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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Aug 1928, p. 6

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PAGE SIXTHE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, AUGUST 23rd., 1928 Ti Tr.~eatest gift a hero leeves bis race, Is, to have lived a hero.-Gceorge Elliott. Silver and gold are not al' the coin~; Virtue, too, passes current aIl over the world.--Euripides. Do as Mr. Gard Mr. Anson A. Gard, the well known Littérateur of Ottawacafledi the Wan- dering Yankee, says ln an unsollcited teethmnal for ZUTOO Tablets : 1 "Zutoo Tablets stop my head- màeisos completely thtl do flot mind having them any more." No ned for any on.ta sufer fraîn headi ache if they do as Mr. Gard do.. and take Zuto It May Be When #jour Children Cry Catrais a comfort when Baby is fretful. No soaner taken than tbe littIe, one je et ease. If restless, a few drops soon bring contentment. No barm done for Cstris, is a baby remedyneant for babies. Perfectly safe to give the youngest infant; you have the doctors' word for fliat! 1V is a vegeteble pro- duct and you could use it every day. But ît's in an emergency that Castorie meanâ mnoat. Some nigbt %wben constipationl mnuet be relieved-or colic pains-or other suffering. Never be witbout it; gome mothers keep an extra bottle, un- opened, te make sure there will always be Castoria in the bouse. IV is effective for oIder cildren, too; reed the bookL that cornes with it. ri a A * '~ti y j, MOST people know this absolute antidote for pain, but are you careful to say Bayer when you buy it? And do you always give a glance to cee Bayer on the box-and the word genuine printed in red? It isn't the genuine Aspirin without itl A drug- store always bas Bayer, with the proven directions tucked in every box: Aspirin i, thetrade m rit Iiistered in Canada)lW n ;ctig Baer anu ~flUtu». t*Whla t in facture to aasure tepbi gia mtto, the ralets wiii b. stamPed with thir "Baye Cross" tade marit. lb YOU TAKE NO CHANCES For the information of Our cuat- amers we wish to informn them the artificial ice we selIl a abalutel7 pure and may be used with .afety1 in drinking water or bevVorg .This fact is verified by Dr. W. .Bfrkl, Medical Health Officer. A. M.Wliue CHIROPRACTIC AND DRUGLESS THEROPY DURWIN E. STECKLEY honor graduate of Toronto College of Ciropractic will be in tbe Bow- manville Office Tuesday, Tbursday and SaturdaY evenings, pbone 141J. Reside-%iai calîs made during fire- noons. It lias Many Qualities.-Tbe man who possesses a bottle of Dr. Thom- as' Eclectric Oji is arined against many ilîs. It will relieve a cough, break up a coUd, prevent sore tbroat; it will reduce the swelling from a sprain, relieve the most persistent sores and will speedily heal cuts and contusions. It is a medicine cbest in itself. -____ Assamn, thse native borne off the tea bush, produces teas wbich are farned the world over for their strengt.h, rich- ness and flavor. The superior and distinc- tive quality off Red Rose Orange Pekoe is largely due to these fine quality Assamr 1 teas, of which it is chiefly f cornposed. Every package guaranteed.7- Daby's Food If you cannot nurse baby use Eagle Brand, silice 1857 the leading infant food, pure, easily di- gestedl, sage. Tffz BoR-DEN Co. Lîiran£. moNTREFA'kL for youw copies ATTENTION, WOMEN 0F MIDIE AGE! Mms. Goodey Tells lier Ezperi- ece with Pinkham's Compound Byemnoor, Abeta.-Tble Change of Life was the trouble wtb me and 1 wasra-clown, this, and weak and could poor appetite and could noV do much work. I amn taking Lydia E. Pinkç- ham's Vegetable Com pound now and 1 feel like e well wutnan. I saw it advertised in the pepers and tried it i and Lydia E. Pink- bem's Sanative Wash. 1 bave recon- r rended it Vo a lot of wornen frienda." MRs. WX. GOOomcgy, Byemnoor, Al- berta. ..ook'a Regulating Compound A fase, relaoble .gdWm w,,diei ne. Sold ini:Mzrt e ir e.of trength-No. 1, 819 o.2. $3; No. 3. 85 per box. SSoid b y &Il dnigginte, or sent prepa on eoeîpt of prose Frtpamphlet. Addresu: THE COOK MEDICINE CO, W O 'DS PMOSPHODINE.' The Great English Preparation. *Tones ati nvlCoraes the whole nervaus systere. malces new llood in aid Veins. VUsd for Nervous OJeblsty, Mental and fLeamn Wory irNspndency. Ls ou f Enerv. Palpitatlion ai the Hein, Fating Memor>,. Price $2 pe.. box, 3,ý ( or $ b Solt by ail druggists, or madledrpln pkg.on reetpl tpnce Ne,.'p.mphitmée -. itWOODMÇIIE<OTRN.NY 50 YÉARS AGO MORE OR LESý 4Somte Thoughts, Reflections, Event tand Incidents-Sad, }Iunoroui Pathetic *r Interesting. à(By Alpha Pixicb) I read witb rnucb interest and pleas- ure The Editor's Talk on bis Fif tief Anniverasry as editor of The States man; saw bis pictures and that of tb former editor W .R Climie; and rea4 ithe long list of old familiar names o well-known business men and othe citizens-most of Vhemn I knew. Hi. review article bas revived in m: memory some Vhoughts and meflec tions of the distant past-fifty o: more years ago the mention of wbicl may be of interest today Vo presen' Statesman readers. First, I wisb Vo share my pleasurej of travel witb others and have somi 25 or more letters that bave appeare< in The Statesman. I often read som4 of tbem and see in memomy the dis tant places where I've visited. I also have corne interesting clip pings of "Do You Remember"? thai were written by Whistling Jim that' prize very highly, and I have callec twice at bis .pretty home on Bunt! Road, Lakewood, Obio, met bis farn. ily, and two years ega wben return. ing f rorn tbe South I spent a pleasani hour there. On the table there laid a Statesman. le spoke of my travel le tters in that great famîly journal and I intirnated that it would be a great pleasure to nme Vo know wbo Wbistling Jim was. M. A. James, Junior, ta me, et least, kept tbe sec- ret of bis identity exceedingly well, indeed. Now for some ancient bistory- One of the rnost interesting places ta me 50 to 60 yeams ago xvas the Vown post office. I well remember rny first letter and valentine. IV was situated a block east of William Mc- Murtry's store separated by an alley. Then McMurtmy block or store was known as tbe Golden Lion as on the top storey et Vbe front was a pretty model of a lion gilted witb gold. This building was destroyed by fire and the present one built. The post office since then was rnov- ed ta the south side of King Street and moved Vwice Vo new locations fartber east before iV settled into iVc present new and beautiful horne. Mr. J. iB. Fairbairn was post moster. The duties in his tenure were ligbter than today. Parcel post and rural deliv- ery bave corne since. Transfer of the control of Vhe posta] system from the British to the Canadien Govemo- ment was made in 1851 and e uniform rate of postage viz: 5 cents ýper % oz. was adopted ,and the use of post- age stamps was introduced. On April 7, 1868, a uniforni rate of 3 cents for letters tbrough the Domin- ion came into use. Sixty yeams ago, April 7, 1 remember of but one clerk on the office staff. There lived in the Seutb Ward a widow-Mrs. McCaffery-whose son had years before left home. She was engaged in our home in the busy sea- cons. If a letter came for ber it was put in my fatber's box. Wben snyone returned from town sbe witb quivering lips and moisture in ber eyes, asked for the long looked for letter that neyer came. I have seen ber in the post office on a wintry night having come tbrough wind and rain, battling witb ice and snow. Wben I tbink about it 110W 1 cen see that old wornan standing in the corner of the office wbere she could wetch the sorting of the mail. She was in a nervous sbiver. The tbrob- bing of ber beart made ber body tremble. Wben the mail was al given out and no letter for ber, sho A'ould draw her aId cbecked sbawl ;igbter around ber sboulders and creep out, the wrinkles in ber face deepening, and ber bûack becaming more stooped. If e boy or young m-an away from home reads this, don't forget Vo write Vo the old folksaet home. Probably that careless boy could bave sent a leVter every week and given joy and comfort ta bis mother. Out Liberty Street, nortb, lived Dr. William Allison wbo was a lover of flowers and vegetables and be and my father were very friendly. We cbildren especially the Vwo younger a'ere a littIe shy of the friendly old gentleman, as be often attempted Vo nake terrns and price with rny par- ents for one of tbem, as Vhey bad no children of their own. But wbat acontreet wben be received a leVter frorn bis niece Rosie, who was away at a girls' scbool. Rosie used Vo irrite freely Vo ber uncle, so Mrs. 'illison said, and Vell him all ber school girl pranks.- Dr. Allison was very proper and 1 believe that if be had beard of any other girl doing one haîf the things that Rosie seid she diti, he would bave Vhought ber eery foolish. But Vo geV aIl these ,>n- fidences in a letter from bis li te Rose, brought a pleased gleam into is eyes and be walked out of the I q WANTED For Canadian West 449000 HARVESTERS plus Plu mO to points beyond, but flot of $ 15.00 ~ To WNIPG e t *20cet .00it s point .tua frm mipg gu From stations in Ontario, Toronto and et ta Kingston, Sriths Falls, and Renfrew June. 21 tion; Toronto to Sudbury, including Unme Medonte to Midland. Frorn stations in Ontario, Toronto and south, west and north to Bolton, including ail stations Aug. 23 in Ontario on the Michigan Central; Pere Marquette;, Windsor, Essex and Lake Shore; Grand River, Lake Erie and Northern; and Toronto. Hamnilton and Buffalo Railways. 31FronieUl stations in Ontario west of Sinitha Falls and south of Sudbury and Renfrew Train servc C. B. KENT, C. P. R. Agent Post Office CA NAD Special Cars lor Ladies ansd Bowmanville A N pAC 1 1C Orono Wornen's Institnte will meeti in Council Chamber August 24th et 3 p. M. Roll call-Domestic reme dies. 'Program committee-Mrs. H. Rowe, Mrs. M. H. Stapies, Miss Cob- bledick, Mrs. Peate. Externally or Intemnally it is Good.' -When applied extemnally by brick rubbing, Dr. Thomnas' Eclectric 011 opens the pores and penetrates the isues toucbing the seat of the trouble and immediately affarding e- lief. Adrinistered internally, it will stilI the irrritation i0 the thraat wbicb induces cougbing and will me- lieve affections of the broncliial tube., and respiratory organs. Try it and be convinced. TEsaac Ricbardson is exbibiting a stuffed caîf with Vwo beads, eighti legs and two tale, et Port Perry. The freak, born of a thoroughbred Dur- ham cow on a Cavan townsbip farmn on June 1, is exciting wide intereat. Mrs. Tbornton Wilson and family,l Ottawa, Yrs. Earl Grandy and fani- ily, Hamilton, are visiting et their fatber's, Mr. C. G. Armnstrong. Mrs. Katz of Seattle, Wash., and Mrs.ý Jamieson, Timmrins, are expected this week. Mm. J. C. Elliott anà niece, Miss Helen Simpson, London, Ont., on their return from a mator trip ta Cobourg and Baltimnore, visited Mr. Thos. Couch, Newcastle, and Orono friends. Mr. Elliott la a broVber of Mr. Wm. Elliott wbo for some yeems worked the Fielding Ferm, 6th Line. Wornen and Asthme. Wornen are nurnbered among the sufferers from esthrne by the countleas thousands. In every clirnate tbey will be founi, helplezs i0 the grip of this relentloss disease unless tbey bave availed them- selves of the proper remedy. Dr. J. D. Kellogg's AsVbma Remedy bas brought new hope and lifz! to nîany sucb. Testimoniais, cent entirely witbout solicitation, show elle enor- mous benefit iV bas wrougbt emong wornen everywhere Heerty congratulations ta Mr. Thornas Jones, a, former resident of Orono, wbo on Auguat l4tb celebrat- ed bis 93d birtbday et bis home in Hamilton townsbip. lie is ranged among the oldest of the grand old men of these United Counties. The Jones farrn, west aide village, bas changed bande several times since bis day, being now Vhe Provincial Forest- ry Station. Friends of Miss Greta Martyn, who left on Wednesday for Peter boro to enter on a nursing course g-atbered et Dr. andtINMrs. W. G. McCulloch's and presented Miss Greta witb a band- some club bag. A complirnentary acldress xvas reed by Miss Lulu Sem- nos, and the presentetion w-as made by Miss Dorotby Soucb. The youngZ ladies werp afterwards entertained et lunch by Mrs. McCulloch. Do not ellow worms Vo sap the vitality of your chgdren. If not et- tended Vo, worrns may work ir-epar- able harm Vo the constitution of the infant. The little sufferers cannot voice their ailment,, but there are many sigos by whicb mothers are made ewere that a dose of Miller's Worln Powders le necessary. These powders act quick- ly and will expel worms from the sy- stem witbout any inconvenience ta the child. And faitb renewed we'll -wanderonI Into the fields of corn. I love the fragrant smell of things, I want to aVare and stare! I want to touch the long green leaves And silken assels there. lil take a pebble lin my hand, Frorn out the fresh turned sod, And know wbat seems Va me as stone May pregnant be witb God. Corne let us wander fieldward Along the country way, To stay indoors would be a crime On such a lovely day. Put on your stoutest brogues, my dear A bat to shade yowi eyes, And we will wander thro' the fields Where summier glory lies. -Laure BedelI. Deslgned 'OR DqepMdablity Firestone engineers fomnd that the life off a tire depends in much upon the flexing liec off the corda of the carcass, as Upon the tougliness of the tread. To provide extra strength, atamma, and long wear, Fire- atone dips the corda of the carcana i a rubber solution. This saturates and insulates every strand off every cord, minunizing internai friction and gives thousanda off extra miles. The Firestone Dealer in your locality will gladly serve you, and save you money. FIRESTONE TIRE & RUBBER CO. 0F CANADA, LIMITED Hmamitoe, Ontari o MoE Mi&*. perDollar emrstonte BUILDS TH-E ONLY OUM-DIPPED TIRE@ Sold i inBowmanvill. By JAMIESON BROS. OnIy teas grown 4,000 to 7,000 feet abové sea level are used On "SALADA" Orange Pekoe Blond- the flavour Os therefore richer, more fragrant and much more doudcous than othor teas. Only 43e per I-Ib.-Buy It at any grocery store. oýqt [nhanced in Style and Uffering Fxen G reater Performa nce B EAUTMFUL as the Pontiac Six has been in the past--great as its perfor- mance bas proveci in the hands of owners- --today's Pontiac Six is even more beautiful, even more thrilfing to drive! For, ini keeping with General Motors' policy of progressive engineering practice, this lowest-priced General Motors' Six bas been enricbed in color, enhanced in style and equipped for even finer performance. To the beauty of--style of long, Iow bodies by Fisher, have been added the swagger touch of smaller, smarter wheels and larger tires, while aew and harmonious combinations of Duco colors have been created. Mechanical advanoe- menus resuit in smoother performance and greaier power than Pontisac ever off ered before. And along wsth its more stirring. response to the throttle, it continues to provide the stamina and long 11f e for which it is farnous. Until you have seen andi driven it you cannot realize what style, what color and what perfor- mance today's Pontiac Six afford--f or lhe are beauty and snap you never dreamied you could buy at so 6ow a price. r.1s-0.zsc èlsk your dealer about the G.M.A.C. DerredP.7usent Plan which makes bu-rsng ""s. Corbett Motor Sales PHONE 248 BOWMANVILLE I'ONTIA( SIUXN Pbmocr orGENHIAL OTOo cw AAD4 LKMJTUD Y. ORONO OBITUARY 1(From The News of August l6th) Mr. Edmund Tink, Brooklia Mr. 'Thomas Vinson, Toronto, is at bis sister's, Mrs. M. L. Travelle. The late Edmund Tink was born Mr. nd rs.Jams Hrrion or-on March 23, 1846, and died Augu3t Mrnto, d isited ameshHbriserTMr-. l4th., 1928, and was the youngest otucb e ih irstr . of a fainily of ten children born to ss leno unor, e Samuel Tink and Catherine Mutton L Mis Eeano Duford Pcerboro, of South Retherwin, Cornwall, Eng- is with bier cousin, Miss Doris land. At 24 years of age hie was White. united in marriage to Grace Walter Mr. James Linton and son, Mr. of Devonshire. Sbortly after their Artbur Linton, Toronto, were in town marriage they came to Canada where Friday last. for a.period of 59 years the deceased Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Harris, Niagara bas resided in tbe vicinity of Brook- Falls, visited Mr. Isaac Cobledick, and lin, Ashburn and Columbus. Mr. otber friends. Tink took an active interest in Church Centre Street Cburcb is c]osed dur- and state. Perbape few men of hWs ing August, Rev. George Mason talc- generatio, have been miore regular ing a holiday. in attendance upon cburch service. He has been a nierber of tbe church Miss Mary Davey enoyed a visit since 18 years of age, the Wesleyan, from hier Normal Scbool friend, Miss8 Bible Christian Church in Reach Todd, Kingston.. Township, later the United Method- Mrs. Elmer Little and daughters, ist and at the tirne of decease the Misses Eunice and Margaret, are vis- Brooklin United Churcb of Canada. iting bier father, Mr. H. Hooper. For 65 years he bas been a lie nsed Mr. R. Z. Hall and sîster, Miss M. local preacher, an office which ho Hall, and Mr. and Mrs. J. B .Moat, filled witb a considerable measure of Oakville, are on a motor trip to efficiency until soniewbat disqualificdl North Bay.1 by the disabilities of age. He took Mrs. (Col.) Gibson, Master Donald life seriously and found it a some-1 and Miss Jean, Toronto, are with berI what rugged path, a man's job right cousins, Mrs. J. R. Cooper and Miss up to the close when death broughti Kate McKay. to him an honorable discbarge. Ho FormanA. . pene, nd ou seem ed te have a clear conviction sub-foremen from Provincial Forestlhtisif okw dnhale Station at Midburst, Ont., were bere 1 had no desire tq stay except his love recently at the Forest Station. Ifor bis cbildren and prayed f ervently for his release. Mr. T. A. Brown, Normal Scbool,1 He is survived by six cbildren: Ottawa, we are informed, intends to Edrnund W. of Cbicago; Albert E. retire. Tom was a former popular1 of Wisconsin, Wrn. J. of Alberta; principal of Orono Public Scbool. ' Robert W. of Detroit; Mrs. Artbur Mr. Ernie Gerrow, Port Perry, was Taylor of Cherrywood; Mrs. E. W. guest of Mr. Fred Lorriman and Miss Webber of Columbus, with wbon ihe Aileen McCamus of Ida, visited ber made bis borne after the death of bis scbool chum, Miss Loreen Lorriman. life partner until the ti-me of de- Mr. and Mrs. George Wragg, Port cease. His body will repose in Hope, recently called on a number of Groveside Cemetery between that ofJ friends. Mrs. Wragg wvas forrnerly bis laVe wife and eldest son, Samuel, Elle Jones of tbis town, daugbter of wbo preceded bisfatber just Iwo Mr. Thos. Jones. years ago, August lPtb. To have the cbildren sound and Mr. Tink was buried at Brookl on healtby is the first care of a motber. Friday, August 17th. Tbe service They cannot lie healtby if troubled wus ln the United Church conducted with worms. Use Mother Graves' by Rev. J. R. Fraser, a former pastor Wor of Dunbarton. He was well WormExteminaor.known and the funeral largely at- Messrs. Byron and Frank Black- ended. hurn and sister, Mrs. Cole, Iowa, are visiting their father, Mr. Carter Blackburn, Newvcastle, and Mr. Fred FIELDWARD Blackburn, Providence. Rev. and Mrs. James W. Raq and Corne let us wander fieldward daugbters, Miss Agnes Rae, Toronto, Along the country way,. and Miss Mabel Rae, Troy, N. Y., To stay indoors would be a crime were in town recently. They are at On sucb a lovely da. their cottage at Kawartha Park. Put on your stoutest brogues, xny Mr. A. G. Jerome, an old Orono dear boy, motored over from Syracuse, A hat to shade your eyes, N. Y., to visit bis sister, Mrs. S. Cut- And we will wander Vrough the fields tell. His wif e and son Fred, hbo Where sumnier glory lies. had been visiting bere ,returned with Corne let us hurry fieldward hlm. Tbro' barley and the corn, A re-union of Manvers township I love Vo feel the living green old boys was beld recently at Fleet- On such a glorious morn. wood cburcb, wben special services The long, long leaves upon the stalk marked the occasion. A large num- The silk upon tbe ear, ber of former townsbip residents et- The glint of gold on rippening grain tended . Andbatfaan er Miss Mabel MoBride of Elbow, d b euty aandeer Sask., Mrs. Ida Dawson of Baille: i1Corng1eVus waner felowar boro, visite.d Mrs. E. A. Fowler. Mr. 1 want to see some farmer lad W. McClean and Miss M. McLean, Make furrows witb bis plough. Toronto, were recent visitors at the We'll look ino eartb's open womb same place Wbere living thinirs are born. PAGE SIX 146,

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