PAGE TWO HE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1928 CHIROPRACTIC AND DRUGLESS THE EDITOR TALKSTH DTRTLSWYEIO K PYUN 1BUQ TSF MTEPES THEROPY ___ H DTRTLS H DTR1EPYUG OQESFO H RS Public and High Scbools are open I n our boyhood on the farm gyp- The daily life of an editor is fui! (Smith's Falls Record-News) DURWIN E. STECKLEY again for another year. Here is a sum or land plaster was used exten- of interest with constant change of Edjtor M. A. James of the Bow- honor graduate of Toronto College message for teachers. The biggest sively on the pasture and mteadow tbought and duties which make h:'s manville Statesman is to bie congrat- of Chiropractie will be in the Bow- place in the world is that which is land and in the corn hbis. Why work one of real interest and divers- ulated on baving attained the degree manville Office Tuesday, Thursday being filled by tile men and women farmers discontinued its use we do ity. This thought was forcibly of "Dean of the Ontario Weekly and Saturday evenîngs, phone 141J. who are closely in touch witb the not know. It is a valuable stable 1 brought home to us one morning this Press", having served in that posi- Residential calîs made during fore- youth of this country. Being a, absorbent, preventîng escape of the! week as xve opencd our mail and read tion for the past fifty years. Mr. noon. King, an Emperor or a Presid2nt isi ammonia. The editor of the Rural four letters, the excorpts of wvbich James began his career on a farm, -. mighty small potatoes conîpared toJ New-Yorker refers to the old eustom follow: then for a p.eriod of ten years was a DETLbeing a mother or the teacher of and states hie had been told that its The first letter was from a States-i school teacher, afterwards taking up DENTAL cbildren, whether in a public, high or use was a bad practice because of the man subscriber in fax off Chule, South the edîtorial pen, and conducting his DR G ~ ONYCSTE Sunday School, and tbey fil! places plaster being acid, and alkaline forms America, Geo. J. Smith, Temuca, paper upon an exceedingly high plane. DR. . C BONYCATLE so great that there is flot an ange! j of lime were recommended.* Some Chile, who was renewing bis paper By so doing he has gained the con- Honor graduate in Dentistry, Toronto in heaven wvho wouldn't bc glad to farmers, however, contin ue using it. and added, "I saw some time ago a fidence of the people to whom he bas University. Graduate of the Royal, give a bushel of diamonds to boot to and we hear of undoubted crop bene- notice in The Statesman of a history appealed week by week. The States- College of Dental Surgeons of On- come down here and talke tbe:r places. fit from even larger dressings than of West Durham which might b eo f nuder Mr. James' control bas tario. Office King St., Bowmanville. Commanding an army is little more were formerly applied. The sugges-j interest to me. Would it be possible absorbed no fewer than seven comn- Office phone 40. House phone 22.1than sweeping a -street- or po unding Ition 15 that the sulphur content for you to buy this book and send it petitors and is today one of the best X-Ray Equipment in Office. i an anvil compared witb the training! makes it of special value in some way to me by post? With kindest Te- newspapers publisbed in the province, DR .c EITof a boy or girl. The mther of not exactly understood. Editor membrances to ex-pupils of Baker's with an editorial coluinn tbat shows A R. JtaCt Dr.E . iss Moses did more f or the world tban Dillon says we sbould like to bear School, Darlington, of before 1877." the toucb of the master niind eacb Assitan Dr.E. . Sison all the Kings tbat Eg.,'pt ever bad. from farmers who are now using this Mr. Smith is a son of the late issue. Graduate of Royal Dental College, To teacb a chi]d to lovo truth and land plaster ,as to the crops wbereý Philipe T. Smith, who operated the Toronto. Office, King St. East, Bow- hate a lie, to love purity and lbatx- applied, quantity and apparent re- Smith Lumber MilIs between Hamip- (Barrie Examiner) manville. Office hours 9 a. m. to vice is greater 'chan inventing a lIy- sults. ton and Enniskillen, just west of the M.M..Jmso h omn 6 p. m. daily except Sunday. Phone ing machine that xill take you *3 the* * Guide Board Corner, it was our MilleMStAs mbs been ee wiving 90. House phone 283. moon, for unconsciausly you set *i What valuable health talks doctors pleasure to send himi a copy of Prof. tile feitatiomn s ofbis f ellw nw X-Ray Equipment in Office. motion influences that wil damn or could give our people were tbey as1,John Squair's "History of Darlington paeren iatin mno her fewnes-o bless the old univarse and bring- new ready xith their pens as Dr. Royal and Clarke Towvnships." poiplrengandfty yahrs s edroni DR. R. E. DINNIWELL %vrlds out of chaos and transform S. Copeland and Dr. Frank McCoy opeigftyeassedorfhs Honor graduate of Toronto Univer- tbem for God.-Rpv. William Ash- who do contribute regularly to the Geo. W. Hughes of the firm of Falls newspaper. As a student attending sity and member of Royal College of 1 ley, Sunday D.D., in The man and Hisj newspapers. The latter who is Roofing Inc., 953 Niagara St., Buffalo, higb scbool in Bowmanville ,the writ- Dental Surgeons. Licensed to Message. author of the book "The Fast Way to N.Y.. who is a son of Mr. and Mrs. er first knew Mr. James. He was then practise in Ontario and the Dominion. 1Hat tlshsredr fted -Rd. Hughes, formerly of this town, "ogn'easnefthtw' mt Dentistry in aIl its branches. Office- J. E. Mdlntosh in Farmer's Advo-. ers of starchy foods to people of deli- but now living in Tornoieto forceful citizens, always strongly on King St., Bowmanville, opposite cate tells farmers of tw.o ways to comn- rate stomacbs and states bis reasons know if we could arrange a lacrosse terside. ofmrigbas Dwn broghetane Bank of Montreal. Phone 301. bat s0w thistle: One of these metbods for the statements he. makes whicb game in Bowmanville for the Buffalo yasM.Jmshspbihda x ______________is to spring-plow any badly infested are convincing to thoughtful persofla. Lacrosse Club whicb is owned and laens othsaer ammn iven ogo land--and s0w at once. The grain In an article headed "Starch Most managed by a native of Bowmanvilie.Iedript the aciv angmnit T ouates rEA omes up almost immediately, while Dangerous" he writes: Their grounds are being re-soddod mni o ntevr aal ad MG.Jthe thistie seems to require several and hoe would bie glad to transfer one oanbis so n heGeorecandbloran Barrister, oULicitor ,L. Ntay e;ksnto get started again and s0 is By the use of the X-ray we bave of their rbampionship games to Bow-ofJame s, G eerne adirsN omn- rhek troubou th seson ben ale o fnd ut grat elm anville if saitable arrangements tributes weekly under "The Editor Money to boan on Farm and Town. The other and surer way of keeping1 about the incompatability of starchj rould be made. He adds, "The team Proert. oya Bnk Building, ahead of this enemy of ours is wbat Wt te od.A ma fnetWe wouîd bring over would be an all- Talks" wbicb bas been an outstanding Bowmanville. Phone 351. our college professors cal! the "short and greens will be digested and coni-1A canIda ta. feature of bis paper for years rotation", but, in a little plainer Eng- pletely leave the stoinarb organ in Wme took thea ter p it.Jc W. R. STRIKE lish, seeding down to some kind of about tbree bours. If only a few Gun, mnagr the local p wt abtcitokeomr Sucso alt . .Smsn ..a hay crop every third year. Sow slices of bread are added to this per- hie said the clbwsntuam BarristrBSoliim oary thistle has practically disappeared 1fort'combination, the meal will be de- lu asntsfficiently Our old and esteemed friend an~d BareSolicitorakofNotrea from the second crop of timothv rliayed for at least tbree and posi- organized at present to undertake fellow-journalist, Mr. M. A. James,l Soiio orBn fnotel cover, and very little of it wil1l come1 bly five bours longer. such a proposition. It was mighty has just rerentiy celebrated bis 5Otb Moaey to Loan Phone 91 up in the rrop of grain that f ollows ** kind of George to off er to comoe over year as editor and -proprietor of Thé Bowanvlle Onari Wht mre oul wewan o noe A th strchis ot îgetedat Ilhere to give lacrosse a boost. Canadian 'Statesman, Bownmanvilie, Bowmavill, OnarioWhatmorecou! we ant o ho__Ashe____chonent.ofestthe beston..leeeklyt newspapersper W. F. WARD, B. A. ýfor? i in the stomacb, its only effoect is to 1 1* delay the digestion of the meat, and' The next letter wvas f rom R. E. Mec- published in Canada, barring none. Barrister', Solicitor, Notary Nchol, 720 ThrAv.WClayTe dt oteRfrmrasoe JOur advice to al young men andithe starch itself, in the acid medium ANi hird Amevo o ese, . agrn, The edîtor of teReformertbs umore. Money to boan. Bonds for sale.! iomren is to strive as oarly in lif e as[i of the gastric juice, will begin to Alta., aom we mt on orwsenta asn neret in tbis uniqu Offices-Bleakley Block, King St.,i they can from their opportunities thelferment and produce excessive stom- tri p. H s acknowledging copieste rvnhiapetcsi nte Bownmanville, Ontario. Phones :- inestimable art or profitable conver- acb gas. This gas presses on the'oi The Statesman containing ourtesrvnhiapetcsipnte Office 102; House 409. sation-not baby talk, gossip of a heart and diapbragm and is respon- Iwrite-up of "Seeing (anada First.' l bevrofc nBwavle _____ rcommuaity, tittle tattle, or any other sible for the production of sucb dis-J Hoadds:"Wo hve afrien here Dr. oino the stf fTlatemn _____--~ small talk, or conversation not unto orders as beart trouble and asthnia. Corben, who used te prwactice (lentist- te we n ulse.ytelt FUNERAL DIRECTORS edification. A person to converse The resultant auto-toxemia froni ry in Newcastle and fie looks f,,,.tue W. R. Climie. The staff at that time intllienly nd roitaly oes t suh ermntaios aso retesth news from there. After wve are' was composed of the late W. Mc- F.F.MORIiC. aea eltl stored mmd hich cari btoxc emnofacidonssandrbeuats th 1th rough with th, paper im wife sends Kowan, foremian,',he late Geo(rg-e F. F. ORRISCO. hve a ell stred mnd whch ca toxem f acdosisanimiematbrotherimiofbrther o rohe rietortrann au Complote Motor or obtained in various xays, mostly per- Thus you may see that it is the efferc to o ronto to ro< e- 1Johnnie Follev,. compositor. From Horse Equipment. haps, by reading informative liter of the starrh and not the meat wbirbc srasda Enniskillen. So you1 the moment Editor James camne into] I atu~ fo suc tox mias a ng is a ig (ho rounds. e a're possession, T he Statesm an becam e a ' Ai ails pr ompt ebterand itrenigtdublic speakesl e. cdspo nd bleu'h vngdsareal xetbrhee attededto. debtersandothr eucaed popl. w, a lot of Tain and some fror new paper, and rapidly forged to the \U YI Private Ambulance. **** W ae h uraeonadmvwf front as one of the leading weeklies BowNmanviile pýhono In a very fascînating romance Ir.MCycotnîg sy, e itn yihbrfo a h eitr in the Province ,and bas gradualiy im- 10 and 34. Water Besant, author of "AIl sorts Jgarding fruit combinations. We mayI so you may know it is not very proved its high standing an<l prestigec Brancb Stores- ýand Conditions of Mon", entitled also observe by the use of the X-rayJ warmn." as surfi. It is still one of our most "rn ecsl. Armorel of Lyonesse" we are told1 that a similar fermentation Tis metnsfetwentaeligwlcm xrags Oron & ewrstl. j hattheartof onvesaton annt jif fruits are combined at the stua ALANM. ILLAMSbc surcessfully rultiv-ated on a smallImeal with starches. Thosaho justge o'rv o ml h isL h New Outlook, Toronto) Embalmer and Funeral Dirertor. ilno or hp ri n tflspl of fruits tvilI -- - - l el o ernthtnoondof. ,, who this friend is Teturo..erm di Cals ivon pompxtacadge frson isa- rmmucnit chacnversatiomn T1wlI tombiera tht nokindof frit .still seen in the editorial coîumns-oft' tanc. Phnes58 o 15, Boývmn- ad a amiiariy wth a________et The Canadian Statesman of Bowman- ville, Ont. 3-tf of topirs". Playing cards-whi.s4- creating an excessive amount The last latter was from nearcri villa, which bas been edited contin- bridge, etc-be saysaoi'- of stomach and intestinal gas. How home, but nevertheless equally ass in- uously for fifty years by Mr. M. A. teresting hin thon may starches ho used witbout teresting. Mrs. C. J. Kerslake, James, wbo is aiso a vetoran in the MEDICAnt this gas producing effent? Only in Hampton, enrlosed a program cf an work of our Cburcb, having givcn this manner! If you desire to use 1 ntertainment given in Hampton on murh effective service on botb locali ,f~~e~ any kind of starcb food, such as bread July lst, 1895.4in wbich sfio makes and connexional boards for many, -'nî&q a~qaÂor an"-y food made from flour, do not this comment: "Thought this program . many years. Born in the parish of Tor toq0a o xlîîit.:.,...'repîne a OJiti ofsfoodthesamne tume,any other kind might lho of intorest in your "Do You Bradwortby, Devonshire, England, on Offce -nd esienc- D. Biths mre haneve 1un0o0 fo except the non-starcby v'get-, Remember" column. You wiil notice January 14, 1849, be came, with bis formerandresidene CuDhr. etevmoeyton an obs rvalVî2uie ables ,either in a cooked or rw' there îs no piano music on program, parents ,to Port Darlington, wben omanvreile Phono 259. 4-t ot, ea er fr n versation areforai. Pianos wrenot in tuse in our churchýe, tbree years of age. For ton years Bomnil. Poe25. 4- o ae o ovrainbut arelto n etn n a o xo~h agti ulcshos n hu contanted to sit silently enjoying the J This is, use one kind of starcby sivo.No tie te wasi mn fee ou bisnurliscareer basd shown J. CLARK BELL proximity of eacb other-the condi-1 food witb whataver you desire of the ie Nocete amsr È h junltecre ashwn MOD., Ch.B., F.R.C.S., (Edin), D.P.H. toi at br isa h otgen. N eto etsbttt (single ticket l5r; double ticket2e) a deemp and well-informed interest i n (Successor ta Dr. A. S. TiIIey> of aIl soriety. To these folk the1 or fruit or dessert sbouid bie used atWbraethbosndglswop-te rkfthpuiccoo. H Hons Grduat inMedcine Abr- voning is not fait to be duli, aitho the same meal. Il you will learn this f ormed ? Two at least have died, bas strivan toward higb ideals in bis deen University; Fellow ofthe Roya there are no fireworks of wit or re-Isimple rule you will avoid many un- pramherosi stted ofarviolin solicb:ofTessinantesmanlase ra won Collage of Surgeons, Edinburgh. artee. Indeed, if Douglas Jerroldpleasant synmptoms and assist mater-i Miss Mary Rogers; readings by strirtly on its merits as a famiy Office and Resîdence, Queen St.,hilmseif were to appear witb a baglially in remTovng the Mother of all Msr.F .TeiccL .Cut oraadntb dettoscr Bowmanville, Phone 8 . 1 fi!of the most sparkling epigrams'disease, namely, auto-intoxication. MessrA. F. C.tTreilo, L.sT. Court- jurnaland . notheby adv-eniius cir- OfieHus o41.m,6t .30 . .* *andNaxt Dr. McCoy tneswhow tl use Osborne, V M. Thomas, Lottie Brima- has purchased sevan local compatitive W. . BRKS M.. fIvaUngr i th edtorss f 1te' rut DrHo say tels owî te ecombe; vocal solos hy Mr. James local nawspapers, each in turn being W. H. IRKS, .D. vaUngeris theeditNrws of thauts. eut the fart thatno ticeGoard, Misses Mabel Tait and Emily amalgamated witb The Statesman; Office Hous Dr. Haz4and7 oods0.CBty. and GwrlsinTbe Rage vewi- 1ma ,as ti eote t caenas muc Freeland; and a vocal duet by Messrs. and threa othar Bowmanville papota Telephone 108. Yorker of 333W. 3th St., New Yorkl1starcbes should he usad st the sanie James Goard and C. E. Brown. have ceased publication without heing former residence, Welington Street, t.resting every waek. Thase para- trouble as if fruit or meat were used. Dr. Norman Found, of Seoul, Kor- lic morals the editor bas not faiied Bowmanille.graphs are a sampie of bier good work You ask, "How ami I to use fruit then ea, bas our thanks for a copy of a re- to speak, and it would ha diffiruit to Bomavll.with ber young readers: without causing digestive disturban- port of Activities of Sevaranca Union fincl a Provincial weekiy journal wbîrh Here is a latter that cama to mna ces?" Th. rule is very simple. The Medical College and Severance Hos- would deserve more than The States- VETERINARY today from one whn hegins, "Don't acid fruits sucb as oranges, apples, 1pital for 1ý27 28. Mr. 0. R. Avison, man the congratulations and enconi- bie angry, I'm a city girl". She paches, grapes ,and similar, shoud MD. LL.D., is Presidant, and Mr. D. iums s0 fraely expressed by the edi- E. G. KERSLAKE, V. S., B. V. Sc. wanted to ask a question. "Iva Unger, rb used hy tbemselves one at a tume, B. Avison, M.B., D.P.H., is Medical tors flot only of the weeklies, but of Orono you don't raally believa in far îîfe I or in combination witb niilk. You Supt., of the College-also Canadians.- the dailies of the province. May ofas murh as you say-you wouidn't say, "Why ,that would curdle the Dr. Found is brother of Mr. William virile thought long continue to conie Honor Graduate of University o for anytbing lot the boys and girls I ik". Yes. that is true, but you Found, Bowmanviile. bbrougb bis tranchant pan! Toronto. AI! rases givon prompt know that you don't rare as m urb shouid know that milk miust curdie - and careful attention. they migbt tbink?" lin the stomach bef ore it can bie di-- lrksfer office. Pono s:81.I wish I rould make baer understand gested and many of these acid fruits Ciare 321;Oroo 1-1. tha I hve thoryabot f hf ony assist in this curdling process being the finest background for an 0ai h ietinorhaiikh eduration that a child can bave, andbirh ing it up into sinaller curds, in______________ AUCTINEER 0 wie condition it can be more read- AUCTIONEERS that every fine tbing that goos intoAcine apn bnlaan u eabr ontuaaykn THE M.SLEONOur Page proves it true. Our Page ily dgested. Auctioneer ~brought into the country, poems notBu embrdontseaykd Farm and Hoiuse Sales a Specialty. only written but lived, a taste for cf starch at the same time or y)u Terrns mioderato. Enniskillen P. O drawing that feeds upon its environ wilî have a great deal of trouble witb Phono l197r.3. 1t et id osatybigfds ich a combination. Thse sweot DANK MONZY ORDER »31! 1 tfmeria fr gcwnt. Ryeing forj fruits, especiaily after tbey are cook- 'insýpiration, but farm experience for! ed, combine weli with the meat meal Ar________ stregth.I have recommended. The non- * * strch grons ay o ued vith anv! pacha Urono-September iltrî. 1I 'h aw'î.........ep. 1-11 GarWencom -Septemer 2 st. Port lope .............Sept. 2,5-26 ( i,.,'GadonHi-September 2st. Port Porry............. Sept. 20-21 T e f y lB n for 5 Jda-SeptemberT25th. 2t. Poterboro .............Sept. 10-15 T h08a18an Newate-September 27th. Toronto, ('.N.F. Aug. 24-Sept. 8 Here is a treat that can't For saventean years, the Depart -____ ___ of C anad a ment of Agriculture has been holdine be beat! Benefit and plea.. Scbool Fairs in the County of Dur-' sema cupS will ha awarded winners sure ini generous measure! bani. This year Airricultural Re-' of thse bighest number of points at Bownianville Branch - R. F. Aitchison, Manager ci 80 presentative, J. Y. KellougIs, experti each fair. In addition, thse 2nd peppermuint Flayor that.the fars will be larger and ighest and the Brd highest point 104 moresucessfl tan eer. Hand.) wlnners wlll reCelVe prizet of books. and enhanced ili Style and B etut y D RING its thirty months before the Dpublic, the Pontiac Six bas earned a world wide reputation for combinin-g six. cylinder smoothness and high-speed endur- ance like no other car ini its field. Now, because of recent engineering advancements, to-day's Pontiac Six offers even greater smoothness and more satisfying performance than ever before. To Pontiac's thoroughly proved design-to its Lovejoy Shock Absorbers, its 186 cu. in. engine and generously over-sized vital units- to its numerous engineering advancements, sucli as the G.M.R. cylinder head-Pontiac bas added new Marvel carburetor, improved - ~ïafô1dnd iew -distributor. Now this lowest priced General Motors Six provides a combination of quality features neyer before offered in a car of comparable price. In addition, the outstanding beauty of Pontiac's "body by Fisher" bas been enhanced by new, smaller wheels and larger tires. Newly refined and inproved-today's Pontiac Six is more clearly than ever the value leader of its field. Drive it--and discover this truth for yourself! P19 ifs& 'o dealer about the GJWI.C De Ierred Paymua Plan which ,.akes buy.,,g ealy. Corbett Motor Sales PHONE 248 BOWMANVILLE IPONIFIAC 1SI% PRODUCT 0F GENERAL MOTORS OF CANADA, LIMITED ~ Ask or WOKSHIRT that is TRIPLE..STITCHED a ompanion garmnent to the famnous "Big 88"ý Overals I Made fromn our own specially strong, tested drilL Full cut, big and roorny. Wide opening mnakes thiem easy to get in and out of. Closed front gives greater protection. Unbrealcable buttons sewn on to istay. Stoutly made to defy the roughest wear. Ask for Haugh's. Look for the printed guarantee when you buy. .A.HAUGII MANUFACTURIPNG CC), UMITED . TOTO Hîaugh Work Cothes Sold In Bowmanville By T. B. GILCHRIST FSTOB3IE, FORLONG & CO. STOCKS BONDS GRAIN Head Office: Reford Building Bay and Wellington Sts., Toronto S. F. EVERSON, Local Manager Private Wire System 11 King Street East, Osbawa-Above C. P. R. Office Phones 143 and 144 Phone Calis At Our Expense 'I -.. PAGE TWO with New Ref'siements,., 1