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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Sep 1928, p. 7

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£HE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILL.E, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1928 PG EE MORE THAN TWO MILLION PEOPLE '77ave ?"ought- 13013E BR.OTHERS MOTOR CARS And new tbousands of Dodge Brothers ewners are joining these mnilions every week. Production and sales continue steadily to mouint. -Dodge Brothers vast and imposing factory resources continue to expand. Faith in the integrity and progressive genius of Dodge Brothers continues to entrench itself more deeply than ever in the public con- sciousness. lt becomes increasinglv evident that Dodge steadily projecting itself into astLi more illustrious future. A good naine becomes better still with every motor car that is shipped from Dodge Brothers Works. -~ Style bas joined hands -with dependability, ini the swift advance of Dodge quality to higher and ever higher levels. Dodge Brothers three great Sixe-The Stand- ard, The Victory and The Senior-exemplify today the loeicaI and brimfant flowering Of. those sturdy ideals ou wbich Dodge Brothers Works was founded fourteen years &go. WM. J. CHALLIS, HATELY'S GARAGE-Service and Headquarters Temperance St. Bowmanville This Ever Happen To You ? A child at play, runs directly in to the Path of your car. Shocked breathless, you jain On the brakes. Thank God-you didn't hit him. BUT-supPosing you had? Though cleared of blamne, nothing to prevent that child's parents from usuing you for heavy damages! And then-the possibility that it might take your LAST DOLLAR to either defend yourself orý "PAY UP,,!1 LIABILITY INSURANCE proteets you in such a criais! Competent attorneys defend your interesta and aIl cote are paid by the Insurance CompanYl For complet* information consult J. J. MASON 8& SON Real Estate and Insurance Brokers Phone 50 King St. E. Bowmanville 0f Interest To You If You Deair*e Solid Comfort Next Winter and at the Lowest Price Place your order now for De L. & W. Scranton Coal The Standard Fuel for ail Cooking and Heating Equipment Until further notice prices will be Egg, Stove, Nut Sizes $15,00 per ton; Pea $ 12.50. Aiberta-Cole (RosedalerLump).........$14.00i SPhone 15 CSok's R.gulating Compound A Mi. .abte r.gslime ~ m.din.. old in thieecde. o. 283; o. 8 85pur bot; Sodbýy DU d ioulta, or san arepid ,on r=. t f ric. m e pmphlet. A",sg THE COOK M EDICINEC06, Bownmnville WOD's PHOSPHODINE.1 7We Great Englîsh Preparatian. T:ones andd nvgorates t he whole nervous systent. makes ncw Blood in cid Veins. Used for Nertous Lou qr PalpiationOl to, 5.9Sli by aiildm ito adi li HAMPTON SCHOOL FAIR Central Darlingzton School Fais at Hampton, Sept. 7th.-Bethesda Schoal Win& Shield Grain and Corn Wheat, 1 qt.-Harry Winterburn, Wesley Werry, Lloyd 1Hoar. Wheat, Sheaf-George Werry, Har-y Winterburn, Wesley Werry, Lloyd Hoar. Oats, 1 qt.-Bruce Clarke, Perey Westlake, Gordyn Brent. Oats, Sheaf-Bruce Clarke, Percy Westlake, Gordyn Brent. Barley, 1 qt.-Elias Greenaway, Tom Baker, Frank Westlake. Barley, Sheaf-Elias Greenaway, Tom Baker. Ensilage Corn-Maurice Baker. Sweet Corn-Mary Cameron, John Rundle, Harold Balson, Violet Petley, Vers Fisher. Vegetables Potatoes, Green Mountain-John Foster, Gordon Phillips, Ruth Col- will, Anna Wallace, Frank Comly, Ruby Bloomer. P.otatoes, Irish Cobbler-Elwood Shackelton, Russell Hardy, Bruce Tink, Charlie Foster, Ethel Moorey, Percy Werry. . Mangels-Jack Cowling, Audrey Ayre, Ruby Colwill, Betty Knox, Ernest boar. Turnips-Roscoe Baker, Thos. Westlake, Eva Johns, Neil Yellowlees, Harold Barron. Beets-Wanda Clarke, Mary Mill- son, Alden Hoar, Jas. Smales, Gwen- lolen Hepworth, Vera Marlin. Carrots-Eileen Stainton, Thelma Robbins, Aima Rundie, Ted Johns, THzel McEown, Audrey Cowling. Psnips-Marj orie Couch, Bloyd MuiicoSxttCharle Rundie IsabellE RogersMrie1 cot, arlon Balson, Onions-Evelyn Milrson, Jacksor Wray, Louise Baker, Ileen Balson, Kenneth Rundle, Grace Yellowlees. Furipkîn-Mariorie Couch, Lele Wpl'h, Loi-ne Foster, Elmer Strutt ML.-iwir Cryderman, Gordon Brent. l'oinatoes-Frank Westlake, To7i We.itl.tke, Jean Milison. Lloyd Hoar Mi.rie White. Aldin Hoar. Cabbage-Eva Johns, Hazel Me. Eown. Audrey Ayre, Percy Westlake Thos. Westlake, Ruby Parker. Flowers Sweet Peas-Florence Burns, Lloy< Hoar, Mildred Andrus, Mary Strong Nelson gobbins, Luther Pascoe. Asters-Bloyd Wilcx, John Run dle, Jean Stainton, Annie Stainton Edgar Cator, Gwendolen Hepworth. Zinnia-Marjorie Couch, Jas Smales, John Stainton, Eva Johns Mary Hepworth, Ruby Bloomer. African Marigold-Gordyn Brent Gerald Balson, Ernest Horn, Grac, Yellowlees. French Marigold-Elwood Shackel ton, Evelyn Tink, Bryon Nesbitt, Toin Olsen, Elsie Flint. Calendula-Ethel Moorey, Jacksoi Wray, Jessie, Yellowlees, Normai Yellowlees, Jean Millson, Violet Pet ley. Salpiglossis--Eileen 8tainton, Dei is Cryderman, Fannie Sinales, Ma: Westlake, lBeatrice Cator, Hele Knox. Cosmos-Anna Wallace, Jean Ho garth, Muriel Baker, Alma Rundît Neil Yellowlees. Poultry Cockerel, Barred Plymouth Rock- Leslie Welsh, Harvey Parker, luthe Pascoe, Vera Kerslake, Lela Welsh. Pullet, Barred Plymouth Rock- Leslie Welsh, Harvey B-alson, Rub Parker. Pen ;B. P. Rocks-Christa Olser Lela Welsh, Leslie Welsh, Harve Balson, Luther Pascoe, Beryl Thoml son. 2 Hens, froin eggs -iupplied in 192 -Elwood Shackelton, Mildred Anc rus,, Vera Kerslake, Lela Welsh. Live Stock Colt--Mtildred Andrus. Caîf, Beef-Maurice Baker, Rosco Baker, Gordon Brent. Caîf, dairy heifer-Toni Olsei Mildred Andrus. Market Lamb-Audrey Ayre, Goi don iBrent, Tom Baker, Gordon Fishe Mildred Andrus. Bacon bog-To>m Olsen, Apple& Spys-Lela Welsh, Elwood1 Shaci elton, Maurice Baker, Tom Bake Bert Foster, Gordon Brent. Snows-Tomn Olsen, Lela Welsl Tom Baker,-Maurice Baker. Talman Sweets-Lela Welsh, Toi B;aker, Percy Werry, Bert Fcster, E Wood Shackelton, iLorne Foster. Mclntosh-Lorne Foster, T-om Bal er, Bert Foater, Elwood Shackeltoi Maurice Baker, Lela Welsh. Wealthy-Lela Welsh, Gordoc Brent, Bert Foster, Lloyd boas, E wood Shackelton, Percy Werry. Kings-Marion Honey, Elwor Shackelton, Howard Milîson, Le Welsh. Golden Russets-Marie White, Do is Collacott, Gordon Brent. Wèlsh, Lela Welsh, Marjorie Conc B.aldwins-Lela Welsh, Marjor Couch, Lloyd Hoar, Ber-t Foster. Pe ey Werry, Maurice Baker. Assorted- Fruit-Gi-don Bren Lloyd Hoar, Ruby 'Bloomer, Jol Rundle, E!wood Shackelto-n, Ald Andrus. Kitchen Apron-Gladys Yellowle, Marion Honey Jean Milîlson, Evet 'Yellowlees, Mildred Andrus, Eti Moorey. Guest Towel-Marion Honey, Ru Bloomer, Mildred Andrua. Patch on Grain Sack-B111e Pai k_ er, Gordyn Brent, Tom Osen, Ren- r, neth Rundle, Clifford Martin, John h, Manual Training Bird House-Lloyd Hoar, Aldin C 1 n Hoar, Tom Olsen, Kenneth R undle, Downer Parker, Bert Foster. Hay Rack-Aldin Hbar, Lloyd k- Hoar, Tom Olsen, [Bert Foster. ri, Rope Halter-John Rendie. Window Stick-Charlie Rundie, )nPercy Werry, Harold Potter. I Nature Collection& >d Weeds-Gordyn Brent, Kenncth hfRundle,, John Rundie, Lloyd Hoar, Annie Stainton, Mildred Andrus. !'Woods-Kenneth Rundie, Tomo-1 ie sen, John Rundle, Maurice Baker, I. George Werry, Mildred Andrus. îe Insects-Lorne Foster, Lloyd Hoar, r-Gordyn Brent, Jean Stainton. Weed Seeds-G<ordyn Brent, Mil- t dred Andrus. in Drawing Poster-Ruby Bloomier, Gordyn Brent, Lloyd Hoar, Aldin Hoar, John 'Y Rundie. Mildred Andrus. va Map of Durham-Lloyd Hoar, ýn- Ruby Bloomer, John Rundle, Gordyn Brent,' Tom Olsen, Maurice Baker. ns Drawing showing if e history of es onborer-Lloyd Hoar, Christa 01- sen, George Werry, Maurice Baker, ,n Gladys Yellowlees, Dorothy Wonna- yn cOtt. W- School Parade-Hampton, Solina, Mitchelîs Corners, Bradleys. Y, 'Physical Culture-Hanmpton, So- an lina, Salemi, Mitchelîs Corners, Beth- ph essda. W- Public Speaking-Jean Milîson, da Lloyd Hoar. en School Chorus> Singng-Solina, Bradleys, Hampton. in The Shield, awarded to the schooli ie winning the highest average numberi of points per pupil was won by S. S. No. 10, Bethesda. rie Directors in charge-Doris Colla- rcott, Salem; Christa Olsen, Betheada; Florence tBurns, Hampton; Pearl in Flintoif, Mitchelîs Corners; Evelyn Milîson, Bradleys; Howard Milîson, ,t,l Bakers; Evelyn Tink, Solina. eAutumnTerm n each of Shaw's Twelve Sehoola hel is now oen. You niay enter any dyurriculum mailed on re- iby quest. Write 1180 IBay St., Tor- r.onto, te W. R. Shaw, Regitrar. MAPLE GROVE SCHOOL FAIR 1 South Darlington School Fair, Helci at Maple Grave, September 6th-Pro. vidence School Win& Shielci j Grain and Corn Wheat, 1 quart-Wilbur Blackburn. Wheat, sheaf-Wilbur Blackburn. Oats, 1 quart-Bruce Muir, Lewis Rundie, Winnie Gibson. Oats, sheaf-Bruce Muir, Winnie Gibson, Lewis Rundie. Barley, 1 quart-Bobbie Gibson. Barley ,sheaf-B-obbie Gibson. Ensilage Corn-Grace Truil, San- dy Muir, Brenton Rickard. Ross Law, Raymond Barber. Thornton Anderson. Sweet Corn-Robert Barber, BobI Snowden, Walter Shortt ,Roy Ashton, Dorotby Snudden. - Vegetables Potat>oes, Green Mountain-Rosap Balson, Violet Crago, Leslie Kinsman,1 Mary Clemence, Wesley Luxton, John Walter. Potatoes, Irish Gobbler-Aileen 'Wight ,Douglas Wight, Jack Crago, Murray Wight, Jack Finnigan, Lloyd Metcalf. Mangels-Helen Rundle, Howardl Wight, Irwin Mcçullough, Leland Crago, Glenn Pickell, Garnet Rickard Turnips-hrene Wright, Peter1 jWoolner. Aloysius Kush, Roland Crago, Myrtle Scorgie. Beets-Elsie Oke, Ruth Cobbledick, Ethel Wilkins, Marion Crago, Helen Metcalf, Wilfred Brown. Carrots-Ada Annis, Jean Stevens, Bob Finnigan, Murray Wight, Dor- othy Rundle, Lloyd Montgomery. Parsnips-Ewart Bragg, Veinia Pearce. Helen Riekard, Thelma Free- man, George Shortt, Hazel Trull. Onions-Carl Adams, Lorna Bar- ber, Jack Finnigan, Vera Gîbson, Mar- ion Trevail. Pumpkins-Ross Law, Gordo Lw Peter Woo]ner, Coulson Woolner,i Lloyd Metcalf, Lorna Barber. Tomatoes-Ross Law, Gordo~n Law, Raymond iBalson, Howard Wight, Ly- ra Freeman, Jean Stevens. Cabbage-Annie Kush, Winnie Gibson, Peter Woolner. Helen Rund- le, Howard Wight, CouLson Woolner. Flowers Sweet Peas-.Dorothy Rundie, Ada Annis, Freeda Attree ,Margaret Ad- anms. Asters-Marion Crago, Alice Lux- ton, John Walter, 'Bobbie Gibson. Zinnias-Howard Wright, Harold Osborne, Wilbur Blackburn, Bessie Simipson, Lewis Rundie, Lorna Bar- ber. French lNaigolds-Hazel Walter. Calendula-Walter Sh'ortt, Mar- *Cleinence. Salpiglossis-Florence Courtice, Doris Wilkins. 3 Cosmos-Donald Courtice, Bessie Blackburn, Peter Woolner, Jean -Clemence, Helen Wilkins, Lloyd Met- S caîf. ri Poultry ri Cockerel, B. P Rock-Bessie Black- -burn, Wilfred Aldworth, Bessie Simp- son, Billie Antil. Pullet, B. P .Rock-Bessie Black- y, burn, Wilfred Aldworth, Bessie Sinmp- ii son. Pen ,B. (P.Rocl-1Hessie Backturn, Wilfred Aldworth, B1illie Anti]. 4 2 Hens, froni eggs supplied in 1927 -Bessie Simipson, Bessie Blackburn. 'Live Stock - Colt-Walter Shortt. r Caîf, Beef-Florence Fo!ey, Wil- bur 'Blackburn, Howard Wight, Gar- -net Rickard. Y Caif, dairy heifer-Lloyd Metcalf, Howard Wight. Market Lamb-Wilbur Blackburn, Y Bessie Blackburn. Apple& 7 Spies-Aileen Wight, Jean Wight, 1- Donald Courtice, Coulson Woolner, Annie Allun, Peter Woolner. Snows-Annie Allun, Murray 'Wight, Howard Wight. e Talman Swpets Murray Wight, Bessie Simpson, ýAileen Wight, Jean Wight. McIntosh-Murray Wight, Howard -Wight, Peter Woolner, Coulsor .,Woolner. Wealthy-Coulson Woolner, Wes- IM'OR a as6ng, - -- that preserves iyour shoes and keepe them free from cracks une SlwePolàa A. @mi* Charty Deglnsat Homes If your wife han blistered handa from sweepng. . ... an achlng back fromn scrubbing .. .. you' r. flot giving be« a square deai. Equlp your home with the mratent of labor- saving devices. . . 0 0 hardwood floors 1 McCLELLAN & CO.'LTD., Phone 15 Bowmanville TH BEST TH3AT:rSg.MADE.i BATTERIES We seli them at a price that will please you. TIRES We sell the well-known Goodyear Tires and Tubes Ce A, Bartlett Phone 110 King St. East, Bowmanville Fi A uans d<ket on Home CoNh.4fruction Containing valuable suggestions on home planning with Gyproc, Rocboard and Insulcx. Write for it. CANADA GYPSUM AND ALABASTINF, LIMITED Parle cana"a For Sale By JJohn A. Holgate & Son - Bowmanville, Ont. Internai and Etonal Pains are prompti y re Iiev.d bf7 IF D-qTHOMAS' E L RIC O1 L THéAT IT MAS BEEN SOLO FOR NEARLY FIFTY YEAUK AnO 18 TO-DAY A GREATER SELLER TRAN EVER EOR 8A TESTIMONIAL THAT SPEAKO FOR ail NUMEROUD CURAT IVE QUALITIES.1 Imm ley Luxton. Stuart Crago, Peter i Woolner, Aileen Wight, Murray(I Wight. King-Jean Wight, Aileen Wight,j Annie Allun, Donald Courtice.' Golden Russet-Murray Wight,f Aileen Wight, Jean Wight, Donald Courtice, Howard Wight, Annie Allin.' Baldwin-Aileen Wight, Howard Wight, Peter Woolner, Jean Wight, Gouison Woolner, Donald Courtice. Cooking Grahami Muffns-Jean Stevens, Bessie Blackburn, Howard Wight, Lavonne Trimble, Helen Wilkins, El- Sie Courtice. Apple Pie-Lavonne Trimble, An- nie Allun, Elsie Courtice, May Fowler, Helen Wilkins, Howard Wight. School Lunch-Annîe Allin, Ada, Annis, boward Wight, Doris Wilkins, Thelma Freeman. Oatmeal Ccokies-Howard Wight, Dorothy Stevens, Winnie Gibson, An- nie Allun. Plain White Cake-Helen Wilkins, Annie Allun, Ada Annis, Bessie Sip- son, Florence Foley, Elsie Courtice. Maple Cream----Annie Allun, How- ard Wight, Theima Freeman, Ada An- nis, Býernice Gay, Mildred Snowden. Sewing Doll's Quilt-Marion Crago, Vera Gibson, Lyra Freeman. Darning on Stocking-Aileen Wight, Violet Crago. Serviette-Velma 'Pearce, Marion Crago, Thelma Freeman, B essie Simipson, Jean Stevens. Laundry Bag-Dorothy Rundle, Bessie Simipson. Kitchen Apron-Dorothy Rundle, Ada Annis, Winnie Gibson. Guest Towel-Dorothy Rundie, Ada Annis. Patch on Grain Sack-Walter Shortt,,George Shortt, Lloyd Meteaif,l Wilfred Brown, Wilbur Blackburn, Ronald Crago. Manual Training Bird House-Howard Wight. Rope Halter-Wilfred Brown. Nature Collections Collection of Weeds-Lewis Rua- dle. Cllection of Woods-Ada Annis. Lewis Rundle. Collection of Weed Seeds-Ada Annis, Lewis Rundle. Drawing Poster-Leland Crago. Map of Durham-Jean Wight, Stuart Crago, Ada Annis. Drawing showing if e history of corn borer-Ada Annis, Howard Wight, Harold Osborne. School Parade Base Line, Shaws, Providence, j Courtice Sr., Courtice Jr. Physical Culture Courtice Jr., Base Line, Provi- dence. Shaws. School Chorus Singing Providence, Shaws, Courtice Sr. Thé Silver Shield The Silver Shiéld. awarded to -the sch-ool winning the highest averagej number of points per pupil, was awarded to S. S. No. 5-Providence. Directors of the above f air were: Annie Allun, Shaws; Ethel Hopps, Base Line; Gordon Vinson, Darling- ton; Howard Wight, Providence; Betty Snowden, Maple Grave; Gladys'l Reynolds, Courtice (Jr.) ; le S h o r t t , C o u r tic e ( S r .) 1 P . The Speed QUICK B For Better Pickles Make rnustard pickles this year ini you own dean kitchen. You can select the particular combmnation of vegetables you desire-make the pickles to your own high standards of quality, purity and flavour - win the adimiration of Green Tomato PickI. your guests. More and more, every Boa together .9 Ibo. wtef year, representative hostesses are mak-. = :mea ing their own mustard pickles at home! &p. U .Pic 'i').1 Write for FREE recipe book on tr.Pu =ueoe pickles, salads, sala4 dressinzg, Let Stmd omak>'DFO sandwich filUin gs, etc. - ff Lquid and cook il umtQ an ook tili ctear. Seai tu COLMAN, KEEN (Canada) Limited strùied a rs. 100 ?AMHERST STREET - MONTREAL __________ KYEN'IiMT S>MSTARD Aids Digestion Aviation GasolineI PAGE SEVEN

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