THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, l'IIURSDAY, AUGUST 23rd., 1928 PAGE FIVE Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Maxwell and son&, Maurice and Robert, were im town on Moaday on their retursi from several montha' tour in Europe, Mrs. Maxwell remained for a vil with her ister, Mns. Geo. M. Car. ruthens. Queen St. This is worth 1lOc Cut it Out. Our Sale is Stili on. Look up your lit and -mail your order with this advt at- tached and we will accept this clipping as 10e in cash on ail ord- ers of $1.00 or over. Not more than one allowance on any purchase. Jury & Loveli Wlsen We Test Eyes It la Doue Prop*rly School Supplies Be prepared for school re-opening by buying your supplies early. We have a large supply of Public and High School 1Text Books, Exercise 11 Scribblers and ail other necessaries. ~W. T. Allen BIG 20 BOOKSTORE Bowmnaville Ont. "E d LOCAL AND OTHERWISE LOCAL AND OTHERWISE n________ nMra. R. T. Stephens recently visited Sec lacrosse game to-night <Thurs. D. her cousin, Miss Lura Roberts, Co- day) at High School grounds 7 p. mi. it bourg. Miss Ida Wickett, Toronto, called Mrs. Thos. Woodley, Peterboro, is on Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Cawker on visiting Mrs. T. C. Jewell and other Saturday. *friends here. Mrs. Frank Bennett, Toronto, spent Mrs. W. B. Pinch, Toronto, has the weekend with her sister, Mrs. Geo. been visiting her niece, Mrs. G. B. R. Mason. Biekle, Liberty St. Miss Clara Goode has been visiting Bowmanville Fair prize lists are with relatives and friends at Sunny- out. If you want one see the Sec- aide, West Toronto. retary, C. H. Mason. Mr. William Warder, Wiarton, was Mr. Chas. Hill of Buffalo, N. Y., is recent guest of his brother, Mr. R. visiting his sisters, Mrs. H. W. Burk H. Warder, Concession-st. and Mrs C. B. Kent. î Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Everest and Mr. and Mrs. A. Beacock are visit- Ray, Toronto, were weekend guests ing their daughter, Mrs. Wilfrid N. of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Warder. Hobden, Boston, Mass. Annual convention for Women's Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Morrison and Infstitutes of Central Ontario, will family have been on a very enjoyable! be heid in Toronto, November 27, 28, motor trip to Montreal. 29. Miss Anna Dingmnan has returned Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Bradt and fam- from a visit with ber sister, Mrs. ily spent a very pleasant vacation Brust, Rochester, N. Y. with friends at Burlington Beach and Mrs. T. A. Garton and faxnîly have Cayuga. returned from a pleasant visit with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Napper, Winni- relatives at St. Thomas. peg, Man., are spending two weeks' Miss Hlelena Clarke, Rochester, N. vacation with her sister, Mrs. Chas. Y., ia visiting at Mrs. E. oellman'a. H. Mason, Centre St. and Mr. James Stanley's- Mrs. Win. Jeff ers of Oklohoma, U. Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Martyn and S., has been visiting her numerous family, Stratford, are visiting ber cousins in this vicinîty, guests of Mr. mother, Mrs. Jas. G. Rickard. and Mrs. W. J. Bragg. All of our ladies' new apring coats Mr. and Mrs. C. Synions and now in stock are marked down to family, Welcome, spent Sunday with haîf price. Couch, Johnston & Cr- b er parents, Rev. and Mrs. W.' A. derman. iB unner, Liberty Place. True Blue Lodge tag day on Sat- Miss Isobel Bennett and Mr. Doug- urday amounted te $66.15. 'Proceedsl las Cunningham, Toronto, were re- go to True Blue and Orange Orphan- cent guests of her uncle and aunt, Mr. age at Richmond Hill. and Mrs. Geo. R. Mason. Mr. nd rs. . J Coe, Ms. . fMiss Dyke, Superintendent of Nur- Delmage and Mr. Ed. Worden had al ses, Department of Health, Trno very pleasant motortrpt Detroit 1 î spending her holidays with her andNiaaraFals verth weend 1sister, Mrs. John Fox, "Cove Cot- Mr. and Mrs. Roy Warrenan tage", Lake Front. Margaret, St. Catherines, and Miss. Miss Lenore Quick, nurse-mn-train- Ethyl Poupard, Brooklyn, Ne w York, ing at Wellesley Hospital, Toronto, are visiting at Mr. G. A. IMmn h as returned to duty after three stone's. weeks' holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Quick. James Robertson, farmer, Lindsay, Mn. and Mrs. Ernest Motley, Win- who sustained a fracture of the spine nipeg, Man., have returned home af- by falling off a load of grain, died in ter a very pleasant visit with their Ross Memorial Hospital on August ;osnM.adMs .J rg 20th in is 6th yar.and other relatives here. Mr. Edson Keat of Toronto, al Mr. Bonis Hambourg, Toronto, former Orono boy, was in town Wed- spent Friday and Saturday of lest nesday to attend the funeral of the week at the homne of his pupil, Miss late Burton Andrus, and gave The Joanne Fox, at "The Cove", Lake Statesman a friendly caîl. Front, Port Bownianville. A basket picnic under auspices of. Miss Ettie Phipps, Winnipeg, Man., Durbam Chapten, Order of Eastern 15 visiting hen grandfather, Mr. F. N. Star, will be held at Cream of Barley Stevens, and other relatives here. Camp on Saturday, .August 25th, at She will also visit ber uncle, Mr.-Wil- 4 p. m. Come and bring your bas- lard Stevens, and take in Toronto kets. Exhibition. The engagement is announced of Mr. Gregory Colmer, M.* P. for Frances Kathleen, daughter of Mns. West Durham in the, Older Boys' Sutton and the late W. J. Sutton, Parliament and his colleague at Bow- Caledon,. Ont., to Charles Kirkwood1 manville High School, Mn. Morgan Overland, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lunney, have been taking a Post~ Oveland, Erin, Ont., the niarniage graduate course in the "Sebool of to take place early in September. Hard Knocks" at the local canning M.adMi .J unr re factory since scbool closed. Having .adMé.W .Trnr re completed the arduous task of cang River, Ont., announce the engage- ning a bountiful crop of peas they ment of their daughter, Hazel Mar- further increased their knowledge of guerite, te Mr. Floyd L. Dudley, son -Canada hy treking along the highway of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Dudley, Tyrone. as far as the ancient and historic city the marniage to take place Saturday, of Quebec. They are indebted to il Se ptember 8th. kind-hearted motorists wbo gave tbem Trinity Sunday School Primany a lift going and 29 car owners who Class will hold a Party on the picked them up on the return journey. chuncb lawn on Wednesday, July 29th A blanket each was thein bed and the at 3 p .m. Mothers please note that blue sky a canopy. Neither did tbey al nefreshments will be provided. Ail feast at the Chateau Frontenac or members of the clasa and Cradie Rol Mount Royal as a $5 bill each was Depatment are invited. more than enougb to cover the ex- penses of their 5-days' unique outing. Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Neal and son have returned from a most interest- ing motor trip through eastern On- tario and as far as Quebec City. 1Canadian National Exhibition- Ithe world's greatest annual show- opens at Toronto to-morrow. tai.. C L Bowmanville Women's Institute r eix- s um31f 3lOp Gents' Wrist Watches, Green or White Gold, 15 Jewel ....................................... $5O0 Ladies' Wrist Watches, Green or White Gold, 15 Jewel, backed by our gurantee .......$12.00 SEE OUR SPECIAL $35.00 Ladies' Diamond Rings in 18k, Green or Gold. White FELTS JEWELRY Phone 33 King St. Bowmanville We Teach Your Watch To Tell The Trcsth THIS WEEK We Are Clearing Oil Stoves and Screen Doors at Cost Price Dustan's Cash Hardware "VIE SERVE YOU WELL" wià -m eet -o n-F i d ay, --Au gu st -à- siat, in the S. O. E. Hall. Prograni in charge of Group 6. AIl membens get ready. Mn. J. Cawood la fongetting busi- ness canes and responsibîlities and enjoying a motor trip along the Fr guson Highway. n Nortbenn Ontario as fan as Cochrane. Jack intendsi to get some firat band information also by inspecting a few ef mines in that rich country. For the firat tume since its enection in 1852-76 years ago-Thornhill United -Chunch was the scene of ai lwedding on August 21st, wben Miss jPauline M. Billernian, Thornhill, be- came the bride of Mn. James W. Cowie, Acton. Rev. J. H. Oke, Ton- onto, a bnotber-in-law of Mn. R. E. Osborne, Bownianville, had the bonon of pergorming the ceneniony. The young couple were presented with ai bible by the Churcb Board. Give the chiidren Creani of Barley. WIN MANY PRIZES PITCHING HORSE SHOES Messrs. Ed. Witheridge and Ralphi Âmes, Bowmanville's premier honni-1 sboe pitching team, have been meet-I ing with great succeas in variousi district meets this month. On Civic1 Holiday they visited CSsarea and car- ried off thse finat prize, wbich consisted of a set of haîf a dozen stainles steel knives and a smoking outfit. They jounneyed to Enniskillbn on the sanie day and again won first prize ,a bag of sugan. At Fontypool Field Day, lest week the horsesboe pitcbing contest et- tracted a lange number of contest- ants, Messrs. Wîtherîdge and Aines again leading the field to win the handsome silver cup wbich was em- blematic of 'victory. At Kendal these sanie "barn yard" golf experts were again successful, and were each awarded à pain of cul! links. The above Prizes bave been on dis- play in the window of Dustan's Cash Hardware. FURNITURE SALE Saturday, August ZSth-Mrs. T. G. Mason and Mrs. Chas. Clapp who are both leaving town are offering their furnitune and housebold effects for sale in a joint auction sale at thbe McMurtny Building, King St. West, Bowynanville, next Saturday at 2.30 daylight saving tume. It's a big sale and everything put up by auction muast ho sold. Be there early as sale must stant on tume. Termns cah. W. J. Challis, Auctioneer, C. H. Muson, Clerk. 84-1 DIRTHS WERRY-In Esat Whitby, near Foley, on Friday, Auguât 17, 1928. to Mn. and Mrs. Clarence F. Werry, a son. il FOX-In Windsor Hoapital, on Friday, nAug. 3rd, 1928, to Mr. and Mrs. J. Harold Fox, (nee Evelyn G. Joncas), a daughter, Margaret Helen. t GR EY-In Bowmanville H-ospital, on ýTuesday, August 21st., 1928, 10 Mr. and Mrs. G C. Grey, (nee Ruby Haliman), aý daughter. <June Yvonne.) MARRIAGES LOWE--COX-In Oshawa, on Saturday, August 18, 1928, by Rev. Harold B. Neal,J Wooler, Mr. Samuel Lowe, Port Hope, 1and Miss Clara Isobel Cox, Oshawa. 9 ALFYARD-MILLER-At Pontypool. Aug. 18, by Rev. T. W. F. G. Andrews of Sauit Ste. Marie, Audrey Viola, youngest 1daughter of Mrs. Robert Miller and the 1late Mr. Miller, to Rev. Levi Halfyard. B.A., Pastor of Wesley United Church. Sheiburne, Ontario. DEATHS Articles For Sale' FOR SALE-Durham cow and young cattle. W. T. Perrett, phone 376r34, Hampton. 34-1 BICYCLE FOR SALE.-Girl'e bicycle, ln good condition. Phone 246W, Bow- manville. 34-tf PIGS FOR SALE-S pige, 6 weeékW od. John Nichols, Lot 25, Con. 3. Dariington, Phone 133r12. 34-tf FOR SALE-Sampson Tractor, Ln good condition.* Apply to L. R. Woods, Mc- Cormick-Deering Agent, King St., Bow- manvilie. 27-tf FOR SALE-Tomatoes and Corn now ready ln any quantity. Orders prptly aitended to. Ivan M. Law, Bowmanviile R. R. 3. Phone 133rl3. 34-30 FOR SALE-i baby carniage, 1 cOuèh bed, 1 solid walnut chest of drawers-all articles ln good condition. Mrs. Dickin- son, Bowmanville. Phone 483. 34-pe FORD COUPE FOR SALE-Balloon tires, automatic windshield wlper, 1928 license, $100.00 cash. APPIY to Howard Halîman, Bowmanville Glove & Mitt Co. WATERHOUSE-At Smtths Fells, ont. COWS FOR SALE-i Durham Co wlwth on Thursday, Auguet 16th, Frank W. caîf by her side; 2 Hostein heifers sup- Waterhouse, aged 42 s'ears. -oae to be ln calf; and 1 Haîf Jersey ANDRUS-mIn Bowmianviile, on Monday sup-Pdosed to be ln calf. Apply to T. Wes- August 2th, 1928, A. Burton Andrus. ley' Cawker, llowmanviîîe. 34-1 aged 67 years. Interred at Orono. 1______________ BEST-In Peterboro, Aug. 2nd, Annie' Margaret Thexton. wldow of the late John Best. aged 75 years. Native ofLot rFun Durham. oto F un SOPER-In East Whitby, Thursda1 lAuguat 16th. 1928. Elizabeth Rachel Sot': LOST-One green canoe with W. nl t;1 er, widow of the late George Washington aîso one row boat No. 10. Phone Barn- Soper. aged 86 years. hart, Oshawa Beach 2220W. Reward. SHOREV-At Private Patients' Pavil- 34-1w* ion, Toronto Genc-aI Hospital, Aug. 16, RP FPAL OTI 3w 1928, Eliza Rebecca Shorey, wlfe of the manvîle, n O ndPAy, Ag. Oth indr late Rev. S. .SoeDD nerda nilo ody u.2t.Fn Picton. . .Soe' ..Itre tplease return to Statesman Office and T-URKINQ.TON-Suddenly, on Tuesday, everwrd 4t ;Auguat l4th, 1928, Rev. Edward Turking-' KODAK LOST-Left ln Iavato---ofi ton. Toronto, beloved husband of Susan-, Balmoral Hotel, Auguit il, a kodak.r;ind-' nah Little. Former minister of Presby- er pleaae leave at Statesman Office and terian Church, Whitby. receive revrard. 32-20 KILLMASTER-în United States Vet- FOUND At Bowmanville Beach. on' erans' Hospital, San Farnado, Cal., Monday, August t3th, 1928. John Mill"ion iSundas', a watcb. Finder mas' bavesae tonRilmater blovd usband f ah: by proving proports' and paying expense. erine L. Williamson, formeris' or Orono.- Anl'nSats nOfce 3-1 MINISTERS AND CHURCHES St. Joseph'L Roman Catholic Chuncb, Sunday,-July 29th-Mass ilý a. M. Sunday School 2.30 p. ni. Ser-1 mon and benediction 7 p. m. Rev. P. P. Butler. Anniversany services of Salemi Church will be held Suxiday, August 26th, at 2.30 and 7.0 p. mi. Rev. W. Sterling, Orono, will preacb and Hampton choir will funnish music. Tbank-offening in aid of ehurch funds. St. John's Anglican Cburch, Rev. R. J. Shires, Rector. Twelftb Sun- day after Tninity, Auguat 26, 1928S. 8 a. m.-Hloly Communion, il a. ni., -Morning 'Prayen and Litany. 12.30 p. m-Sunday School. 7 p . Evening Prayer. Trinity-St. Paul's Union services on Sunday conducted by Rev. J. U. Robins. Music by Trinity choir. Miss Helen Morris, organis.4 in charge. il a. m.-In Trinity Cburch; 7.30 p. -n.-St. Paul's Church. Sunday Schools at 10 a. mi. in their respective achool-rooms. St. Andrew's Preabyterian Cburcb, camner Temrpe-s.nce ani Church Sts., Rev. R. M. McDerment, M.A., minis- ter. Monning worsbip 11- a. ni. Ev- enîng wonship 7.30 p. m. Sunday School1 10 a. Mi. Bev. Morris Zeid- inan, (B.A., Bu(, Scott institute, Toronto, will preach at both service. Notice ta Creditors la Thse Estate of the late Doctocr A. S. Tilles' and Mes. A. S. Tilley AIl pensons baving dlaims againat tbe estates of Doctor A. S. Tilley and Mrs. A. S. Tilley, late of the City of Toronto, deceased, wbo died on or about the 7th day of July, 1928, are bereby n-otified to send in bo the undersigned 'Admip istrator on or befone the 3Oth day of Septemb er, 1928, full particulars of their dlaim. [Immediately after the aaid 3Oth day of Septeniber, 1928, tbe assets of the said deceaaed will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, baving regard only to dlaims of which the Administrator shahl then have not- ice. Dated at Toronto this 2lst day of August, A. D., 1928. 84-2. E. P. Tilles', 80 St. George Street, Toronto, Ontario. Admiaistratoe-. Beautiful B3owmanville Residence Substantial well built solid brick resi- ldence on Libents Street, contaiaing tea Ilarge roon,., bathroom. clothes and lnen closeta, pantry, built-in refrigerator. etc. Stone foundation; full size divided cellar with -pistered cellng; bot air heatlng. Tbree acres land, nicely woodefi. fine oId trees, ibruba .hedges and fruit trec.: a&l neoeeaary outbuildings. Eigbty-live hun- dred dollars. Reasonable tPnms vIlI b. considered. This la for Immediate sale. Apply The Toronto General Trusta Cor- poration. 528 Bay Street ,Toroato. 33-3 WATCH THIS ADVT NEXT WEEK A."DILLICK King and Division Ste. DownsanvlIIe Ont. COIN PURSE LOST-Wxth nearly $6.00 ln, on Friday, Aug. 17, on thle 2.25 p. m, bus going to Oshawa, by a working won,- an who needs the money vers' badly. Will the finder please relurn to The Statesman Offce, Bowmanvillc. 34-1 Farms For Sale FARM FOR SALE OR RENT-flO acres, splendid grain and dairy farm, Lot 28. Con 3, Clark<e township at Renwick's Corners.1 For partIculars write Mrs. Georg-e Glass, 61 Lee Ave.. Toronto, or appiy tb Thos. Patterson, Real Estate Agent, Orono. 33-4 PARM FOR SALE-100 mares ,lot Il, B4roken Front, I)arU:ngton, 80.)rods along Lke Ontario, fiet clam buildings,100x 40 barn, 11-roomed brick bouse, hait mile fromn Bovinanvilie summer reeort. 1%~ Mlles from Provincial Hîgbway, 3 miles to Bowmnaavlll Pont office. NÔ, bettet farm ln Darlingtoa township. Apply George Allia, Ownbr, Bowmsanville. 32-t Wanted WANTED-Room with board ln a com- fortable home at once. Write "M. F.", Drawer B, Bowmanville. 33-2 WANTED-Woman to do part time house work. Appîs' to Mr. C. T. Rtose, phone 373, Bowmanviile. 34-t WANTEO-General servant able to do sofnie cooking. Good opportunits' andi good wages for a widow or oither suit- able person. Appîs' to the Crest House, Newcastle. 34-tf WANTED-IMxpenenced groeryclr for Baturdays only with prospecta of s,teadY Position., State sue. exD.rienoe and sals.ry expected. Apply P. o. Box 427, B3owmanville. 33-t To Let FLAT TO RENT-Four rooms, modem t conveniences, possession at once yps to Norman James, Statesman Office. TO RENT--Ofce, sultable for lawyer with vault. Also suite of rooms in Boun- sali Block. J. B. Martyn. Bowmanvlle. 32-3w* APARTMVENT TO RENT-In Cowan Block, 4 room, ail convenlences, heat. bot and cold vater suppîied. Apply J. J. Mason & Son. Bowmianvlle. 26-t NOTICE Hemsti;ching and picot-edglng ,donc. Work delivered free ln Bowmanviile. AUl mail orders Promptl.y attended to. Mrs. Russell Hobbs, Liberty St., Bowmanvllle. 30-tf TAKE NOTICE If you are requiring any cernent blocks, bricks or concrete or mason work done 1 wilI gladly furnish you wlth "stimp.tes for ame nt your request. Work clone Proply adt satisfactorlly. L. Turner, ScuogStret,' Bowmanvillc, P. O. Box 161, phone 170. ýI-t LAUNDRY WANTED Ail Iinds of laundry work donc prompt- Iy. satisfactorily and at reasonable pnicea Write Pont Offce Box 12. or cali Mrs. W .MarjorRm, King St. E. Bowmanviile. Phone 478W. Bowmianville High Sehool Re-Opens Tuesday, Sept. 4 Fuller announcement will C4jJjJ W. J. Morrison, Principal. Specials for Thursday- Friday-Saturday Boys' Ail Wool Bathing Suite, On Sale $1.69 Children's Wash Suits, Regular $2.95, For $1.98 Children's Coveraîl Suite, Values to $1.50, For 98c FOR MEN 5 dozen Shirts--Broadcloth ,Bombay Cords, Nov- elty Broadcloths, Values up to $2.75 and $2.95, For $ 1.95 Each To Clear MEN'S STRAW SAILOR HATS Any hat in the store, values to $3.50 On Sale $1.00 Each MEN'S OVERALLS AT $1.39 Plain Black also Blue and White Stripe, a Union Made Overali, On Sale $1.39 A General Clearance of ail Men's and Boys' Suite This Week At Big Reductions. T. B. GILCHRIST Directly Opposite Basnk of Montreal Phone 61, Bowmanville h! 'i E3is ]Dirgect TIc> EXH IBITION TRAVEL THE MOTOR WAY No need to worry about crowding for street cars and tickets as this bus takes you right on the grounds. Comfortable, up-to-date coaches, going daily Starting Aug. 27th b Sept. 8th.0 (Daylight Saving Time) Leaves Bowmnanville 8.00 a. m.-Return Fare $2.00 Leaves Courtice 8.15 a. m.-Return Fare $1.85 Leaves Harmony 8.25,a. m.-Return Fare $1.70 Bus stays on grounds leaving at 10.30 p. m. Book your seats now as only a limited number can be tak',n. For information Phone Bowmanville 412; Oshawa 2283 T. A. GARTON, Proprietor. Those taking the trip may leave t heir cars at the garage free of charge.. a .ê L~ Pickles We carry a fulli une of ufpiceu whmch are abaolutely pure and of a very high quallty. Just think of KERSLAKE'S when you want the following: Tumarie Povwdered Clove. Powdered Allspice Powelered Cinnaxnon CeIery S.ed Garlie Curry WhoIe Oove. Whole Ausopice Casai& Rude SnialI Red Peppers VIhole Mixed Spice ALSO Corks, Waxes, Gem Rubbers, ail sizfl, including old fashioned pinta. Have you bought your Kerslake's Pickle Mixture? No fusa or ýbother, very esy and quick to prepare. KERSLAKE'S The Dependable Drug Store PAGE riVi v