MeReynolds, Hearst, New Ontario, bas been visiting bis sister, Mis. W. H. Gay. ,Mi. and Mis. F. A. Cole and Mi. Donald Cole, Toronto, were Sunday guests of Mi. and Mis. E. H. Cole. Mn. and Mis. Charles Johns and family, and Mi. and Mis. A. B. Cîy- derman spent Sunday at Peterboro. Misses Ruth McKessock and Evelyn rink, Solina, are spending a f ew daya with their giandmothei, Mis. T. Pascoe.* Rev. J. R. and Mis. Bick are îeturn- ing froni their bolîdays this weec and Mi. Bick will resume bis wor< on the circuit next Sunday. Give the children Creani of BarleY. SALEM Miss Bickell, Oshawa, is visiting Miss Thelma Weiiy. Miss Edith Cator, Toronto, bas been holidaying at home. Miss Ella Collacott, Oshawa, spent. the weekend at home. Miss Sosie Symons, Bowmanville, has been visiting in the neighborhood. oîed to Port Perîy on Sunday to visit relatives. The Misses Stephens, Bowmanville, visited with their sister, Mis. F. L. Squair, on Sunday. Mis. F. L. Squair accompanied by Mis. M. J. Hutchinson of Toronto, vis- ited Mis. W. Moff at, Orono, one day last week. Mis. F. Honey entertained a nom- be of ladie on Tuesday of ]ast weekoin of ber sont, Mis. M. J. Hutchinson, Toronto, wbo is visit- ing ber. ai Last Sunday Mi. T. H. Lockhart Bowmanville, deliveied a very an est discourse, at the afternoon ser- vice. Mis. Lockhart accompanied ber husband and took part in the ser- vice by making a prayer that was very deep and appealîng. Mi. W. MoFeeters, Oakv-ille, Mi. G. McFeeters, Miss PeIl and Miss; Babcock, Toronto, Mn. and Mis.A. W. Annis and sons, Tyrione, Mis. W. W. Henderson, Providence,Mi.W E. Pollard, Salemi, Mis. H. Gown Memphis, Ten., xere Sunday visitons at "The Maples". Mi. Walter Morris bas been mot- oring through this neighborhood ro- newing oId acquaintances of boyhood days when he resided on the placei afterward poichased by the late Captain Wight . Walter's father waq Dr. Morris and be and bis sisters and brotheis attended Salem achool un- 'tiI the family moved into theU sonne forty years ago. Mis. H. Goodwin, (neeSusie Mc-i Ftosof Memphis, Tenn., an-I other former Salem scbool student, is a150 pàying a visit to these parts, vis-I itinz ber sisteis, Mis. A. W. Anniis of Tyrone, and Mis. W. W. Hender- son of Providence, alan achool chumr. an(I friends. Her daughter and hu-d.and, Mr. and Mis. Kenkle, have- been spending their honeymnoon in parts. Thank-off ering services will be beld in Salem Chuîch on Sunday, August 26th at 2.30 p. mi. and 7.30 p .m., when the Rev. Wm. Sterling, Orono, wiIl ho the speaker ,and Hampton maie quaitet wltb violin accompani- ment will fuînish miusic at the afteî- noon service and-Hampton foullchoir at the evening service An appeal for fonds wil] be made by collection and envelope syatem. 34-1w Give the childien Creani of Bailey. The remains were brought here for hurial ,the funeral taking place froni the residence of her other, 'SBalsam Grove", Centre Streetoný Tbursday afternoon last. Service was conducted by Rev. J. U. Robins, pastor of Trinity United Chuic,' assisted by Rev. W. A. Bunner. The paîl-bearens were four nepbews and two neîgbbors-Cecil and Byron Belîman, Russell Osborne, Johin Hilîs, and Norman S. B. James and C. H. Osborne. The floral off erings included great niany beautiful -,vreaths, sprays', and designs from the Milliinery Dept.' of Robt. Simpson Comnpany. the Sher-j boumne House Club, Toronto, rela- tives and friends in city, town and country. She leaves to mouin ber early passing an aged inother, fa:ur broth- ors, Norman of Stratfoîd ; El mer 0, Collingwood; Abert anl Arthur of Bowmanville, and two sister, M Anna 'Belman a' homne and is Charles Cresswell of Foxwarren,I i Man. Among the fiiends froni a distance present ivere-Mi. and Mis. Noiman Belîman, Stîatford; Mi. and Mis W. Browning, Mis. C. Thompson and children, Miss Cor3 M. Scott, Toi- onto; Mi. and Mis. Elmer Belîman, j ollingwood; Mis. Meîk]ey Bell man and familý' Guelph; Miss Betty Is- bister, Winnipeg, Man.; Mi. and Mia John White, 'Peterboro; Mn. and Mis. Milton Welch and Mis. Alex. Ray, Port Hope. SALE REGISTER Monday, August 27th-Auction sale of 25 fresh co*.s, Hoîsteins and Ayishiies, the property of Gifford Bros., lot 5, 'B. F., East Whitby Townsbip. Sale at 2.30 p. ni., day- light saving tume. Sec bills. Wm. Maw, Auctioneer. 34-1 L B1ell's OBITUARY Mis& Florence M. Belhman The passing to rest in Toronto Gen- eral Hospital on Tuesday, August 14, of Miss Florence Mabel iBeliman, youngest daughter of Mis. Beliman and the late Edward Beilman of Bow- manville, touched a symnpathetic cord in the hearts of inany f riends in this town and vicinity. If you ai mial, visit C, things tW eat Cakes of al 1 Appetites andecided what to eat for yOUr next ýett's Bakery-just no end of tasty ds for every occasion. Buns to suit leiT demand. Bread that»4 appeal to every taste. Pastry t fai7ly melts in your mouth. Ice Cre in sulk, brick or cone. Chocola for particular people. Weddi akes a apecialty. P. Corbett Phone 3 Bowmanville More Twi:,t-Season~ ___Sped*als 12 doz. Stamped Apns, 6 designs to choose f rom 25c each. FABLE OILCLOTH SQUARES Another shiprnent-five colors to chose from, a regular $1.00 value, WHILE THEY LAST 69c EA. Fuit Fashioned Hose TEblic have found out that we are gibjgger and better values i this line-have you tried them-all colors izes. Service Chiffon Weight $1.39; Heavy Servieight $1.79. IBRASSIERES t prices you cannot duplicate 'îywhere, made . fromi good earing coutel fabrics, in al sizes and styles,> PRICED 19c TO 59c Advance Showing of New FîîilIinery A shipment just to hand showing the Iatest creations in Ntil Milline-y ini Feits, Velvets, Etc., for Misses ,Women and Childrerices that wiIl surprise you. ZACHED TABLE DAMASK eal heavy quality in maple f' design that will launder fectly and keep a good color, 56 inches wide, NELSON'S STORE of Ir and Better Values King St. West Bcwmanille .CONGOLEUM RUGS 9 only, of a very special pur- chase, in two good designs and sizes 9x9 $8.50; 9x10'/2 $8.95 CORSETS & CORSELETTES A rnanufacturer's clearance in ail makes and sizes to fit the siender or stout figure. Corne in and see them, PRICES 88c TO $2.98 STILL MORE REMNANTS We have stili hundreds of good remnants left and you can stili find un-fulli ieâgths for many purposes at a fraction of their real worth- Voiles, Prints, Ginghams, Or- gandies, Silks, Towellings, Piliow Cottons, Chintz, Cret- onnes, Factary Cottons, Sheet- ings, Flanne lettes, Curtain Net, Etc. Toggery Shop Clothes Designed Individually For You Good clothes inspire confidence. In business, in society, iio rntter where you are your clothes give that first impýression that means either success or failure for v91. "Made-to-W.f asure Clothes Are The Best" Our New Iti1 Sampies are arriving. It will be a pleasuî'e1 show them to you. King St. West 6 ." r" B l Tasty1Eats foi Touchy 1. f