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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Sep 1928, p. 1

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g be With Which Is Incorporated Tne Bowmanville News _ Vol. LXXIV M. A. JAMES & SONS, Publishers. BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, SEPTEMIBER 6,1928 $2.00 a Year In Advance 5c a Copy No. 36 ,1, School Supplies Be prepared for sehool re-opening by buying your supplies early. We have a large supply of Public and High School Text Books, Exercise Scribblers and ail other necessa.ries. W. T. Allen BIG 20 BOOKSTORE Bowinanville Ont. . . - Specials Stationery Something new in Papeteries Carnival Stationery 98C 100 Sheet Pad 50 Envelopet 39C Self-Filling Fountain Pens 14kt $1.50 We allow half price for your old Waterman Pen Jury & Loveli When W. Test Eyes It la Don. Properly Radio Bargains W. have a few used 5-Tube Sets, battery models, aIl in gond working condition, which have been turned in on electric sets. Now is your chance Vo secure a neal bargain so, do not delay as they will soon be picked up. Easy paynient terrns can be an- ranged. If ynu want a new Set or Sup- plies, or want. yaur set checked over and put in shape for the coni- ing season just phone 265 or 258. Empire Sales. Co* C. E. Rehder 1- L.Hall r I First Showing of Fali and'Winter Coat s They are beautifully trimmed with the newest furs, and embrace the latest styles and materials. Special attention should be given to the new Dresses just unpacked and placed on display this week. Make your selection early. LADIES' SILK LINGERIE Special values this week in Ladies' Silk Underwear: Silk Bloomers from ................$1.00 to $2.50 Silk Vests from .....................$1.00 to $1.25 Children's Dresses, value $2.25 up, selling at Haîf Price LADIES' CLOTH SUITS Balance of these very attractive suite have been reduced for quick dlean up from............................................ $3.00 to $10.00 A lot of Summer Drepa Goods selling at greatly reduced prices. Some at Haif Price A lovely lot of Linen Table Cloths at exaetly wholesale prices. Children's Cotton Vests selling off at haîf price. A great bargain in Ladies' Silk Hose in Black and White and ail the new shades, Regular 75e for ................................50e Waco Silks Reduced to 50c Per Yard MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING BOYS' SCHOOL SUITSý We have been busy this week outfitting boys with school suits. They are very snappy and any boy xiii be proud to wear one of these suits. Mothers tells us they are the most reasonably priced suits they have seen. MEN'S SUITS AND COATS Don't fail to slip on one of the new Fali suite just put in stock. They include the newest materials and styles. Pick out your Faîl coat, too, while the selection is large. Couch,Jçihnston &Cryderman,I and regular prograni Monday-Tuesclay, Sept. 10.11 Richard Barthelmess Thn '«OUT 0F THE RUINS" He was dead Vo the world-a firing squad saved bis life but condemned him to the fate of see- ing the only one he ever loved in the world given to a traitor- were his lips seale.d forever or would he speak now when a word nîeant love and death? Woduesday-Thuraday, Sept. 12.13 Marion Davies In "«THE CARDBOARD LOVER" How would you like to be hired to protect the man you loved frdmn the woman he bas fallen for? Marion Davies is the girl-what a girl-in her grandest film frolic of the season. Note-Chapters 9 and 10 of The Yellow Cameo wlll be shown on Wednesday and Thursday, Sept. 12th and lSth. Ail penfonniance s tart on (Dayigiit Sêvlng Thne) III il LOCAL IMPROVEMENT NOTICE TAXE NOTICE THAT:- 1. I- eu,î , l UI 4.-ur îu LOCAL FIRM COMPLETES 46 YEARS IN BUSINESS It was exactly forty-six years ago last Saturday-September 1, 182- that the well known dry gooda and clothing firrn of Coucb, Johnston & Cryderman started in business in, Bownianville. The personnel of the finm was composed of tbreeyon men-W . B. C oucbh, J . H. (,ryd ermaun, J. A. Johnston-who bad been exn- ployees of McClung Bros., .general merchants, located in the stores now, occupied by T. B. Gilchrst and Jury & Lovell. These young clerks had faith in the town ,had made inany friends "over the counter" and feIt the Vume had corne wben they sbould go into business for hemnselves. Back of this was the fact that they had eaclî asked for increases in salaries which were not forthcoming. Had their demanda for a fuller pay envelope been granted who can tell what migbt have been the destiny of fhese arnbi- tious young merchant princes back in the 80's? Mr. J. H. Crydermaci of te Ti~'L~ ownanvlleintnds Avery Johnston, son of anc af the Vfth cotruct as a loca leoveenda pantnens, started with the fi rm as a pavemntonambent mpoemntadelivery and store boy, and since pain teto Lument Streetand in-the death of bis father bas been a tend StrVottsp eiayaseSt rt anfin-hembnd of the fin. Messrs. Lawry1 tens o pecaly sses prt f hean Fred Cryderman are also stock cost upon the land directly bolders in the firm. Miss Alice on the work. Thompson bad been associatcd witb 2. The estimat.ed cost of the wonk tbe finm froni its inception until ber is $2250.00 of whicb $400 is Vo be deatb Vwo years aga. Mm. E. Roach payable by the Corporation. The is anothen vetenan and bigbly es- cstimated cast per foot frontsge, teemed employee wbo had been with 11,01 and the estimated speciai an-thfim orve35yas nual rate pen foot frontage is $ .1605. An incident which speaks well for The specual assessment shaîl be pay- the integrity and bionesty of the pen- able in twenty annual instalments. IpIe who patranize this store is the 3. A petition to the said Council fact that in 10 years aven $73,000 in wiîî noV avail Vo prevent its construc-1 credit was given customners and of ian but a petition against VIe w.orlci this amount less than $350 was writ- on the manner in whicb it bas been ten off as uncollectable. This firmi undertaken may be made pursuant b as neyer used stningent means withi Vo Section 8 of the Local Improve- few exception s Vo collect accounts. t ment Act Vo the Ontario Railway and Tbe sunviving niembers of this firm Municipal Board, by a majonity of the. have always taken a keen intereat in owners nepresenting at least one-lf public affains of the town, Mn. Coucb of the value of tIe lots which are to having the unique record of being a1 be specially assessed thenefor. memben of the Higb Scbool Board 4. À by-law for undertakin thef on oven 50 years, 25 of which he work will be considened by VIe C&um- bas been chairman. Mr. Crydennian cil aV a meeting thereof Vo be heîd was alan chaininan of the Public on VIe 1eV day of October, 1928 or a School Board besides serving sevenal a regulai on special meeting theneof tenras in the tnwn council. Vo be Ield theieafter. On tii birthday occasion we «~-1 DA.T!D at the. Town of Bowman- tend greetings and congratulations Voi ville hiIst day of September, 1928. VIe senior members of the firm andi the. olp. that they may be apaîedi JOHN LYLE, for many years of usefuinels asI Vilenl. merchants and public splnlted citi- 86-1 per F. C. P. sens. MINISTERS AND CHURCHES ROWMANVILLE FAIR NEXT St. Joseph's R. C. Church. Mass Tuesday and Wednesday ,Sept. 18.191 8 a. mn. Sunday School 2.30 p. ni.1____ Sermon and bent4l.etion 7 p. mi. Rev. P. P. Butler. It's just two weeks aw9y. Sol geV busy, look over the prize list and St. Paul's Church, Rev. D. W. 'Rest, then figure out what you have on the D.D., minister. Publie worship at il1 fanm or in the home that should carry a. mi. and 7.30 p. mi. The ninister will off the prizes. Besides the fun you« conduct the services. get in winning, the more entres in the clasa the better the fair--and Bow-1 Trinity United Church, Rev. J. U. manville Fair bas been looked upon Robins, Pastor. Sunday services at~ for years as the model exhibition in il a. ni. and 7.30 p. mi. Sunday Sehool this part of the province. it's just at 2.30 p. ni. Miss Helen Morris, Or- a real good nid fashioned show% in ganist. which the exhibits are the big draw- Trinity United Church will hold its ing card. annual Thankoffering services on 0f course, ttiere's entertainment, Sunday, October l4Vh., instead of the and other attract:ons such as the Dur- first Sunday in December as has been hani Regiment Brass Barid which willl thecusom or anyyeas.give a musical program. Then the ustoi fo niay 1ers.tbere's the midway with its barrels of St. Andrew's Presbytertan Churcb, fun, noisy speelers and gay crowd. camner Tempesý-nce ail Church Sts., Horse shoe pitchng contest ori Rev. R. M. McDerme.nt, M.A., minis- barn yard golf as some caîl it will 1 V-er. Morning worahîp. il a. ni. Ev-1 brin g together in comipetition the best' enihg worshîp 7.30 p. m. Sunday players this side of Windsor. Fromi School 10 a. ni. the entnies coming in it looks like a Misoayworld's chanipionship to the pair wbo Trinity Young Woinen's Mis wiay n first prize. Auxiliary will hold a supper meeting Th artTopycmptto attecburch on Tuesday, September frThe SilverdtSerice scuinpet I lth at Il p. ni.,Ail memibers anmdfrth iv Svcescainget also the Mission Circle rnembers are interest and will, no doubt, b h cerialyinitd.means of greatly increasingthen tries in the live stock classes. St. John's Anglican (hurch, Rev. The Dramatic Contest which scored R. J. Sbires, Rector. Fourteenth such a big success last year is again1 Sunday af ter Trinity, September 9,1 a feature of this annual event. En- 1928. 8 a. m.-flaly Communion.1 trants are froni Newcastle, Courtice A il a. m.-Morning Frayter. 2.30Op m. Enniskillen and Solina. First play -Sunday School. 7 'o. m.-Even- will be presented in Opera House, ing Prayer. September l9th by Newcastle talent.1 Get a ticket for the series ,it's cbeap-1 er. GENEROUS UIFT TO HOSPITAL Don't overlook the School Paradel ______-with its hundreds of cbildren on the', Upon learning of the difllculty the march.1 hospital is encountering in reacbing Tbere'- a lc't of other attrictions- its objective to clean up the indebted- automobile show, cbicken show, in- ness on the nurses' new residence1 dustrial exhibits, merchants' digplays, Mrs. W. N. Tlley, Toronto, (neel Women's Institute department, d0:' Carrie Young, formerly of Bownin- mestic science, fine art. etc.1 ville), this week sent a check forl Corne and brin-g the family-it'SI $300 to Mr. Normian S. B. James, ent.eîtaining as well as educational. President of the Hospital Board, with youll see folks there you baven't, Ithis comment: "As I arn very muc mn-I met for ages. The big day is Wednes- terested in the success of your effortsI day. Sep)teniber l9th. 1 arn enclosing a cheque for $300 as' It is truly wonderful the ;atresti native sons and daugbters of Bow- . LABOPR DAY VISITORS manville and Durham Caunty, nowl living elsewhere, have akeni in thii, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Webster imU undertaking and the liberal contribu-ý relatives in Toronto. tions they have made toward thisl Miss Mary Brimacombe with ber worthy f und witbout soiicitation, but' sister, Mrs. Rd. Snowden, Oshawa. purely froni a senti 'ta standpoint. 1 Mr. and Mis. Harry Rose, Picton, A glance over thIe-41st of donations with the Misses Spry andi other rela-, to this fund would lead one to believe tives. that the greater share of the $8,500 Mr. and Mrs. M. Eckhart, Walter came froni friends outside the com- and Lois, Belleville, at Mr. F. B. Her- munity. It is to be regretted that man's. more. citizens in own and adjoining I Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Bain, Toronto, townships who are reputed Vo be in with ber parents, Mr. ad Mis. W. good circunistances, and have shared Trewin in the benefits of the hospital have Mran s.CSyo ndf - not felt the urge or been public spirit- M.adM.C.yonadfa- ed enough o deeni it a pleasure and ily. Welconie, wjth Rev. and Mrm. W.1 a -privilege to subscnibe to the fund A. Bunner. of this popular and well patronized Misses Elsie and Irene Bragg, Tor- institution. onto, witb their parents, Mr. and Mrs. ________________ W. J. Bragg.1 -- Mr. Ray Grant and Miss Moore, Toronto, with his parents, Mr. and Mis. James Grant. Mr. and Mm. C. H. Papineau, Ro al The tr Charles and Loftus, Oshawa, wt e father, Mi. H. Lathrope. Presenting The Finest Ia Mr. and Mm. G. A. Co.ok, Enniskil- len, Mr. and Mns. F. J Spry and Jean Photopicys and Lyneos with relatives at Stayner. Phone 589 Mr. and Mrs. Victor R. Greenfield, Margaret and Ruth, Stratford, at bis ______________________father's, Mr. R. Greenfiold, and otbr relatives. Mr. and Mns. Frank Kennedy, Bar-1 Friday-Saturday, September 7- ry and Marjory, Tara, with bis sisters, Mrs. R. M. Jamieson and Mrn. D. H. William Boyd In Jamieson.1 "THE COP"' Messrs. Frank and Clifford Bragg.- Detroit, Micb,. with their unele, Mr. Like a relentless bloodhound he W . J. ragg, M.P.P., and other rela-ý trailed a murderer to bis lair and tives in this vicinity and-found a sweeteart-you'l .adM be delighted witb this picture and Mr n r. C. P. Isi8el, Miss enjo it' thrlls.Gladys lareael and Mr. Fred Hooper, enio it' thnlls.Rochester, N. Y., with Mr. J. B. Mar- Matînee Saturday afternoon at tyn, Mr. J. T. Hooper and other rela- 2.3 0 p. m. Children 5c ives bere. Chapter 4 of______ "BLAKE 0F SCOTLAND YARD" Mr. W. B. Couch AV this tume the Pro;ver Block, whicb they bave tenanted continunus- ly ever since, had just been complet- ed sa tbey rented it from tbe late W. P. Prower. They each pooled their if e earninga and invest.ed theni in brand new gonds Vo fill the ahelves and countens hoping Va satisfy the fancy and needs of the people of this community. It was an uphill fight Vt first cnmpeting with old establisbed frns but as tume went on they out- ved their competitors untiltoday4 thp.- are th.e oldest merchants on NT B. Martyn is the ago. generations in a famuly. Business conditions have changed very mater- ially. Wbere they used Vo buy 10 hales of cotton gonds at a tîme now it is about 10 pieces in a year. The « ready-made ers. of clotbing crowded out the piece gonds sales. Today everything is slecialized and the styles for women's wearing appaed change about every nionth. Thus Vbey now buy oftener and in smaller quanti ies. Time was when Mr. Jobnston con- ducted a tailor shop in connection with this business employing VIne. tailora besides several girls. Nnw it's aIl ready-made or inade-to-mneas- une elothing for men. LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Mr. Frank Jackman bas been en- joying a visit with relatives at Port Perry. Mrs. J. B. French, Toronto, is sail- ing this week for England Vo visit relatives there. Miss Vesta Spargo bas returned froni a visit with ber sister, Mns. Fletcher Staples, Tdronto. Mr. L S. Caverly and son Harold, lefV on Saturday for a three weeks' niotor trip Vo Bowsman, Man. Miss Maude Perkin, Palmerston, spent a few days with hier uncle, Mr. Edwin Reynolds, Queen Street. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Edmondstone bave returned froin a niotor trip to Buffalo, Niagara and St. Catharines. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Beer and farnily, Owen Sound, called on their numerous relatives boere on Tucsday. Mr. and Mns Harry Brust, MT. and Mrs. Frinzer and daughters, June and Ruth, Rochester, at Mr. W. Ding- man 's. Miss Muriel Calver bas returned froni a pleasant motor trip tbrough Massacbusetts, New, York and Con- necticut. Miss Ethel Morris and bier sister, Mns. W. G. Garner, Oshawa, ar" holidaying at the Elgin House, Muskoka Lakes. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Armistrong and daughter Marguerite spent the wgek- end with Toronto friends and attend- ed the exhibition. Miss Editb Peardon bas goxie to Toronto Vo make ber home for a tume witb ber cousin, Mrs. Harry Goodman, il Maple Avenue. Mr. and Mns. E~wart A. Pctcrs.and daughter Jean of Ottawa, weic guests for a few days last week of bis sister, Mns. D. R. Alldread. Mr. and Mns. Camnpbell Fletcher and two children, Detroit, Mich., bave been spending a week 'witbMM. and Mrs. Frank Calver, Duke St. Mrs. Frank Calver and tbree cbild- ren, Madelîne, Florence and Marion, niotored Vo Detroit, Mich., for a two weeks' vacation with relatives. Mis. J. Caverly and daughter e iet for their borne in Bowsnian, Mani- toba, on Friday after a mnnth's visit with Mr. and Mns. LS: Caverly. Mr. and Mns. C. L. Upper and two cbildren, Kitchener, who have been visiting ber parents, Mr. and Mn. G. B. Bîckle, Liberty Street, bave return- ed borne. Mir. and Mrs. .1-anley Elliot.t and 1. 1 ving with lier parents, 31r. ann MiSir. -C. a.Trn7 bave netunned ta their home ia S.t. Catharines. Mis. Kate Farragber and daugh- Vers, Margaret and Marjorie,' and son Allan ,-of Rochester, N. Y., visited ber father, Mr. tAllan Rattle and other relatives bore lait week after an absence of 18 years. Mr. and Mis. Fred Lyle, Mns. Geo. Lyle and Master Tom, Bowmanville, and Mr. and Mns. Jack Thonipson and baby June, Oshawa, niotored Vo Or- illia and visited Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lyle over the weekend. Mr. and Mns. Lew-is B'urnard and Muriel, Mn. and Mrs. George H. Lott and Miss Annie Mlater, London, Ont., Mr .and Mns Walter Lott, Mr and Mrs. Albert Lott, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. William J. Found, Concession St. Mr. andi Mis. Robert Robinson and daughten, Geraldine, Marjorie and Mae and Mr. and Mns. Orland Rob- inson and daughteî June. Rochiester, N. Y., spent the weekend wiVh the. former's sister, Mrs. George Barton, Liberty St. Miss Gladys Bunner, B.R.E., who bas been visiting ber parents, UeV. W. A. and Mrs. Bunner, Liberty Place, has rnturiled Vo Chicago te enter upon ber fourth year as Direct- or of Religious Education at Bird jMemorial Cburch. Mr. and Mrs. Warren W. Preston, Frankford, announce the engagement of their daugbter, Maud Marguerite, toRihar Henry Philp, son 'of Mn. R. W. Pip and laVe Mn. Phîlp, Nes- tlVeton, Ont., the marriage Vo take place the latter part of September. Mn. Wallace McLean, son of Mr. Chas. McLean, Treasurer of the City of Birockville, Mns. McLean and Master Wyatt and ber mnoVhcr, Mis. Tooter, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mn. J. B. Mitchell enroute bomé froni a trip Vo Detroit and Toronto. L Mr. and Mn. W. J. Garrow, Osh- awa, announce the engagement of their younger daughter, Lilian FIon- ence, Vo William Sydney, younger son of Major and Mrs. A. S. Moînison, Niagara Falls, Ont., the marriage Vo Vake- place quietly the latter part of September. Messrs. Gregory and Harold Col- mer represented Bowmanville High School at the annual track and field cbampionsbip for public and bigh Sebo-ols of 'ýntano held at Vaisity Stadiuni, Toronto, August 3sit. Han- old came 3rd un the 100 yds semi- finals and Srd in 120 yds I'ow burd- Bowmanville Phone 104 Limitea *t a tt man

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