THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, TIHURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 1-5, 1928 PAGE flV]ë Look For Dodge Exhibit AT BOWMANVILLE FAIR kWhere you will flnd a fine showing of "Dodge Bros. Motor Cars and Graham Bros. Trucks. This is the line of cars that caused such a sensation at the C. N. E. It will, without doubt, be one of the best exhibits at the fair. FREE -- KITES -- FREE Between 2 and 3 o'clock on September 19, a large kite will be given away free to each holder of the coupon printed below-one only to a Iam- ily ,as long as they last. Coupons must be filled in with naine and address. WM. J. CHALLIS, Dealer Hately's Garage-Service and Headquarters BOWMAN VILLE CUT OUT THIS COUPON AND GET A FREE KITE Name ...................................... Street or Rural Route ................. Address ................................. Everybody Is Coming To West Durham Fair held under auspices of West Durham Agricultural Society at& Fair Grounds, Bowmanville ON fTuesday and Wednesday September 18 - 19 Fair will be mun on Standard Turne Citizens Night-Tuesday, September 18th Band Concert ,Main Building, Poultry Show, Automobile Show, and Midway attractions will al be in full swing. Admission 25c THE BIG SHOW-WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 19th Starts at 12.30 p. m. with Grand School Parade from up town headed by band. Two shields offered as prizes for best showing. MANY FEATURES AND ATTRACTIONS That will appeal to every inember of the family include: Poultry Show 'fSchooI Parade Floral Exhibits Live Stock Show Domestic Science Automobile Show Industrial Exhibits Merchants' Display Fancy Work & Fine Art Durham Regiment Band Products of Garden and Field Horse Shoe Pitching Contest Physical Exercîses by Boys' Training School Students Midway Attractions Ehbto f Hg Eckadt Cmpettion Jumping by R. S. Mc- Women'a Institute Dept. Laughlin's Irish Hunters Admission: General 35c; Grand Stand 25c; Vehicles 35c DRAMATIC CONTEST First of the four amateur plays will be pre- ~etdin Opera House, September l9th at 7.30 p. m. by Solina Young People. See full par- ticulars in another column. Col. L. T. McLaughlin, President. C. H. Maton, Secretary. f LOCAL AND OTHERWISE BOUQUETS FROM THE PRESS Mrs. A. E. McCready is visiting (Campbellford Herald) relatives in Kingston. Mr .M. A. James of The Bowman- MIrs. Jennie Fleming is visiting rela- ville Statesman, bas just completed tives at Newtonville. his 50th year in jourualism. His Free Kites at 'Bowmanvîlle Fair. fellow puhlishers congratulate him on See W. J. Challis' advt. bis long service and also on the high morale of his paper, and consequent-ë Mr. George Bateman, Ottawa, re-'ly its beneficient influence on publiec cently visited his brother. oinion for the last haîf century. Reserve Friday, November 2?rd for May he have many more years of St. John's Church Bazaar. 1 wefulness. Miss Wimifred Pearce, Wellington,I re.cently visite4 friends here. 1 (Saskatoon, Sask., .Star) Ralîy Day in I'rinity Sunday Froin time to time the news col- h School will be beld Sunday, Sept. 30. umns tell of men who have worked ' Mr. and Mrs. James ScobellOt- forty, flfty of sixty years as locomot- tawa, have been visiting relatives ive engineers, Alpine guides, long- here. shoremen or in some other gentle craft. Rarely, however, does one b A smaîl child's coat still awaits an hear etf one wbn has endured the owner at The Statesmnan Office. Wbo storm and stress of editîng a news- lost it? paper for haîf a century. Such a Dr. Robt. W .Clark, Fort Erie, was one is _M. A. James. The August 2nd in town Tuesday renewing old ac- issue of his paper, The Bowmanville t quaintances. Statesman, celebrates his jubilee. Mr.8 Miss Dorothy Robins leaves today James became its chief back in 1878) to begin her duties in Toronto Gen- at the age of tbirty and is still goingi eral Hospital. strong at eighty. Mr. .James must1 Dr. R. F. Bruce, Venice, Cali- be the dean of Canadian journalists fornia, is vîsiting bis old frien'd, Gen. inl point of continuous service to the, John Hughes. same constituency. The Star joins L in salutations to him and wishes him( Empire Sales Co. will give away a many more years of active if e. $35.00 radio loud speaker at Bow-____ jmanville Fair.I (Tillsonburg News) Mr. Jack Gilbert, Toronto, is visit- Mr. M. A. James bas bad the unique E ing Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Bragg, Kings- experience of celebrating bis golden ton Road East. jubilee as editor and proprietor of Miss Keitha Anderson, Shaw's, will The Bowmanville Statesman. That begin training in the Ontario Hosptal, his management was right has been Wbîtby, on Monday. evidenced by the constant imnprove- Mns. Clark Tyler bas returned froîn ments made in the ipaper, and inercas- a pleasant visit with "relatives in ed circulation. Toronto and Wbitby. His editorials under the heading Mr. Harvey Mingeaud, Chicago, "The Editor Taîks" have ;ziven the Ill., is visiting hs parents, Mr. and paper leadership comnbined with a Mrs. Arthur Mingeaud. strng personality. His editorial comn- Mastr Jm Pckad spnt he eekments xay well be considered the out- Mae end in Toront witb Mate ed ar-standing and continuous featumo of en an oottendethe ia-Ex E The Statesman for haîf a century, as. set and atne h x they have often been quoted in the1 Dr. G. E. Reaman, Supt. of Bos edn papers of the country and J- Training School, addressed Lindsay hrought forth favorable comments on Rotatry Club on Monday. many occasions. A few years ago Mr. and Mrs. J. Hamilton Bateman Mr. James, while continuinz the edi- « and Miss Gladys are holidayîng at tonial duties. handed over the business Thurstonia Park, Sturgeon Lake. to his sons, Geo. W. and Norman, 'Y Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McDonald, who in the conduet of The Statesman. Grimsby, are holidaying with hor par- are proving worthy successors to their ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Culley. re,,ered fath2r. Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Greene, (Woodstock Sentineu-Review) Long Island, N. Y., are vsiting her r parents, Mr. and Mss. Fred Martyn. Ms. M. A. James, Editor of The c: Bowmanville Statesman. one cf the Jý Ms. and Mrs. Alex. Hastings and brightest of the many worthy week- p daughter, Tampa, Florida, are visît- ly publications of Ontario, is deses-- ing her sister, Mrs. Andrew Penning- vedlly receiving the congratulations ton. of bis golleagues of the press, upon Ir The ladies have been waiting for it attaining bis fiftieth year as an editor. R -Dingman & Edmondstone's Mi.. Mr. James spent the earlier years of linery Opening, Saturday, Sepytember bis life on the tarin. tien as a public 15th. scbool teacher and fifty as a newspap- Dr. and Mrs. Norman Hall and Mr. er editor, and the special number is- and Mrs. J. Kidder, Kalamazoo, Micb., sued to commemorate bis neivspaper secently visited Mr. and Mrs. A. M. jubilee bears the information that he Williams. is "still goinz strong". lt is a record Mrs. J. K. Galbraith, who spent the which provokes admiration and re- v summer at ber cottage at Port Bow- spect from people in and out of the v manville, bas returned to ber home newspaper profession. Mr. James' in Toronto. succesa in lite. and his loDnr career ass a writer -on current events is attribut- g, Clever designs, beauty of colors ed to the fact that be bas consistently a' will appeal to your good taste in the Nanandtehgeto esae new Mllinery Openings at Dingmnan ethies. His writings bave always & Edmondatone's. displayed a high tone ,and even Mr. Wxn. Allin is temporarily filling tbougb tbey bave been confinedJ to.a bis former position as caretaker of once-a-week -publication they bave the Post Office while Mr. Russel Cand- bad a tremendous influence not only 1er is on bis vacation. in bis own communilty but tbrough- Wing Commander G. M. Croil, out the country at large. Mr. James Royal Ganadian Air Force, with fam- stuydeev0 Mth aycn ily is spending Sepytember at "The gratulations he is receivîng. Cove," Port Bowmanv-rlle. Mrs. W. McLelland, Hamilton, and Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Campbell, Grims- (Oshawa Daiiy Tmes) by, recently visited the former's sis-Th, Times e«tends hearty congratu- tes, Mrs. J H. Cryderman. lations to Mr. M. A. James, Senior c Tsinity congregation is to be fav- Editor ot The Canadian Statesman, Ft ored witb a visit from Rev. Richmond Bowmanville, on the occasion of com- p Craig of First Chuscb, Vancouver, B. pleting a full haîf century in the edi- C., on Sunday evening. Come and tor's chair. These felicitations are B bear hum. none the les& sincere because sligtX Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Hockridge, op- delayed by reason efthe--e extremis ville, (uee Ethel Werry), vit edEthei pressure attached to gettifig ont the aunt, Mrs. A. W. Piekard. and accom- Greater Oshawa Edition of The Times h panied Mrs. Piekard to Mr. Peter Mn. James. ia a man whom aIl bis e" Wright's funeral at Nestleton onFl i ell;;w editors wbo know him-and - fly.mont of them do-.delight to, honour.s Women's Hospital Auxiliary are Hia wise counsel, backed by bie owu <ý holding an afterneon t.ea and sale of consistent 1f e, have endeared him A home-made cooking in St. Paul's to Statesman readers for mauy, many - Scbool-room on Friday, September 14 years. Only eternity itselt will re- e, trmr 3 to 6 p. m. Public cordially veal the extent to which bis Influence c invitisi. Ms.AxB.regtn for good bas extended. Oshawa, were Sudygetot3r Our best wisb for the vetenan edit- v- and Mss. Geo. Wbstr Elgin st. or ou this juhilee occasion la that the C Mr. Creigbton recently pnrchased the evening of hie lite may he filled witb Luke Burial Co. business at Oshawa sunny hours and happy recollections, from Mr. A. A. Crowle. made possible by the consciousneea oft(t Mr. and Mss. F. G. Adams, Toron- %i lite devoted to the service of othersr to, announce the engagement of their and the satisfaction that bis beloved only daughter, Marjorie, and Mr. newspaper will be ably carried on by GeorgeS. Dowxîey, son of Mr. and George and Norman, bath worthy Mrs. Fred Downey, Bowmanville, the sons of a wortliy father. marriage te take place the latter part of September. Dr. J. Clark Bell was the speaker LAUNDRY WANTED at the weekly luncheoki of Bowmia-- AIU kinde of Iaundry work doue prompe- ville Rotary Club at tbe Balmoral ly, satisfactorily and at reasonable prIces WrIte Post Office Box 12. or cal Mr.. Hotel on Frîday. He seviewed the W. Manri , King St. E. Bawmanville. history of the medical profession from Phone 478W. B. C. Tumes up bo the trresent century ________ n a moat interesting and enlightening mannes. PEONY ROSES 161, pho.. 170. 51-tI STEAUSHIP TICKETSIl' C s il. xA. fAES To Euro1,s-Canedtan Pacifie, Wht. Star Dominion, Cunard, Âm.rica% «"WE SERVESttsa ffcYT usa ' a i Ask fer Information. Phono 53 Stauimn ifie.Bwmanvlfl.. BIRTHS ROGERS-In Bowmanville, on Tuesday, Septemnber 11, 1928, to Mr .and Mrs. Robt. Rogers, a daughter (Barbara May). GREENFIELO--On M.%onday, August 27, 1928. at MooseJaw. Sask., to Mr. and Mrs. Horace Greenfield (net Aurdee McCargar) a daughter (Audree Lois), great-grand- daughter of Mrs. William Hunter, New- castle, MIARRIAGES FRAN K-TURNER - In St. John's Rtectory, on Saturday, Septernber 1, 1928, by Rev. R. J. Shires, Arthur J. Frank and Victoria Ann. eldest daughter of Mrs. V. M4. Turner, both of Bopwsnanville. DOUGLAS-I-HUNTER-On Septemnber 1, 1928, at Ail Saints' Church, Toronto, by the Rev. J. Pepperdene, Amy, daughter of Mrs. Wni. Hunter ,Newcastle, Ont., to James A.. son of the late Major J.W. Douglas, lawyer, Shelburne (ntrip DUDLEY-TURNER-At the home o! thie bride's parents, on Saturday, Sept. 8th, 1928, by Rev. G. C. Lamont, Hazel Mîarguerite, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Turner, Green River, to Floyd Levi, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Dudley, ryrone. B EATTY-SANDOERSON-On Saturday, September 8th, 1928, in St. Paul's Pres- byterian Church, Peterboro, by Rev. G. 1. Crawv, assistefi by Rex'. 1H. B. Kenny. Helen Taylor, second daughter o! Mr. and Nîrs. J. H. Sanderson, and Rlussell Garnt Beatty, B.S.A., Hamilton, younger son of Nîrs. Beatty and the late J. G. Beatty, P'ort Hope. DEATHS WRIGHT-At Nestieton. on Wednesday, September 5th, 1928, Peter Wright, be.! loved husband of Annetta Veale, and second( son o! the late Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Wright, in his 7ilst year. Articles For Sale FOR SALE-Two Durham cows. APPlyI %V. T. Perritt. Hampton, phone 3 76-34.. 36-1 BARN FOR SALE-6) x 40 ft. 20 ft. posts. Phone Clarke 1902. Howell Row-1 ani, Newcastle R. R. 3. 37-2w' FOR SALE-Team of horses, 8 and 13i vears, wagon set double harness. Apply o A. E. Conway, Maple Grove, formerly i Mr. Seward's place, R. R. 3, Bownianville. 37-1wI FOR SALE-One Mlitchell gramlaphone, cabinet style, beautiful walnut finish, 35 records. This machine Is in first class condition. Bargain. Apply Ernest A. Jones. corner Brown and Wellington Sts., phone 289J. 37-tf HOMES MORE BEAUTIFUL--Our New llustrated Free Catalogue will assist you In selecting sultable Trees, Shrubs, Vines, toses, Etc., 70 years In operation. Write to-day. Star Nurseries, Ridgeville, On- tario. 35-12 Wanted APPLES WANTED-Any variety, also peelers and jam ap'ples. Highest prices paid. Phone J H. McEwen, Bowman- ville 133-2. 36-3w WANTED-General servant able to do ome cooklng. Good opportunity and good wages for a widaw or other suit- able person. Apply to the Crest House, Newcastle. 34-tf Building Lots For Sale BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE-On Odell St. Apply Mins M. Horsey, Bowmanvile. 37-4w' BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE-Three of the finest building lots In Bowmanville, on Liberty Street. North. Real bargainI 'or quick sale. Apply to Norman S. B. rames at Statesman Office. To Let GARAGE TO RENT-G--arage for one car to rent October lst. Apply to Mrs. Russell Hobbs, Lib>erty St. ,Bowmanville, phone 561. 37-tf FLAT TO RENT-Partly furnished. tooms to let, with or without board.1 M-s. Dinniweil, Silver St., Bowmanviile, phone 84. 37-2w' ROOMS TO RENT--Suitable for light housekeeping or an old lady's home, mod- ern convenlences. Apply Mrs. M. A. Coleman, Bowmanville. 35-tf i-bUSE TO RENT-Hopeland", Queen Street, BowmanvIlle, modern convenien- ces, In good condition, painted this year. Appiy (o G. Gale, Coîborne Ont. 37-tf WANTED TO RENT-A eniall furnish- *d house with aIl conv-eniences. good lo- cation; for short tume; three ad,,lte only. J.Harvey, Generai Delivery, Bowman- ville. 36-1wo FOR RENT-7 roomed house, modern conveniences, garage, Y4 acre ]and, good location, possession October let next. Newîy decorated Inside and out. .Apply o Mrs. Scobell, Insurance Agent, Bow- nanvile. 37-3 POTATOES FOR SALE. Dooley Potatoes grown from certi- fied seed2 free from any disease. Good sohid mealy Potatoes. Every bag guaranteed. Try a bag now before ordering your wînter sup- ply.- Delivered direct from grower to your cellar-for one week at $1.0M a nBa h Hardware rOU VIE"" Dingmlan & Eclmondstone's Fait Milli'nery Opening SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER l5th Here you will see the un*usual in Millinery supple- menting the newer and inost beautiful classique lines in head gear. ever produced for fali wear. HATS THAT 'SPELL THE LAST WORD IN AUTUMN CHIC STYLES There are amail shapes that hug the head--sonie- thing entirely new in their conception. Then you will also find Matron's Hats with large or smail head sizes. You Are Invited to Inspect This Faîl Display Without Obligating Yourself in Any Way. Dingman & Edmondstone MILLINERS TO PARTICULAR PEÔPLE BOWMAN VILLE Getting Ready for Big FaIl and Winter Business Extensive alterations are stili going on in our store, but in a few days we will announce our opening with a brand new stock of Coats and Dresses. It will be THE LITTLE SHOPPE WITH THE NEW STOCK In which we will specialize in: Coats Knitted Wear Dresses Lingerie Skirts Hosiery Gloves Flowers Dresa Accessories It will be worth your while to wait to see our new stock before buyinz vour fail and winter wearing apparel. CLARENCE S. MASON N.xt Dooor to F. F. Morris Co. PHONE 161 BOWMANVILLE Seasonabie Savings In Men's and Boys' Wear Thursday - Friday - Saturday Mens and Young Me n's Navy Blue Suits at $25.0 A wonderful showingo~f Navy Blue ail Wool Botany Serge Suits3, also fine hair line stripes in Worsteds, double and single breasft- ed models. A suit you can be proud to wear, Specially Priced For Quick Selling kt Only $25.00 Men's Tweed Raincoats or Top Coat at $7.45 A splendid Fall Coat, in shades of Brown, Grey and Heather, with patch pockets, with or without belts, with a heavy qualîty rubber lining. Thoroughly waterproof. A raincoat and over- coat combined. Specially Priced to Clear at $7.45 Each Men's Seperate Trousers at $1.95 25 pair go on sale Thursday morning. In shades of Brown, Grey and Sait and Pepper designs. In Tweeds and Worsteds. Ail sies. Vaines that were $2.50 to $3.50, On Sale $1.95 Each Boys' Bloomer Pant Suits at $4.95 Navy Blue also Grey and 'Brown Tweeds and *Worsteds, withi pair bloomer pants, values up to $8.50 and $9.00, TBGICHRIST DiV.otly Opp<.its Baik sof «Mbitrol Phone 61, Bowmanville 1