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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Sep 1928, p. 4

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VAGE FOURTHE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMA"NILU, THUP.SDAY. SEPTEMBR .92SQ9 SOLINA ENFIELD HAYDONI SALEM TYRONE Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Tink visite j Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Page, Torcn- Mr. Fred Ashton, Toronto, ýpent Miss Brock of Toronto, bas been Church service wil behedSdy Pickering friends. to. xi.ited Mr. *S. Page's,. .Mr. and the weekend at home. visiting Mrs. F. Cator. at 10.3 a. ni Mrs. Chas. Langmaid of Hlampton, I -Mrs. G. Bray, Raglan, visited at 'Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Sheil and family, Mrs. (Dr.) Wiiiard, Toronto, visit-. A nuniber from here attended the is visiting ber son, Mr. Roy Langi+aid. j .J . Ormiston's. Mr. and M.%rs. H. Markham, Sundayed at Mr. T. S. ed her mother, Mrs. Robert Goiiac3Ott. Toronto Exhibition. Mis Evly 2lffi, ~haa, Anni.s, Solina, were guests of 'Mr. F. Slountioy's. Mrs. Dudley, Misses Kathleen and Ms ineRm apohvs t isevweend .tnM s-es Mýagaet GCIbert ..Messrs. John and lViH AI- 'Ms -ni orHmtn svs exander OshaweMr.aad anc Mrs. Georgina Niddery and son Marion were Exhibition visitors last iting at Mr. D . Hooper's. t -iswe k et e n deî c s h a w a , MM ra n d r sia C L . J a c k , B o w m a n v i le , a r e v is itin g a t w e e k . M rs . R a h r y i i i i g a r z.nd Ruh McKesock. iNlacke .-R. Hateviercy isadvisitiMr.gCatveMr. Mr. and Mr. John Kivell is ed .%Mackey,',Brookiin, visiled at Mr. .C r'. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hocken, Tor- H. Hooey's, Bowmanville. at Mr. A. B. Chapman's, Orono, ard1L .PacesE'ogths t Misses Rowena and Ethrol Stephens, onto, visited bis daugheMs .Z ~ H H e at Mr. Spencer Wood's, Bowmanvilie. Toronto..Exibion the:a- Mr. Upton Stephens, Hampton, visit- Pollard. iss azel I a Mr A. Been-s to er school at Corbeyvile. Mr. Thomas Allun, Moorefield, 3is.1 Mr. and Mrs. W. Smith, Mr. Fred ed a r .Behs Mrs. F. Cator conducted a very Îhn- hrsA n Ros gatlb hedts Thompson, Detr. î, Mr. Wjli Warder,j Smith. 'Mr and Mi-s. Alfred Prescott, League on Sunday night was in teresting inissionary prograni at theBo Wiarton, visited at Mr. Jas. Moorey's. Mr. Elmer Prezscott, M,~. and Mrs. Jas. charge of Missionary Vice President, Sunday Schooî Turdy eeig tM " .Brr"9 r.adMsHoadCchMissPr. r.adMrs. W. Scott, Mr. Miss Annie Trewin, with a good at- Miss Gladys Cann is teacbing at Cogauatost M.Fod %T ud- Marjory and Eileen of Bethesda, vis-1 Lloyd Ferguson, Mr. and Mrs. Y. Gil- tendance. Maple Grove, supplying for Miss Iey and bride <nee Miss Hazel l'urn-~ ited at Mr. John. Baker's on S.ýnday. Ihert .Mr. J. Fergusoti, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Slesnon, Tor- Souch who recently undei-went an er. Tre n wnduhes Mr. and Mrs. C. Rehder and G(n Oliver 'McCuliocb. Mr. and Mrs. John ente, Mrs. Moore and Miss Kate operation. r. Tre n wnduhea John Hughes, Miss George, Bowman-i McCullocb and Miss Ida MtcCulloch, Moore, Bowmanville, visited at Mr. Monday evening's storm broke ia Flint, Mchigan, visited at Mr. W. výIe, were Sunday gues-s aý Mi. T. M1r. anýd Mrs. L. C. Pa-sc ýe, Misses Rd.McNeiI's on Sunday. great force over this part and we Stewart's. Baker's. Doro:y and Bessie and M,%r. Wallace, D. dMrs. E. Lot-mot- and child- sympathise very epywtths» Pascoe e were azain favored depywihths Mr. Frank Hatherly underwenta Mrs H. Trot'er, Mrs. .n and irtercnly xooe rmBfalo who sustained heavy less by the two minor operation in B'owmanville ois- Jtrv .rte, Mis eseReynodaiv,n a.d' .,'aya 'snoln by Miss Palmer on Sun- and visited at Mr. E. Bradley's. Miss fires in the near vicinity. ptlo ody Jeteror, erIgls tyr. -~wbicb was much enjoyed by ail. Viola and Freda Bradley returned Re ernord' ored ust t-J.M he ce regtion with a 1.i ho me with them after spending over Sorry to leara that MssEllaCoi- MisElva Virtue, lBowmanville, Re. nods' 1 avredtheconreatin wth slo.lactt asbeen a patient in bospitai is _Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Spry and tîvo weeks' oias D.Lro'.lest week, bain er tonsils removed.MrC.EblyTontSdae faiily an _isss Lzzi ad Jnnil Cea of Barley is a food and a tonic. She is no a convalescent at home at Mrs. Laura Virtue's. Spry, Bow manville, vjsited with Mr. and we hope for a speedy recover. Miss C. Mackenzie, Toronto, is vis- an r. .N Pso. ALEGOEZION Rev. J. R. Trumpour's discourse on iting ber niece, Mrs. Ronald Scott, Dr. and .\I-s. Ellis Reynolds, Hll- Miss Gladys Canof Salem, spent Sunday afternoon was based on the and sister, Mrs. W. Stewart. burg, visited his father, Mr. A. thewekn thm.MsGodnSotadsnMryex " dnwabehfih op Reynolds, who >ý s-Lillconined te bis eekendoaehome.Mrse Gordon Shorfand son Murra.,tedt, "And now aidethwfaith, hop bed after bis recent accident. Miss Vera Power, Brown's Scooel, have heen spending a few days with an ovad theigets fteei r ad hr Mrs. Wlis Sewat vsi- Mi, Brie n M.HrodWeNewcastle, spent the weekend at home j Mr. George Cornish, Toronto. love," and seemed te bring ont the ed h agtr r.W.mDn ML- Brnic andMr. Hroloint- that love is the eone and onîy es- aid, at their summer cottage, Saimon zyKero, is. oruhvan Suatj Mr. and 'Mrs. Ivisori Munday spent! The Ladies' Aid -were pleasantly seint. Lake. PJilmis oan Mo ,Misets'ýlariew,r udywt hprnsanbPort. MurphyndtthMondymfe on r. P. Varied and beautiful assortment Wonien'a Institute and Ladies' Aid York Itliips and MosL. Ps MisseRbNew GranbGrcey.s-Mr. a n Mrs H. F srne ndof bats will feature Dingnoan & Ed- wiIll hod Septenber meeting on Wed- coc S., Toronto, spent Tbursday after- sons, Gordon, Kennetb and Harold Smondstne Mlineyofein tisnsy, SetenibPLeruthuat te hom Congratulaion.. to Solina Scho )l -n noon a: home. of Ebenezer, visited frids herre-SardyofMs(ev>.R.Tmpu. rs th.reir .__ccess in their marching. pby- . Mr. and Mrs. Ross Stevens and cently. Cream of Barley is a food and a tonie. John ;Baker, District President, will sicail training and snig at the children spent the weekend with bis As the harvest was in intm,ý be present. Ail ladies cordially in- . colfaironF ianding timeaynodea 'Jonio IoiMrlsseMs a we, Toronto. great many of the farmers' families vited. JonBaker wý%ho sr, abi.y tra.neý-! thet Rural Schoj! Fair ivas beld las: were able te attend the Toronto Ex- NOTICE Latest bats from the worid's style pupils for the singing for w hicb :hey Thur-day and was a great snccess, ou;- hibition centres will be on dispiay at Dingman %von I st -prize. Ischool carry'ing off their share cf Mr. Eerett Gifford and Mr. WeS- Wr ensitchl d eei ot-edgigde & EAi] "Worn elclngr d eicotBedgma ne 'Ail nstone's Miliinery Openings The voung ps',op!Y ofc tb eighbior- prizes. i iey Glaspeil had a pleasant inotor mail orders promptiyv attended te. Mrs. next Saturday. cod niovyed a corn and weiner roaStI Mrs. L. Wilkins, St. Thomas, bas Itrip te Syracuse, N. Y., where they Russell Hobbs, Lberty St., Bowmnanville at the commiunity grounds on Friday1 returned home from a very pleasant aise attended the Pair there . Phone 561. îo-tr C'-earn of Barley is a food and a tonic. eveninz w i:h ever 60O presen:. The! visit with her nieces, Mrs. J. H. Mun- A large number attended the ser-- ____ large bon-fire was the prtre cf ln- day, Mrs. E. W. Foley, Mrs. R. L. vices on Sunday memning when our_____ tcrest. Games were tiiax'ed and a XVýordrn, and Mrs. H. Vickery, Bow- paster, Rev. J .R. Bick, was present. gond time enjoyed by aIl. manville. Mr. Bick aise tangbt the Sunday Dtirinz the hea\'y electrical sterm i Mapl e Gi-ove church re-opening,, lesson very ably. b--ich pa.-.-ed over 'h.:-l" IcMon- iSeptember 23rd; chicken pie supper, We are sort-y te lose Mr. and Mrs. day nigbt. the large ;arn it Rylandi Septemiber 26th ,fellowerl by an excel- Delbet-t Flintoif and family fremti fatrnbelngez e M. ill J. L',,iýk lent concert by Miss HeienBrowning cemmnnity. Tbey are movngt crop and some uine stock., The less was. elocutionjst and humoreus entertain-' iington. We wish them success in A SOYI pattly covered by insurance. et, and Mr-. John Hubbard, tenor sole- their aew home. Mml. and M"s. W. R. Willi as and ist ,of the Bine Bird Quartette, Tût--j Res.s, Bowmnanvil!e, Mr. an-, Mrs. ente. Full particulars next week. Cream of Barley is a food and a toniec Hutchinzs and Miss Helen. Mr. aad i______ STORY Mt-rs. -Mor-ley (o',,K', and Dors and El-' Jack, Broekiin. _Mr. and Mrs. HAMPTON Sleigbtholm cof Witbv, %vGi-ed Mr. Seea rmhr teddteC. Shipm ents of New Fal andl Mî-. Chas. Banchard.' -. Mr. and Ms L. T. Pascoe and Mat-- N. E. on Satumday. Anenjorie visited friends at Picket-ing on We weicome- 'Miss Spence, teacher _______________________ Anenoyahie timne -as speit by iSnnday. at No. 4 School, te our cemmunnty. member5z of Sons of Temperance at 1I the meerinL- on Thut-sdiv ni-bt in thej Mm. and Mrs. Lewis Cryderman and 1Mm. and Mrs. Everett Beecb bave AnIWELVEI'~I~L1 scheel. Rev. J. R. Bick -reviewed family have moved into Mr. F. C. ibeen visiting relatives in Port Hope. 40 IN. '..JEIIE L/1DE .r1LH L ELV several chapters of Miss Mflorkin- Corden's bouse.Cogautin M.nd rsAevrypul f dal'sbok n c en i 11c e_,ýanc. Ms.Arhu Wkey ndNoman Downs on the arrivai of a Pure silk qualities in fifteen shades at a coats, etc. We have An interesting talk ^as given by Mr childi-en, Oshawa, visited Mr. and daughtom. price you can't duplicate eisewbere. and we guarantee tbý Sid Wrigbt on conditions in England. Nlrs. J. Wakely. oe'Misnay mtng sWraldy A piano soie by Evelvn Tink and a Mr. aad Mrs. Herbert Burgess and omoen's Missionavr mepeng is Pr ad 8c$ cou y the girls ruha eniey- aiy Oshawa, visited at Mt-. A. 20, held at the ,ine of Mrs. At-chie able program te a close. Out- Dlývi- Martin's on Snnday. i Muiz-. sion is planning for a Hallowe'en mas- Mir. and Mrs. Harold Salter, Miss Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Arnot, Miss i'ad.Ruth Johns and Mr. Frank Hastings Bemnice and Master Jack, Maxwell's, IK A M R _____attended the Exhibition. spent Sunday with bar mether, Mrs. A e farciJcqrdfetn6nw sheRgur Mt-s. George Edger and Miss Rosina Ehi Osborne. AVe arci aq ard ufect, e hds eua PROMINENT FARMER LOSES Edger, Courtice, have been spendiag Mr. and Mrs. Albert Rundle visited Vle$.9 HEAVILY BY ELECTRIC STORM l a few days at Mr. J. H. Wilcox's. the Exhibition last week and spentFo98 1Miss Blanch Crydet-man, nurse-mn- the wookend witb their son, Mr. El- Damage estimated at $20,001) was1 training at Belleville Hospital, is bell- met- Rundle, Toronto. done Monday night by fi-eeh~ie.1 des-Idayinwat Mr. A. B. Crydei-man's. 1 . - trvd te lrgebatcvaiabl .îe- m.and Mrs. John Cewling, Mm. babe, Detroit, retnt-ned home after a stock an<l the ontime seasen's crop Hary owing and Master Jack J week"s visit bei-e, Mrs. Kenneth Court- of bay and grain of W J. Leask. near Cowing motot-ed to Toi-ente on Sun- ice accempanying tbern. Taunton. Trapped in the biazIrig day. i getmn rmti emnt buildinz were six lot-ses nda olA getmn rmti omnt two tomoughred s nd he o ti Mm and Mms. J. L. Johas, Mr. and1 attended the School Faim et Maple fivpcalvs an 100hens Ir Mrs Lorenzo Ti-nl eand famiiy spealt Greve on Tbui-sday and pronounce it stoc saed as ine heep bnse Sunday at Mr. Malcolmi Martyn's, a good fair- eltbough the exhibit was a building adjacent te em barLogne.t nt sTare s sul wes one of the fines, haras l in j thell Miss Isobel Campbell, Eimvale, Sunday services weme good. la, district, and wîth crop was valucd at 1 resumed ber duties as teacher in the the momning the ettendance was large $20,000, paitially co.vemed by ns ut-- Junior rooni of the Public Schooi on and our Pester, Rev. J. H. Staintea, ence.I Tuesday morning. preeched a forceful sermon on the IMrs. James Jebson, Miss Lillian text "Whatsoever a man soweth that I Jebson and Miss Lulu Reynolds e- shall hoeaise reap", fownd in Gai. 6,J AUCTION SALE lturned home Mondey efternoon after1 7. Duriag the service Mr. JamesJ ________ spent the summer with rela-IHancock sang a solo vemy nicely. lai tives in England. -the efternoon Synday School was Monday, September 17-The lîve jMt- aad Mrs. H. L. Reeve and fairly well attended. Dnring the op- stock, impiements, etc., o! the lateifMrs. E. W. King, Miss P. Eeves Pett enîng session, Miss Lyla Osborne, Tor-- Wm. A. Waiker, Zion, Lot 32, Con. Hope, Mr. G. Woods, Chicago, Mi-. I nte, gave a most interesting mission- 4, Hope, will be sold on Monday, Sep- and Mrs. E .Elliott, St. Thomas, vis-at-y address. In the evening, our tomber l7tb et one o'clock sharp. See ited Miss L. R-evs.pester preacbed enother rp*»--ndid set-- bis for list. Geo. Jackson & So1e ceFamwicmo hi n ons"PStaten sa fng Jtb m aex Anctioneers. 37-.1w* JThe Shlir himoa el n on "Piltocmcfng, Jesh uc' ea- iEllîott Memorial Park on Friday was1prsin Whtv d odowh very iargeiy atteaded and was a de-,pession"Wbi-ietswnld eundo wits SCHOOL FAIR DATES Jcided success in every way. List ofJn?" SrieaxtSdya- prîze wnners is on page 7. usceil." otns--Sepeie ber4th. Miss L. Reeve bas t-eturned from el Creani of Berley is a food and a tonic. Orono-Septembher l7th. visit with relatives in Pot-t Hope. Welcome-Septmber 2th. The Young People's meeting Fridayl Garden HUi-S-eptember 2lst. evoning was in charge o! lst Vice- Milbrook--September 24th. President, Miss Net-a Horm. Bible ls- ENNISKILLEN Newcatle-eptesnber 27th. son was t-ed hy Miss Lottie Iot-. Mms. Levi Brunt has retumned fmom _____________________ Devotional part cf moetng was in Rcetr charge of Miss Mary Petet-s. Topic Rcetr w-as very ably takon hy Mt-s. John Col- .Mrs. John Sanders, B1owmanville, will. Roil wes callod and meeting' is visîting bier daughtem, Mrs. Theo y iclosed witb benediction. F lot-ai1 M. Semon. FA IR D A Y night will be beld on Friday nighti Mr. and Mrs. W. Deiong and dangb- next. Evemybedy weiceme. toi- Vema and Mm. and Mms. Willis, BadeRGAINS tbose or dncWhitby, called on old friends. ]BAR AINS !eary net Saurda so ou cn et Mr.andMms. SilversidesMtAl tend Diagman & Edmondstone's Mil- bert, Mr. and Mms. Oscar Silversides. AT DILLICK'S 'linet-y Openings. Zepbyi-, Sundayed et Dr. Ferguson's. I S{n.of Batloy is a food and a tonic. Weil donc Enniskillen! Our school Special purchase of Men's - won fitst place in the singing contest i at the Scheol Fair, under the leader- solid leather work boots,i BOYS ARE GOOD GARDENERS ship ef Miss Mation Orchard. with or without outsideI Miss Palmer, Woodville, favomed Vau (Froni Toronto Giobe) with e vocal solo, Open the Gates o! counter, Regular Vau Among the prondest exhihitors et the Temple, at chut-ch on Snay $ 5.0.....pecal 3.9 tho C. N. E. this year are the vonth- evening wbich was mnch enjoyed. $5.'00,_..........._________$3.95_ fui fat-met-s hlonging ta the 'Boys' A goodly number were present -- Training School, Bowmanville. A Sudyeeigadhadaohr Men's Militai-y Boots with ldisplay of appetizing vcgetabl ndyeeia n erdaohr double sole, Special $3.69 gi-own on the boys' own plots ,each bo ermoe n "Joerbo." - _________-- 10 hy 15 feet, includes fine speci- d M . Eerybemt ie meTm e's ""- O fodmens o! potatees, cucumbers, rsHebtSe n i~~ieoa bages, squash, green peppet-.i, toma- ono r n r.SeoHaýrol0d, black or tan, square toe, tocs, corn, pasey. parsnips, beets Boyd and Keith, Bowrnanville, at-d Special This Week $3.49 ables at-o shown, and the unusuel cent guests of Mr. and Mms. John iengtb of the cucumbers pointed out,Si -1 Men's Work Boots, black while attention is drawn tii tho flow-1Mm.nend Mm.. Jas. Payne, Mr. and 1oers that give fragrance te the heotb Mrs. Elmer Petbick and Howard, Mm. or brown, panco sole, and which are jZrowa tbmongb tho at-fe nd Mrs. Jas. laDrew and famuly, Special $2.98 tention cf the boys. ExJ1ib)itc ,o! Mr. and Mrs. J. Conras, Mr. Will _______________________ mtel work, wood-cat-ving and lethet- Petbick, Toronto, Miss McMillian, Iwomkl demonsti-ete the sîcîll o!fBeaverton, Mr. and Mrs. Wm Ches- Ladies' Faîl Shoes, patent the lads. tm Oshawa, Mrs. Wm. Smith, Mr. strap, high or cuban heels, and Mrs. Wm. Whittakem, Mr. and _______ Special $2.79 Mr. Mai-k Westawey, Miami, Mani-Jehn Petbick, Newtonville, Mr. end - -. ~toba, came oast to attend the C. P r.EgrWitkred fniy Women's or l oig H A ovninl Toronto and vis- Hamilton, visited et Mm. S. Pethick's. Girs' xfo-d, slidI~ah-it bis Ibrqtber, Mr. J. L. Westaway, League meeting was in charge o! Gil'xoidsld et-1Port Hope-Guide. lst Vice President, John Siemon, er soles and rubhcr h - Douglas Lees 'on, 134 Woodington with Rev. J. M. Whyte pesiding. ~'$ 9 Ave., Toronto, was art-ested in the Bible lesson was taken by iss May .Special 2.9 city on Fiday cherged witb seur- Werry; Devotional was deaît witb by 'ing eggy tà, value o! $1,10 hy freud Mr. Whyte. Miss Audrey Dorland Store Cloaed Saturday, Sept. I5th ifrom Jos. (Byers, Bowmanville. gave a short readiag, siter which al Mis ClaysWestaway, Port Hope, joined la the singing o! a hymn. A aad ber cousn, Miss Reta Atkinson, splendid tepic was given by Dr. Fer- A . IJILLIC K Montieai, 'Ln attended the Canadian guson on "Defeat and Victoy National *ahîYltion and incidentally Mrs. A. Brunt and Mra. R. M41 King and Division Sts. took afligYt iner the city very niuch favored with a duet. Meeting cloaed newumamvfUb o)n. cjoyingitbpir ailI through the clonds. with L-ague benediction. _________________________-Port ope Cuide. ,Cream of Baley lsa food and a tonie. Felt's Gift Shop Pink Glassware A new snipment just arrived. A few specials f or this weekend and Fair Week Only: Half Dozen Goblets at.................... $4.50 Haîf Dozen Sherbets at................... $4.00 Haif Dozen Tall Sherbets at............... $4.00 We have the Plateis to match, haif dozen at . . $6.50 Cake Dish ............................... $3.00 Cheese and Cracker Dish .................. .5 Candy Dish............................. $2.00 Cut Glass Water Sets, Jug and Six Glasses . . $3.50 Fruit Sets, Six Sherbets and Bowl .......... $5.00 Gent's Working 'Watches.................. $1.00 (Guaranteed for a year.) Young Men's Watches, 12 size, 7 J .......... $6.00 (Guaranteed for a year.) FOR FAIR WEEK ONLY W<- will ropair any watc, no miatter how bady broken and guarantee for one year for $2.00. Bring it in. We teach your watch to tell the truth. WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF: Watches, Dianmonds, Jewelry, Silverware, China and Cut Glass. When yon are al the Fair don't fail to visit our new and up-to- date store. Visitors are alwvays welcome. Our prices are right. FELT'S JEWELRY Phone 33 King Street Bowmanville We Teach Yur Watcb To Tell Thie Trutb TWO PARTS NO. 1 Il Merchandise Daily XEENS SHOT TAFFETTAS for Fall dresses or 'al the new shades In lovelY color combinations. Priced les em fast Pile and than the cost at the nxill 36 in. ye, 31 in. 59 98C CREPE BACK SATINS Fashion demands these soft draping fabries. Ten lovely colora to select from-pure silk, Per Yard $1.98 irali MillinerY New shipments arriving almost daily-aII the newest New York Creations in Feîts and _______________________ Velvets at prices that wilI surprise you. NE FALCAOSTEGOE A vemy special purchese la ail the new Faîl shades, some have fancy cuffs, others bave the gauntiet top and stmaped wtist-evet-y pair worth 79c, NEW KIMONA CLOTHS Soft nappy heavy fabrics for making conifortable kimonas, ia ligbt or dark colors, worth 59c, 36 inches wide, Full Fashioned Hose The public are beginning to realize the big savings we offer on fuII-fashioned hose-ali the newest tones to choose from and every wanted size- Mediumi Service Weight $1.39 Pair; Extra Heavy $1.79 Pair. STORY NO. 2 Tuesday and Wednesday, Sept. 18 » 19 ARE SUBURBAN DAYS We have a two-fold purpose in making these two days (Bowrnanville Fair Davs) Suburban Days. Firstly, to give out of town people who do not corne into town regularly an idea of the values that can be had in your own district-on good guaranteed dependable merchandise-values such as you cannot beat in any other town or city in this province. Secondly, we are hoping by the outstanding values quoted below, to make many more out of town 'visitors to the Fair regular and satisfied customers. A SUGGESTION--Spend the morning ho'urs securing sh are of the "Suburban Day" Specials listed be- low, then spend your afternoon and evening seeing thesights of the Fair. -»M» LET'S GO -- I10 Big Suburban Day Specials for Tuesday and Wednesday Only BUTTERFLy SKIRTS In plain or plaid eff ects, in ail the waated colors and sizes, 25 dozen silk, silk and wool and ail weoi Women's Hose, ail samples of im- ported Engiish niake, worth regnlarly $1.00 te $1.50 pair, Suburban Day 49c 20 dozon Ladies' Silk Rose, substandards -o! $1.00, $1.50 grados, ail good colors and sizes, While They Last 39c Pr Out They Go For 59c i For 59c i-I 60 pair only, full double bed size Fiannelette Blankets, ia white or gmey. Yen caa't get any more et this price as we. cen't bny theni et anytbing near the price While They Last $1.98 Pair Table Oilclotb Squares, 100 only-they are worth et least 95e each, Two Special 814 Sheetings At less than wh'olesale price. Get your share, No. 1-72 in. wide 29c No. 2-72 in .wide 39c 56 inch bleacbed Tai ask ,two designs, wîl and launder pemfectl velue 75c, Two Bleached Sheeting Specials No. 1, e medium weîght sbeeting, 2 yards wide, Sale Price 47c No. 2 Extra heavy quality, worth $ 1.00 per yard, Sale Price 66c Whil 25 dozen Mens, Sox, a qnality you Wijl pey 29e a Pair for eLsewhere. We clean'e< up the lot and effet- them Me Dam- 25 01,]Y Fringed Wiiton Rugs, ll wear i (v] eqgsa ly, Reg. in l v i e i n nd colors, worth $4.7h) each, To Be Cleared at $2.49 6 dozen Put-e rish Linon 8'4 Table Clotbs ,an extra fine cîuality that you would pay $3.75 for. A very special leThey Last $2.49 NELSON'S STORE of Bigger and Better Values King St. West Bowmnanvillie 'I 'I i c h la, lipzô 1 1 8 1 i PAGE FOUR b il " Il M Ar.116 While

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