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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Sep 1928, p. 1

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With Which Is Incorporated Trie Bowmanviile News Vol. LXXIV M. A. JAMES & SONS, Publishers. BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1928 $2.00 a Year In Advance 5c a Copy No. 37 Have you enlered the LÇ?Tj.5 Lâ*N WORD CONTEST Yet? bLoLwn Iù the finesi qualitg et linen flnlshed Sialloncrg pro- curable ai Popukur Prkoe. For p«aduars ard au4 an* W. T. Allen BIG 20 BOOKSTORE Bowmanvill. Ont. Buy Lotus Lawn the next tinie you need Stationery and enter the "Word Contest" which gives you an opportunity of winning a valuable xrize. Radio Exhibit Watch For Our Exhibit at the Bowmanville Fair, Sept. 1Sth and 19th A full sisowing of sets and speakers inluding new Deforest sets and Philco-Neutrodyne Plus. A $35.00 Loudspeaker will be offered ta tise iolden of a lucky number. Coupons ta be given away at aur exhibit. Complete stock of sets and sup- plies at aur sisop on Lowe Street, 3 blocks nantis of Balmoral Hotel Empire Sales Co@ C. E. Rehder GQ 1-Hall Phones 265 and Z58 Coming Strong Tbey surely are, tisat'a tise flics. You know wbat a pest tbey are, no need ta tell you. But you may be freed from this nuisance by using WHJZ FLY FUME Kilîs but does flot sili 8 oz. can 40c Can and sprayer 65e We also seli "Fly Coils"' tise ianging sort 6 for 15e Don't pickle your flues KilI tisem with Whiz Buy it in Bowmanville at KERSLAKE Pls Tise Dependable Drug Store i il Couch, Johnston & Cryderman Announce The New'Styles For Fail Wear This season lias brouglit forth styles that are really to be admired for clever design~s, beauty of colors, and materials that are durable and will be appreciated for their good wearing quali- tdes. We Have Already Received Shipments of This Season's Newest and Smartest Models Coats are being featured in imported broadeloths and suedes, luxurlous fur trimrnings of wolf, sabel, American opos- sum, Persian and baby lambs; linings of silk crepe, brocaded silk and marquise de luxe. It will be of interest for you to see them. Dresses have already been favored so greatly by our many cust- omers that purchases followed with greater enthusiasm than ever. Our selection is wonderful for misses and women, featuring vel- vets, satins and georgettes in blaek and new favored tones of brown. Our prices make it a pleasure to buy in Bowmanville. People who know appreciate the greater sàvings and lower prices offered by us, lower and greater than even in the large buying centres. NEW CURTAIN MATERIALS New attractive curtain materials go a long way to brighten up the home. We have just placed in stock a big assortmnent of the newer curtain nets, priced as low as 25e yard. Men'a and Boys' Department Men'a Suite From $12.50 Up Men's FaIl Overcoats From $13.50 Up Men'a Winter Overcoats $16.50 Up Boys' School Suite From $ 4.95. Ùp Men's Suite or Overcoats, Mad-to-Measure at $24.00 A look through our stock will convince you, as it has others, that our values in clothing are unsurpassed. Coich,Jqihnstonl & Crydermnan. Bowmanvllle Phone 104 Llmlted HIGH SCHOOL NOTE, Finat meeting of Atbletic ftions were lseld on Friday, Se] 6tis for purpose of ehecting 1 fan ensuing er Girls' Athletic Society Hon. President-Miss Helen President-Greta Pollard Vice President-Winnifred E Secretary-Marion Rickard jTreasurer-Darotby Allin Bas ketb ahi Rep.-Bernice Ba Basebaîl Rep.-Gneta Munda3 Fonm Representatives-5t Tamblyn; 4tis-Beatrice Cry' 3rd-Beimice Belîman; 2nd 'Jackman; let-Win-ona Cavei j Boys'* Athletic Society IHon. Pnesident-Mr. S. E. H( IPresident--Jim Devitt IVice-President--Morgan Lun Treasuren--Oscan Jamieson Secretary-Henbert Calmer Fonm Represenitative s-J Osborne; 11-Ronald Adaniý Byron Cryderman; v--JohnJ SEPTEMBER WEDDI1N Frank-Turaier A quiet wedding was sol. at St. John's Rectory on & September 1, when Miss Vie Turner, eldest daughter of M. Turner and the late Alfred Rowmanville, was united in r with Mr. Arthur J. Frank, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Frank, Bowmanville, Rev. R. officiating. The bride wore a pretty1 beige lace and georgette, beige velvet bat with shoes an ings to match. She carried quet of Ophelia roses. TI was attended by ber sistei Pauline Turner, wearîng a gi crepe dress, silver bat ands and black satin shoes, car bouquet of pink asters an, Mr. W. Wreford Souch suppo groom. The groom's gift to the bi a red fox fur, to the brideý camea ring, to the groomumar After partaking of a wedd cheon at the bride's borne ,th couple left on a trip to Nortl, tario. On tbeir return tbey will1 Apt. 12, McLeese Block, 39 A St. N.. Oshawa. DRAMAT, CONTES Under auspices of West Durhami Agricultural for prizes of $50-00--$35.00-4$21 -$25.00 will be presented int OPERA HOI Bowmanvil under the following cond WEDNESDAY, SEP (Second night of Fai Solîna Young People'will What Dotb It Pro FRIDAY, OCTOBE Enniskillen Dramatic Clu present Getting Sandy FRIDAY, OCTOBE Ebenezer Young People'si will present Arnold Goes Into But FRIDAY, NOVEMBR Ladies' Aid of Newcastle present The Dust of The E Serial ticket for tbe four tainments is $1.00 or 85e single ticket. Seats may served witbout extra charge Plan for September 19t cent opens September lAtb chell's Drug Store. Tickets are obtainable £roi ectors of the Agricultural1 or at office of J. J. Maaon il N 1 111 .!r-- a ESMINISTERS AND CHURCHES SEEING CANADA FIRST j STAGE IS ALL SET FOR FAIR Associa- St. Joseph's R. C. Churcb. Mass jThse Edîtor Relates Same of Hi* Ex- Motst Elaborate Program in Fair ptember il a. m. Sunday School 2.30 p. M* periences and Observations on His History-Next Tuesday and Wednes- officers1 Sermon and benc4lct1*on '7 p. m. Rev. First Trip ta the Pacific Coast. day. ty P. P. Butler. _____6)Bg___n orfirpiz isa ySt. Paul's Church, Rev. D. W. Best, Mayor T. S 6) Big dedmeonNe emand fr fir perize at. Thorn- D.D., Minister. Il a. m.-The Trag- the street thogte pead mdifentes memers are ein fo eero lld. edy of Unbelief. 7.30 p. m.-"The didn't speed up the account'of my trip Enetn aepour it foe r eey exs- volce in the Wilderness". 2.30 P. M. a western blizzard was liable to over- Ehebiting oitt the greatyof est exr- Rickard Sunday Scbool. take me and I'd be anowed in for hbitnin r uthe bSisty oftest Dur- Trinity United Oburcb will hold it the winter in a grain elevator on.a a omnil nTedyadWd iagel anua Thnkffrin srviesonrailway siding on tbe boundless prair- atBwavil nTesday and Wed-1-19 agnli anua Tanoffrig erics n1ies. Now isn't tbat just like a lotiYu r nestay, Sep te te8-19. a %y Sunday, October 14tb., isedo the1 of folks in this age of speed, rushing You aitre ntLooate td oueomean ith-Ella finst Sunday in December as bas been1 belter akelter to g et to the end of orxhboe. Look arecaused forun far derman; î the custom for many years. their journey? Or may 1 compare itorhm.heeaecsesfree- d7-1bce St.Andrw'sPrebytnlanChucb o a imptiet yunggirlreainga hing and prizes worth winning. It'a St. ndrw'sPrebytelanChuch, te n ipatentYoun gil radig athe spirit of competition that arouses coiner Tempe-bnce ani Church bo9k singof tficto? Af she getps toupe nterest in the fair- the more comn- Rev. R. M. McDerment, M.A., i iniswing of tesyshadbeoe jupsaoupleit petitors, the better the fair. .enry Morning wersbip il a. m. Ev- of hpesnbfr o nwt Let's al] go to Bowmanville Fair ening worship '7.30 p. m. Sunday booets eeifit the ero o the"nnx Tuesday evening (Citizens nney School 2.30 p. m. wins out ait thse finish. Night) or Wednesday aftennoon the St. John's (Anglican) Cburch, Rev. And bere 1 was taking my time en- day qf the big show. Bning thse R. J. Sbires, Rector. Fifteenth Sun- joying this wonderful trip ahl over chîldren. Tell thee bsred man hie can (a-day after Trinity, September l6th. again as 1 sit at home-radio turned have the day off. Close down the inGn;il a. m.-Hoîy Commu~nion and Ser- on full bast-and writing away toi factonies Wednesday afternoon. s; iv-a mon. 2.30 p .m.-Sunday School. 7 My heart's content page after 'Page1 Make it a genuine holiday for the Jas. V p.m.-Evening prayer. of tise pleasant memories and impres- whole family fa tisere wili be enter- James.sions of my trip in order that States- tainment and education for every- Tninity United Churich, Rev. J. U.. man readers might get an inkling of; body. Scores of old friends will be Robins, Pastor. Sunday zervices- wiat we saw as well as something tisere expecting to see you. [G il a. m.-Sermon by thse pastor; 2.3 01 about the former Durbamite mt Durham Regimental Band will give p. m.--Sunday Scho-ol; 7.30 p. m.- out West. I was sort of prlngn musical programas botis days. Rend IRev. Richmond Craîg, Firs, Church, thse write-up for thse samie reason thiat al about tise big fair on page 5. Vancouver, B. C., will speak on beisaf' a lad makes a loîly-pop ast-for the Ienzdof the Maintenance and Extension1 sheer pleasune derived from it. PEM RFE UON OJN atraFund. Special music by the coir- Fact is several nigbts while in the taria a anl t o M. onsît of wrjting these lettens I av Hon. G. Howard Ferguson, Premier Mrs. v* anIt lapsed into a real reverie of dreamsl of Ontario, will be present and will 1Turner, Rev J. U. Robins' sermon on Sun-1 to be suddenly awakened by a voice open tise Boys' Training School Fal narriage day morning in Trînity Church con-1 fromt upstairs, "George are you going Fair, Wednesday afternoon, Septem- y'oungest tained a very forceful message. Tis e write ail night?" ber 26ts. fHe will bie accompantied ;George 1 subject, tise Three Sanctities of Lif e Well, I guess I1isad better be get- by Hon. Lincoln Goldie, Provincial J Sbires, -Work, Home and Faitis in God-1 ting on with the trip or winter wvill Secretary, Hon. Dr. Godfrey, Minis- based on the words, "Isaac digged a! overtake me. StilI I wouldn't mmnd ter of Healtis, H. C. Scholfield, M.P.P., gown of well; pitched bis tent and builded an 1 being marooned for a spell in any of land otisens. wearing Altar". In tise evening Mn. Robins tise western cities we visited-but ex-I nd stock- preacised from thse wonds "More than cuse me from putting in the winteri d a bau- Conquerors", presenting some veryl out on thse wild and windy prairies.1 ELECTRICAL STORM DESTROYS he bride helpful trutiss. The musical services' Just a minute, patient reader, tilli HOME AND CONTENTS r, Miss were under direction of Mn. F. Sut- I look up last week's paper to seel reen flat ton, organist. Miss Eleanor Wood where I left off ...Yes, just as Il During the electnical storm w-ý, tockings sang a solo very nicely ait the morn- thought-I was going into thse Mac-1 passed over this district on Mor4ay rnying a ;ng service. donald Hotel at Edmonton. Well night, the frame bouse owned by Mn. id f ern. do I remember the incident. I got 1 Sam Nystha, formerly known as the rted the The Junior Missionary Auxilinry a bad squeeze fron tthe revolving Fisisleigh place on Scugog Rond, held a suppen meeting at Tr'nitY doors ait the main entrance. No, not north of town. was struck by lightnin g ride was Scbool-room on Tuesday wisen Miss fromntbe two flappers I was.rubiser- and completely destroyed by fire. His !smaid, a Florence Werry's group served a very ing at who were making their exit at motiser received a shock ait the tîme n, a beit. appetizing meal te tise members and tise saine timte. Honest confession but hie and bis sister escaped fromt in- ding ]un- the Mision Circle st.ember3 who were is good for tise sou], 'tis said, and tisis jury. Their furniture was totally ie hsappy thse guestq on th:£ occasion. After accdent (almost a catastrophe) goes1destroyed. Loss about $3,000 witis herm On- supper the negular meeting was beld, te prove tisat we editors don't miss small insurance. Tise fire brigade MisV. Spargo, Pr2sident, presiding. snucb when we're away from home, went out and did what they could but Thie scripture was read by Miss Rilda altho' we do get an occasional bump. tise fire wvas too fan advanced to Save reside in Siemon; devotional leaflet by Mms. Stepping up to the desk tise clerk anything. k Simicoe Elton Wenry, and readings by Mrs. politely handed me a pen to register Neighbors are iuterceding in besaif' E1ns.ý'r Cox and Mîi- Lena Iladdy. and as soon as lie cou Id decipher MY of tise Nystha family wbom tbey speak -_ _Mucis appneciated vocal solos were name, whicb is mucis more legible of in hîghest termis as industnious and sung by Miss Eleanor Wood and Mrs. tisan some lawyers' and preachers' respectable people and good neigis- Ft. M. Foster and a fine piano solo by signatures I know, ise very courteous- bons. -Tise Nysthas are practically Mrs. H. D. Clemens. Tise accompan- ly said, "Oh yes Mn. James wee destitute as fan as a home and clatis- ists were Mrs. Cecil Belisuan, Mns. holding your reservation for You." ing are cancerned. Se that any Rulov Daniels and Mr3. C. H. Dudley. He actually gave one the impression persan having bouseisold furniture, IC It wns decided to takoý up tise Study that thse hotel management had been furnishings or clothing whicb tbey can Bok"Drums in tise Darknes b eping tise best room in tise bote. spane and would like to give ta this ..DnT Tucker. D.D., ait next et aant for our special benefit since famnily they will lie gratefully ne- !ng wiîh will bie a supper meeting last Apnil. Funthermore the way ceived. Donations of money will ai- in charge of Miss Leta Jackson's tise bell hop anticipated aur wants lie se be acceptable. Kindly notify Dep- <!raup. Tise tisanks of the Mission must bave thougbt I was John D. uty-Reeve W. H. Carruthers or leave C'rcle members was nicely expressed Rockfeller Jr. travelling incognito. word at tise Statesman Office if Yeu by Miss Marjonie Robins~ and second- We arrived in Edmonton a day wisb ta contribute anything ta this cd Ly Miss Betty Sargent. abead of tise convention boping ta get worthy cause. Societyrested in readiness for tise editars' Socetyconfiab. But about tise anly Test you get on such a trip as this is on tise principle that "a chanei sC.N.R. EMPLOYEE REMEMBERED god as a Test." Sa we tooa a bath1 !5.00 Royal Theatre and changed aur lothes--sweet Test!î On Friday evening, tAugust 3lst, Anyway, it was too fine a day ta lol Itise employees of tise Darlington, Presentine The. Finest la around tise iotel. It was one of Bowmanville and Oshawa C. N. R. tePhotoplays tbose ideal days whicis gave this well section met at tise home of Mn. Geo. known province its world famous vanDyke, Souths Darlington, and Phone 589 name of "Sunny Alberta." presented bim witis a gentleman's IThere were people ta seea score easy chair. Tise addness was read USE or more of tbem wbo bad left dear by Mn. F'rank Gui and tise presenta- I ad Durhsam County in tise years past tien made by Messrs. John Ciilvers IIand are now looked upon as pioneens and W. Mutton. Mr. VanDyke is e Friday-Saturday, Sept. 14-15 l and leading citizens of Edmonton- retiring from tise nailroad and bis Tim McCoy In tise capital of tise province and one fellow-employees took thîs way of litions: EYN I of tise big western cîties wisicis bas expressing their good wishes taeisim. BEODTHE SAIEAS" gradually recovered from tise boom Mn. vanDyke made a veny suitable A thrilling story of gold bandits,I inflation real estate days and is ah- reply. Lunch was served and a soc- muderous plunderers, a dasising ready on a solid foundation of pros- ial time was spent togetiser. 'T 9 Government agent anid a chanming perity.I 3T 9 Spanisis senonita. Percised higis on tise banks of tise A .P .NWOFC resent 2.30Sap.rm.yChilrenooc. at Saskatchewan River, Edmonton looks .Y.P . E1FFCR ir)sn 2at3n0 1aturm. aftldeno5n. roudly aven prosperous Alberta. New officers of St. Johsn's A.Y.P.A. Chapter 5 of For 130years (centuries, as time goes 1ae-rsdn-r .A un Cisptr 5ofin tise West) Edmnonton bas comn- Vare :President-Mr. J. . Bunn; Aft "BLAKE 0F SCOTLAND YARD" manded tise fur trade of tise Nantis- Recording Secretarv-Miss Audrey and regular program land, and in tisat trade is still pre- Lamb; Correspondirg Secretary- eminent. cnteissEvelyn Bus ;Treasuer-Mr Known as tise commercial c MissW J Baurmstnadl; me o ER5 of an unusually nicis farming area, Comtes oil-r.Jh pn i il Monday-Tuesday, Sept. 17-18 Edmonton is rapidly assuming a '-oIqere; ProLram-Mrs. J. A. Gunn; Mis- of greater importance. It is tiese nr--S .Bya;Vstn n Estelle Brody (Tise famous gatewvay ta tise Empire of tise i'oris .soor-Mr.sR.M . Boya;vsitiPgand Frencis-Canadian Actness) west-the distributing centre foran -,NeOutlook-Mr. fr. .tes. lanse- In area wbicis spreads away into th isencisveeicse orts1onigsa ..MAEMOSELE ad t th Macenze RverBasn--son's work. Meetings will be iseld "MADMOISLLEFROM territories of tise Peace River country, on 2nd and 4tis Mondny of eacis ARMENTIERES" adttieMkezeRvrBsn-1 montis. Next meeting Oci;aber Stis, and beyond. It bas a venitable spid- îwe ulatnac srqetd R19 She'll win your iseart witb bier gay, er's xveb of nailways ta feed tise c m- weasfuhl anttendance ireested. i R19 saucy humor-tiss harming mreof its get business huss.pes rogrledad wih b pemesdoff Society Frencis Mamnselle--sbe'hI tiril you, Inidustnialhy, Edmonton is rnaking iated. On Friday evening, Septemben tao, witislber courage and sacri- rapid stnides. Its list oif manufact- 7, a very enjoyable corn roast was fice in this supers picture isailed urers must grow, under tise encour- iseld at tise borne of Mr and Mrs. W. inesa as 'Tise Big Parade" of the agement of unlimited coal Pupplies J. Taylor, Frank Farm. Tise early Britishs.I and unexcelled siippîng facihiiesi. part of tise evening was spent in Edmonton is tise educational centre, games after w'iicis all enjoyed a feed of tise province, tise seat of tise Uni-! af corn, etc Tissnks .-)f tise Society ER 2 Wadnesday-Ilursday, Sept. 19-20 versity of Albserta.1 were tendered Mn. and Mis. Taýilor Tise city is situated on bath sidesl for tiseir kind 1 ospitality. BWinl Wallace Beery and Raymond of tise Nantis Saskatchewan R ive.'____ ýl e7!ýMP %oýana Inn man

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