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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Sep 1928, p. 6

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PAGE SIX THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1928 If Miller's Worm Powders neededi1 NEWS FROM THE FAR NORTH WINS MARATHON SWIM ORONO WEDDING the support of testimonials thpey cou]d be got from mothers who know' the lnteresting Letters Written By Mr. (Fromn The News of August 3th) Harris-Hepbu-rn great virtue of this excellent medi- Frank C. Foley Who is With a Rev. Mr. Sterling occupied bis The marriage took place quietly emne. But the powders wili speak Geological Survey Party Exploring pulpit on Sunday. Saturday, August 25th., at 2 p. m. at for tbemselves and in such a v.ay that teMnso aaa Main Street received another appli- King Street United Church Parson- there can ho ly nd qeshon of hem tb Mne oaCnaa cation of chioride on M.onday. age, Oshawa, of Alva Irene, eldest Theyactspedil an throubly an daughter of Mr .and Mrs. Samuel the child to whorn they are admiit e cgatNrh anchas esunxed Hepburn, Bethany, and Howard Les- ered villshowimprvemetafrm 'te Camp July 26th., 1928.Mr rxan Ha bs eredwil sho imrovmentfr. tý Norh BanI School. lie, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank flrt dse Asusal a sitig o te tntAndrew Pidgeon, Port Hope, is holi- Harris, Burketon. Rev. C .E. Cragg floor with a board across my knees aYin wihhsant Mr.Fan performed the ceremony. tand a cramp in my back. We are Peste. The young couple were attended by :Znow camped on Scraggy Lake, our Miss Anna Bell, Port Hope, spent Mr. and Mrs. Sandford MeNeil, Rose- Z U t o o first survey job this year and we bave the weekend at her aunt's, Mrs. F. dale Avenue, Oshawa. comneatifrmhothre. W Peate. After the ceremony, Mr. and Mrs 0 reached camp here last evening Dr. and Mrs. McClelland and fam- Harris left on a motor trip to Niagara utea, îil ni a cod abotut b6,00ee p ago A sur yond e hemM. (r) Debryeerotr8ObwaBuead Wlfl m ny headache fI 20Min- w a dout o n .. asnyoutremembeo ilY are visiting at bier father'a, Mr. Falls and points west. ute i1np aestared otnonanhetc.ap tWRobert Foster. On their return they wi1! reside at wll relieve t he mo4thly ian* cf travelled many miles and made num Mc.,i istn brpretMr n wromen, and in every euae It I rous portages. We didn't knowMc. LSesyu eeog o wer e er oigbu w oudMrs. W. J. Stutt. SAY IT WITH FLOWERS L yu J a good canoe route, the longest port- Mrs. E. A. Fowler and Mrs. E. J. age being over 1/2 mile. We have Eagleson spent tbe weekend with Sweet William, so tbe story gees, surveyed and traversed in the bush Toronto. In ceurtsbip very bold, and have examincd dlaims. 1 bave Miss. Stella Lycett bas been en- Though tbinking quite a lot of Rose, surveyed two lakes myself now, that gaged as stenographer at Mr. R. R. Proposed to Mary Gold.f s 1 ran the instrument and plotted Waddell'a law office. He said: "I'l have a Bleeding Heart G0 0 A Y EIthe shore line. They were both i No need endure the agonv o1- If she refuse me stili". fairy salllaks. he ustis erycorns with Holloway's Corn Remover, Said sbe, "A foolisb chap thou art, hard watkband sremoinve thenen.lIl 1not re-fuscbia, Bill". FROM M0TH R firlymallake. Te but i verT.te Brogestof Obisprer Her tulips then lhe kissed, and le, 1cfu sal ompassglner. W woMs. .BowefOtaa se She turned a pretty pink; 0F S EVEN 1 n om akou ies. at coomate, Harvey Curtis.Th world took on a Golden Glow 0f bappiness, I think. doesn't sound far but -vhen you Mise Mary McRoberts bas returned "Forget-me-not", sbe begged, 1'my swameds Lyla . p s and h uskevign uhili s anhome after enjoying a three weeks' pet, Reconimnda Lyia E. plo'ahndhoiig Vigin bs anros visit witb friends in Toronto. Though Phlox of girls you see, Pinkham's Vegetable 'down ciffs, etc., and do the geol<)gy During the electric storm of Tues- And please don't flirt with Violet Co pudail the way, surveying and plotting day afternoon last, ligbtning struck Or Lily, but just me". C m onIail small lakes we encounter, it takes a tree close te Mr. Sheldon Moffat's. She told tbe folks (she was not Muni) i ne a whole(lay. One of the other Miss Kathleen Belten and Miss That Bill bad Aster bier band; Toronto, Ont.-"! began taking fellows usually runs a line foi me, laysSateaotTordaewee ub" Vegetable Compond for nerves an i and I do the geology ,being chief as-[~ visitera at the home of Rev. and er fthr ai: Tht a i other troubles and sistant with more experience. The Sterling.Ms1 Said she: "I tbînk be's grand". 1 must say 1 feltJ chief oftens traverses alone. WeiMsHnr a adMs.FakTo wed tbey swiftly did agree, different after the 1 have been tracing the contact bco Peate attended the funeral of their Tbe marriage day was set; first dose. I have tween the Kelwatin and the yocnger Si e been told this asat granite in territory wbere ne geolo- cousin, Mr. William Broadworth of "What minister?" be aske] Sidse sxmnh ht1Roseneatb. '"Jack-in-tbe-pulpit get". siloo wnts that gist has been. We have move e.J R ncr. morad Se one fine morning when the sun leo tweantyfie camp along as we finishel a job,- ..amRilJ and Mrs. H ilTruper and In Morning Glory Rbse, altoug Iam ow nover more than two nights in one Miss Ethel Hertie of New York faCitayMr. . usTyenI d Jack in niarriage made tbem one, bave haseven d place. We bave cacn had two tripsf were gusso cna f Mr. and Or se tbe story gees. hblrn ave n enaprtgead owou la who won first prise and $10,000 in MsHre ut Bill flirts ne more with Ruth or Maud, taknthVegtabe has decneased se much by our using the Wrigley Marathon Swimming Mr. Bernie Couch of the Standard Wewfei i oe Compound regu- cp food that it la one trip for 2 men race over a 10-mile course at. thl Bank staff, who bad his rigbt leg Sbe'll rule hlm witb a Golden Rod lary orsoe fine and )nec and a baîf for the other two.' Canadian National Exhibition - broken on the baIl field ,bas rcturn- 0f Everlastîng love and sleep well, rise early and fee Yesterday we came down a crcek >e d from the hospital. yeung."-MRs. McKEE, 18 Lauioe tat was very earrow and cxtremely Mrs. Mcflonald of Weston, and Ave., Toronto, Ontario. 1w ndieg, just like % cre-k through i nephew, Mr. Bob Scott, Edmonton, BANFF-LAKE LOUISE AND -.Ii,,l aiaei nsosbtw o',NrhMi tpasýtere. The 18 ft. canoe woula YOU TAKE NO CHANCES Alta., visited at Mr. Henry A. Mill- THE CANADIAN ROCKIES miade it o. k. and finally came out Fer the information c u ut Miss Mary Davey is spending a few in Aregon which can offer the finest 1 . 1.1 into the 'akewbere we started Off at, omers we wisb te inform tbem that!<laya with bier friend, Miss Tedd at iln atura be acty is the one wbicb V Y in tday mddle of June. It is rnining1 the artificial ice we sell is absolutelyý Kingston, andi will also, wbile in Est- nimakes a direct appeal te the vaca- W n a t fel ods we::ouldn't work. We have1 pure and ni:y b:ued with safety ~ ern bnao ii er first sciol at tiost If that regioni bas vacation one more days' work to do bere but jlin drinking water or beverages. This Marysviîle.nient ,then greater becames the our oodis eary dne o i islikely fact pel tha nr ana vil g t Sacpnl e-Medical Heaîth Officer. 1D.Hrry Armstrong, Billings, Mon- o h esntkn etme Dr.H o urspliswia r vacation ne better cheice coula be scpposed te be there now. 0ur A. M. William&..1 tanae, las teadily recovering and ex- made than that of Banff and Lake bread is donc now and we bave been - I______ peets te reach Orono about the middle Leuise in the beart of the Canadian baking biscuits, Jobnny cake, etc. fSpebr kc. There one can enjoy the y'5Wc have to have3 breai for lunches Mr. R. Z. Hall and sister, Miss Min-, fines, Of golf ,ten l, horscback rid- -, but moldy bread isn't se good. Ours nie Hall, and Mr. and Mrs. J. B.- ing, mountain climbiîg- and bow ex- CO has been moldy for over a week now. Moat of Oakville, bas retcrned from bila-i ating, the warm pool afterwards. - f * I ~~~~~~~~a most enjoyable two weeks' outing Yu tya h ol eowe Oh, well, thats aIl in the gaine and it orsaathewrden ne Mý su is a great life. I am getting in the North country. Banff Sprngs Hotel or Cbateac Lake s ra oie ilbcadlgh ogreniema- vo n4erfcly taneed and I tbink I ami As a vermifuge an ailïeciive pneaaii ewl eadigtln pctting on weigbt. 1, certainiy am tien is Mothen Graves 'Worm Exter-1 bercd. rouch harder physically and in ap- minater, and it can be given te thel Low summer tecrist fares in effect pearance. most delicate chiid without fcar of in- until September 3Oth. Full infor- LastScnayabot te mddl ofjury te the constitution, matieon, rates ,etc., from nearest th a udnl huh bu the Mrs. Haw, and daugbter Flore nce, 1 Canad ian Pacifie Agent. Mn. C. B. day sul<bniythcgh abut he 'are visiting witb friends in Toronto Kent, Town Agent, Ca'iidian Pacifie day.w We were scrveying Twin Lake h rtnfrafwdyltrgigt lv- Railway, Bwmaevilio, Ont. 2- a whaenamed it. I huh o land, Ohio, and Akron, tbe latter be- W hen jour about you folks at home, probabilF R FO DGaaeMdM R .Aln ihhi riigaon nyocr new car, goinghoe _____________Garage___ te chcrcb, etc., while bere 1 am sit- ie8t n.x1f.M.adrsR.HAlnwhter; C h l r n C y tirig in a canoe on a nice lake away Siz tyes8fr. ing.u fyadsnHrer rmPceig pn Ch l iO l mles from anybody but ourselves. Otseunszsouiny. very pleasant weekend at Mr. I. R. There sure is lots of game in this 'IEPROOF, ready-cut, com- Bragg's, Providence, and called on counry. One day we were goieg actPeto aaes ar many relatives and friends. pfrorc malceeJn w eect in design and a source Dr. and Mrs. C. A. Kennedy, Tor- There is hardly a household that basn'l icnosscd several beaver damis. We c ea aisatin nte, on their retcrn freni a motor Nothlig head f asora'At eat ix mllersaw two more on the way in a haîf They resist thieves ... lst ... tour threcgh Quebec Province made a hoeare neyestritoct i If ther nsheur. One of them we nearly rani are handsome in aPPearance short visit at Mr. Bruce Waddell's, hromardarale Fan, and other fnIfnds tiltusu. children in yocr family, there's lo it round a curve in the creek and ... low in ceet. bre.r aeFam n thrfi daily need et its conifort. And any niglîl he jumped se bard be ncanly upset us. Write for fieegaage folder Prk tetCuchSna coo b u i bottlein the oue. Jthalter a nthe way back we came around a artdP¶dICSpcikedtWedetsday uaftr oo abnt the mayl findtheyouey taful tbreops cve and there ivas a buge bulil inceWdesaafronint! and that colie or conwtipation isrlee;'eIn nearîy up te bis back in the I ira ted " Blackburn woeds-tewn line Clarke or diarrhea cbccked .A vegetable po water witb just bis bore tips show- PRSO OT and Darlîngton. Tey nyeor c u s 1 duet; a baby remcdy meant for youngý îeg. His head was way down in the TortIoN-, oNt. pleasant atterneen with gaines and, folks. Castoria la about the onlly tbing water pciling cp lily roots. 1 took Tarento - Mtroa other benporht. Jc! hn l you bave ever heard doctors eudvise giv.1 the chief's kodak and got it ready. Metal Sbingle &Siding Co. Ltd.. Richard Morton who bas be OhIoJclWe i ing te infants. Stronger miedicines arE XXe steîiped and waited about le ft. ________________ in peer bealth for some tume past, I ou coin. to town?" dangerous te a tiny baby, bowevei away anid finally I had te yelI several was taken te the General Hospital. harniless thay may be te grown-cps times and then be took bis tume but -______- _____--Mns. Morton and aIse Mn. James Hal-- Burnu had 1-ecogniod the. Good old Castoria! Remember the namne when be did raise hrs bead lie sure 'lett and sister, Miss Cassie Hallctt, cheery volce of an oid frlend and remember te bhuy it. It rnay sparn disl jcmp. I got a picture but I A reputation of over thirty accompanied bum. over the telephone. you a sîcepless, anxious niglt. It if don't know bow good it la. It wasyerisast eevytnea Former Orone Continuation School, always ready, always safe te lise; ir getting late le the atternoon. We per ac taf e Roerangee students wbo wrote on their Upe But Jack was spealdng frm r emergencies, or for eïervdav alIments saw a beaver swimming around bis.pckgeoHRdgoebrageer ph Any heur of the day or nigbt that Baby bouse one day. HIe apparentîy was Pekoe Tea is soîd. So highly scbool eama at ownmavi:lleoe nIunrd ie beconies fretful, or restless. Cas-toria wai just building it. Another day I saw is this reputation prized that Scolwr ucsfli: John aw .Hoe ana hundedm"Lns M Ilson, Elsie Rowe, Mary Smith I aa.H a le Ln never more populatr %wîîbmethers than if several beavers swîmming and say but the rnakers have authorized (Lat. Cenip.), Eýthel Winter. Distance" the distant tel.- Is today. Every drug ist bas it. tbey made an awful sp]asb when. gochoonneMis erth Eweba becseansid she lhed tbey dived. The young dccks are your goe of replace ay MssDr theo te staentsei- phn uje, ne grewing up now. and we ougbt te! package free o charge that lected as one ofthcoesasin connected hlm atone h ave some in Septernber. Tbe does not satisfy you in every class for bigh voice, under sixteen while hie held the uine. chief nearly got a nice partridge atulr6- esiconto whtevcl wit hi gelog hame yeteray.1 cmpeiton t te CnadaiNation- Nothlng extraordinary hy mistake, Ieft niy fisbing tackle, _-__-_-----___al Exhibition, September lst. about this. Quick Long DIs i.e. a lice at home. I bave a troll, Mr. Oscar Scott bas returned. tance service la now practi- but no line se I couldn't do any , from an enjoyable visit with friends cally universal. In niost thing. I sure was sore at myselît' at Torontoe and Stratford, at the nci smaeX net te, be able te use aIl that fine latter place spending a few days cases, coneto lamd tackie yoc sent me but I will before; witb bier niece, Mrs. Dingman, sec- while Vou reniain at thei the summer is oct. We go backî iTg considerable of Western Ontario telephone. homne now te two Sundays censecut-1 S .C AREiIL by moton. ively in camp and then we bit the (UNS EEENED The Poor Man's Fiend.-Put cp le 1 GIvlng the distant telephone bush for a mentb steady. After small bottles that are easily portable I number speeds up the sen- that we scrvey somne more and como! and sold for a very sinall suni, lDn.vice.We abal.ladly1-oo ipî'tî,tn of taxes for 1928 at ealary e 'c led K.ANQqtMP R£00DY'* MJ~~R ALL THE COMO0%R<.iees Astbma at Liftie Exponsol. No Chemicals Ordors ore siged as fll'iTs:OF AAND SE f4AST * Thousands ef dollars bave been vainly lotgmry ocy-'I-î.N HANOL AS A MORE SER- upon reeisfra'dbna andI More Power VICEABLE PR PAR- spent reedsfo ATontinuRa-Hselslorri. if ever, with aey relief. Dr. tio, municipal gat*..$600 EFUD E J. D. Kolh>-gg's Astbma Remedy, des- More Miles-Try a Tank ~j~trso T.rkG. Marlow, reads and VEL TO-AYA pito its assurance of benefit, costs so trade mark)bidlges............... .792 30N ENY little that it is witbin reacb cf al. It wl.eý M nua tr.b Ç1th t lasj Councîl adjurn d te meet October s the national rcinssy for asthma, bubUus Apri eltnBaer anu. 6 t72 .i.~ far removed from the class cf doubt- OM .O FCA T Wbtitu b o*- -srk. i *Bgàrfull and expeniMental preparatiena. ýàrjLWmn. Beacock, Townshipm Clerk Y tir dealer' can supply it. AGÇood Ciock Picklc 1 gai. White ie ne vinegar, 9 level upls brown stigar, 1i ve cup Keen's Mus. tard; i culsali,.1i tabiespoon turniic powder, i îablcsiosn curiy pewder, i oz. groessd mixed aii,,pîcc, suiai1 piece of aluni. Hleat enough vine- gar te dissolve, then put ingredients ina covered crock, suir weii and continue to stir each muormng for two weeks. Add cueurnbers, onions, smaii carrts, beans or any vegetable de- sired at any tulle. This wiU keep weil au wiatee. -'a Regulating Compound A safe, rehiabte reputatis mnedieine. SoId in three de- IL $ 2 3,; .5 5prb ý&f, id 4 .1aildrugaa rs THE COOK iMEDICINECO. tGR3NIO.ONT. ormerlyWVindouar To have yocr ewn mustard pickles ort your table is a iiurk of distinction. It labels yoc as a womae of efficiency', good taste and high standards. Decide new that you wiIl this vear make mustard pickles je yeuu own kit- chen. Thus you will please yecr family and wie the admiratien cf evcry guest who sits down at your table. Send for FREE BOOK We have prepared a fascinirinig eew beoklet which centains, mn addition to other valuable recipes, full instructions as to, how to make ail sorts of mustard pickles. We will gladly send this bock te you FREE upon request. MUS TARD Aids Digestion W OD'S POSPHODINE.' -M Tones and mrigorales the 'whole ,,er vous %ytin nuskes new Blood inid Veins. t'sed fer Nervous tepm Den ile'ity. Mental and l5rain Wrry Ns <yen .Lous of hnergv, Palpitation tht lleart. Faiting Memor. 'iceS2pe,.box3tà for t5 . S iîi by aildnuggis, or ,îaled in plain Ivkg. on recejutl piçe. New p.rphlit maited '"eC.TN!WOOOçD ngiCUNE i<-O.oRONTO.ONT. LMAN.KEEN (Canada) Limited, 1070 Amherst St.,Montreal Dghirriff'a Os-ange Cheese Néw Canadlan27. lb. Marmalade 4-lb. 27n Corned Beeftreu"'23o u 49 Chrl*Stj*'S Sodas lb. '70 FOR PRESVER VING DI.mded Spirit SUALL 1 MEDIU. l REVinegar Jar ]Rings t 1 R UBDBR* 400 GALLON 00 O% 13 kt. 50White or Brown BU=EIRDOMINO B Daetlde TE Bad45e Bread 1-1b.69 mayrleld 84-o. Cron6 Brand 0Wriopped 1/-1b.3 0 J ELOAsuoa.ted Flavori 3 Pkcts. 21.1 Sait Fin. 50-1b. Bat d49.1 Peau UtS ~19go lb Drillo Pkt * - 10e Lifebuoy Chioride ok Lime 2 Pkt&.25o 'hefHealth Gold Soap 10 ai. 59.SOe Classie Cleanser -. 6 ake INDIAN STATION ND GARAGE Bowmanville f AGENTS FOR:- I RED INDIAN MOTOR QILS MARATHON HI-TEST CAS SEIBERLING ALL-TREAD TIRES RAYBESTOS BRAKE SERVICE GENERAL AUTO REPAIR SHOP %,FION-EMERGENCY ROAD SERVICE PAGE SIX THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1928

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