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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Aug 1928, p. 8

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, AUGUST 23rd., 1928 i'AGPZ EIGH1- I I Do you know any other place where you are given a Nloney Back G UARANTEE when you buy a USED CAR? BREAY NASH MOTORS LIMITED TORONTO oeil the kind of use<I cars that are worthy of this guarantee. This gives you an opportunity to test the car's condition and to conm- pare prices with prices ask- ed elsewbere. If you sa" not satisfied you nssy re- turn the car and get yovur money back. Positive proof that your cars are in the best of condition and our prices the lowest. Special Values Now Offered 1928 Nash Advanced Six Sedan, $1585 1927 Nash Advanced Six Sedan, $1325 1928 Nash Specia Six Sedan, $1450 1927 Chrysier "70" Sedan, $1250 1928 Nash Standard Six Sedan, $995 1926 Nash Special Six jTwo-door Sedan, $790 1927 Star Six Four-doce' Sedan, $825 1926 Chrirler 1170" Sedan, $950 1924 Maxwell Coach, $450 1922 Dodge Touring, $150 Akre you Iistening li" on our Radio concert&a-CKCW- --every Friday evening et 6.30? Exhibition Visitors -are cordially invited tc call and inspect our cars You wiII be madle welcomn whether you buy or not. BREAY NASH r MOTORS LIMITED Used Car Departmei 1152 Bay St. (Near Bloo-r Street) TORONTO Telephone Kingadale 278 Open Evenin ot l'lu prfient% (,In eîo in n aet- occasions been rgretfully turned -F Bottreli, 3 bre, 42 min, 42 sec. ed ctheqh fi va te 5 m cif 510.00,a ale away Day business is aIse good, ai J. Poolton & Son, à bis, 44 min 12 sec f0 the, orler of the Ministel' ef Public nîîrber cf citizens from Bowmnan- Woolner Bros., 3 hrs, 44 min, 28 sec Works, which Wilto returirnd If tho, in- ville, Oshawa and Orono, motoring in J. Poolton & Son, 3 brs, 44 min 32 sec I *teniing idIer suhmit a regulai' bld. attmsfr dinner or tea. Hotel Wooiner 'Bros., 3 brs, 44 min, 43 sec By.orE. 'r IE eat te, forrerly the Oriental, and J. Turner, 3 hrs, 44 min, 46 &ec. (Formerly Clau< S.yeiEr, thREN eBwc t esm ae, aisedo- J. Turner, 3 brs, 44 mine, 55 sec. flepartrnent ef Publie Worke. 1 ig a record business these summer T. Wright & Son, 8 hra, 45 min, 5 sec Ottawa, Âugust 16, 1928. t-il manths.1 L. Richards, 4 hrs, 23 min, 37 sec. I SEEING CANADA FIRST area ereteravge o freTh Ne .J t1 Ir d peert fires have left their barren and wasteful imprint of stripped and blackened spars and stumps of trees THURSDAY, AUGUST 23rd., 1928 while nature is valiantly doing ber- best to restore the wood with new gwth from an under brush which in NEWCASTLE NEWCASTLE HIGH SCHOOL HANCOCK FAMILY PICNIC s t, o corne x ili provide a forest wealth for generations yet unborn. -Mr. Archie Glenney, General 'Mot- Matriculation Examination Reaultat A very enjoyable family picnic was Then again in other well wooded ors, Oshawa, is hoi<yngahoehedatehmefMrEetoîH- timber limits through wbich we pass- Major Norman Choate, Port Hope, Newcastle High School bas again cock, near Orono, on Saturday, Aug- ed new towns and communities wee ivisited bis cousin. Dr. Walton-Ball, excelled itself in tbe splendid record ust lltb. 1 springing up and being. developed at Harris Lodge, last weekend. made at the Matriculation examina- Rev. Willis llancock and family I rte Mise Dooty ad veln ic- tions this year. The following from Saskatchewan, were the guests a great rt.mse ooh n vlnRc students have been successful in the of bonour, and nearly ail the near I uig h day time at divisional ard spent the weekend with Miss varioussbet. 1masls ls eaie oth ubro bu 0 points our train sopdln nuhHln1onl tWloe oor or over 75 % ; ? means 2nd spent a pleasant afternoon talking for passengers to get out on the plat- Mrs. C. C. Grubbe, Weston, and caahnuso vr6% en vrodtms form and stretch their legs while Miss Reidhead, N. B., are visiting 3rd class honours or over 59 %; and Lively games of -baseball and engines were changed and water, ice Mrs. P. LeGresley this week. C means credit or pass over 50%. croquet were carried on in the after- and otber supplies were taken on -Mis. George Staples bas returnedi Eleanor Anderson-Comp. C, Lit- noon, after whicb everyone sat down board.f rom Rochester, N. Y., where shelIerature 1, Anc. Hist. 1, Geom. 3, to a 'table laden with good tbings of Asyou travel past station after set a pleasant three weeks with Phys. 3, French Auth. 1, French every kind. The table being set on saion with outlandish names you friends. Iop .telw aetema vnmr wonder« whose job it is to select and Captain Young of the Trenton, Free 'lacur-Ac.Hi th enjalaw aeth elevnmr christen these stations. Looks a ois dowas Blackes Gom 2 hys. n,-ac. Hit. 2enoabe if the systern used is by putting all f - ovie tdis, wr.a knd g. usn Geomnch h.3 Lt Auth. 2 After supper was over and the the letters of the alphabet in a hatof'bs frends uIr.and rs. udsonF'rechAth. . dishes washed the picnic took on un- shake thern up and then draw out Stowe. jHs. 2, Alb C, Phnc C . usual form when Rev. Hancock five or more letters-afid tbese con- Miss Helena Clark, Rochester, N. Y., iEileen Cooke-Anc. Hist. 1, AI .baptized the two youngest members stitute tbe name of the station. is visiting hier brother, Mr. Merkley, 2, Geom. 2, Phys. 3, Lat. Auth. 2,10f the host's Mr'~ Here's a few names of stations we Clark, and bier friend, Miss Louisa !French Autb. 2. and Glen Clarke. It is interesti ng to! passed after leaving Sudbury j1tHde Marjorie Cowan-Geom. C, hsnotthtoa rvusiitoOn itprve mv point: Gogama, Kuka- Rev. and Mis. R. A. Delve, Lynn,1 C, Lat. Comp. 2, French Auth. C, tario, about twenty years ago, Rev.l b.ush, Shekak, Nakina, etc. Wouldn't Ont., recently enjoyed a very pleasaTit1 French Comp. C.acc apie h treods 1 be surprised if a lot of these namnes visit with bier sister, Mrs. Howard Nora Cowan-Br. Hist. C, Phys. C, members of this family. are cuss words used by anIdi Glenney. Richard Cowan-Comp. C, Er. It is also a co-incidence -bat Aug- chief because bis squaw v5atii Miss Annie Shaw, Hospital Super- Hist. 2, Phys. 2, Latin Autb. 3, ust llth was the occasion of the birth- getting bis breakfast.I intendent, Pequi, Ohio, is visiting hier French Auth. C. days of at least three of the attend- Another night's ride and we landed aunt, Mrs. S. Jose and bier sister, Mrs. Raye Deline-Br. Hist. 2, Geom. ants at the picnic-Mrs. Fred Han- in Winnipeg the next morning at 9 A. Cowan. C, Latin Auth. 3, Latin Comp. C, cock, Mr. Edger Hancock, Miss Ruth o'clock a distance of slightly over Miss Florence Walkington, Toron- French Autb. C. Hancock. 1200 miles fromi Toronto in about to, i& visiting at Mr. and Mis. T. H. Alex. Demao-Literature C, Anc. It is sincerely hoped that this happy 36 bours or a day and a half-which C'emence's, and witb otber friends Hist. 3, Alg. 1, Geom. 2, ýPhys. 3, event may be repeated in the near is going somne. in the vicinity.1 French Comp. 2. future. Our curiosity is often aroused to Mr. and Mrs. John Caswell, Misses Nellie Garrod-Anc. Hist. 1, Br. know bow a town or city gets its Nettie and Clara, and Master Garnet, 1Hist. C, French Auth. 3, French name. It is said Winnip>eg i~sn oordtOnSun and iie Comp. C. NEWCASTLE UNITED CHURCH Indian word meaning "muddy wvater" retive îstweekeondad iiediDorothy Rickard-Literature 3, and was the name given to Lake Win- '.1Froncb Auth. C, Frencli Comp. C. M.E .Seat ootrpe nipeg by the aborigines because -fterl Mr. Charles Warren, bis cousin, Doris Sp encer-Br. Hist. C, Chemn. senting the Ontario Prohibition Un- Ia storm the water gets very muddy. Mr. Dick Cowan, and Mr. Eric Walt- C, Alg. 3, French Auth. C. l ion occupied tbe pulpit of the United Tbe legend goes that some local deity'1 on-Bnll returned on Saturday fo ______Cburcb at both services on Sunday bhad annoyed the Indians, by either motor trip to New York City. and delivered two forceful and in- g:Ning too mucb or too littie ramn, Mr. and Mrs. Stevens and family, NEWCASTLE formative addresses on temperance I and a trap was laid for bis capture. Toronto, are holidaying in Mrs. W. G. and prohibition. He particularly The "god" was eventually taken by Hay's bouse, Newcastle-on-the-Lake. Three rinks of th-- Ladies' Bowling stressed the need -of enligbtened and arn (Ad woman of the tribe, who so T>is is their second season here. Club, Newcastle ,aro panning to play persistent temperance education if j tborougbly besmeared the deity withl Miss Wilmot is visiting in Montreal, alt a tournament in Toronto un Sept. the temperance forces hope to re- md that it took ail the water of the i while ber sister, Miss Margaret WVil , 7th. t trieve what tbey have lost in this pro- lake to dlean him. Ever since lie a mot, bas been staying witb Mirs. Julia Mis. J. R. Fisher's S. S. Class to-I1 vince. revenged imself by making the, MetcaIfe in Broadlawn Cottage at the gether with otber friend.s picnicked1 Mr. Stewart, who is a Toronto' iater of the lake turbid after al lake.i at Lakeview Park, Oslawa, iast Wed-1 business man. was accompanied to Storm.~c saI eywl, foecn Miss Annie Atkinson, Bowmanvilleinesday afternoon.; Newcastle by Mrs. Stewart and while Sfine Hospvey eli tal bancopleed er hre Mr. Jack Borrowdale of the 0-,h- I ere they were guests for the day ones ravLstoManitoba's cap-1 week's bolidays, a part of whicb sbe wa imes Staff, and Miss Jessie McltM.adMs To.Mfats ital to its well paved main streets;, spent with bier aunt, Mrs. W. H. Knigbt Oshawa, called on Mr. and At the morning service, Mr. R. W. but if one gets off the sidewalk orPer. Mrs. A. F. Spencer on Saturday Cv- Walton sang "I'nm a Pilgrim", and at goes into tbe country hie wîll find (as r.tne Ulwadso reening last. teeeigsrie r enr did the pioneers of Winnipeg and Chicago, are visiting bis mother, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rowland and Cooke, New York City, brother of ,Manitoba) that tbere is no need to in- .. J. Ugbow, witb whom ber grand-, Mrs. Rowland's mother, Toronto, and Mr. W. H. Cooke, assisted the choir vent an Indian deity to explain theîdugbter, Miss June Uglow, Chicago, their nepbew and two nieces from in its service of song. mud. It's miered inlts umoecan i spending bier bolidays. the West, were Sunday guests of Mr.1 There was the usual good attend- ttha tbe n dinnamis qu aln r.Astn Cmpel1rset and Mrs .Howell Rowland. ance at both services, bot weather tl ha bee ndin m seull i'r utn Capelpeetdmaking no difference, with quite a fitting for botb lake and land in Mani- some new home produced movie films Mr. McDougall, Oshawa, wbo with number of visitors present from the toba. But it's rich mud bas ade hefore an interested assembly ofbstosnsad*uhe ibldy uS* A. and from various parts of Canada famous by the way in which spectators aithte home of Mrs. W. T.I ing in one off Mr. Frc-d Wood's cot- Canada. it produced No. 1 Hard. Lockbart last Saturday evening. tiages, Newcastle-on-tbe-Lakt, calledi Sundy upt2th1am The name Winnipeg as applied toý Mr. Chas. Çolwill, Windsor, visited on bis cousin, Mr. W. J. Hockin, last. I day, August*a. ni.- Fort Carry first appeared on the titîe 1 bis uncie, Mr. A. A. Colwill over tbe wj k worship, Mr. Wallace Stirling m ilI page of the "Nor-Wester' newspaper weekend, having come east on busi-~ preach. 7 p. m.-Evening evc on February 24, i866, but it xas not, ness. He and Mrs. Colwill spent a conducted by Young ýFeople's League; luntil May 1, 1876, that 'the name o fortnight's holiday recently in Mus- APPLE GRWRS EEIG rortolin.Shoo b r.Av IFo rt Garry was officially changed to koka near Huntsville. ______. ~Winnipeg. Miss Kathleeni Spencer was holiday- Mr. J. Forsyth Smith, Canadian JLegends are aIl right inir lc ing in Oshawa recently with Mr. and Fruit Trade Commissioner, will ad- Mrs. Geo. Wise and childreen, Tor- but next week we will relate some- Mrs. Gerrold and attended the Gen- dress a meeting of fruit growers in thîng about the people we met and eral Motors 'Picnic iast. Saturday the Community Hall bere3 on Fridayionto, are holidaying with bier aunts, the wonderful time we had in Win- week. She is now receiving a re- evenîng of this week, " ugiist 2 4th.,ithe Misses Breen, Pierview. ni peg. turn visit from bier little frienda, a 8P. M. Other oM.cials iSf the Mr. Clarence Gaines of the Exccel- G.W.J. Jean and Betty Gerrold. Fruit ffranch, Ottawa, and Toronto ' sier Life Assurance Campany, Toi- Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Cooke, N. Y. Offices, will probably be present, also onto, spent the weekend at homne withi OBTAYare visiting bis brother, Mr. W. H.j nd speak on markets and market- bsprnsM.adMr.Gog OBITUARYCooke. During the latter's bolidays ing. Mr. Smith bas been of ines- Gaines. Mr. George Gaines is at F. . Wterous, Sit Fals ecetly bean Lenar viite thirtimable service to the fruit growers Kendal through the week with Mr. H. brother in Kingston and also spent1 in assisting to locate marketan Bretnbikvnengtescd F. W. Waterbouse a prominentla week among the scenes of their dispose of their surplus fruits in bouse in that village thi summer. youth in the Rideau Lake section. IEurope ,and there ought to be a Give the children Cream of Barley. citizen of Smith's Falls, died in the I good attendance on Friday eveîîing to__________________ Public Hospital foP!oiing an opera- Mr. Cecil Saunders, Toronto, asIear him and the other speakers. ___________________ tion for appeiadicitis, from which com- returned f rom a visit with bis brote- plicationsq set in. in-law and s:ster, Mr .and Mrs-. Asal The deceased was born in Bradford, Clark.. Mr .and Mrs. Clark also re- STI ERE' HRH England. 42 years ago, and for five ceived a visit last week froni ber sis1T EOGNEWHRCCASTLE1 years past had been a resient of ter, Miss Florence Saunders, and Mr._____N W Smitb's Falls, where hie was manager and Mrs. Thos. Cooke and son, Tor- D.R .Wib rahdi t of the C. P. R. restaurant at the sta- onto. Dr.RGeo r ighstCurc ast Sudyin i tion. He bad been in the emplo A bunch of young men lef t this absence of the Rector, Rev. E. R of the C. P. R.- for 1 1 years. His vicinity last Monday and Tuesday on James, on holîdays ,and Mr. Patton, widow, formerly Mis.a Lilian Cobbam the Harvesters' excursion to the west- Newcastle-on-the-Lake, read the ~ of;Bolton, Ont., survives with one son, ern wbeat fields. Among the num- scripture lessons. A specially ap-i Bert of Smith's FaIls Hi% parents, ber were Ray Brown, Tom Blrow~n, preciated feature of the evening ser- I Mr. and Mis. John Waterhouse, in Arthur Bragg, Bill Hoar, Charlieivice was the solo "O Lord o! Hosts", Bradford, Engiand, and a brother, James, Clinton Caverly, Harold Gih.jby Mis. Chas. Wimott, Belleville, Norman ,of San Francisco, Cal., also son and Ed. Skinner. who was visiting Mrs. Julia Metcaîfe ,urvive. Congratulations to Rileen Cooke, rat the lake. Her former friends and The remains were taken to the Farewell Blackburn, Richard Cowanlacquaintances in Newcastle who were AT R. J. RO United Cburcb prior to their removal and Marjorie Cowan on passing ail present at the service were deligbted to Toronto for interment in Prospect papers written on at the middliejto bear ber splen4iid voice once more Cemetery. sehool examinations and thus coin-lin sacred song and to note that it The funeral service on Satarday pîeting their junior matriculation; ai- 1bad net lost none of its former beau- LOOK AT OUI afternoen was veery lsrgelyattended. so to Eleanor Anderson wbo obtain ed'ypwradfvo. MjrN - Rev. J. Semple, bis passte oduby ev. lt class proficiency in botb Frencbj man Ch oste, of St. Mark's the funeral service, asse yRv Grammar and French Authors in lier* Anglican Church, Port Hope, piayedi m H. Bryant of the' Baptist Cburch. first year in the matriculation class,ijthe organ accomîianiment for Mrs.1S H Man fiedsinthi dstic jinalso to Nora Cowan on obt.aininz ber' Willrnott. Dr. Wright preached SC in sympathy witb the beresved wîfelNormal Entrance. fromn the text, "The Kingdom of Mothers, doi r and son, as Mr. Waterbouse was Heaven is like a Treasure", stressing, formerly at the C. P. R. station ai, Dr. and Mrs. Banning and son amdi teotrine that religion sbould* per-j having a good fo Burketon where hie was well-known daughter, Winnipeg, on a moter trip mthe am b apatf ail businesWehv benV S n ihyrepce.t heAlni ostadbcs e t mercand indusatryo sndexhit a -dA wnit Mi. and bMis. Sedmnd isbArer.t'Apl t1 rîciie bysand girls. Specials in Black and Tan, with special sole. Just the thing for sehool. Reg. $3.50, Bargain Room Special $2.28 40 Pair of Men's Oxfords SPECIAL VALUE AT $2.78 1. Rovan's Shoe Store Bowmanville %HAVE YOU MADE YOUR DECISION? This is the time of the year when xany young people are deciding what they are going to do the coming year. Our busi- ness is fot to make the decision for them but to train those who decide on a business career so they can meet the business qual- ification of to-day. Write for further information. Maple Leaf Business College Mundy Bldg. Oshawa i b, t 4 The Proof of the Pie Is in the Eating Our pies are wholesome and deliejous, made from fresh fruits and the finest quality in- gredients. Ail Kinds of Fruit Pies The Bowmanvilie Bakery Successors to Christie's Bakery Bowmanville A ylmer Pork and Beans B3 aker's Coconut Crabapple Jelly Draino-for pipes and drains Easifirst Fruits--everything ini season Gold Medal Peanut Butter Hen' 57 Varieties invincible Baking Powder JelIy Powders Keen's Mustard Lipton'a Tea MeCormick's Oven-Kist Sodas HERE'S YOUR GROCERY PORT-SAIL IN I HARRY ALLIN, Grocer PHONE 186 BOWKANVILLE n>s Newest Offering IN Foot - Toggery VAN'S POPULAR PRICED SHOE STORE IR WINDOWS FOR THE LATEST IN SHOES GOOL OPENS SEPTEMBER 4TH. )n't forget this. Start your boy or girl right by )undation-a pair of our special Sehool Boots. ery careful in choosing our stock of footwear for SURE TO PLEASE Lde of an extra grade of strong leather with good ýand a style that has distinction. Yet with ail , very moderate. Be sure and see them the next town. We know they will please you. SPECIALS THIS WEEK' ,id, coloured and low heels, ular $5 values, iL $1.98 n'a Work Boots Tan and with -Panco sole, ir $4.00, AL $2.95 m ,de Ives' Shoe Store)

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