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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Sep 1928, p. 6

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PAGE SIX EVERY MONTH MANY WOMEN Tako ZUTOO Tablets and are tmo of the Grtping Pain and SIck Headachei. q,:ad what is. Wr 8~s dvcyour sample o a2b- jeta, and took theinsfur "Mavrpin (mocthly) and headacht. Ât th. ced of se minutes I wua enttrely fr«el c pain and experenced no mo.e thrughout the per"od1 luffera 1 Yrea t d >m etimet med 1001 grtefLtut I bave a remcdy pUch afforda qulck reffle. RerB ora ~te 1cM shocud know abo t Zo fubIoamandwhat *My w iii do Mia. ALLEN WRJ IT, fultw, Ou& TAKE ZUTOO "HEIPED ME WONDERFUIIY" Woman Strengthened by Taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Port Coîborne, Ont.-"After baving an opration, 1 wau very miserabi 1 nervousn ork. I saw Lydia able Compound dvertised and ' ed t and believe t .~hlped me won- - ~ erfully.I have no ore, the pamn .have bot me and i nerves are much in saying Lydia E. Pinkbam's medi.- ines bave belpednme wonderfully" Mas. WM. H. BEECHTELLF, Box l«, Port Coiborne, Ont, It May Be llI(ent When #our W9 Children Ciy for it Catrais a comfort wben Baby is fretful. No sooner taken than the little one is ai. case. If rostlesa, a few drops soon bring contontment. No barm done, for Castoria la a baby rernedy, meant for babies. Perfectly safe to give the youngest infant; you bave the doctors' word for that! It is a vegetabbe pr. duct, and you could use t every day. ~u it's in an emergency that Castoria means mnosi.. Seme night when constipation musi. ho relieed-or colic pains-or other sufforing. Nover ho wflbout it; somo mothors keep an extra bottie, un- penod, o make sure there will always hoCastoria in the bouse. It is effective for oider children, oo; read the book that cernes wth t. CoT0 IA THERE la nothing that lias ever taken Aspirins placie as an antidote for pain. It is safe, or physicians wouldnt use it, aad endorme its use by others. Sure, or several million usera would have turned te sometbing cIsc. But get the real Aspirin (at any drugstore) with Bayer on the box, and the word gcnui>me printed in red: IBLACKSTOCK Miss Emma Henders of Janetviib visited Miss F. Parr. Mrs. Rober. Hamilton visited reh tives in Toronto. Mrs. Meredith Thompson spent few days in Toronto. We are vory sorry Vo lbain o! th serious ilîness o! Mrs. Robt. McNall3 Miss Vera Forder, Torento, is vi. iting ber mother, Mrs. John Fordi Mrs. John Latremoule and famil) Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. Jol- Carter. Eva Pari bas returned horn after spending ber vacation witbh h parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robi.. Parr. Miss Bessie Fee, Omemee, bas re turned home after visiting ber grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Archer. Mr. Reg. Sutton, Orono, Miss Fran ces Elford, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fer guson spont Labor Day ai. the Ex hibition. M essrs. John Smith, Thomas ani Mau rice Barten, Mrs. M. Smith ari Mrs. T. Smith, spent Sunday ai. Mr Douglas Barton's. Helen and Moorey Waldon, Tor cno, and Donald and Franklin Lamb Lindsay, have returned bomne afte bolidaying at Smith Bros. Mr. L. H. Cook, formerly of th( Bowmanviile Higb Scbool staff, visit cd with Rev. and Mrs. P. G. Powel previeus te icaving for Stirling, wbcî( lie is Principal o! Stirling Higb Schoo A. Y. P. A. o! St. John's Churci accepted the vcry kind.invitation ci Rcv. W. E. Costelie te a picnic at i. b beautiful summer home aV Scugog the Anglican Young Peoýple's summei re.sori.. Sofîbaîl gaine between Blaci- stock and Scugog resulted in a scor( 13-7 in favor of the latter. About sixty sat clown Vo supper. The sportý wcre as follows: Song race-Billic Castelle and Miss Alice Growder; Paper race-Clifford Hyland and Annie Hamilton; Tug-of-war-Black- stock vs. Scugog ladies, won by forai er; Tug-of-war-Blackstock vs. Scn- gog mon ,won by former. A very ploasant and much enjoyed aftcrnoon and eveniag were hrought te a close by a hearty vote o! tbaaks being tend- ered Mr. Castelle for bis kind invi- tation and splendid hespitality. Much credit is due Rev. and Mrs. Powell, who are entbu.iastic workers in the A. Y. P. A., for making the picnie a nenjoyablo and succcssful evont. CARD 0F THANKS Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Noon and !amnily, Nestieton. desire te expiess through theso columns, their sincere appreciatien o! the many remembran- ces, words and cheer and kind deeds bestowed upon hemn by their many friends and relatives during Mr. Nlýoon's recent iliness. RAJLWAY TrIME TABLE CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAY 4.22 a. 8.39 a. 2.02 P. 7.11 p. 7.56 p. 8.27 p. 8.42 a. . 9.13 a. m. 10.14 a. m. 1.322P. M. 2.46 6.14 9.58 p.r. i1.24 (S'anc1ard Tirtie> GOING WEST m. DatIy n. Daily except Sunday m. Daily except Sundays m. Daiiiy m. Suncisys OnIv m. Daily except Sundaya GOING EAST Dal1y excerit Sunday Sundaya Only DatIy DaIIy except Sunday Daily Datiy except Sunday DaiIy Daily CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY (Sta~ndar-d Timne) GOING WEST 5.30 a. rn. Daily 8.20 a. m. Daily except Sunday. 4.20 p. m. Daily 7.18 p. m. DaiIy GOING EAST 10.19 a. n. DalIy. 2.22 p. m. Daiiy 8.25 p. m. Daily oxdept Sunday. 11.27 p. m. Daily. Assam, the. native home of the tea bush, produces teas which are famned the world over for their strength, rich- micas and flavor. The superior and distinc- tive quality of Red Rose Orange Peko. is Iargely due to these fine quality Assaam teas, of which it is chiefly composed. Every package guaranteed. 7-E CGas in the Stomachl Hurts the Heart' Gas Pressure fromn a Sour, Acid, Upset Stomacb is net >nly bigbly un- comfortable, but some day may pr-ove fatal! When your meals nre followed by bloating, a feeling o! fulîness and pains around the Hear-z-you may be sare that STOMACH GAS is pusbing and crowding upwards. That's the r -.ion for +Fe sbortness, e! bre-ath and sharp, shooting pains To quickly banisb this Gas, neut- ralize the acidity and cleanse and sweeten the stomacb-nothing is roi.- ter thah the simple use of Bisurated Magnesia <powder or tabiotai, which zives almnost instant relief Pleasant, hirmle.-s and inexpensive Bisurated Magresia has heen used and rceorn- miended hy Doctors and Druggists for More than fifteen years. Any good, oirt4[gist cao supply yen try t te- day! THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1928 CLARKE TOWNSHIP COUNCIL ORONO teaching staff: Continuatbin Scbný11,I 1___ ___ J. M. Simpson, Lakefield, Miss G. le, Meeting of Clarke Council was beld (From The News of September 6th)I Ferrier, Kincardine and Miss Muiiel at Orono September 4th., with Reeve Mr. Calvin Hamni is teaching ai. Cole','Columbus. Public School: La- M. J. Holman presiding and niembers Crooked ýCreek this year. Miss Kate Poster, Bowrnanville, Miss ail present except Councillor Couch. Ms ayBwnsetacul Mariorie Adams, Omemee a CunesCekgvnoiefth of weeks with friends in Ottawa. Mr. and Mrs. Albert E. Odeil of admission of Mrs. Mary Foreman to1 Rochester, N*. Y., with their son-in- heOshawa General Hospital.1 Mr. George Armstrong and ýfriend law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Ter- -le D. J. Gibson was appointed collect- o e ok pntteweeda.rauit, visited Orono Sunday. Mr. lY. or of rates for 1928. his parents' here. Odell ia a son of James OdelI who is- Clarke Agrîcultural Society was Mr. and Mrs. W~illiami Staples spenti sed away very suddenly in January r. granted permission to (police Park St. the past week with their son, Mr. El- IL .He atated iV was 20 years since ,,o n both days of Orono Fair, October mo Staples, Toronto. i bis last visit wben hie spent a few ln2 and 3. Mrs. Ridout and family, Toronto, weeks here with bis grandparents, the Bills were passed and paid: spent the past week with bier aunt, late Mr. and Mrs. Henry Odeli. Hydro Power Commission, Mrs. James Hunter. Tbe Oil of Power.-It is flot dlaim- e lightn' for al.......... 2.5 Miss Charlotte Ellingbam, A.T.C. ed for Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oul that er n Work men 1928p. .oard, se- 5 M., and sister, Miss Lillie, Cooksville, it will rensedy every iii, but ts uses J.oHndypaySent,1928.......67.5 visited at Mrs. Roy's. are se various that it may be looked e- for Forestry plot.......... 73.20 Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Inch and fani- upon as a general pain killer. It bas i-W. A. Bowen, furnishing light ily, Weston, spent the weekend at ber achieved that greatnses for itself and and service Bowen's bridge, fathers, Mr. S. M. Billings. its excellence is known to al who bave Ln R 1926............12.00 Miss Jo Armstrong and friend of tested its virtues and learned by ex- - r- ~ .Wocrtkr....2.50 Syracuse, N .Y., are visiting ber par- perience. :X .Cuttell, extra pages voters' ents, Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Armstrong. Mr. Oswald Cowan made a decided1 lists and advertising .... ...67.00 Miss Mary Somerville and friend, bit in tbe show ring at the C. N. E. A. Manning, boîts for bridges 9.50 Miss Doris Foster of Bowmnanville,iwith bis fine ýpacing mare. Douglas id E. Haig, 17 loads gravel. ..1.70 motored to Lake Simcoe for a ten Eppes, writing in tbe Toronto Tele-î id John Henry, Road Supt. Aug. 79.00 days' outing. gram says:- "Hazel H., a smart rJohn Henry, Road Ac., Aug. 469.55b Counil djounedto ctobr 2d.,for the big fair at Orono, having pur- written al over bier, was placedJo.Cusn eettfe60 r ir;oe i etn nln rwnmr ihqaiyad st Couciladjurnd t Ocobe 2n.,chased the bîgh price team owned by in the pacer class, one of the out- )r- at 10 a. m. standing barness events on the even- b, A. J. Staples, M. J. Halman, Mr. Albert Scott,.n prograin at the Hoirse Show in the er Tp. Clerk. Reeve. No need to sufer witb ens r oCliseuni Temaei ondb run the crs r jTemr sondb risk of paring tbem. Remove Owl oa fOoo n. n DARINGON OUNIL them surely and painlessly with Hol-se ade oa sndid sowint.wbn he ALIGO CUCL loway's Corn Remnover. permitted to pace freely. There t- Dr. and Mrs. Fred Marstellar, ac- xwere a riumber o! excellnt pacing Il1 Regular meeting of council wass companied by Mr. Jim Caîhous of kings and queens in this coTmpetîtion, e field at Hampton on September 7, Stamnford, Conn., were guests of Mr. but the winner was unmistakably the 1l witb members ail present ,Reeve C. A. Orm Gamsby this week. pick of the bunch and the verdict of Wight presiding.RoetRnik h a ona ugsWorfadClaut Barrister Joseph P. Mangan, B. A., RortRnik hwabonaJugs odrfadCoactws fOshawa, on behaîf of the Dixon Orono in August, 1838, died at Maple greeted with a wild outburst of popu- I Gavl &Sad G.,comlaned toPark, III., on July 24Vh. Mrs. Bal- lar aproval". 9, condition of Town Line bcten tlagb 15 a niece of deceased. A uo ei.D.Toa'E- r Whitby and Darlington and stated Miss Marierie Colville and Mrs. lectrie 011 is noV a jumble of edi k- that bis clients were claiming dam- Roy and daughter, Margaret, metor- cinal substances thrown together and re ages suffered to their trucks, bass of ed Vo IBeavexton and . visited theirofe à [t time ,and other expenses. Clerk re- cousin, Mrs. Ronald McKay. pusbed by avdertising, but the resultý ported that hie had advised Mr. Man- Mr. LodTule-tdn f of the careful investigation of the Lloyd ruli ex-stdent qualities of certain euls az ap-, le gan that that portion of road on Town Orono Scbool, who bas been holding le otehua oy Vi 1Line complained of, was under the down a job in Osbawa lately, will re- rare combination and it won andkp id supervision and control of East Whit- sume studies at Queen's, Kingston.1 public favor from the first. A trial kby.1 Mrs. M. Breslin entered the Gen-1 of it will carry conviction Vo any who ri- Barrister W. Ross Strike, Bowman- eral Hospital, Toronto, wbere she wil> doubt its power to repair and heal. aville, on bebaîf of Mr. Robert Col- undergo a critical operation. Friends 'Y lacoti. complained as Vo a broken down bere will wish her a speedy recovery. n culvert on the road fronting bis pro- MrD.JGisnwse-pite 3e perty. Clerk was instructed to clMer. o!J.ats n a es api.te write Mr. Strike as Vo the location ofîast etin of roteTownsditaCouncil.he said culvert. Is etn fTwsi oni.H h James Curtis, School Attendance was tbe onîy applicant for the posi-. Officer, gave bis report for April, May tien. le and June, wbich was approved. Mr. Ephraim Wbite, Sixth Line, is ic Road SupV. Richards reported tbat suffering froni blood poi3ening wbich be had investigated Town Line be- developed from an abrasion ef the twenMnesadDrigo and skin on the first finger of the right oudthat the part of road complain- ad ed ýof as being eut of repair was no Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gillies and under the control o! Manvers Town- family inotored inte town Sunday, dship in accordance with agreement re- and spent an heur or two with lier cently arrived at between the two cousin, Mr. A. J. Leigb, and other lTownships. friorîds bere. -e W. Hoskin Smitb mado a requesi. Mr. John MeRae bas retired as ac- i#mQ» ý JI 1- for wire fence bonus. Referrod Vo countant at the Orono Creamery, af- LdJJL.Ud 18 Read Supt. er four years of efficient and faith- y By-law was passed Vo levy rates fui service, being'succeeded by bisANJ V1' IO la given i for taxation for year 1928 as follows: son, John, Jr. the largest chais n ra Counties' rate .01224; Township rate Mr. F. W. Bowen, M.P., was in of Ontario an~d Queber. .006; Cement Bridge rate .002; Gen- Ottawa last week whore be met Vb ise b Or growîi, ban been made by eral Scbool rate .0M~69. Empire delogates, comprising leading Proyed ihat "Where quality Comnts" tan, By-law was passod appointing L. T. mon from tbo different nations of the Pascoe for Tax Collecter for year Commonwealth. W. Invite yOu to share ini our AnnlIveaa 1928. Mr. Robert Max-tyn of Oshawa, ac- irIry OVER1 Tesrracknowledg-ed receipts as companied b is twe nieces and nep- 17,500,000 Loaves of'Taty" Bread made Treaosurer fCevln, ho seta7,500,000 Butter eaeh year. Radio Station (CKGW), bw !Ceead bo pn coulIe o! days this week witb bis son, We employ 550 Managera and 1,400 Cler work on road........... $ 152.13 Mr. W. J. Martyn. vised by Superintendentu who are const Bank of Montreal, note .... 6100.00 Arthur ýBîight, an outstanding bani- over rapidly in the utores, ensuriag ourc N. F. MacNachtan, calcium- they have gafned by experiepce to the m chleride, Hampton ....... .126.25 one singer and musical diroctor, and N. F .MacNachtan, calcium- a former Orono boy, died suddonly in These Superintendenta do not cone loto chloride. Ennîskillen..125.07 Wellesley Hospital, Torento, o! ap- Ization, and la their honor we vili stagej D. Burgmaster, calcium- pondicitis, at the age o! 55 year-.. the objeel of which ia for eacb group of M chloride, Enniskillen . ... 62.54 Mr. Isaac Winter îeft îasV week for slare on.g valande prhe Spe ne L. T. Pascoe, taxes 1927.... 222.70 Mountainside, Man., te spend a few The doaccg al ur aage r depena Orders were drawn on Treasurer weeks on bis large farma there, and TSPcECIA Ro f ORaTgrs dpnSALou T.sH RichrdsokPrv-visit old friends witb whom lbe was DomiIon ICSFO IStAe orrg L Epatog as H. Rchas,: kPrv-associated for a numnber o! yearsDoionSre u ega ptng, dence Cemetery........ $ 9.80 wbile farming in that district. T. H. Richards, salary and Miss Editb M. Sberwin, Deaconess office .................. 121.87 AI-People's Mission, Wininipcg, Man., T. H. Richards, Road Con- after a Vwo inontbs' visit. witb ber struction............... 225.70 brother bere, Mr. Rnbt E. Sberwin, j T. H. Richards, Road Main- le! t for bomý,e on August 29th, bier tenance................. 1191.89 brother acconapa.nymng bier as far asl T, H. Richards, cernent brid- Toronto.I ges and material........ 2447.58 Many mothers can testify Vo the Municipal Werld, blank virtue o! Mother Graves' Worm Ex-I fo-ms................... .86 terminator, because they know froni Chas. W. Hastings, placard-j experience how useful it is. erm t eu e e1 tre în L.B o H....... 1.50, Mr. H. Junker bas sold bis fine roeIly ouut . ever M. A. James & Sons, advt. residence ony Connaugbt St., Oshawa, d00 ~ L. B .of H. ............... 2.50 whicbh e bad just erected and intend-2 F. R. Kerslake, disinfeci.- ed occupying the middle of Augusi. Tasty ants L. B. of H........... 11.70 asat. A substantial advance on the Dr. H. Ferguson, M. O. H. . . 45.00 money invested, however, induced r oaf e D. Burgmaster, calcium- hi ,chnebs id red 8j chloride, Enniskillon .... 125.07 hmV hnebsmd ____________ R. Avery, calcium-chloride, Conquers Astbma. To be relieved Hampon ... _...... 12.25from the terrible suffocating due Vo W. R. Wcstlake, adv. T. S., shaia ra hnbtobeB kn P w r S. S. No. 14............. 125.00 safe-guardod for the future is evenCO KS D IN Council adjourned te Sattirday greator. NoV only does Dr. J. D.C K DM October 6 at 1 o'clock p. m Kellogg's Astisma Remedy bring R E D RA < W. R. Allin, Township Clerk prompt relief, but it introduces a new I M PA _____era of life for the afficted. Systematic " 1-1 YO AK O HNCS inbaling e! smoke or fumes from theTi 290 Ti. 23 YOU AKE O CHNCES remedy prevents re-attacks and often F'or the. Information of our emt- effects a permanent cure. On* Cab* T7n Given Pee ornera we wlah Vo Inform them that The following students of Orono the artificial le we aell la abaciatelyl Continuation School will complete YDoeAR e: 1fdd Galle 400 pure and may b. uaed wlth ufetyltheir course, Senior Matriculation, at IuBaa a he 5 in drinklng water or beverages. Thisa Bowmanvîlle Higb School: Misses URR IG P'.Z tact la verified by Dr. W. H. Bfrks., Margaret Dickson, 'Bertha Cain, Dor- ZINC RINGS Dow. 2« *why Dr. Southworth's URATAIS givo such wonderfui satisfaction. Made from a special formula and used in the Docter's successful private practice for neariy 50 years--URA- TABS, now obtainabie !rom your druggist for inoxpensife homo use, have hrought quick help and consfori. te manv thousands. No matter wbat your age may ho or how many mediclîses you have uaed jwithout succosa, if you want vo forget you have a Bladder and injoy the rosi. o! peaceful, unbroken %Ieep, Vry URATABS today. Your drmggi4t will refund the qmail cost if you are net well pie&'sed. Heaith cannot ho iooked for in the child that is subject Vo worms, be- cause worms destroy healtis by creating internai disturbances i.hat retard de'velopment and cause sorieus weakness. Mii'er's Worm Powders oxpel worms and are qe heneficial inI their action that the systema o! the littie sufferers are restored Vo healtb- fulnesa, ail the discomoforts and dang- ers o! worm infection are reinoved, and satisfactory growtb la assured. Orono Continuation and Pnblic School re-opened Tuesday lat with the usuai large attendanceofo! tud- enta. The following comprise the Teas of finer quallty are umchanged In price. An avalanche of the cheaper grades has made possible a slight reduction ln that class of tea. ilo Vaam& 8"u E&GLE BRAND CONDENSED MILK FR!! OOES on thse rare and feeding of infants. Write THP BORDEN COMIPANY LrNUE, MOWrZAw Re-roofthis Year with RIB-ROLL the Permanent Roofing for Barns, Houses, Sheds LOW in initiai cost . .. cornes in big shoote-easy and qu.ick Vo Iay. .. permanent... leak-proo!.. handsome in appearance. Pro- vents fires ... increases value of property. Made of famous «Council Standard" galvanized aheets. Give aize of roof for free estinsate. Write to: ýostern .S te rdu PRESTON. ONT. Successor Vo Metal Shingle anmd Siding Co. LUI. his week to the public to qhare ln th. 9th Anolversary celebrations of the ion of Dominion Stores Umiied. In nine short years we have grown ta b. ln the Dominion (cf Canada), operating 550 stores throughout the Provinces r the consistent tupport cf hundreils cf ihousanda of hous-!wlves who have ind "Personal Service" are thetiwe necessary attributes te "R,eI Value." ary Sale tbis week. Here are aone SALE figures. Do vou know "e se.9 de at our tbree bakeries. 1.500,000 Ibs, of Tea each vear. 2,900.000 lbs. Mayfield Baron and 30.000.000 Eggs. 'ki to give our cua;tomers PERSONAL SERVICE, and their efforts are super- stantly Ieoking after our customera' interests. seeing that gonds are turned customera gettiog goods ln perfect condition, impartlng the knowledge that managers and clerks, go that they can improve ibeir service to the publie. * direct contact with our customera, but they formi a vital p-irt cf our organ- *a Superintendents' Week cf Sales. in coojuriction witb our 9th Anniversary. Mlanagers Io try te put their Superiotendeni ai cf the liai as for as tandenta wbose managera are successfui in putting ibis sale over for them. we on the respome obiain.d from our cuatom'era. We are iberefore offering i partîcipate in the savinga by placlng your grocery order at the nearest re, if we do ot mlrendy enjcy IL wifl surely fntlow candy Dp.ebaI Fo1ly Squares lM. 29o Above is a picture of our TELA PLANT, vis.,. o,., 115000 Mle are packed yealy. Anniversary Sale Prices D.S.L. 1Du& m-b.49,@ Dominlb. 590 UBl~ 9 SHORTENINO flemeatie or B.fflmw P3 051. p .5 u;*530 Hueban Hleiinga 'rMn 250 Clark'. Ketebup Dot. ait GrayeoCefe 6Pomti,os Campbeila CLARX'a SOVJP Beans Pen or Tomato With Pok 21iU250 -rima 23o 52oMATCHES 3 D INDIAN - STATION1 LND GARAGE Bowmnanville CYCLO MOTOR FUEL No Carbon No Knocks No Chemicals More Power More Miles-Try a Tank O. M. L. OFFICIAL STATION-EMERGENCVr ROAD SERVICE A Tea of Fluer Quality ysly output e of ci, esceeds 1,500,000 IbI. Aufetm2 aePk DR 4ZID MAYFIED lb. c" Poultry Wanted Pay hîghest cash prîce. Don't selI tilI you see me. 1. Stein Phono 8i whitby AGENTS FOR:- RED INDIAN MOTOR QILS MARATHON HI-TEST GAS SEIBERLING ALL-TREAD TIRES RAYBESTOS BRAKE SERVICE GENERAL AUTO REPAIR SHOP Afiýj

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